Millennium Construction Company

Published on Sep 10, 2001


I wasn't sure how much sex was too much sex. Butch and I were sandwiched between Bubba and Skeeter. Bubba was a 250-pound human furnace. He was next to me and cuddled up to me. It was getting cool in the room, but we were an island of warmth.

"Bubba taught me how to top last night." Skeeter said. "I'd never done it before, but I may just try it again some time."

"He's a fast learner." Bubba said. "He told me he didn't like ass holes, but I proved him wrong." I laughed.

"It sounds like you had a nice romantic evening." I said. Skeeter roared in laughter. "You liked it?" I asked.

"I liked it!" Bubba said. "Skeeter's hung like a fucking donkey."

"I wasn't much taken with it at first." Skeeter said, "but when we got going I got the hang of it. Bubba is, what I guess you could say, appreciative. Really appreciative."

"Are you going to give up cock sucking?" Butch asked. I realized that Butch must have relaxed a lot. He didn't stutter at all.

"You know, even when I was pumping Butch good, it still wanted something in my mouth." Skeeter said.

"You could have kissed?" I suggested.

"A tongue is a poor substitute for a cock, in my mind at least." He said. I roared in laughter this time.

"You area romantic! I don't believe this conversation." I said. "I've been feeling a bit liberated, but I'm not sure I feel this liberated!"

"I'm not sure I've even been in a situation where it was possible to talk like this openly." Bubba said. "It's uncharted territory for me."

The house suddenly shook with a terrific explosion. It sounded as if a bomb had gone off. It sounded as if it had been in the back of the house. It wasn't. We ran to the rear window and we could see a pillar of smoke rising. It looked as if it were on the other side of my block. It's hard to believe how fast guys can get dressed if they need to. We were up and out of the house in two minutes.

Everyone on the street was up and out and trying to get to the site of the explosion. The sidewalks and streets were almost impossible to move on because of the ice coating, but you could move on the small yards of the houses. Oddly there were no sirens. It stuck me that the fire stations were iced in too. We had a big pile of sand in the back yard of my house and several neighbors had salt or kitty litter and we made over to the other side block and could see a wooden townhouse fully engulfed in flames.

Wooden townhouses are rare in Richmond because of the traditional fear of fire. We finally could hear sirens and we saw that the engine company three blocks away was trying to make it. Fortunately a sanding truck appeared and sanded a route. The fire department is great, so they got a hose up while the neighbors sanded and kitty littered a path from the hydrant toward the fire.

Once you got near the fire there was no problem, the heat melted the ice in a second. We helped a black family get their possessions out of a house three down fire. The sanding truck had gone to clear a way to another fire station, and a college student who lived in the units knew who was in town and who had gone home for the holiday. We tried to make sure everyone was out.

The fire men now had several hoses on the house but the fire showed no sign of abating. When a truck from the city gas department arrived, the problem became obvious. They came complete with metal detectors to find the connections, but this was difficult. I remembered the poor resurfacing job that a paving contractor had done on the street that summer. There was another explosion. It was smaller than the first but scary enough.

It didn't look as if the row could be saved. Three houses were already gone. A third fire company arrived and turned the tide. Butch and I were helping people get their stuff out of the houses but Bubba and Skeeter were helping the firemen. They had been volunteer firemen at their homes and just pitched in. It was bitterly cold and there was a brisk wind.

A third explosion sent sparks and flaming debris into the air. There was a fire a block away as the debris caught on some trash. It was hard to tell what was going on with the multiple explosions and the flaming materials floating in the air. By this time large scale city equipment arrived, with ambulances and the police. There was an ATF presence too.

We had saved everything we could and the firemen told us to stand back. I had a terrified puppy in my arms, left by one of the residents. A fire chief introduced himself as Vince Desoto and asked me what had happened. I told him what I knew. That wasn't much.

"Something ain't kosher." He said. "Not kosher at all." The college student came up and told what he knew. He was in the house next to the one that blew, and everything he owned was gone. He wasn't worried about that, but he was pissed as hell about his neighbor who had left the puppy alone for several days in the apartment. He tried to take the puppy, but the animal had bonded to me and wasn't going to settle for anyone else.

The student, Mike, had called the police several times about the house next door for loud parties, and had called the health department about the trash. He said that rooms in the house were filled with trash and that the house on the other side seemed to have been packed full with stuff. He thought that a cleaning company had used the house for storage.

"Damn! Solvents!" Vince said as he rushed off. That was the end of our participation in the fire. The police began to clear the area in case there were hazardous materials in the building. When we got back to my house we found that the gas was turned of as well as the electricity and the temperature had fallen below 50. I was cold, but Bubba and Skeeter were wet and cold.

Larry came to our rescue. He had a wood stove and he asked us over. His house was warm and comfortable. Bubba and skeeter stripped off their wet cloths and I rigged up a clothes' line. He had a pot of coffee on the top of the stove and I don't think I ever enjoyed a cup of coffee as much as I did that day. We were all pumped up by the fire and I was shocked to realize we had only been at the site for 25 minutes. It had seemed like hours. Ice was gone by 11:00 and my house guests for the night went home. The lights were back on by noon and I returned to my house.

The puppy must have taken a good fifteen to twenty minutes to decide my home was his home. There were serious questions about the purity of his blood lines. Skeeter was sure that there was some Basset hound and Schnauzer in there, but didn't rule out some Labrador or Scotty. Much to my surprise the animal was house trained, and I tied a rope to his collar and went to a corner market to get some food.

Skeeter went off for the afternoon. Skeeter was the perfect man to share a house. He never imposed and only came down when invited. I sat down to read a book and fell asleep. The dog was tired too. I woke at five and realized that I would need to find the animal's owner so I took a walk over to the fire to see if I could locate the woman. The police still weren't letting anyone near the fire but I saw Vince and told him of my problem. He took my name and said if he found out where she was he would let me know. He said he also wanted to talk to me about the fire, since I was among the first to arrive there.

I finally got down to the quiet weekend I wanted. I found a good book, watched old movies on TV and took the dog out for walks. The dog was energetic and puppylike but not so much as to disturb me. Around seven on Sunday evening, someone knocked on my door. It was Vince. He had not located the dog's owner, and he wanted some details about the fire. The woman had told the landlord where she was going, but had given a false name and address. Her apartment was a festival of controlled substances. Vince said that he guessed she was on her way to California.

"You don't think she's coming back for the dog?" I asked. The minute I said that I knew I sounded stupid. Vince laughed.

"It is cute, isn't it?" he said as the dog jumped up and tried to attract his attention. "I think you are the proud owner of that dog, whatever it is."

There was some question about the number of explosions, and I gave him an exact number and approximate timing. I was able to clear some things up for him. I offered him a drink and the accepted. He was off duty he said.

We talked and he said there was a strong suspicion that there had been a drug lab in the house. That, combined with the industrial solvents in the house next door and a gas leak explained the fire.

"It's lucky no one was hurt." I said. "I guess most of the residents lost almost everything they owned?"

"Big financial loss." Vice said. "It's not public news yet but there were two bodies found inside the house."

"Oh shit! That's awful." I felt a little sick to my stomach.

"The odd thing is that it appears they didn't die in the fire." Vince said. "They were already dead."

"You're a friend of Max MacAfee?" he asked.

"The architect?"

"Yes. We're old friends. I guess it would be more correct to say we worked together on several projects." I said. "I haven't seen him in several years."

"Max is a friend of mine too. He said you were a dependable guy." Vince said. "I need to know what the word in the neighborhood was on the houses?"

"I'm not the one for that. I moved in Monday. My neighbors, Larry, Bob and Karl know everything. They were saying that the houses had been a nuisance and a sanitation problem, but I don't think they had any idea about the drug problem. I can call then if you want?"

"That would save some time." Vince said. Bob and Karl were out, but Larry came over.

"Fire hose! I thought you were retired!" Larry exclaimed. "Nice to see you again!"

"An old friend of mine had a heart attack and I am holding his place until he's on his feet again." Vince explained. "Believe it or not, I've been enjoying it. Maybe a six-month stint is better than 30 years!"

"Fire hose?" I was puzzled.

"Fire hose here has the most impressive equipment I've seen in Richmond." Larry said. Vince looked a bit uncomfortable. "Don't worry, Vince. John is a member of the fraternity. Your secret is safe." The dog was trying to get Larry's attention. "Fire Plug." he said as he got down to pet the dog, "You need some attention?" He played with the puppy. I hadn't named the dog yet, but Fire Plug was as good as any and reflected the animal's history and his physique.

Larry knew some of the history of the houses on the other side of the block. They were a source of continuing irritation, with poor tenants, no effort at trash collection and loud parties all the time. The black family and Mike, the student, had been the only decent people there. Mike was a full time student and had a full time job, but still cleaned up the yard every chance he had.

"Gay?" Vince asked.

"Not that I can tell. Lot of friends both boys and girls. One of the girls may spend the night once and a while, but more friends than lovers, is my guess." Larry said. "A normal guy. The black family, the Washingtons, have been here for years. They keep quiet and tend to the garden. Mr. Washington is out of it now, by Mrs. Washington is sharp as a tack. She may know something."

We had another drink. After a while Vince had what information there was on the fire and the conversation turned to mutual friends. "How do you know Max?" I asked.

"I met him at a party several years ago, then I managed a club. He was the architect." Vince said. "The Alcazar closed a year ago."

"That's where I ran into you." Larry said. "I went with a friend. That place was a trip!"

"I must have missed it completely." I said. "I never heard of it."

"It was a health club." Larry said. Vince laughed.

"A health club is the nice way to put it." Vince said. "It was a sex club, pure and simple. Very selective."

"Only wealthy?" I asked. Vince laughed again.

"Only gay, only horny and only very open minded!" He said.

"Well, I could have been a member!" I said.

"You certainly could." Vince said. "Larry was a great addition, but we closed just after his first visit."

"Murphy's Law!" Larry said. "I go there once, have the time of my life and find out it's the last day of operation. "

"It was that good?" I asked. Larry nodded.

"It's been a hard two days. I need to get home and get my beauty sleep." Vince said. As he got up I could hear his joints crackling. "I'm stiff as a board. I may shower for an hour and call it quits."

‘Well, do I have a deal for you!" Larry said. "Next door, I just happen to have the hot tub and shower room of your dreams! Come on over and take a spin!"

"That sounds good, but . . ." Vince said.

"We have some unfinished business from that last day of the Alcazar." Larry said. "We didn't quite get where we wanted to go, did we? John can come along and we can make it a party." Larry didn't ask if I wanted to come along, but he must have sensed that I was attracted to him. We all went next door to Larry's house and soon were in his hot tub.

I never though of myself as a size queen, but Vince was spectacular. He was 6-4, maybe 220 pounds with thinning white hair and a thick coat of white hair in his chest. This was emphasized by his deep tan. He was more muscular that you would expect for a man in his mid sixties. His cock was a good eight inches soft, uncut with a huge cock head enshrouded in the skin. He wasn't pretty. He was all man. It was as if every male characteristic was concentrated in him.

Larry was handsome too and as masculine, but he didn't have the sexual presence of Vince. The cock seemed to turn on a hormonal rush in Larry and me. I felt like the ugly step sister in our trio. As it turned out, I had the same effect on Larry and Vince as they did on me. We talked for a while. I was trying to figure out a way to suck Vince, but I couldn't find a suitably subtle approach. When I got out of the tub, Vince snagged my cock and began sucking.

A few seconds later we were in a daisy ring on the floor, linked cock to mouth. We were perfectly matched. Not physically, Vince was way too big for me to deep throat, but we all had the same desire for pleasure and were willing to accommodate. Actually we had no need to accommodate. We were in synch. We immediately had a sexual bond and were comfortable from the start.

I was sucking Vince when I realized I was going to shoot. I wanted to warn Larry, who was at my cock but I was unwilling to let Vince's cock head out of my mouth. Larry moaned and Vince filled my mouth with shot after shot of man seed. I popped and Larry deep throated my cock. We didn't exactly shoot in unison, but it was damn close.

Vince would shoot a load and while it tried to gobble it up my cock would spurt into Larry's mouth. Vince had several seconds between his ejaculations, while I had little more than a second and Larry seemed to be shuddering continuously. I usually lose interest after I shoot, but I stayed on Vince's cock and as he relaxed and his cock returned to normal size. I got more of it in my mouth.

"Was that a triple orgasm, or was that my imagination?" Vince asked. It wasn't his imagination. We calmed down and took a shower. Vince went home and Larry and I talked for a few minutes.

"It's big, isn't it?" Larry said.

"It sure was. He's such a nice guy too." I said. "Damn it's big!"

"I'm strictly a top, you know,"Larry said, "I've never had a cock in my ass, but I'm tempted. I look at the dong of his and my ass starts to twitch."

"I've never been fucked either." I said. "And sure as he Vince isn't going to be the first! I want something with training wheels on it!" Larry laughed and I went home. I took Fire Plug on a walk and slept soundly.

Next: Chapter 4

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