Military Sissyboy

By ten.vtbew@namgits

Published on Jan 29, 2001


I have read many stories on the web about guys becoming gay or bisexual. I wonder many times if I had not entered the Service if I would have ever arrived at the place I am now in my life.

I graduated early from high school after taking some summer courses and I wanted to get out of the grubby little town where I was raised. I also didn't like school that much and even if my parents could have afforded it, I doubt that I would have gone on to college. I decided to join the U.S. Army and see some of the world. I tried to get into the airborne forces but I was too short a 5'7 and at that time you were required to be at least 5'8. In peacetime they are very picky. Dissappointed I settled for the regular army.

I went the normal 16 weeks of boot-camp and was assigned to a unit a Ft. Ord near Monterey in California. I spent a 30 day leave at home but couldn't wait to get to Calf. as I had heard so much about the life there. I had an Aunt and two cousins who lived just outside San Francisco and I hoped I would get a chance to viisit them. My female cousin was the first girl I ever messed around with before she and her family left for California. We would wait until we were alone and then she would show me her little boobs and I would play with them and suck on them. I will never forget the first time I ran my finger into her virgin pussy and she just moaned with pleasure. This became a regular occurence with us. She was three years older than me and one day I talked her into kissing my cock. She was very tentative at first but three days later after a lot pursuassion she took it in her mouth as I felt the first real lust of my young life. After the first time she did it without hesitation and I entered the most joyous period of my youth., getting sucked on a regular basis. She would never let me cum in her mouth but would watch with fascination as I finished off with my fist. I couldn't wait to meet her again and who knows, maybe we could pick up where we left off? But she was married now so I put those dreams out of my mind and concentrated on my life in the Army. I did well my unit and soon I started to be noticed by some of the higher ranking NCO's. One particular sargent took me under his wing so to speak and we became good friends. He was liason for several units and he took me around with him to show me the ropes. I drove the jeep and we had a chance to see some of the beautiful contryside around Monterey. The beaches were beautiful and several movies have been filmed in that area. We would sometimes be gone all day and we would have the cooks fix us a sack lunch to eat. I really began to appreciate this guy as my father never had much time for me as he worked two jobs most of his life to support us. We would sit parked in a deserted part of the sandy beach and eat our lunch while watching the surf and the flying fish jump out in the ocean. I really began to look foward to these little trips. He told me about his divorce and how he had caught his wife fucking a Major from a nearby unit while he was stationed at another base in Arkansas. He divorced her and applied for transfer and wound up where we were now. I told him about my boring childhood and even told him about messing with my cousin, something I had never told anyone before. I just felt at ease with him and felt I had known him always.

I started to plan a weekend in San Francisco after calling my cousin and checking with her. She lived near my Aunt in a little town called Rodeo and informed me there was an extra room there. I asked if I could bring a friend and my Aunt said to bring him but there was only one big bed in the spare room. I told her it was no problem and I asked Sargent Pomeroy if he would like to go. I was a little selfish in the fact that he had a car and it would save me riding the bus. But I really wanted him to go too. He accepted and told me he knew the area pretty well and we could visit some of the places in San Francisco. We applied for passes and left two weeks later on Friday after "Retreat" sounded. His car was a beautiful Pontiac convertable and we breezed along up the highway with the wind blowing through our hair. I was never more relaxed and happy as I dozed off and on as he drove.

He did know the area pretty well and after only a little searching we pulled into my Aunt's drive in front of a pretty Spanish styled white adobe home. It looked like a small hacienda and it was beautiful. After all the normal ado's and a good hug from my Aunt we tossed out gear in the big bedroom. It had a very large bed with four post reaching toward the ceiling. I bounced on it once and couldn't wait to sleep in a real bed for a change. We had a snack and talked a few minutes but soon hit the sack as we were both sleepy and tired. We were accustomed to "lights out" at the base and that was Ten o'clock. I was already in bed when Sargent Pomeroy came in from the bathroom . When he stood in front of the dresser I could see his giant frame in the light of the small lamp. We both wore those terrible army shorts that snapped at the waist and had the long fly that never stayed closed. I was always stuffing my prick back in and I hated them.

I will finish this later so come back to find out what happens in the bed that night....

Next: Chapter 2

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