Millennium Construction Company

Published on Mar 6, 2003


Catfish Returns 5

By Bald Hairy Man

This is a sexual fantasy with no effort made at real life experiences. If you object to gay fiction, DO NOT READ. This story is not for you. If you have any comments, send them to or Catfish's earlier life is covered in Young Catfish, Play Pen and Millennium Construction Company.

Charley exercised after dinner, but he was with several other men and a poker game was in the works. He left for the game and the exercise area was empty. Governor Johnson returned, as did Jason. The elderly man was clearly infatuated with the young man.

Johnson knew the young man was Jason when he arrived, but after a half hour, Jason had become Bobby, his long dead son. The Governor was beaming in pleasure. In his confused mind, the death had just been a dream. The old man was a first class asshole when he was with it. As he slipped into the confused state, he turned into a doting father. Jason played it to the hilt.

Donovan returned and wasn't at all pleased to see Jason with Governor Johnson. I don't think it was jealousy. Donovan looked as if he realized what Jason was and understood the game the boy was playing. Another man joinedDonovan and they exercised. Hal was Donovan's age, but in average shape. It was clear Hal admired the more muscular man. Hal complimented Donovan on his good physical condition and was talking about getting back into shape again.

Hal was in his early 60s, about six feet tall and 230 pounds. He had a close-cropped beard and chest hairs poked above his tee shirt. He seemed cheerful and kept a conversation going with Donovan. Donovan liked the open admiration showered on him by Hal, so he was civil and pleasant. Wandering by, I heard Donovan say, "I've got this problem in the DOE, do you have some connections there?"

Hal said, "Sure, I know a few guys at the "assistant to" level. That's where all the real work is done." I wandered off, but that helped to explain Donovan's good attitude. He wanted something from Hal.

Wilton came in. He said hello to Hal, but joined the Governor and Jason. I didn't know enough about the scam as yet, but I had a suspicion the two young men were reeling the Governor in. Hal looked a bit surprised Wilton hadn't come over to join him. Maybe disappointed is a better way to describe Hal's look.

Jason and Wilton showered with the Governor and I overheard them talking about going to his cottage afterward for a nightcap. I saw the three of them in the shower. Wilton was tanned and toned, but not muscular. He had a nice body; a compact set of balls and cock. Jason was pale. He was healthy, but never got into the sun. He was hairless, except for his pubic bush. His cock was five inches of thick meat and had potential.

The Governor was an overweight, old man in poor physical condition. Skin and fat seemed to hang from him. The contrast between him and the two other men was striking and unsettling. It was easy to understand the attraction the elderly man felt for Jason and Wilton. For their part, Jason and Wilton looked at the Governor as a cash cow. I felt a twinge of pity for him.

They went off to the Governor's cottage. Donovan was next in the showers. Hal joined him a minute or two later. Donovan was handsome and very much aware of how handsome he was. He was perfectly groomed and I suspected he trimmed his body hair to keep it even. He was nicely hung.

Hal was a shaggy dog type. Not a hair on his head, chest, back or gut was in place, or ever had they been in place. His body wasn't in bad shape, but it wasn't good either. He was a typical, middle-aged man who ate a bit too much and didn't exercise enough. He had a fire hose hanging between his legs. He also had huge balls in a hairy sack.

You can never completely judge a cock in i's soft state. I've seen some mini cocks that turned into impressive specimens and some monsters that were six inches soft and six inches hard. Hal's was going to be a good one, I was sure. It wasn't pretty, but it was prime meat.

Donovan left and Hal went into the steam room. Much to my surprise, Charley returned. He had apparently left the poker game early and worked out again. Afterwards, he showered and went into the steam room.

The place was empty now, so I closed up the exercise area and then checked out the steam room.

"Is everything okay in here?" I called as I entered to room. "Don't get overheated."

"It's fine." Charley answered. "Is that you Will?"

"It sure is." I said. I could hear Charley saying, under his breath, "Will's okay. Don't worry, he's with the program." I went deeper into the steam room and they came into view. When Charley saw me he took off the towel he had draped over his cock. He was fully erect.

"Is this a private party?" I asked.

"Not any more!" Charley said. I bent over and sucked him.

"Hot damn!" cried Hal as he scooted closer. Through the steamy mist I could see his cock was everything I had guessed it would be.

"Go try him out." Charley suggested, "He's got a monster." I tried Hal's cock. It was a good ten inches, but I was able to deep throat it in spite of the size. Hal moaned and twitched.

"This guy's a real find, Charlie!" Hal said. "Damn he's good." I came up for air.

"Let's adjourn to my bedroom where we can play without disturbance and not get cooked by the steam." I suggested. Both men were more than ready. Hal turned out to be a lot of fun. He was no newcomer to the world of man sex. Charley had relaxed some. The night before, he had been uneasy. Now he was more comfortable

We had a first rate suck session with everyone getting really into it. Charley came close to deep throating me. Hal was good about letting you know where he was in the build up to his orgasm, so you knew when to let up and let him calm down.

"Do either of you guys like to fuck?" asked Hal.

"Well, it depends if you are a top or a bottom." I answered. "I do it all, but I have to admit I have a real warm spot for the top."

"Never done it." Charley said. "Might like to try it though. Top I mean. I don't think I could bottom."

"This is your lucky night!" Hal said. "I like it all too, but I have a special place in my heart for the bottom. Will, I don't think I've taken a cock as big as yours in years. I would sure like to see if it still rings my chimes. Are you game?"

"Yep. Ready, willing and able." I said.

"Maybe I should go." Charley said. He didn't want to go, he just wasn't sure he wanted to watch.

"If you don't mind something educational, stay around." Hal said. "If you want, I wouldn't mind giving you a tour of the tunnel of love. I'm a bit of an exhibitionist. I like to be watched. You don't mind if Charley watches Will, do you?"

"Not at all. I got an advanced degree in fucking. Don't mind demonstrating it at all." I said, as I got some lube out of the table beside my bed. "Why don't you lie back and open up?" Hal was already on the bed. He had a hairy ass with a pink hole, centered on a little rosebud.

I spread the lubricant around his hole before I pushed the rosebud into his ass. "Damn you're tight. Are you sure you want to get fucked?" I asked.

"I said, it had been a while. If you take your time, I'll be fine." Hal replied. I pressed deeper and hit his prostate. "You got it! Just hit the same spot with your cock a few times! It feels great." I coated my cock with a thick layer of lube and began to ease my way into his ass. It wasn't easy. He was just as tight as I had guessed. Fortunately, he also was willing. I turned my cock into a battering ram and eventually forced my way in.

Once I had popped through Hal's sphincter, he began to respond enthusiastically. He was just as tight for the last six inches of penetration as for the first three, but he sure enjoyed it more. Once I filled him completely, I pulled out, re-lubricated him and shoved it in again. I did this two more times. His ass was still tight, but the increased lubrication made it impossible for him to resist. My cock was continuously squeezed by Hal's tunnel. I've fucked one or two men in my day and never felt anything like Hal's ass.

After a while I let Charley try him out. Charley had been watching and marvelling that my cock fit Hal's ass. Charley was still a bit shy about fucking, but I knew Hal was a true ass slut and would enjoy his cock. After all my work, Charley slid in easily and they had a good time. Charley was really turned on and he didn't last long. He tried to pull out when he started to shoot, but I stopped him. I wanted some of his man made lube in Hal's ass for my next visit.

"I wouldn't mind another trip in your tunnel of love, if you don't mind?" I asked. Hal just smiled and nodded. I slid in easily this time, tight, but easy. Remarkably, Charley's cum oozed out from the asshole when Hal was fully impaled by my cock. He was that tight. I fucked Hal for a good ten to fifteen minutes.

"Would you mind if I took a breather?" Hal asked. "I'm feeling a bit . . ." I rammed him hard and pulled out. I didn't want him to be uncomfortable. Between Charley and me, we had been at it for a good 45 minutes. Remarkably, neither Hal nor I had shot off yet. Charley was almost asleep on the bed next to Hal. Hal's cock was hard as a rock and I wanted sex bad. I coated Hal's cock and straddled it.

"I thought you were a top?" Hal commented.

"90% top. Do you mind if I check out the other 10%?" I asked.

"Not one bit!" Hal said. I positioned Hal's monster at my hole and sat back slowly. I'm not that experienced, but my friend Mark has a cock about the same size as Hal's and I had grown to like Mark's cock a lot. Hal's cock head was a lot bigger. I bounced on the massive member. My ass slowly stretched and finally I got the head safely into my ass. The rest was easy. Easy is not quite the right word, but it did get in.

I was resting on his pubic hairs, totally impaled. I rested, closed my eyes, arched my back and sort of stretched. I relaxed and Hal's cock seemed to slip into just the right spot. A wave of pleasure swept over me. I had known Hal for no more than two hours and now his cock was deep in my ass and it felt great. I began to twitch my ass. Hal and I settled down for a long session.

I was rock hard, as was Hal. There was barely enough room for his cock and my prostate in the tight hole. With my prostate squeezed, every movement I made with my hips seemed to send electric shocks of pleasure through my body.

Charley had been watching half asleep, but rallied when Hal fucked me. "Shit, I don't believe that fucker fits!" he said. "Is there any room left for your interior organs? It looks like you're getting CPR with a cock!" Just then, Hal jerked, ramming his cock deeper. I almost passed out it felt so good. "What does it feel like?" Charlie asked. "Getting fucked, I mean." I was in no condition to talk, but Hal answered.

"Every cock and every ass is different." Hal explained. "For some guys it's nothing but pain and discomfort. If your ass is really tight and the cock his really big, things just don't work out."

"But you're tight?" Charlie replied. "You didn't have any problem."

"It wasn't easy at first. I started years ago. I was much taken with a incredibly handsome stud who liked the top." Hal explained. "He was a nice guy, but he was big. We had enjoyed sucking and 69ing, but we got in a threesome once and he fucked the third. Al had told me he liked to fuck, but had never insisted, but when I saw him in action, I knew just how much he liked it."

"I figured, if I wanted to keep him, I'd better figure out how to take it and enjoy it." continued Hal. "It wasn't easy. He was a nice guy and didn't want to hurt me. Luckily, the second time he fucked me, he found the right spot and he rang my chimes. Once I figured out the objective, I was willing to work at it."

"It looks like you like it now." Charley said.

"I sure do." Hal said. "So does Will, here." He jerked again, ramming my ass and sending me to the moon. "Will likes them big. So do I for that matter. I think it's the pressure the cock exerts on the prostate that does the trick for me. I don't know exactly what's going on, but it seems to me the prostate is the stealth sex organ. Damn few guys know it's there, but it sure does the trick." Charley fed his cock to Hal. Then, much to my surprise, Charley bent over and began suck my cock.

I had been oozing precum for fifteen minutes and the taste must have gotten to Charley. He was like a four year old licking his first ice cream cone. It took about a minute of this treatment and the precum was joined by the thicker white stuff. Charley jumped back when he was hit by my cum on the first ejaculation. He then enveloped my cock head again and took the rest of the cum, fresh as it spurted from my cock head. Charley was getting into it.

Next: Chapter 49: Catfish Returns 6

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