Milking Duty

By Jason

Published on Nov 1, 1999


Hello all! The standard disclaimers apply. If you shouldn't be here then leave. Considered yourself warned because there are guys doing it here...please proceed.

The alarm clock was blaring as Jason rolled over and saw the time. "Four o'clock, God!" He said in a really aggravated voice. Jason sat on the side of the bed in an attempt wake himself for his morning chores. As bad as he felt, this was his favorite time of morning. Everything was so relaxed and peaceful.

Jason decided that he would walk to the barn. The gentle morning breeze felt good on his skin. The morning smelled of rain. There was no light, other than the moon and the stars. Jason gazed up at them as he hummed a Garth Brooks song. He thought to himself that he would soon be away from all of this. While he was excited to leave the farm, he was saddened at the same time. There may be no other times that he would feel this peacefulness. Jason reached down and patted his dog on the head and whistled so he would go off and start to get the cows up. Jason stood and watched the black and white dog disappear under the fence a little ways off. Then he started toward the dairy barn.

The door swung open and Jason walked in. He froze in his tracks as he heard a voice. At four in the morning, the last noise he expected in the barn was a human voice. His heart started to race, the voice was a mans', and he was speaking in Spanish. Jason remembered that his dad and brother had hired some Mexicans to help with the tobacco but he had not anticipated that they would be in the barn.

Trying to ignore them Jason turned on the lights to the barn and began to assemble the milkers. He heard the dog barking and the familiar popping of the mud as the cows entered the holding pen. Jason walked out of the milk room to go open the parlor door to let the cows in and ran right into someone. A little startled, Jason jumped backwards only to see the man standing in his path. "Hola" the man said.

Jason having the benefit of Spanish in his sophomore year of high school responded with "hello, how ya doin?"

"Fine" the young man said with a deep accent. He smiled and walked into the milk room. Jason stood there with his mouth gaping open. The guy was so very attractive. He was tall with a broad chest and beautiful smile. Jason was snapped back to reality as two other Mexican men passed him. He did not see what they looked like; he was simply amazed at the beauty of the first man. Jason shook his head and went on with the morning chores, all the time thinking of the beautiful Hispanic man that he had run into earlier that morning.

"Jason! Come on and eat!"

"Yes mother! I'm coming!" Jason said with snarl while rolling his eyes. Jason came down the stairs and found his mother standing at the door.

"We are going down to the bottoms to start with that tobacco. Your dad said that you should get to painting the milk room. He left a check there on the table for you to run into town and pick it up Anderson's." "Yes mother. I'll do it." Jason said rolling his eyes again as he stuffed a sausage biscuit in his mouth. His mom left and Jason decided to catch some cartoons before he started into town. As he plopped down in to the chair and flipped on the television, the phone rang.

"Hey guy!" Came Mike's voice.

"Hey man! What's up?" Jason asked.

"Not much. Just waitin for dad to come back with the tractor so we can go cut tobacco. What are you going to do tonight?"

"Not sure for real. Figured that I might hang out some. You gonna be up at the church?"

"Don' t think so, I gotta date with Wendy." That statement hit Jason like a brick. Mike had a date with a girl! He was enraged with jealousy. How the hell could he do that?

"Hey man that is pretty cool. How did you arrange that?" Jason asked superficially.

"Well you know that her brother and my sister are datin. She hooked me up. So if I am lucky, I might be kinda late." Mike laughed.

"Well if ya get back early, stop by the church, I will be around there somewhere I guess."

"All right man, I might see ya later then. Have a good one."

Jason could not believe that. As he sat in front of the television he sorted through his feelings. Wendy he laughed to himself. He thought that if she had known what Mike and he had done, she would want nothing to do with him. He was jealous, but satisfied that he had sex with Mike before she could, and that made him feel proud. Jason put the thoughts out of his head as he watched a bug's bunny cartoon. Jason started to rub his crotch. One of his most enjoyable things was to masturbate in the house, somewhere other than his bedroom. The experience was rare as his mother or his sister were always there, not today, not now. His petting became heavier and his hands explored his young body. He shed his t-shirt. Jason pulled out his erection and started to masturbate, unaware that he was being watched. The chair that he was sitting in was sitting next to a window. In the height of his arousal, Jason glanced toward the window only to see a figure staring in at him. He started screaming and the figure took off running across the porch. Jason ran out onto the porch but there was no one to be found. Jason ran around to the back of the house, but still there was no one. A little panic stricken, Jason stood there wondering who the hell the person could have been. Whoever it was, they sure got an eye full. His stomach sank as he hoped that it had not been any of his sister's children. God he would never be able to show his face again. A little shaken, Jason grabbed his shirt and buttoned his shorts. He jumped in his newly restored blazer and headed into town.

The breeze that blew through the truck was warm. The day was hot and humid. The kind of day that you sweat no matter if you do nothing. Looking out on the fields Jason could see the heat rising off of them. The fields have started to turn brown and yellow from the summers heat. The black plank fences were contrasted by the red gates. The big farmhouses and red and black barns dotted the landscape. Indeed there were more cows in this part of the country than there were people. It was too warm for animals to be out. There were a few birds singing and you could hear a tractor in the distance. Jason had never liked going into town. It smelled funny and the people were not as friendly. There was traffic and it seemed that they never rested. Even those kids that were his age seemed somehow different. It was always a huge relief to get back to the country.

Jason pulled onto a dirt road that led to the tobacco patch were his parents were working. As he popped over the hill he could see his brothers truck as well as his parents' truck. He looked out across the field of green tobacco and he could see them slowing cutting their way through the patch. Jason bounced across the ditch and parked his truck. Everyone in the patch was looking at him, as it was a very uncommon sight to see Jason in the tobacco patch, it was no great secret how much he despised it. "Hey dad, Steve sent this to you, he said that you ordered it or something." Jason yelled.

"Well what the hell is it?" Jason's dad yelled.

"Some piece for the plowing tractor or something, he didn't say."

"Well put it in the front seat of the truck and I will look at it later. Did you get the walls painted in the barn?"

"No dad, I stopped by here first cause it was on the way home. I will get it done today though." Jason rolled his eyes in disgust. He grabbed the part out of the truck and headed for his fathers' truck. As he neared the truck he could see that one of the Mexican's was sharpening his spear as he sat in the shade. Jason peered closer and he could tell that it was the nice looking one that he had literally run into this morning. He opened the door of the truck and he noticed that the guy was sitting there looking at him. Jason laid the part in the truck and shut the door and grabbed a Pepsi out of the cooler. "My name is Jason, don't believe I caught yours this morning?"

"Si, mi llamo gustoph." The guy replied.

"Si, hablo espanol un pequito."

"Oh I see" Gus said in deep voice with a heavy accent. "I was late, sharpen knife," he said with a laugh and holding the tobacco knife toward him.

"Really? Were have you been?" Jason replied, making conversation.

"Ah, your home. "

"Really? You guys really scared me in the barn this morning, I was not expecting anyone to be there." Jason commented as he squinted looking across the field.

"Si, you mother, she ask me to mulch flowers by porch. I tink I scare you again aye?" The man laughed. Jason looked at him in sheer terror. My god it had been him in the window. Jason was horrified. He stood there with his mouth hanging open while this beautiful specimen glared at him with a smile across his face.

"Uh, umm, shit! Look man sorry about that, I had no clue that anyone was about."

"Oh is no problem, you young and strong. There is no problem, no one is to know." As Gus stood up and flicked the bill of Jason's hat. And Jason knew he must be seeing things but he could have sworn that Gus had rearranged his crotch and winked at him.

"Hey thanks man." Jason stuttered. Jason walked back to his truck. He was so embarrassed that he could have dug a whole right there in the patch and crawled in it. This god of a man had seen him beating off and then had laughed in his face, called him young and may have even hit on him as a joke. Jason was sure that all three of the Mexican hired help would be poking fun at him now. Hopefully they would not tell any of his family.

Jason returned home and started to paint the walls of the cowshed. It was a pretty easy job. There was a fan and a radio so the day passed quickly. Around five Jason sent the dog after the cows and he started the milking chores again. Afterward Jason went to the house. As he came in the door he saw two of the Mexican help, Roy and Chico, were sitting at the table with Jason's dad and brother and brother in law. "God what a mix." Jason mumbled to himself. He quickly headed towards the stairs. He grabbed some clothes and then headed for the shower. As Jason rounded the doorway, once again he ran right into Gus's chest. "Excuse me man." Jason blurted out without thinking.

"Cuse me, amigo." It was not what Gus had said, rather the way that he had touched Jason. Both hands on his hips with a gentle squeeze and one of his custom smiles. Jason stumbled into some flowerpot and into a chair. "You ok amigo?" Gus asked as he pulled Jason up out of the chair. There they were standing, face-to-face. Jason could feel Gus's breath on his face and he could smell his cologne and even the soap that he had washed with. Before Jason could control himself his hands were on Gus's hips as though they belonged there. Jason could do nothing, he was caught in Gus's gaze. Jason tried to back up but Gus pulled him close again. Suddenly realizing that they were standing in the hallway, Jason pulled off and rushed into the bathroom.

"What was that about?" Jason asked himself in a low voice. Jason hurriedly showered. As he dressed in his clean clothes, he wondered if Mike would show up at the church. He had talked to Jacob earlier in the week and he said that he would probably be there. Not thinking, Jason ran out of the house in the darkness and walked toward his truck, only to find Gus standing there leaning against it. "Hey Gus. What's up?"

"Nuhcing amigo. Where you go?"

"Oh I am going to meet some friends."

"Come here, I need to show you something"

"Cool, what is it?" Jason was totally unprepared for what happened next. He followed Gus around the tool shed. Gus stopped and turned toward Jason. Suddenly Jason felt very unnerved. His hands started to shake and voice was trembling. "What is it that you wanted me to see Gus?" Without warning Gus grabbed Jason and flung him to the ground. Jason tried to scramble to his feet but Gus was too quick and was on top of him. For some reason he didn't scream, and truthfully he did not fight the onslaught as hard as he could have. Gus put his knees on Jason 's shoulders and unzipped his pants. Suddenly Jason had a big cock dangling against his face. With one thrust of Gus's hips, Jason's mouth was filled with the cock. Jason stopped fighting altogether and let Gus have his way. Jason's eyes were watering and he was gagging as the cock was forced down his throat.

The night was quiet. Jason could hear the crickets in the grass and he could feel the coolness and dampness of the dew against his back. He could hear Gus's heavy breathing and he could smell the fabric softener in Gus's underwear. The moon and stars were shining down on them and Jason could see the sweat glistening on Gus's face. As Jason lay there looking into Gus's face, he noticed that as Gus wiped the sweat from his brow, he was wearing a wedding band. Suddenly Jason felt sick and started to struggle again. This guy had his nerve, to be married and probably have children and then dare force his cock in a guys' mouth? No way! Jason tried to throw Gus off, but suddenly Jason felt Gus's fist strike his eye. Stunned from pain and just the fact that this guy had enough balls to hit him, Jason settled down. Gus began to moan and Jason could feel his throat fill with cum. Gus, breathing shallow, stood up, zipped his pants up and walked off.

Jason rolled over and started to spit out cum, coughing and gasping for air around the thick fluid deposited in his throat. Wiping his face off, Jason got up off the ground; he had somehow cut his leg. Gus was nowhere to be seen. Jason limped to his truck and took off his t-shirt. It was stained and damp , so Jason started to wipe the blood off his leg with it. He tilted the rear view mirror and looked at his eye, it was already turning blue and swelling. : Damn!" Jason said as he smacked the steering wheel. He started the truck and drove away, all the time thinking about the encounter that he just had with Gus. He was a mixture of being pissed off and turned on, and a little afraid. He had not expected that to happen. Thinking back on it, he was very vulnerable at that point and Gus was much bigger than he. Jason thought about telling his parents of the encounter but then laughed. He would not tell anyone about the degrading experience. He would just try not to put himself in that position again. In two weeks, Jason would be off to Saint Catharine College and he would not need to worry about Gus anymore.

Hey guys tell me what you think! I was kinda at loss on the next segment of the story until I spied this very nice Mexican waiter at a local restaurant, and you guessed it, his name was Gustoph! I hope you guys enjoy. Give me some suggestions on what you think should happen next. I will respond to all that reply. Later

Next: Chapter 5

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