Milking Duty

By Jason

Published on Oct 16, 2000


Thanks to all of your messages. I really appreciate it. Tell me what you think about this one.

The lightening was really bad. I could here it sizzle as it hit the field outside, not far from the barn at all. I could see the blue flash between the cracks in barn. The thunder roared and boomed up through the hollows of the farm. The rain was pouring out of the sky like mad. All in all, a typical summer thunderstorm in Kentucky.

The cows were standing in their stanchions. I had not started the milking equipment because if the lightening ran in, it could fry them and me too. So who wanted that? I sat there in the milk barn, waiting on the storm to pass. I looked over at the clock and it was 5:30. I wandered what Jacob and Mike were doing. I guessed that I would see them at the church that night. I hadn't spoke to Jacob much since the night that I spent at his house. I am not sure at all what had happened there that night. When I asked Jacob what happened, he just smiled, giggled and said that he didn't kiss and tell. Needless to say that this was not helping me to figure out where we stood with one another.

The storm was just about over, the rain was falling gently now and the thunder boomed in the distance. I flipped the switch and heard the milk pump start. It was a familiar sound, and I stood there for a second and thought. In two weeks, I would be gone to college. I would hear this pump on the weekends, but not as often as I used to. My heart sank a little. It was the small things like that I would miss. I shook it off and grabbed the milkers and went into the parlor.

Milking went as usual that night. The cows were wet and that made everything a little more nasty than usual, but nothing big. There was one cow that had just had a calf. We couldn't milk her yet, so she was still in the stall with her calf. I went into the stall and saw that the calf had finished with his supper, I grabbed the cow's halter and lead her out of the stall. We walked through the parlor. I wasn't paying particular attention to much, just going about my mundane chores. As we walked across the concrete, going towards the door, a shovel that was hanging on the wall fell and crashed into the floor, right behind Buttercup, the cow. It scared the hell out of both of us, her more than me. She took off, running toward the door. The concrete was slick with the recent rain and mud that the cows had tracked in. I slipped and fell. Buttercup took it upon her self to run over top of me and out the door.

All that I remember was that I saw some stars. I raised up to see the cow bouncing across the mud out behind the barn. "Fucking bitch cow." I muttered. My hand was hurting something awful. I looked at it, it was turning black and blue and it was swelling quite a bit. I stood up, and leaned against the wall. The pain in my arm was something awful. I gritted my teeth and pulled the door shut. It was still raining as I made my way, as softly as I could to the house. I came in the front door as I heard my mother screech about all the mud on my clothes. She saw my arm and gasped. I looked down at it and it looked pretty bad in the light. Mom grabbed her purse and we headed to the hospital.

Just my luck, it was broken. My right hand at that. How the hell was I supposed to do anything now? At least it got me out of the milking chores for a couple days. I had a cast on it and it was pretty unattractive. In a few days I realized that there was a great need for two hands. One of the most inconvenient things that I noticed was the inability to jack off. It was hard enough to use the bathroom. It was hell.

About four days later, my dad figured that I could get back to the milk barn. I grumbled a bit, but decided that I didn't want to hear his mouth. It was hard doing all the lifting, but I relied on my left hand and pretty soon I was readjusted and getting along pretty good.

Anyone who has been in Kentucky in August knows how miserable it can be, the humidity was high and it was at least 95 degrees. I was sweating like mad and all the mud and cows weren't helping things much. I had squatted between two of the cows and I was taking off the milker. It took a bit longer than usual with my cast. I heard the door open in the milk room and figured that it was my dad or mom coming to check on me. My mom had been a wreck since I had been trampled and made up so many excuses to come to the barn, something she had never done before. I had managed to get the milker off the cow, but it was full of milk and it weighed a good thirty pounds. I lugged it over with my left hand and stood up. It was Mike. He was standing there smiling that same luring smile and shaking his head. "What's up clutz? I heard that some freak over here didn't know how to get out of the way of stampeding cattle." He laughed.

"Yeah piss off you fucker." I countered. "What the hell are you doing? Don't you have something else to do?"

"Naw, dad and mom went to some family thing up in Ohio somewhere. Figured since you was such a little weakling, I would wonder over here and give you a hand."

"Aw well ain't you the sweetest fucker in existence." I shot back. "Who the hell is in Ohio that your redneck family knows?"

"Some aunt, or cousin or something. Never fucking heard of em. Alls I know is that I got the house to myself and a nice big bottle of Makers. I was gonna ask for a hand job, but since you broke your hand then I guess you're outta luck." Mike laughed and smacked the brim of my ball cap.

"Here fucker, take this and dump it in the cooler." I handed him the milker.

That was one thing that always amazed me about Mike. He was so cocky. He even assumed that me giving him a hand job was my treat, not his. I guess he knew that I was hooked on him and that I wouldn't say anything. But I knew what was going on. I liked his cocky attitude, so I let him be.

My chores went along faster than usual with Mike's help. When we were done, I stopped by the house to tell my mom were I'd be. Then we took off to Mike's house. I hadn't been there in awhile, but most everything was the same. I had left my blazer at home and rode over with Mike. Deep down I was excited at the thought of actually having Mike in a real bed. My stomach fluttered every time I thought about it. But I tried to put that out of my mind, for the time being anyway.

Mike flipped on the television and I plopped down in the chair with my leg draped over the arm. Mike bounced down on the couch. There was a baseball game on and we sat there in silence for little while, watching the game. Mike jumped up and ran into his room and returned with a bottle of whiskey. "Its drink time...ya think?" I shook my head and hopped out of the chair and we headed to the kitchen.

We had taken a couple shots a piece. I was starting to feel really warm inside when Mike spoke up. "You seen Jacob?" He had a little smirk on his face, one I only saw when he was teasing me.

"No." I responded.

"Well I ran into him this morning. We had a nice big chat." Mike started to giggle. I felt like crawling under the table. I didn't know what to say so I said nothing. I made a mental note to kill Jacob the next time I saw him. We continued our shots and before I knew it, my head was swimming. I could tell that Mike was getting a little bombed too because his speech was starting to slur. I stood up and walked to the bathroom. I was still running through my mind what Mike had said earlier. I wondered what Jacob had really said, but I knew that I would never get the true story from Mike. I brushed it off as best I could and joined him again in the kitchen. We drank and laughed the rest of the night, so much so that parts of it were erased by the whiskey.

I woke up and looked at the clock. It was almost three in the morning. I raised up and realized that I was in Mike's bed. The television was on, but just static. I rubbed my eyes and looked over. Mike was there beside me. I looked at him. He was almost angelic while he slept. His dark hair was a little mussed, his mouth barely open so that his front teeth were showing just a bit. He didn't have a shirt on and his big hand was draped across his chest. His skin seemed to glow in the pale light of his room. My eyes followed his body downwards. His flat stomach gently rose and fell. There was no hair there. The blanket was covering his crotch, but I could see a small lump there. His feet and calves were uncovered. I couldn't help it, but there was just something erotic about a man's hands and feet. Mike's fingers were long and thick, the skin was rough with all the farm work, his fingernails were trimmed short. His feet were pale in comparison. They hardly ever saw the sunlight. His feet were wide and strong looking and the skin was soft and smooth like silk, his toes were wide. He was masculinity at its finest. My eyes returned to his face. He was a beautiful person, and it was at that moment that I knew what love was. It was true, I had tried to pretend that it wasn't, but what I felt for him was love. I stared at his face for quite some time and then suddenly something happened. I knew what was going on, but it was like something else was controlling my body. Sparks went through my body as my lips touched his. I paused briefly, reveling in the feeling that I was experiencing. I pulled back and was shocked back to reality when I saw that his eyes were open. We looked into one another's eyes. I think that he could see the love I had for him. It was a moment that words would have ruined. Our eyes peered at one another. It was like a really bad romance film, but time was standing still. I searched his dark eyes for what he was feeling, and I was sure that I saw his love for me as well. Our upbringings made it hard for either of us to voice it, but in intimate times like that, you cannot mask the message that your eyes send.

As the emotion rushed through my body, Mike did a very unexpected thing. He reached up and grabbed the back of my head and pulled my lips to his. I was shocked at first but then I submitted to his request. We kissed for what seemed like hours. Mike rolled me over onto my back and we laid stomach to stomach, his tongue in my mouth. I was in heaven. I could feel his hard dick pressed against my thigh. Mike was somewhat taller than me and our parts weren't always in a matching position. My hands were all over his back, I could feel his muscles flexing. I slid my hands down to his ass and pulled him as close to me as possible. My cast got in the way, but I managed as best I could to keep the touch soft. I could smell him, his bed and room smelled like him. His scent was mixed with soap and deodorant. His skin was soft and cool t the touch. It was actually cold in his room because of the air conditioner, but I was on fire on the inside. Mikes hands slid down my sides and onto my ass. Mike used his knees and to spread my legs apart and sat up. He gave me a quick smile and leaned over and picked up a bottle of lotion up from the floor. I smelled it's scent as he applied it to his crotch. I heard the crackle of the lotion as he massaged his cock. I sat up and took his nipple into my mouth. He kept stroking himself and threw his head back. I pawed at his chest like a mad person, he responded with deep breaths and moans. I fell back to my elbows, as I knew what he wanted. He grabbed my ankles and put me into position. I felt him pushing into me. I clenched my teeth at the pain. He went slow, but I would have taken any amount of pain to please him at that moment. I grew used to his intrusion and soon, I was so turned on that I could hardly handle it. I hooked my knees over Mike's shoulders and he made love to me as though we were never going to be together again. I gazed into his eyes as he pleasured the both of us. Mike wrapped his forearms under my shoulders and grabbed me, holding me tight. I wrapped my legs and around his waist and I pulled his face close and kissed him. At that moment we both exploded, me between us and he inside me. We were both out of breath and panting like rabid dogs. He collapsed on top of me and I felt so secure with his weight on top of me, like the world was problem free. We both drifted into sleep.

I woke with my face against Mike's chest. His breathing was so peaceful, his arms wrapped around me. I ran through my mind the events that had taken place. I had never known Mike to be that gentle and loving. It was a side of him that scared and fascinated me. Till that day I had only fucked, but never made love. The feelings were nearly more than my brain could process. I wondered what time it was, but hesitated in breaking our embrace. Reluctantly I did, and it was 5:30. I realized that I had to go and milk. As I rolled to the side of the bed, Mike roused up. "Hey dude, where ya goin?"

"I gotta go milk." I said as I rubbed my eyes. My body ached because of the whiskey that I drank. I stood up and stretched and turned to look at him in the bed. He was yawning and had his hands behind his head and under his pillow. He looked at me sleepily. His nipples showed in the light. "You gonna get up and take me back?"

"Why don't you take my truck, milk and then come back." Mike flashed his beautiful smile at me again.

"Sure, but why would I want to come back here for?" I tried to play dumb, to see if he would say what I wanted him to.

"Cause I am going to need some breakfast you bitch, and I don't feel like cooking." He smiled. Though he didn't say it, he wanted me to come back for a repeat performance. I realized that this was something that he and I both had trouble communicating about. So I decided that I would leave the words out and follow the body language.

I searched for my clothes, some of which were strewn into the hall. I walked over to where he was laying and twisted his nipple gently and told him that I would see him later. I swiped his keys off the kitchen table and bounded into the morning darkness. The stars were shinning brilliantly. The air was cool, but sticky. The moon cast a pale light across the lawn. What a beautiful morning it was indeed.


Next: Chapter 7

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