Mile High Meeting

By Cameron J

Published on Jul 11, 2000


Hello, all! I am finally back from vacationing in Colorado (no, I didn't actually meet Nick there, unfortunately), so I am going to try to get back into the swing of things. I don't really know where this story is heading, but I am having fun with it, so hopefully the ideas will keep coming to me! Please e-mail me with comments or suggestions (

If you are too young to be reading this, then why are you? Don't you know that you aren't supposed to be here? Kids these days...

This is not meant to imply anything about the orientation of anyone mentioned within, and is a work of fiction. That being goes...

Mile High Meeting-Chapter 4

We broke our kiss a moment later, and when I looked at him, he had a slightly confused expression on his face. I surmised that he was trying to figure out why I had kissed him.

"Trying to figure out why I did that?" I inquired.

"As a matter of fact, yes," Nick responded, obviously surprised that I could read him so well.

"Consider it a promise. A promise that I will stand by you and help you through anything."

"Is that all it was?"

"Well, I hope that it isn't just a promise. In fact, I hope it is just the beginning, but I don't have any psychic friends to tell me what the future holds," I said, joking. "I do know for a fact that I am feeling things I haven't felt in a long time, and I would like to see where those emotions take me, if you are interested in making the same journey."

"I would like that. Who knows, it may even be fun," Nick responded, laughing.

"If we're lucky," I said sarcastically.

Nick then took my hand in his, and turned back to look at the lake. We stood there for a few moments in silence, just enjoying the moment. Although I had been feeling anxious all day, I felt surprisingly calm with Nick next to me. He seemed to have a calming effect on me. 'That could come in handy,' I thought to myself as I looked over at him. I have always been a very intense person, and I always pour all of my energy into everything I do. I am a textbook perfectionist, and therefore I have a tendency to get over-excited when things don't go the way I had planned. I had been concerned that I would not make a favorable impression when Nick and Brian arrived, but I was feeling more secure than I had in a long time.

After a few more minutes, Nick finally spoke.

"Should we go tell Brian the good news?"

"The news?" I asked. I wasn't quite sure what news he was referring to.

"You know, the news about us? That we are going to try a relationship?" Nick asked, looking a bit concerned that we weren't on the same page.

I didn't want him to worry, so I smiled and nodded slightly. "Okay. We can tell him that we are going to see what happens between us," I paused for a moment before continuing, "...but then we have to sit down and talk ourselves. I don't want Brian to feel left out, so we don't have to talk right away, but I would like to have some time, just the two of us."

"That's fine with me, Cam. Let's just go enjoy the rest of the evening with Brian for now, and not worry about anything else," Nick said. He then motioned his head back toward the sliding glass door, and I followed him, hand-in-hand as we went back inside.

As we walked into the living room, Brian immediately looked in our direction, and smiled as he saw us holding hands.

"Hey guys. I see that your talk went well."

"Yeah, it did," Nick said proudly. "Cameron agreed to put up with me for a while to help me sort out my feelings, and we'll see where things go from there."

"Yeah. It will be difficult, but I think we'll get young Nick through this," I said, laughing.

"Hey, who are you calling young?" Nick questioned.

"Why, you of course. Someone has to keep an eye on you, so you don't get into trouble. I have young nephews who always seem to get into trouble, so I am quite experienced." I said with a straight face as Brian started to laugh.

Nick started to pout, and I couldn't hold out anymore, so I began to laugh as I told Nick that I was only kidding.

"Cameron, you don't know how accurate you really are," Brian said. "It takes all four of us to keep Nick in line, so I hope you are up to the challenge," Brian said as he stood up, putting his arm around my shoulder.

"I think I can manage," I said, with a wink as I smiled at Nick. He stopped his mock pouting, and smiled back at me, almost melting my heart completely.

I suddenly began to realize how hungry I was, and began looking around toward the kitchen when I spotted what was left of the pizza we had ordered.

I noticed that there were a few pieces missing as I approached it, and I looked back at Brian with an expression of shock.

"Why didn't you tell us that the food was here?" I asked.

"Well, you guys looked comfortable out on the deck, so I thought I would leave you two alone. It should still be warm."

"Okay. I guess I can forgive you for that," I said as I found two plates, dishing up pizza for Nick and I. I walked back toward the living room, handing one plate to Nick as we sat down on the couch. He sat down close to me, but tried not to set too close. I think we were both a bit unsure as to how to proceed, but I was confident that we would both become much more comfortable as time went on.

As it turned out, the movie we ordered was an all day rental, so we did get to watch all of American Beauty, and I noticed how uncomfortable Nick was during the scenes dealing with homosexuality. I tried to make myself as useful as possible, putting my hand on his leg, trying to comfort him without being too forward.

We all must have been tired, because we all ended up falling asleep before it was over. As the credits were rolling, I opened my eyes to see Brian slumped over to one side in his chair, and Nick laying down to my left. I was a bit disappointed that he wasn't leaning up against me, but tried not to read too much into it. This was new to both of us, so it would be a learning process for Nick and I.

I sat there for a few minutes, just watching Nick sleep before I got up to get something to drink. I had been thirsty for almost the whole movie, but didn't want to get up, so I took this opportunity to do so. Apparently, I was louder than I had intended to be, because they were both awake when I returned.

"Hey guys...enjoy the movie?"

"About as much as you did," Brian said, still half-asleep.

I smiled, and asked the two of them if they wanted anything to drink, and Brian declined, telling me that they really should be going soon. I looked over at Nick, who just looked down at the floor with a bit of a frown. I couldn't blame him, as I was feeling the same way, but I didn't want to argue with Brian and get on his bad side.

"Yeah, I am getting pretty tired too. I should get some sleep because I plan on doing a lot of sightseeing tomorrow," I said, not making Nick feel any better. However, he didn't yet know that I was planning on asking him to go with me if he was interested.

"I have some plans too, so I need to get some rest," Brian commented.

Nick was feeling more dejected by the minute, so I was going to ask him to join me in the morning, but the politician came out in me as I couldn't just directly ask him.

"Nick, what are your plans for tomorrow? Have you got a full day planned?"

"Not really. Bri and I decided that we were going to have tomorrow to ourselves, but I didn't plan anything, so I will probably just end up hanging around the condo all day," he said unenthusiastically.

"Well, I was going to ask you to join me tomorrow, but you sound like you are booked, so I guess I will just have to find some other boy band member to go with me," I joked, sitting back down beside him.

"No! I mean, I think I could clear my schedule to accommodate your request," Nick said, cracking a smile.

"Excellent. Contact my secretary to schedule a time."

"I would do that," Nick said, playing along, "but my messages never seem to get through to you. Do you have a personal number that I could use to reach you?"

"I certainly do, but I don't give that number out to just anyone."

"If you two comedians don't mind, I would really like to leave, so just exchange numbers so we can go," Brian insisted, half kidding.

"Well, he certainly is grumpy when he is tired," I observed.

"You have no idea," Nick said, earning himself a slap on the shoulder from Brian.

"Well, I am certainly glad that you guys could come over tonight. It's not every day that I get to meet world famous entertainers."

"It's not every day that we get the chance to just relax and hang out with some average people. We really do appreciate it," Brian said as he walked toward me.

"Hey, who are you calling average?" I asked.

"You're right, you are not average at all. After all, you are one of very few people that can stand Nick. That makes you quite unique!"

Brian and I laughed at the comment as Nick pretended to be offended. He soon had to admit that it was mildly funny.

"Don't let Brian kid you. You are a very special person, and I am grateful that we met," Nick said sincerely.

I was touched by his comment, and if I were the crying type (which I am not, for the most part), it would have caused me to tear up. However, I was still moved, and I walked over to him, and gave him a hug.

"You know, you're pretty special too, and don't forget that," I said.

"Oh, man. Let's go before I get sick," Brian said, laughing.

"Sorry, Brian. I don't want you to feel left out." I then grabbed him, and pulled him into Nick and I. We all started laughing, and the group hug didn't last long.

Nick reached for my hand as we walked toward the front door, with Brian in front of us. Just as Brian reached for the handle, Nick squeezed my hand tightly, and then let go as Brian looked back.

"Cameron, it was really nice to meet you, and I look forward to seeing you soon," Brian said, extending his hand like a true gentleman.

"The pleasure was all mine," I responded, shaking his hand firmly.

Brian then walked out into the hallway, to give Nick and I a minute to say goodbye. Nick, taking the initiative, brought his hand to my face, and gently placed it under my chin, raising my head up until my eyes met his. He quietly whispered 'thank you' as he leaned in to kiss me. Our lips met, and although we didn't have time for a long kiss, it was very enjoyable nonetheless.

I didn't want the moment to end, but I also didn't want to keep Brian waiting, so I broke the kiss a moment later, then mouthing the words 'thank you' right back to him.

He smiled, and I knew that we didn't need to say another word. He walked out the door, and kept looking back as they walked down the hallway. He took one more glance back at the door as they went down the stairs, and smiled slightly before they disappeared out of sight.

I stood in the doorway for a moment in a trance before regaining my composure. I walked inside, closing the door behind me. I took a drink of the water I had poured myself, before turning off the television and walking into my room. As I began to undress for bed, the reality of the day began to sink in, and I couldn't believe that two members of the Backstreet Boys spent the afternoon with me, and one of them wants to pursue a relationship with me.

As I shed my boxer-briefs, and pulled back the covers, my mind kept focusing on Nick, and I had a feeling that I wouldn't be getting much sleep tonight as I contemplated the possibilities. However, I was still quite tired and, fortunately, sleep came easily.

Well, that's it for Chapter 4. I had planned on making it longer, but I just wanted to get something out since I have been away for a while, and I wanted to ease my way back into the story. The next segments should be lengthier. As always, please e-mail with comments or suggestions at

Thanks for reading!

Next: Chapter 5

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