Mirror Mirror

By JaDe -

Published on Mar 29, 2000


NuMbeR 3! Wow! Anyway I am really stumped on where to take this story, any ideas? Thankz to all that had sent me e-mail, ppl like Justin and a couple more. I hope that you all will continue to like reading this story! All criticism and FAN-mail..hehe..send it to melsleepy@hotmail.com

Standard Disclaimer ------------------- The characters in this story is no way connected to the actual ppl..it is all a creation in my overactive mind. The only one that is even remotely real is the character Ann and a couple more, which I will introduce in time to come.

Mirror Mirror Part Three ------------------------


"I still love you because you are the one of the things that kept me going everyday even when I am down. You give me the courage to be the person I am without being afraid of people bringing me down," Justin cried and walked to Lance, hugging him close. They hugged each other for a long time before Lance nudged Justin's head up and gave him a soft kiss. This is the first time Lance made the first move.

"Don't explain. I trust you," Justin gave Lance a quick peck on the cheek and ran towards the car park leaving Lance staring at his wake. Danielle saw this from the spot she was glued on. 'I won't let you go from me. We are meant for each other' she thought vengefully and she made her way to the cast of 'Boy Meets World' who were out together for a day of fun in the mall. SIt baCk aNd EnJoY thE riDe oF eMotIonS Ann woke up feeling more refreshed than she had been in months. It is funny that she could sleep this time without any disturbing dreams. She blinked a few times to get hold of her surroundings. She remembered then that she is in Justin's house and in JC's room. She walked out of the room, stretching like a cat. She was going to open the bathroom door when she hears the shower running. 'Must be JC' she thought as she went and find for another toilet. 'There gotta be a second bathroom up here' She couldn't find it anywhere. She hadn't been in this house for a long time and couldn't remember where the bathrooms are. 'Maybe I could just sneak in and do a quickie and run out? Nah' she sat down leaning her back against the bathroom door, waiting for JC patiently. She had found a Discman in JC's room and played it loudly, humming together with the song. The gang went into Justin's house with their mouths blabbing 100 kilometers per hour. They walked into the den to find the television on but JC missing in action. "Where is he?" "I don't know. JC! WHERE ARE YOU?" Chris yelled. "Wait, I think the shower is on," Joey excitedly said, running upstairs. "Maybe we can play a trick or two when he is inside...hehe," Justin suggested and all the others agreed following Joey up. THUD! All the guys ran towards the bathroom where the sound is heard. Justin saw Ann lying on her back, half in the bathroom and half out and JC is standing over her with only a towel hanging on his waist and water dripping down his body. Lance stared at JC's body. It is not the same as Justin. Justin is more slender and seems just nice for Lance to hold. "AHEM!" Justin cleared his throat upon seeing Lance staring at JC. Lance blushed and Justin smiled mischievously. Then Justin remembered Ann. "Ann, you okay?" Justin asked. "Ouch, I think my head is really spinning," she opened her eye one small slit and then quickly closed it again. "What's wrong? Why won't she open her eyes?" Chris asked. "I dunno," answered Joey who looks at Justin and Lance who just shook their head. JC who was still standing next to Ann, bent down and prodded the back of her head. "Are you okay?" he asked gently. Ann opened her eyes slowly and this time kept it open. "Yeah, just didn't really need to see the free show," she murmured. "What?" JC was taken aback. Lance caught on to what Ann just said and started laughing. Soon the rest of the N Sync guys save JC know what Ann was talking about. JC looks at them weirdly until Justin finally took pity on JC. "JC, you are wearing a towel. You are standing right on top of Ann. Get the picture?" JC blushed and sprinted to his room to change. Ann stood up slowly, shaking her head. Chris and Joey looked at Ann's long legs, which was visible underneath the short shirt and started to drool. Justin looked at the two drooling guys and then looked back at Ann. He quickly stood in front of her. "Hey!" the two guys protested. Ann smiled at Justin's protectiveness. "Hie, I am Ann," she poked her head behind Justin's shoulder. She is only up to Justin's shoulder. Chris and Joey greeted her back and introduced themselves. All five of them excluding JC walked back downstairs to the den with Ann still clad in JC's shirt. As Ann walked to the kitchen to get some drinks and food, Chris and Joey grilled Justin about her. Justin sat cross-legged in front of Lance. Lance is massaging Justin's shoulders, pressing soft kisses from time to time and nibbles on Justin's shoulder. Justin could feel himself getting hard and started to moan softly. Then Lance stopped. "YOU TEASE!" Justin fiercely whispered. "That is for the picnic time," Lance laughed softly. Justin glared at Lance and went and sat next to Joey instead. JC came into the room dressed in the same pair of clothes that he had worn before. He received catcalls from all the guys except Justin who just stared evilly at Lance. JC noticed that they weren't sitting together and looked at Justin questionably. Justin just sulked there. Lance who was beginning to feel sorry and went to Justin and sat on his lap. Justin tried to dislodge Lance but at that moment, Lance accidentally rubbed on Justin's hardening rod. They both gasped at the feeling. Lance shifted his position on top of Justin again, trying to get more comfortable with Justin feeling more and more uncomfortable because Lance's every movement makes him harder. "Stop doing that!" "Doing what?" Lance innocently answered. "You know what," Lance answered by moving his butt against Justin's groin again. JC and Joey both looked at them with interest, knowing fully well what is going on by Justin's strained expression. Chris was too busy peeking into the kitchen to look at Ann. She was bending at the moment with her head in the fridge, poking around inside to get something to eat. Chris gawked as he saw the shirt rising really really high on Ann's thighs. "Boo!" Joey crept up behind Chris. "AHH!" Chris jumped up a feet because he didn't expect anyone to come along. Ann turned around to see Joey laughing at Chris who was blushing on being caught. JC came into the kitchen at the sound of their laughter. "Lance! Get off me now before this becomes really uncomfortable," Justin harshly whispered to Lance when he saw all the other guys disappearing into the kitchen. Lance was enjoying his ride on Justin too much to let Justin go like that. He kept on rubbing his butt against Justin, knowing fully well that Justin wouldn't be able to keep it in anymore. Justin started to moan more and more as he gets nearer to the edge. Lance turned around to face Justin, pressing his own hard cock at Justin's stomach and kissed Justin as he continued his grinding. Justin's breath is becoming harsher and harsher. As he let go of his last restrain, Lance kissed Justin right before Justin shouted out his release. Justin didn't believe that he could cum just with Lance grinding into him and he is not even naked! "Oh damn, I'm a mess," he complained softly to Lance who got off Justin and is sitting next to Justin now. "Go and clean up then and better hurry before the rest of the guys come back," It was too late. The guys and Ann walked back at that moment. They all stared at the so very visible wet spot on Justin's pants. Joey and Chris started laughing loudly while Ann smiled. JC who was busy stuffing his face with the sandwich Ann made choked on it. Ann thumped his back while he was laughing and tried to get back his breath at the same time. Justin ran upstairs with Lance behind him. "Don't take too long you lovebirds!" Joey yelled at them still laughing loudly. Justin was still blushing as he made his way into his room with Lance in tow. He started to strip off his clothes, stopping at his boxers. Lance who was enjoying the show from Justin's bed looked at him, curious to know why did Justin stop undressing. "You...you want to join me?" Justin asked shyly, feeling like he knew Lance for the first time. Lance grinned and nodded. He took off his clothes in the speed of light while Justin took of the last piece of clothing that separated Lance from seeing the most private part of him. They stared each other over for the first time and many times to come. Lance couldn't get out of his mind how great Justin looked. They were nearly the same with both of them hairless on the chest and only a small trail of blond hair leading to their penis. Justin has firm tanned abdomens, showing signs of his involvement in basketball and swimming. Lance though still has a little baby fat on his body, making him nice to cuddle on but it shows signs of working out. Lance gasped when he saw Justin fully erected. He is 7 inches and maybe more and is uncut. It is quite thick and made his mouth watered. Justin felt a blush coming on as he saw how Lance is looking at him from head to toe. He stared at Lance's body, thinking how perfect it is and how long he had waited for this moment. "You are perfect," Lance blurted out. "No, YOU are perfect," Lance walked over to where Justin is standing and gave him a soft kiss which turned into a passionate hot open mouth kiss. They explored each other's mouth and enjoyed the feeling of their naked bodies pressed together. Justin guided Lance to the bathroom, locking the door behind them. He then adjusted the water temperature to just nice. Justin took the soap and started running his hands all over Lance's chest, back and butt. As he kneaded his fingers on Lance's butt, Lance let out a soft moan and butted Justin's stomach with his cock. Justin gave out a small grin and continued massaging Lance's butt with the hot water running all over them. Justin lowered himself onto his knees looking at Lance the whole time. He could see Lance's green eyes darken with desire. It was Justin's first time doing this, having no other boyfriends before Lance. He thought for a while of how to take in all of Lance's 8 and a half-inch boner into his mouth and at last decided to take it slowly and see how much could he take. He placed his hands on Lance's butt to keep him steady. Lance gasped when Justin's hot mouth enveloped his cock slowly. Justin sucked at the head tentatively and slowly slid more of Lance's cock into his mouth, liking the feeling. He withdrew again and rolled it in his hands, making Lance groan loudly. He bent his head, sucking the base of Lance's cock and then sucking the low-hung balls one by one. Justin saw the pearl white offering on the tip of Lance's cock and dipped his tongue into the small slit, tasting Lance's pre-come. It was a bit salty but the taste was all Lance. Justin started bopping Lance's cock slowly and then faster and faster. Lance ran his hand through Justin's wet hair, holding it closer to his cock as he felt the incredible sensations running through him. Justin swirled his tongue all over Lance's cock, making Lance groan. He couldn't believe how good he is feeling from Justin. Justin had managed to get all 8 and half-inch into his mouth. He almost gagged but then he pulled out a little and continued it again. Lance's moan are getting louder and louder as he is reaching his climax. "Just, I am cumming," Lance warned Justin as he is reaching his limits. Justin nodded and sucked him even harder. His hands which were on Lance's butt, kneaded Lance's butt. His fingers found the anal opening and pushed in a little. The sudden intrusion startled Lance, making him push forward into Justin's mouth even deeper and he started cumming. He shouted Justin's name upon release. Justin pulled back a little so he could taste Lance's cum. It tasted the same as the pre-cum. Justin stroked the base of Lance's cock to milk out any remaining cum. Lance felt his knees wobbly and could barely stand up straight anymore. Justin stood up and Lance hugged him close. "Thanks," he murmured. "Just returning the favor," the reply came back. "HURRY UP! WE ARE HUNGRY!!" JC could be heard yelling outside the door to get the attention of the people inside the bathroom. Lance and Justin glanced at each other and laughed. JC heard them, "YOU CAN CONTINUE WHATEVER YOU ARE DOING TONIGHT! HURRY UP!" "SHUT UP JC!" JC kicked the door once and walked back downstairs. "I figure that they are busy?" Ann grinned at him. "Yeah," Ann grinned at all of them again and then went to the bathroom downstairs, switching on the hot water full blast and ran to the kitchen to do the same. She flushed the toilet as well and stood at the bottom of the stairs waiting. Chris, Joey and JC could figure out what she is doing and could barely hide their smirks. "AHH!!!!!! IT FREEZING MY BALLS OFF!!!" they could hear Justin screaming upstairs. All of them burst into laughter. Ann then switched all the taps off and sat next to JC innocently watching television. Lance and Justin came down in seconds. "Who did that?" Lance directed to them. "Who did what,Scoop?" JC asked with a serious face. "Oh, nevermind," Lance stood close to Justin, rubbing Justin's arms and waist to keep Justin who is still shivering from the sudden cold shower he had received. Joey let out a snort as he tried to contain his laughter. "YOU!" Justin and Lance jumped on top of Joey. "HAMBURGER!" Chris let out a war cry and jumped on top of the dog pile. JC too joined them. Ann was almost rolling on the floor with laughter when she saw the innocent Joey squashed like a bug and turning blue from the lack of air. "HELP...I need air.." Joey gasped out trying to dislodge Justin. Ann took pity on him and pulled JC off Chris and Chris in turn pulled up Justin and Lance. JC almost lost his balance when he got up because his legs were tangled with Chris's. Ann caught him in time before his gorgeous face makes friends with the carpet. JC, still unbalanced now fell into Ann who in turn bumped into Lance who was behind her. They three fell down on the floor with Lance on the bottom, Ann in the middle and JC on top of her. "Ohh, a threesome! Lemme join!" Joey teased. JC got up sheepishly and pulled Ann up together. "Hmm, should I be jealous?" Justin asked Lance who were still on the floor, breathless. All of them went out for the lunch that was momentarily forgotten. After a small argue on where to go, they decided to eat at McDonalds. The guys donned their usual disguise, a pair of shades and a cap. "OH! Mission Impossible," Ann laughed at JC. JC was wearing a pair of sunglasses so dark that she wondered whether could he even see the road in front of him. Ann was dressed in one of JC's shirt, which is big and not extra-extra, big on her like Justin's extreme baggy clothes and a pair of Justin's shorts, which was worn with a belt. As they walked to the McDonalds nearby, people keep on staring at them, not because they recognize 'N Sync but because they felt that it was funny to see five guys who were wearing kind of flashy with a girl who is so scruffy and also that Ann's face is familiar. Ann volunteered to get the McDonalds because she doesn't want them to get swamped by the crowd upon discovery. As the guys waited for her by the lake, which was in the park nearby, they didn't realize that someone is spying them on. The cashier rung up the meal and Ann waited for her change. "Hey, aren't you the girl in CNN whose parents are gunned down by someone?" the girl asked Ann bluntly staring at Ann intently. Ann grabbed the bags of food and left before the cashier could see the tears coming down. That night, 'N Sync have a coming home concert in Orlando, Florida. They invited Ann along and performing together with 'N Sync is Christina Aguilera and the Backstreet Boys. Unlike common belief, the boys get along very well and used to hang out in each other's place shooting hoops. Ann sat in the dressing room with the 'N Sync at 3.30 p.m. The concert is at 8.30 and they are waiting for the Backstreet Boys and Christina Aguilera. Justin shifted in his seat again as he waited for the Backstreet Boys to come. He hadn't seen Nick for 5 months already because 'N Sync were out of the states promoting their previous single and album. JC were playing the keyboards to calm himself down and relax. The door opened and poked in a blond head. "NICK!" Justin yelled and ran towards the blonde and gave him a hug. Lance frowned slightly but shook himself again, reminding himself that the one Justin loves is him. Slowly the rest of the Backstreet Boys came in. They all hugged each other while Ann hang behind, looking at them. "Hey," Nick went to Ann and sat next to her. "Hey yourself," "Guys, I want you to meet Ann, my best friend. Ann, meet the Backstreet Boys, this is Kev.." Justin stopped when Ann puts up her hand. "I know who they are cause if I don't, I must be living in another planet," she grinned. One by one the Backstreet Boys came forward and gave her a hand shake except Nick who surprised her by giving her a hug and AJ kissed her on her hand. "Awww, what a romantic," everyone aw-wed at AJ who just flipped his middle finger at them and sat next to Joey. Ann felt uncomfortable when Howie held her hand longer than needed and she doesn't like the look in his eyes which is almost predatory. "So, I heard the bleach bitch is also performing with us today?" Nick bluntly directed to Chris. "Yep, don't blame me. Blame it on Scoop," All 10 pairs of eyes looked at Lance. He puts his hands in the air, "Don't shoot! It's all the management idea. They thought we could get more publicity this way," Finding no one else to blame, all of them brooded on how to handle Christina while Ann went out to explore the stage area. As Ann was looking at the spectacular way the stage is set up, she didn't see where she was going and accidentally bumped into someone. "Watch it!" the voice loudly screeched. When Ann looked at the person, it is none other than the Miss What A Girl Wants. "Sorry, I didn't see you," "Well, sorry won't do me any good, will it?" "I said I am sorry. What else would you want me to do?" "What are you doing here? This is a restricted area," "I am here with my friends," "And who might that be? Maybe some rats? By the way you are wearing, I think maybe your friends are beggars like you?" Ann couldn't stand people who spoke to her like she is nothing. Unable to hold back her anger, she spoke in the snobbish way she know how and her words dripped with sarcasm. "My friends are not BEGGARS. By the way, are your friends all like you, the offspring of a FEMALE DOG?" "Why you.." Ann walked off, leaving Christina mumbling to herself in anger. Ann then continued exploring the rest of the concert area, leaving the stage far behind. At last, Ann returned to the 'N Sync dressing room, humming to herself 'Hephurn's I quit'. Upon reaching the dressing room, she found a note addressed to her from both groups that they would be on stage rehearsing their songs. She decided to go back to the stage area to look at the two bands practice. 'Tearing out my heart' is blasting from the speakers as the choreographer clapped his hands to the tempo of the song and yelled from time to time when he saw Lance or Justin messing up because they were too busy sneaking peeks at each other. Earlier on when they meet with Darren, the choreographer, who was by chance a very good friend of theirs, they mentioned the fact that they were together. Darren was happy for them as long as it doesn't affect their performance. She sat next to Brian who was with the rest of the BSB, laughing at the mistakes 'N Sync make. She turned around and saw that the bleached walking mouth machine is not there yet. Lance kept on glancing at Justin who was topless. Justin is pushing himself hard and Lance could see the sweat trickling down Justin's hard body. He gulped once and missed the cue for him to turn to the right from Chris. He continued staring at Justin. "LANCE! TURN RIGHT NOW AND STOP STARING AT JUSTIN LIKE HE IS YOUR DESERT. THAT CAN WAIT FOR LATER," Darren yelled annoyed. Lance blushed while Justin giggled. In the crowd, Brain whispered to Nick, "Is Lance and Justin gay?". "I don't know," Nick frowned. "They MUST be since they are really OGLING each other," Howie said with a look of disgust in his face. AJ stared at Howie with a black face while Kevin just shooked his head. Ann walked up to Howie and puts her face at the same level as his so that she could see him eye to eye. "EVEN IF they are gay, they are still the same guys they used to be and they won't need any shooting down from the likes of you. As long as they are happy, who are YOU to say anything?" Her voice is like steel. Howie just stared back, not wanting to back down from this girl who had the nerve to talk to him like that. Kevin coughed softly to get the attention of the two battling sets of eyeballs and to ease the tension-filled air. "If they are happy, we are happy. Right, guys?" he acknowledged one by one of the Backstreet Boys who all nodded quickly except Howie who muttered under his breath, "Fags," Unluckily for him, Ann heard what he said. She slapped him across the face at the very moment the music stopped. The ring of the slap echoed through the now very silent stage. Justin, JC, Chris, Darren, Lance and Joey all turned their head in surprise. They saw the handprint of Ann's hand on Howie's face. "Oh shit. I hope she don't start screaming," Justin ran down the stairs from the stage with Lance and JC near behind towards Ann. Ann stared at Howie evilly. "If I were you, I would watch what I say carefully," she said tightly. Kevin, Brian, AJ and Nick didn't do anything to help Howie who glanced at their direction for ammunition. Howie strode off when he saw that he wouldn't get any help from his bandmates. They had been tolerating Howie's obnoxious and rude behavior for so long but they didn't do anything because they know that it will affect the group's ability to perform. "Sorry for his behavior," Kevin said quietly. Justin reached them at that moment. "What happened?" "Oh, nothing. Just practicing my slapping techniques," "Not going to scream and rant?" "Justin, I had out-grown that since I was 10," "Oh really, I remembered the time when I pulled your pig tails. You not only slapped scream at me but you proceeded to kick me in you-know-what. And you were like only 11?" "Did not!" "Yes, you did," Justin and Ann started one of their infamous squabbles with the BSB and 'N Sync looking on amused. 'They go back a long way' Lance and JC thought. "BSB ON STAGE NOW," Fatima who just came on stage yelled. The BSB scrambled to get on stage like frightened little kids. Kevin explained Howie's absence and Fatima just shakes her head. The music started and the 'N Sync guys sat down next to Ann, curious about what had happened but don't dare to ask. Chris sat on her left, JC on her right and the rest three sat behind them. Justin was busy looking at the BSB rehearse when he suddenly felt a hand on his crotch. He glanced at Lance surprised but Lance just stared on in front as if nothing is happening. 'Fine, if you are playing this game'. Justin reached over and grabbed Lance's penis through his pants. It hardened almost immediately. Both of them glanced at Joey who was leaning in front talking to Chris. They gave each other a hand job, excited not only by their partner's hand movements but also by the prospect of getting caught. Lance lowered down Justin's zipper slowly as to not make any noise. Justin gasped when he felt Lance's hot hand on his boxers. Justin ceased his hand movements and enjoyed the sensations running through him. Lance grabbed his penis and squeezed it softly and run his fingernail on the sensitive sheath. Lance shushed Justin with a shake of his head, indicating that they are not alone. "CHRIS, would you mind switching places?" Joey shouted. "Why?" "Although I might be gay, I am not really interested in seeing my two best friends trying to get into each other's pants," All three heads in front turned around and stared at Lance retrieved back his hands just in time. Justin barely had time to zip up. "What?" Lance asked. "Scoop, you are blushing. You can't trick us," JC said. Lance blushed all the harder and all the others laughed. "OH, there you are Justin. I missed you soooooo much," Christina appeared out of nowhere and jumped on Justin. "Let go of me!" he squeaked as he tried to breathe through the heavy cloud of perfume around Christina. Lance looked as if he wanted to tear Christina from limb to limb. Joey rolled his eyes and turn back to the BSB rehearsal. JC took charge of the situation before it gets ugly when he saw Lance's face getting angrier. "Christina, give Justin some air," he pulled her off Justin. "Joshua..." she squealed, hurting the eardrums of everyone around her. As she is giving JC a kiss on the cheeks, she happened to see Ann. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" "I am here with my friends," she answered pleasantly. "Justin, you are friends with this...this...poor specimen of a girl?" she demanded to know. All the 'N Sync guys'eyes narrowed all competing to defend Ann but was beaten to it by Lance. "You better get back to your dressing room before the rest of the guys come and tear you apart,"he said coldly. "BUT.." she stopped talking and rushed to her dressing room when she saw all the guys with their cold eyes. "Aw, you don't have to do that,"Ann said to them. "We want to," JC answered. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~tO bE cONtinUed~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First time writing a love scene..how is it? Love/Hate? If you think that the story is getting dull and side-tracked, I would love to get some of your opinions! =)

Next: Chapter 4

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