Millennium Construction Company

Published on Jul 5, 2019


Catfish has a Death in the Family 5

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

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Don was up and off to the Richmond Hospital before dawn the next morning. Before he left, we had a little show and tell in the shower and then I promptly fell asleep on my bed. Duff met me at breakfast. While I had Templeton and Lloyd looking for information, Duff was local and had all the scuttlebutt.

The only official information was that Mrs. Williams was hurt in a single car accident. There were some Born-Agains who seemed to regard it as divine retribution. They saw Presbyterian as pagans, false Christians. That opinion was badly received.

The brake failure theory had few supporters. Skeeter was both well-known and everyone knew he did good work. He didn't make mistakes. Everyone had left their care there for another day because "Something wasn't right,." A few suggested that Mrs. Williams was perhaps a secret drinker. She was incredibly active and those who knew her couldn't figure out when she would have time to drink.

There were some guys who thought she had stuck her nose into places where she wasn't wanted. She was uppity. These were all very much minority opinions and all from people who didn't know her.

Most of the town was shocked and began baking. A young woman in an accident was a shock, especially since she had young children. Rev. Williams' mother and Martha Smith, senior elder of the church took charge. They protected the children and diverted extrafood to the elderly and needy. Mrs. Smith also diverted all calls to the church where friends took messages but only let important calls get to the house.

Father Julio left his church open for prayer. There was a steady stream of locals and farm workers the church. The police stationed undercover agent there. The Sheriff seemed to know more about what was going on than I thought. He was worried about Fr. Julio's safety.

At 3:00 they announced that Elise was downgraded from critical to serious. That also said she had lost part of a leg. I was stunned. That hadn't occurred to me. I didn't have time to react when Don came back to my motel room with Martha. She wanted to know more about what to expect and plan for. Martha Smith had always been a borderline battle ax. She usually gave me a "more to be pitied than censured look." She had always done it behind my mother's back. I appreciated that. Mom liked her and Martha was helpful in many ways.

I told her I had no idea of Elise's actual condition, but I could tell her my experience. Elise had several of the doctors who had treated me, and they were all top notch. The bullet had hit my leg in a bad place, so an artificial leg was problematic. I explained the problem with pain and with phantom pain.

I had wanted to get back to normal as soon as possible, but I overestimated my tolerance for normal. I had some extra problems because the gunshot damaged inconvenient areas. The trial artificial leg didn't work well, thus I was still on crutches. Martha said they were rotating the family members in Richmond, so she would soon get some firsthand reports. I must have had an odd look on my face hearing that.

"You know I am a busy body and I can't control myself. I want to help. Your mother somehow was able to keep me under control. She did it in a nice way, which isn't always the case," Martha said.

"I understand. Mom said you were a good person in spite of . . ."

"My personality?" Martha suggested

"Mom would come back from the dead and spank me if I finished that sentence. She would think it was unkind. She also said you didn't get discouraged and never got tired. Elise may need that," I replied. "You never know how traumatic it is for different people and some of the after affects pop-up a year later."

"Well, I will be there. I may be driving her crazy, but I will be there," she said as she left.

That night and Juan joined Don and me in my room. Juan asked some of his contacts if there were any strangers around the farms. He hadn't heard back yet. Don and Juan were the same age and I had a sense they were mutually attracted.

"I need to get to bed," I said, "It's getting late."

Juan rose to go.

"These are double beds, you can share," I said.

"With you or Don?" he asked with a smile.

"That's your choice," I replied, "I need to warn you from time to time, I have tried to fuck a guy to sleep."

"Did it work?" Don asked.

"No, but the guy didn't complain one bit," I said.

"Catfish has a potential Smithsonian exhibit dangling between his legs," Juan said. "Are you a size queen?"

"I'm not sure. I am all top," Don said.

A few minutes later Don discovered his inner size queen. He found out that while he was sucking me. We traded positions and Juan sucked me as Don worked his cock into Juan's hole. We discovered that the double bed was good for three men.

By the next morning, Don was sitting on my cock and confessed eternal love for my organ. When I shot off, Don dismounted and made Juan feel welcome. The phone rang. It was Rev. Williams. He was going back to Richmond and asked if I would join him to talk with the Doctors about the amputation. He was so tired and confused he couldn't think right. He was leaving in a half hour. I told him I would be glad to go with him. I showered quickly and was waiting outside.

He was with Elise's mother Pamila. She was a strong in a crisis type. Rev. William's wasn't aware of the suspicions about the accident. It was just a horrible accident. He was solely worried about Elise and his children. That was good.

We met in a conference room at the Hospital with Dr. Lewis who had removed my leg. That was a good thing. I was alive and walking. "While Mrs. Williams' injuries were worse than Catfish suffered, his amputation was messy and more complicated. She had a clean and simple amputation. It was hard to find a viable prothesis for him. In six months, no one will know Mrs. Williams lost part of a leg," he explained.

"Catfish had one advantage. He has the sensitivity of a rock. He had pain and readjusting to the new situation was hard, but he tends to just chug along." Dr. Lewis said.

"A rock?" I said.

"A feisty and irritated rock, but rock none the less," he said. "Mrs. Williams is under moderate sedation. She knows she lost a leg, but the significance of that was unclear to her." The meeting was good with the Doctors walking the fine line between explaining the seriousness of the situation while being upbeat about the prognosis.

I had lunch with the family, and I seemed to be source of helpful hints about dealing with the loss of a leg. I had an apartment nearby that they could stay there until Elise could get out of the hospital. That helped to calm things down, giving them a way to be separate from the hospital 24/7 but be nearby. Elise's mother and sister were going to spend the night.

I bunked with Lloyd. He was checking on the real estate aspect of the farms and liked having me nearby. Lloyd was not a bottom and not a size queen. He had an active social life of dinners and lunches with friends. My friends and I were in a different social set from Lloyd. We were more down to earth and less status conscious. We were also more overtly sexual. Lloyd's friends were more circumspect and prone to innuendo. They tended to attract effete young men.

Lloyd was always careful and considerate. He told me that some men wanted to meet me, and their intentions might be carnal. "I will not invite them if this offends you," he said. "One or two might be a bit aggressive," he added. I told him it was too late in my life to get offended by men after my cock and that I had never had a problem with overly aggressive men. I didn't tell him my cock tended to tame wild guys.

I stayed in a renovated carriage house next to the pool. The bathroom was oversized so the men using the pool could shower. The shower-bathroom had a door to the pool area and into my bedroom. The place was all on one level and the oversize bath was good for a man on crutches. I took me an entire two or three minutes to realize this arrangement was ideal for accidental encounters. Most of his friends were aware of this. Since it was mid-summer and the heat was oppressive the pool was a focus of Lloyd's entertaining.

Lloyd told me he was having a pool-party for a friend. The friend, Carl, was well preserved, but it obviously took him a lot of work. Carl was a nice, affable man and I could see that helped him selling houses. He came with his boy, Tony, who was maybe forty. Carl had two other friends there, George was sixty and into weight training, and Stratford was the same age but was a swimmer. Thompson was serving drinks aided by Duff. I had a meeting with Gilbert the next day and Duff was going to drive me there.

Lloyd told me not to be insulted if the guys weren't overly friendly at first. I wasn't their usual type. He mentioned that Duff was attractive. It told him that Duff was a friendly man. I warned Duff about the group.

"I can be friendly," he said, "I am always horny and can be a bit slutty if that is what they want." I told him to use his own judgement. As party favors Lloyd provided swimming trunks to change into as the guests arrived. They were conventional when they were dry. Wet they were nearly transparent.

Years earlier Uncle Jake told me that if I walked around naked, I would be popular guy despite my appearance. Jake was a perceptive man. I figured the night would be a bunch of over-the-hill real estate agents lusting after a few boy toys.

It turned out to be an interesting night. Carl had known Gilbert when he was Gilbert Catterall in his early days in Northern Virginia. He also had known Brandy Grove. He thought they had left the state, but their early careers had been notably suspect. George had encountered the holding companies associated with Gilbert. They had short periods of activity and vanished. Several of the companies reappeared with new names and with headquarters in different states. Stratford had been a fraud investigator for the real estate association for years.

Given the choice between talking about old business for them and the prospect of having sex with new men, they were not particularly interested in talking about ancient history. They liked Lloyd and Lloyd was noted for his parties. The parties were of old gay friends and tended to have a sexual potential. When you are between 60 and 80 years old, sexual potential is rare. Lloyd knew many young men who were interested in older men.

It began as a mellow, slow motion orgy. Everyone was willing and for the older men It was a chance to briefly recover their youth. Lloyd provided little blue pills for those who needed it. Lloyd had a skill at finding men who were safe. They wanted a good life without working much, but they weren't con men after the family fortune. Lloyd like men who were pleasant, decorative and willing to help garden, cook or clean the pool. A periodic blow job, a poke in the ass and some affection was part of the deal. Most were artists, musicians or writers. Tony said he was a writer. Thompson talked about sculpture. I didn't know if that was a genuine interest or pure bull.

I was in the pool with Duff when they arrived, and when I got out of the water to meet them my charms were in display. Duff looked great in his see though swimming trunks. I looked the way I look, but attention was on my crotch. Lloyd told me later that he had no idea his friends were all size queens.

None of the men were virgins, shy or inexperienced. Many of them knew Thompson and knew he was a free spirit. Tony was the same and they assumed Duff had similar interests. It had been a long time since they had been with men who were all accommodating. The see-though trunks lasted only for the first swim.

Without the trunks, balls and cocks hung low. Nude men can't hide anything, but no one in the group was hiding anything anyway. My cockhead was mostly concealed in foreskin, but it was parted enough for the tip of my knob and slit to be exposed.

Stratford was next to me. He reached over, collected something from the tip of my cock and tasted it. "I didn't know if it was pool water or some of your home brew," he said.

"Which is it?" I asked.

"It's sweet, thick and tasty," he replied. "It would be a good flavor for a gargle."

"Do you think it would be best as an hors d'oeuvre or for dessert?" I asked.

"Will there be some left for dessert?" he asked. I smiled and said yes. Stratford went over to Thompson. Lloyd was busy with Duff. George was talking with Tony and they were looking my way. I went to the shower to rinse the chlorine from my body.

A minute later George and Tony joined me. "Does it take a special guy to take your cock up their ass?" George asked.

"It's not for amateurs, but I have been surprised at the guys who love it. It seems to be more of a question of desire more than anatomy," I replied.

"I guess that it true of most things in life," George observed.

"I thought we were talking about fucking, not philosophy?" Tony complained.

"Do you want it?" I asked.

"I'm sort of taster. Take it for a test drive," Tony said. It was an odd combination of metaphors, but I knew what he meant. An hour later all seven of us were in my shower and bedroom seeing what we could go with a collective 40 inches of cock, seven assholes and mouths. For years, I had thought I was an oversexed wild and crazy guy, but I felt like an amateur compared to Lloyd, Carl, Stratford and George. They had been in a dry spell of several years. They weren't shy or reserved. Being naked with your cock in a young guy's ass was something to brag about. The older men were willing to open their asses too.

Tony, Thompson, Duff and I might have been raped if we hadn't been so willing. All of us were unexpectedly compatible. Tony and Thompson were well acquainted with older men and sex. Duff had more experience than I had guessed. The older men were pleased to find willing young guys who didn't charge an hourly fee.

The older men were experienced and once had been stars in the gay community. A cock in their ass was both enjoyable and a trip down memory lane. The younger men excited them. I excited them in a different way. They had heard of me. They knew men who I had helped get out of difficult or embarrassing situations. They knew I was hung and had heard many descriptions of my cock and its exploits. I and it were almost legendary.

I was odd looking but oddly compelling. I think they remembered their glory days when a well-hung stud was a trophy to be admired. I had a sense that at one time they would have taken my cock without a second's hesitation. They weren't that sure now, but Tony, Duff and Thompson were sexually generous and having a cock in their ass brought back memories.

Stratford had been looking at me. He was interested, curious but seemed uneasy. For some gay men my cock is pure temptation, but scary. They wanted it but were afraid it was too big. Duff had given his ass a thorough work-over and had left a nice sperm thank-you note. Stafford's hole was gaping open when Duff pulled out.

I figured that if the back door was open, I might as well make used of it. That was a good choice. Duff has shot a huge load and I was on the dark side of Spencer's sphincter before he knew it. He moaned. I went deep and made short, thrusting motions. Stafford moaned with each pulse.

"Are you okay?" I asked, "I can pull out at any time."

"It's good," he replied. I felt his sphincter relax a little I and went deeper. He was tight and I knew he was near his limit, so I was gentle. After a little while I pulled most of the way out, then made a hard thrust. He shot off. Lloyd had been watching and he intercepted the spurts. I pulled out and shared the man seed with Lloyd.

During a lull we talked some about real estate scams. Multiple front companies and complicated limited partnership corporate entities were typical. "This is ripe for con men and scam artists," Stafford explained.

They were in a good mood and relaxed. Carl was on an air mattress next to the pool. He was hard so I took seat on it. I soon discovered he had only been partially erect. As it grew to full size, he and I got into it. He had a big knob on the long thin shaft. It felt as if a mouse was frolicking in my ass.

I have always been a multitasker and can take a cock and investigate at the same time. Carl was less reserved as I bounced on his cock. Gilbert have been handsome and articulate when he came on the scene, his strong suit had been sincere, convincing and totally shameless. Total fabrications seemed plausible and reasonable. He was friendly and the sort of men who would give you the shirt off his back.

"He would give you the shirt, but that was only because the shirt was stolen goods," Carl explained. "He's not the smartest man and he was caught, but many the people he defrauded were so embarrassed they didn't prosecute. He moved a lot. I think he got involved with some big-time operators[BW1]. I would guess he's in over his head. Anyone reputable would avoid him, but he looks like a pillar of respectability to underworld types." Carl mentioned some names his former associates. I turned them over to my cyber guys.

A little later I was on my back as George impaled himself on my cock. He told me my ugliness excited him. "It's like getting fucked by Atilla the Hun!" he explained. He also told me he had been fucked by a guy on his college football team. "He was big. Your cock brings back fond memories," he said. Luckily having Atilla's cock in your ass encourages conversation.

George knew of several operations that combined a real estate scam and importation of immigrant labor. He had some names, but he warned me these companies changed their corporate names and locations regularly. I sent this information on to my office that evening and things began to fall in place.


Next: Chapter 219: Catfish Has a Death in the Family 6

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