Millennium Construction Company

Published on Jul 8, 2002


Chesapeake Construction 5

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a sexual fantasy with no effort made at real life experiences. If you object to gay fiction, DO NOT READ. This story is not for you. If you have any comments, send them to or

You can read Millennium Construction Company and Catfish & Company to get to know the characters better.

"I need to cool off a little before I take that horse cock of yours." Bomber said. He pulled out of my ass and jumped in the pool. I followed, as did Luke. The water was refreshing and Bomber soon was leaning over the edge of the pool with Luke massaging his ass crack with his cock. Bomber would have been a terrible poker player. Every time Luke got near his hole, Bomber shivered in excitement.

Bomber climbed up on the flagstone terrace on his hands and knees. There was no question how he wanted to take Luke's dick. Luke wasn't picky as to how he got his cock in a guys ass, as long as he got in deep. Luke wasn't delicate either. He coated his hand with lube and thrust it into Bomber. I thought he was going to fist him for a moment, but seconds later his cock was at Bomber's back door. Luke used his cock head like a bulldozer and rammed deep into Bomber's ass.

"You've got to break through this muscle bound jock's sphincter right off the bat, or you'll bruise your cock." Luke explained as he rammed his cock into the quivering hole. "Once you've popped through, it's all gravy and you can take your time." I thought Bomber was in pain. He suddenly reared up like a stallion and seemed to want to shake Luke off his back.

Luke was deeply embedded by then. Bomber's cock was rock hard and dripping pre cum. I relaxed and enjoyed the show. You can only be in so much pain and maintain a raging erection. A minute later both men were moaning in pleasure. Bomber was a wrestler and a showman. He knew exactly how to provide a good show. This was as true for sex as wrestling. They went at it for a good fifteen minutes.

Luke rammed Bomber a final time and Bomber shot his first volley halfway across the pond. After that he seemed to shoot shotgun fashion, spraying everyone within five or six feet. It had been a spectacular, display so most of us were gathered around the couple and we all were splattered with Bomber's seed. Steve Buckmaster and Washington both collected the sperm on a finger, then licked it off. It was nice to know who the real cum hounds in the group were.

Dinner was good. I guess it would be called semi gourmet. It was substantial, but imaginatively seasoned. Most of us were big men and Jonathan had gauged our tastes well. No one got dressed for dinner after the play period. After the intense sexual interlude at the pool, cocks were relaxed, but after an hour or so the man juices got flowing and most of us were at half staff.

The tent provided shade and its configuration seemed to encourage a breeze. It was warm, but comfortable. It was a lazy summer evening.

"Damn, I like this place." Chambers said.

"It is remarkably cool, for mid-summer in Virginia." Jonathan said. Chambers laughed.

"I was thinking about the cocks!" the star said.

"Amen!" Tom added. "Good meat here and lots of fun."

"It's not my personality you like?" Washington asked. He had a twinkle in his eye. "It's not the sex, is it?"

"Sure, it's your personality. The minute your personality hit my prostate, I knew we would be friends." Chambers said.

"Wally here has some real personality too!" Tom said. He was lying on an air mattress with his legs spread and ass hole exposed. "I actually don't mind if a guy lacks personality as long as his cock is willing. You know, I don't think there is anything wrong with old fashioned cock play for the sake of cock play."

"I think sex is good too. The curse of American Culture is the assumption the person you are romantically attached to should also be the only one you have sex with. Love, sex and romance are three different things." Chambers complained. "And what is right for a couple raising a family, isn't the same thing as two gay guys who have no need to worry about the kids!"

"Amen!" Wayne added. "I don't want to marry a man. I want to fuck him and get fucked too!". It's totally different. I'm not saying we aren't friends and there are one or two guys I came close to loving, but it just isn't the same."

Chambers was looking at Tom for a few minutes. "I've been to nude, gay parties, but never where anyone had his ass hole on display the way you do Tom."

"Does it bother you?" Tom asked.

"Not at all. That's another thing I like about this place. Your cock and ass hole are parts of your body. No one thinks it's odd or disgusting that you want a cock in your ass ,or want to lick the pre cum from your dripping cock head." Chambers said.

"When I played with my buddies in High School, we all pretended it was an accident, or because our date had fallen through, or we were drunk." Steve Buckmaster said. "I know I loved it the first time my mouth sucked a cock and they loved it too. I remember wondering what it would be like with a guy who admitted he likes man sex. I really wasn't sure such men existed, outside of florists and interior decorators."

"Wrestlers are worse." Bomber added. "They want to be macho and strong, silent types. It's like fucking a log. You think the guy's not feeling anything until you see his cum shoot over half the county. I like men who like sex and aren't embarrassed to like sex and aren't afraid to show it."

"I could tell you had a good time with Luke." Jonathan said.

"I didn't have a good time with Luke, I had a great time." Bomber said. "Unless I'm really mistaken, you guys liked watching too. Let me tell you, watching guys is good, doing it, is way better!"

"Oddly, I've had some of the best sex with guys who I wasn't very attracted to." Tom said. "Do you remember Juan Solo?"

"The rookie on "Baltimore Beat"?" Wayne asked.

"That's him. He was a flash in the pan, an overnight success. He lasted about three years. No talent, great body, shitty attitude. He appeared on the cover of TV Guide and he thought he was Jesus Christ come back to life." Tom explained. "I co-starred in an episode with him. I was looking good then and was a lot more famous than him at the time. We ended up stranded in a dust storm in a Holiday Inn on the road to Vegas."

"And?" Chambers chimed in.

"It was watch reruns of the Beverly Hillbillies, or fuck ourselves silly. Neither of us was attracted to the other. We were both good looking, but Juan liked twinks and I was the hairiest star in Hollywood at that time. But we were bored and damn, if we didn't have a great time. There was no love, no romance, just cock and ass hole and mouth."

"He was hot, I remember that." Washington said. "Disappeared like a rock."

"Not quite." continued Tom, "He did have an appearance on the "Love Boat" and on "Murder She Wrote". He still hadn't learned to read his lines. He was a sad case. He was new to ass play, but he was a born fucker. He lost all his attitude the second my cock touched his ass hole. We were both versatile as it turned out. He wanted to learn and I was willing to teach."

"He was a virgin?" Chamber's asked incredulously.

"Oddly enough, almost. Nothing more than a blow job. He was gay as a goose and scared shitless that someone would find out. He figured I was in the same situation and I would be safe." Tom said. "I corn holed him by accident. I was grabbing his balls while sucking him and the phone rang. He jumped and I lost my balance and somehow my finger ended up in his ass."

"I hit his prostate and poor Juan was in love. He didn't know what hit him, but he loved it. It only took me five minutes to talk my cock into his ass. He was uneasy, but so excited at the feelings he had when I fingered his prostate, he gave in easy." Tom continued. "I told him it wouldn't hurt and shit if it didn't slip in like your foot into your favorite slippers. I had never encountered anyone who was born to bottom. That was Juan Solo."

"I noticed that too, when I played with him." Jonathan said. "His rectum was a real love canal. Solo couldn't act, but he was a master of anal passion. He didn't get many roles, but he did live well. He was one of the few stars to make a living with his ass. I'm not sure there was any top in Hollywood or New York didn't get some quality time in Juan's ass."

"His bottoming skills are due to me." Tom said. "Juan's initial approach was to see how fast he could shoot. I explained it all to him. It's the buildup to the orgasm that counted. At best an orgasm can only last a few seconds, or a minute. If you play your cards right you can fuck for hours before you pop."

"You can go an hour?" Raleigh asked. "I don't think I've ever made it beyond a half hour."

"Twenty minutes for me." Wayne said.

"Thirty tops." Bomber added.

"Guys, this is your lucky weekend. Dr. Tom can give you all lessons in making it last!" Tom said. "My playtime with Solo got me thinking about sex."

"You hadn't thought about it before?" asked Chambers. He had a dubious expression on his face.

"Never thought about it, just did it." Tom said. "That's what I meant about good sex with guys you don't like that much. With Solo it was pure sex. I could try things out and didn't care if they were good for Juan. He felt the same way and neither of us was adverse to some cock and ass experimentation. We were there for two nights and we covered a lot of territory."

"Juan was inexperienced, but he had a ten minute recovery time after a climax and enough sperm to impregnate half of the women in America. That aspect of him was attractive." Tom admitted. "He also was a fast learner, much to my surprise. I worked to slow him down and we came close to having the perfect slow motion orgasm."

"Instant replay in slow mo?" I asked.

"We had done the man-ramming approach to fucking, we decided to do the reverse. I sat on his cock and played with it using my ass. It's funny. We called it fucking, but it's the fuckee who is in control. The top is on the bottom and provides the cock as a passive tool." Tom explained "It's more like you are jerking off a guy with your ass, instead of a hand. Juan's cock was near perfect for this purpose. It curved into my prostate. It felt great."

"I was doing the Hula Hula on his cock and I squirted a small load. Just a single glob of cum. I stopped my little dance and the urge to shoot subsided after one ejaculation. I rested a minute and then returned to the dirty dance. About three or four minutes later, I shot another. Eventually I ejaculated ten to fifteen times with two to three minutes between individual shots. It was like having a fifteen minute orgasm."

"If you want to demonstrate your skills to all of us, I am willing to provide a cock for your use." Wally said. Tom laughed.

"Your cock is too big for this. That horse dick of yours shoots me through the roof, too intense. Now, Eduardo here looks like he'd be just right." explained Tom.

"That sounds good to me!" Eduardo chimed in.

"Anyone else who wants to join in the lesson?" Tom asked. He looked around to see who was game. He wasn't fooling about his scientific study of the extended orgasm. He had specific requirements for the technique. He wanted the passive tops to have not shot off, while the active bottoms were best if they had already had a climax.

Tom questioned everyone in detail and this was a turn on. Even in the open atmosphere of New Samoa Island, his frankness and openness was a shock. I ended up being a top. Lying on my back with Steve Buckmaster skewered on my cock. Tom was on Eduardo's cock, Wally on Raleigh's and Chambers on Washington's meat.

The tops formed a cross, lying on our backs with our heads almost touching. When the bottoms mounted our cocks, they would be facing each other. Tom wanted to give instructions. The Captain, Bomber, Wayne, Jonathan and Luke were watching from the side and were giving advice while making ribald comments.

The whole thing seemed odd and artificial to me. I wasn't too enthusiastic about it until Steve skewered himself on my cock. He too had buns of steel and it took three tries and a lot of lube to get in. My cock popped through the sphincter and Steve sat back. I had never seen a look of greater satisfaction as when Steve's balls were resting on my pubic hair and my cock was fully embedded in Steve's hole.

I was a perfect fit and we both knew it. Steve was small, but had a hard, muscular body. His cock was as hard as his biceps and he was completely in control and showed no sign of excitement, except for a steady dribble of pre cum from his piss slit. He had superb muscle control. He literally was playing with my cock with his ass. He rotated his hips and wiggled and gyrated, manipulating my cock and his prostate.

Next to us, I could see Wally shivering and twitching on Raleigh's cock. Wally was normally a top, but he obviously had no problem with Raleigh's meat. His huge, black, horse cock was bloated and dribbling too. He was construction worker muscular, not gym muscular and his movements weren't as graceful as Steve's. That didn't bother Raleigh, or Wally. They were having a great time.

Tom and Eduardo were behind me, so I couldn't see them and I was glancing in the direction of Washington and Chambers when I realized I was on the edge of shooting myself. I got Buckmaster to slow down. He sat still for a little while. A bead of creamy cum emerged from his cock. I could feel him convulse as he popped. We were both able to stop. A minute later, he began to gyrate again. Steve was a fast learner. I guess he had six or seven small orgasms. I was damn close for most of the time.

We would have continued through half the night, but we were suddenly splattered with what could only be called an explosion of cum. Bomber had a massive orgasm while watching. It's incredibly hard for excited men to watch an orgasm and not get inspired. Bomber set off a chain reaction of climaxes. There was cum everywhere. After we broke apart, most of us went swimming again and then spent the rest of the night talking. The conversation rambled on and there was a general exchange of techniques.

I went to bed at ten or so. When I got to my tent, Luke was waiting.

"I hate to sound tacky and trashy, but I sure want to get into your ass badly." he said. "I was hoping you had a fascination with mega meat and would like to try it out."

"I don't think I can take it." I said.

"I think you can." Luke replied. "I'm sure you can and I'm sure I can get you to like it. You turn me on big time." Luke had grabbed me with a hand on my ass, pulling me to his body. He was already hard. "Let me just try, if it doesn't work, I'll pull out."

"Like Bomber?" I asked. Luke laughed.

"Not at all like Bomber. I knew what that puppy wanted and gave it to him. You're different. I want you. I want to spend a lot of time up your ass, not just one shot. I'll make it good for you. I want you to dream about my cock you want it so bad." I had watched Luke fuck Bomber earlier that day and had no desire to be split in half by Luke's donkey dick. I looked Luke straight in the face and realized he was going to eventually get into my ass and I might as well let him in now.

I didn't say a word. Luke looked at me straight in the eye.

"Thanks, Trent. You're not going to regret this, not one bit at all." he said. "I'm going to give you the fuck of your life."

Next: Chapter 34: Catfish and Company 13

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