Midsummer Nights Kiss

By moc.loa@xineohPnevarD

Published on Feb 22, 2001


Authors Notes: hey hey, something kinda different from me, you might recognize the name from my other story (Brian's Seven Sea's of Loneliness) well this is TOTALY different. Its more so to help a poor friend whose hurting right now. This is totally different from the other story, its all about the sex. So smile and enjoy. And Dani, I hope this does it for ya! P.S. All Feed-Back to PhoenixPuma@aol.com or Zelgadyss@Hotmail.com. Keep the feed-back acomin! And yes. there is a plot. Its all about sex.. But there is a plot, lol.

Disclaimer: If your not 18 then your eyes shouldn't be seeing this.. So avert them, or at least don't get caught. If its illegal to view such material in your area.. Then where the hell are you living? And finally If for any reason there is a reason you shouldn't be here.. You shouldn't have read this part anyhow. Enjoy!

Part 5: Hey now, new story and I got feedback WOO HOO. took me long enough lol. ANYHOW I kinda like this story, be watching for some plot twists, and some interesting things. And on a Sad note, I wish to say goodbye to Kevin, who passed away late Monday night Dec 18th. He leaves behind a daughter and a son, and a loving wife. Along with many friends who will forever miss him. You may be gone Kevin, but never forgotten. Ultima Online will just never be the same. To any who play UO, he played the legendary Tipan on the AOL Legends shard, and he will be sorely missed. A sad GoodBye goes to James aswell, You left my life in a different way, but the loss is still the same. Perhaps one day things will be different. unfortunately today is not that day. May your Christmas be Merry and Your New Year offer all you ask of it.

A MidSummer Night's Kiss Chapter 5: Jon (Zelgadyss)

As they walked out the door, Howie and AJ stared at them. Knowing the company had to choose, a month off, or lose them period. But who was going to explain it, and how? And then the mess of Brian on the floor. Both guys grabbed their cell phones and at the same time spoke "I got the company, get Bri." and both burst into laughter, knowing the other had no intentions of getting Brian at that moment. Howie finally dialed "The Firm's" number and spoke to the executive. "Frank, my man. We want.. Well actually your gonna have to give us a month off." Howie chuckled, and AJ could hear the screaming through the phone, and smiled. "Now Frank. its a `you have to' situation. Kevin and Nick both left, and said if they don't get the month off they aren't coming back, and Brian is in ruff shape after Kevin rightfully beat the tar out of him." Howie listened to the lecture, and hung up. "Well, they have their month, and we have plane tickets to go home, and have some fun. I say we let Brian finish the week here, alone, and make his own arrangements for the month. As far as I'm concerned I don't even want to hear from him." AJ nodded and both walked out the door.

On a plane, in the first class section, Sat a tall young blonde man, leaning on the shoulder of a man with dark hair, and a deep soothing voice. The blonde, seemed to be wrapped up in the older mans arms, and the peace could be seen in all his features. The world, lifted from this mans shoulders, and he too was lifted in the process. His sparkling blue eyes shimmered like a young boy on Christmas morning staring at the presents by the tree. He snuggled ever closer into the man with dark hairs arms, disregarding any discomfort the armrests were offering. A contented sigh left the young mans mouth, as he looked up to his lover and smiled. As if not caring who was watching he leaned, ever so slowly, and kissed the man holding him on the lips very passionately. Very lovingly. Nick looked at Kevin, then the couple, and sighed loudly. "Why can't we be like them Kev? Why can't I just lay there in your arms on the way home and." As Nick was speaking, Kevin wrapped Nick up in his arms, not really caring who saw anyhow, since they had left the group more or less, and all he wanted was to hold Nick and keep him safe from harm. Nick was silenced as soon as the long arms wrapped around his body, causing the hug to deepen. Nick looked on Kevin's face, and smiled, as Kevin looked like the cat that ate the cannery. He just looked down on Nick and ran a few fingers through his hair, making Nick's scalp jump with every movement. Kevin raised that big bushy brow of his looking funny, as it seems not only Nick's scalp was tingling with the movement. Kevin whispered in Nick's ear "You know, if you walk out of here with that at full mast they're gonna search for a gun." With the comment Kevin smiled and Nick turned a deep crimson red. The only contrast on his face to the red was the blonde hair spilling over his ears which were just as red, and his deep blue eyes. He wasn't used to be talked to like this. Not even by WillaBeast. In fact, only in his wettest, wildest, kinkiest fantasies had he heard something like that. He gave Kevin the revenge look, and started to plot something truly nasty. well kinky more so than nasty, as the plan continued it's course. Taking them to their home, for what was to be who knows how long of a stay. A month off. if it wasn't permanent, and both assumed it was, was still a long time. There were so many things they would have time to do, from parks and swings, to staying in bed, and admiring each other. From cartoon's to movies, to fireplace romance's. And both were ready to take. Too soon into his thoughts he was being shaken lightly by Kevin, who seemed all but content where he was, and Kev pointed out the seat belt light was put back on. No sooner had they seen this, than the normal announcement came over the loud speaker "Please place your trays and seats in their upright and locked position." The voice was male. barely. The lisp was just terrible, and Nick and Kevin chuckled, as did the other couple. The man presumably from the P.A. system, started walking. well more of a sashay than a walk, down the isles to check seats and tray tables. Near the middle of the first class he stopped. There was a young girl, must have been 9, 10 at most. Dressed in white satin, a truly gorgeous gown sitting there, Her seat back, and tray down. The flight attendant put on a smile. one of those forced ones Kevin and Nick knew so well, and spoke in a horrible lisp. "Hunny, maybe you didn't hear my tinny tiny little voice over these big brute loud engines. The captain is gonna pitter patter this little slice of heaven on the ground, and your cute little self has to put your tray and table up now." The little girl gave the attendant death eyes that looked like they were going to melt him. Nick and Kevin paid closer attention, now interest piqued. "Little girly girl, you need to put the tray and seat up, before you make me a mad busy body. we wouldn't want that now." and his voice grew evil and cold in an instant from the syrupy sweet, almost patronizing tone he had before "now WOULD we?" The girl got a look of utter anger, and her voice was just cocky and snotty. "In MY country, I am a princess, NO one tells me what to do you pathetic little man you." Then turned back to her magazine. The attendant, face red, and arms looking like they were about to slap this girl to her home land any second, grabbed her seat, and forcefully raised it, slammed her tray into its upright position, and screamed at the mortified girl "In my country I am called a QUEEN so sit down and shut you you little twit cause I out rank you bitch!" With that he sashayed himself right on down the isle. The little girl, too mortified to do anything sat there, looking forward. No doubt the captain would hear about this later, but that didn't stop Nick or Kevin from laughing at the girl.

A MidSummer Night's Kiss Chapter 6: Jon (Zelgadyss)

After their plane trip home, slightly uneventful, both men took their cell phones out. Each calling a different person, one call to AJ, one call to Howie. yet both the same message. "We landed, cells are going off, in 1 month to the day they will go on for the decision." After Kevin hung up he looked at Nick, smiling how they both worked on quite the same level when scheming. Perhaps that's where Kevin picked up a lot of his tricks. >From watching Nick grow up and pull them. A slight grin overtook his face as he thought about all the times he and Nick shared over the years, all the good with al the bad. He had the privilege of watching this man grow up. Perhaps that's the one thing he would treasure about being in the band the most. The fame was nice, and all the attention was great, but he had that growing up. Unlike most, the sacrifices he made were small. He was used to being in the spotlight of attention, and he almost rather have it that. In the process, he was able to watch the man he loved, grow up and become the man he is today, and even had a hand in it. Then slowly the grin started to falter as a realization hit him. "Is it my fault Nick turned out gay?" His mind started to go off into overload, as his grin all but left his face.

At the same time Nick hanging up his phone, looked at Kevin and grinned, realizing they were so much alike. He had to chuckle at the fact some of him rubbed off on Kevin over the years. even more in the past few days, but that rub off wasn't personality. With that thought he was about to go into hysterics, till he saw the grin on Kevin's face falter. A look of concern enveloped Nick's features. "Ok, your gonna tell me what's bothering you, or your not gonna see any "action" for a month." Kevin looked up, still dazed, And faked a half smile at Nick. The smile set something off in Nick. He'd known that smile. He'd used it as a kid. His face got pale, and he stared forward, his eyes never wavering, and his breath, deep and slow.

************************************************************************ Nick's Head ************************************************************************

A small blonde child is seen in the distance. A taller woman, who is assumed to be the child's mother stands, hovering over the child. She raises a hand, and a large sound, of skin hitting skin is heard. The slap seems to echo, till it is replaced by another. She is yelling, yet the words make no sense. All that is made out is, "failure", "useless" and "Ungrateful". As the scene unfolds, the child falls to the ground. His shoulders rise and fall vehemently, and violently as he looks up at the woman. Only to have his head jerk to the side, with the connecting of another hand. The closer you walk, you can see the eyes, deep oceans of blue, clouded with pain and hurt. Flooded with rejection, as the child Looks at the mother. "Your OK aren't you?" the woman asks, as if suddenly realizing what's been going on. Then a smile, one that looks vaguely familiar, as if it was the same smile seen moments ago, on a face of the man you loved. Yet, the pain from the hand slapping is gone. the pain felt is deeper within. A pain that can only be described as a hot poker, stabbing you in the gut, and being twisted. Yet when you go to pull it out, all you do is push it deeper in. At the same time, a fire engulfs your heart, tearing and searing, pulling and burning you. You run away, but in your mind, as your legs fail to do what you tell them. Your mind taking you away, yet your body falling.

And then a violent shaking, and Your eye's open..

************************************************************************ Kevin's Living Room ************************************************************************

Kevin is shaking Nick a bit. Aghast at the sight before him. Nick's temperature dropped about 5* and his eyes became dull and dead. He was unresponsive, and limp. All but collapsing under his own weight. Slowly the color returned to Nick's eyes, and the body temperature raised a bit, but the skin never quite took back its original color. Kevin just looked at Nick, holding him in his arms. "Nick, babe. are you OK, what's wrong?" Nick slowly awoke from his daydream, and looked into Kevin's eyes. Half expecting them to be his mothers eyes peering down at him. A stray tear, a single tear ran down his cheek, and dripped off his face. The trail seemed to burn and cut his skin on the way down. Nick's arms finally snaked around Kevin's body, and held onto it, as if expecting Kevin to pull away. He buried his face into Kevin's shoulder, and stayed there, inhaling Kevin's scent, as if it was going to be the last time.

Kevin enveloped Nick into himself, squeezing lightly to show Nick he was staying where he was. Slowly, Nick pulled away from Kevin and looked him in the eyes. Kevin raised his hand to Nick's cheek to wipe away the tear, and in an instant, Nick pulled back further, falling to his knee's, jerking his head to the side, squinting his eyes, as if expecting to be hit. Kevin looked down, and went to his knee's looking down at Nick. Worried, and a bit surprised, Nick had never been gun shy. "Nick, what's wrong, why are you flinching away from me like this. I'm not going to hurt you." With that being said, he wiped the tear from Nick's face, and kissed him. Kevin put all the emotion he had into the kiss, trying to show Nick his love in the only way he could think to do it. It was a few minutes before Nick warmed up into the kiss and started to kiss Kevin back. Slowly he did, and returned all the passion, and all the love Kevin had put into the kiss. Slowly his mind wore down, and the vision started to fade from his mind. All he could do when the kiss ended was to whisper softly. "no. not again"

************************************************************************ Somewhere in Orlando ************************************************************************

Shortly after the plane descended, two cell phones started to ring. Each man picked his up, dialing a set of numbers that were obviously well known to the man. Each receiving a message from an automated teller, and then a message from another man. The messages mimicked each other. After the message was done, the men smiled to one and other. "Well seems like the are going to get along right fine without us" Howie said to AJ. AJ only nodded his agreement, and smiled. Now D what are we going to do for a month?" AJ asked the question knowing full well what they were going to be doing. "Relaxing?" Howie asked, knowing the chances were slim to none. "I DON'T THINK SO! We need to get us some beer, some women, and have a PAR-TE!" AJ was almost bouncing at the thought of a huge bash, some women, and a few drinks. Yet Howie seemed to be a bit afraid of the idea, knowing just how things were going to go.

"Well, have fun AJ, I'm headed off to relax. Let me know how the "par-te" goes." With that Howie left the terminal, sighing as he drove off, at the thought of almost being sucked into a week long party to be followed by a day of sleep, and another week of partying. He wasn't against partying, and since the band, he had done his share of it. Yet there just comes a time to relax, and just let the stress and time roll off your back, and get some much needed rest. With that Howie pulled up to a small marina, and started to map a course out, and soon was on his way to a month in the sun and surf.

A MidSummer Night's Kiss Chapter 7: Jon (Zelgadyss)

************************************************************************ Kevin's Living Room ************************************************************************

"Not again. what Nick. What's going through your head that's bothering you so much?" Nick looked at Kevin and shook his head a bit. "Not yet Kev. not yet." Kevin let his eyes plead his case, but Nick stood his ground. Rather, tried to stand his ground, as Kevin picked him up, Nick draped his arms around Kevin's neck, and got carried upstairs into the bedroom. Their bedroom. Nick smiled at the thought of it. Then whispered to Kevin "Is it OK if we cut this vacation short 2 weeks?" Kevin's eyes bulged out and he nearly dropped Nick again. Quickly he compensated for his off balance, and Nick held on tighter. "WOW! Let's NOT do THAT again babe." Nick said. "I was just a bit surprised, I ALMOST thought you asked to cut the vacation short 2 weeks." Nick smiled. "I did." Kevin, still bewilder, looked at him again. "Why? Already bored of me?" Nick shook his head "I was hoping to head to Florida and head out for 2 weeks in the boat too. I have a place I want to show you." Kevin looked as if in deep thought for a moment before nodding his head in agreement of the 2 weeks there and 2 weeks in the boat.

The week flew by quickly, not much time spent out of each others sight. Talking and laughing. Two people who lived so close together all that time, and yet so many things they never knew. They spent most nights talking till all hours of the night, and waking up in each others arms. There was never a moment they felt they had to have sex, but they had to be touching each other, in some small way, to fall asleep. The bond they had formed over that week, was something that rivaled only by the bond shared by mother and child. It was almost as if they became one person, one soul, traveling in two separate bodies. Each gaining a larger understanding to whom the other was, and gaining new perspective on what the other had been through over the years. "So Nick, you've been looking at me for 2 years, and trying to get the nerve up to ask if I was "interested?" Nick nodded slowly. Kevin half smiled. "And here I thought you just got sick of Brian." Nick took his shirt off, and threw it in Kevin's face. "Well, I may have been sick of him, but since my "partner" is being a bitch, I'll go beat off to him instead of making sweet love to my "partner"."

It only took Kevin a few minutes to get the hint, and took off his own shirt, while walking up the stairs. As Nick walked up a stair, an article of clothing was removed, and left on the stair it was on. Kevin followed suit, and by the time they were at the top, both were naked as the day they were born. As Nick started walking to the bedroom, he started to sway his hips and ass, over excentuating the sway, teasing Kevin with his movements. This caused Kevin to move a bit faster, catching up to Nick in no time. As Kevin got there, Nick fell onto the bed, and started giving Kevin a lustful look. "Nick, just lay down, and let me take care of this." Kevin started licking down Nick's throat, and up it, stopping only to kiss Nick. After several moments of doing this, he finally started to lick lower, down onto first Nick's left nipple. Applying a gentle biting pressure, thus causing Nick to cry out a deep moan "Oh Kev. Yeah. Right there, OHHHHH!" As Kevin slowly moved to the right, Nick's hands started grabbing at the sheets. The thrills and pleasures more than anything else anybody, even Kevin, had managed to do to him. Even Nick himself couldn't pleasure himself so well. As he kept moving down Nick's body, building the anticipation, just when Nick thought Kevin was going to go down on his rock hard shaft, Kevin continued to tease the abdomen, and then went to inner thigh, completely going past the hard shaft. Licking down the left leg, and back up the right. And just when he should have dove onto Nick's aching member, he went back up Nick's chest, and kissed him. Nick started to whimper at the teasing and the torture. "PLEEEEEEASE KEV!" he started to beg. Kevin knew he had Nick in the palm of his hand.

Kevin went down, and kissed Nick's cock. It was a wet sloppy kiss. Then again he kissed it, pretending it was Nick's mouth, and using more and more tongue. Slowly he left the tip, and started to encompass the shaft working up and down on it, at a grueling and slow pace, driving Nick wilder by the moment. Nick started to buck his hips, only to be pushed down by Kevin, and have a finger wagged at him. As Kevin's mouth was teasing Nick, his hand started to fondle Nick's ample balls lightly. Running his other hand up and down the small seam of skin from the back of the balls to the anus. Tickling and teasing the seam. It was only minutes before Nick was writhing in ecstasy, and moaning loudly. He shot his load into Kevin's mouth with such force, Kevin had to back up or choke.

And thus another installment bites the dust. Sorry about being away so long, a lot of things just caught up with me. But in the end, things will be better for it. Later Jon

Next: Chapter 4: Midsummer Nights Kiss 8 9

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