Mikes Story

By Mike Pryor

Published on Nov 16, 2005


Disclaimer: this work is fiction. I do not know, have met, have any knowledge of the private lives of the celebrities mentioned in this story.

Mike's Story

Part III

A Tale Of Two Lovers

He stood at the end of the pier, leant onto the railing and looking out into the distance. The wind gently blowing his jacket and messing his already ruffled hair. The clouds overhead heavy with rain but it hadn't hit yet, and hopefully Mike thought to himself, wouldn't until he and Danny had gotten back to the hotel.

It had been two months since that fateful night in the Leeds hotel, and now they were having a weekend away together, in Blackpool no less. Christ could Danny have picked a worse weekend or location for a weekend away? Anyhow, they were there. Times had changed, of course. Danny had told the guys about the deal between himself and Mike, well had told two...Dougie had heard them and collared Danny the next day about it, had they really been that loud? Then again, when Mike looked back on that night Danny had been a little wild, so he figured maybe they could have been.

Tom had of course claimed that he had figured Danny's sexuality out now for quite some time, and Danny wouldn't deny that maybe he had, he himself knew for a fact that he had left significant clues lying about by accident. Certain websites that he had left on their shared computer, that he had forgotten to clear before Tom had used it, but unless Guys in Guys' or College Boy Sluts' were new bands, and he would have a hard time explaining that one, then he guessed Tom probably had figured it out.

Mike looked at Danny, who looked transfixed at looking out into the distance at what could have just been endless sea, or maybe some ship moving slowly on the horizon, but either way Mike just stood at the exit of the arcade and watched Danny, clutching the bag of doughnuts that Danny had sent him looking for so they could nibble at them whilst they stood and had a private moment together.

As he moved along the pier looking down at his feet and through the small gaps between the wooden walkway, and down the huge drop to the sea underneath, suddenly feeling the slightest hint of vertigo, funny that, considered he had never felt it before.

"You know the last time I stood at the end of this pier," Mike began, leaning his back against the railing and looking back to the front, where all the arcade lights flashed and twinkled in the dull days light. "I sent my best friend a text telling her I was gay," Mike opened the bag of doughnuts and held the bag out in front of Danny who took one. "And after I got her reply," he continued. "I looked out into the distance, and all I saw were the endless possibilities. I felt free, for the first time in my life I was a step closer to being free."

"What do you see now?" Danny asks, swallowing a mouthful of doughnut to do so. Mike thinks for a second as he looks out to sea, at the endless nothingness, his face a picture of seriousness in Danny's eyes.

"Happiness. Fulfilment. Heartache."

"Heartache?" Mike looks at Danny full on, some stubble just beginning to show - he'd forgotten to bring his razor.

"I'm dating you for fuck sake, at some point I'm going to get my heart broken," it was the truth, after all, you don't date one of the most desired guys in Britain and have a smooth relationship for the rest of your life. So, in truth, the heartache was more of an inevitability than a small chance.

"I just hope it's not because of me that it gets broken," Danny speaks solemnly.

"Me too." There was a moment of silence as they both collect their thoughts.

"Here," Danny says, holding his doughnut to Mike's mouth for him to have a bite...how romantic.

The night moved on slowly as they made their way back down the front from the pleasure beach back to their hotel, hand in hand like a proper couple, getting some pretty vicious stares from people, Mike unsure if this was because they were gay and expressing themselves, or because they knew who Danny was and were probably thinking of killing him. Stopping a few times so they could go into some arcade and gamble some money on slot machines and giant grab machines, in which Danny won some big teddy and gave it to Mike, which meant he had to carry the huge fucker back to the hotel, but having a brain wave when some female teenage fan noticed Danny and asked for an autograph, Mike gave her the teddy instead.

"I won that for you," Danny says, as soon as the fan is out of earshot.

"Yeah, but it made her happy. Besides, I don't need a teddy to hug..." Danny smiled at his gesture, cottoning onto what he meant, "Big softie," Danny commented. "Anyone would think you were after summat!"

"Nah, what can I say? I'm just a giving kind of guy," Mike says, Danny slipping his hand back into Mike's.

"I wouldn't want you any other way."

"And I'm after something?" Mike comments. "Come on, I want to go on that simulator before we go," and Mike leads the way to the simulator.

"Oh, look. We can go on the simulation of the Pepsi Max," Mike says a little too excitedly.

"Whatever..." Danny says, not too bothered which he chooses, already boarding himself into the simulator that was designed for just two people. Danny already had other plans for when the ride started. After loading his money, Mike gets into the simulator next to Danny and starts flicking through the controls, eventually the thing actually starts. Danny however, not paying any attention to the screen in front that was supposed to make it look and feel like you were actually on the Pepsi Max, instead pulling Mike into a passionate kiss, unhappy that there wasn't enough room for him to move over onto Mike, instead having to just keep to his seat and lean over, bummer.

"You know, this has been a great day," Danny says, as they make their steady way back down the front, Mike yawning loudly. "All we need now is to finish it off in style."

"What've you got in mind?" Mike asks.

"Dunno, I'll surprise you."

It just began to spit as they got to within a few yards of the hotel.

"Good timing," Danny comments.

"I'll say," Mike replies. "Thought we'd probably come back and be pissed wet through."

"Fancy a drink at the bar before we go up?" Danny asks, looking in the way of the bar which was empty.

"Sure." They walk into the bar and Danny takes a quick glancing look around, and sure enough they were alone.

"What're you having?" Mike asks, already stood at the bar with his wallet open. The wallet in fact Danny had bought for him a few weeks ago, some black leather wallet but with a nice little motto etched on the front - `too skint to drink, too drunk to care' which summed Mike up perfectly, he wasn't an alcoholic per se, just liked to drink a little too often. Then again, you try living two lives, one a normal average guy in the middle of the UK with a shit, dead end job, and homophobic friends, and the other going out in secret with a pop star and having to make frequent five hour train journeys just to see him, and you try not reaching for the bottle...

"Whatever you're having," Danny declared, sitting himself down on some side table where no one just walking through the lobby could see them.

"Bacardi and Coke, okay?" Mike speaks back, and Danny gives him an approving nod. Not his drink of choice but to anyone who may see them, it looked just like ordinary coke.

Mike paid then brought the drinks over to the table, sitting opposite Danny, who had to tell him to move around and sit next to him, smiling brightly.

"What're you grinning about?" Mike asks, noticing his almost wicked grin, the cogs turning in his head about something.

"Just happy is all," Danny beams. Putting his arm around Mike and pulling him closer. "Life is just good." Mike knew this was the truth, after all no one had made him happier over the last few weeks quite like Danny had, the only thing he hadn't done was voice his appeal to his happiness.

"Isn't it just," Mike points out and takes a small sip of his B & C, then a more generous mouthful.

"Steady on, I don't want to have to carry you up," Danny again grins. "I want you at least in some state of mind for what I've got planned for later." Mike raises his eyebrows and puts the drink down, if Danny had something planned he definitely wanted to be level headed for it. After an hour of chatter and just sat in the bar, in which only a few people ever came in, the time nearing eleven, they decided - by they, means Danny - to call it a night and retire to their room.

"I'm fucked," Mike comments, stretching as Danny sees to the door, opening it and holding it open for Mike. The room was a double, two double beds and a mini-bar, you could count the fact that it had satellite telly, but when you go on holiday for the weekend who really stays in and watches telly? Chucking his jacket onto the bed that one of them had decided would be worthless whilst they were there, Mike sat on the bed and just fell backwards with a groan, Danny coming over after he had finished locking the door, parting Mike's legs with his own, he stands over him.

"Don't you dare close your eyes," Danny warns him, letting his fingers walk up the front of Mike's jumper, Mike giggling softly at the feeling his fingers made on his chest.

"Wouldn't dream of it," he responds, moving his hand quickly and grabbing Danny's. "So what am I staying awake for?" Danny walks away from him, letting his fingers slide idly from Mike's hand as he goes and sits down on the sofa. Taking his trainers off and putting them down the side of the chair.

"Come on," Danny tells Mike with a longing look over his shoulder. Mike slowly gets up from the bed, his body tired but for Danny he'd do it none the same. He walks up in front of Danny, who playfully pats the seat next to him for Mike to sit. Sitting next to him, Danny lovingly putting his arm around him and forcing his body onto Mike's, who readjusts himself so that he's pretty much in a laying position, with Danny just slightly on top of him, but holding his weight off.

Lowering his head and closing his eyes at the same time, then moving his head slightly to the side, Mike mirroring the movement, Danny kisses him softly. Mike moving his hands to Danny's back as they kiss, Danny's finger brushing against Mike's cheek. Letting his tongue run across Mike's top lip as he moves away, Mike letting his hands slip down Danny's back to the small of his back.

They looked into each others eyes, letting them explore one another for a few seconds, before Danny restarts his tongue assault on Mike's mouth. A few more minutes pass by as they just kiss and let their hands wander over each others torsos. Danny moving his lips from Mike's mouth and across his willing partners face, kissing his eyes, which Mike still had closed from the kiss to his lips, letting the feeling Danny was creating within him last just that little bit longer.

Placing a kiss into the nape of his neck, then began working his way under his jaw line to the other side of his neck, Danny left a small trail of kisses and saliva on his lovers skin.

"You ready to hit the sack?" Danny asks, how common he sounded with his choice of words.

"Ready for your body," Mike grinned. Danny slipped from Mike and stood alongside the sofa. He walked over and sat on the bed taking his socks off. "You can do the honours with the rest," he smiled. Peeling his t-shirt off and dropping it to the floor and flopping back onto the bed.

Mike stood up and tugged his own jumper off, making his way over to Danny as he did so, taking his time with the t-shirt after that, almost teasing Danny. He next kicked off his sneakers with a little trouble and removed them and his socks. The two taking in the views before them, looking at each other with lust and wonderment. Danny laying on the bed naked apart from his black jeans , Mike stood over him naked apart from his baggy blue jeans and some quirkily chequered blue boxers sticking out the top. Much in the style that he had learned from Danny.

"Drop em," Danny commanded, stretching his limbs on the bed, his hands above his head. "I havent seen you fully naked before," this was only the third time they had been together, and all the previous times they had been in too much of a hurry to stop and take in each other for a set period of time. Doing as he was instructed, Mike slid the pants down his legs, and kicked them in no particular direction, then slid his hands inside the sides of the boxers, feeling slightly nervous undressing for an audience. Danny watched intently as Mike almost cautiously dropped his remaining clothes, his eyes attracted mainly to the centre of Mike's body as the older of the two was finally stood naked, and slightly embarrassed by his sudden exposure, feeling slightly modest all of a sudden.

"Very nice," Danny observes, putting on a slight accent as he says it, trying to make Mike feel a little more comfortable.

"Your turn," Mike says wistfully.

"I'm all yours," Danny tells him. Mike leant over Danny, propping himself just inches above him as he smiled back and then began to run his hand down Danny's smooth chest. Finally his hands reaching Danny's leather belt, and he fumbled his hands as he tries to undue the metal buckle, at last getting it right and opening the belt up. Undoing the button and the zipper, he pulls the jeans down Danny's legs, stopping midway to speak his thoughts.

"You been commando all day?" Mike says.

"What? Its breezier," Danny giggled. Mike just shaking his head in disbelief that he hadn't worn underwear all day.

"You never fail to surprise me," Mike says before he continues to take the jeans from Danny's feet.

"You should try it sometime...gives you quick access too," Danny says cheekily. Crawling back on top of Danny. Mike running his tongue up from Danny's navel all the way up his chest, up over his throat, over his chin and placing a very passionate, and dry, kiss on his lips, leaving a wet trail all the way he had dragged his tongue.

"Please tell me you brought it..." Mike says, breaking the kiss and giving Danny a very serious look.

"Its in the travel bag," Danny says reassuringly. Mike gives him a quick kiss to the forehead before getting off him and seeking out Danny's travel bag.

"Its in the bathroom," Danny informs him, and Mike heads straight into the bathroom. Opening Danny's travel bag and rummaging through it with some speed, past all Danny's aftershave - look liked he'd packed enough for a whole fortnight not just a weekend - past the battery powered toothbrush - and he called him lazy? - and then there it was at the very bottom, the small tube of lube. Palming it he heads straight back into the room and straight back on top of Danny.

"Who gets the slippy fingers this time?" Mike grins.

"You do, I had it last time," Danny shoots back, taking the lube from Mike's hand. "On your back, boy," He commands, giggling manically. Mike does as he is instructed and lays on the bed next to Danny, watching as Danny opens the tube and puts a generous dollop in the palm of his hand, then clasping his other hand right on top, making a squelching noise. "Dude," Mike says, he really must stop watching American dramas.

"Sorry," Danny apologized, for no reason at all apparently. "So which way we doing this?" he adds. Mike thinks for a second, "Like we've always done it, face-to-face." Laying on his side, Danny slowly puts his hand between Mike's legs, never looking where his hand is going, always keeping direct contact with Mike's eyes. Mike so lost in wonder of Danny's that he doesn't even feel the first slippery digit enter him. Mike taking the tube back from Danny and squeezing out some of the almost clear gunk into the palm of his right hand, then reaches down and wraps his hand around Danny's hard cock and slowly starts the flowing movement of his wrist to grease him up.

After a few seconds of fondling and general alluring pleasure, Danny takes his slippery fingers from the well greased Mike and starts to move up the bed, Mike moving with him, until they were both at the top of the bed, and Mike was comfy, his head nice and relaxed in the pillow.

"You ready?" Danny breathes, his lustful tones only just audible.

"Whenever you are," Mike says a little uneasy, he always felt nervous right before the general insertion. Mike wrapped his legs around Danny's waist so they were out of the way, Danny reaching down between their bodies to help direct himself into the waiting, horny guy beneath him, who lets out a slight moan of discomfort as he feels Danny slowly enter him. Danny stops dead, as always, this had happened before, but he had no intention of hurting his lover, "You okay?" he asks, Mike just nodding his answer.

It took him a few more seconds and a few uneasy groans before he was finally fully into his partner, and he took another few moments to make sure he was okay again, which Mike always said he was.

"Danny. Go slow okay, there's no rush tonight," Mike spoke softly to him.

"Okay." Danny started to move very slowly, just as instructed, never giving into the urge to just full-out-go-for-it, their eyes never breaking contact, even through Danny's slightly uneasy thrusts into Mike. The love lasting for nearly an hour, and by the end Danny was well and truly knackered, he never thought he'd have the strength or stamina to last it, but somehow he had. Feeling the last few intoxicating shudders run through his body, Danny lowers his sweaty forehead onto Mike's.

"You okay?" Mike asks.

"Think I know what it feels like to run a marathon in a short space of time," Danny answers, through almost gritted teeth and near gasping breaths. Danny removes himself from Mike and collapses onto the bed beside him, "But..." Danny tags on. "That has to be the best feeling I will ever feel." Mike leans over and reaches his left arm over Danny's chest, and places his head into the nape of his neck, kissing it softly. The rest of the night, to them both is just silence and sleep, which doesn't take long to come after the last hour.

Mike awoke alone the next morning, to seagulls as they screeched out on the front - the only let down to staying on the coast, which was a shame he thought. But at least Danny's bags were still there, which meant he hadn't done a runner on him, although Danny didn't seem like the type to just up and leave, leaving someone in the lurch. Closing his eyes he took the opportunity to have a few more minutes (hours?) sleep, if he could, before Danny got back. It was nearly dinnertime when Mike heard the key in the lock of the door, and Danny come wandering in, a bag in his hand from something he'd bought.

"Where you been?" Mike asks, "I thought you'd left without me." He holds the bag up that he has with him in front of him, "Had to go get some rock for the guys. Bought you some too," he adds, reaching into the bag and pulling out a 12" stick of red rock, shaped like a cock. "Something to remind you of me," he giggles.

"Someone's got an overactive point of view of themselves," he replies, laughing.

"Have you know that is a perfect likeness," Danny tosses (bad pun) the rock onto the bed beside Mike. "Even bought Dougie one too," and off Mike's curious look adds, "He keeps asking me what it feels like to suck cock, now he can find out for himself.

"You getting up soon? Want to have another walk up the front with you before we have to set off back, and it's already nearly dinnertime. Lazy git."

"Well, you wore me out last night, so I needed the extra time to regain my strength. What time you wanting to set back off later anyway?" Mike asks.

"Dunno, whenever really. Whenever we're both ready," he puts the bag down on the coffee table, the ugly one in the middle of the room, then comes over to the bed. "You need a shower," he says playfully to Mike, who just turns his head on the pillow in a childish manner. "Want me to scrub your back?" he adds, raising his eyebrows as Mike looks at him.

"Nah, I think I can manage. When you wanting to go for that walk?"

"Whenever you're ready. No rush," Danny says. "So get your butt out of bed and in that shower."

They walked up the front, enjoying the views and the various people that gave them looks, Danny at some point buying them some fish and chips to eat as they sat on a bench nearest to the sea, and just ate and chatted for nearly an hour.

"Come on, be better start making our way back," Danny says, the sun steadily making its descent in the afternoon sky.

"Okay," mike approves, stuffing his empty, greasy packaging into the nearest bin.

They had set off when it was still light, yet now they were on the motorway the sky was getting dark. Mike looking out the passenger window at various things.

"Do you ever wish you could just shout that you love someone?" Mike asks innocently.

"Anyone in particular?" Danny replies, trying to concentrate on the road.

"You, numb-nuts."

"I guess. There are times when I feel I can't show you how much I love you due to the restraints of my career," Danny says off hand. "Times when I just want to scream the fact."

"How about right now?" Mike says having a thought.

"Huh?" Danny says almost dumbly.

"Take the next turning off," Mike says eagerly, Danny not asking questions and just doing as he is told. The next turning off being about three-hundred-yards up the road, and leading to what looked like a farmhouse, but Mike instructing him to take the turning off just before, some old dirt track that lead even further away from the motorway.

"Uh, Mike?" Danny says a little worried. "You planning on killing me out here or summat?" he chuckles to himself.

"You'll see. Just park up near that gate," he instructs again, and again Danny does as he is instructed.

"Now what?" Danny asks, a look of puzzlement on his face.

"Come on," Mike says, getting out of the car and coming around to Danny's side to help him out, almost pulling him out, he was that excited about something.

"Hang on," Danny says, turning the engine off and making sure to lock up the car before he left it in the middle of nowhere. "Where are we going?" Danny asks again.

"Just a two minute walk and you'll see," Mike says almost dragging him behind him, like a kid pulling a parent to see something. They walked along a dirt path trail for a couple of minutes before coming up at the top of the hill, the most brilliant sight overlooking the motorway in the valley and endless fields as far as the eye can see.

"Wow," Danny observes the view. Mike taking a few steps forward into the grass of the field, then turning back to Danny, "This is why I brought you here..." he announces before taking a deep breath and shouting at the top of his lungs, "I love Danny Jones," he holds the last syllable for as long as his voice could hold it, screaming his message out over the valley.

Danny just shakes his head in disbelief, but smiling so at least he appreciated the gesture.

"Come on," Mike motions for Danny to come join him, which he does, although with a little hesitance. "Your turn," Mike tells him, although Danny just shakes his head nervously, the first time Mike had known him to not just go for it. "Out there...no one knows who you are...there's no press...no restraints...just let yourself go," Mike finishes up.

"Fuck it," Danny says, Mike liking his attitude adjustment. Unzipping his jacket to allow himself to breathe a little easier, Danny takes in a lungful of air before screaming at the top of his lungs. "I love Mike Renfree."

"Feels good, doesn't it?" Mike asks him after a seconds silence and the voice in the air has finally died away.

"Feels great," Danny confirms, coming back up to Mike and wrapping his arms around him. "Thank you for this." his voice now normal again.

"Anytime." Danny rested his head on Mike's shoulder for a few moments, just loving the moment, before he knew it darkness had enveloped them, and the trail they had walked on was nearly not visible.

"I think we'd best go, Danny," Mike says softly into Danny's ear. Letting his hands slip from inside Danny's jacket Mike reaches out for Danny's hand and they make their steady way back to Danny's car, the end of a perfect trip...

The motorway is almost empty apart from a few cars going the opposite direction, Simple Minds - Stay Visible, starts to play on the CD player, Mike turns to Danny, "We're going to be okay, aren't we?" he asks. Danny thinks for a few seconds before answering.

"Yeah, I think we're going to be just fine," he says matter of factly and takes a quick glance at Mike who yawns, "I know we're going to be fine," he corrects himself quickly. "I can feel it," and Danny smiles at him and turns his attention back to the road. Taking his left hand off the gear stick he reaches over into Mike's lap and finds his right hand and holds it tight.

"Wake me up when we get near," Mike says softly. Mike leans his head back and closes his eyes, letting the euphoric sounds of the opening to the track wash over him and send him silently to sleep, the words he only just heard for a few seconds.

Maybe they were going to be okay, but they knew there were certain obstacles ahead that would put their commitment to the test, but they knew as long as they were together they had a good chance...

The End.

All comments and criticism welcome - email: writerguy85@hotmail.co.uk

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