Millennium Construction Company

Published on May 5, 2014


Catfish Finds Inner Peace 2 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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The trio in the Steam Room were a pleasant group. Gene liked to fondle my equipment, but I finally told him it tasted better than it looked. Drew rose to the bait. In the dark and steamy room, you could not see more than three feet. The man sitting next to you could not see you clearly. They liked the privacy.

They were handsome men and it took them ten minutes, or so to get into me. I think they considered me an interesting anatomical specimen at first. They discovered the recreational potential later.

It seemed that Drew was in charge and the other men were his associates. He turned me over to Gene and John.

"John said you were the shy and retiring type," Drew said. "I've never been able to completely relax during sex. My parents were good Methodists. I still can't figure out who they managed to have me and my two sisters."

"I know what you mean. I thought I was the only gay man in the world when I first messed with other guys. I thought we invented man sex," I said. "Strangely I still thought I was alone even while another guy sucked me. I should have figured it out."

"I think my folks were pretty typical, but I had a Sunday school teacher who was a spectacular purveyor of misinformation. He left me confused and afraid," Drew said. "My first experience with an adult man was with a guy who was terrified of sperm. You would think that would rule you out as a cocksucker, but that was not the case. Gene and John like it. I'm still uneasy."

We played a little but it was getting late. John asked if I was going to be at Ram's Tantric session the next morning. I said I was. Ram had said he would be investigating anal sex. I wondered if that would attract or repel the class members.

I still had a nagging concern that the fee for this job seemed to be too big for the problem. I suspected there was another situation they were keeping secret. I had just reached my room when there was a call from the manager, Sammy DeMarco. The chef had discovered some of his meat covered with a white powder. The powder was rat poison. The chef checked out the refrigerators and freezers every night before he left to insure everything was properly stored. If he had not noticed it, the powder would had seeped into the meat and would not have been visible. I went to the kitchen.

The chef, Julio, had checked the rat poison. It was stored in a room separate from the kitchen. Julio remembered the poison was in a new can. It was only two thirds full now. He disposed of anything that was not in a sealed container. I doubted there would have been enough to kill a guest, but the guest would have been seriously sick. This turned the case from being a crazy letter writing campaign into attempted murder.

The good news was that this wasn't an exotic poison that was brought in from outside. Someone knew where the poison was stored and used it. I asked about the kitchen staff. Julio said he kept a hawk eye on the entire process. "If someone tried to sneak something in my food I would kill them," he said. He wasn't joking.

I went to Sam's office and got the list of employees. I sent them to my office for my nerds to check out. I had no idea what they might find, but they usually came up with something. They had attractively devious minds.

I was in the Tantric Pavilion the next morning at 6:00 with Ram. There were almost twenty men there, including Drew and his two friends. Mike and Rodney were there too. I was a bit surprised at the number of men, but Ram was not. He later told me that he expected a crowd. He began the session with a lecture.

"Most people are raised to believe sex is secret and meant to be hidden. Sex is a forbidden part of our life. Of course, we know that we all do it and desire it. Indeed, most of us crave it. We persist in believing that we are alone in our desires. We are embarrassed and ashamed that we like the same things that everyone else likes," Ram said. "Most of us want to hide our feelings and suppress our desires. That seems to be manlier and more macho."

"Of course I am talking about man to man sex. Many of our hang-ups about sex relate to sex between man and women. Let me assure you, no one will become pregnant as a result of this class," he added. Everyone laughed. "Sex here is not a prelude to twenty years of child rearing. This is pure sex done for pleasure only. We all know that solo sex is hardly sex at all. With a playmate the sexual experience can be fully realized."

"Remember we are not here to select a life partner; we are here solely to feel pleasure. We are after nothing but shared pleasure. There is no need to look your best or to worry about what another man thinks about us as long as we remember we are after pleasure.

"Like primitive man, we are all naked, so we must use whatever tools are available to us," Ram continued as he stroked his cock. The men laughed. "We all know that one tool is always handy. A Christian acquaintance of mine regarded the cunning location of men's genitals as an example of Predestination. Our cocks are always handy for a reson. I think of it as karma. The world was made for us to enjoy it. Not all of our sexual playthings are as easy to get to as out cocks. Some require some work, and others are hidden within us."

"Greet the men in the room. Let us all get acquainted!" Ram cried. "Don't be shy. Don't hold back." He stroked his cock again and went to Mike. They hugged and Ram fondled Mike's cock. Mike bent over and kissed the tip of Ram's cock. If you want to make friends quickly, that was a success.

An older man who sat next to me touched my cock. "I'm Herbert. I have never seen anyone quite like you. I know I'm old, but I would love to connect with you." The man looked like Santa.

"I think you already have," I said with a smile. Herbert was staring at my cock. "I give free samples." I added. He was old, but he knew how to suck and he soon got me going.

"Now that we have all made friends, please gather around me," Ram said. "The subject today is anal sex. Notice that I did not use the more direct word "fucking." That is not just being polite or genteel. My interest is in anal massage and prostate stimulation."

"I call it the old buff and shine," I added. The crowd burst into laughter.

"Well, the buff and shine is closer to being what I am seeking than the slam-bang-thank-you ma'am school of sex. My intention is to make the experience gentle, slow and mutually pleasurable. It is to be tender and intimate," Ram continued. "The rectal muscles are much tighter and stronger than the mouth, but the ass has no teeth. Of course the mouth is made to ingest and the ass to expel, so we must take our time relaxing the sphincter so it can accept its unexpected role. We all know that unexpected roles can often be pleasurable.

"As men, we tend to be dominant. Sometimes the passive role is pleasurable and relaxing. It is difficult to take the submissive role; to let a man in you and let him use you as a toy. It can be rewarding. "

"We typically consider receiving the cock as a woman's role. Some men are uneasy and find it problematic. Sex is not one size fit's all," Ram said, taking a quick glance at my cock. "Natural variation and personal preference all play a role. I can assure you that after many years of study, tops and bottoms usually work things out. Some men keep their ass firmly clenched, some open only for certain man. I have known some men who would be willing to accommodate the Ringling Brother's Circus if it would fit in their ass." Ram's combination of direct sexual conversation and humor seemed to both reduce the tension and reassure the men.

"Let me as for volunteers for some demonstrations," he said.

"Do you want bottoms or tops?" a man asked.

"Most of all I want men who are willing!" Ram said. "Let me say that as a male human being, willing is always high on my list of attractive features!" There was more laughter. "Let me tell you that if you are shy and uneasy, don't feel a need to come forward. This is meant to be enjoyable and illuminating; it is not a test!"

I could almost feel the tension in the room fall as he said that. I didn't know if anyone would come forward. It was silent.

"Well I'll help out," I said. "I'm mostly a top." Someone in the group murmured, "Thank you Jesus." A few moments later, seven men had come forward. Mike, John and Herbert were in the group.

"Remember, we aren't fucking; we are massaging," Ram said. "We are using our most private parts to massage a friend's most private parts. Remember also, we are not here to obey my rules; we are here to enjoy each other. The only oddity is that we are not in dark bedroom, hidden from view. We are proud of our bodies; we are proud of our sexual skills." His voice was soothing and calm.

Herbert was on a mattress like pillow. When Ram came near him, he pulled up his legs and exposed his ass. "Think of the anus as the doorway to pleasure. Herbert has welcomed me into his body and invited me to share his most intimate pleasures." As he talked, his cock head vanished into Herbert's ass. He moaned, "Oh baby."

"We barely know each other, but he knows there is nothing but joy to come," Ram continued. The rest of his cock vanished into the man's rectum. Herbert moaned again

"Sometimes the first entrance is so exciting I come close to ejaculating. I stay still so I can get control of my organ," Ram said. "Sometimes I ejaculate once or twice. That lubricates the chute and makes it more pleasurable. Come close and look. The hole is small, but it easily adjust to my cock." He continued to talk and slowly thrust, as Herbert moaned a twitched with pleasure.

A big hairy and beefy man came over to me. "That monster cock of yours turns me on big time," he said. "I don't know if I can take it, but I want it."

"I'm Noland, but the way," I said. "I always get into a willing ass."

"Hot damn!" he replied. "I'm Robinson." Then he whispered, "I'm not into this tantric crap, but if it feels good, I'm willing." He was willing, and the tantric crap turned out to be fine. He was tight, but I opened him up slowly and took my time.

Robinson's ass remained tight and it was good. Ram came over and gave me a break, Robinson my not have been into tantric sex, but he sure enjoyed Ram's cock. It is easy to underestimate man's adaptability. Ram pulled out and I re-entered.

Robinson was a man's man, but after a while, he gave into the pleasure. We attracted a small crowd. The big man's asshole was small and delicate looking. They liked watching my battering ram stretch him wide. He was an enthusiastic bottom.

Without the drive to shoot off, most men relaxed and just enjoyed the cock-rectum connection. Men were chatting as they fucked, comfortable with the situation.

I had to get to work, so I left at eight. Robinson came up to me as I left. "That was great. Thank you," he said and them he lowered his voice. "Is there any chance you would breed me? I want your cum."

"I'll give you mine, if you give me yours," I said.

"It's a deal," he replied with a big smile on his face. "Can I shoot it up your ass?" I smiled and nodded. Sometimes a massive exchange of testosterone and sperm can really hit the spot.

I hate to admit it, but Ram's slow and easy approach to sex was good. I thought it would be frustrating, but that wasn't much of a problem. I asked Robinson if he was getting sore and he told me he was fine. I knew from my own experience that a cock does not get callused, no matter how much you use it.

Robinson looked like a trucker, and he told me he drove trucks. That was somewhat true. He had owned a trucking company. It was a big operator. He had just retired, sold the company and was exploring life. He later told me I had introduced him to a part of life he had not realized existed.

I was supposed to work in the Renewal center, but Sammy sent me to the kitchen to help the chef cleanup. The chef, Julio Alverez, was a Florida born Cuban. He was a good chef, but excitable. Poisoning his food was not a mere criminal act; it was a personal insult of the worst sort to him. Julio was a firm believer in the death penalty.

He was muscular and dark-skinned and looked scary. He had met me the night before, but did not like strangers working in his kitchen. Sammy told him I was a private detective working on the case. That almost made me acceptable. My Mom was a nurse who had to go back to work after my Dad died. I did a lot of the housework. Mom was a surgical nurse and had very clear ideas on cleaning. I kept her happy. Julio was worried that some of the rat poison might have spilled on the counter tops. After an hour, Julio and I were pals. I also cleaned the fruit and vegetables the right way and was neat.

Several of the kitchen staff member were Julio's cousins from Miami. They were not high on my list of suspects. Julio was not a hands off cook. He was in the kitchen working with the crew. While he was demanding, he was also generous in his praise.

There were deliverymen, but the Farm van picked up most food of the food. Julio liked his food fresh and he bought much daily at a local farmers' market.

"Could one of the farmers have a grudge?" I asked.

"We pay top dollar," Julio said. "When our best supplier had financial problems, the Farm helped him over the rough spot. We are loyal customers."

"It seems unlikely a UPS or FedEx man would do this," Julio said. "It might be a guest."

"What about disgruntled staff members?"

"The pay is good, very good for this area and the work isn't difficult. Some of the yardmen are a bit rough, but most were in construction or the lumber business. They were hurt, or had medical problems. The Farm hired them as charity cases. They are real happy here," Julio said.

"Do any of them have a problem with the fringe benefits, the extra services provided to guests?" I asked.

"Nothing is required, it is up to the employee," Julio said. "I think some were uneasy when they first came here. They either go with the flow, or join in. You don't need to be gay to enjoy a blowjob."

"A cock up the behind is a different matter," I observed.

"It is understood that is by invitation only," Julio explained. He leaned close to me. "Some of the guest enjoy a country boy's fuck tool up their asses. A little crudity and directness is welcome."

"Do you get guests who don't participate in the sexual games?"

"There are some, but most of that is due to timidity," Julio replied. "Several of my staff members tend to gossip. The timid ones are more open to the possibilities when there are in their bedroom in the evenings. Some are very open, if you get my meaning,"

The kitchen was back to normal by noon and the staff was working on preparing dinner. I returned to the Renewal Center. I cleaned things up ad talked with a few of the guests, the place was expensive and most of the men were wealthy, although there were a few exceptions. Most of the exceptions were companions of the guests. The steam room and the sauna were good places for gossip. Naked men tended to be more open without the protection of clothes.

A man named Elbert was a local, the former sheriff of the next county. He was with a man who owned a big timber company, Rex, and a state senator, Wayne Smith. Politics required that they be conservative, church going types. Thye were unhappy about the ultra-conservative turn in local politics. The Farm was an important local taxpayer. A number of its guests eventually bought houses in the area, and that was good for the tax base.

It was an interesting conversation, but it didn't get me any closer to finding out the problem. Nothing seemed important enough to justify poison or nasty letters.

Eddie told me about the history of the place. Whitney Van der Wahl was a turn of the century industrialist who fancied himself a rival to the Vanderbilt's in Ashville. He built the farm, but it never rivaled the Vanderbilt's home in Ashville. Whitney heavily invested in Florida real estate in the 1920s. He lost everything in a financial collapse. The farm was later used as a girls' school and then as a monastery. All were failures. Phil bought the property at a sheriff's sale. He revamped and renovated the property.

Resorts were common in the area, but successful resorts were rare. Ram's philosophy was the extra-added attraction. High quality Gay resorts were rare. It did not advertise. Word of mouth was enough. I had a chance to call my office and tell them what I knew. My chief nerd, Wally was interested in the Van der Wahls. He said he remembered something about them, a scandal.

Wally was one of those men who always won at Trivial Pursuit. He collected odd information. Like all information, it was useless until it was needed. One of the men at my office said Wally came with footnotes. He always remembered where the information came from.

It was a quiet night. The men who were there only for the weekend left and the weekly guests had not arrived yet. Ram told me more men stayed than usual. The Tantric Class was successful and several wanted to explore the mysteries in greater depth. I think Ram was quite sincere about that, but I suspected the in depth explorations were more anatomical than spiritual.

Eddie brought Elbert and Wayne to the exercise area. Eddie was into exercise big time. After an hour, they went to the showers followed by the sauna. After five minutes, Eddie came out.

"Noland, the word around is that you are fun. Would you like to join us for a little relaxation?" he asked. I was finished with my work so I stripped and went in the sauna. Eddie was in his mid-sixties and was still in good shape. Elbert was a little older, and his muscles seemed to have been replaced with more body hair. I suspected he needed to shave a few hours after birth. Wayne was golfer fit.

"Damn, you have a big one," Eddie said. "Do you mind a little gawking?"

"It comes with the territory. It's not pretty, but it seems to make friends," I said. "It works better than it looks."

"Noland, do you give free samples," Elbert asked.

"I like to share," I added.

Next: Chapter 154: Catfish Finds Inner Peace 3

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