Millennium Construction Company

Published on Mar 27, 2018


Catfish Returns to the Sea. By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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I hadn't heard a report on what happened after the explosion and murder of the Greene Family. My connections were with the local and state police. The explosion meant that the FBI and the ATF were in charge. Sharing with them was a one-way street.

There was also a chance we had discovered only a small part of the large, multi-state scam. If it was working in Virginia and North Carolina, what was going on in New Jersey and Florida? Virginia Beach is small potatoes compared to Miami or Tampa. I didn't know what was going on.

A few months later I had a call from a man named Gustavo Morales. The was the captain of a specialty cruise ship, the New Beagle. It was named after Darwin's ship. It did scientific and cultural cruises with a strong educational aspect. They provided noted art historians and scientists to lead the cruises to the Antarctic, the Galapagos or Mayan ruins in central America.

He had heard about the events on the City Point. His company had given their captains a head up about the problem. Gustavo wasn't worried until he heard about Lulu. A woman named Lulu was in a cabaret act on one of his cruises. Several of the passengers had misplaced valuable items on that cruise. Some how he got my name. We talked, and it was clear that my Lulu and his Lulu were the same person.

Cruises on the New Beagle were expensive and attracted wealthy and educated passengers. It was perfect for workaholic businessmen who wouldn't normally take a vacation or had just retired. It also seemed to specialize in the grand parents who took the entire family. It was educational for the kids and the adults. Lulu's suspect appearance on the ship was very unwelcome. Cruise lines are competitive and one or two bad experiences can be the kiss of death. Four days later, Gustavo and Roger, the president of the Cruise line came to see me.

They had been going over the records of recent cruises and picked up a disturbing pattern. Most of the incidents had been too small to report to the main office, but "lost items" that had been one or two a cruise, were now 10-15 items and climbing.

"Of course, we have changed the reporting requirements, but I think we are being tested," Roger said. "We contacted the City Point. They discovered a similar pattern. I think we may be a target." Their line had a good reputation and good relations with Customs officials. Most of their passengers received only cursory inspections. That could be ideal for smuggling. I got the name of their booking organization for entertainment and gave it to Helen.

A half hour later, she reported back. While the group that provided entertainment for the City

Point had vanished, Lulu's current employers were the same men with different titles. The former artistic director was now the president; the former president was now a "creative consultant. It was clear that something was up.

Helen's display of internet prowess got us the job. I would join the New Beagle as a passenger and feed information to Helen. I would share a cabin with one of their security men. While that would greatly reduce my sexual opportunities, but rest would be nice.

The next cruise was in two weeks and went from Miami, to Mexico's ancient Mayan areas, through the Panama Canal and down the west coast of South America to Peru and the Inca areas. I had to get a new passport and revaccinated for the trip. The cruise line took care of all of that.

I flew to Miami and boarded the ship. Gustavo greeted me, and I went to his cabin. Careful attention to passengers' needs was a major part of the line's marketing. I had a handicapped stateroom, and my roommate-security man, Joe, was also physical therapist. That was a perfect cover for him. Gustavo told me that he had talked with the Captain of the City Point, and I would get along well with Joe. "I think you share many interests," he added.

The ship was different from the City Point. The top deck was family suites. This was for families or groups of friends or couples who liked to travel together. The main deck had dining rooms, lounge, a rec room and a lecture hall. Lower deck was two sets of state rooms. Museum or university groups would stay together and didn't need high attendance to fill up the entire tour.

A museum group for Pennsylvania took the stern area rooms. I was with a group called the Golden Sunset Association. It was a club for older gay men. For some reason, they thought I would fit in with that group.

The main lecturer-guide was a retired professor from the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Max Hilton. He was interesting and knowledgeable. While most of the Pennsylvania group was well versed on ancient American archaeology, the rest of the passengers were not. Dr. Max was a good lecturer and never condescending.

After my role as Silverbeard, I went to my good barber who transformed me in to a short, but distinguished, Victorian gentleman. My hair and beard ha been six to twelve inches long. When I looked in the mirror I was all but unrecognizable. I had a face, not just eyes and nose sticking out from the mass of hair. My pal, Templeton, sent me to his favorite clothier with instructions and then to Orvis for my more informal clothes.

Templeton was always polite, but he asked me to avoid selecting any clothes on my own. He had a plan for my shipboard look and that probably didn't include anything I liked. I was to be a nice guy father, whose daughter married well and was sending me on the trip of my lifetime. I went to see my mother before left and she almost cried with joy when she saw me in Templeton's wardrobe. Much to my surprise, my wardrobe was a successful disguise. I had both the right clothes and right labels to fit in with the passengers.

Joe was uneasy when he saw me until I took a shower. Joe was into macho men. He was moderately hairy, but naked I look like the missing link. He was in the shower with me making sure I didn't fall. Joe liked my fur coat, but also discovered his inner size queen. After the shower we sixty-nined for a while. He told me he was a bottom, but I was too big for him.

He wasn't too big for me. I loved me sitting on his organ. I shot off after he came. He was nice enough to lick up all the cum he could get to. He apologized he couldn't reciprocate. I told him that you needed to want my cock badly before you could take it.

Dinner was at 7:00 and we met the other passengers. They were an amiable group of mostly older people. There was good piano player, named Jorge. He did requests. He did some popular tunes of 40-years-ago, but one man asked for something by Mozart. Jorge lit up and played a beautiful sonata. I'm not a Classical guy, but I could tell Jorge was good. There were four entertainers on the ship. Jorge, a singer and two singer-dancers. They were uninterested in the sonata and looked surprised at the generous applause.

That was wrong. Small traveling troops are always wildly appreciative of all the performers in the troop. These guys were sitting on their hands. I would keep my eyes on them.

Dr. Max gave a little talk after dinner. It was mostly in jokes about archaeology and treasure hunters and went over very well with the well-educated passengers. The final event of the night was stargazing on the deck led by the Captain. We were far enough away from Miami that the sky was dark, and you could see far more stars than on the land. Gustavo was enthusiastic and knowledgeable.

When I got back to my cabin, the Golden Sunset men were on the prowl. Joe was tall, handsome, muscular and affable. If they still had dance cards, his would have been full. This group was from the Charleston and Savanah area. There were some wealthy retirees with their boys. The boys might be 40, 50, or 20-years-old. The younger boys seemed to be Hispanic or Oriental.

I got the names of the entertainers from Gustavo and sent them to Helen and Bud. That was pure guesswork on my part, but I was usually good about guess work. Joe was off to check out the Golden Sunset men.

I was in my bathrobe sitting on my bed when someone knocked on the door. There were two men, Robin and Charley. Robin was a classic sugar daddy type in his late sixties I guessed. Charley was 30ish. He said he was a writer. Robin was retired. They were from Charleston. They introduced themselves and we chatted.

They asked if I had been to Charleston. I said yes that I had spent a few weeks there a few years earlier. Robin said I looked familiar. I said I had met a lot of people there.

"Have you ever heard of the "No Holds Bared Studios?" he asked. "It makes, shall we say "artistic" videos for a select audience."

I smiled. "I can't imagine being in an arty movie," I said. "I am more of the instructional video about home repairs kind of guy."

"You are a dead ringer for a guy in one of the videos," Robin continued. "This was sort of an instructional video. Maybe it was more of an inspirational video. It was the best jack off material I had ever seen. The guy wore a mask, but there was a behind the scenes extra that showed him without a mask."

My robe fell open. Robin said, "Hot Damn!" just before my cock vanished down his throat. Mine wasn't the first cock he had ever sucked. I think I had just begun to ooze precum when he sat up and apologized.

"I hope you aren't offended. I couldn't resist," he said.

"It takes a lot to offend me, and cock sucking has never been a problem before," I said. "I take it this isn't your first experience sucking cock?"

"Robin has a life time achievement award for cock sucking," Charley said. "I hope you wouldn't be offended if we all got naked and let nature take its course?" He was already taking off his shirt.

Robin was in good shape, tanned, toned, cut and shaved. Charley looked like a slightly chubby, junior accountant until he stripped. He was muscular, hairy, and pale. He told me he had a serious problem with sunburn. There was a little glob of precum on the tip of his uncut cock.

"I am more of a watcher than a participant these days," Robin said. "I am obsessively neat and tidy. You could say I am a voyeur, but I prefer being called a watcher. Charley is every inch a participant, he loves to be watched while sexually engaged. That enhances the experience for him."

"Robin always picks his words carefully. I am a horny, show off, size queen looking got guys with big cocks who want to shove it up my ass," Charley said.

"I assume I'm not your type, but my cock is?" I asked.

"We've offended you?" Robin asked.

I smiled. "I said it takes a lot to offend me. My cock has never been offended, not even once!" They laughed.

Charley seemed to be mesmerized by my erect cock. He liked licking and sucking my cock. I could tell he was one of those guys who thought my cock was the Holy Grail and wanted to worship and adore it. I was thinking about his ass, but my cock was perfectly happy with his worship.

Robin wanted to see me fuck. Charley knew that and was willing and eager, but he had a tight ass that didn't open easily. After a few unsuccessful efforts, I got on my back and Charley impaled himself on my tool. It took a lot of lube and good intentions to get through his sphincter. When that happened Charley looked like a kid who had just made first base for the first time in Pee Wee baseball game. He bounced there for a while using my knob to massage his prostate and stretching his sphincter.

He sat up making sure that my cock still nuzzled his hole. He then went for the home run. He sat back and took the entire cock. He wiggled around a little to make sure every inch of my cock was in him and then he had a massive orgasm. His twitching ass inspired my cock to match his orgasm, ejaculation by ejaculation. Robin was moaning.

That was when Joe returned to the cabin, with a guy named Rex. Confronted with three naked men, two of whom were sperm covered, Joe and Rex did what any gay man might do. They stripped as fast as they could.

Joe lifted Charley off my cock and turned him over to Rex, who sucked Charley's still drooling cock. Joe took me to the shower to clean off the sperm on my hairy chest and gut. Robin licked up as much of Charley's man seed as he could.

Rex knew Robin and Charley well. After we dried off, we talked. Robin was the founder and primary stock holder of a successful travel agency with branches all over the south. Rex owned a men's clothier which gave discounts to Rex's customers. Charley was the business manager of the travel agency. The clothier and the travel agency tended to locate next to each other in upscale shopping areas.

Upscale in this case meant a million plus, not upper middle class. When you bought passage on the New Beagle, you also connected with four-star hotels and resorts. When you used Robin's agency all your travel needs were met. I saw that a connection with the travel agency, cruise line and hotels would give you access to a bucket full wealthy people. That was enough to give Helen another group names to investigate.

Joe was investigating Charley's cock, and Rex was all but drooling as he looked at my cock. Robin was watching it all. I think that Rex knew what Robin liked. Rex was perhaps 45 and perfectly groomed.

As Joe went at it, Rex sat next to me. "You look like a pint-sized ruffian," he said. "Are you rough?"

"Nope, but I like the top," I said. "You're pretty. I would hate to leave you sweaty, nasty and sticky. When I'm done guys don't have every hair in place. Some guys seem to worry that they might turn ugly if I shoot off in their hole."

"Do you lose control when you fuck?" he asked.

"Hell no. I've been around the block a few times. The guys I fuck tend to lose it. Some say my cock messes with their brain," I explained. I had a suspicion that was exactly what Rex wanted. Charley was moaning as Joe fucked him. Rex was on his back and his ass was open and ready to receive visitors. I could tell when my cock entered unexplored territories. His ass caressed my cock. I tried a few different positions until I discovered the prefect place. I found it and the night ended on a high note.

Before I went to bed I sent of more names for Helen and Bud to investigate. I also asked if they could check on other cruise lines to see where they found their entertainers.

I had breakfast with Gustavo and Dr. Max. Max got a modest fee, but the cruise and all expensed were free. He was retired and had a nice pension, but a $10,000.00 cruise would not have been a possibility for him. There was also a chance that some of the wealthier men on the cruise could under write future expeditions.

I later had a chance to mix with the Golden Sunset men. The gold wasn't a reference to the color of the sun. It referred to the wealth of the members. The members had either made a bundle or inherited it. They could let their hair down here and no one in the board room would know about their sexual interests. There were men who made it in I.T. and men who were big time paving contractors. That seemed odd to me, but archaeological sites were a nightmare for highway construction. They became interested in what was found in the right-of ways,

A guy named Blue Hills was a major concrete supplier. Blue got interested in archaeology and that was a useful skill for him. He was a bit of a gorilla, and his scientific interests were unexpected. Carlton Delancey was an excavation contractor. For him archaeology was an academic extension of excavation.

There were two lectures that afternoon, one by Dr. Max and a second by a Dr. Newman on Maya culture. I went to the Captain's quarters to check in with my office unobserved. Helen had checked the entertainers, and there was one woman had had been arrested, but not convicted of prostitution, and a man who had a blackmail problem. Perhaps a third of the staff of the agency had blemished reputations. That seemed a bit high to me.

Bud had found that the Raise the Curtains was part of a chain of five suspect agencies. The corporate owners had different names, but the officers were the same with different positions. Most of the performers used stage names. He was able to find three con-men, two female prostitutes and two male escorts. Bud was obsessively thorough. Two of the entertainment agencies were at the same address as an escort agency.

Gustavo told me they had done criminal checks on his staff, but not on temporary staff such as the entertainment. I wasn't as worried about prostitution as I was about blackmail. He asked me to tell Joe about the blackmail potential.

It was quiet on the ship. One of the passengers had a collection of games, Monopoly, Clue and scrabble. There were surprisingly popular. Retired executives who had last played monopoly 50 years earlier applied their skills to Monopoly with something like obsession.

Returning to my cabin I saw one of the male dancers furtively going into one of the cabins. I went down to my deck. As soon as I entered my stateroom, Robin was right behind me.

"I wanted to thank you for the wonderful time I had here last night," he said. "I assumed you enjoyed it too, but I was worried that you might be one of those men who are to polite to object. Were you okay with it?"

"Don't worry Rex, I have a high tolerance for sex," I replied.

"Let me test your tolerance even more. I have some older friends who have seen your video. They would like to meet you," he said.

I laughed and asked, "Is that meet me or see it?"

"A little of each?" he replied.

I laughed again and said, "Let's go and say hello." We walked three staterooms down the corridor and Rex knocked on the door. I opened immediately, and I met Carl, Delano and their helper Jose. Carl and Delano were in their eighties and were wearing only boxers. Jose was 35-40 and nude. They offered me a beer and we talked.

Carl had run a paper company and was tall and handsome, an older Marlboro man. Delano was a former interior decorator, a bit heavy and the perfect old queen.

"Did Rex explain that we are old fag's trying to relive our youth as Size Queens?" Carl asked.

I smiled. "Rex was a polite and said nothing like that," I said. "I have moved into the dirty old man category too. Thank god I haven't lost my good looks as I aged."

They laughed. "I can still smell the bloom of youth about you," Delano said. "I do think losing the leg is a bit much to achieve the "je ne sais quoi" aura." I told them the story about the leg, not mentioning my detective back ground. Rex mentioned the state room was getting stuffy. He stripped, as did.

"Well, it is as advertised!" Carl exclaimed. "If I told you that you are an entirely different man naked than dressed, would you be shocked?"

"To be completely honest, I had an Uncle who told me that when I was 16?" I replied. I think Delano saw my cock as an aesthetic object. Carl looked at it with admiration and Jose saw its recreational potential. We had a nice time. it was mostly looking, fondling and a little sucking. it was getting close to dinner, so we broke up and went to get dressed.

Well after dinner I connected with Jose's tight and very willing ass. He had been a poor boy from the slums of Rio. Carl and Delano had been his ticket out. They had paid for his nursing degree and he was exceeding protective of his patrons. He could see a gold digging bad actor from mile away. The male dancers had set off his gold digger alarm. Jose had been watching them and had seen them slipping into older men's cabins.

Next: Chapter 198: Catfish Meets Henry 1

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