Mike and Jason

By Lost Cause

Published on Feb 13, 2007


COPYRIGHT: 2007 by LCStories (Mike) All rights reserved

DISCLAIMER: The following story is Fictional. It contains descriptions of homosexual activities. If you are not over 18 years of age, or if you find this type of story offensive, or viewing this material is illegal where you are, then please DO NOT READ IT! If you choose to read it, then - I hope you enjoy it!

Email me = L0st_cause@yahoo.com

As always thanks Barry for being my proof reader.


I leaned in closer to him and gave him a big kiss right on the lips. He hesitated for a bit but then open his mouth and started to explore with his tongue. I pulled back and took one of my hands and reached over to his boxers and grabbed his cock with my hand and gave it a few strokes up and down. And then let it go.

"Does that prove it for you?" I asked. Jason nodded.

"OH great" He sighed.

"What?" I asked.

"Now I'm all hard" Said Jason.

"Well then how about we take care of that for you."

  • ** I now bring you chapter 3 ***

With that I moved over to Jason and put my hand back where it was just five seconds ago. Through his boxers I felt him getting very hard very fast. "So what shall we do with this?... decisions, decisions," I asked playfully.

"This will be my first time ever doing anything with another guy... so I'm very new to this," Jason said.

"Well then how about I just jerk you off. I mean since I made you hard, it's only fair I finish it off for you right?" We both agreed and with that I removed his boxer briefs and just gave him a quick look up and down his body.

I can't believe I am with Jason on his bed with my hand on his dick. I looked up at him and told him to lay back and relax. Without saying a word he did just that.

I took some lotion that I found on his desk and poured a little on his dick and a little on my hand. I slowly placed my left hand on his cock and slowly start to stroke him up and down, up and down.

"Wow, Mike, it feels so good feeling your hand on my dick. It feels different than when I do it myself. It feels better... Way better" He moaned.

With that I moved my pace a little faster, but making sure to go all the way up and all the way down. With my right hand I started to explore his body and just feel how smooth his chest and waist and everything really was. I kept on stroking until I heard a loud moan.

"Ohhhh god... I ... I'm Cumming..." He moaned with pleasure.

I then paced myself a little faster and before we knew it, his cock started to explode all over us. He must of shot a good five rounds of hot cum into my hand, on his chest and all over our bodies.

Once he finished I slowed down and then stopped. I looked up at him and he had opened his eyes and focused them on me.

I moved up the bed so I could lay next to him face to face and just stared in to his eyes.

"Mike, thank you so... so much. That felt better then anything I have ever felt before in my... "

Just as he was about to finish I cut him off by placing my lips over his. He resisted at first not knowing what to do, but then finally he returned the kiss.

"No Jase, thank you for coming into my life."

"Looks like we both need a shower. You made a mess!" Jason said pointing down at all the cum then started to laugh.

"Hey Jase," I said.

"Yea?" He asked back eagerly waiting my reply.

"Its nice to see you laugh!" I said, smiling at him.

I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. Then I got up and hit the shower. I didn't think Jason was ready to shower with me so he used the upstairs bathroom and I used the downstairs one.

After we I got out of the shower and got dressed again I saw Jason walking down the stairs and heading to his room to change.

I sat out in the living room and watched some TV. A few minutes later Jason came out of his room and joined me on the couch.

"So Mike?" Jason asked, grabbing my attention away from the TV.

"You said that your parents died at around the same age as mine and well... What did you do? I mean, I guess what I'm trying to say is who watched you, took care of you?" Jason asked with a questioned look on his face.

"Well, Jason," I started as I turn off the TV.

"Like I said before we have a lot more in common then we know. I, just like you, am an only child. And both my parents were only children as well, so I was pretty much on my own."

The day after my parents died I was lost. I didn't know what to do I didn't know why or what had happened. All I knew was that my parents were gone forever and I was all alone. Until I saw a familiar face. It was Ms. Henderson. She was our neighbor for a good six years at are home in Oahu. She also had a vacation house in Hilo ( Hawaii) that she went in her free time to get away from the town-life.

As she drove by our burned house she saw what had happened and offered to take care of me.. Since I had no other family or friends that could help she was all I had. Ms. Henderson was a very kind and friendly woman. She use to always watch me or baby sit me when I was younger and was a very young lady. She must have been in her thirties and was a single woman with only her job.

She even took me home and took care of all the family stuff.

Our home on Hilo was totally destroyed and could not be saved. So with my permission we decide to sell the land to get as much money as we could from it.

She then took care of the will my parents left behind. It stated that everything was to go to me and believe it or not, asked if Ms. Henderson would take care of me and become my legal guardian. (Lucky, huh?).

Ms. Henderson knew I was a teenager and going through a lot of problems. She made me quite a good offer.

"OK Michael, here is the deal" She stated.

"I understand what is happening in your life and everything you must be going through, but you need to know that I will always be here and that I am here for you if you ever need anything. With that said I think its fair if you would like that you may stay at your house alone. I will come back everyday and make you dinner and to check up on you, but other than that I think you will be fine on your own. You are a very bright and smart kid Michael and I am trusting you to be OK by yourself."

I was shocked. Was she really going to let me, a fifteen year old boy who just lost everything live alone? "She is crazy?" I thought to myself.

"But Michael, I need you to promise me that you will keep your grades up and you will be properly behaved and that you will not do anything to hurt yourself. Are we understood?"

With that I nodded and thanked her for everything.

"Now Michael" She said. "Why don't you go home and get cleaned up and try to relax. I know this is very hard for you and I will be right next door if you ever need a thing."

I nodded and headed back to my house.

The next week I attended school and just acted like everything was normal. I really didn't want to go, but then Ms. Henderson reminded me of the deal we had made and so ever since then I worked as hard as I could and managed a 3.0 and higher GPA. It was tough, but I did it.

The months went by rather quickly and Ms. Henderson paid for pretty much everything ever needed out of her own pocket. She told me one night that I was the son she never had and that she was glad she was asked to watch me.

Ever since I lost my parents though, I changed. I went from being this happy guy who loves everything to being a boy who pretty much never speaks, keeps to myself, and does nothing but stay alone.

Over the next year I started to feel a little better about myself. I knew I still had someone that cared for me and that really helped me to move on and get over everything.

The Summer before my last year of school changed me in a way like nothing else ever had. I was required to do volunteer work in order to graduated. After talking to my counselor she told me there were a lot of places that do summer programs for kids. Kind of like a summer camp.

I volunteered for this and found the love of working with kids. I worked with kids from ages 6 - 13 and I really did enjoy it. This is actually where I also meet Brandon. Brandon was three years older than me and was getting paid for what he was doing, as I was only a volunteer, but we got along great and became very good friends.

Once summer was over and I finally graduated from high school it was finally time for me to figure out what I was going to do with my life. I knew I wanted to go to college but at the time I really had no cash. Then it hit me. I was now eighteen and could work at the summer program I had been at last year and get paid this time. So this is what I did.

Once the summer ended Brandon told me about a after school program he worked for that I should check out. It sounded like a lot of fun and I took his offer.

I told the guy in charge that Brandon had referred me here and told him about my experience with working with kids. With that he asked me a lot more questions and before I knew it, I got the job. Now this job was a full-time job. We were to work from 12 p.m. - 6 p.m. Monday though Friday. Saturday and Sundays were our day's off. It worked perfectly.

The first day I started as I went to the area I looked around and thought to myself. "Wow! What a beautiful site." All the buildings looked brand new and so did the insides. It was a pretty big area. There were two big buildings. One had a bunch of different rooms; meeting rooms, classrooms, etc. and the other building had the gym and a fitness center in it.

A few weeks after I turned eighteen Ms. Henderson told me she no longer needed to take care of me and that I was going to be on my own. But she did say that she would check up on me here and then. I mean since she only leaves next door it really doesn't make much difference.

But the last thing she told me was what shocked me. "Michael I know I never told you this before because well.. you were not ready for it."

"But not that you are eighteen I think you are ready" "Ready for what Ms. Henderson?"

She just looked up at me and smiled. She then handed me an envelope.

As I opened it, it looked like a bank account... with about half a million dollars in it. As I looked a little closer I saw my name was on the account. I was shocked. Scared. Where did she get this money? Why is she giving it to me. Is this some kind of trick? All these thoughts and more were going through my head.

"Ms.. Ms. Henderson... Wha." I couldn't even speak. She put a hand on mine and looked at me with that smile again.

"Michael, after selling your parent's land and their cars and other things you didn't need, I placed all that money in an account that you would only be able to have once you were eighteen. I also deposited some extra money I had every now and then."

"Michael, as much I as I took care of you, you took care of me as well. You have became like a son to me and I wanted to do what I could to see that you have a better life."

"But Ms. Henderson I... I cant take this" I managed to get out.

"Michael you really have no choice. The bank account is under your name and your name only. Please just say thank you and take it Michael, please."

I walked over to her and gave her a big hug. "Thank you so much. I, I can never ever repay what you have done for me."

"And you don't have to Michael. Just promise me you will come by and visit at least once a week." She said.

"I would love that." Again I gave her a big hug and headed back home.

I can now afford to go to school. God, I could buy a new car. No, I can't let this money get to my head. Since registration for school was already over, I figured I would wait until the next semester and then start school part time. Then finally go full time the next year.

I thought to myself.

"And that's pretty much what happened ever since then."

Jason looked at me and just smiled. He walked over to me and gave me a big hug.

"Thank you, Mike, for sharing that with me. It makes me feel even closer to you now" I smiled back and returned the hug.

"Jason, I want us to be open with each other alright? If there is ever something you want to or need to talk to me about please do so and I will do the same, OK?"

He nodded and came up to me for a kiss. I replied by opening my mouth and letting him explore. We must have been kissing for at least ten minutes until finally I broke it off and stared him in the eye.

"God, Jase. Where did you learn how to do that?"

He blushed and gave me a quick peek on the check before going back to his room.

At around 3:40 a.m. I felt something... someone rather crawling up next to me in bed.. I didn't think much of it and fell back asleep. Until I felt something go over my chest and I smacked it.. not really hard, but I figured something was crawling on my chest.

" Oww!" Was all I heard. I opened my eyes and looked next to me and there was a Jason laying right next to me.

"Jase.. what are you doing in here?" I asked.

"Well, I wanted to sleep with you again... but not if your going to hit me," He said rubbing his hand.

"I am so sorry Jase. I didn't know what it was.. but I am glad it was you." I moved towards him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Now lets get to bed. We got a big day tomorrow."

We both cuddled up to each other and soon fell asleep together.

The next morning I woke up from my alarm, that I have set to 6:30 a.m. the night before. I looked over and found Jason still sound asleep with his head lying on my shoulder... so very cute and peaceful. I moved a little trying to put his head gently on the bed as I got up to go to the bathroom. But as much as I tired to be quiet, he woke up.

"Good Morning, sunshine!" I said to him.

"Morning, Mike!" He said with a big smile on his face.

Soon we were both dressed and driving to his school.

Jase had an early class and I had some meetings to go to for work, which were both at the same place. So we were still together, well kind of..

Once I got to the work area my boss was asking me if I wanted to switch with one of the "older" workers and take the younger groups. He forgot that I was only eighteen and that the group I had were only about two or three years younger then me and well, as easy as it was, we both felt better and agreed to go ahead and switch. As much as I love the older kids, a lot of them don't really listen well to someone only three years older than them. If you know what I mean.

Once school ended, Jason was a little disappointed to see that he had a new Leader (That's what we call it) in charge of his age group, but he soon got over it and had a fantastic time, as did I. I now was watching the second and third graders which was perfect. These kids were amazing. Well.... not all of them but still it was pretty easy.

On our way home I decided to let Jason drive. I mean he already took drivers ed, got his permit and all he really needs to do now is get some time on the road getting use to it. So after almost crashing into two tree's and a parked car, we made it home safe and sound. As Jason got out of the car I jumped out and bent over and kissed the ground while yelling

" WE MADE IT!!" I was so loud all the neighbors near by or the cars passing paused to look at me.

I got a scowling look from Jason and a punch to the shoulder as we both walked into the house.

"Hey, that hurt you know" I said making a sad face and rubbing the arm he had attacked. Well, not really attacked but that word sounds better!.

He saw the grin in my face that I was trying to hide and came closer to me, to what I thought was to kiss my arm.

But instead he grabbed me close and hit me again!.

"That's it. I am telling my mommy!!" I again made a sad face and marched into my room.

I heard Jason open my door and I acted like I was crying. He closed the door laid down next to me and cuddled against me.

"There there, Mikey, please don't cry" He said.

Wow. Did he really think I was crying? I guess I made it look that way haha. I felt bad so as I was about to turn around to show him I wasn't really crying it seems he knew all along because he then started to tickle me. I tried to get away but I couldn't and the tickles got worse and worse.

"OK. OK I give! Stop!" I begged.

"I don't think so." He said.

" PLEASEEE! ahhhhh hahaha STOP!." I said not able to contain myself from laughing.

Soon enough he stopped and as soon as he did a took a second to catch my breath and swing him over so now I was on top of him.

I bent down and give him a kiss. As I was about to pull away his hands grabbed my head and brought me back down for another long passionate kiss.

"God! Jason," I said. He just looked at me with one of those faces.

"This was your plan all along huh? Trying to seduce me...." I said trying to contain my giggles.

"If I wanted to seduce you, you would of been mine when I first saw you at school!" He said with a big grin on his face.

Before I could reply to him he brought me back down for yet another long kiss. God, I really love these. I think I can do them all night long.

As Jason and I cuddled up and kissed, the radio/Cd player in my room some how slipped on and one of my new favorite songs started to play. We were both scared for a second, but then smiled at each other once we heard the song and went back to the kiss.

For those of you wondering the song that started to play was:

Brooke Fraser's Deciphering Me.

It's love, it's love that holds us We will be alright It's truth, it's truth that shows us If we all walk in His light It's love, it's love that holds us We will be alright It's truth, it's truth that shows us If we all walk in His light

Once the song finished I broke away from our kiss and just starred in Jason's eyes. "Jase."

"I Love You," I said.

He blushed a bit and whispered, "I love you too, Mike," into my ear.

The rest of the day was pretty much a blur. Jason and I spent a good time in bed just holding each other, kissing here and there but really just enjoying each others presence. Then what seems like forever was only a few hours. It seems we both took a little nap. I looked over and felt Jason holding me, very tightly too! By the time we both got up, did our homework. (Yes, I had homework too. I need to remember all these kid's names.) We had a very good dinner that Jason made for us. Who knew he was such a good cook? I sure didn't. The rest of the evening we spent talking and watching some TV.

At around 8:00 p.m. we got a phone call. Jason beat me to it and answered it.


"Hi Jason, is Michael there?" said the voice on the other line.

"Umm, Yeah, but who is this?" "This is Brandon."

"Oh, OK, one second please." Jason said as he handed me the phone.

"Hey Brandon. What's up, man?"

"Hey, Mike, so Jason got some good manners, huh. You picked a good guy, man," said Brandon.

"Ha ha, I know. I love my Jason," I said to Brandon, while turning to look at Jason and he gave me the weird look.

"So what's up man?" I said.

"Not much Mike, just wanted to ask you if you wanted to go shoot some pool or something before work tomorrow," Brandon asked.

"Yeah, sure man, that sounds like fun. I got to take Jase to school but anytime after that is good."

"Alright, I'll give you a call tomorrow morning then," Brandon said.

"Sounds good man. I'll see you then" And with that we both hung up.

Jason looked at me with a worried look now. I walked over to him and sat in his lap. He's eyes grew as he saw what I was going to do and when I did it, god.. I thought he was going to have a heart attack. After a few minutes I hopped off his lap and sat right next to him with my head on his shoulder.

"What's wrong, Jase?" I asked him, noticing that worried look in his eyes again.

"You... you just told Brandon about us..." He said sounding very scared.

"Oh Jason, he already knew man"

"He knows your gay?" Jason asked.

"Yup, me and Brandon are good friends he knows mostly everything you know, but not everything!" I said.


I noticed Jason still had that look on his face but he felt a little more relaxed. I put an arm over him and just rested my head on his shoulder again.

"Don't worry about a thing, Jase. Brandon has became a pretty good friend, and he would never say anything about us unless I asked him to."

Jason looked at me and just nodded and looked a lot more relieved now.

Jason turned on the TV and we watched for a bit with me still leaning on his shoulder. I looked down and noticed he was getting hard down there. I figured it must have been from when I sat on his lap.

So I used my left hand and placed it onto Jason's crotch area. He responded by letting out a soft moan.

I took my head off his shoulder and moved in for a kiss. He opened his mouth letting my tongue explore his teeth. I explored his mouth until I found his tongue and then just had fun with that. I broke off the kiss and grabbed Jason's hand pulling both of us off the couch and up the stairs into the master bedroom.

Once we both got upstairs and I opened the door Jason's eyes grew very big. We both looked around and it was just beautiful. A very big super king sized bed. There were many drawers and a big walk-in closet. The master bedroom had a lanai and a very big bathroom.

I closed the door and threw Jason on top the bed. I jumped into bed and placed myself on top of Jason. I kissed him while undressing him with my hands. I had to stop kissing him a few times to get his shirt off. I broke the kiss again and started to kiss his neck, and continued going down. I got to his chest and licked his left nipple, sucking on it very passionately. I soon moved to his right nipple and did the same thing.

"Oh God.. Mike"

Jason was just laying down moaning and breathing very heavily. I worked my way down more and found his now hard and erect seven inch cock starring at me. I teased him a little and grabbed his cock firmly with my hand. I moved in and licked the head of his cock. He let out a very loud moan as I finally took the whole head of his cock in my mouth. I went all the way down until I got most of his seven inches in my mouth.

"Oh Mike.. Don't stop"

He pleaded.

I started to get into the beat of going up and down, up and down sucking and using my tongue to lick all over. I fondled with his balls while giving him his first blow job. Without even thinking I took on of my fingers and got it wet before tiring to stick it up Jason's tight ass. When I finally got it in I just realized what I did and didn't know how Jason felt about it. So I slowly took it out and went back at his cock.


I got off his cock for a second and looked up at him

"Put your figure back in me.. It feels so good."

"Are you sure, Jase?" I asked.

He nodded. With that I put my figure back up there and got it all the way in. I could tell this was getting to Jase because his moans became very louder and his body was getting stiff. So I started to suck even faster as fast as I could.

"MIKE...I'm, I'm Ahhhhhh"

Was all he got out before he started to shoot his load in my mouth... As he shot I swallowed like a mad man not wanting to miss a drop of my lover's hot cum. And I didn't. Jason's cock finally started to go soft and I moved back up to give him a big kiss. A few minutes later he turned me over so now I have on my back in the bed and he was on top of me. After undressing me he went straight for my now hard eight inch cock. Yes, I was just a little bigger than him. He wrapped his hand around it and gave it a few strokes until finally he started to suck on it. I was so hard I felt like I was about to cum immediately. And I'm sure Jason felt it to because he started to suck faster and faster.

"Ugh.. Holy shit, Jason, I am goanna cum,"

He nodded at me and went faster and faster.

Within seconds I shot my cum in his warm mouth and I was surprised when he swallowed every drop.

I pulled Jason back up and started to kiss him and I could taste some of my cum on his lips.

"Jason.. I, I love you so much," I said.

"I love you more, Mikey."

We looked at the cloak and saw it was 10:00 p.m. and just decided to sleep in the master bedroom. I grabbed him tight and cuddled against him in a spooning position. Within minutes we were both fast asleep.

The next day went on as a usually day. After driving Jason to school I headed to this pool hall where I was going to go meet Brandon.

There was a small food place inside so we decided to eat before we played pool. A few hours later as we were still playing it was around 11:00.a.m. when Brandon's cell phone rang. After talking he looked a bit worried and soon so was I. As soon as Brandon hung up his cell phone he rushed to me... his face was turning red... as if he has been crying.

"We need to get to the school... NOW!" Brandon said.

"Huh, what.. What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's Jason..."

And that is the end of part 3, Why was Brandon so scared... And what happened to Jason that was so urgent. Well, I guess you will just have to wait till Chapter 4 to find out. And thank you for reading my story.

Please send all your Comments, Concerns, Questions, Advise, and Pictures. Anything but flames and hate mail to.


Next: Chapter 4

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