Millennium Construction Company

Published on Mar 31, 2007


This is a sexual fantasy with no effort made at real life experiences. If you object to gay fiction, DO NOT READ. This story is not for you. If you have any comments send them to or

This completes the Catfish rides again story. I'm trying to finish up some of the earlier stores I lost track of.

The next day we were back on the trail. Sid had vanished. He hadn't struck me as much of a woodsman, but he was well hidden in the forest. It was time for Fluffy to do her work. This time we were with a full team, well equipped and well armed. I had called into my office and with Sid's name, soon alarm bells were going off up and down the east coast. He was a small time con man who had been associated with several scams.

Sid was a spear carrier, not a leader of men. He also had a problem with women. Sid liked hurting them and he liked knives. My office was checking into this. Apparently my Aunt was the first time he got to play with knives big time. This made me sick. He liked cutting up women. Edith was already dead when he cut her. I was afraid the next one wouldn't be. The State Troopers felt the same way.

I figured things would be alright in Wyethtown itself. By now the Police chief had all but fortified the town. I was more worried about isolated farms, or cabins. There were people in the woods who didn't do news. Some were mountain folks who were living in another century. They were sitting ducks.

It was a race between Sid and the cops. Sid might be hopped up on drugs. We only had adrenaline, but we had a lot of it. Fluffy, the police dog, Bluto, two cops from the county and I set off at dawn. Fluffy found the smell immediately and was on the trace. This time we were well equipped and had good communications.

Fluffy and I saw eye to eye about things. You can't trick a dog. Bring cute, or wealthy, or well connected doesn't cut it with a dog. You treat them well and you're a friend for life. If you treat them badly, you're up shit creek. Dogs are good judges of character too. They can tell something is off about a guy in seconds. A quick sniff of the ass is all they need to know all they need to know.

Dogs have always liked me. My Mom said it was because they thought I was a distant relative. I don't sniff asses much, but I've sure been known to get to know a guy really well by sucking his cock.

Fluffy had only smelled Sid, but they were already sworn enemies. Saving the boys and their father was good, but Fluffy wanted to catch the bad guy. He was a tracker. He wanted Sid. I wanted the same.

The search for Sid was well organized by now. The area had been subdivided into quadrants and teams assigned to each. We were on the trail when we got a call from Chief Thomson. "The GPS says you're near a cabin owned by Stanford Mills. He's a survivalist guy," Thomson said. "You know, the Commies are coming, repent of all your sins, the end is near type. He's got daughters, real pretty daughters."

Thompson gave us the cabin's GPS coordinates. We were off. I was worried we'd disappoint Fluffy again, but Fluffy seemed pleased as punch. That was a bad sign. I didn't like that at all. He smelled something. We moved at a brisk pace. As we got closer to the camp, Fluffy got excited and started to pull.

Bluto called headquarters. "The dog's going bonkers," he said. "Fluffy's found something fresh, I think. Send backup."

As we got closer, I smelled smoke. It was the acrid smell I associate with a house fire. Bluto called in again and warned HQ about a fire. We were all running now. I could see the cabin. It was burning, but not fully involved yet. Bluto and the dog ran past the cabin into the woods. I went to the cabin.

"Anyone in here?" I screamed. The ceiling was hidden by smoke, but I could still see the floor. I guessed the fire had just been started.

"Save the girls!" a weak voice cried. "They're in the back room." I ran to an open door. Two small girls were tied with duct tape to chairs. One girl was young, maybe five or six. The other was 14 or so. I grabbed the chairs and dragged them outside. A copter landed in a clearing next to the house. Two policemen ran over to us and took the girls. I ran back into the cabin. By now the smoke was three or four feet from the floor.

"Where are you?"I called. I heard a moan from the right. "The girls are safe." It took a while, but I found him.

"I'm cut bad," he whispered.

"This may hurt, but it's better than burning," I said as I grabbed him. He was a big man and almost too much for me. The smoke was low and the I could see flames. I got almost to the door before I passed out. Thank you Jesus for the volunteer firemen. They got us both out.

When I came to a few minutes later, we were back at the headquarters. I found out the guy was Sandford Mills. He was in bad shape and was taken by the copter to Roanoke. The two girls weren't hurt but they were terrorized. A woman EMT was with them. Apparently Sid liked the idea of burning the girls and their Dad alive. It was clear Sid had gone off the deep end. I want to go after him, but the EMTs wouldn't let me go. I didn't know what they were worried about.

The police had several trailers they used for communications. One had a shower in it. The EMTs told me to use it. In the bathroom they had a mirror. I was shocked when I saw myself. I was covered in soot and my beard was a lot shorter. Part had burned off. I had no idea how close to getting cooked I had been.

When I took a shower, the hot water hurt. I tried all cold water and it felt good. When I got out, I looked like a lobster. My hands really hurt. I began to cough and soot came up. My lungs were filled with soot.

When the EMTs saw me they were concerned and decided I should go to the hospital. By then I felt so bad I didn't fight it at all. I heard them muttering something about shock. They took me off in an ambulance. I spent the night the night getting oxygen and with an IV in my arm. I felt a little better the next day. My hands were wrapped in bandages. They hurt like hell.

I had a TV set in the room and saw the local news. Fluffy was the hero of the day. He got his man. Sid had been cornered. He had third girl with him. Sid was cornered and had a knife to the girl's throat. Unfortunately for Sid police dog training often features a man with a knife. Sid's knife was like a piece of raw meat in front of a starving tiger. Fluffy knew his duty. Apparently Sid never saw the dog. The girl escaped at the first bite.

Sadly, Bluto got Fluffy off of Sid before he had a chance to do serious damage. Sid was alive and being interrogated. I guessed he would spill the beans. He was so far up shit creek, he had to do anything that would spare him from lethal injection. I noted they sent him to jail in Roanoke. The police were worried about the local reaction in Wyethville.

As the special report on the tv came to an end, the Doctor came and told me what was up. My hands were burned, but not badly. "It's just surface burns, but they will hurt like hell for a few days," he said. "You need to be careful about infections." They were afraid I was slipping into shock the day before, but I was better now, except for my hands. I could go home, but I'd have to come in each day to change the dressings on my hands.

I was trying to figure out what to do when Rev. Pettigrew and Tom Robinson dropped by. Rev. Pettigrew was on his normal round of the hospital. "Stay at the Rectory," Tom suggested. "There's tons of room and I've got a lot of spare time."

Pettigrew smiled. "Tom's organist position is endowed," he explained. "He has to play on Sunday and the rest is up to him." Tom was in the rescue squad too and was a certified EMT. I went off to the rectory. Both Tom and Rev. Pettigrew had been playmates, so I assumed there would be some fun at the rectory.

Once and a while you discover a real advantage to be gay and a cock hound. I couldn't use my hands, but I had friends. I wasn't shy about my cock and my friends had no problem helping me take a piss. In fact they seemed to like aiming it. Showering was good too. There was no shortage in volunteers. Andy and Festus from the diner as well as Rollie and Scooter were all willing to help.

It's fair to say my friends had a warm spot for me and an even warmer spot for my cock. Every time I needed to take a piss, I needed some one to aim. Since I'm uncut, I have to peel the skin back to insure a clear shot. I am afraid my friends took my misfortune as an excuse to play with my member. There was no shortage of pals who wanted to help me peel and piss. I had never tried a steady diet of hands free sex before, but I was willing. Having your hand available for a quick boost as you get down to the final push toward an orgasm was normal. A climax is an involuntary action once it gets going. It was odd not to be able to touch my cock, or even scratch my balls. As it turned out my hands free interlude was good, except for my hands of course.

My first night at the house was the worst. I had pain pills, but they wore off at an inopportune time. Tom thought it would be best if I slept nude. That made it easier for me to get to the toilet. He was in the next room, but it was 3:00 PM when the pill wore off and I really needed another. I woke him up. He gave me the pill and held the glass of water. He didn't have any straws, but he got them the next day. He got into bed with me.

The pain pill took effect at about 7:00, so it wasn't a good night. One of Tom's choir members, Dan, arrived at breakfast in time to help. Dan lived above the Rectory's garage and worked at a lumber yard. He was a bass in the choir and looked a little bit like Lurch in the Munster's. Dan was 6'-6" tall and must have been nearly 300 pounds of mostly muscle. He was slow moving and deliberate in all his movements. I hadn't seen him around.

Dan was slow. He had a beautiful voice and natural musical sense according to Tom, and was gainfully employed. Tom and his fellow choir members liked Dan. They both helped and protected him. He had been in a bad job where his boss took advantage of him. Tom got him a job at the lumberyard owned by the best tenor in the choir.

When Dan saw my cock for the first time I saw his face light up. Dan was a pure, unadulterated size queen. Seeing my cock was like a trip to the Louvre for an art lover. He loved it. I hate the idea of taking advantage of he person with limitations, but Dan had his own interests and I didn't mind helping him have some fun. I think Dan thought of me as a toy, as a delicate toy. On Sunday Tom and Pettigrew were busy, and I spent the morning with Dan. He helped me take a shower. He liked being naked with me.

He was massive, but his cock was a long, thin, seven incher topped with a bulbous head. He got hard as soon as he started washing me. He made sure my cock and asshole were really clean, so I was hard too. It didn't take long for me to realize that while he loved my cock, my ass ran a close second. As he sucked he worked a thick, long finger into my ass. He went straight for my prostate and pressed it as he sucked.

It was good, but I was holding my arms up to keep the bandages from getting wet was a problem. and I got tired. I told Dan I was tired, so he turned the water off and dried me off.

"My hands felt better when they were up, but my arms get tired," I said.

"I can help you," Dan said. He sat on a chair. "Sit on my lap," he said. I sat, but he told me to sit facing him. "Sit on my cock," he explained. The pain pills worked but they made me feel dopey. I figured why not. He meat was covered in precum. Dan was excited.

His cock slid into my ass easily. Dan put his arms around me. "Put your arms on my shoulders," he said. He was so much bigger than me, my hands were elevated and my arms relaxed. I was comfortable for the first time in days.

I thought this arrangement would be uncomfortable for Dan, but my weight was nothing to him. His cock stayed hard so there was no danger I would slip off. He didn't exactly fuck me. He just tensed his ass so his cock made small movements in my ass. This kept him hard and got me hard too.

The pain killers, my elevated hands and the anal stimulation let me relax and I fell asleep. I woke an hour later, feeling a lot better.

"I'd better move," I said. "You mst be exhausted."

"I'm fine," Dan said. "I shot off in your ass. I hope you aren't mad at me?"

I smiled. "No problem, it's the least I could do."

Dan looked relieved. "It did it three times."

"Three times better," I said. "You're still hard."

"I like you," he said. "You're nice."

I got off his cock and we took another shower. I was presentable in time for lunch with Festus and Andy at the diner. Festus and Dan were pals. Andy had invited Rollie and Scooter over so we traded information. Andy brought a great lunch for us and we washed it down with wine. They took turns helping me eat. We were finishing up when Bluto and came by with the latest news. He stopped in at the Rectory and found out I was at Andy's.

Sid was singing like a bird. There was a double scam. He was doing some espionage on competitors. The legitimate exploration companies did the work and he would try to steel the property before they had a chance to file.

Sid was also a spear carrier for a Mafia family. Apparently they kept him under tight rein given his sadistic tendencies. They didn't want him freelancing. Apparently they thought a nice, small rural county in Virginia might be a good place to set up shop. He was to buy land and they would move in. They didn't think the coal thing was going to work out, but it would be a good way to launder money. An unsuccessful mine would swallow up cash without a trace.

Aunt Edna was a fly in the ointment. She didn't trust anyone, not to mention a low life like Sid. Her land holdings were so extensive, by purchasing her properties the Mafia's needs could be accomplished in short order. Sid wanted to prove his worth his bosses. When Edith balked, Sid got carried away.

I think if Sid had just killed her, he might have gotten away with it. After killing her, Sid took a few hits of his favorite mood enhancer, crack cocaine, and then he cut her up. When he returned to earth he knew the dismembered body was a problem, so he set the fire. Apparently he thought this would destroy the body. It takes one hell of fire to totally destroy a corpse, but Sid wasn't thinking too clearly.

I found myself drifting off to sleep. The pain killer's had their effect. Andy took me back to t he Rectory and I slept for the rest of the afternoon. I woke up for a little while, then fell asleep again. Sometimes you don't know how tired you are. I had been on the go at full blast for weeks and it all caught up with me.

I woke up at five in the morning, took a leak by myself, then got back to bed with Tom. Tom woke up and snuggled up to me. I got hard as a rock. Tom had some lubricant by the bed. He coated my cock with it and we slow fucked. Tom was much more relaxed than he had been before and the penetration was easy. There was a little resistance at his sphincter, but my organ slid in effortlessly. Effortless is not the same as ineffective. Tom shivered and twitched as I probed deep. I must have accidentally tripped every sexual switch in Tom's body.

I got turned on big time as he responded. His excitement was contagious. It was a long session. I pulsed him up to the edge of a climax, then let him down. I did this three or four times, but with each session, my cock got more tender and I got closer to shooting. Fucking with your meat cocked and with a hair trigger is a trip.

Dan joined us and sucked Tom as I fucked the organist. It took me ten or twelve seconds to realize Dan was a Cum hound. Tom couldn't have held off shooting as Dan sucked his load. My cock was still in tom's ass and I felt him twitch as he ejaculated.

I pulled out after he shot off. He was one of those guys who gets hyper sensitive after and orgasm.

Dan got up and smiled at me. His mouth was filled with Tom's cum. He looked at my cock. I was on my back. He squirted some lube on his hand and then greased up is ass.

"Dan, you've never taken a cock like Catfish's," Tom murmured. "Are you sure you wantto try it?" Dan nodded as he straddled me. He held my cock and guided it to his hole.

"You're a lot bigger than Catfish," Tom said. "Don't hurt him." Then Dan sat back on my cock. on it. Dan skewered himself on my meat with the delicacy of a ballerina on the stage. He had incredible muscle control. All his weight was on his legs and massive thighs. I provided only the tool. Dan fucked himself. He did a little hula dance, rotating his hips in a corkscrew manner, working my cock into his rectum.

He bloated cock deflated when my cock head popped his sphincter. I hate hurting a guy and I was worried my cock was too much. A few inches later all was well. He was rock hard again and drooling precum. All was well.

Dan had most of it in when I began pulsing my hip. Dan moaned. "Do that again!" he cried. I did. All of his 300 pounds was precariously balanced on my cock. I pumped a few times and he began to shoot. Dan must have lost a quarter of his weight as he ejaculated. I didn't know an guy could have that much cum in his balls. As he shot, his entire rectum contracted pushing me over the edge.

Remarkably, he kept his balance as he climaxed. It was a spectacular performance.

We all showered and then went to breakfast. I had plans for more fun, but that wasn't to be. Elizabeth, Scooter's mom had called my mother. Mom and my Aunts had gone on a vacation to recover from the ordeal of Edith's death. I thought there was no way to contact them. That was good because I didn't want to worry them.

I hadn't counted on the respectable Presbyterian Ladies Emergency Telegraph. Elizabeth found her. They came to Wyethville, and carried me off to Mom's house that afternoon. I had a strictly enforced week of recovery and rest in my old bedroom. Mom is a nurse, firm, but fair. It was unbelievably boring, and surprisingly enjoyable.

Next: Chapter 84: Catfish Sees a Doctor 7

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