Midsummer Nights Kiss

By moc.loa@xineohPnevarD

Published on May 6, 2001


Authors Notes: hey hey, something kinda different from me, you might recognize the name from my other story (Brian's Seven Sea's of Loneliness) well this is TOTALY different. Its more so to help a poor friend whose hurting right now. This is totally different from the other story, its all about the sex. So smile and enjoy. And Dani, I hope this does it for ya! P.S. All Feed-Back to PhoenixPuma@aol.com, or Zelgadyss@Hotmail.com. Keep the feed-back acomin! And yes. there is a plot.

Disclaimer: If your not 18 then your eyes shouldn't be seeing this.. So avert them, or at least don't get caught. If its illegal to view such material in your area.. Then where the hell are you living? And finally If for any reason there is a reason you shouldn't be here.. You shouldn't have read this part anyhow. Enjoy! I make no assumption as to the sexuality of anyone mentioned here, and I don't know them personally (at least. that's my story, and I'm sticking to it). So in other words, this is fiction.

Part 8: Here I am again. Wow. Well quick thanks on all feed-back, and a quick thanks to all those reading. This is an all new writing experience for me. Especially since this is based on Sex more so than total plot. Which sex in and of itself is almost foreign territory for me. So as I write, You may notice this. oh well. And Dani, Fall is coming along great, I dread the ending as much as I can feel it coming and know its there. Amazing isn't it?

A MidSummer Night's Kiss Chapter 8: Jon (Zelgadyss)

"I hear a voice, In my mind. I know his face. by heart. Heaven and earth are moving. In my soul. I don't know where to start. Tell me, tell me. The words to define. The way I feel about, someone so fine.

How do you talk to an angel. How do you hold him close. to where you are. How do you talk to an angel. It's like trying to catch a falling star.

At night I dream that you are there. That I can feel you.. in the air. Tell me tell me, the words to define. The way I feel about, someone so fine.

How do you talk to an angel. How do you hold him close to where you are. How do you talk to an angel. It's like trying to catch a falling star"

The voice belonged to Nick, but it was so much more than normal. He seemed so happy, he seemed content. The past few weeks, the years of his life flowed away on that boat. That night was the end of a 2 week cruise, with very little course, and very little care. The two men on the boat seemed to be as happy as two people in the world ever could be. "Nick that was beautiful. I've never. never.." But the words wouldn't come to Kevin. Nothing he could think of could show Nick what he was feeling at that very moment. The 2 weeks had been spent, getting closer, and closer. Making love, and having the time of their lives. Neither stopping to wonder what came next. Neither wondering what was coming. Both just living for the moment, and for each other.

"Well Kevin, its 8 o'clock, and we said we'd have the phones on now, and not a moment sooner." Kevin just nodded and both turned on their cell phones. Within moments both were ringing. "Hello" Was the answer both gave. "Hey guys, this is the management, and AJ, Howie and Brian, were all on a conference call." Kevin cut in on his manager "Spare me." Nick blinked at him "Just tell us out right, are we in or out." The manager, taken back a bit by the directness of the confrontation "In" Was resounded by AJ, and Howie, and Brian seemed to be quiet. "And what of Brian?" A scared Nick asked. Then Brian's voice filtered through the phone. "I'm fine Nick. We all have some talking to do, some soul searching to do, but I'm fine." There was a certain quality, almost resentment in his voice, almost a sound of venom in his voice, as he was talking. "We'll be home in a few days. We're off the coast of Florida." Nick made a simple answer and hung the phone up. He had the feeling that he had lost his best friend, for the time being anyhow, and now he had a boyfriend whom he loved more than life itself. All in all, he'd do it again in a heartbeat, but he still regrets how things happened. He looked over at Kevin, who was discussing the specifics of them coming back. He was discussing the changes to the tour, and making some demands on their privacy that were to be upheld. He refused to be set up with a "beard" as would Nick, he refused to pull any wild and crazy stunt to take attention off his "orientation." He knew better, he knew it would just lead to difficulties in the end, and later down the road. He knew that it was just going to be problems.

After Kevin too hung his phone up, he looked over at Nick. "You ready to face the world again?" Nick nodded his affirmation. "This is what we do, and part of who we are. Besides I been aching to shake my ass." Kevin got an evil grin "You wanna shake your ass eh?" and with that he moved in to prey on Nick and his ass. "I meant on stage, but this works better." With that came a night of hot, torrid sex. Sleep. Sex. Then more sex.

A MidSummer Night's Kiss Chapter 9: Jon (Zelgadyss)

It was a month and a half after the impromptu vacation Nick and Kevin had. Two and a half months since the big fight. The tension was still thick in the air when it came to Brian. When they Weren't rehearsing, or in public, for the most part, Brian hid away in his room, or went out. The guys didn't question it. For the time being, they figured it was better than the fights and arguments they all knew were coming. The shows weren't suffering from it. but the guys were suffering. It was weird having to walk on eggshells around Brian. Nick and Kevin were spending as much time as they could together, knowing that in public they had to stay away from each other. The time when it was just the guys and close members of the staff, Kevin and Nick were like Siamese twins. Almost attached at the hips. They had to make up for lost time. When they were in public, they couldn't get any further apart. There were even fan letters asking if the two were fighting, because they were so far apart. Over compensation they figured. and started to get a bit closer. Always careful, always watchful, but a bit closer still.

The tour schedule was back in full effect, and their days seemed to be getting shorter and shorter, and the nights seemed to be getting longer and longer. They had made up a few of the shows they had to cancel. staying a bit longer at those shows, doing an extra song or two to make up for the inconvenience, and to show the fans they loved them. The personal appearances were also stepped up a bit, and a few new photo shoots were added to get some extra exposure. Kevin and Nick thought of it as punishment for leaving for a month, as a way to keep them apart. It was part of the job though, and so they did it with "smiles". It was at one shoot for the Rolling Stones magazine that things were about to break, and all the eggshells would be shattered.

Nick had finally tired of Brian avoiding him, and leaving every second he had locked up in his room, or in a room all his own on the bus. or just ignoring them. He walked into Brian's changing room without knocking, I mean after all they shared a room several times before, and had seen each other in any and all ways imaginable. Nick even spent his puberty in a room with this man. He figured there just weren't any secrets between them. Brian looked over when the door opened, and saw Nick standing there, closing the door, their eyes never leaving the other. Great, now he wants me to pretend everything is OK. fat chance that's going to happen.' Brian thought to himself. Nick's eyes pleaded with Brian's to sit and talk. Brian nodded and motioned over for the couch, and sat himself in the chair next to it. "Brian, what's wrong with you, how come you keep avoiding me. and what's worst Kevin. I thought we were best friends. your like my brother. It's killing me to see you act like this. How many times did you tell people we were family, we were all brothers, closer than that even? Were you just blowing sunshine up everyone's ass?" Brian just looked at Nick, no expression was on his face. "Well Nick, we WERE best friends, we WERE like brothers. how could you keep secrets from me. ESPECIALLY these secrets. I should have known I was sharing my room with a gay guy. how many of those nights I caught you one handed were you thinking of a time you walked in on me in the bathroom, or the shower, or in my underwear changing?" Nick just shook his head no' at Brian. "It was never like that Brian! This is why I never told you, I was afraid to lose you. but it go to be to much too keep this secret. and I couldn't hide my feelings for Kevin anymore. When I found out he felt the same Brian, I HAD to take a chance to be with him. I've loved him for longer than I can remember, at night he's the last thing on my mind. When I am dreaming, his eyes are staring back at me, when we're apart, I feel like a big part of me is missing. and I ache for the minute were back together." Brian's eyes seemed to steel, and daggers popped out of them. "You HID who you were from me, CURUPTED my cousin, and I'm supposed to turn the other cheek, and be buddy buddy with you?" Brian voice was rising and he was at the point of yelling now. "How can you even IMAGINE what's been going through my mind Nick! You've been lying to me since day ONE. LYING to me. of all people. the fact that your a flamer isn't what's bothering me so much as the fact you lied to me about it, and then took my cousin down with you. That disgusts me."

By now, Nick was on the verge of tears, and the raised voices had gotten the attention of the people in the area. Especially the interest of the other guys. The other three were at the door to here Brian call Nick a flamer, and it was all Kevin could do not to kill his cousin. He balled his fists up, and then went to charge at Brian, but Howie, and AJ held Kevin back, yelling at Brian. As soon as Brian turned back to Nick, A fist connected with his jaw. A snap was heard, and a crunch. A howl of pain, and a growl. Brian spun in the air as he hit the floor, and wasn't moving. Nick had connected with his first punch, knocking Brian down and out. The guys dropped Kevin to grab Nick. Nick looked about ready to tear Brian apart, and eat the skin off his bones. His eyes were lit by a ravage hunger for vengeance, fueled by hatred, and feeding off Brian's own hatred. Kevin dropped to a knee to look at Brian and make sure he was alive. As soon as he determined he was, he grabbed Nick out of Howie and AJ's hands, and enveloped him into a massive hug. His arms, and body seemed to have Nick completely enveloped inside of him. Nick had lost his anger, and his hatred in Kevin's arms. He lost it all in Kevin's arms. He was just so hurt, and angry that Brian could say that about Kevin. "Kevin, the way he talked about you. I . I couldn't. it hurt too much. It doesn't matter what he says about me, how he feels about me, what matters is how he treated you." Nick just laid in Kevin's arms. He needed to be there. He looked at the heap that was Brian, unconscious on the floor. the tears that were threatening to return, came back with a haunting vengeance. He had worked so hard in his life. to keep the hatred out of himself. He didn't want to be like his mother. He didn't want the anger run his life, and let the violence take over, and that's exactly what he just did. "I. well. I." Nick didn't know what to say. he walked out of Kevin's arms. He had to force his way out. Kevin wasn't ready to let him go. Nick walked away, letting the tears fall where they may. All that went through his mind were the times he had been hit. He remembered how it felt being in the hospital when his mother went off on him. He remembered how alone he felt. He remembered swearing never to be like that. Never returning to that walk of life, and to never become the one thing that he hated the most. Yet here he stood, becoming exactly what he hated most in life. The hatred that represented his life. his past life. Or what he thought was his past life.

Moving on was so hard to do, so many times he thought he had moved on. Things just kept going back to what they were before. Back to what he was when he was a child. A scared little man, afraid to peek his head out into the world, being shoved back inside a dark closet. When he got out, he put himself back in. He got into the hotel, packed a small bag, filled it with clothes, grabbed his wallet, and walked out the door. He took only what he would need for a few days, and left all the rest of his stuff. He took out a picture from his wallet. It was worn, and tattered. It had some water damage on the edge from when his wallet went through the wash.. and he grabbed it out a bit too late. Still it showed the face so perfectly, that he had to keep it in his wallet, since it was what he saw when he looked into his heart. It was a picture of Kevin. He laid it on the bed, and turned around. He walked away, locking the door. with a silent whisper to the night air, to what ever god might have been listening. "Please keep him safe, I don't deserve him, and he deserves better.

At the hospital all the guys, minus Nick were in the waiting room to get news on Brian. AJ was pacing, and Howie was trying to figure out how to explain this to management. No one had seen where Nick went off to, and he wasn't answering his cell phone. He had never done that except the time he and Kevin went off. Kevin's hands fingered something, as he looked onto the object. A few tears grazed his cheeks, as he looked into his hands. He held a worn picture of Nick. It was obvious that it was taken out of its holder many times, and handled. The edges were like an old newspaper, He fingered the cheeks, as If Nick could feel what was happening to the picture. In a quiet whisper, Kevin looked to the skies, and spoke his only words he would speak for the next time till he could be with Nick again. "Keep him in your watchful eyes, and hold him in your care. Forever lies my heart with him, without him I don't care. May the powers that lay above, keep intent their watch, and the guardians of day and night keep him out of harm. Till the day were together again, not a word shall I speak. Till The one I love so deep, can hear that I love him." Kevin turned away from the guys. He could feel in his gut that Nick was gone, and now there was nothing he could do, save for find him. Nick was the air in his lungs, and the soul in his voice. He saw no need to talk, till he had that back. He didn't know if the guys cared, nor did he know if they heard. He silently got up and walked away from that hospital, leaving the picture he had of Nick on the chair, for in his heart, he had the picture of Nick set in stone. Forever it would lay there, and forever he would follow till he found that face again.

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