Millennium Construction Company

Published on Aug 20, 2007


Catfish Goes to Washington 5

By Bald Hairy Man

I spent a good two hours with Carlton and Louis. The time was evenly distributed between conversation and fornication. It was a good mix. I found out more about the locked room occupied by DeBoer. Most of the time he ate out, or in the Club's dining room, but once and a while he called for room service. He would ask that Paul, one of the younger waiters, bring up the food.

Paul was usually excited by this. He said they were good tippers. "DeBoer is usually a shitty tipper, so the money must come from a guest," Louis said.

"Are the guest's members of the club?" I asked.

"Not as far as I can tell," Carlton replied. "I don't know who they are. You're supposed to have guests register at the reception area, but his guests arrive with him, so we don't have their names. I did see one of his pals on the Sunday Morning talk shows, but I don't remember who it was."

I wanted to meet DeBoer, but I couldn't figure out how to do it. I was the outdoor man and DeBoer wasn't ever in the garden and didn't exercise. I knew what he looked like, but no more. Meeting him turned out to be easy. The manager solved my problem. He came up to me while I was working in the garden.

"Noland, we have a member who'd like to see you this evening," he said.

"Sure, what's his name?"

"No names are necessary," the manager replied. "You are to take a shower tonight at 11:15. That's all you need to do."

"That's easy enough," I said. The manager left.

I was at the shower room at the appointed time. DeBoer and another man appeared after a few minutes. DeBoer was a heavy man who always wore expensive suits. Suits are designed to cover a multitude of sins, and DeBoer's body was sinful. He had poor skin tones, sort of a mottled grey-green. It looked as if he had melted. He had no cock. A fold of fat hid his genitals. I have often said, I like any man as long as he has a cock. De Boer was lacking this feature. His friend was an average guy, with military style moustache and a tan. He dyed his hair back, but his chest hair was salt and pepper. He joined me in the shower as DeBoer lurked in the locker room.

"Are you the guy that replaced Tyrone?" the friend asked abruptly.

"I'm the gardener, if that's what you mean," I replied. He looked me in the eye, then at my cock. "I'm a top. Is that like Tyrone?" I asked. The man looked taken aback, then he smiled. "I'm Carl," he said.

"Noland here," I said. "Is your friend a watcher?" Carl glanced at De Boer and DeBoer left the room.

"He just likes to help ease the way to true love," Carl said.

"To tell you the truth, I'm not much into true love," I said. "I'm not opposed to guys helping each other out, though."

"That's a start," Carl said. "Are you into wrestling?"

"My room's around the corner," I said. I soon found out Carl wasn't into wrestling. He was more into muggings. As soon as I got to my room, he jumped me from behind. He was much bigger than I, and wasn't into any of the niceties of wrestling. I was caught by surprise. Carl was trying to pin my prostate with his cock.

I'm an open-minded guy when it comes to sex, but that stops when it comes to rape. I know some guys do it as part of a role-playing exercise. They see it as all fun. It's not fun for me. I've had guys who were into spanking. Maybe it's good for them, but as for me, it just takes longer to get to the real sex. I have a strong aversion to men who like to fight with small guys. Carl had me. After pinning my arms behind my back, and jabbering on about me being his fuck slave and man cunt, then he got down to business. He had an average cock crowned with a big knob. Carl wasn't much of a leaker, so he was planning a dry fuck. I relaxed. He thought I had given up.

I discovered Carl wasn't much of a multitasker. He had to hold me down while staying hard and forcing my ass. As he tried to force my hole, he relaxed his hold on my arms. I was still a bit wet from my shower. One of my arms slipped free and I gave him a strong blow to his gut. He lost his grip on my other arm and it was all over for him. His fortunes changed in a few seconds. When I catch a mugger I like to administer a little in-the-field punishment. The judges back in Richmond coined a phrase a "Catfish Cast." I didn't want to break Carl's leg or arm, but I wanted him to know the errors of his ways.

When it was over Carl was chastened, humbled and royally fucked. I had him by the balls, the real balls, not the metaphorical balls. With a ball crushing grip on his privates, he was under control. Any time he tried to resist, I squeezed hard and he twitched in agony.

I don't like dry fucks. I was feeling some regret that I couldn't do unto him what he intended to do to me, but there is a God. Carl may not have been an ass virgin, but he was close. The Almighty had also seen fit to give Carl a very tight hole. That hole was five or six sizes bigger when I was done with him. There was only one problem. Carl had a raging hard-on the whole time and had a hand's free orgasm. My bed spread was covered in his cum when it was over. I sent him on the way, telling him, if he ever tried that again, it would be my fist up his ass the next time. Damn if he didn't ejaculate again when I said that. Carl was a piece of work. When I got up the next morning, I was listening to NPR on the radio when I heard Carl's voice. He was talking about moral renewal and the depravity of the modern America. The anchor ended the segment with, "That was Dr. Carl Montague of the America First Foundation."

Carl was one of those sanctimonious talking heads with a big, bad secret hidden deep in his psyche. On the radio he sounded totally self confident and without the smallest suggestion of uncertainty. It was hard to believe it was the same man who had been whimpering as I pounded his ass hours earlier.

While I was sweeping the sidewalk that morning Johnson came up to me.

"How's it going?" he asked.

"Things are always good for me," I said. "And you?"

"A busy day on the hill ahead, but good otherwise," he said. He got closer. "Are you going to have some free time tonight?" I nodded. As we talked, Jack came up to us. He was dressed in his Naval uniform and looked really good.

"Congressman Rutter," he said, "I'm commander Fitzwilliam, Admiral McHugh's aide. I was hoping to talk with you about part of the Naval Appropriations bill that will be coming to you shortly."

"I've seen you around," Johnson said. "I'm filled up today, but anytime tomorrow will be fine." He paused. "Have you met our local hero, Noland? He's the mugger catching gardener." "We've met," the Commander said.

"As a matter of fact, I think you both know me equally well," I said. "You share more common interests than you know." The Congressman looked puzzled, then caught on. They were both good looking men and I sensed an immediate attraction.

"Johnson was going to drop by to see me tonight," I said.

"Around ten," the Congressman added. They shook hands and went on their way. Both men were uneasy with their sexual preferences and I wasn't sure they would show up. I knew they wanted to, but might not have enough nerve.

That afternoon I saw Paul going to Room 8 with one of the members. A few minutes later another, younger man went to the room. He looked slightly familiar, but wasn't a member. After an hour the older man left, but Paul and the third man remained. I was working near the door when Paul peaked out. "Noland, can you come over here?" I went to him. "I've got a friend here. He's a bit of a size queen, would you mind doing a little show and tell?"

"I don't know about that," I answered.

"He's a nice guy," Paul said, "He's fun, not like the other guys."

"More pleasure than work?" I asked.

Paul leaned close to me. "Half the guys shoot before I get off, the other half can't get it up at all. Thompson's different. Everything's in working order. Can you come in and give him a show? Don't worry about the garden. The members come first."

I went in the room. There was a sitting area on the lower floor of the former carriage house, but we went up stairs to the bedroom. "Thompson, this is Noland, the yard man," Paul said. "I noticed the garden was looking good," Thompson said. "You must be a hard worker. It's looked like crap for years." He was average in height, with sandy hair. He had delicate features and pale, blue eyes. He was good looking, if bland, I guessed he had been really handsome as a young man.

My shirt was partially unbuttoned and my pelt was showing. "You're a hairy one," Thompson said. "Usually, I'm the fur ball." He unbuttoned his shirt. He was clean shaven and manicured in appearance. His shirt hid a thick mat of curly, dirty blond hair. I unbuttoned the rest of my shirt. I was sweaty and dirty from the garden. I had a feeling that wouldn't bother Thompson at all. He unbuckled his belt. Thompson was the kind of guy who led by example. I liked that. I guessed he was a jogger. His body was lean and toned. His cock was as long as mine, but thinner. Paul had stripped as we got naked. He was hairless and his pubes were shaved. You could have mistaken him for a boy of 12 or 13 were it not for his cock. It was an adult's.

"I know I asked Paul if I could just see you," Thompson said. "Would you mind if I touched it?" he asked. He was staring at my cock like a deer caught in the headlights he was transfixed. "I'm not the shy type," I said. Both Thompson and Paul came over. One stroked my cock while the other fondled my balls. A cell phone rang. Thompson jumped and answered it. "I'll be there in fifteen minutes," he said. "I'm at the club." He hung up. "I have to go," he said. "Playtime's over." He quickly got dressed and left.

"Noland, you're one ugly man!" Paul said. "I can't believe you turned him on. I guess there's no accounting for taste."

"I guess you're right about that," I said.

"You do have one hell of a cock," he said as he buttoned up his shirt.

"So I've been told." I remarked as I went back to work. My main interest was in finding out if the session with Thompson was recorded. I wasn't sure how I'd do that. In the evening I checked my room for cameras and microphones. I didn't find any. Room 8 was furnished with many mirrors and I assumed these concealed the cameras.

Johnson appeared at my room at 10:30 and Jack arrived a few minutes later. Both men were nervous as hell, but at least they made it. Lust overwhelmed caution once again. We made some casual chitchat. Jack and Johnson were alike in many ways. It was easy to see they were attracted to each other, but neither was bold enough to do anything about it.

I got the ball rolling. "I know you guys have just met, but I know you both. We're all members of the same club, and I don't mean the Mandrake club. I'm ready to have some fun, and I'm hoping you men are ready too," I said.

"I'm not sure. . ." Johnson started to say.

"Boys, I'm sure,"I said. "You guys aren't going to win any awards for self awareness. I think you're so horny and hot-to-trot you're about ready to explode. Am I right?"

"You're right," Jack admitted.

Johnson nodded. I went on,"We're all adults. We all know what we want. You may not know how to get what you want, but I know and I can give you some lessons. It time to strip naked and get it on!" My little pep talk did the trick. Jack and Johnson were both well beyond half hard by the time they were nude. They both liked what they saw in the other.

There is an uncomfortable period between getting naked and starting sex. I did my bit to keep that period as short as possible, as in two or three seconds. Once mouths were sucking cocks, all was well. I was pleased. We formed a small daisy chain on my bed, linked cock to mouth. We rotated a few times, so everyone got to sample all the equipment.

It was exciting, but got more so when I got Jack and Johnson to 69. Both men were well equipped and they could deep throat each other easily. My cock is more exciting as a novelty item, than it is suited for day to day use. It's like those huge dildos you see in Adult Novelty stores. It's a good conversation piece, and fun at parties, but too big for every day.

I could tell Jack and Johnson were well suited for each other. The sucking was good, but the fucking got even better. Since Johnson had fucked me, I suggested he screw Jack and a prelude for me revisiting Jack's ass. Both men were game. Johnson came close to shooting when I suggested it.

It's not every day you get to see two men finding the meaning of life. They were both excited. Jack was on his back and Johnson got his leg on his shoulders. I lubricated both of them. Jackson positioned his cock at Jack's hole and pushed gingerly. It was a bit too gingerly.

"Push harder!" Jack ordered. Johnson did as he was told. His big cock head popped into Jack's ass. When it cleared the sphincter, both men sighed in satisfaction. The cock slid easily into the love tunnel. I could sense both men getting more excited as the cock went deeper. Sometimes you can tell when there's a perfect fit. This was one of these times.

Johnson was really close to shooting, but I got him to slow down. He made it a good ten minutes before he shot off. He was a pound lighter and Jack was a pound heavier after Johnson shot his load. When Johnson pulled out I took his place.

Jack's cum -lubricated ass welcomed my cock like an old friend. Jack was more than receptive. I was in the mood for a long fuck, and Jack was fine with that. We switched positions and I fucked him from the rear as Jack was on his side. By then Johnson had recovered from his orgasm. He cuddled up to Jack and they began to kiss.

The kiss turned into a full-fledged make out session. They were going at it hot and heavy. Jack was kissing Johnson as I fucked him. It was good for all of us. I shot off.

"You still have fully loaded balls?" I asked of Jack. He nodded.

"It's okay," he said. "This has been really good."

"I'd be glad to take care of you," I said. "My ass is available. You could scratch an itch I have about six inches in my ass. Maybe Johnson could help you too."

"I've never been fucked," Johnson said.

"Do you think you like to give it a spin?" I asked. He didn't answer, but I knew they both wanted it. "Jack can take his time," I said. Johnson was very excited, but nervous. I got him on his back. Jack and I shared lubricating duties on Johnson's ass. Johnson's ass wasn't particularly tight and his prostate was in working order.

Johnson didn't know what was going on. I don't think he knew he had a prostate. When I took my finger out, he returned to earth. As soon as Jack's cock touched Johnson's ass, it was love at first thrust. I have heard guys talking about a hungry ass, but never experienced it until I saw Johnson's ass swallow Jack's cock.

Remarkably, Jack took his time and they had a nice long session. Jack shot off and Johnson had another ball busting orgasm. Two very happy men left my room that night. I had a good time too, playing Cupid.

There was a big thunder storm that night that woke me. I couldn't get to sleep again so I did a little exploring in the garden. Room 8 was empty and I got in the door to the back room easily. It had been a bad storm, so I did a little constructive electrical work. I connected a few wires and shorted the system out. I hoped it would be written off as a lightning strike.

Next: Chapter 91: Catfish Goes to Washington 6

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