Millennium Construction Company

Published on Feb 20, 2018


Catfish Goes to Sea 2 By Bob Archman

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Within a day, police in Virginia Beach, Nags Head and Annapolis reopened the cases. We now had a possible Modus Operandi. It may have been a protection racket or a land deal. Water front properties are high dollar. The Raise the Curtin operation could have provided the criminals to cause the problems resulting in the hotels' bankruptcy.

There was no proof but there were multiple avenues for investigation. I had been uneasy about Bud's reliance on probability and mathematics. Helen told me not to doubt Bud. "He is an accountant. He's not a wild and crazy man. You would be an idiot not to take him seriously." Helen had high standards and if she took Bud seriously, I followed suit.

The Raise the Roof could have provided the enforcers for the Gamma Corporation. The actors and singers may have been uninvolved, but boyfriends, stage crews and hangers on were often marginal people.

For a few days, I had little to do that was involved with the investigation. While I hate to think of myself as a superficial, sex driven guy, being on a ship with 60 to 70 likeminded gay men struck me as an opportunity. I had never been with so many men, but I saw that as a challenge.

Most of the men seemed to be thinking the same way. I went to the sun deck on the top level of the ship. The railings were canvas covered so you could be discretely naked. I sunburn badly, but there was an awning over part of the deck. Most of the men were working on their tans. I was just airing my equipment.

A big guy sat next to me. He looked at me. "I'm usually the hairiest man in the room. Hair must be half of your body weight," he said.

"Does that bother you?" I asked.

"Shit no. It's a turn on," he said. "I'm Bubba, by the way."

"You wouldn't mind if I said you are the most Bubba looking guy I've ever seen. On this ship I'm Silverbeard," I said. He laughed and we shook hands. Bubba was a ginger bear, with a thick coat of copper colored hair covering his body. His large cock head peaked out from his thick foreskin. It looked as if his slit bisected his cock. He was staring at my cock.

"Damn, it a beauty," he said. "Do you give free samples?" I peeled my foreskin back. For a big man, Bubba could move quickly. In a split-second half of my cock was down his throat. Bubba sighed in satisfaction.

He was a gentle and effective cock sucker. It was okay at first, but soon my cock responded his efforts. He paid special attention to my cock head and slit. He seemed to appreciate my cock drool. Bubba stood to catch his breath. His cock was at my mouth level, so I took a quick lick. He was drooling too. It was sweet and thick. I ran my tongue around his mushroom and he began to ejaculate. A minute later the entire content of his balls was in my mouth.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry about that," he murmured.

"It's nice to be appreciated," I said. Bubba left, and a tall, thin otter took his place.

"You've caused quite a stir," he said.

"I suspect my cock has caused the stir," I said.

"I'm not a size queen," he remarked as he looked at my semi erect tool. "I might give it a try, though." His name was John and was a part-time actor and a full-time waiter. We talked. John was new to the bear group and was mostly new the world of gay men over forty. He had crossed the thirty-year-old barrier several years earlier and knew that older gay men either get fat or gaunt. As the hair on his chest got thicker, the hair on his head moved well beyond the thinning stage. "I need to find some older guys," he said he looked at me.

"Are you thinking that older guys are a possibility, but this guy is ridiculous?" I asked. John burst out laughing.

"Is mind reading tonight's after dinner show?" he asked. "I need to confess. I like the bottom and was looking at your cock. It's ridiculous to think I could take it in my ass. Are you a top?" I nodded.

"I'm a size queen's wet dream. I'm not the biggest, but I have a good combination of heft and length," I said. "Just think about it for a while. If there is an itch in your ass that only my cock can scratch, come and see me."

I asked him what plays he had been in. He said that when he was lucky his strong suit was Shakespeare and period farces. "I used to do some pay-the-bills work for an agency. It was a few steps up from wearing clown suits and making balloon animals. I did some product promotions at conventions. It would have paid well if the agency didn't take 40% of the fee," he complained. "The actors and singers in the group were good, but the rest of the guys in the organization were close to being thugs." A friend of his called him and he went off to see him.

A big bear named Walt and his delicate pal, Tommy, came over to me. Tommy was shaved smooth and good-looking, but somehow, he looked breakable. Walt looked like a model for a caveman in a museum diorama. He had a pronounced brow ridge and massive eyebrows. Walt owned a paving company and Tommy was his business manager. Walt was a bit shy. Tommy didn't have a shy cell in his body.

"Last night's show was a hoot. I like sophisticated comedies, but I almost pissed in my pants it was so funny," Tommy said.

"Technically you were wearing a jock with a hole cut in it, so your cock could flop around," Walt said. "I don't think that qualifies as pants."

"Your speedo looked like a thong," Tommy replied. "Silverbeard, I thought you had a prop cock. now that I see it closely, it appears to be real. If I wasn't in love with Walt, you could have tempted me."

We talked. Walt and Tommy were opposites in almost every way. Walt started with nothing and worked his way up to become the owner of a major company. As a child, Tommy inherited a lot of money from his parents who were killed in an automobile accident. When his grandmother died his inherited the big bucks. It was clear that Tommy wanted a stable, dependable daddy.

Walt was a muscular hairball. His soft cock was large in girth. Tommy looked small and delicate. I think he was five feet ten, but he seemed shorter. His cock was full sized. He babbled but didn't seem to mind if you didn't listen to him. He was attentive to Walt and fetched drinks and sandwiches for us.

After lunch, I went back to the crew cabin and went by a mini-orgy in a state room. I admit that I am curious and not that good about resisting temptation. I looked in and was asked to join in and promptly succumbed to temptation. The hosts were Rory and Mitch, two conventional businessmen from Newport News. They were real estate agents. They were clean shaven and well-groomed above the dress shirt line. Rory was a blond bear, I think Mitch was a Greek or Armenian hair ball. Rory had his arm around a smooth, slightly overweight young man named Toby. He had an impressive erection. Mitch was on his back with my otter friend John riding his cock.

"By the way, we aren't lovers. Mitch and I are just friends; John and Toby are strangers with full loads who are willing to share. It turns out we all like the creamy stuff, bare and messy. Does that offend you?" Rory asked.

"I don't mind sharing my cock juices. I don't think sperm is messy," I said. "It's a reward for a job well done." Rory and Toby laughed. John was too occupied to laugh. I sat on a bed and sucked Rory. Toby got on the bed to suck me.

Mitch began to moan. He was shooting off. "That's it baby," John said. "Give it all to me!" Rory and Toby switched positions. I sucked Toby as Rory sucked me. Toby's precum was flowing like Niagara Falls, he was into it.

Mitch's phone rang which disrupted the activity and gave us time to catch our breath. It was a business call about a house sale. Rory, Toby and I had a whispered chat. Rory said the he had introduced Toby to fucking the night before and Toby had discovered his prostate.

"I didn't know anything could feel that good," Toby said under his breath.

"You were virgin?" I asked.

"No. I've done some stuff, but had never been fucked," Toby said. Mitch finished the phone call and we resumed regular conversation. He leaned over to suck John, who had been forgotten during the call. We all had a nice chat and Toby let us know he was well lubricated. Mitch went to the bathroom to make another business call. John came over to suck me as I chatted with Toby. John was casual at first, but he got into it, he couldn't get much of it in his mouth, but he seemed to be passionate with my cock head and drooling slit.

Rory was briefly left out but got off the bed and nudged his cock into John's ass. Tory's cock was a fat, butt plug type tool. John spread his ass to open his hole more and took it like a pro, wiggling his ass to stimulate Rory's cock.

I returned to sucking Toby and eased a finger into his ass. An ass is usually purely utilitarian, but I wiggled my finger and found his prostate. I was sucking one bottom as a second bottom sucked me. Both men seemed open for business.

"Can you get in the bed, so we can both suck you?" Toby asked. Toby had other plans. I was rock hard and as soon as I was on my back Toby straddled me and placed my cock at his hole.

"It's really big, Toby," Rory warned.

"I want it!" Toby replied. He skewered himself. When he had three-fourths of it in him, Toby had a spectacular orgasm. One spurt hit the porthole five feet away. The whole episode took less than a minute. It wasn't exciting for me, but its nice to be appreciated.

A few seconds later John used his ass to display his sword swallowing skills. He jumped on the bed, straddled me and then took every inch of my love pole. His eyes rolled back in his head. He took a deep breath and moaned. He bounced a few times and moaned again. John discovered his inner size-queen. He bounced on it off and on for the next ten minutes.

"Do you ever feel awfully slutty when you are sitting on the cock of a man you barely know?" John said. "Should I feel bad about this?"

"I would only feel bad when I discover that there is a single sperm I neglected to shoot in your ass," I said. I began to shoot. Mitch returned in time to catch John's sperm as it flew. Mitch helped John get off the bed and then eased his cock into John's cum filled hole.

"I'm not fucking you. I'm just giving you a soft landing," he murmured. Mitch began to twitch a little. he added his sperm to mine in John's ass. We all rested for a while. Rory, Mitch and John were in a nice post orgasmic hug. Rory was in Mitch's ass. It wasn't exactly fucking; it was more of an anal massage.

I was with Toby. "Are you okay?" I asked.

"I've never been this okay in my life," he said as I eased my cock into him a second time. "Are you still okay?"

"It's even better," Toby said. I sometimes enjoy a casual fuck. It is sub-orgasmic, but pleasurable. I took nice, long strokes. Toby was relaxed and enjoyed the depth. When I pulled out I made sure my knob rubbed his prostate. He shivered every time I touched it. As it turned out, it was 80% sub-orgasmic, 10% orgasm and 10% post orgasm event. Toby had been embarrassed by his premature ejaculation before. he could feel me shooting in him and he loved it.

I went of to get ready for a new Silverbeard skit for the after-dinner entertainment. Max's dinner was good and the entertainment brief. The men knew each other well by this time and they had other plans for the nights entertainment. In the skit I was stranded in a boat without a paddle. After some traditional comedy complications, I shoved my cock out of the back of the boat and with the aid of a hidden fire extinguisher used ejaculation-propelled jet action to take us to safety. It was not an angst-filled exploration of modern life, but sometimes mindless stupidity can reach unexpected heights.

That night I wandered down the stateroom corridor and Rory pulled me into his room. Mitch, John and Toby were there with Max and Jonathan. "I kind of mentioned I had been in fuck festival this afternoon and Max asked if we were going to do it again soon?" Rory said. "I told him we were into it, but our guest of honor might be occupied elsewhere. When you came by I thought you might be interested."

"Are you planning an all fucking event?" I asked.

Rory nodded. "Everyone said they had unlatched the back door and were ready to entertain on the back porch," he said.

"It sounds slutty and trashy," I said. "Count me in!" The room was crowded and hot. Every time you moved a cock would slip in your ass. I got on a bed and fucked Toby as Mitch tenderized my prostate. I could roll over and fuck Mitch, as Jonathan explored my ass. Toby was all bottom and went looking for someone to fill is ass.

Mitch was more muscular than I had thought and had the sphincter of steel. Once I was in, his sphincter served as a cock ring. Jonathan has a long, thin tool with a big head. Jack pounded like a jack hammer, but I could only feel his cock head tickling my ass. He was forceful, so he was essentially pushed my cock deeper into Mitch.

Jonathan shot off and pulled out. Mitch relaxed his grip on my cock and I rolled over. Max joined us and tenderized my ass, and Mitch opened wide. Mitch was not often a bottom, but he took my cock without too much problem. It was a good night.

The next morning when I called the office there seemed to be too many possibilities. We began with sex, drugs and real estate fraud. Helen and Bud had discovered Gamma was associated with money laundering, insurance fraud and a possible murder. Dead bodies had been found at two properties. It was not clear if they were site specific bodies, or relocated bodies planted to damage the hotels viability.

"Is it possible that these guys operate a Walmart for criminal activities. They have something for everyone?" I asked.

"I think the main business is real estate and developing. The crimes are a means to an end, not the main objective," Bud said. "A man named Dick Toms owns Gamma. He lives in Charlotte but owns real estate in Nags Head. He has two sons, Dick Toms Jr. and Thomas Toms. Junior lives in Virginia Beach and Tom lives near Annapolis. Mrs. Toms senior is Maria Fabbrici. Her father was a lawyer for a Mafia family based in Miami. Her father died, and she was the sole heir," Bud explained.

"It seems that Gamma's financing comes from her family connections. As far as I can tell, they buy properties for below market rate. They do minor cosmetic renovations and resell for way over market rates," Bud continued.

I went to ask Jonathan if he had any connection to the Gamma Corporation or the Toms family. He said he had never heard of the Gamma Corporation, but that he had a new booking for the ship for a three-day, mid-week wedding next week for the Toms family. A woman named Maria Toms' grand-daughter was getting married.

Apparently, the wedding was rushed. "I think the bride wanted to be married before the baby showed in the wedding photographs," Jonathan explained. "This is a turnkey operation; we are doing it all with Max doing the food and Lonnie providing the entertainment. There will be 40 guests at $4,000.00 a head. It is family and a few friends only, very posh and deluxe."

Since Catfish and Company provided security for many cultural events, we had a stable of operatives who actors and musicians. All could wait tables too. The next day I met with Lonnie and asked what he had planned. He was thinking about doing a comic treasure hunt. The hunters find a marooned pirate who knows the location of a great treasure. The was the Bride, who has snuck out while no one was looking, emerges from the treasure chest. He needed a pirate crew on short notice.

I let him know that I could find a crew. Sonny looked at me. "You know lots of things, don't you?" I said that I had been around. I provided the pirate crew and signed up John to be the Pirate King.

When we unloaded the bears, I called my office for an update. Mrs. Toms was a nice Catholic girl who attended mass and was on the Altar and Rosary Society of her church. The Father of the bride was her sonTom Toms and not involved in the family businesses. He was a rather dim, affable man. The grand-daughter was pleasant, fun-to-be-with and beautiful. No one mentioned her intellectual capacity. Her Grandfather and Uncle ran the businesses. They were sharks.

The groom was a school teacher and the wrestling coach. He and his family had no criminal connections.

Two days later, Maria Toms and her daughter met with Jonathan, the captain, Sonny and Max. I played bar tender and Gene, one of my operatives waited on the table. The band was going to audition. Max prepared samples of the dinners he proposed for the event. They were spectacular as were the deserts.

Sonny had made models for the decorations. They extensively used flowers that would be presented to the guests after the wedding. The band was led by two of my operatives. They asked Mrs. Toms and her daughter what the wanted to hear and then produce the songs and styles. They could do 1940s big band to rock without effort.

Sonny then ran through the proposed rehearsal dinner skit. Sonny wrote a script that was clever and funny but also avoided vulgarity. There were three treasure chests. One held candies, the second a camera for each guest to memorialize the event, and the final chest had the bride. It was all clever and funny. Sonny was a good salesman too.

I had told my office about the wedding. The police investigation had progressed to a point when wiretaps could be approved. The plan was "leak" information that the old cases were going to be reopened. This occurred after the principals were on the City Point. The phones were tapped, and the police wanted to know who would be called.

For special deluxe treatment, Max would have a waiter or waitress assigned to each family table. They would be wired.

Next: Chapter 194: Catfish Goes to Sea 3

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