Michael Forester Ch.1

By Chris Johns

Published on Jun 10, 2024


This is a slightly wonky love story. Told in 4 chapters and 6500 words.

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Michael Forester Ready to be disciplined Chapter 1

Kit Chambers greeted all of his fellow teachers as they gathered up their new rosters and lesson plans for this first day of term.

"Ready to do battle with the monsters again this year then Kit?" Kit turned to see his young colleague grinning at him.

"They are yours as well Jason so don't feel too smug."

"True, but at least I send them to you for punishment sparing me that onerous task."

"I don't think it makes any difference, once a rebel, always a rebel until we can get more serious about punishment."

"Oh, but you can. Look at the memo from the headmaster."

Kit saw the memo but didn't have time to read it before assembly.

Kit was the sports master at St. Bede's. Discipline was enforced by the sports master and administered by him as well. Frustrating for Kit because the level of punishment was too low to deter the real troublemakers and shirkers.

The headmaster gave his first day spiel as always making Kit yawn. When it was over he retired to his office and smiled as he sat at his desk. This was a prestigious school with all the benefits. Kit's main benefit was a fantastic suite in the school grounds with a wall of glass that slid aside in his bedroom giving him access to the beautifully tended gardens. The remainder of his suite was five star standard. He thought about Jason and himself. Both almost young enough to look like students. They had joined the staff two years ago and loved it, they were also gay, but not lovers.

Most of the students were great, there was just a small hard-core of nuisance types. A couple of bullies and a handful of shirkers. It was the shirkers that were the most difficult to deal with. Punishment was limited to six of the best over a trouser clad bottom. Even hard strokes didn't have the effect required. Kit sighed and took out the Headmaster's memo. Memo From : Headmaster To : All Staff Subject : School Discipline. In future, caning can be accompanied by a raising of the humiliation attached to it. Suggested routine: First offence -- six of the best fully clothed. Second offence -- One article of clothing can be removed. Subsequent punishments a further article can be removed. Suggest undershirt and underpants constitute the last two. Further punishments, witnesses can be called and or embarrassing touching can be added.

Kit had to read it again. It looked to him like an abusers charter even though he would love to implement it. He made an appointment to see the headmaster later in the day to voice his concern. Meanwhile he had lessons to take. **************** "Good afternoon Headmaster."

"Hello, Kit, come in. What can I do for you?"

"I'm a little worried about this new discipline code. It looks like an abusers charter to me, even though I can see how effective it could be. Also, I'm unclear about what is meant by embarrassing touching. That could cover a multitude of sins."

"I agree, and I'm sure there will be trouble in some schools, but here I have you so I'm not worried."

"Thank you for that vote of confidence, Sir. I will keep meticulous records for you the same as I always have with notations where I proceed beyond present levels."

"That's very good, Kit. Thank you. To put your mind further at ease, all parents have received this memo with a more in depth explanation. If any student feels he can continue indiscipline or shirking then you can continue to raise the temperature on the touching taking it into the region of sexual abuse, because that may be the only way to win, and win you must."

Kit left the heads study feeling better about it but reeling under that last statement. He could only dream of sexual involvement with any of these boys before today, but now, wow. ****************** The next morning Kit felt a lot less ebullient when he saw the punishment register that was in his cubby hole.

There were three students to be dealt with. Two bullies who he would take pleasure in caning and Michael Forester. Michael was Kit's nemesis. The boy was extremely good looking with a great body. Kit summed him up in three words, Drop Dead Gorgeous. To Kit he was sex on legs He was also one of the cleverest students in the school, always topping the list in exams, but, his assignments were seldom completed satisfactorily, if they were even attempted. Kit had to cane him almost every week, and here we were on only the second day when there hadn't even been any homework allocated. Resigning himself to a renewal of the battle with this gorgeous sixteen year old he sent for the bullies first, determined to cane them together.

Job done and Kit thought this new regime might work. Witnessed punishment would embarrass the two bullies and Kit's comment at the end would make them look at each other and bluster about him not being able to do that.

Kit sent for Michael and tried a new approach.

"Come in Forester, sit down."

Michael looked at Kit wondering what devilment he was getting up to, he was even more uncomfortable when Kit sat opposite him and spoke again.

"Mike, new term, new plan to get you shirkers working. I'm going to tell you about it and hope we can close the punishment page in your file. Every time you come to see me for punishment I will ask you to remove an article of clothing. Each time that number will increase. When you are being caned naked I will be calling witnesses. If that doesn't work I'm going to be allowed to touch your body before I cane you. In other words, I am going to be allowed to rack up the embarrassment and humiliation to any degree I choose.

Please don't make me have to do that. You are one of the most beautiful boys in this school, abusing your body is not what I want to be doing this term."

Mike looked stunned, and it didn't get any better.

"I'm going to zero your file or we would already be looking at witnessed naked punishment, so, just stand in the usual place and bend over."

Kit flipped Michael's jacket up to leave his bottom clear and delivered six medium strength strokes of the cane.

"Not too hard today, but they will get harder as we go and when you are naked they will really register."

Mike left, rubbing his arse and wondering if Kit was giving him bullshit. ************************* Kit and Jason talked at lunch time that day and Jason joshed him about the future of punishment.

"You will have to wear a tight jock strap when you have Forester naked, or nearly so. I could easily lose the right to teach if I got my hands on that boy, naked."

"Not funny Jase, I was thinking the same thing. I get an erection just having him bent over for punishment fully clothed. He is just so gorgeous. On the other hand, I am going to take great delight in stripping and embarrassing the bullies. I'm thinking of playing catch up with them, taking all of their past punishments and using that figure to have them naked next time they are sent to me and also having witnesses."

"Oh yummy, will you let me be one of the witnesses?"

Both men were laughing, but Kit would do that favour for his friend.

The favour wasn't long in being delivered. The two bullies had taken bare arsed poundings and not let it deter their activities. They had continued to rack up punishments, not even slowing down when Kit made them blow each other. Finally, he was so annoyed he decided on the ultimate sexual abuse. Kevin Donnelly was a good looking young man with a mean streak. Kit thought that if he could frighten him then Colin Hampton would fall into line. The next time they were scheduled to appear for punishment, Kit sent for Jason.

"I am going to give you the pleasure of watching Hampton fuck Donnelly, Jase. I am hoping that Donnelly will promise me the earth if I spare him that humiliation. I'll make them suck each other to start with before bringing on the big gun.

Jason loved it, watching the two bullies strip each other and then give each other blowjobs, but not to orgasm.

"Now Donnelly, on your knees, legs spread. Hampton, lube your cock, and then with a lubed finger, slide it into your friend's arse to lubricate that."

Donnelly looked round and realised what was going on. He saw his mate move into position and then, scuttled away into a corner.

"This is the score Donnelly. You take your six with the cane and then go. But if you appear again I will have Hampton, or another suitably big student fuck you to orgasm, no mercy. The same applies to you Hampton. This is your last chance. If one of you does get penetrated with a cock I will take photographs and post them on the school notice board. Now get dressed and go."

"Ah, Kit, I thought I was going to see something special." Laughing, Kit replied.

"Well you did get to see two juicy hard cocks and one lovely butt ready for fucking. If they do come back, I promise you get to see the whole thing, and I'm sure they will eventually screw up again."

Kit didn't see Donnelly or Hampton for the remainder of that semester.

He would have been delighted if the same could be said for Forester. At least once every week, Michael Forester arrived at Kit's door for punishment.

Next: Chapter 2

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