Milking Duty

By Jason

Published on Jan 18, 1999


This is the standard disclaimer. There sex in this story. There is foul language in this story. If either of these offends you or the thought of two men being intimate with one another causes you to freak out, stop here -- save yourself the trouble. You should be of age if you are reading this, probably not a good idea to read this to children as a bedtime story. Feel free to copy the story if you want, but please, give me credit. Thanks, Jason.

This story is based on some facts and some fantasies. Enjoy.

The warm breeze hit him in the face as he looked out across the open field. So much had changed in the past six months. He had turned eighteen, he had graduated high school, and now, thanks to his parents, Jason was going to college. The very thought of more school sickened him. He had spent twelve years in the prison that was called school. The fact was, Jason had no direction at all. He knew that he liked to have fun, but his father preached that hard work would bring happiness, fun would not. Somehow Jason figured that was not true.

Jason grew up in a small farming community in central Kentucky called Ballard. He and his parents lived in the exact house that his grandparents and his great-grandparents had lived in. Growing up on a farm kept Jason busy most of the time. His strict catholic parents were relentless. It seemed that all he could remember of his childhood was his parents yelling at him. They were not the most patient of parents that was for sure.

Jason had one job on the farm. He milked the cows, twice a day, 365 days a year. It was not his favorite job, but compared to the things that his older brother and sister had to help with, he considered himself lucky. Still, Jason found that this never-ending chore took most of his time. He had friends, they were farm kids as well, so they were busy just like he was. They often got together after the chores were done for the night at the local Catholic Church parking lot, Saint Ivo. Jason rarely stayed as late as the other kids did, his parents were quite strict with his curfew. He was to be home and in bed by 9:30. Many times, Jason would only go up to his room and pretend that he was in bed, having quietly climbed out on the porch roof and down column of the front porch and out to the road where he met his friends, Mike and Jacob. Being from a catholic family, alcohol was never hard to find. They would ride in Jacob's truck and drink, even though neither three was sixteen.

Now Jason was a strange combination of happy, sad and scared. He was happy to be leaving the farm and all of its time consuming chores. He liked the fact that he would be in the dorm, away from all of his parent's rules and yelling. Jason was scared simply because his world was changing. In a month he would be loading his things up in his blazer and driving the 72 miles to Saint Catharine College (one more decision that his family controlled, he was sent to a catholic college with nuns and priests and the whole works). At least Mike would be with him, they had decided to go to the same college or at least their parents had decided.

Mike was the best friend that a guy could have. Since they were six years old, Jason and Mike were inseparable, spending every free moment together. They liked the same things like horseback riding, singing, and of course masturbation. It had been about 7 years ago when Mike and Jason had discovered the neat little trick that their privates could do. Many hours were spent in the hayloft, the milk room, and the feed shed exercising their boyhood cocks. Mike was tall, 6'4 and thin. His dark hair was often covered by his red cap. His back was browned by the long hours spent in the fields plowing and raising his families' tobacco crop. Mike's dark brown eyes were to die for, so innocent, yet so devious and a killer smile, the girls loved him. He played basketball and was very strong and athletic. He made A's in math and could tear a tractor motor apart and put it back together with ease.

Jason was much smaller than Mike. They were quite an odd couple. Jason was 5'6 and thin. His blue eyes were like the sky and his hair was a strange mixture of blond and black. He too was athletic, but his size made him choose another sport, baseball. He was very quick on his feet and quite deadly on the baseball field, it was the only thing that his parents adjusted the rules for. When baseball season came around, the chores were adjusted for practice and games. While Jason was good at the game, it never really interested him like it did his teammates. His father had pushed him into it, and he had gone along just to please him, but it had quirks, no milking chores through the week. Jason was the academic of the family. He passed physics with no problem, barely cracking a book and could write a paper the night before it was due and make it sound as though he had spent weeks researching it. He was popular with the girls as well, but was strictly forbidden to date. His parents were determined that what happened to his older brother would not happen to him.

Jason took a deep breath, smelling the grass around him, he turned and walked toward the barn, it would soon be time to milk the cows. Garth Brook's song "the thunder rolls" played through his mind as he hummed along. As he approached the barn, he could hear the calves bawling for their mothers. The barn had a familiar smell, or as familiar as the smell of cow shit could be. Mike crossed his mind, Jason wondered what he was going to do tonight, he decided that he would give him a call when his chores were done. Jason opened the door and began assembling the tools for the night's chores.

Jason hurried through the chores, and jogged to the house. As he came around the corner of the tool shed he heard some tools rattling. He stuck his head in the door to see his brother and his father replacing some of the blades on the disk. The very sight of them made his stomach churn. Gary, Jason's older brother, had always been the favorite. He stood 6' tall and had powerful muscles across his chest and in his arms. He looked so much like their father, that Jason had trouble telling them apart from behind. He started to go in but then decided not to, who needed a long explanation of how one should learn to do their own mechanics as it would save lots of money. Jason turned toward the house. He watched some sort of bird perch on the eve of the house and he could smell supper cooking. The sun was going down and the air was getting cooler as he went in the front door.

"Jason take those nasty boots off!" his mother warned.

"Yes mom." He mumbled.

"Mike called, wanted you to call him I think", his mom said as she turned the steak over in the frying pan.

"What time did he call?"

"About twenty minutes ago" she said impatiently.

Jason kicked off his boots and ran up the stairs and dialed the phone as he flipped on his stereo. He put Pink Floyd in because he knew his mother disapproved. The phone rang twice as he heard a deep voice on the other end say "hello."

"Mr. Mattingly, this is Jason, can I speak to Mike?"

"Yeah hold on a sec."

Jason held the phone as he heard his mother at the bottom of the stairs yell "turn that shit down!" He rolled his eyes and giggled to himself as Mike's voice came on the other end. "Hey guy what's up?" Mike said enthusiastically.

"Not much for real, just getting yelled at, you know the usual", Jason laughed.

"Whatcha doin tonight?"

"Not much, guess I'll go up to the church and hang out for awhile, you seen Jacob?"

"Yeah I talked to him this morning, said he was going to Frankfort with Kirsten, guess he's hard up and needs some", Mike laughed.

"Well what is new with that? Guess he will be back afterwards to brag" Jason laughed "guess it is just you and me then, are you bringing the drink?"

"yeah my cousin Brad got a bottle of Makers Mark for me last night, should make our night pass quite well, ya think?" Mike bragged.

"No doubt! I will meet ya there around eight."

"Sure thing guy, later!"

Jason chucked off his jeans and his T-shirt and pitched them in the corner knowing that his mother hated it when he left things in the floor like that. Grabbing some clean underwear and socks, he dug through the pile of clean clothes on the chair at the end of the bed and snatched some blue-jean shorts and his Old Navy T-shirt and headed for the shower.

Jason closed his eyes and let the hot water hit his face. His mind wondered back to the hill that he had stood on earlier in the day, the yellow flowers in the pasture, the blue sky, the black and white of the cows and their sharp contrast to the bright green of the grass. His image was interrupted as he heard his father beating on the bathroom door, yelling "water is not free it can't take that long for you to wash." Jason rolled his eyes and cussed under his breath at his father. Over the years, Jason had grown to dislike his father. Nothing he did ever seemed to be enough to impress that man. All that he ever heard was stinging criticism. He could not recall the number of times that he was encouraged to be more like his older brother.

Jason reached down and turned off the water and felt around the curtain for a towel. He pulled the curtain back and stepped out of the shower. He could see himself in the mirror. The water shinned on his hairless body, his brown nipples and the line of muscles that outlined his chest and stomach. He posed for a minute to look at himself in the mirror, admiring how his cock hung down. It was not huge, but an impressive seven and a half inches. He smiled at himself as he threw on some deodorant and cologne. He slid into his clean clothes and paused before he opened the bathroom door. He knew that he would have to make a quick get away if he was to escape the twenty questions and harsh advice that awaited him in the kitchen. He took a deep breath and opened the door. He walked swiftly through the house, stopping only to slide on his shoes and grab his baseball cap. He went out the door as he heard his mother yelling about the water in the bathroom floor. He hopped in his blazer and drove quickly down the driveway, exhaling in relief that he had made it out.

Jason pulled up to see Mike already holding the bottle of Makers Mark in the window and smiling. Mike grabbed his cigarettes and the bottle of whiskey and jumped in Jason's blazer and they were off. They both knew better than drinking and driving but rationalized it by staying in the country knowing that police officers were extremely rare in the area, especially after 8 o'clock.

Two hours later the boys ended up behind Saint Ivo church. The area was wooded and hardly anyone had any reason to go behind it. The cemetery was quiet and made the perfect spot to hide. Many nights had been spent there, laughing and talking about the things that concern teenagers. Tonight was no exception.

Mike passed the bottle to Jason wiping his lips from the shot he had just taken. Jason brought the bottle up to his nose. He loved the smell of bourbon. He turned the bottle up and took a large drink. As he brought the bottle back down, he clenched his teeth and inhaled sharply. The bourbon burned his throat and made his eyes water. The radio was playing "Hooch" by Everything. Jason leaned back against the seat and broke the silence.

"What do ya think college is gonna be like?"

"Don't know, but all that really matters is that we are outta this place and away from our parents."

"Yeah, that does sound so good", Jason muttered.

Both boys were drunk. The bottle was over half empty. The night was still, the moon shown bright and the stars sparkled furiously above. The fireflies were all around them and the dew-wet grass glittered brightly across the cemetery. Suddenly Mike started to laugh out loud.

"Do you remember that time that we were in the hay loft beating off and your father nearly caught us. I have never put my clothes on so fast in all of my life."

Laughing, Jason said "yeah, and you were trying to run and pull up your pants and fell over one of the bales and just about dislocated your knee. That was hilarious man."

The silence was back and Jason began to wonder why Mike had been thinking of that, or the fact that they were beating off together. Jason remembered how Mikes' cock looked. It was big, larger than his by at least two inches and curved to the right when it was hard. Jason felt himself getting hard thinking about Mikes' cock. He looked over at his friend. Mike sat there with his hand lying on his crotch nonchalantly. His other hand lay on the door with a Marlboro smoking. He had a grin on his face as though he was thinking about something humorous.

"Mike, why did you say that, about us beating off and stuff?"

"Don't know, just sitting here thinking how long it had been since you and I had done that I guess. I think we did it here last, in your mom's Buick remember?"

Jason thought about it and said, "yeah I think it was."

Silence returned until it was broken with a most bizarre question from Mike.

"Jason you ever wonder what it would be like to have screw a man?"

Jason sat there, hardly believing what his friend had just asked. His head started to spin and his cock was pressing hard against his jeans. Jason could hardly believe it when he heard himself say, "yeah I have wondered a few times, why?"

"I guess I just liked it when you and me used to jerk off together. I'm hard now thinkin' bout it. I been thinkin bout it lately, must be the heat or somethin'. Don't reckon I am a fag do ya?"

Jason thought about it and said "nah, I think about it too ya know. Mom and dad won't let me date girls so I gotta jerk off for relief, and I think 'bout you and me jerkin off back then."

Silence returned. The crickets sang loud and the pond frogs could be heard from the lake just down the hill. A whipper will sang in the distance. Jason's mind was racing. The thought of seeing Mike jerk off again was quite exciting. In the back of his mind he was afraid to be too eager, fearing that Mike would notice and think he was gay or something.

Mike broke the silence, "Think you'd like to suck on my dick? I'd suck yours if ya did."

Jason thought that he would explode from the invitation. As calm and cool a reaction as he could muster, he said, "yeah I guess so. What could it hurt?"

With that mike exhaled deeply and unzipped his pants. The light from the radio put a green cast over the cab of the truck. There it was. That cock that had so amazed him in the past. Tonight he would get to do much more than watch, he would actually get to touch it. Jason watched as Mike eased his Levi's down to his knees and started to play with his balls. Mike looked over at Jason who was watching intensely.

"Well here it is. How ya wanna start?"

Jason's eyes were locked on target and he was so mesmerized by this turn of events that he nearly missed his friend's question. "umm uh, guess I'll come around there."

With that Jason took another drink from the bottle and opened the door. The liquor made him dizzy as he started to walk around the truck. He heard Mike open the door as he stumbled around the corner of the truck. Jason was so eager that he quickly dropped to his knees by the side of the truck. Mike slid around so that he was half standing and half leaning on the seat. Jason could feel the dew on his knees. His head was spinning, either from the excitement or the liquor, he couldn't tell which. He put his hands on Mikes' legs to balance himself and he laughed nervously. He could feel Mike's warm skin and the hair on his leg. It was dark but Jason had no trouble making out the huge member that hung in front of him. Slowly, Jason brought his mouth to Mikes' cock.

"Oh fuck yeah, ummm, damn" Mike hissed.

Jason had never done this before and was a little nervous that he may not do it right. Mike's noises urged him on though. They didn't sound like noises that pain caused. Jason slid the cock into his mouth as far as it would go, and there were still two inches that would not fit. Mike looked down as his best friend gave him head. He gently brought his hand down and turned Jason's baseball cap around backwards and then rested his hand at the base of Jason's neck. He started to rock his hips rhythmically with the song by All Saints "never ever" that was playing on the radio. Jason caught the hint and started to pull back on Mike's rod only to slowly swallow it again.

Jason could smell Mike's crotch. He could smell the soap that he had showered with earlier mixed with the musky scent of manhood. All of this mixed with the stout smell of bourbon. Jason closed his eyes as he savored the taste of his friend. Mike's pace quickened as a new song started on the radio. Jason's jaws were starting to ache but he had no intention of stopping. Suddenly, Jason felt something hit the back of his throat. It was cum. Mike had shot his load in his mouth. He had not even thought that far in advance and was not prepared to take the load. Mike's cum was salty, thick and creamy. Jason's eyes watered as he pulled off Mike's cock and swallowed furiously as some of the hot liquid ran down his chin. Jason sat back on his haunches and looked up at his friend who had shed his shirt and was looking down at him with the look of intense satisfaction. "Man that was totally fucking cool," Mike said with a gasp.

The moon was glaring off Mike's chest and wet cock. Jason wiped his mouth off and said "man you could have warned me that you were gonna shoot. You 'bout fucking killed me."

Both boys laughed. Jason got up from the grass and reached around Mike and grabbed the bottle of bourbon that was lying in the seat of the truck and took a drink. "Sorry man, it just felt so good, I got caught up in it and I was cumming fore I knew it."

Jason looked at Mike with a smile and said "no prob, we'll just see how you like it."

"Nah man I don't think I could do it, what was it like?"

"It wasn't that bad, kinda cool actually" Jason chided, hoping his friend would not chicken out.

"Ok then how ya want yours?"

With that, Jason hopped up in the seat of the blazer and laid back in the seat. He reached down and unzipped his jeans and pulled his semi-hard cock out. "Suck it" he said with grin.

Mike turned and pulled up his pants. He leaned into the truck and took Jason's cock into his mouth. Mike could feel the cock brush the back of his throat, making his eyes water. He replicated the moves that Jason had made, for this was his first cock as well. Jason hissed and inhaled deeply. Jason was so excited by his best friend giving him head that he barely lasted a minute. He shot his load into Mike's mouth. Afterwards, Mike stood up and wiped his mouth off and gave his friend a big smile and said jokingly, "damn man that was damn near a rim shot."

"Well it ain't every day that such a good cocksucker comes along."

With that Mike reached up and thumped the brim of his hat and said, "fuck ya, bitch". Mike grabbed the bottle and washed down Jason's juice. "It's a damn shame that we just now doin this. Hell we coulda been suckin each other off since we were twelve."

"Yeah I know, damn, look at what time it is, my mom and dad are gonna kill me, I gotta get up and milk in the morning. We better get outta here." Jason said.

With that, both boys jumped in the blazer. Jason drove around the church and dropped Mike off at his truck and headed towards home. The feeling of what had just happened between he and Mike was exciting. He could feel the effects of the alcohol and he wondered what things would be like the next time that he and Mike were together. Was it the alcohol that made them do it? Would it happen again? Would Mike be all freaked out and stuff?

Jason pulled up in the driveway and sure enough his parent's bedroom light was on. "Damn" he mumbled to himself glancing at the clock. 1:03. He slid his shirt on and stumbled to the house. He unlocked the door and went inside. He heard his mother say "I hope that you are not planning to sleep in tomorrow." He rolled his eyes and said "no mother." He kicked off his shoes and went up the stairs and plopped down on his bed. Visions of the blowjob he had just given raced through his mind. Could he be gay himself? Well if he was, then so was Mike. He closed his eyes and drifted into sleep, his stomach fluttering with the recent memory the night's deed. The next thing Jason knew, the alarm was blaring. Could it be 5:30 already? He sat up in the bed, still drunk. Was it a dream or had he really blown his best friend the night before. He put his hand on his chin and sure enough, there was dried cum there. He smiled and climbed out of the bed.

To be continued...

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Next: Chapter 2

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