Mick and Me

By RichardPetersBooks

Published on Oct 30, 2012


I have written many gay/bisexual stories and would welcome any feedback. This particular story "Mick & Me" is part of a much bigger story called "Mick - Fifty Shades of Gay"

Thanks for the feedback on Part 1. This is Part 2 of "Mick & Me". I will post the third part on Nifty soon.

Contact me, Richard Peters, at: RichardPetersBooks@yahoo.co.uk

My Blog is: http://richardpetersbooks.blogspot.co.uk/

Mick & Me - Part 2 - My First Suck!

So my roommate, Mick, had finally let me touch his cock and wank him off! Even so I wasn't sure if he was gay or even if I was gay! I had done it to help him out and relieve his hard-on and he hadn't touched me. Although the flirting had built up a sexual tension between us, once I had masturbated him I felt he had probably lost interest in me, even if he had been interested in me in the first place.

As to my own feelings, I still longed for more intimate physical contact between us. But I still felt guilty about my feelings and hoped that I would meet a nice girl and find out I was "normal"!

Here I was, on my way to stay at his home, not knowing if I was going to have sex with Mick or if he was going to introduce me to one of the girls he knew, so that I could lose my virginity!

He met me at Edinburgh station and we went to his parent's house. It turned out his parents were away for the weekend because it was the Edinburgh Festival and they like to get out of town to avoid the crowds. Mick showed me to his room and asked if it was ok if we shared, as he didn't like to use his parents' room. I looked at the single bed and said, "Yes, sure". My mind was racing with what would happen later!

It was a hot sunny afternoon so we went into the garden and lay on the grass. Mick took his shirt off, so I took mine off too. After a while sweat was starting to glisten on his hairless chest and he started to stroke his chest and stomach. Soon he was rubbing all over his chest and his nipples were standing erect. I felt sure he was flirting with me but I was still too shy to do anything! Then he went in to get some sun cream because the sun was quite hot.

When he came back he lay on his stomach and asked me to put cream on his back. I started to smear the cream over his shoulders. I could feel the muscles in his shoulders and upper arms and as I relaxed into it he started to moan slightly and said I had a nice touch. I moved down his back and moved my hands down around his sides and then up under his armpits. He felt really good and I knew at this moment that I really wanted to have sex with him.

He then started on my back and his touch was incredible! His strong hands seemed to be probing under my skin and my cock was so hard it was uncomfortable pressing into my belly against the ground. I almost had an orgasm, but he stopped just in time.

We then went on to talk about college and the next term and we both dozed for a while.

That evening we went to a comedy evening at the festival and had a few beers. When we got back to his place, Mick pinned me against the wall, stroked my cheek and joked that now he had got me drunk he was going to show me what it was like to have my cock sucked. I made a joke about him being a raving poof and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

While having my shower my cock looked bigger than it had ever done before I pulled my foreskin back and my knob was red and glistening. I washed my cock carefully because I knew now that we were going to have sex!

I dried myself off and fortunately my cock went down a bit. I didn't want to appear too eager! I put on a fresh pair of jockey shorts and went into Mick's bedroom. He had turned the main light off so that there was just a side light on. Mick was still dressed and he walked towards me looking at the bulge in my shorts.

He said, "I can see you're ready for me!" and went to take a shower. He was still teasing me even though it was obvious what we were going to do. While he was showering I lay on my back on his bed and waited. When he came out he was wearing jockey shorts too and his erection was obvious!

Even though he has a big cock even when not erect, it was clear that he had a hard-on. His cock was sloping up and to the left so that the top of it was touching his waistband. I could see his full length and the round end of his knob highlighted by the sidelight.

I said "And I can see you are ready for me!"

My arms were behind my head and I felt I was showing him all of my body as my cock quickly swelled up so that it was almost bursting out of my pants.

He said "I'm going to show you what it is like to have that cock of yours sucked" and swiftly moved over to the bed. His hands reached down and pulled my jockey shorts down, my cock bounced out of them and thwacked against my belly. He roughly pulled them over my legs and threw them to the ground.

Mick climbed on the bed and his head went straight to my cock. He hovered over my cock for a second and then his tongue started to like the tip of it. Soon his tongue was licking all over my head and I thought I was going to die with pleasure. Nobody else had ever seen my hard cock let alone done this to it. Mick certainly seemed to know what to do and in no time he had the whole of my cock in his mouth down to about two inches from the base. It felt great to have his tongue still working away and to feel my cock rubbing against the roof of his mouth.

Here was this guy who I had lusted after for a year but never thought would be interested in me actually doing this to me!

His hands were fingering my balls and one finger was rubbing behind my balls, which felt really great! I squeezed my legs together to trap his hand which just made the sensation even more intense!

My right hand was on his head and I was using it to press his head down onto my cock while I ran my fingers through his wet blond hair. With my left hand I moved towards his groin and the back of my hand brushed against his cock which had made the front of his pants wet. He gave a muffled groan as I made contact so that I knew he wanted this to be more than a one way thing.

He swung one leg over my head so that he was kneeling above me while his head was still bobbing up and down on my cock.

Soon I had twisted my hand around so that I was stroking his cock through his shorts. Meanwhile I couldn't hold back any longer as his mouth had continued to suck me. I gave a great groan and pushed my cock further into his mouth. I expected him to pull away, but he just kept sucking and licking with his tongue while I shot my load down his throat. He gurgled and moaned with pleasure while I writhed away under his head. I felt like my knob was going to fall off in his mouth. I had never experienced an orgasm like it!

Eventually I stopped spurting and Mick lovingly licked my cock and slowly removed it from his mouth. He moved around to lie beside me and said, "So that is what it feels like to have your cock sucked!" I put my hand to his mouth and he gently kissed it. I then moved my mouth closer to his and he moved towards me and kissed me on the lips. His tongue parted my lips and he gave me a deep, deep kiss. I could taste my semen in his mouth and soon our tongues were exploring each other as I returned his kiss.

I couldn't believe I was doing this with this fantastic guy who I had admired so much in the changing rooms and when he was with girls. My hands stroked his back and he rolled on top of me while still kissing my mouth. I realised that he hadn't come yet and I was unsure what to do. But he seemed to know exactly what he wanted to do. He lifted himself up with one arm and pulled his pants off with the other.

He pressed his huge cock against mine, which was now floppy and sticky and started to rub himself against me. As his cock juices mixed with mine he groaned and went back to kissing me. Then he took each of my hands in his and pinned them to the pillow on either side of my head. He raised himself up and then just screwed himself against me. He looked fantastic with his strong arms holding me down, his eyes closed in ecstasy and his chest red and heaving above me. He gave a huge groan and I felt his massive cock spurting between our bellies.

At that moment I felt that I was really in love with him and would do anything for this fantastic guy! I thought he was never going to stop spurting as he groaned and grunted. But eventually he did and he fell against me. I stroked the side of his temple and played with the hair of his sideburns while he rested his head against my chest.

We stayed like that for ages, not saying a word just stroking each other and dozing. Eventually when he moved, our bellies were stuck together with his dried spunk! He padded off to make us a cup of coffee.

When he came back with the coffee. His prick was already starting to grow hard again. He must have seen the look of surprise on my face and we just laughed!

While we drank our coffee, Mick told me that he had fancied me all year. He said that he had had sex with guys since he was thirteen and although he had screwed half a dozen girls, he preferred boys. He said that girls didn't really seem to know how to handle a guy's cock properly and he asked me if I would suck his cock.

We were lying side by side, I looked down at it and it was almost fully erect. I slid down the bed and kissed his chest. I kissed and sucked each of his nipples, which were standing erect. I slid further down his body kissing his stomach and I licked inside his belly button, which had a wonderful smell. By now I was getting used to the smell of Mick's body and was really in love with everything about him.

Then I looked at his beautiful cock. His foreskin was still down over his knob, so he wasn't fully erect, nevertheless it looked huge now that I was up close to it. I lifted it up with my left hand. It felt solid in my hand and I licked the end of it with my tongue. It tasted salty and I ran my tongue down the underside of it and licked each of his balls, which felt heavy in my right hand. Then I ran my tongue back up his shaft and circled the end of his cock with my lips. As I opened my mouth, Mick pushed his prick forwards and his foreskin rolled back as his lovely cock entered my mouth. It felt all hot and slippery as his knob end entered my mouth.

I'd never tasted anything like it! Bitter and sweet at the same time and the slippery texture felt good against my lips and tongue.

I started to work on him with my tongue and he moaned as he rolled over from his side onto his back and pulled my head down on top of his cock. With both hands rubbing the back of my head, he seemed quite urgent. I wasn't sure what to do, so I started to move my head up and down on his cock. It was so big that I only seemed able to get the first few inches into my mouth and it seemed to completely fill my mouth.

I carried on with this fucking motion with my head and Mick groaned and pushed eagerly on my head with each downward motion. He started to groan more and more and kept shouting that he loved me and wanted to fuck me. Soon his cock seemed to suddenly grow in my mouth and I quickly pulled my head away as the first spurt shot from his cock. I held it in my hands while Mick moaned and writhed away under my hands. His spunk shot into the air and landed on his belly mixing with his pubic hair.

When he finished he said that a girl would never know how to do that. We talked for quite a while and I got him to tell me things he had done with boys and with girls since he was thirteen. He had certainly led an interesting sex life!

Next: Chapter 3

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