Millennium Construction Company

Published on Oct 2, 2020


Catfish Crash Lands 6 By Bald Hairy Man

This is a story for adult men. It depicts gay sex. If this offends or bothers you, DO NOT READ IT. It is a fantasy and is not a sex manual, or a discussion of safe sex. If you have, comments send them to or

On Saturday, I had a long call with Templeton and got more detail about his "research" organization. He explained that individual operatives were kept in the dark about other operatives. If he or she was captured, no one could spill the beans about the organization.

The intention was to investigate suspicions and feelings. If something didn't smell right, Templeton would investigate. If there was nothing wrong, all was well. If not, he might turn it over to the police or the SEC.

"How often does it result in nothing?" I asked.

"Not often. Most of my friends are in the assistant to the chairman of president of a financial organization's leadership tier. Most of us have a well-developed sense of smell," Templeton replied.

"Like the cadaver dog that can find a 20-year-old corpse?" I asked.

"That is an appropriate way to look at us," he admitted. "Actually, I might mention that simile to my friends. They might find that amusing. We also help with delicate problems."

"Blackmail?" I asked.

"Let's just say that if the operation successfully removes a cancer, but the patient dies it's not a success," Templeton explained.

"What are we actually dealing with here?" I asked.

"We have a large and respected financial institution that has discovered they are being used in a vast money laundering operation. We are trying to identify the cancerous portions of the organization and destroy them," he said. "Your real estate scam is a comparatively minor part of the problem. It is minor, but it provides the physical threats and muscle when needed."

"Is Bishop the leader?" I asked.

"He is a peon," he explained. "We think Donald Saville is next to the ringleader."

"I have a cop who could help you there. Gerald has in depth knowledge of the Miami's underbelly. He knows a lot of family connections in the groups," I explained.

"Is he the man Raleigh mentioned?" Templeton asked. My late mother would have described Templeton as a "smart cookie." I had to agree with her.

Templeton told me he had a local contact who would like to meet me, Courtland Throckmorton. He knew a lot of people that had names like Courtland. I assumed they all went to the same type of schools.

There were other men in the mix. Dominic and Rocco were smart cookies too. They had escaped a blackmail attempt. They knew they were lucky. They had to be cautious, but if an opportunity for revenge appeared, they would take it. Larry, Moe, and Curley had just barely escaped too.

Somehow, there were whispers that associated Bishop and Saville with the words blackmail and entrapment. If effectively managed, a whisper can become a hurricane. Miami is sometimes viewed as the land of milk and honey. It suddenly became Death Valley for Bishop and Saville. They had numerous financial obligations that would come due as their credit dried up. This didn't happen overnight; it took two or three days. Gossip can be a wonderful thing.

Several days later Courtland Throckmorton came to see me. He was a handsome, slim, 40-year-old man. He would have been a prefect lounge lizard, but it was clear he was an active jogger. His tan was natural and not due to a sun-lamp. He told me he ran the rescue squad for Templeton's organization. Innocent by standers could be hurt by the criminal schemes. His job was to help them.

I told him about Hector and Don. He wanted to know if Dominic or Rocco had problems. We had a good conversation. Courtland seemed to know everyone and was one of those men who had connections. I had a feeling he was a fixer, who helped people resolve problems. I was sort of right about that. He found witnesses who would talk if problematic situations could be resolved. Courtland resolved problems.

As the conversation wound down, Courtland asked if Templeton had told me anything about him. "Did he tell you why I wanted to meet you?" I said no. "He just said you would like to meet me."

"Templeton told me you preferred the direct approach. When I was a teenager my parents were in Europe for a summer and the cook and chauffeur took care of me. I was supposed to go to a summer camp in California, but it had burned just before they left. A week after they left the cook fell and broke her leg, so I spent the summer with Ron the chauffeur. Ron was a big, gruff man who seemed old to me. I was a little afraid of him, but he was just not refined," Courtland explained.

"He lived above the garage, but he moved into the house with me. A sixteen-year-old kid alone in a 30-room house was not a good idea. Ron liked to garden and to swim, so we spent a lot of time outside in the garden and in the pool. I learned a lot about gardening, I was shocked when the garden produced vegetables. Of course, technically I knew that, but I had no idea about the process," he continued.

"Ron's dress code was informal, and we shared a bath. I had almost no idea what an adult man looked like naked. He didn't look much like the movies stars I had seen. He was big, hairy, and muscular. I thought he looked like a caveman. That sort of shocked me, but it turned me on more.

He told me a pal, Rob, who had been in the army was in town and asked if he could stay at the house. That was okay with me. I woke up in the middle of the night and saw them going at it. The next day Ron had to go to pick up a package from the airport from my parents."

"To make a long story short, I discovered man sex with Rob. I walked into the bathroom when he was showering. He asked if I would like to join him. Rob was downright ugly, but the sex was spectacular. Courtland concluded.

"You get turned on by ugly men?" I asked. Courtland nodded.

I laughed. "You may not believe this, but you are one of the few men who admit they are into ugly men. Templeton referred to me as being attractive in a non-standard way. He couldn't say the word. Mom thought I was okay, but no one else did." I said. "You know about my cock?"

He nodded.

"I'm always ready for a roll in the hay. Are you up for it?" I asked. He was up for it and he was a good sport. Courtland had a good body, but an even better cock.

I had a scrawny body, enhanced by missing one leg and a bunch of new scars on the other. That had no impact on Courtland. He was into cocks big time. He sucked me until I was close and sat on my tool. I could tell there were some rough spots as he impaled himself, but he got it all. Once he was past the rough spots he was in heaven. He was rock hard.

Courtland hadn't realized he was a size queen. Combining that with his fetish for ugly men and he had the perfect combination. He was still squirming on my cock when Rocco dropped by. Rocco saw us going at it; stripped and joined in.

Rocco was handsome, very butch and lacked a cock. That was clearly good for Courtland. He got off my cock and went to Rocco. Rocco faced Courtland took his cock in his vagina as Courtland impaled himself again on my cock. A minute or two later, I shot off in Courtland's ass as he shot off in Rocco's vagina. We broke apart. A little later I was hard again, and Rocco sat on my cock. He was facing away from me so Courtland could lick my balls and my sperm drooling from Rocco's lady parts.

Courtland and Rocco spent the night. Raleigh was away doing undercover work. Ali and Mandelbaum joined us. All of us were versatile, willing to give and take. By Courtland's standard all of us were bad boy types. I knew from personal experience it was squishy, soft, and welcoming on the dark side of his sphincter. He seemed incomplete without a bruiser's cock in his ass. He was content only when he was skewered on a cock.

Rocco had delicate feelings under his gruff exterior. His parents didn't know what to do with him and decided to send him to private boys' school. That was probably the worst possible choice. He was a small boy who had a massive growth spurt at fifteen. He was bullied and abused by the older boys and was big enough to fight back for only a few years in High School.

Rocco told me the sex with the crew at the Atlas Arms was the best he ever experienced. He was excited sucking my cock, and my cock seemed to have activated some new sensations when I fucked him. Ali, Mandelbaum, and Courtland all visited his ass and his lady parts.

The next morning when everyone went home or to their room, Rocco wanted to talk. I asked if he had been overused.

"It was strange, but good. I am a man, and everyone treated me as a man," he said. "I have had more sensations from my vagina that I have ever had before. Your cock must have turned something on. I had feelings."

"Is that a problem?" I asked.

"It was good. It is strange when you feel more macho when a guy is fucking your vagina," he said.

I laughed. "I have a rule that anyone who has my cum down his throat, up his ass or in his vagina is just fine," I said. "Did anyone else shoot in you?"

"They all did," he replied. "I guess I am the Belle of the slut ball."

"You may have noticed that no one here is 100% virgin," I remarked.

Courtland and Gerald became friends quickly. Each had little bits of insignificant information that filled in major gaps in the story. Our real estate scam was freelancers' effort to move into the big leagues. The main group associated with Senators and Cabinet Secretaries, not hoods working a protection racket.

Bunny, the man who replaced Tim as Saville's chauffeur, came to see me. To say Bunny wasn't my type understates the case. He looked young, and when he said hello, you somehow knew he was not going to win the Nobel Prize. That was an act. He was stunningly attractive, muscular, and almost beautiful.

"Damn, you sure are as advertised," he said when he met me. "By the way, Templeton told me that if I got in big trouble, you are the go-to guy to save my ass."

"How are you doing in Saville's operation?" I asked.

"Saville thinks he's straight. He's in love with me. I've been playing dumb as shit and he believes it. I'm doing the stuck-up beauty routine and the other guys stay away from me. Bishop also wants to jump me, but he's scared of Saville," Bunny explained. "The loss of their blackmail material was a blow. They were dependent on that to get co-operation from their marks."

"Are there any back-up copies?" I asked.

"They don't talk about it as if other copies exist," Bunny replied. "It also seems Saville's house in the swamp was the site for most of the taping. The room had been wired for the maximum coverage of the victims."

"What about the partners in crime?" I asked. "The victims' playmates? Will they talk?"

"Seville doesn't always pay them the full fee. He gives them an advance of a quarter of the full fee, then is dissatisfied with the results and doesn't pay the rest," Bunny explained. "It turns out that even the most hardened whore has a clear understanding of the financial requirements. The word is out that he doesn't pay for services rendered."

"Have you been promised an acting career?" I asked.

"There have been little hints that I am too stupid to get. I think Saville wants me for himself. He doesn't want me used," he said.

"He thinks you are virgin?" I asked.

"He thinks I'm semi-virgin. I'm new in town and no one here had messed with me. Let's say I have location specific virginity."

"Does, "location specific virginity" apply only to you, or could I use that line too?" I asked.

Bunny laughed. "I don't want to hurt your feelings, but I don't think ever seen a man who looks more used that you do!" he replied. It was my turn to laugh.

Gerald came by and gave Bunny the low down on the men he was working for. I think Bunny had figured out who was bad and who was even more bad, but Gerald clarified the situation. We all had a good exchange of information.

That night I called Templeton and told him about the conversation. Templeton told me that Bunny was a smart operative. He also had friends who watched after him. "Bunny is the child of the son of a mafia Don. Bunny's father was killed by a rival. If someone bruises Bunny he would end up with a fractured skull if he were lucky," Templeton explained.

"The Don doesn't mind Bunny being on the side of the good guys?" I asked.

"Revenge is always okay for Mafiosi," Templeton said.

Real life can be stranger than fiction, but Bunny and Gerald got along well. Bunny picked up on every hint Gerald gave him. Bunny was a good and accurate reporter. Gerald knew what strange or unusual comments by Saville and his buddies meant.

The failed effort to blackmail Dominic, Rocco, Curley, Moe, and Larry was a total disaster for Saville and Bishop's real estate deals. Credit vanished and loans came due. While I assumed most of the loans were with reputable institutions, some may have been with less reputable sources i.e. lone sharks. A bad loan with a bank results in bankruptcy. Loan sharks are not that understanding.

Things moved quickly. Bishop had a car accident that resulted in exploding gas tank. He was killed the impact of crashing into a wall and wasn't burned alive. I assumed someone was reprimanded for miscalculating the fatal impact. Being burned alive was a better example to the mob.

In the next week, two city council members resigned, as did two members of the city planning office and Mrs. Bishop. Gerald told me that several foot soldiers of Bishop's organization left town and two others just vanished.

All sorts of incriminating documents arrived in Police Departments and regulatory commissions offices from public minded citizens. That was from Templeton and his associates.

Saville got the message. He vanished.

Publicly nothing happened. There were no high-profile court cases or dramatic arrests. Corporate presidents resigned along with some board members. Apparently, some new form of executive illness swept through the corporate hierarchy induced men to retire for health reasons. There were some suicides, some were genuine, but others were thug assisted. Corporate profits increased as mystery money returned from banks in the Caribbean.

Many of these banks and corporations were large so it was easy to hide the millions of returning cash. I was way too far down the ladder to know any of the details. I returned to Richmond and officially became retired. I was retired unless a case interested me. While I was heathy as a horse, I was a horse with one leg missing and another leg injured.

On the anniversary of the airplane crash Templeton had a party for me at the river house on the Chesapeake Bay. I thought that was a bit odd, but I am generally game for just about anything. I wondered if the anniversary of a plan crash included a cake.

I was in Richmond Friday morning and Templeton drove me to the house. When I got there the guest list was a surprise. It included Ali Baba, Mandelbaum, Raleigh, Gerald, Dominic, Rocco, Rusty, Tom and Bunny. It was most of the men I worked with in Miami. It was nice to see them again, and since the party included the entire weekend, I knew I would be relaxing.

Most had never met Templeton he didn't look they way they expected. Lunch was at the pool, and there Templeton was even less the way they expected. Since he came to the pool nude, he was more than any of them could have hoped for. Everyone was nude five minutes later.

Lunch was sandwiches and salads done by an imaginative chef. It was conventional in some ways, but spectacular in others. While many of the men didn't know all of the guests, Templeton and I did introductions. It was safe to say everyone was more than willing to know the other men.

Our part of the investigation involved only a small part of the over all swindle, but we were the first to knock over a card smashing the house of criminal cards. Templeton didn't tell us much of the entire conspiracy. If the word got out it might have caused a panic, but it was satisfactory end to a potentially damaging scheme.

I had seen all of them nude, but most of them had not. Rusty, Tom and Bunny had been the low men on the totem pole, but here they were recognized and admired. Gerald played the plodding cop, but that was a useful disguise that lulled the crooks into a sense of false security. He hit it off with Rocco.

It was safe to say that all of the men were blessed with above average sex drives and were not at all shy about open sexual activity. Bunny came over to me, and we chatted. "I've never thought of myself as a size queen, and when I saw your cock, I thought it belonged in a museum," Bunny observed. "Somehow I seem to be thinking about it more and more. Does that happen to most guys who see it?"

"No, not all of them, but enough think that way to keep me happy," I said. "Some even get an itch deep in their ass in a hard to reach place."

Bunny smiled and asked, "How do they scratch the itch?"

"Scratching doesn't solve the problem," I said. "Usually it requires a massage by a cock head followed by a sperm bath." Bunny looked like a fragile, delicate boy. He skewered himself on my cock and soon was enthusiastic. I knew he wasn't a virgin, but his ass seemed to be open and receptive.

Open and receptive seemed to be characteristic of all of the men. All of them appreciated experienced a willing man. No one was delicate or shy. While the sec was exceptionally intense, it was also relaxing and rewarding.

Next: Chapter 235: Catfish Retires 1

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