Mikey and Me

By jack.straight

Published on Oct 25, 2018


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Mike stood 10 yards down the trail from me. He smiled.

Mike always smiledÑhe was one of those authentically happy guys you want to be near just for the contact high.

But as we got ready for the day's hike, fifteen miles if the weather held, I saw something more in that smile.

Was it love? Was it lust? Longing?

I stared at himÑmaybe longer than I should have. I'd known him for years: he's the younger brother of my longtime girlfriend, Nicole. We met when Nikki and I were first dating back in college. He was just a 9th grader then. Still had that great smile. Now he was in college and Nikki and I were young adults trying to make it in the worldÑshe's in law school, I'm doing consulting while I figure out what to do with my life.

I planned this trip, a through-hike of the Long Trail in Vermont, to coincide with his spring break. Nikki, stressed about an upcoming exam, decided to stay in New York to study. Mikey and I decided to take the trip just the two of us.

Right now I could not decide if that was the best or worst decision I'd ever made.

I could not stop staring at him. His smile faded, but his attention did not. We took each other in, thought about what had happened last night.

As we gazed at each other, took in the other's body, tried to know the other's intention, we both remembered what had happened:

We made out, hard. He had sucked my dick. We had fucked. Fucked long and hard. Fucked him speechless. Bounced him on my cock as we moaned and made out. I left a huge fucking hickey on his neck.

When I woke before the sunrise, our naked bodies were still entwined inside his sleeping bag, my dick nuzzled between his ass cheeks. Some of my cum was inside him, some was encrusted on his inner thigh. I could smell his sweat on me, was sure he could smell my scent on him.

I tried to shake it off, to think about anything besides Mikey and his incredible ass, his beautiful body. I did 100 pushups, then 100 more when that didn't work. I washed my naked body under the freezing cold waterfall near our camp. I dried off, dressed, and clambered to the top of the peak in the frigid morning air to watch the sunrise.

All I could see was his face. His smileÑand his look in the flickering campfire light.

We went about our morning as usualÑwe were friendly but not erotic, did not tip our hands that we were both obsessing over the intimacy, the ecstasy we'd shared.

Now I was looking at him as he stood down the path. Had he always been this beautiful? He stood like a man now, a young man who is now just learning his own strength. I couldn't stop staring at his body. His legsÑhis calves, quads and hamstrings tight and pronounced from the hikingÑwere tanned and covered with a thin thatch of blond hair. They neatly filled out his shorts, which rode mid-thigh. Did he wear his shorts short like that to turn me on?

His petite ass was framed by his hiking pack. I was embarrassed to realize that it resembled his sister's assÑwell, his sister's ass when she and I first met. She'd grown older like we all do, and wider like we all do, despite her best efforts. His ass, though, was gloriously round, muscular but soft. And it tasted deliciously like young man's musk. Oh yes, I remembered, as I gazed upon his sweet, round butt: I had eaten him out last night too.

How had we gone so far? We'd never even had sexual tension... at least none that I could remember. I'd always liked the kid, loved him even, like a little brother. He'd always admired me, told me he wanted to be just like me. He'd even picked his major, politics, to match mine. So we'd always had a thing. Just not this kind of thing.

I thought of how it all got started.

We had wrapped our day of hiking. We did just 12 miles that day. We stopped because camping next to this waterfall was too good to pass up. We could have some fun, we said. I think we both meant taking a swim, playing some music, having a whiskey, maybe smoking a joint. We did not mean, as far as I know, fucking each other's brains out. Rewiring our relationship.

We got wood and built a fire, then took our clothes off and got into the waterfall. We were both buck naked, but that was no big dealÑonce you've hiked a hundred miles with someone, intimacy like that comes easy.

We did get a little physical, playing around like brothers do, pushing each other in and out of the waterfall, falling on top of each other, feeling each other's bare skin.

We dried off, warmed up by the fire. I cooked dinnerÑhot dogs and baked beans. He had brought a bottle of Jack Daniel's, and we passed it back and forth, our laughs getting bigger as we got drunker. He took out his trail guitar and we sang some Pink Floyd. I rolled a joint and we smoked it while we bellowed "Shine On, You Crazy Diamond." We howled like wolves towards the night sky.

We fell silent for a moment. We stared at each other over the campfire. Nothing was said, but the conversation, the communication was present and crystal clear. We stared into each other's souls, lit only by the fire.

"Do you want to come into the tent with me?" I asked.

He set the guitar down and we both climbed inside the two-man tent. He'd brought his own tent too, but once Nikki dropped out, we'd decided just to share one for the body heat.

The flickering light from the fire lent a strobe effect: we could see each other's faces only in flashes. We lay down in parallel, our faces right in front of each other's. When the light flashed, I could see the depth of his gaze on me. He was looking at me not from his eyes but from his soul.

We lay there in silenceÑagonizing silenceÑfor minutes. I wanted to reach out and pull him into me. I wanted to feel his mouth on mine, make out with him mindlessly. I wanted to hold his firm dick in my hand, make him feel better than he'd ever felt.

Was he feeling the same?

The light flickered. I saw a spark in his eye.

Yes. Yes, he was feeling it too. He had shown it to me.

"You are absolutely beautiful. I can't stop taking you in," I said.

He gasped and smiled at the same time. At the top of his breath, his throat caught, and a tear formed in the corner of his eye. A tear of happiness? Uncertainty? Fear?

"Will you move closer to me? Please?" breathed Mikey.

I slid my body next to his. Fuck, he already had a boner... but so did I. I wrapped my hand around the back of his neck, rubbed from the bottom of his hair down his spine and just under his shirt. He wrapped his hands around the small of my back.

We looked into each other's eyes then kissed for the first time. Our tongues entwined. I could taste the whiskey, the weed, and underneath that, the essence, the purity of Mikey.

His eyes were shut as we roughly kissed. Had he done this before? I remember him mentioning casual girlfriends he'd had. Had he kissed a boy? Was I his first? Had he fantasized about this, or was this just a moment of passion, of rapture?

As we mashed our lips, our teeth banged together loud enough that I could actually hear it. I clawed at his clothes, desperate to feel him fully naked. I practically tore his t-shirt off, pulled his pants down with one hand from the front.

I yanked my pants down and pressed my naked body into his. Our dicks were both rock hard. My 7.5", upcurved sword daubed pre-cum onto the tight, soft inside curve of his hip. We ground our bodies together, my chest sliding against his, our nipples hard and sensitive. I kissed into his neck, smelling his scent. As I sucked on his neck, my dick slipped between his thighs, just under his balls.

I moaned deep and long as he moved his hips gently up and down on my dick. He pulled his face away to look at mine, wanting to see the pleasure in my face as he worked my dick with his soft inner thigh.

"I'm not gonna last long if you keep doing that..." I warned him. He locked his vision on mine and walked his hands onto my chest. He worked his body down mine and crawled between my legs, never taking his eyes off of me.

Then he took me in his mouth.

He gave me a blowjob as it were the most important thing he would ever do in his life. He alternated sliding midway down, then a bit further. He teased the tip, dancing his tongue on the underside of the head, slurping my pre-cum, licking his lips with it.

"Jesus... "How is it, Mike?"

He held it tenderly in his hand. "Amazing," he replied. He plunged down on it, taking as much as he could in his mouth, fucking his own head with my big dick. He added in his hand so that my whole dick felt like it was sliding into one long, wet fuckhole. It was all I could handle.

"Oh my god... I'm going to cum soon, bud."

He slurped away, his mouth and hand fucking my dick longer and faster. My orgasm built and built. I tried to hold it back, maybe felt a moment of guilt that I was about to shoot my load in my girlfriend's brother's mouth. But that just made the release even more intense.

He didn't pull away, never intended to, as I fired a massive shot of jism into his mouth. "Ohhhh my God!!" is all I could muster. I thrust my hips spastically as he kept sliding both mouth and hand down the length of my dick. I shot a second spurt from deep in my balls, a load of cum that could have impregnated a horse. I heard him cough through his nose as it hit the back of his throat. Still he continued sucking me.

"Ohhhhhhh!!" I yelled. I collapsed fully onto my back as I shot my third arc of cum. This one spurted into the front of his mouth. It was so massive that it half-landed in his mouth, and half-squirted out onto his cheek.

He kept pumping, and I kept cummingÑa fourth, a fifth, a sixth load in his mouth. He pulled his mouth off, kept stroking me, looked up into my face. He had a look of pride, so happy to have gotten me off so massively.

He took my dick out of his mouth and pressed his face onto it while he jerked off. I added my hand, rolled it across his face, side to side. He moaned as I pressed my dick to his face, his mouth full of cum, his face now getting covered with cum, pre-cum and his saliva. He jerked his own rock-hard cock. This went on for thirty seconds before he whimpered and shot his load so hard that I could hear it hit the tarp of the tent.

His body jerked spastically as he came. His throat made noises I've never heard before. His face nestled against my cock and balls and his eyes closed in painful passion as he shot again and again on the floor.

Finally, his body relaxed after he'd cum for what felt like two minutes. He flopped to the ground, curled up in a ball, using my thigh as a pillow as he recovered.

We were silent and still for five minutes, me on my back, Mikey resting on my thigh. We both worked to understand what had just happened.

Once we recovered, he slid up to meet me again, face-to-face. I held his naked body pressed against mine. We chatted like post-coital lovers.

"That was... insane, Mikey."

"I know."

We paused, unsure of where to take the conversation.

Mike took the lead. "The thing is... I don't... I don't think I've gotten enough yet."

"What do you mean?"

He nuzzled in closer, his breath warm on my lips.

"I mean, I want to feel you more.... closer..."

"So, uh, you mean..."

"I want you to fuck me. Tonight."

He grabbed my dick, which was nearly hard again.

"I've... I've jerked off thinking about you a thousand times," confessed Mikey.

This is when I probably should have cut it off, but my balls were bigger than my brains in that moment.

"What have we done in your fantasies?"

"It's simple. You and I are home alone on a Saturday. We're in our relaxed clothes, you in sweats and a t-shirt, me in my pajamas. We cuddle on the couch. Then we start to get frisky, we go to the bedroom, and you fuck me."

"How do I fuck you?"

"Between my legs, staring me in the eyes, kissing me, driving me wild."

"Have you ever been fucked before?"

He shook his head. "But I have put stuff up there before... while I was fantasizing."

I put my hands on his sides and set him down on his back. I lay between his legs on top of his warm chest. The kiss I put on his lips was my way of saying, "sometimes dreams do come true."

We were not the most experienced at fucking each other. But we had spirit. Getting started was tricky. I tried to go in right away. Then I realized that we needed some lube. I had the idea to use our cooking olive oil--I had to climb out of the tent to search for it, my huge boner protruding like an extra limb.

I climbed back in and went to lube his hole, then found that it turned him on so much to have my fingers inside of him that I wanted to enjoy that for awhile. I worked one, then two fingers into him, watching his face contorting with pleasure. I crawled down and added my tongue into the mix. His tight butt tasted like olive oil, man-sweat from a day of hiking, and Mikey. It tasted like Mikey.

I worked his ass until he couldn't take it anymore.

"Please... put it inside me now."

I started to slide my upturned 7.5" into him. I paused, took a minute to maneuver it past his entrance muscles. Once he opened up, I glided in.

We took each other in as my pubic hair nestled against his ass cheeks. My dick fit inside him like a finger in a glove.

I was nestled perfectly inside him. He knees held me at my ribcage. We looked at each other's faces. I moved in to kiss him again.

We made out like we were first-time lovers. I moved inside of him. I said the obvious. "We shouldn't be doing this."

"You feel so good inside of me."

That was undeniable--my dick fit his ass in a way that gave both of us the deepest possible pleasure.

"I want to fuck you--hard."

"Fuck me. Hard."

I began to slide in and out of him. I could feel the rib of my head slide over his muscles. I could feel him grabbing me inside him, tugging at my dick, pulling me off inside of him.

I started to take a rhythm as I fucked him.

From the flickering light, I could see an image of his face. Not like his sister's face, but a beauty that reminded me of hers. The look... a look of desire, of passion... it's a look that I hope I always remember.

We fucked with passion. I'd never been so horny, never wanted to fuck so much like an animal. Mikey responded to my moves, hopping his ass up into my crotch when I fucked him higher, throwing his knees over shoulders when I wanted to fuck him deeper.

We made out, and I tucked into his neck. Fuck... that must have been when I gave him the hickey. I was so loaded up into him, sending my fuckrod inside him over and over again, my body curling into his. I guess I kept my mouth on his neck... I was just too preoccupied by our hot assfucking that I couldn't even pay attention.

I kept driving into Mike, working his ass hard, trying to get both of us off. He put his hands on my arms, felt them, reached up, grabbed onto my shoulders.

We must have fucked for 5 minutes, or maybe it was 15. It was blinding, animal-fucking. I hope everyone gets a fuck like that once in their life... just once.

When I came time, I could feel both of our loins ready to release and unload. "I'm gonna shoot, Mike."

"Cum inside me, bro."

That was all I needed to hear. I hammered into Mikey, now without any accountability. He moaned and bitched as I hit the inside of him harder now. His dick was rubbing up against my abs. It sounded like he was close to cumming too.

I kept pummeling his ass, letting my dick go loose and hard inside him, working him for all I could get. I pumped three huge times and then shot my huge fuckload deep inside of him.

His dick shot like a rifle as I reached my peak. It sprayed up between us and caught Mikey right on the underside of his chin.

I sprayed again inside him, this time a heavier load. He moaned softly, I bit his ear, he shot a load onto his right cheekbone.

I fucked him till I'd shot my whole load up his ass. He kept shooting, filling the space between our two bodies.

I held my dick in place in his ass, rested my face next to his. We rested.

We cooled off in the night air, our sweat drying on our skin. He rolled to his side, pulled me in so I nuzzled his whole body. I held him. We were silent. We zipped up his sleeping bag and drifted off to sleep, me holding Mikey like a spoon.


So I stared at Mike. I wondered what the future held for us.

He smiled again. Then he turned, and headed down the trail.

If you liked the story, send me a note at jack.straight@hotmail.com.

Next: Chapter 2

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