Michael and Jake

By Stephen Phelps

Published on Jun 26, 2006


Disclaimer: I do not know nor do I claim to know Jake Gyllenhaal, or any other celebrities that may wonder through these pages, and I do not know or therefore mean to imply any knowledge of their personal lives or their sexual preferences. This is a work of fiction. The character of Michael is my own creation, and therefore any use of him outside of this story must be done with my permission. If you are under 18 years of age or are bothered by the prospect of a homo-erotic relationship between two consenting adult males, or it is just plain illegal to be reading this in your area, then you had better go and find something else to read on another web-site.

I just wanted to take a minute to say thanks to 2 people: Avy and Christopher. Thanks for taking the time to actually let me know from where in the galaxy you were reading this story! I'd still like to know where the rest of you are at out there in the world! That said, on with the story.....

Jake's POV

There we stood, waiting in awkward silence after the room-service waiter left. At least Paul had come in and shut the door. I opened my mouth to say something, anything, and the next thing I know, all three of us are saying the exact same thing at the same exact time.....

"We need to talk!"

And then we all looked at one another.

"We need to get dressed," Michael added.

"Give me a minute," I told Paul.

He nodded and put his duffle-bag on the floor and I followed Michael into the bedroom and closed the door.

"I gather you weren't expecting him?" Michael asked as he took his clothes into the bathroom.

"No!" I replied, starting to get dressed myself.

"So, what's the story with you two? Are you guys lovers or what?" he asked.

"Not exactly. About six months ago, at the premier party for 'Jarhead', we.....hooked up, for lack of a better way to put it. There never has been, never will be, any romantic feelings, at least not on my part. Just convenient, no strings sex."

"So then you guys are just---?"

"Fuck-buddies? Yeah. I had no idea that he was going to show up here like this, honest.

"I believe you," Michael told me as he came out of the bathroom, now fully dressed. "You need to go out there and talk to him, you know,"

"I know. So are we okay?" I asked.

"Yup, we're just fine. Listen, I know things are still in the early stages with us, but I really want to see where things are headed between us. I'm halfway in love with you now as it is," he said, and then let out an exasperated sigh.

"What?" I asked

"I can't believe I did that!"

"Did what?"

" 'I'm a huge fan! I can't wait for Tokyo Drift this summer!'," he said, mocking himself. "I must have sounded like a complete idiot!"

"No, just someone who was very nervous because of a situation overwhich he had no control."

"Thanks. What did I do to deserve you?" he asked as I took him in my arms and brought our foreheads together.

"Um, stopped at a certain grocery store and then went to the park?" I said.

"Smartass!" he said, earning himself a playfull swat on the ass. "Okay, let's go. You need to have your talk with Paul, and I need my bookbag."

And with that, we exited the bedroom.

Paul looked up from the script he was reading. Michael picked up his book-bag and the two scripts and disappeared back into the bedroom, closing the door.

"Hey listen, I shouldn't have come here like this. I just figured you would be bored shitless and in need of some Walker-style fun, ya know?" Paul said by way of an explanation.

"Yeah, except--"

"Except, you met someone?" Paul finished for me.


"Well hey you know, that's great! It was strictly no strings between us anyways, right? Just fun! And it was great while it lasted!"

"Thanks man," I said, suddenly unsure of what to say or do next.

"So is it serious?" he asked.

"I dunno. I think it could be. I sure as hell would like the opportunity to find out."

"Well then you've got it man. I'll just take off, maybe go downstairs and see if I can get myself a room or something," he said standing up from the sofa where he had been sitting.

"You don't have to---."

"Hey Jake, c'mon man, the last thing you need while you're tryin to jumpstart something with this new guy is an old lover hanging around."

"C'mon Paul---."

"Nope, I'm gonna get outta here while the gettin's good," Paul said as he pulled me into a quick embrace, kissed me on the side of his neck, and then closed his eyes as a single tear squeezed its way out and rolled down his cheek.

Un-beknownst to either one of us, Michael quietly closed the bedroom door.

Several seconds later, the door opened and Michael came out, book- bag slung over his shoulder and scripts in hand.

"Okay, break it up. I'm starving and I'm sure Paul must be hungry too," he said smiling.

"Nah, that's ok, really," Paul said, bending to retrieve his duffle-bag and quickly wipe at his eyes.

"Nonsense. You came in on the Red-Eye, right? And there's obviously more than enough here for Jake and I, so please, stay," Michael said looking up at me beseechingly.

Paul looked back and forth between me and Michael.

"It's your call, bro," I said, standing there, arms crossed.

"Okay, I give up, you talked me into it," he said, smiling in defeat.

"Great, let's dig in!" Michael said as he dropped the scripts and his book-bag on the sofa and led the way to the waiting breakfast cart. He hadn't been kidding when he had told Paul that there was more than enough for the two of us. By the time we had gotten everything divided up between the three of us, we were each sitting down to a pretty decent breakfast.

Paul's POV

It was hard not to like Michael, and believe me, I tried. He just had this way of putting people at ease, which, I guess, was why it came as no shock to me to learn he was an actor.

"If you guys want to run some lines from 'Obsession', I'll read the other parts," he offered. Much like Julia Roberts had in 'Pretty Woman', Michael was pulling apart a croissant and eating it bit-by-bit.

"Sure," Jake said in between bites of bacon and eggs, looking at me.

"Alright, sure, why not?" I replied, uncertainly, between bites of hash- browns.

Michael went and picked up three scripts, and we began. As we worked our way through the first few scenes, it was easy to tell that Michael knew his way around a script, quickly giving us our ques and responces from other characters when needed, and more often than not, without even reffering to his own script! His emotional range was amazing, leaping with lightening speed from KC's early blind optimism to Larry's near psychotic behavior in the blink of an eye, and both Jake and I found ourselves responding to him without even realizing it!

Before I knew it, we had finished eating and had read through the entire script, minus the love scenes! His grasp of the KC character was spot on, and an idea was forming in my mind, but I definately had to run it by Jake first as he was one of the producers, a fact which only a few people actually knew....

"Damn, he's good!" I told Jake, looking at Michael with new respect.

"Aaww shucks ma'am, twarn't nuthin," he said, blushing and using a Southern accent.

"So Michael, what did you say you did for a living?" I asked.

"I didn't, but since you asked, I'm an actor, and no, you probably haven't seen any of my work, but you are familiar with the type of work I do," he replied.

"Oh?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. He definately had me intrigued now.....

"Soaps," he said simply.

"Aahh, which one?" I asked out of curiosity. I had briefly been on 'The Young and The Restless' a few years back and could still remember the fast pace to this day.

" 'Another Life.' I play identical twins."

"My mom watches that every day!" I blurted out, then more quietly, said, "she really likes it."

"Right on. I don't suppose you have any pictures with you, do you? My kids would absolutely freak out if I came home with an autographed picture for each of them. They just loved 'Eight Below'."

"You have kids too? My daughter's seven. Meadow."

"Five-years-old here. Twins, Ryan and Michelle. It's a long story. I'll tell you about it some other time."

"Cool. Say, why don't we just trade? I'll give you two for one for my mom," I suggested.

"Deal," Michael replied with a smile before turning serious again. "I want to apologize for earlier." he said.

"Oh?" I asked, curious.

"Yeah. When we were talking about 'Tokyo Drift' earlier, I kind of spaced out and forgot that you weren't in it," he admitted sheepishly.

"Well don't let that keep you from going to see it. It's still pretty good," I told him.

"Lucas Black is a pretty good actor and a cool guy. We worked together on 'Jarhead'. From what I hear, this one is supposed to be just as good as the first two," Jake added.

"Well then I will definately have to go check it out," Michael said.

Michael's POV

The rest of the day passed in the usual way for a Sunday. After exchanging photo's with Paul, I gathered up my things and with Jake's okay, took the two extra scripts and then left and headed down to the lobby to call for a cab.

When I got back to my parents, I had to endure the third degree, but at least with everyone there, I only had to go through it once. I gave the twins their autographed pictures from Paul, and was pleased to note that they were indeed ecstatic to get their pictures.

"Paul Walker? How on earth---?"

"He showed up while we were having breakfast. It was no big deal.

His mom is a fan of the show, so we traded pictures." It wasn't technically a lie, and kept my mom from asking anymore questions, although I could tell she was dying to ask what really happened. I quickly made my escape to go change clothes and get ready to take the kids riding.

We left and headed for the park and when we arrived at the stables, the twins wasted no time in choosing their mounts. I soon found a mount to my liking, a big white stallion that I usually rode, and soon the three of us were out enjoying the riding trails. It really was a nice day for a ride, and when we were done a few hours later, we headed back home. During the walk, I pulled out my phone and checked for messages, but there were none.

We spent a quiet Sunday night enjoying family time before turning in for the night.

The following day was grey and rainy. Perfect weather for a Monday, so since the twins had school, and I had some upcoming choices to make regarding my career, I decided to go wander through the museum and use the quiet solitude to make up my mind. I had also had another blocked call on my cell-phone that morning and attributed it to another wrong number.

I was studying a group of paintings by Titian, still no closer to making up my mind when a voice behind me said, "You'd fit in perfectly," and I turned to find Maggie.

"Hey," I said by way of greeting.

"Perfect museum weather, isn't it?" she said with an impish grin.

"Where's your other half?" I asked.

"Peter doesn't 'do' museums," Maggie said with a wry smile.

"Pity," I replied.

"So what are you doing here on a Monday?" she asked.

"I like to come here sometimes and think things over whenever I have a majorly big decision to make, as it's nice and quiet. I didn't have to work today, and the twins are in school, so I thought what the hell!"

"There you go!"

"Plus I'm waiting for a call from the lawyers. I wanted to ask them about being present when the family comes to remove the contents of the house. There are some beautiful marble mantels and Venitian glass chandeliers that I don't want mistaken as part of the 'contents'," I said.

"Well yeah!" Maggie exclaimed.

No sooner had Maggie said that, when my phone vibrated in my pocket. We walked over to a quiet, out of the way corner and I pulled it out, checking the caller ID.

"It's them, hang on." Maggie crossed all of her fingers and her arms and smiled at me and nodded encouragingly.

"Hello, Mr Williams? This is Michael Orsini. I'm fine, thank you. Yes, it's slowly sinking in. Oh, really? I didn't know that. She did? Well she certainly was a crafty old woman. Mm-hmmm. Oh good, you did get my message. Yes, this Friday would be fine. I was actually at the house on Saturday morning when I called. Yes it is! I was also wondering if I could possibly come in this afternoon and talk to you on another matter? Yes, 4:00 would be fine, thank you. Well, I was wondering if you would be able to recommend a good lawyer for financial matters. I've recently come into some money." I winked at Maggie who stuck out her tongue and grinned back.

"You do? That's great! Okay then, I'll see you at 4:00. Thank you, good-bye," I said closing the phone and putting it back in my pocket.

"Well? What did they say?" Maggie wanted to know.

"The family are scheduled to come in this Friday and collect their things, and apparently one of the out of town family members was all set to contest the will because of the 'family home' going to an 'outsider'."

"Tsk." Maggie scowled and shook her head in bewilderment.

"Yeah, well that little plan was brought to a screeching whoa when they were informed of a stipulation to the will."


"Yes, apparently our girl Kathryn left a stipulation to the effect that if anyone actually had the balls to contest the will as it was written, the whole thing became null and void and the property, house, and all of the contents, not mention all the other homes across the country and in Europe, were to be sold and the profits given to charity and no one would have seen a dime. No way was the rest the family willing to lose out on a veritable fortune in artwork, so I imagine they pretty much put a muzzle on the big mouth to keep his pie-hole shut."

"I wouldn't be either," Maggie said.

"And depending on the locations and condition of the other homes, they may or may not sell them for some quick cash. I'm almost positive they would have sold this one without batting an eyelash. At least this way a piece of New York history gets preserved, and I get a place of my own to live in once the renovations are done."

"It must be so exciting! I can't imagine....."

"We have a few hours to kill before I have to be at the lawyers, you wanna go see it?" I asked.

"Shut up! Are you serious? Of course I'd like to see it!" Maggie said excitedly.

"Then let's go," I said as we turned and headed for the exit.

Getting outside, we hailed a cab and I asked Maggie if she minded stopping by my parents place first so I could pick up the drawings I had done so that she could see what I had planned in relation to what was really there.

Arriving at my parents, we had the cab wait and then went inside. I don't know how or why, but we were extremely lucky to find no one at home when we arrived, so I grabbed my book-bag to make sure all the sketches were still in it, and we left.

A short while later, we were standing on the sidewalk in front of my house. Maggie stood there staring in wide-eyed amazement.

"Oh my God!"

Maggie's POV

I had always heard that the Hayes Mansion was big, but had never taken the time to walk past and look at it! It was huge!

"You want to go look inside?" Michael was asking me.

"Hell yes!" I replied. He unlocked the front gate and we walked through.

"So, I assume you heard about yesterday morning?" he asked as we headed up the front walk.


"I can't believe I babbled on like some teenage girl about 'Tokyo Drift' and Paul isn't even in it! The whole situation was just too weird for words!"

"You have such a gift for understatement, Michael," I told him as we neared the large covered front porch.

"How's he doing?" he asked.

"You haven't talked with him?" I replied.

"Not since I left them at the Hotel. No messages, no nothing."

"Aahh, okay. He brought the dogs over yesterday afternoon and then caught a flight back to LA. He's going to talk to the folks."

"I hope that goes okay," Michael said as we climbed the steps, and then we were standing on the sheltered front porch.

"Well, here we are," he said, and then he was un-locking the double doors and we were going inside where Michael kicked off his shoes, so I did the same. We spent the next hour or so walking through his house while he explained exactly what it was he wanted to do and showed me the sketches he had done which made much more sense when you could see the actual spaces.

"After the remodel is done, I'm going to live on the second floor."

"If I can drag Peter out tomorrow, can we meet you here? Or come by the studios when you get done tomorrow afternoon? I really like your plans for the third floor space, and I'd like him to see it before we make any kind of commitment," I said, looking back through his drawings.


"I want the third floor space when it's done! I'm completely serious Michael. I can already picture it just from seeing the space and looking at your drawings, and I want it!" I could tell I had taken him completely by surprise.

"Maggie....I still haven't decided if I'm going to rent or sell the units," Michael said.

"Well, let me know when and what you decide. I'm totally serious about wanting the space on the third floor," I told him.

"Okay, will do."

Michael's POV

We continued walking around the house and grounds until it was time to head off to the lawyers, and I asked Maggie if she minded coming with me. I had put the section of the newspaper with the winning lottery numbers circled in my bag and the ticket in my pocket before I headed out to the museum that morning, just in case.....

When we arrived at the lawyer's offices, I gave my name to the receptionist who blinked and then picked up the phone to announce me. Of course I had been a primary topic of conversation around the water-cooler, having been named the in the will and then getting the house, instead of any of the family! We were immediately shown into a large meeting room and offered our choice of coffee or tea. Maggie took tea and we were joined about a minute later by Marshall Williams.

"Good afternoon Mr. Orsini, what can we do for you today?" he asked.

"I need some financial advice. As I said on the phone, I've recently come into some money, and I'm going to need some help and advice."

"How much are we talking about?" Marshall asked, figuring I was only talking about maybe a couple hundred thousand.

I withdrew the newspaper from my bag and the lottery ticket from my pocket and slid them across the table to him. I watched as Marshall Williams first frowned in confusion, and then as dawning comprehension set in.

"Jesus Christ!" he muttered.

"Can you help me Mr. Williams?" I asked


Well, that's part 6! Feedback is welcomed and appreciated, as any writer will tell you! You can email me at dnsphelps@mcsi.net or I can frequently be found on yahoo where my ID is twains_fan_03, or on AIM where my ID is PhelpsCNA. Please remember to put the story title in the subject line when you write, and let me know where in the world you're writing from! Keep reading and writing to your favorite authors, it's the only way that we know anyone is reading our work, thanks,


Next: Chapter 7

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