Milo and Other Grains

By Ben Joseph

Published on Nov 29, 2010


All disclaimers apply: Do not read this if you are not supposed to, permission from author required for distribution, all events are ficititious and any similarities are coincidental.

Another big thank you to all of the people that wrote to me, I appreciate the feedback it motivates me to write.

Milo And Other Grains Part 4

The parking lot is empty, Stacy finally left. After giving me a lot of shit. I know it's crazy but he'll show up, and finally he does, thirty minutes late. I text Stacy so she won't worry the rest of the night. The windows in Atticus' truck are down and he is shouting to me while driving around me in circles. He finally stops and opens the door and I jump in.


That's all he says. "Hey." No, sorry I'm thirty minutes late. It's so stupid, why does he have to be like this sometimes and why doesn't it really bother me more.

"Where were you!?!" I try to reason with the beast.

"Nowhere, where were you?" Atticus states while smirking. I laugh and hold onto the door handle as Atticus speeds away.

We are driving erratically and I am getting concerned, but should I be? This is what I signed on for and its, well, exciting among other things and I am beginning to understand why Glen was concerned with me hanging out with Atticus.

Suddenly the truck stops. "I shouldn't be driving." Atticus jumps out of the truck and opens the passenger door, I shift over, I guess I'm the driver now. "Here comes the sun" is filtering through the speakers and Atticus is moving closer and singing. And finally he rests up against my shoulder. I really don't know what to do. So I just sit there slowly driving with Atticus on my side. I realize I should be the one who is drunk and I should be the one being taken care of right now.

"Sorry I was late Milo," He looks at me with his big green eyes and he looks adorable, any anger I once had is leaving my body. God I love it when I feel him, any part of him. I want to stop this truck, throw Atticus in the back and ravage him.

"I think I'm gonna be sick" Atticus leaps towards the passenger door and I slam on the brakes. Atticus doesn't make it fully outside rather he is leaning out the window expelling a large amount of liquid to put it nicely. He finishes after about ten minutes.

"Are you alright?" I inquire.

"Yeah, woo, I feel a lot better, hey, can you stop at a gas station?"

"Yeah sure," I stop at the nearest gas station and offer to go inside seeing as he might make a scene. I get him some water and gum. When I get back to the truck Atticus seems like he is back to normal, well whatever normal is to Atticus.

"Thanks man,"

I look at him and tell him, "That's alright, just looking out for a friend,"

Atticus turns and sort of squints at me and then states, "ya know Milo, I like you,"

"Yeah Atticus, I like you too." I state kind of chuckling to myself.

"No, I mean I really like you Milo, a lot of my friends wouldn't put up with my shit like you do, I like that about you."

"Well what can I say I can tolerate your shenanigans I guess," I answer quizzically. Then I add, "but it's really just for the weed hookup," and I laugh.

"Fuck you Milo," Atticus is smirking and still squinting at me. He looks like he is trying to peg me, trying to get inside of me and understand what makes me tick, understand who I really am underneath all the bullshit and veils that help me hide and blend in and misrepresent myself.

"Hasn't your mother ever told you that if you keep making that face its gonna stay like that." I ask Atticus.

He sits there and I drive further into the country, he lights up a joint which I take a hit of and then another. I wish I could just take this truck to any shore, some faraway place that concerns neither of us. I stop at a stop sign and I get the shock of my young life as his lips meet mine. This is unreal, I am lightheaded, I feel like I'm spinning. They say you're supposed to close your eyes when you are kissing someone but my eyes are wide open. This is so new I don't think it is registering in any sense. A questioning overcomes me, why is he doing this, why does this feel so good, is this real?

Atticus tells me, "I've wanted to do that for awhile now."

I am dumbfounded and I try to stammer some string of cognizable speech. "uh yeah, me too," I manage.

"Hey turn in here," Atticus points to a pathway between two fields and I immediately comply. The truck stops with a cloud of dust that envelopes us. Everything is so still, so silent. I feel my heart beat increasing, I look at him in the cab of the truck. His door opens and I jump out of mine. He hops in the bed of the truck and I follow. I kind of know what to do but not entirely. He is laying down and he is unbuckling his jeans. I lay down too, I'm timid and unsure. My inexperience is trumped by his ferocity. His left hand grabs my hair and it forces me down. And he is on top of me, gazing drunkenly but not from the alcohol. His hands start moving all over me and I'm not doing anything, I'm paralyzed, my actions are gripped by some unnamable force within myself. But that doesn't seem to forestall any of his movements. I breath out and I relax, the shock of everything is slowly leaving my body, a quiet soothing wave sweeps over me.

He keeps kissing me and I'm unsure, unsure of how this happened, unsure of my good luck, and unsure of how to do any of this. He has fully disrobed himself and is on top of me. I look in his eyes, down to his nose and lips, soft, beautiful, kissable, present lips. I look across his chin and strong neck. My hand comes up and caresses it, I gaze past his chest and abs and find something, strong throbbing toward me telling me that I was the object of its desire. He pulls my pants off while I work on my shirt. Everything is in bloom around us, that's at least how it feels. We are naked and Atticus is thrusting. His cock slides back and forth on my right thigh grazing past my nuts and very erect dick. His wiry pubes tickle me and cause me to laugh and Atticus stops and looks at me with this longing look, like he is seeking all kinds of approval that only I can give him. I smile and kiss him and he resumes his movements along my upper thigh and he takes his right hand and grabs my dick tightly jerking me off and lurching into me. Our breathing is increasing and Atticus is slightly moaning as he buries his head into my shoulder. The air is cool but our bodies are radiating heat in waves licking our skin. He increases his grip and pushes faster and faster and then releases my dick and just holds onto my body and continues to hump me. A moan escapes my mouth, I move my hands across his back feeling his muscles tense and relax, this feels so incredible and I know I'm going to cum very soon. Then Atticus stiffens and shudders and I feel his cum spraying across my stomach and leg and dick and then I grab his ass and I explode on both of our stomachs. Atticus lays on top of me panting.

"That was amazing," Atticus is looking at me while laughing and catching his breath.

"Yeah it was, shit, Atticus, I didn't know you where gay," I look at him beaming.

"Yeah, we should probably get going," he gives me this weirded out look while propping himself up and then rolling off of me. Then he starts to quickly dress.

I start dressing too and state, "Yeah, it's getting kind of late. I've got to work in the morning I should be getting home." I don't know what to think, I've stepped over some invisible line and Atticus seems to be thrown off. There is this awkwardness that now surrounds us.

I jump in the passenger seat and Atticus drives to my grandpa's in complete silence. He pulls in the driveway and turns to me, "Milo, I don't exactly know what I feel for you, it's crazy, I like you a lot, I like being around you, when I see you I get a big grin on my face. I want to spend more time hanging out with you."

He leans in and kisses me again, "I don't know what this is, but I like it and I like you,"

I jump out and smile and tell him bye. I don't know what to think, I'm stunned and I'm happy, it feels different and good. And as Atticus pulls out of the drive I just sort of stand and watch until I can't see the red tail lights of his truck anymore. I go inside the house and notice its two in the morning. "Fuck," I mutter to myself, this is not going to make tomorrow very fun, well technically today. I make my way to bed and I can't go to sleep, my dick is completely erect and won't go down, I think about the way Atticus held me tight in the back of that truck and I jerk off and finally drift off to sleep.

"Milo, MILO! Get your ass down here it's getting late,"

"Okay, okay" I shout back and let my head fall back on the pillow for just another second.

"Damn it Milo, get down here!"

I finally wake up and throw on my jeans and head downstairs to greet grandpa and Glen who are eating breakfast.

"You know Milo you could learn a thing or two from Glen here, he shows up to work early, ain't that a concept," Grandpa completes his statement with a sarcastic smirk.

"Well it doesn't look like your getting too much work down right now," I state while reaching for a piece of toast.

Grandpa chuckles and states, "Aw, just for that I'm making you get up on the barn to paint the roof,"

I look at my grandpa, praying that he is just kidding around, "What, are you serious?"

"Yep, but don't worry, you'll have company, Glen will be up there too, that roof needs a new coat." I go back upstairs and change into a older pair of jeans. When I make it outside, Glen is already taking supplies out to the barn and I join him.

Glen helps me transition to the roof from the ladder, the slope isn't that steep but it takes me a second to adjust my balance. It might sound strange to some, painting a roof, but this barn's roof is tin and for it to withstand rusting we have to get up here every couple of years and slap on this metallic goop, at least that is what it looks like. It comes in five gallon buckets and looks like mercury.

"Hey Milo, you've got to be careful up here, take this rope and tie it around your waist, I don't need your Grandpa blaming me for you falling off this roof and breaking your leg."

"Okay," I take the rope and begin tying when Glen interrupts me laughing. "What are you laughing at?" I look at him glaringly.

"You call that a knot," He states pointing to my waist.

"Yeah what's the matter with it," and then I glance down to see my limp knot slowly coming undone and falling off of me completely and I start laughing.

"Here let me help you" Glen takes the rope and gently ties the rope around my waist and hesitates making sure of his knot and then he starts to jerk the knot a little making sure of its hold.

"Woo there Glen, Grandpa might think you're doing something else than tying a knot if he looks up here now."

Glen blushes and laughs, "haha your right, he might be a little pissed, the farmhand deflowering the farmer's daughter----'s son."

I look at him and waited until he said "--'s son,". "I thought so," I tell him.

We begin painting and by the mid morning the sun is beaming and I am sweating through my clothes. I peel my shirt off and Glen takes his off too. Wow, I forget how good Glen actually looks, his muscles are getting more defined and bigger than they already were. We make more and more progress, we work on opposite sides and are nearing the middle where our ladder is located. I stop and watch Glen working, a drop of sweat slowly trails down his back and shimmers in the sunlight. I'm drooling over this scene in front of me and Glen suddenly turns around and gives me a weird look.

"So I guess Grandpa was right, farm work really does get ya a great body," I state and almost immediately regret.

Glen gets a huge smile on his face, "Oh you think I have a great body Milo, then watch this" He slowly starts dancing towards me like some male stripper.

"Fuck you Glen, stop, really stop," I step back and he keeps advancing gyrating closer and closer and he unbuckles the first button on his jeans. "I warned you Glen, and then I take my paint roller and cover Glen's stomach with the metallic paint.

He stops and gives me this look of shock and grabs me and sits me down on the roof, "Don't try and struggle or we're both gonna fall off," and then he takes his finger and dips it in the paint and puts silver whiskers on my face.

"Glen, you're a bastard, I'm gonna kick your ass when we get down from here."

Glen laughs and responds, "I would love to see that, besides you're too in love with my body to want to injure it,"

"Oh fuck you, can't you take a damn compliment," I state and then smile and look away blushing.

Glen looks at me and his face softens and he states, "Yeah, I can, thanks." And he sounds completely sincere. We finish and I go to clean the horse barn as Rosco still acts crazy around Grandpa and Glen.

"Rosco, have I heard that you've been a jerk lately," Rosco walks over excitedly and I scratch his neck. "Oh Rosco, you're going to need to calm down or else I'll always have to clean this damn barn out." I finish and turn around to find Glen at the entrance and Rosco turns to look as well and decides to sprint out of the gate toward Glen. He manages to scramble over the nearest fence and Rosco starts running around his field. I rush over to Glen, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, but that fucking horse is crazy!" Glen's face is still in shock.

"I know I don't know what his problem is." I state with concern. "Well lets head inside and eat,"

"Alright," Glen states, then adds, "Hey we're still one for Saturday right?"

"Yeah, sure," I pause. "You make it sound like a date," I state laughing.

"Well who knows, you'll have go to find out," He states smiling.

We go inside and eat and then Stacy picks me up for work. "Hey Milo, how are you feeling today?"

"Fine, why?" I answer.

Stacy says, "Well I just figured you would be hung over, I heard Atticus is a party animal and Tim texted me last night saying that there was a huge party at some random girl's house and you have silver whiskers on your face."

"Oh shit, damn it, how could my Grandpa and Glen let me leave like this, I was painting earlier and Glen's dumbass put these on my face. But anyways no, I didn't party at all, what I did consisted of taking care of a drunk Atticus." I state while conveniently leaving the rest of the night's details out.

"Oh, that sucks,"

"yep," I state trying to cover up my intense joy I have whiling thinking about Atticus and me last night.

More to come

Suggestions and comments are greatly appreciated : )

Next: Chapter 5

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