Mike and Jason

By Lost Cause

Published on Feb 13, 2007


COPYRIGHT: 2006/2007 by LCStories( Mike) All rights reserved

DISCLAIMER: The following story is Fictional. It contains descriptions of homosexual activities. If you are not over 18 years of age, or if you find this type of story offensive, or viewing this material is illegal where you are, then please DO NOT READ IT! If you choose to read it, then - I hope you enjoy it!

Something new for this story. When you see the ~~~~~~ It means someone else is talking. Most likely Jason. So just remember every time you see a ~~~~~~ It's a different speaker. Thanks.

Thanks Barry for editing this. Comments to = L0st_cause@Yahoo.com


A few hours later as we were still playing it was around 11:00 a.m., when Brandon's cell phone rang. After talking he looked a bit worried and soon so was I. As soon as Brandon hung up his cell phone he rushed to me... his face was turning red... as if he has been crying.

"We need to get to the school NOW!" Brandon said. "Huh, what.. What's wrong?" I asked. "It's Jason..."

*** I now bring you chapter 4 ***

Brandon and I raced out of the pool hall to his car. As we were driving to the school nothing was said between Brandon or I. All either one of us cared about was getting to the school.

As soon as we got there I jumped out of the car and ran into the school. Brandon went to go park the car and told me he would meet me in the school office. When I opened the door I walked into the office and looked around. There were 2 ladies sitting in chairs in front of their little offices and a big office in the back, which I figured, was the Principals office. I made my way into the office.

"Hello may I help you?" Asked one of the ladies. Standing up from her desk and walking towards me.

"Yes, umm, my name is Mike, I was with Brandon and someone called about Jason?"

"Yes, Jason is in the nurse room right now, he was involved in a fight"

"Ok Mike, how are you related to Jason?" She asked.

"He is my brother," I lied.

"Well in that case he is in the room across the hall from here, he should be taken home, and he is free to return to school once he feels better."

"Ok thanks," I said.

I left the office in a hurry to see how Jason was. As I opened the door I saw Brandon already in there and looking at Jason's bruises.

"What the fuck happened.." I screamed as I saw Jason. He had a bloody eye and a lot of cuts and burses on his face and most likely more that I couldn't see yet.

"Watch your language in here young man," Yelled the Lady who I assumed was the nurse.

I ignored her and ran over to Jason. He was holding an ice pack on his eye that looked swollen. And Brandon was checking out his cut's and making sure nothing was broken. Since both Brandon and I work with kids we had to take first aid and what not, I guess it paid off.

"What.. What happened"

Jason looked up and me and just starred into my eye's. With that same face he made when I saw him at his house.. Sad and Hurt. As angry as I was, I figured it could wait till we at least got into the car. I went over to him and grabbed his hand.

"Lets get you out of here" I whispered to him.

The three of us stood up and walked out, Brandon in front of us and Jason and I behind him.

It was lunch time as we walked out and all the kid's started to come up to us and look at Jason. All kinds of things were being said but one got to me and I snapped.

"Hey look, the fag finally got what he deserved." Yelled a guy who looked to be the same age as Jason. He was a bit shorter and skinner then Jason.

I turned to him and took him by the shoulders and slammed him into the wall, still holding on to him and picking him up against the wall.

"If you or any of your friends ever and I mean EVER lay a hand on Jason, your not going to have to worry about the police... Your going to be worrying about me. YOU UNDERSTAND!!!." I said picking him up off the floor and then dropping him down.

As I walked back over to Jason and Brandon, who were both starring at me with their eye's wild open I heard what sounded like a pocket knife open up.

I quickly turned around and the guy who I just threatened took out a knife, he quietly started to charge at me with it.

I quickly kicked him in the chest, sending him flying back into the wall he was just against and fall onto the ground right on his ass.

I turned back around and us three headed out.

The whole drive to my house was silent. Brandon was driving and Jason and I were sitting in the backseat. Once we finally made it to my house I thanked Brandon for everything.. And asked him to cover my group for me as I most likely won't be making it to work today.

Once Jason and I got home he went straight into his room and I just sat on the couch in the living room. A few hours passed and I must have fallen asleep because I woke up to a loud noise. The sound was coming from Jason's room. I quickly ran over to his room and opened the door. He was laying on his stomach and what it seemed like crying. I went and sat next to him. I put my hand on his shoulder and tried to comfort him.

"Jason it's ok, you will be ok alright."

"I'll never be ok," Jason Muttered

"Jason I know it's hard to deal with but those guys are just fuckers and I swear if they.." I was suddenly cut off by Jason.

"You don't know what I am dealing with... Were you ever beaten for being gay? I didn't think so." "You might have lost your parents and think you know how I feel but you don't... Until you get beaten up for being who you are then you come talk to me but until then leave me the fuck alone."

"Jason," I started but was once again cut off.

Jason got up and threw me against the door.

"I said leave me the fuck alone"

I started to shake.. I ran out of his room and into mine and closed the door.

I got into my bed and started to cry. How am I suppose to help him when he won't let me in, but instead attack me? Is this the real Jason? Is this what I am risking everything for? Because if it is hell with him and hell with it.

"WHY, WHY DID I HAVE TO CARE FOR." I yelled to myself.

Soon I fell asleep.

A few hours later I woke up to a knock on my door. I looked at the clock and it was now 5:00p.m. "Wow! I fell asleep for 3 hours .. "

I thought to myself.

"Michael, can I come in please?" Jason said.

"It's open."

Jason walked in and seemed to have clamed down a lot. He walked over to me and laid down next to me. He came up behind me and hugged me tight.

I just stared him in the eyes for what felt like 5 hours but really only 5 minutes. I reached over and returned the hug.

"Michael," he said, breaking the hug.

"I.. I am sorry for pushing you, but you have to understand what happened today brought back a lot of painful memories."

I looked deep into his eye's as he started to tear up. And then it hit me, he must have been hit every day from that man at his house.. That son of a bitch... I'll kill the fucker.

"Jason, I am really sorry you had to go through that.. I.. I know I don't know what you're going through or I don't know what you're feeling.. But Jason all I want is to be here for you. And to help you through this. I understand you need your space and you have all the space you want. But Jason when you are good and ready just talk to me. That is all I will ever ask of you.. Ok?"

He nodded and grabbed me closer and held on to me very tight.

"Hey, Jase?"

"Yeah," He said.

"Can you loosen up a little? If you hold me any tighter and I won't be able to breathe"

"Fine.. but I am never letting you go."

We must of have stayed in bed for the rest of that day, holding each other and just thinking about everything that has happened between us over the past week.

Jason stayed home for a week more before returning back to school. I couldn't miss work so I would leave Jason home alone while I went to work. I rushed home after work every day to check on him.

On the Sunday before Jason went back to school we decided to go to the beach and relax some.

We headed out to a beach called Waki's. It was pretty crowded but we found parking and relaxed on the sand. When Jason took off his shirt I just could not stop starring at him. He had Such a beautiful body even with some marks he still had on him.. He was still the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. He noticed me starring at him and threw some sand at me.

"Hey what was that for?" I asked.

"Well I was trying to ask you something.. but I guess you were too busy starring at some hot guys.." He said in a playful tone.

"Yeah, well look at that guy over there.. I could just die for that body." I said teasing him.

Once again he threw sand at me.

"Ok, ok fine, you're the only hot guy I was looking at." I said while winking at him.

"Oh well, in that case maybe I should give you something to look at" Jason said starting to flex at me. He soon found a sand ball hit him in the chest.

"Oww!" He cried.

"Aw, I'm sorry, come here let me rub that for you!!" I said once again winking at him.

"Yeah you would like that too much, anyway, are you just going to stay on the beach in the sand?" Jason asked

"Yeah, I don't feel like swimming today," I said.

"Alright, well I am going surfing. I'll be back."


As Jason went off into the water. I found myself staring at him.

After a while, Jason returned and we went back to the house.

"Jason, you're a great swimmer you know that?"

"I'm ok, but I haven't swam in a while so I am a little rusty." he said.

"Well Jason, why don't you go out for the school swim team.. I mean I am sure it's not too late and you are getting too old to be going to the after school program. This would be good for you." I said.

"You know I was thinking a lot about it.. and I don't know, I guess it wouldn't hurt to give it a try." he said.

"Right on Jase, who knows, maybe you will make more friends so I don't have to stay with you 24/7," I said, trying to contain myself from laughter.

"Whatever, you know you love staying with me 24/7!!, I mean who else would do this for you"

He leaned over to me and gave me a big kiss.

"Well.. I can think of a few" I said, mocking him.

He leaned back over again and this time pushed his tongue past my lips and into my mouth. And stopped and looked at me.

"Those lips are mine!" he said firmly.

I started to blush a little.

After that day the next few weeks flew by quickly. Jason tried out for the swim team and made it. They were all shocked at how well he did. And now being on the swim team and all he made a lot of new friends and that really seemed to help his school issue. Now that he had a group to hang out with no one really picked on him. There was still the "Fag" comments here and there but other than that things were finally going good for Jason.

As for me work was going great. I had about 25 kid's and they were a great bunch. There was always a few who stayed a little longer than the rest, and I kind of hit a bond with them. You have to know I love working with kids, it's just so important to me to see that they are well and happy. When I see something wrong I always have to get myself involved and hey, I'm not complaining I mean if I never did, I wouldn't have ever met Jason.

Jason and I seemed to get a lot closer to one another as well. We both decided that we would just sleep upstairs in the master bed, since we were sleeping with each other every night anyways. We bonded a lot more. I went to all of his swim meets and we would always go to the movies or something fun on the weekend, sneaking in a kiss on the cheek, etc.

So with all of that Brandon and I have been getting a lot closer, but nothing more then friends. He is straight and always will be. It is nice to have a very close friend who doesn't care if you're gay or not but one who accepts me for who I am and is very helpful at times.

So as the weeks went by I noticed Jason's birthday was soon up and that I wanted to do something that he will remember for the rest of his life. So with that coming I knew I had a lot of work ahead of me. See Jason's birthday ended up on a Friday this year and tomorrow was going to be Monday, so I had 3-4 days to get everything ready.

I called Brandon early Monday morning before I took Jason to school to make sure we were still on with the plans. I don't know what I would of done without Brandon. He helped me with this so much.

What seemed like forever wasn't really too bad and finally Friday was here.

So I woke up Friday morning and first thing I thought was if Michael knew today was my 17th birthday, I mean I didn't tell him or anything so how would he know right?. So the day was pretty much the same as always, we got up took a shower, ate breakfast, and headed off to school. Michael dropped me off and left. God sometimes I wish he still went to high school, I mean we spend a lot of time together because yeah, we live with each other, but sometimes I wish he went to school with me, so I can see him a lot more. Anyways ... I got to school and Jake and TJ were on the stairs in front of the school waiting for me. Before I keep going let me tell you a little about my best friends Jake and TJ. Jake is the same age as me. He is 5'8, and weights about 155 pounds. Jake is on the football team and is in pretty good shape. He has light brown hair and blue eyes. Jake and I have been friends for a while now. He was always there for me. Jake knows about me being gay and all about my family and now Mike. Now TJ... good old TJ. TJ is one year older than us. TJ is 5'11. He weights about 178 pounds. he has short black hair and light brown eyes. TJ is on the swim team with me and that is how we came to be good friends. I only met TJ about a week or so ago, but already we are pretty close. He is a great guy and a good friend. As I got closer to Jake and TJ they were waving at me trying to get my attention, but I already saw the two dorks. "Hey Jake, hey TJ, What's up guys?" I said. "Hey look who decided to join us today" TJ said. "Happy birthday bud!" Jake said. "Thanks Jake, but it really isn't a big deal or anything," I said. All three of us had the same first class for the day, so we all walked into school and down the hall. "Hey so Jason, what did Mike get you?" Jake asked. "Yeah, I bet it's something really cool." TJ said. "Ah, he didn't get me anything, really I don't even think he knew it was my birthday. But it's ok it's not like I told him or anything," I said. "Wow! What kind of guy doesn't even know his own boyfriends birthday." TJ commented. "Now, if you went out with me." *Wink* *Wink* "Whatever TJ, you know we aren't even going out.." I said Before we went into our first class Jake grabbed my hand and pulled me to the side, while TJ went in. "So when are you guys going to, you know, go out?" Jake asked. "I don't know Jake. I really like Mike. I mean god, he's done so much for me and I don't know, I guess I was just waiting for him to ask me." "Well, he better ask you soon!, or else TJ's going to, you know he really likes you," Jake said. "What.. I mean I know he always kid's about it but ugh he's gay?" I whispered to Jake. "Yeah man, and he has the hots for you," Jake said laughing at me. "Yeah, but I mean god, I really couldn't tell," I said starting to blush. "Jason, just tell me one thing, do you really like Mike? I mean like do you love him?" Jake asked me. "I... I don't know. Every time I'm around him I feel so happy and he makes me feel so good," I said. "EWWWWWWW! I DIDN'T NEED TO HEAR THAT!!!" Jake yelled, making everyone still standing in the halls look at us. "I didn't mean like that sick o, but you know.. That is good too!." I said teasing Jake. "Ok enough with the gay talk.. Let's get in class before we are late," Jake said. With that we both walked in and took our seats. Jake sat to the left of me and TJ took the seat behind me. The rest of the day went by pretty quickly, a lot of the my swim teammates, wished me a happy birthday, and before I knew it the day was over. I didn't have swim practice today and I knew Mike was at work, so Jake drove me home and I asked him to come in with me. "You know this is the first time I have been in this house," Jake said looking around. "Do you like it?" "Yeah man, you are really lucky." "Thanks Jake. Hey so where is my birthday present?" I said, making my lovely puppy dog eye's at him. When we finally reached my room I sat on my bed and Jake sat down next to me. He pulled out a box from his bag and handed it to me. "You know Jake, I was only kidding. You really didn't have to get my anything dude." "Just shut up and open it," Jake said laughing. I took my time slowly pealing off the wrapping paper slowly piece by piece, finally Jake got mad and took the box from my hand and ripped the wrapping paper off the box. I was shocked... Jake bought me an ipod. "Jake... I." "Jason don't say anything man, you of all people deserve this, happy birthday man." I went up to him and punched him in the shoulder. "Oww!" Jake Cried. "Why'd you go and spend so much money on me jackass." "Wow, I like the way you thank your best buddy for an awesome gift," Jake said mock lying. "Your welcome, and thanks, Jake," I said. "Anytime man. Well I got to head home, so again Happy Birthday." "Thanks man, see you at school tomorrow," I thanked him. As I watched Jake pull out of the driveway, I saw Mike pull into the driveway. "Wow what is he doing home so early" I thought to myself. I sat on the couch while I waited for Mike to get inside. Once he finally got inside he gave me a grin and smiled. "Hey Mike, no work today?" I asked wondering what was up. "Yeah, Jason I forgot to tell you, but I am glad you are home. See today is Brandon's birthday and we are throwing him a party at the Royal Hawaiian." "Oh," I said clearly shocked. "Did he really not know it was my birthday, but yet knew today was Brandon's birthday? Does he care about Brandon more than he does me? Am I just some guy he's letting sleep over his house because he feel's bad for me?" I must of had a really bad look on my face, because Michael began to stare at me. There was fear in his eye's. He was worried for me. "Jason... Jase are you ok bud?" he said. "Huh... Oh.. yeah sorry. I'm fine" "You don't look fine, What's wrong Jason?" Mike said, coming closer to me and putting a hand on my shoulder. "Nothing... Look you have to get going right? We can talk about it after when you get back." "Jason your invited too you know. As a matter of fact, your my date!." I began to blush, I mean what could I say. "I...I am?" I asked looking stupid. "Only if you want to be, Jase." "I... I do." God, I sound like I'm getting married. "Well, it's settled then. We have to be there by 6:00 p.m., and it will take us about an hour to drive there, so how about you hop in the shower and I'll go after you, and then we should make it just in time." "Sounds good," I said. Once I got out of the shower, I dried then went to go look for something nice to wear. I put on a pair of boxer's, as well as a pair of black jeans. I wanted to dress nice since it was a party and all so I got out my striped white and blue Polo shirt and a white undershirt. I was combing my hair when Mike walked in. He was wearing dark blue jeans, white undershirt like me and a nice white and brown over-shirt. I took one look at him and my jaw was hanging. Usually I just saw him in a t-shirt and pants, but he looked so sexy with his short black hair spiked and his light brown eye's looking deeply in mine. "Hey Jase, are you.." He looked stunned for a moment, his eye's gazing up and down me, and then finally meeting up to my eyes. "You look beautiful tonight Jason," Mike said in a very sexual voice that I have not yet heard before. "Thanks, you look really good yourself." "So it's getting a little late, are you almost ready?" Mike asked. " yeah I'm ready," I muttered. We locked up the house and headed out to the car. By the time we were almost at the Royal Hawaiian, which if your wondering is a very popular/fancy restaurant. They had about ten different party room's for big parties and small ones. I was told we had one of the smaller ones and that there were only going to be about 25 or so of us there. I knew I wouldn't know anyone besides Brandon and Mike and figured I would just be with them the whole time. So as I was saying, by the time we got close Brandon had called one of his other co-workers to see if Brandon was there yet, and to our luck he wasn't so Mike told them we were about five minutes out and that we would be there soon. Before I knew it there we were we were lucky and found a parking stall close to the restaurant. As we made our way in the place It looked like a huge shack from the outside with all kinds of decorations and what not, as we made our way to the party room it was dark, very quiet, and the doors were closed. Mike opened the door for me and it was really dark, and seemed empty we both walked in a little and the lights were thrown on. "SURPRISE!!!!" Was being yelled from everywhere. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JASON" Was also being yelled. I was shocked I looked around and saw a lot of my friends, the whole swim team, and a few of the workers that worked with Mike.. I must have looked like I was going to feint, because everyone's attention was on me. I was just standing there like an idiot.. I turned to Mike and he had a big smile on his face. He walked over to me and gave me a big hug. "Happy Birthday Jase" Mike whispered into my ear. "But... But." I was stopped before I could finish my thoughts. "Jason this party is for you! I knew it was your birthday for a while now. Come on... do you really think I could forget my guy's birthday?" I was just so shocked I didn't know what to say. I leaned onto Mike and began to cry a little. "He really didn't forget, he does care about me, he really does." I told myself. "Mike.." Once again I was stopped but this time it was by Mike's lips, he didn't seem to care that everyone was watching us and I didn't either. "Jase, we can talk later, all your friends are here. Go have fun!" I gave Mike one last kiss and went off to where Jake, TJ and the swim team were. "So you guy's knew about this the whole time didn't you?" "Yup" They all said at once. The DJ turned up the music and everyone started to dance. An hour or so later the food started to arrive and we helped ourselves and dug in. We had so much different food to choose from I don't even remember what I ate. All I remember was that it was great. After we just about finished eating they had me start to open some of the presents. I got a few new shirts, gift cards, money, more clothes, some game's for my computer and then it was time to open Mike's gift. It was a small box, and inside was a ... ring. It was the same ring I always looked at when I went to the mall with Mike, or my friends. It's a silver ring with a shaped dragon, and a diamond looking orb in his mouth. The dragon's eye's were made out of red diamonds and the center was blue. For a second I though I was seeing things, but I looked again and it was really mine. I ran over to Mike and Grabbed him tight and pulled him close to me. "Mike.. you... thank you, thank you so much." "Anything for you Jase, Happy 17th Birthday" We both leaned in for a long passionate kiss, but it ended up just being a quick kiss on the lips. And everyone started to cheer. They brought out the cake and it was huge, and the funniest thing was it had my face on it... And what an ugly picture too. Jake and the others had a hell of a time eating my face, as they called it. As I was about to eat my slice of the cake, Mike came behind me and grabbed me out of the chair. He then led me out one of the back door's and closed my eye's. We walked a little more and then stopped. He opened my eye's and we were on the balcony, look out at the view. It was so amazing.. You could see the beautiful mountains and yet just next to that you could see the ocean and it was just a sight. "Jason, your the most important thing in my life, and well.. here." He handed me another box, but this one was a lot lighter. I again opened the box... and in it was two key's. "Jase, this is the master key to the house and this one" He said pointing to a bigger key, "Is for our car." Before I could speak or show any emotions he began again. "And there is one last thing Jase... I know we have only known each other for about a month now, but I feel like I have known you all my life and well... Jase will you be my boyfriend?" ********** That is the end of part 4. Will Mike and Jason finally go out and be happy ever after? Or will TJ get to Jason and try to change his mind. And what did TJ get Jason for his birthday? All this and more in Chapter 5. Please send all your Comments, Concerns, Questions, Advise, and Pictures. Anything but flames and hate mail to, L0st_cause@Yahoo.com Thanks again for reading my story and I really hope you enjoyed it.

Next: Chapter 5

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