Milking Duty

By Jason

Published on Feb 6, 1999


The next day Jason felt like a new person. The sun was shining bright while he went about his daily chores. He ran last nights events through his mind over and over and it seemed to get hotter each time it was replayed. Jason took a break from patching the fence and looked out across pasture. In the distance, he could see the silos of Mike's farm. Jason wondered to himself what Mike was thinking about. Did he enjoy what had happened last night? Would he want to do it again? Jason's concentration was broken as his father spoke aloud. "What the hell are you doin?"

"Just takin a break" Jason stammered.

"Well ya need to git yer ass in gear, guess ya think that the damned hole in the fence is gonna fix itself?"

"Yeah, yeah dad, I'm doin it," Jason said rolling his eyes as he turned his back to his father.

Jason wondered what the hell his father was doing. Today was Saturday and he knew that his father always went to the stockyards with his brother. Well Jason really did not care, these past few weeks, his father's attitude was nearly more than he could bare. Thank God that he would soon be moving off to school and would have at least some relief. Jason looked up and saw two blue birds chattering in the tree above. He stood there for a moment, watching the leaves dancing in the wind. In the distance he heard a cow bawl. He looked at his watch and realized that it would soon be milking time again. He finished up the fence and wondered off toward the barn.

Jason went about the mundane chores of the barn as usual, expecting to spend the next two hours listening to the radio and talking to the cows. Little did he know that he was about to be paid a visit. Mike was on his way there.

Jason grabbed the milker and threw the hose over his shoulder so that it would not touch the ground and walked between two of the black and white cows and squatted down to fit the milker on the cow. Something caught his eye and as he looked under the cows' stomach, he could see a pair of black rubber boots, covered in mud, coming through the milk room and into the parlor. At first Jason feared that it was his father, but he soon realized that the walk was different. Jason immediately stood up and stepped out from between the cows only to run into Mike's chest. Both boys jumped, not expecting each other to be there. "Damn, ya little short shit!" Mike laughed. "ya gotta grow a little so a feller can see ya standin tween them cows and ya don't scare the hell out of `em ."

"Piss off ya fucker," Jason retorted "What the hell are ya doin here anyway?"

"Talked ma sister inta milkin tonight so I could come see what you was doin."

"Same ol shit, milkin the fuckin cows." Jason's mind was roaring with questions. Mike hadn't been here while he was milking in some time, like three years. Why did he come? What was on his mind? He wanted to know the answers to his questions but knew that he could not ask. What if Mike found out how much he enjoyed what they had done the night before. No, he could not risk that. He would play it as cool as he could and let Mike explain.if he would. "What did ya have ta give yer sister to git 'er ta milk for ya?" Jason asked.

"Aw, I gave her twenty bucks, and I promised not ta squeal on 'er cause her and her boyfriend was makin out at the end of the driveway last night, she really is a slut, ya know?" Mike laughed.

Jason heard the suction break on a milker and turned to fix it. He reached under the cow and pulled a teat cup off then raised up and smiled at Mike and said "don't reckon she's much different than her slut brother."

"Yeah, shutup bitch." Mike said as he flicked the rim of Jasons' cap. "So whatcha doin tonight after ya git done here?"

"Nothin I don't reckon, I was gonna call ya later and see what you were gonna do, but I guess since ya here now there probably ain't no need in it now," Jason laughed. "Ya got any ideas?"

"Well we still got the rest of that that Makers ta finish, and I found this in ma room this mornin." With that Mike pulled out a half of a pint of Jim Beam from the crotch of his dirty blue jeans. He shook it in a circular manner so that the brown liquid sloshed inside the bottle.

Jason's eyes had stayed a bit longer on Mike's crotch than normal, and Mike noticed. Jason raised his eyes to the bottle and then to Mikes' face, which was covered with an almost sinful smile. Jason realized that he had been caught in the act, and returned Mike's smile. As the two boys stood there, only inches away from one another, the sexual tension started to build. They both felt it, and Mike broke the awkward but enjoyable moment. "Ya sucked ma dick good last night man." Jason watched as Mike reached down and grabbed the growing bulge in his pants.

"Uhhh, thanks." Jason stuttered, almost in shock as to what his friend had said. Nervously, Jason turned to take the milker off the cow that he was standing behind. As he squatted down beside the cow, Mike walked a bit closer and smiled his devilish smile and said "that don't mean ya gotta drop to yer knees little man."

"Yeah, fuck you too bitch." Jason laughed, his face blushing.

"Well I need ta go, told pop that I would run by the store and git some of that calf feed for em. Meet me at the church tonight around nine, ok?" Mike turned and walked toward the milkroom door.

"OK, I'll be there dude. Later!"


Jason's mind raced to the point that he thought that he may have to sit down. Of all the reactions that he had expected form Mike, that was the least suspected. He thought about Mike's hardon and how exciting it was to see it in the daylight. Jason continued with his chores, only they had a much more enjoyable tone. There was the feeling of anticipation and Jason could hardly wait to see Mike tonight. The butterflies in his stomach were making his head dizzy, yet he knew that there was not a more pleasurable feeling on this earth, than the one he felt at this moment. For some reason, he started to wonder if this feeling in his stomach was love. He had known Mike for some time and he had always enjoyed his company. He had even looked forward to the time they spent together, but this was different and he knew it.

The truth be known, this was just a eighteen-year-old guy, yearning for sex with another guy. Jason cared for Mike, but a long lasting relationship was unfathomed. Jason had no clue as to what he felt. Even though he suspected love, he knew deep down that this was more along the lines of lust. Somehow, thinking of these feelings as love helped make them easier to take. These were totally new sensations for Jason. He had never felt this kind of passion for anything.

Jason took the milker off of the last cow and followed her to the door. The cow slowed as she started down the ramp leading into pasture that adjoined the barn. Jason had his hand on the cow's hip and he could feel the heat emanating from her body. The hair of her coat was smooth and shiny. Jason stood at the door of the barn and watched the cow pick her steps through the mud. He looked up and the stars were already beginning to shine. The moon had risen and it's glow illuminated the white spots of the cows that stood in the night air. The dew had fallen and once again the grass was shining. In the distance, there was a dog barking. From this vantagepoint, not a single man-made light could be seen. Only the lights from the barn shown through the field, giving those shadows that are morbidly out of proportion. Jason looked at his shadow and it looked as though he were at least fourteen feet tall. He laughed to himself, he knew that he was way shorter than that. He turned and walked into the milk room. He looked at the clock on the wall.a quarter `til eight. Soon it would be time to meet Mike. His stomach fluttered at the very thought of it. Jason hurried through the rest of his chores and hurried to the house to get ready for his night.

As Jason neared the house, he could hear the radio going in the shed. He knew that his father was there. He walked by as quietly as he could. He did not want to get detained by some speech of hard work and a honest living. God knows he was sick of hearing that shit. He trotted across the yard and stepped onto the porch. He paused to scratch the dog's neck and then went into the house. "Hey mom!" Jason said in a most chipper mood.

"Well who lit a fire under your ass?" His mom looked at him with a smile on her face.

"Nobody, just in a good mood I reckon. Is there somethin wrong with that?"

"No I don't reckon. Where're ya goin tonight? You remember that we're goin to your grandma's tomorrow? Don't be out all hours of the last night. I swear, you boys can waste more time doin nothin than any two I've seen."

Jason turned his back to his mother and smiled, thinking to himself that if she only knew how they had passed the time last night. "Yeah I won't be."

Jason kicked off his shoes and bounded up the stairs. He noticed that his mother had picked the clothes up out of the chair and folded them.and made his bed. He walked to the stack of clothes, snatched some items from it, knocking them over on the bed. He did not even turn on the radio. He had to be ready soon, no time for that now. He went down the stairs and into the bathroom and shut the door. As he stood in the shower, the hot water hitting his face, his stomach fluttered again. He could hardly wait. He hurried through his shower and got dressed. He kissed his mother on the cheek as he left and said "don't wait up!"

Jason rounded the curve and there was Mike, waiting for him. Jason pulled up and Mike jumped in, with two bottles of whiskey. Their night had begun.

A couple of hours later, Mike had started to drive. They had both drank a generous amount, Jason more so than Mike. The night had went as usual, they drank, listened to music and talked about the usual stuff. Mike turned down the road and Jason's heart jumped. They were headed back toward the church. Would it happen again tonight? God he hoped so. The conversation had tapered off. It seemed they both knew what needed to happen next. Jason watched as they approached the church but was surprised as they passed it by. "where we goin?" Jason asked.

"Aw I figured we'd run down to that farm pop bought. It's down there on that dead end road. Not much traffic ya know." Jason looked at Mike's face and could see him wink at him and smile. Yes! Jason thought. The place was not far, but both boys rode in silence. Mike pulled the stick back and the green 4x4 light glowed on the dash. Jason could hear the mud splash and the road was quite rough. The boys pulled up to an old barn. Even if there was traffic on the road, they could not be seen. Mike turned the truck off and lit a cigarette and guzzled the last of the Jim Beam. Jason looked forward, the anticipation was more than he could stand, yet he kept his cool. Jason turned up the Makers Mark bottle and took a drink. The whiskey stung his throat and his eyes started to water.

"Well here we are." Mike said as he exhaled. "Whatcha wanna do now?"

"Don't know, whatcha got in mind?" Jason asked as he smiled at his friend, fully expecting his friend to ask for a blowjob.

"I wanna fuck you." Mike said, staring intently at Jason.

"Gee man I ain't sure I can do that, sounds kinda painful."

"Aw c'mon. It won't hurt. I'll be real gentle."

"Yeah well it ain't that I'm worried about, yer dick is big man."

"It ain't that big. Sides, I know that you'd like it."

Reluctantly, Jason gave in, fearing the pain that he was sure to experience. Both boys got out of the truck and Mike grabbed a blanket from behind the seat. He spread it out on the ground and started to undress. Jason followed his lead. The moon was shining bright and Jason could see the glare of it on Mike's shoulders. Jason slid his soccer shorts off and stood there watching Mike, who was now totally naked, sitting on the ground and stroking his cock. Mike motioned Jason to sit. Jason lowered himself to his knees and looked Mike in the face, half with anticipation and half with fear. Mike said "what's wrong man? Told you there ain't nothin to worry bout."

"That's easy for you ta say, you ain't about ta have a dick shoved in yer ass." Jason laughed nervously.

"C'mon, turn around here and let me crack that ass for ya." With that, Jason turned and put his back to Mike and stood on his hands and knees. He could hear Mike spitting on his dick. He himself had a raging hardon that ached. Mike spit in his hand and started rubbing Jason's ass. Chills ran up his spine and Mike felt Jason shutter with sheer ecstasy. Slowly, Mike inserted his finger into Jason while he massaged his cock with his other hand. The sensation almost drove Mike to orgasm right there. The tightness and heat was incredible. He had been with several girls and none of them were ever this tight or hot. Jason closed his eyes and clinched his teeth. Mike's finger felt like it was as big around as a baseball bat. His mind raced as he thought that if this was just his finger, what would his dick be like. Jason started to sweat, both from the heat of the moment and the whiskey. His head was spinning and he had to keep reminding himself that this was not a dream. Mike too, had started to sweat. He could hardly wait to fuck his best friend. The thought of it nearly made him nut on the spot. After what seemed hours, Mike said "ya ready man?"

"ready as I'm gonna be" Jason said in a shaky voice. He heard Mike spitting in his hand again and felt the wetness on his ass. He heard the spit on Mike's cock pop and crackle as he readied himself to penetrate. Mike was on his knees and he moved closer to Jason and held his dick straight out and pressed it against Jason's ass. Jason dug his hands into the grass and stiffened his back to accommodate his friends' wishes. Mike felt Jason's heat on his cockhead and an instant smile came across his face. The first sensation of Mike's cock entering his ass were wonderful. The pain soon followed. Jason moaned, half in ecstasy and half in pain. "Fuck man that fuckin hurts!" Jason said in a strained voice. Mike heard the words but was now obsessed with burying his cock as deep in Jason as he possibly could. Mike let go of his cock and grabbed Jasons' narrow hips and began to push his cock in deeper. Jason squirmed and writhed under his friends' onslaught but never once tried to pull away. Mike grabbed Jasons' shoulders and pushed the last few inches of his cock into his assaulted ass. Jason felt Mikes pubic hair and his hips press against his ass, he knew that finally he had taken it all. The pain was so intense that he could hardly stand it. He did not want to pull away, yet he was afraid to move. He started to doubt that this was as enjoyable as he had once thought. The two boys were motionless for some time and Mike broke the silence when he said "damn yer ass if fuckin tight!"

"yer dick is fuckin big as hell! I ain't sure I can do this man." Jason said in meek voice.

"Yer doin fine man. An ass this good, won't take me long at all."

Mike began to pull his cock out and then to gently push it back in. By this time, Jason had loosened up some and it began to get more and more pleasurable. In a matter of seconds, the sensation of having a cock in his ass was the best he ever imagined. Mike increased the pace as the two let out the sounds of sex. Grunts and moans filled the night air. Jason knew that Mike was getting close by his breathing. He remembered when they used to jack off and how his breath was always a sure indicator that he was about to blow. Suddenly, Mike let out a growl that must have come from his toes. He grabbed Jason's shoulders and thrust his cock so deep into Jason that he nearly knocked his arms out from under them. Mike leaned down on top of Jason and wrapped his arms around his chest. Jason could feel Mike's breath on the back of his neck and Mike squeezed his chest so hard that it was difficult to draw in the deep breaths that they both needed. Jason could feel Mike's cock spasm inside his ass and he could feel Mike's sweaty chest on his back. The two remained in this position for several minutes. Mike finally stood back up on his knees and sat back on his haunches, pulling Jason back with him never pulling an inch of his cock from Jason's ass. Jason immediately began to beat off. He could feel the tingling of his battered ass and as the thought of Mike's cock still tucked in his ass crossed his mind, he shot his load. Mike had his arms around Jason's stomach and his head on Jason's shoulder watching his friend jerk off. Mike felt Jason's ass tense as he started to cum. A smile came across Mike's face, one of satisfaction. He was afraid at first that he would hurt his best friend and that this would be the only time he would enjoy this. He realized now that Jason had enjoyed this immensely and that made him feel good. His friend had given him his ass and he had returned the favor by giving back lots of pleasure.

After a while the two pulled apart and lay on their back looking at the stars. They talked about college and cars and chores. They drank more whiskey and they laughed as they put their clothes back on. They did not talk about what had happened. Neither of them needed to. They had both wanted it to happen and they were glad that it did. They felt closer to one another now than they ever had.

Jason dropped Mike off at his car at Saint Ivo and drove down the road toward his house. The events of the evening flashed through his mind and he could not help but smile. Jason reached down and turned the radio up. He was driving a bit faster than he should have. When he glanced back to the road, there was an animal there, a big one. Jason swerved to miss the animal and everything went black. What seemed like hours later, someone was slapping his face. In a drunken stupor he looked up to see Jacob, his friend standing there. "What happened?" Jason asked in a pained voice.

"Man ya fucked up about five of yer dads fence posts." Jacob said in worried tone of voice. "Yer dad is gonna crucify you!"

Jason climbed out of his truck and walked around the front of it. He could not believe his eyes. In the light of the headlights, Jacob noticed the huge gash in Jason's forehead. "Man you are for real bleeding like a stuck hog." Jacob adjusted Jason's head to get a better view. Jason was in disbelief, his parents would not only crucify him...they would burn the corpse as well..


Next: Chapter 3

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