Millennium Construction Company

Published on Nov 1, 2001


Millennium Construction Company 7

By Bald Hairy Man

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This is an adult story for adults. It is not intended for minors, nor for persons who are offended by alternate life styles. There is no effort to portray real safe sex or real people. It is a fantasy pure and simple.

Julio and Steve got back to my house at 1:00 in the morning. They tried not to wake anyone, but all the guys wanted to find out about the fire. This time there was no arson suspected, it seemed to be an open and shut case of bad wiring. That was a relief. They stripped and jumped into the pile of men.

They inspired a new round of sexual play. By now, Julio's long foreskin was legendary and several guys were interested in exploring the sexual potential. Tom and Skeeter both managed to get their tongues in it at the same time. Julio was a good sport and rewarded everyone who wanted it with an orgasm. He fell asleep with his cock in Larry's mouth.

Steve was the last guy to fuck Bobby that night. They both fell asleep happy. No one except for me got up early on Christmas morning. I had bought some work clothes with the Millennium Construction Company logo embroidered on them and put bows on them and put them under the tree. I also had a surprise gift for my men, cell phones. Ed got up and pulled some tiny boxes from his duffle bag. He had bought some novelty jocks for the guys.

The boxes for the red jocks were inscribed with the words, "now we don our gay apparel." He had labeled them for individuals. He had specially selected them for each man. I didn't know what he had in store for me.

Skeeter came down with an odd assortment of presents. All were wrapped in strange looking papers. Some were Christmas papers, others Easter and Halloween. I assumed they had been part of the large purchase of things from the shop that was going out of business.

I cooked a big breakfast as the men drifted down. Most we in t-shirts and shorts. Steve and Julio slept late. No one wanted to wake them so we drank coffee and ate sticky buns. When the firemen arrived we all ate my high cholesterol, high salt, and high fat breakfast of bacon sausages, scrambled eggs, and toast, with Danishes and buns. Bloody Mary's and Screwdrivers added a boost to the festivities.

Afterwards we went to the tree. The lights were on and the train was running around the base in true, 1957 fantasy Christmas fashion. Ed insisted that we open his presents first. The Gay Apparel jocks were a hit. The were individualized. Some contained built in cock rings. Several were ball holders with a hole for the penis to be left exposed. Bobby's featured a built in butt plug. Bobby put in on in front of everyone with considerable show of enthusiasm.

Everyone put their jock on and I realized Ed had planned it carefully. The bigger men's cocks were exposed to view. The bottoms had jocks that provided unobstructed access to their assholes. Bobby's was self explanatory. My work clothes were unexpectedly well received. Some of my guys were comically short of cash and they liked the look of the shirts, jackets and coveralls.

Skeeter's presents were a collection of sex toys, cock rings, dildos, both motorized and manual, and butt plugs. He had a few porn movies in the pile. We had opened most of them up when he produced the most oddly shaped package in the pile. It was a dildo named the "King Kong" and from the shape of the package there was no question about what it was.

Billy produced a small box of glass ampules he said were for a night cap at the end of the day. I didn't know what they were. Skeeter did. Bubba and Butch brought up two cases of beer. These cases contained a mixture of every exotic beer they could find, and they were well received.

Tom had calendars for everyone, some of which were very funny. Otto brought candy and cookies. Larry surprised us with little portrait sketches he had done. I had seen his paintings. They were modern and more interesting than beautiful. The sketches were beautiful. He must have been doing them on the sly, so they were very quick, elegant and full of character.

I gave my men the cell phones and Bobby almost cried. They were meant for office use, but they all came with a bunch of free minutes for general use. The office paid for them, I got a great deal from the cell phone company, but it solved a big problem for the less solvent portions of my crew. I knew that Bobby, Butch, Skeeter and Bubba didn't have a phone. I gave Ed and Tom PDA's.

I gave Steve and Julio some of the work clothes and they shared in the sex toys. I was afraid those who hadn't intended to be at my house, Bobby, Steve, Julio and Billy might feel excluded, but that wasn't a problem at all. I think a night of sex play with the expectation of more in the course of the day solved that problem.

Steve and Julio took charge of getting the dinner underway. It was to be a turkey and ham event with all the fixings. Julio added an Italian flare. Skeeter added a touch of West Virginia Haute Cuisine. He felt ketchup enhanced everything. The snow had stopped and the day was brilliant with a bright blue sky and full sun reflecting on the white snow. The kitchen crew worked on dinner while the rest of us went out to play in the snow.

It was a winter carnival outdoors. It was warm and the sun was melting the snow quickly, but there was enough snow for kids to sled in and to look beautiful. There was a group of Carollers wandering the streets and it was fun to walk in the car free streets. Fire Plug was still entranced by the new phenomena. All of his old markings were covered so he found he could eat the snow and replenish the piss he needed to remark his territory.

I returned to the house to see how dinner was going and the place smelled wonderful. Everything was under control in the kitchen. I sat in a chair beside the tree, watching the dog sleep. Soon I joined him. Last night had been fun but not restful and a nap was welcome.

When I woke dinner was ready. We had dinner around four and ate until six. We were soon all full and a bit bloated. The streets were almost clear by then and Otto thanked me for the day and went off to meet Lance. Bobby decided to go and see his mother. Just after Bobby left the doorbell rang. It was Vince.

He said his daughter had decided to show her family Williamsburg and had left for two days. She hadn't realized he was on call for the weekend and couldn't leave town. He wanted to check on Steve and Julio. I knew exactly what he wanted to check on. I asked him in for the desert. I saw Larry out of the corner of my eye and realized his Christmas present had just arrived. There were two cakes and a pie as well as a lot of other food and Vince helped himself.

We had gone through a lot of beer and wine and everyone was a bit mellow. None of my men knew Vince was a member of the fraternity. Everyone knew him, but his presence put a damper on the anticipated festivities that were to follow dinner. Vince was with Julio and Steve upstairs in Skeeter's apartment. I could tell everyone was horny as hell and couldn't wait for the all clear so the party could begin.

I was finishing washing the dishes when there was a commotion in the living room. I looked in and Julio and Steve had entered the room in their Christmas jock straps. They whistled the Pomp and Circumstance march, then they introduced the "after Dinner Drink" Vince appeared wearing only a jock that left his huge schlong hanging out for all to see. All did see and all admired.

"Who wants the first taste of this the eighth wonder of the world?" Julio asked, sounding like a carnival barker.

"Whoever wants to try it, get naked and belly up to the bar!" Steve ordered. Larry beat out Skeeter by a whisker. Larry tried to swallow Vince's baby maker in one gulp.

There was a lust explosion in the room. I got into a hot threesome with Billy and Bubba. After the night before, everyone knew who liked what and where they liked it. There were few preliminaries. Bubba skewered Billy as Billy tried to deep throat me. Every time Billy got close to completely engulfing my cock, Bubba would ram him hard and Billy would loose his concentration. I pinched Billy's tits every time Bubba rammed in, and poor Billy was gasping for air.

After a while I could sense Billy getting frustrated and annoyed, since everytime he tried to say something Bubba rammed him speechless. Billy was a good sucker and I wanted him to finish what he started when things changed. Suddenly they were making love, not fucking. Bubba was kissing Billy's neck and ears and I saw Billy undulating his hips and torso so he could massage Bubba's bloated cock with his rectum.

Bubba was a big man and Billy was short and had been taking it doggy style when the sexual transformation took place. It seemed impossible they could do what they were doing without someone hurting his back. I moved on. Three was a crowd there.

Next to them Butch was slow pumping his long cock into Ed's ass. Julio had straddled Ed's torso so that Butch could work his tongue deep in Julio's foreskin. Julio was caressing Butch's hair. The caresses were mirrored by Butch's slow thrusts. You could see Butch's tongue inside Julio's remarkable foreskin. You could see him swirling it around and could watch Julio's expression change every time the tongue hit a particularly good spot.

Ed had his ass in the air and his head on the floor and almost looked as if he was sleeping. He was contented. There was no place for me there either.

Tom was watching Larry and Skeeter suck Vince and Steve while he stroked his cock. Whenever there was a potential for cock sucking, Skeeter took the lead, but Larry beat him in the race to Vince's cock. Larry usually was a suckee, but he was obviously inspired. Vince looked amused, but a bit detached. I stood next to Tom and played with his cock. He had a container of lubricant with him and squirted some on my cock and began to play with me.

"Beautiful piece of meat you have Vince. Almost too big to play with, isn't it?" Tom said. Vince smiled.

"For those who can take it, it's worth the effort." Vince replied. "But it is a challenge. I love to top, but I can't seem to find many volunteers to bottom."

"I've got the same problem." Steve said. "I get more admirers than takers." Tom laughed.

"Shit, I'm average and can't find many takers!" he said. Larry came up for air. Skeeter fastened himself to Vince's tool. Vince put his arms around Larry's shoulders and pulled him close and he embraced Steve with his other arm. Tom and I joined the tight cluster.

"Damn, I'm in the carousel of cock!" Skeeter said from his kneeling position. He looked like a boy in the candy store trying to make up his mind which candy to sample. "Shit! I can't figure how to do you all!" Skeeter complained.

We were all stroking our cocks and Steve began to shoot. He shot over Skeeter's head and the cream spattered on Tom's hairy body. The white cream began to drip down Tom's torso.

"Lie down before it all runs off before I get a change to lick it." Skeeter commanded. Tom got on the floor just in time for Larry to pop. His load landed on Tom's navel and some in his pubic bush. Tom must have liked it because he began to shoot hands free.

"Gee! It looks like a hair pizza with a cum sauce!" Skeeter said. Vince and I added our loads and Tom's torso looked like a Jackson Pollock splatter painting. A second later Skeeter was licking it all up. I watched him feeding and then noticed Vince and Steve still had their erections. They were just as hard as they had been before their orgasms. Larry must have noticed the same thing.

"I don't know about you guys, but I feel as if I still have a full load." he said. Vince had moved his arm from Larry's shoulders to his buns. Larry didn't seem bothered at all. I remembered Larry had said he was interested in Vince topping him and I could guess Vince's fingers were nearing Larry's hole. Skeeter and Tom were out of it, but Steve and I both turned on.

No one said anything, but we all knew what Larry wanted. I led the way to my bedroom. There was no comfortable place in the living room.

Steve jumped on the bed and pulled Larry into his arms. Steve became a pillow and coach for Larry. Steve held Larry's legs open and I lubricated the wide-open ass. Larry was uncomfortable, but as I worked a finger and then two fingers deeper into his ass, he relaxed.

"I'm nice and slow." Vince said. "If anything hurts, there isn't anything I can do about it. You let me know if my cocks too big. I can pull out." By now Larry was getting into my finger fucking. We all knew he wanted something bigger. Vince was lubricating his cock. The lighting in the room was dim, but the light caught all the veins in the monster dong. His cock was coated and he stroked it and used the excess lube to coat Larry's meat.

Vince moved into position and got his cock head at Larry's rose bud. The head vanished into the hole. Larry winced. Steve pinched Larry's tits. Vince pulled out, then popped in again. He spent a while pumping his cock in and out of the hole and I sensed Larry getting accustomed to the invader in his ass.

Steve must have taken a class in Lamaze. He sounded like a coach for a natural childbirth, except he was trying to get something into the body, rather than out of it. Vince was working his meat deeper into the chute and Larry was taking it well.

A beeper went off. It was Vince's. Another beeper went off. It was Steve's. A minute of two later the three firemen were dressed and out the door. Everyone was disarranged and began to go home. They all seemed to believe that fish and house guests begin to stink after three days and soon I was alone in the house with Skeeter upstairs in his attic room.

My daughter called from Europe. She must have been feeling guilty, but I told her it had been a good day, with dinner for the guys in the office and a small snow storm. She seemed to have had a good time, but I wasn't sure all was well. Eventually she said. her husband was going to be transferred to Paris for the next five years. She wasn't sure she wanted that. We talked and she moved from being worried about losing all of her friends to thinking of it as a good opportunity.

Bob and Karl knocked on my door and brought over more food. Their Christmas had been a bust. They had been snowed in a West End house with clients who wanted caterers, rather than house guests. The snow had been heavier out there and they hadn't been able to get out until three.

I asked them in. They seemed desparate for normal conversation after cooking for the suburban family. All of my men were men's men, even Otto and Lance looked the part. Bob and Karl were handsome, but slightly effete. Bob was six-two with carefully combed dark hair and a mustache. Karl was a slightly heavy six footer. He talked, or more correctly, babbled, non stop, mostly about food and new recipes.

Bob left to catch a plane to visit his parents, leaving Karl at my house, slightly depressed. Fortunately, Karl was basically a cheerful person and soon he had cheered up and asked me and my fireman guests for dinner the next night. I said it sounded good to me, so we made the date.

Skeeter came down and said he was experiencing withdrawal symptoms for acute cum deprivation. Karl though that was the funniest thing he had ever heard and the two slipped into a twisted and very funny conversation.

"Sucking is for fags!" Karl said. "Real men take it in the ass." Skeeter looked at him with pity.

"You're a cook! You know the best part of cum is the slightly salty bitter taste of the man cum." Skeeter retorted. "If you shoot it in the ass it just tastes like shit. And I do mean shit!"

"It's not the taste. It's the texture you want." Karl explained. "It will stay slippery for a long time in a warm, dark place."

"Has that banker friend of yours been making deposits?" Skeeter asked with a mock sly glance at Karl. "I've never tasted bankers' cum." From his tone of voice you could tell Seeter was willing to taste bankers' cum. Karl looked at Skeeter. Tey had nver thought of each other as playmates, until now.

"Well. I've got to be going." Karl said, "time to feed the cat." he left. Skeeter left a minute later and I assumed they met outside. The men had cleaned it up the house for me so I turned on the TV and watch a Christmas movie. I fell asleep in my favorite chair and woke at midnight. Skeeter hadn't come back. He and Karl must have made a night of it.

I went to bed, but left the lights on for the firemen.

Next: Chapter 8

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