Milking Duty

By Jason

Published on Jan 28, 2000


This is the standard warning. If you don't like this kind of thing....go away. To everyone else, proceed and enjoy. Let me know what you think. All responses are answered.

P.S. Thanks to all of you guys that have emailed and said all the nice things. I really appreciate it.

Jacob was waiting at the church as he said he would. Jason pulled up in his blazer. He got out of the truck and walked toward Jacob's truck. Jacob could tell that he was really pissed about something. "Why the hell ain't you wearing a shirt?" Jacob asked with a laugh.

"You don't even want to know." Jason said in a nasty tone.

"Dude you are bleeding! What the hell happened to you?" Jacob asked as he flipped on the inside light in order to inspect Jason's wound more closely. "Seems like every time I see you, you are bleeding in some way," Jacob laughed.

"I am so pissed! You got whiskey?" Jason grabbed the bottle and took a huge drink out of it. It burned his throat and made his eyes water. He shook his head violently as he force the burning liquid down his throat. "I hate my fucking life." Jason sat back in the seat and looked out the window into the night.

"Well, are you gonna tell me what happened to you or what?" Jacob asked impatiently.

"Look dude, I got in a fight with one of those Mexicans my dad hired. Now can we drive please?" Jason said in a hostile tone.

"Fine. Don't get emotional dude. What were you fighting over?"

"Man you would not understand if I told you. Besides, it is kind of embarrassing." Jason said as he used his t-shirt to wipe some blood off of his leg.

Jacob started the truck and drove off down the road. The night wind felt good on Jason's body. The whiskey had made him sweat already. He looked over at Jacob who was taking a drink from the bottle. His hands were so big. It was the one feature that Jason had always admired most about Jacob. He was a good-sized boy. At least 6 foot. He wasn't too muscular, but not a body builder either. He had blond hair and it was cut short. He was quite handsome Jason thought. Jason was lost in his gaze as Jacob interrupted him. "You falling in love or something dude?" Jacob laughed.

"You wish." Jason snapped as he turned his head.

"Dude you are absolutely no fun tonight. What is up with you?" Jacob asked in an aggravated tone.

"I just had something happen to me that is really embarrassing and I really don't want to talk about it ok."

"Well that is cool, but can we please have a good time anyway." Jacob shot back.


The night passed. Both boys drank and laughed. Soon Jason had forgotten about his ordeal with Gus. He had not been out with Jacob in a while and the two had a lot to catch up on. Jason learned that Jacob and his girlfriend were not getting along well. They had not seen one another in a week, and all they did was argue over the telephone. Jacob also told Jason that he had signed up for the navy. He would leave after Christmas. Jason and Jacob had always been good friends. Jacob lived next to his grandparents, and they would play all the time. Jason thought about how Jacob had changed over the years. He used to be a skinny little kid with a big mouth. Now he was a man, much larger and just a little more mature. Looking at him now, he was a very nice looking boy. Jason felt himself attracted to his manliness. Unlike he and Mike, Jason had never tried anything sexual with Jacob. No reason really, he had just never thought about him in that manner. Now he caught himself wondering what he would look like naked and what it be like to have sex with him. Jason was brought out of his trance when the truck started bouncing. Jacob had pulled off the road onto a little dirt road that led back into some trees. They had come there many times before to drink and talk.

Jacob had had a rough life. His father had abandoned his mother just after he was born. Between boyfriends, his mother had to work, so she was hardly ever around. The second time his mother got married, the jerk that she married was totally abusive to both he and his mother. Because of this, Jacob spent a year in a home for troubled teens. His mother never even visited him. If it had not been for Jacob's grandmother, he doubted that Jacob would have made it this far. His mother had left. Who knows where she is. He lived with his elderly grandparents. They were real nice people, but they were old. Needless to say, Jacob did pretty much whatever he wanted.

Jacob parked the truck and opened the door. The night sky had darkened with rain clouds. The wind had picked up some. Jason followed Jacob around the back of the truck and sat on the tailgate beside him. They had both consumed generous amounts of liquor and were feeling really well. Jacob started the conversation. "So, what happened to you tonight. Before you got to the church. What the hell happened? Why ain't you wearing a shirt? And how did you cut your leg? Man, your fucking eye is black as hell. Who were you fighting with anyhow?"

"Damn, ain't you full of questions. It was one of those guys that dad hired to help with the tobacco. Gus is his name. He hit me in the face and while we were scuffling on the ground, I cut my leg. Nothing big." Jason tried to sound convincing.

Jacob knew that he was holding something back, but he didn't know what. "Well what were you all fighting over?"

"Who knows, he just attacked me when I came out to my truck." Jason offered.

"You mean he just jumped on you for no reason? I find that hard to believe."

"Yeah I guess, I don't know what the hell was wrong with him." Jason started to squirm. He knew that Jacob did not believe him. He was caught in Jacob's stare. He felt his heart flutter. Hopefully he would drop it now. Just then, Jacob reached out and touched his face.

"What is that shit on the side of your face?" Jacob asked. Jason hopped off the tailgate and walked around to the mirror. He reached in the cab and turned on the light. He was mortified at what he saw. All over the side of his face and in his hair, was dried cum. Glowing white and matted in his hair. He saw Jacob's reflection behind him in the mirror. "Dude, looks like somebody shot off on your face." Jacob laughed as he reached out and touched Jason's face.

Jason turned toward Jacob, looking like a deer in headlights. The look that he gave stopped Jacob's laughter and nearly stopped his heart. Jacob's mouth fell open as he realized that was what happened. Gus had made Jason suck him off. Jacob felt like an idiot. No wonder he didn't want to talk about it. And that comment he had just made. Damn. How insensitive could he have possibly been? Standing there looking at Jason's little frame and that look of horror on his face, he could only imagine how his friend felt after having something so humiliating happen to him. Jacob stuttered and said, "man, I am so sorry. I was being a real asshole."

Jason was stunned. Jacob had guessed exactly what happened, on accident no less. His head started to spin and he could feel himself sliding down the side of the truck into the wet grass. He heard the thunder in the distance and felt the light rain start to hit his naked chest and shoulders. He felt like crying or running away, but he could do neither. It was like his body was numb. His leg ached as well as his eye. He felt sick to his stomach. A secret that he had carried for so long, and one of his best friends was getting dangerously close to its discovery.

Jacob stood over him, wondering what he should do or say; finally he broke the deafening silence. "Jason, you ok man? Look I'm real sorry about that. I had no idea. Come on man, its starting to rain, lets head to the barn over there." Jacob helped Jason up and they walked to the barn. Jacob nearly had to pack Jason. It was like his legs wouldn't work. Jacob wondered what had really happened.

After what seemed like hours of silence, Jason started to speak. It was like he was not in control of what he was saying. For so long he had these feelings pent up inside him and now, he exploded. "Jacob, tonight as I was coming here, Gus took me around behind the shed and made me suck him off. I tried to fight, but he was too big. The worst part is, I liked it. I have always liked it."

Jacob's mouth was hanging open. If he had heard his friend right, he said that he liked to suck cock. That hit him in the face like ice. "Well, umm, shit. Look Jason I don't know what to say? I mean if you like it, I guess you just do. Maybe you are just confused. I mean how do you know that you like it? Well I mean I guess you know you like it or not but, damn...why would you like that? You know he took advantage of you and maybe it is like post battery trauma or something." Jacob realized that he was rambling, but he did not know what to say. He had no experience with emotions, much less gay emotions, from his best friend.

"I don't think so." Jason said in an annoyed voice. "This was happening before Gus. This has been going on since I was like 12. I am pretty damned sure that this is what I like."

"Well how can you know what you like after a one time thing? I mean you have never had sex with a girl, how can you say that is what you like?"

"Well I just know, I don't want to have sex with a girl, and I have done it with more than one guy." Jason said without thinking.

"What? With who?" Jacob asked immediately.

"I don't think that you really want to know that."

"Do I know him? C'mon you gotta tell me who it is." Jacob was laughing now, almost begging Jason to tell him who his partner was.

"It ain't right to say who man. All you need to know is that I know. Give me a drink of the whiskey. I need some help with my sanity." Jason said, reaching for the bottle of Makers Mark.

"Well dude, I mean I just don't know what to say. Have you done other things with guys. You know like, you know, riding punk or something?" Jacob asked in a confused curious voice. That was another reason Jason enjoyed the company of Jacob. There was never any telling as to what would come out of his mouth.

"What about riding punk? You are a fucking moron. I mean for real, you are ate up with the dumb ass." Jason exploded with laughter.

"Oh excuse the hell out of me. Do you enjoy anal sex?" Jacob said in his best British accent. "Like I know what to fucking say. You the one that likes to do it...or whatever you like to do with another guy." Jacob pushed Jason's small body and tipped him over with ease. The two sat there in silence for a bit, listening to the rain hit the tin roof of the barn.

"Yeah." Jason's voice cracked a little.

"Yeah what?" Jacob looked at Jason like he was a fool.

"I have rode punk." Jason started to laugh uncontrollably again, quieting long enough to take a drink of whiskey. He was really getting drunk now. He could tell that his coordination was getting farther and farther off.

"You drunk fucker. You are about tanked. " Jacob snagged the bottle from Jason's hand. He shook his head and turned the bottle up and took a large drink. The two sat there again in silence. Jacob was thinking about what Jason had said. He really didn't understand it, but Jason was his friend and he knew that he had to try and help him through this troubled time. He finally broke the silence. "So, you gonna tell your parents? You know about you liking to do guys?"

Jason looked at Jacob and said, "are you fucking retarded? Of course I am not going to tell them. My dad would kill me or something. My mom, well she would probably yell me to death. No way can I tell them, or anybody. You just my bitch that's why I told you." Jason laughed as he elbowed Jacob in the side.

"Yeah I got your bitch. You little smart mouth fucker." Jacob laughed as he pushed Jason over again.

Suddenly the two boys heard something coming around the barn. Then they heard a voice, it was Mike. "I thought that I would find you ladies here. What the fuck are you all doin?"

"Hey man. Just having a heart to heart. What' up with you?" Jacob asked. "Where the hell were you at tonight? " Jacob wasn't a nuclear scientist, but he could read people pretty good, probably because of the abuse that he received when he was a kid. As he turned to look at Jason, and he saw the look on his face, he realized, to his horror that Mike was the guy that Jason had been fucking around with. He started to squirm. He was not sure what he should say or do. He finally realized that Jason was really uncomfortable, but Mike was just like he usually was. He thought to himself that that probably meant Mike wasn't all for anybody knowing. Jacob made a mental note to protect his friend as best he could.

"Dad had some stuff that he needed me to do. I thought that he was going to keep me there all night. Brought us another bottle though. Damn Jason you look drunk already." Mike laughed as he took a drink of whiskey.

"What time is it?" Jason asked.

"About 11 o'clock. Why? You got somewhere to be?" Mike asked.

"Just wondered. How did you know where we were?" Jason asked as he took another drink from the bottle.

"Just figured if you all weren't at the church, you'd be here." Mike said. He sensed that Jason was uncomfortable, but couldn't figure out why.

The three boys went on drinking and soon they were all laughing and having fun. Jason soon became more comfortable with the fact that Jacob knew his secret. In a way it made him feel much better, as though he didn't have to carry the entire load anymore. Jacob was becoming more comfortable with the things that Jason had told him. He was honored with the fact that Jason had trusted him enough to confide in him. Jacob didn't quite understand it, but Jason was his friend and that meant he had to be there. Jacob furthermore couldn't understand Mike having sex with Jason and with girls too. It didn't make since, unless Mike was lying about the girls that he claimed to be with. Still, Mike just didn't seem to be 'like' Jason. Jason's small frame somehow made it easier to think that he could be gay. Maybe because he assumed that gay guys were somehow weaker. Mike wasn't that way. He was big, strong and very boyish acting. Jason was boyish as well, but he seemed somehow more in tune with his emotions, which made him different from other guys his age.

The three boys drank and joked up into the morning. Sometime around 1 a.m., the liquor overtook Jason's memory. The next thing that he remembered was the sun shining in his eyes. Jason squinted and started to stir. Jason realized that he was not in his room, but he could not remember exactly where he was. Jason rose up on his elbows and tried to look around. His head was pounding and his eyes were blurry but he recognized this place. It was Jacob's room. Jason looked at the person next to him, it was Jacob. Jason thought to himself how nice it was for Jacob to still be able to sleep next to him after what he had shared the night before. Jacob started to stir and then rose up on his elbows and looked at Jason. "How you feeling man?" Jacob asked with a chuckle, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Like shit man, I fucking ache all over and I think that a bus sneaked in here last night and ran over me. How the hell did I get here?" Jason asked, grimacing in pain.

"Dude you were wasted last night. By the time we got back to your truck, you couldn't even walk. I had to carry in the house, so I brought you here. I sure in the hell wasn't taking your drunk ass to your house and let your mom and dad crucify us both. Mike wanted you to go home with him, but after what you told me last night, I figured that you two didn't need to be together. You know he'd be on your ass like nothing happening."

Jason's mouth fell open. "How did you know it was Mike that I had sex with?"

"I could tell when he got there last night. You just clammed up and I just realized that is was him that you'd been doing. Last night when you were drunk, he was making all of these dick sucking comments. So I figured that I had better take care of your drunk ass so that you didn't get fucked over. No pun intended."

"Well I appreciate that, but you see that I am already screwed. It is 10 a.m. in the morning. I was supposed to milk. My parents are going to kill me and bury me in the yard. I guess that I had better get home so that I can be murdered." Jason started to get out from underneath the blanket and realized that he was naked. He immediately looked over at Jacob who was standing next to the bed stretching. He was naked as well. Jason's mind started to race. Had he and Jacob done anything last night? Surely not. "Umm...dude, why ain't we wearing clothes?" Jason asked in a nervous voice.

"You wanted to sleep that way and I always sleep that way." Jacob offered nonchalantly.

"Well umm, did we like do anything or anything?" Jason asked.

"I was a perfect gentleman I have you know." Jacob joked as he through a pillow at Jason.

"Man I'm glad to hear that. For a second there I was afraid..well that we may have, I mean...well you know." Jason breathed a sigh of relief.

"Dude, I didn't say that you were a gentleman. But I enjoyed it for real. It was kind of freaky." Jacob laughed as he arranged his crotch.

Jason nearly fell off the bed. What had he done? He simply could not believe it. What a night...


Next: Chapter 6

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