Mile High Meeting

By Cameron J

Published on Aug 14, 2000


Well, here's chapter 14 for your reading pleasure. Based on the e-mail response from chapter 13, I have a feeling that some people didn't realize it was posted, so if you haven't read 13, go do that now before reading this chapter...a lot of people were waiting for the events in that chapter :)

This story is not meant to imply anything about the sexuality of any person, animal, building, mountain, or motorized vehicle mentioned within. If you are under the legal age for reading this, I am sure you are tired of reading that you shouldn't be at your own risk.

And now, the fourteenth installment of Mile High Meeting...

Mile High Meeting-Chapter 14

I felt completely drained. I woke up on my side, facing away from the windows, Nick directly behind me with his arm around my mid-section. As soon as my eyes focused, I looked at the clock on the nightstand to find that it was close to noon. I looked away without really seeing the time, before doing a double take to confirm what I saw the first time.

Last night had taken a lot out of us. I didn't remember being in this position, and I certainly didn't remember putting on a blanket last night. 'It must have been Nick,' I thought, smiling at his thoughtfulness. I decided at that moment that I would never leave that bed again, as my life couldn't possibly be more perfect than it was at that moment.

I then began thinking about the future with Nick, and I convinced myself that it would probably be a good idea to leave the room eventually if we were to experience all the things I wanted us to experience. I felt Nick's breath on the back of my neck, and as much as I didn't want to move, I wanted to face him just to make sure that he really was here, and that last night and the past week wasn't all just a dream.

I slowly moved onto my back, before turning over to see him. As I looked at him sleeping peacefully, I realized that it was indeed a dream; a dream come true. I kissed him lightly on the nose, which made him twitch slightly, making me chuckle. That was all that was needed to wake him, as he slowly began to open his eyes.

"Good morning," he whispered.

"Well, it may have been a good morning, but I guess we will never know," I responded. "It's almost noon."

"Are you serious?" Nick asked, sounding quite surprised.

"Quite serious. Do you have somewhere else you need to be?" I inquired.

"I can't think of anywhere that would be better than this, but I did tell Brian that I would call him in the morning. Oops!" He said, laughing.

"Hmm...should be an interesting conversation then."


"I am looking forward to hearing you explain why you didn't call until noon."

"It's your fault, you know. I plan on blaming you," Nick said, smiling. "You are the one that wore me out last night."

"How are you feeling, by the way?"

"A little sore, actually, but not too bad. Last night was the most incredible night of my life. It was like..." Nick said, at a loss for words.

"You don't need to explain it, Nick. I felt the same things you did. Of course, Brian didn't, so we'll have to recount the story for him," I said, with an evil grin.

"Now, Cameron. That wouldn't be very nice, sounds like a good idea to me," Nick blurted out, laughing.

"That's my boy," I said. "Well, as much as I would like to lie here all day, I think we should probably get up. I think I am going to go take a shower. Care to join me?"

"Duh! What do you think?" Nick responded.

"That's what I thought. See you when I get out, then," I said, getting out of bed.

"Like hell...someone has to keep an eye on you," Nick said, quickly following me.

"I'd like a lot more than that on me," I said under my breath.

I turned on the water when I got into the bathroom, and Nick and I anxiously waited as the water temperature increased. Nick was the first one in the water this time, and I quickly followed. He practically pushed me against the back wall of the shower as he came in for a kiss. I gladly accepted the advance, but I was in an awkward position, so I had to stand up straight, which caused Nick to back up.

"How are we ever going to get clean if we keep wasting time?" I asked.

"I guess we'll just have to stay here longer," Nick answered, his hands roaming around my sides.

"Oh, okay. Just wanted to know."

Nick grabbed a bar of soap, and began moving it over my chest, slowly, until I had soapsuds all over me. He got down on one knee, and went up one leg and down the other, stopping briefly in the middle to admire the view. He then quickly took me in his mouth, which surprised me greatly. I wasn't expecting this, and it didn't take Nick long to bring me to orgasm. My knees felt weak, and they almost buckled as Nick stood back up. Fortunately, he was there to catch me before I went completely down.

"Are you okay?" Nick asked out of concern.

"Are you kidding?" I answered. "I just wasn't expecting that. That felt incredible," I said, making Nick smile.

I started down to return the favor, when Nick stopped me. "There isn't time for that now. We shouldn't take too much more time."

"I'll owe you one, then," I said to Nick.

"You don't owe me anything, Cam. You've already given me everything I have always wanted."

That comment touched me, and I almost broke down right there, but I was able to contain myself. Nick then turned me around, washing my back, playing a little along the way. As soon as he was finished, I turned him around, and did the same.

Several minutes later, we were finished and drying off. Nick put on a robe, and went out to the living room to call Brian. When I walked out a few minutes later, he was sitting on the floor in front of the couch, with the phone by his side.

"Haven't decided what to tell him yet?"

"Yeah. I don't really know what I am going to say. He will know what happened right away. He's always been able to see through me. I just don't want to make the call," Nick said nervously.

I moved over to the couch, and sat down behind him. I pulled his robe from the back, loosening it so I could push it down his back. I began massaging his shoulders. He was really tense, and I hadn't realized that calling Brian would be this stressful. As I continued to work on his shoulders and his neck, he began to loosen up a bit. He was in a completely different world at the moment, so I wasn't going to try to talk to him. He needed to do this on his own, when he was ready. A few minutes later, he picked up the phone, and dialed the numbers slowly, one by one.

"Bri?" He started.

"Nick, is that you? What took you so long? I thought you were going to call hours ago."

I could feel Nick tensing up again, so I continued to work on his muscles, trying to counteract the effect.

"We just woke up a while ago. We were really tired last night, and decided to sleep in," Nick responded, hoping that would be a sufficient answer, all the while knowing that it would not be.

"Oh," Brian said a moment later, slowly catching on. "Nick, what happened last night?"

"What are you talking about?" Nick asked, trying the last line of defense: ignorance.

"Nick, I know something happened last night, or you wouldn't have ever stayed in bed that long. Did you have a fight or something?" Brian asked, knowing that the answer would be no.

"Of course not, Brian. Everything is fine. Better than fine, actually," he said, immediately realizing what he had just said. Nick's muscles weren't the only ones that tensed up at that moment.

"I think I understand. You and Cameron...well, you guys, finally took the next step, didn't you?" Brian asked.

Nick sat in silence for a moment, and I knew that Brian had asked the question.

"Yes," Nick said, barely loud enough for me to hear.

"That's what I thought. You guys thought you were ready for that?"

"We were more than ready, Brian. We love each other, and nothing will change that," Nick answered, becoming louder.

"Well, I am not sure that you guys should have taken that step, but...congratulations. You couldn't have picked a better boyfriend," Brian admitted. Nick immediately relaxed, and he leaned his head back between my legs, looking up at me, sighing with relief. I just smiled, and reached up, pushing his still wet hair out of his face.

"Thanks, Bri. I'm so glad you know now. I've been worried about it all morning, when I should have been enjoying my time with Cameron."

"I'm sorry. I don't want to interfere in your relationship, Nick. I know that you value my opinion, just as I value yours, but that doesn't mean that you should let others run your life, myself included," Brian offered, giving his advice.

"I know that, but it isn't easy. I will try to work on that in the future," Nick said, looking up at me and smiling.

"Good. Well, I guess breakfast is out of the question, so why don't we meet for a late lunch?" Brian asked.

"Okay...we'll come over there, and then we can go do something," Nick suggested.

"Sounds like a winner. See you soon, buddy," Brian said, hanging up the phone.

"Now, that wasn't so bad, was it?" I asked, caressing his shoulders.

"It went well. He wants to meet us for lunch, so we should get ready."

I didn't really feel like going out, and I knew that Brian and Nick needed some time to themselves. After all, they were planning on spending their vacation together, and I had changed all that. I know Nick didn't mind, but I didn't want Brian to feel the same way.

"Why don't you just go and spend some time with Brian. You two haven't spent a lot of time together, and I don't really feel like going out right now."

"Are you feeling okay, Cam?" Nick asked out of concern.

"I'm fine, Nick, but I just think you two should spend some time together while we are still here in Colorado. It won't be long before we are leaving, you know."

"Well, I'd rather have you there, but if you want to stay here, I can live with that. I guess I should go get dressed," Nick said, starting to stand up. His robe was down around his waist, and as he stood up, I grabbed it so it would fall to the floor, leaving his beautiful, naked body in front of me.

"Hey! I said I needed to get dressed, not undressed!"

"Oh. I guess I misunderstood," I said, reaching up and running my hand down the middle of his back. "Go then."

Nick simply rolled his eyes, and walked into the bedroom. He returned a few minutes later, looking quite attractive.

"I don't know if I like you going out looking so good. I am sure there will be guys and girls all over you."

"That may be, but I think I can fight them off...that is, unless one of them is really cute," he said. I reached over and picked up one of the couch cushions, throwing it directly at him. He tried to shield himself, but his efforts went for naught as I scored a direct hit.

"Yes, Brian, I am in an abusive relationship," he said, pretending to be in conversation with Brian.

"You're going to think abusive in a minute," I warned, cringing when I realized how much I sounded like my father. "Damn, that brings back memories. My father says that all the time. You're going to think, fill in the blank, in a minute," I said, laughing.

"On that note, I think I am going to leave, before you frighten me anymore," Nick said, walking toward the door.

"Good idea, but I think you are forgetting something," I observed.

"Oh yeah, my wallet," he said, feeling his back pocket.

"Funny guy," I said. Nick then walked over to me, leaning down for a kiss. He briefly reached inside my robe, touching my chest.

"Be good," he said, patting me.

"Why start now?" I replied. He grinned, and then opened the door, walking out.

I have to admit that I was almost relieved when Nick left. I just needed some time to myself, to think about both the past and the future. Plus, I didn't want Brian to feel left out. Too many times in my life, I have experienced that feeling, when some of my closest friends have been involved in relationships. Suddenly, they no longer have time for anyone else, and I didn't want that to happen to Brian.

For the first time since I had been in Colorado, I had time to get out my computer to check my e-mail, and find out what was going on in the world.

I spent a few hours reading and responding to e-mail, and reading all my favorite websites, as I knew I had been neglecting my duties as a political science major.

I read all the latest political news, and as usual, I got worked up about it. As I read some of the quotes of one of the two presidential candidates, I literally started yelling right at the computer screen. I know I probably looked like a lunatic, but I didn't really care. I have been very passionate about politics since I was three years old, when I was hooked by watching the 1980 election night coverage on the television.

As I continued to vent my frustration, I suddenly realized that I was no longer alone. As my last comment trailed off, I looked over to see Nick standing there, his arms folded, smiling contently.

"Uh, having fun, Cam?" He asked as I looked up at him.

"Well, yeah, I guess so," I responded sheepishly.

"Glad to hear it. Have you been sitting here the whole time I was gone?" Nick asked, noticing that I was still in my robe.

"No. I had to go to the bedroom to get my computer," I responded, looking down, noticing my current state of undress.

"I see. Well, I am here now, so I expect you to get dressed."

"Is that so?" I asked, and Nick nodded. "So, you wouldn't want me to do...this?" I said as I opened my robe to reveal myself.

"Well, uh..."

"That's what I thought."

"That's not really fair, Cam."

"And why not?"

"You're taking advantage of one of my weaknesses."

"And that would be?"

"You. You are my weakness."

I smiled, and approached Nick; kissing him, with my robe still wide open.

"See, there you go," Nick said. "Now I have to take you to bed."

"I could live with that," I responded.

We did go to my room, and we did make love in the middle of the afternoon. It was even better than the night before, and neither of us wanted to ever leave each other's presence.

"Cam, can I ask you a question?"

"Of course you can," I responded, turning to look at him lying next to me.

"We're almost two miles above sea level, so have we officially joined the Mile High club?" He said, grinning.

"Oh, Nick...that was bad," I said, laughing.

"Hey, I am trying. You have such a great sense of humor, and you always have such great comebacks. How do you do it?"

"Well, here's the first lesson of comedy. Timing is..." I said, prompting Nick to answer. He had a confused look on his face, so I finally answered for him. "Everything, Nick. Everything. We have some work to do," I observed.

"Yeah, well, at least I have a good teacher."

"No doubt about that one," I replied arrogantly.

"So, what were you yelling about earlier when you were at the computer?" Nick asked, changing the subject.

"I was getting my politics fix for the day, and I happened to read part of a campaign speech, and it drove me up the wall. I can't believe that anyone could lie so blatantly about something, and not even bat an eye."

"Which candidate was it?"

"Are you sure you want to know?" I asked.

"Yeah, I do."

"The candidate I was yelling at was Al Gore. I simply cannot stand that man. I know that I am supposed to be a good Democrat because I am gay, but I can't do it. I don't let one factor determine where I stand on the issues, as there are far more important issues than sexual orientation in my mind."

"Wow. I certainly didn't expect that," Nick said.

"Does it bother you?"

"Not really. I haven't paid a lot of attention to politics, so I really don't know what I believe, but you being conservative does surprise me."

"It surprises a lot of people, but I don't mind," I said. "I am not afraid of my beliefs, and what other people think about it does not concern me."

"I see. Well, since this is the first presidential election I can vote in, I guess I will have to do some research, or you may come after me."

"I won't tell you how to vote, but I will answer any questions you have."

"Sounds good to me. Wow, I never thought I would talk politics in bed after having sex."

I burst out laughing. "Sex and politics. It really doesn't get any better than this," I said, leaning back, enjoying the moment.

We talked the rest of the afternoon, and stayed in bed the rest of the day. I knew that we wouldn't have many more opportunities like this, and I think Nick sensed it too. We needed to make the most of our time while we had it, as our lives were about to become chaotic at best once we returned to our normal lives.

We spent the next few days together, and with Brian, doing everything we could think of while we still had the time in Colorado. Our final day here was fast approaching, and I hoped that our relationship would thrive when we weren't in the shadow of the mountains.

On our last night, Nick and I went out for a walk around the complex in which we were staying. It got quite cold at night, so we were both wearing sweatshirts and jeans.

"It feels a lot like fall," Nick commented.

"Yeah, it does," I responded, squeezing Nick's hand.

As we walked in the moonlight, my mind wandered, and I began thinking about the fall. I had been optimistic about our ability to be strong while we were apart, but apparently I was having a weak moment, as a few tears started falling. Nick looked over at me, and was immediately concerned.

"What's wrong, Cam?"

"Just thinking. You mentioned fall, and I realized that it was just around the corner. We will be so far apart, and I have kind of gotten used to having you around."

"Cameron, you know that I love you, and I will always be with you, right here," Nick said, placing his hand over my heart. I smiled, and looked over at him.

"I thought I was supposed to be the strong one, and you are the one holding up far better than I am. I am going to miss you," I said as Nick pulled me into a hug.

"I am not going anywhere, Cam. We've got several days together before you drop me off in Chicago, so let's just enjoy those days while we have them. Before you know it, we will be together all the time."

We stood there for several minutes while I regained my composure, and soon we were walking again, without saying another word. I was determined to make the next few days the best in both of our lives, and I had a few surprises up my sleeve that Nick didn't know about. 'He will find out soon enough,' I thought with a smile as the path led us back to where we started several days ago; a place that I would never forget as long as I lived.

Well, that's it for Chapter 14...sorry about the political statements, but I was in a political mood with the other national convention starting. The next few chapters will be covering a longer time least, that is the plan for now. I just felt like I needed one more chapter (the one you just read) in the mountains before they leave to start the next phase of their relationship.

E-mail is always appreciated (, so let me know what you think!

Thanks for reading!

Next: Chapter 15

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