
By Ken Hooker

Published on Sep 24, 2024



Misery by Kandi

This story contains adult material. Please read no further if you are below the legal age. Please also contribute to Nifty to keep it free!

My name is Kandi Hook...well now it is! You see I used to go by the pen name of Joan Wilder. Yes, I wrote romance novels and was quite good at it, with 12 best sellers to my name. My real name at that time was Kevin Hook and both my publisher and I felt that my real name was just not going to sell romance books, so we used a pen name. Once my first novel made the best seller listing and we had to do signings, we used my sister Janet as a front for me at signings, since I obviously do not look like a Joan. IT. WAS. BRILLIANT! She had a nice payday. I did not have to showcase a lie. Everyone who saw her was enthralled, she had slender, dark auburn hair, vivacious, charming, looked studious enough that people saw her and thought 'author', and was able to sign 'Joan Wilder' in a perfectly legible scrawl so that everyone was happy. Half the time, I was there as her 'assistant' to move books, funnel people, take pictures, etc. The issue was that these signings took away time from my real passion...writing tranny porn. I was pretty good at it, if I do say so myself, and the stories on sites like Fictionmania, Nifty or Reddit always got good reviews, but the real thrill was seeing my short novels selling like hotcakes on Amazon under the trans romance section. Yes, I used a pen name there as well, and actually loved writing these stories as it relieved a sort of 'kink' I had. I was fascinated by trans females. The thought of dating one, being seen in public with one who was completely passable, yet still functionable down there... it was a divine thrill I just thought about all the time. You may be asking, 'if it was such a thrill, did you cross-dress, were you dating a trans woman, have you slept with one, gone on a date with one or dating one now? The answers would be no, no, no, and no. You see it was a fantasy, I was too scared to pursue it, I was busy, there was a hurricane, a massive fire, a car accident, a flat tire. God, I was just not able to do it, OK?

We were just finishing up at the signing of my new book, 'Romance on the Nile', it's about a couple of tourists who get caught up in a pirate/smuggling scam while separately visiting in Egypt and end up having to work together to get away from the pirate smugglers, and of course end up falling in love, when my life changed forever.

I was by the van, just about to close it up after putting everything away from the signing we had just finished, when a lady approached. I recalled seeing her in the line to get a signature, and thought, damn, she dressed up for a signature or always dresses so nice maybe? She was a long haired blonde girl, about 5'5", with blue eyes, a black leather knee length skirt, purple top, 3-inch black heels, and caught my eye several times with a smile...not like she was flirting, but like she had a secret or was in the know, and almost said nothing to Janet beyond thanks unlike other fans...and now she was here by the van. She approached me with two books held out and as she got close, she smiled once again and then said something that made me freeze.

"Do you think maybe I could get the real 'Joan Wilder' to sign this instead of your sister as we both know she is not the real author...and can you sign this one too? It's from your 'OTHER' collection." The way she emphasized 'OTHER' made me do a double take on that book to see it was from my Trans Romance line, 'Bimbofication' which was a huge seller, and I stuttered that I had not written that one!

With a grin, she stepped up right next to me, handed me a pen, then as I took them reflexively, I felt a stick on my arm from her hand as she touched my arm. I made an 'ouch' sound that came out more of a slurred 'aaaweech' noise, then stumbled as she took my arm to lead me a few steps into a big black BMW sedan and slip me into the passenger seat. The books and pen slipped from my fingers as things went black for me and I felt her driving away.

I woke up sometime later. I did not know how long I had been out, but it was now early in the morning if I could judge the sunlight through the window correctly.

When I awoke, I, of course, wondered where I was. Then I remembered what had happened. To my shock, I was completely naked. I was on a bed with my wrists and ankles tied to the posts. With the exception of the bed, a full-length mirror, a small nightstand or vanity and a lamp, the room had doors I suspected lead to another room, a bathroom and most likely a closet, but was otherwise empty. The door I suspected leading to another room opened and the woman from yesterday(?)came in wearing a black leather cat suit with thigh-high boots sporting tall heels. She also had on gloves that covered almost all her skin in a kind of 'Catwomanesque' look. I noted a big golden ring on one hand. Her blond hair hung loose behind her. She looked very sexy and unable to stop myself, her appearance caused me to get an erection.

"Well, well, what have we got here?" she asked coquettishly while staring at my crotch.

"What are you going to do to me" I trembled, then shouted "Help".

"Stop it!" she said and slapped my face. "No one will hear you anyway, and if you struggle, you WILL be punished."

She walked seductively over to the vanity and grabbed something, she held up an electric razor that she waggled to get my attention as she looked down at me and said,

"Be very still, we don't want to cut you." and then she started to giggle.

"What are you going to do?" I asked, but she continued to ignore me. I lay completely still as she began to shave my body with the electric razor. Then she took a straight razor and a can of foam from the vanity, lathered me up and shaved me all over with the straight razor, arms, legs, my chest, under my arms, my back, and my entire cock, balls, between my legs and my ass. As the hair was removed, my skin felt incredibly sensitive.

"Now we are going to put some make up on you. Just relax and nothing will happen to you." I dare not do anything except what she said. She plucked my brows, put some light pink shadow and rouge on my eyes and cheeks, plenty of mascara, eyeliner, and a matte pink shade of lipstick on my lips.

"Hmm, your hair, it's a little short I think." she wondered out loud. "Well, I think we can hide it under a wig till it grows out."

"A wig?" I asked as she slapped me in the face again.

"Shut up Sissy Boy, you can only talk when I tell you to."

"Now I'm going to untie you and don't try any tricks". she commanded as I managed to nod, and she untied my hands.

She showed me a bag before emptying it on the bed. It was full of lingerie. I hesitated and wondered what she was up to.

"Put it on, sissy. Start with the stockings and the garter belt."

I did as she commanded and couldn't help getting a little excited, even though I had never cross dressed before. Female lingerie was one of my secret fantasies, why I always talked so in-depth in my trans romance novels about it. The stockings were in a suntan shade and as I slid them over my legs, they felt so soft against my freshly shaven skin. She then helped me put on the garter belt and snapped the ends on the stockings. Next, she held up a pair of white satin panties and rubbed them against the cheek of my face.

"Here, put these on." They were satin like the garter, with a high cut waist band designed to showcase the hips, a tiny bow on the front. As I slid them in place, the crotch was very narrow, so my now semi-hard penis was pushed upward with just the tip showing through the top of the waist band. I let out a little sigh, they felt so good against my shaved cock and balls.

"Oh, I almost forgot your breasts." She giggled as she said it and handed me a pair of fake breast forms to settle inside the bra. I slipped my arms through the straps and snapped the bra together with the front closure, then slipped in the breast forms. The weight of them made me do a double take as I watched them jiggle to my subtle movements just like a pair of real breasts would.

"Now we are almost done, let me go and get the wig and the rest of the stuff, Kandi." she said.

She soon returned and laid the stuff on the bed. She watched as I slipped on a pair of wedge sandals, then a simple white and pink patterned, fitted cocktail dress.

"I will help you with the wig, then I will let you see the results." she said.

She put a Strawberry blonde wig on me that reached down to my mid back. Then she handed me a pearl necklace.

"That's the final touch." she said smiling, then after she finished, she moved me to the mirror before saying,

"That's a female in the mirror. Look at yourself. What a beautiful girl we have created."

I looked in the mirror. If it hadn't been for my very erect cock, I would have thought I was a girl. The silk felt so smooth against my skin, and I had to admit that I felt very sexy. I turned around slowly, admiring the view of this very pretty Sissy in the mirror. Suddenly, I felt very feminine. She giggled at my reactions to myself in the mirror. I didn't know what to do but the truth was that I was really very pretty, dressed in white women's clothing and did not think it was slutty at all. Provocative, sexy, yes, slutty, no.

"I knew you would make a pretty girl Kandi. Thats why I brought you to my home. I have been a fan for years and figured out about the ruse you were performing with your sister...then I discovered that my favorite romance author was also the same as my favorite trans author and had to meet you and see if you were trans too or just a crossdresser. Your reactions to yourself in the mirror show you never cross-dressed before, have you?" she commented.

"No. I never did it...it was just a fantasy. Why are you calling me Candy and how did you find out about me being the author of both genres?" I had to know.

"Oh, Honey, it just took a little sleuthing on my part, and it is K.A.N.D.I. as that is a feminine version of your real name, Kevin. Oh, by the way, how rude of me...I am Tiffany. Once I discovered you were the same author and that the picture was of your sister, I just had to find out the truth about you! Did you dress, were you trans, married, etcetera. You do make a lovely lady, I must say!"

The whole time she was talking I edged towards the door, thinking it was now or never that I would make my escape. Even dressed as I was, IF I could get out, get her car, I could make my way home and get the police involved. As I stepped another step towards the door, away from the mirror, she smiled at me, winked, then said,

"You can run but you won't get away you know. You are obviously not skilled in even walking in heels, where I am. You still have some of the drug in your system, it's a special blend that first knocks you out, then makes you ...'malleable' shall we say. What I am telling you is that you will be slowed in reflex and motor skills, so just comply or do you maybe like being punished Kandi?"

That was all it took. I bolted for the door like a scared rabbit! We both got there at the same time, while I fumbled at the locked door, I felt her slap my shoulder, that familiar stinging pain once again, then things got dizzy and dark quickly!

Waking once again with an undetermined amount of time between consciousness, I found I was once again strapped in bed, wearing a nighty, the breast forms, bra and panty, garter and stockings still on under the pink babydoll nighty. The wisp of auburn hair told me the wig was still attached as well.

"Well, I see Kandi likes to be punished or is she just to stupid to know when she is beaten. Does Momma Tiffany have to punish you for escaping? Of course she does, and this is all your fault I might add young lady! Part of the punishment is that I used spirit glue adhesive to bond the breasts, wig and now the long nails to your body. The remainder of your punishment is that you will be spanked 10 times on each cheek, which you will count out or we start all over again. Is that clear Kandi?"

"Yes, it's clear!" I mumbled.

"I am sorry, what was that you said, you were not clear?" she asked commandingly.

"Yes! I understand!" I almost shouted.

Tiffany removed one foot binding, and one arm binding then redid them on the opposite side of the bed, so I was realistically belly down. She showed me a soft bladed scourge and had me kiss it, before striking my left cheek, making me yelp involuntarily before composing myself to cry out hastily,

"One" tears already falling due to the pain.

"Oh, good, I see you can learn, as I thought you may not have wanted to count! Good Girl!" she said soothingly.

I counted the next 19 swats onto my ass while in tears and sobbing. She made me kiss the scourge once again before patting me on the head and stroking the hair from my face like I was some a recalcitrant child. Then as she caressed my enflamed bottom, rubbing some lotion on it to sooth the pain, she said,

"See my love, it is not my fault you were punished. I hate having to punish you, so please don't be a bad girl again and we won't have to do this. You understand you made me do this by trying to escape right Kandi?" she asked softly.

"I do Tiffany. I promise I will be good from now on!" I blubbered in pain.

She kissed me tenderly, smiling a Cheshire Cat smile before telling me that "I" had called her publisher and explained that I was on hiatus in a hidden place to work on my next book, and apologized for leaving on short notice, so no-one would be searching for me! Then the other shoe dropped.

"Kandi, it is obvious to me that being a passable woman excites you based on, even now after punishing you, your penis is engorged, you are not fighting to get out of the women's clothes I have put you in, nor are you repulsed by me being trans. I think your fantasy is a bit more than that. While I have technically kidnapped you and am going to help you write more trans romance novels, as I think that is your true passion and avenue for greater sales, turning you into a trans model means you can actually do your own signings! What do you think?"

"I think you're a bit off base to be honest. I have never fantasized about being trans, just being WITH a trans woman. Did you say YOU were Trans? Tell you what, we can forget all about this, let me go, I won't tell anyone you kidnapped me, I can focus on some new Trans Romance about maybe some lady changing her hubby into a girl for Halloween and the boss falling for him or something kinky like that? No Harm, no foul and we both go away happy?" I responded back at Tiffany.

"Hmm. Maybe you misunderstood me honey. I think based on my research, you want to dress, you want to be involved with a Trans woman and need a spark or muse for your novels and I think I can help. That being said, I am going to dress you in feminine finery until you write the next great trans romance!"

"OK. OK. Listen, you can't keep me here against my will, nor can you 'force' me to write a novel! Thats just not how this happens, so just free me and we move on! I won't press charges if you just let me go!" I said to her before she responded with,

"Now hear me out. I... have always thought the WHOLE IDEA of a man becoming a gorgeous, sexy woman was a real turn-on. I met a lot of T-girls in my time. Some were even among my closest friends. Some of those girls were really into the 'extreme queen' look, wanting to be shemale sluts or just plain whores. I just wanted to be a passable girl but was not sure if I was into boys or just girls. In fact, I had a 'drag mom' who taught me most of what I know about makeup, hair, and just being the kind of woman that knows how to look good to a man. Through her and the rest of my friends, I made contacts, met people, and learned the tricks and techniques used to transform them into the sexy sirens they became. Soon, I was helping them whenever I could. It was such a rush to help change a cute little man into the soft, shapely, sexy, beautiful woman she wanted to be. What really ate at me was, as soon as the girl was 'done', she would dash off and find herself a 'husband'. Kandi, do you want to know what I thought the first time I saw your picture? 'Wow, with a little work, he would look GREAT in a tight little dress and sky-high heels!' and that I bet we have a lot in common!"

"OK. My turn. I am tired of arguing, so you want to dress me all femininely and help me write a novel, fine! But I am telling you that when done, if you don't free me now, I am going to press charges for kidnapping! Let me go, we can still write the stories, but I am not dressing up like a woman no matter how good I look!" I responded.

"Kevin, I can't let you go as I have invested too much already. So, what I propose is we let you dress as you want, you write the novel and let me star in it, then when all is complete, I will let you go, you don't press charges, and I take care of you the whole time you're here. Thats a nice compromise and I think in the end you will see I am right!"

"I can't believe I am saying this, but fine! I dress as I want, you cover everything, set me free in the end and you star in the trans romance. Can I call my publisher now to let them know I am, OK?"

"No. I don't think so Kevin. There are a couple of conditions, though, for this to really work. First, we can't tell anyone; at least, not the people you normally talk to as they will put a stop to this arrangement. That includes family, friends, neighbors, publisher, anyone who really knows you. They won't understand this relationship; they would not understand our partnership or what we are about to share. After all, between you and I, who knows more about girls like us than me? You must trust me enough to put yourself completely in my hands, without reservation. I crave 'reality' as much as you do. If I think there is something we need to do to make the experience more authentic, more realistic for our story, then we do it. That may even include you actually learning how to cross-dress so you can better describe that thrill. I mean look at your penis. Even after all this argument, you're still hard, so that says more than your words that either you like the feel of female clothes, or you like me more than I thought you would...so which is it?" she asked.

Before I could respond, she stepped close, kissed me on the lips quickly, then knelt to lift my skirt after lowering my panties below my crotch. Her face was inches from my penis, and while I watched, she looked up at me, smiled, licked her lips then the head of my penis! It felt so good, it had been weeks since I last entertained a woman, so I groaned in pleasure. Tiffany slipped my penis into her mouth, started to fondle the shaft, play with the balls, bobbing up and down on it, using her tongue to work over the head, the pee slit or the frenum. My hands came forward to place on the back of her head, sliding her hair to one side so I could better watch her suck my cock. She started to make those wet, sloppy, sucking noises like you see on porn, lifting off of my cock so she could stroke it as her pursed lips were directly on the head. She started to deep throat me, grabbed my butt cheeks to hold me steady as she popped back and forth, up and down on my penis until I groaned, I was coming. She slipped off, leaving just the head in her lips to make a tight seal as my penis throbbed, spurt after creamy spurt into her mouth! Her tongue was playing on the bottom of my cockhead at the frenum, tickling it, making me spurt several more times! As I stopped coming, she looked up, opened her mouth to show me my load, then swallowed it all before showing me she had done so! My legs were weak, and I had to step back and sit on the bed with a happy sigh as she stood back up, licked her lips and said,

"I have been wanting to do that for forever! God, you taste good, and the size of your load says it's been a while for you?! Stay with me and that can happen more, and you can also say yes to that question now!"

"Hmmm, what question?" I asked dreamily from that post orgasmic euphoria.

"Had sex with a trans girl silly! You knew I was trans right? Did you not hear me admit to it?" she commented.

"I had no idea! Wow, I thought you were yanking my chain!"

With all that, I ended up agreeing to stay, not to call anyone as she reminded me that "I" already had, and said I was fine working on my next novel so would be out of touch for a while.

At this point, it was late in the day, and I was exhausted from the ordeal, so I was put into a nighty, cuffed by one leg with enough slack so I could hit the potty, then she turned on a CD player that had beach sounds of 'white noise' before walking out. I heard a 'click' as the door locked and shortly after that, I was asleep. That white noise made me drop off in an instant. My dreams that night were so vivid. They were of dressing as a girl and liking it so much that I wanted to do this all the time, of sex with Shemales being the most erotic fun, liking high-heels, make-up, lingerie, frilly outfits.

When I woke the next morning, I was still in the stockings, panties, garter and bra, but it almost seemed natural to go to the vanity, open a drawer, grab a pair of white satin and lace panties to replace the ones I had, then slip on a pair of low-heeled 'house shoes' and a peignoir in a soft pink with lace at the end of the 3/4 sleeves, trim and hem that was just above my ankles. Looking at myself in the mirror, I was shocked that I slept with my makeup on, so removed it, replaced it with a lighter 'day' version before catching that I had done all that!

I was not able to make it to the kitchen due to the lead restraint, so waited till Tiffany woke a short time later. As she came out of her bedroom, wearing a sexy, little, almost transparent blue, babydoll nighty with dark blue panties, white feathered 3-inch heeled mule shoes, her lovely breasts bouncing, nipples slightly hardened, teasing in their almost availability. She was make-up free, still wore her big gaudy ring, but I still found myself thinking how pretty and sexy she was, then had to ask myself why I thought that as she was my kidnapper!

"Good morning, Kandi honey, sleep well?" she asked.

"Oh, yes Tiffany. How about you? I wanted to make coffee but couldn't get to the kitchen. Let me out of the leash and I can start it or maybe some eggs and toast while you do coffee?" I responded sweetly.

"I see you even did your own make-up this morning. Let me unlock you and you can start eggs and toast while I start us some tea instead of coffee. After that, we will start you on your training to be a girl, then let you start the next novel, lunch, more training, more novel work and then maybe a movie or something before bed. Sound like a plan honey?" She queried.

"OK. You're the boss!" That statement had me wondering why I had responded like that!

The pills, diet and exercise came first. I wasn't overweight by any means, but Tiffany promised me she would have me down to a sleek one hundred twenty-five pounds in no time. I missed my burgers and pizza, but the salads and 'protein shakes' weren't that bad and I wasn't really starving at that point. She said the big purple 'diet pills' saw to that. She also began "figure-training" me. If I wasn't hungry before she started lacing me into that corset every day, I sure wasn't after. The crushing sensation was somewhat uncomfortable, but I guess we have to suffer to learn. She said I would get used to that after a while. I did but developed a whole new appreciation for the old 'fainting couch' during the Renaissance Period! Tiffany also began teaching me to apply makeup. At first, it was just a little eye shadow, some mascara, a little lipstick. The little, light touches became more and more pronounced, provocative. She also taught me how to achieve the right combinations of light and shadow, to make a feature boldly prominent or subtly recessive. More and more, my appearance was close to the understated, minimalist style that was so in vogue among socialites. It was the right look for me as an author, as a "girl next door" instead of some over the top drag queen or slutty whore that was just for enflaming a man's lust. I knew this was the right way to look when I saw myself in the mirror...I was the female author I tried to trick everyone into seeing before this! The new novel started out just as I had flippantly described on our first night, my wife (Played by Tiffany) wanted to win a costume contest at work, the whole set up would be to win the contest, but she knew the owner/CEO was a womanizing player who falls for me as a woman. We worked on it for several hours each day and it just seemed to flow onto the pages like it was writing itself!

Each night, if I got several pages down or showed some great improvement, Tiffany would suck my penis, swallow my load, then kiss me goodnight. The sound of the white noise gently rocking me to sleep with pleasant dreams of girlie activities, cuddling with Tiffany while watching a movie, or just us always being a loving couple. It was almost like a constant thing each night on how to be a girl, wanting to be a girl, loving Tiffany, wanting to please Tiffany or being romantic with Tiffany. Strangely, after just a couple of weeks, I stopped even remembering that I was having these dreams!

My training to be a crossdressing author continued with learning how to depilatory myself on a weekly basis, not even sure why I continued to put up with the daily shaving or need to depilatory. I hated the daily ritual, not to mention the constant nicks and cuts. Tiffany thought it was pointless, too - and we decided maybe a series of appointments to have my beard removed by laser. OK, at this point, a month in, it wasn't a really thick or heavy beard to begin with, but I was delighted in thinking it could be gone forever, nonetheless. Then I thought, heck, while we are at it, we should have the clinic depilate the rest of my body. Let me see...Googling 'laser hair treatment near me' got several hits and the next morning we started calling around to make a consultation for a whole-body regimen. It just seemed the natural thing to do. Once the consult had completed, I made an appointment for the next morning to start my full body hair removal treatments!

"Don't even TRY to tell me you're going to miss all your awful body hair, baby. I know you too well by now and you are liking this look, aren't you?" she asked.

"Truth be told, Tiffany, you're right. It never bothered me before, but now, it is just a complete pain to have to be smooth the way I like to be!"

I saw myself in the mirror, day after day, dressed and made up like a woman. The subliminal 'white noise' disks pushing me more and more to be feminine and Tiffany's loving but determined tutelage had done their job. My brain struggled less and less between the two distinctly different modes of dress - and thought. More and more, I talked as feminine as I looked, just as Tiffany had promised. I knew I was different than before; one look in the mirror proved that. I was beginning to see the world around me differently, too. For the first time, I realized how different the world and other people were, how they would respond to me as if I was ... different in my status within society. Strangely, I felt liberated, free to be the real me for the first time. My ability to color-coordinate my clothes improved by leaps and bounds. Where I used to wear just any old pants and shirt, white underwear and socks, now I was concerned about matching my hose, lingerie, and outer dress with my heels, and even my nail polish. I would fret if I had pink polish on with a brown skirt and yellow top now...where if I had worn pinstripe pants and a polka dot shirt before, I did not even notice the clash! The story was progressing well, my outer changes were obvious, accepted, and looked forward to by my new way of thinking. Had I known of the subliminal messaging on the CD's I was listening to, it would have made perfect sense, but I was blissfully still unaware of it. I think in the back of my mind, I may have known, and even known that the big purple pill was hormones and not vitamins, but after about a third month of this daily routine, that is when I realized there was something wrong with my cock. I just couldn't get it up anymore and it had shrunk in size from 5-inches when hard to about 3-inches. Even my testicles had shrunk. I was so bummed! Then I was terrified! This isn't supposed to happen to someone my age. Tiffany was quick to reassure me, however.

"Baby, it's nothing to worry about. You are going through some serious chemical and hormonal changes to make you feel more like you have always dreamed of being. This is just an inevitable side effect of those changes. Don't worry. This is normal for what you're going through. The changes in your diet, the vitamins, the dressing, your mind is accepting yourself as a woman for your story and I am sure that once it is completed, you can change back. The mind is a powerful thing and is most likely actively changing your outer appearance further to match the inner. In the meantime, we'll cope. Don't worry about it, and concentrate on your story, as you are at least halfway through it. Just enjoy the changes in you as they happen. I sure am. Remember how much you came last night when I started to suck you and play ed with your nipples that have become so sensitive? That's probably why, you're starting to really think like a woman now!"

Tiffany was right. My nipples were standing out firm and proud! My breasts were developing, too; I was at a well-rounded B-Cup so that the falsies had been removed to allow my own breasts to fill the cups. For some reason, this excited me unlike the use of my cock had. My hips and tush were filling out just as prominently. Part of me was thrilled. There was still just enough masculinity within me to cause me to question if perhaps we were wrong to take this fantasy as far as we were. Tiffany smiled and giggled.

"Baby, from where I'm standing, everything is going wonderfully right! When we first agreed to do this, I wasn't sure whether or not you would be as good as you are, but after that first night? It's better than I could have imagined, you are a beautiful woman and I've really gotten into it. Don't stop now, Baby; not when you are just beginning to look so fabulous. Your story looks good, your characters are so much more realistic so that proves this is a good thing, right? Let's just go with it for a little while longer. You're having fun, aren't you? I'm having a ball with this! If not for yourself, do it for your fans and for me - please?"

Well, when she put it that way.... I could tell she was pleased with my decision to keep going when I acquiesced to her comments. Then I wondered what would happen to the wonderful blow jobs I had been getting if I was unable to get hard anymore. All this time, and I had not sucked on her or anything. It had been a mutually agreed upon reward for my hard work. That's when I asked the question,

"Thank you, Baby. I can't tell you how much this means to me - your support and rewards have made this a fun partnership. So, what happens next? Do we stop the blowjobs, focusing on the story with us being more business instead of partners or some other option?"

She introduced me to her hard-on and a whole new way to enjoy sex!

"It's time for you to experience sex the way girls like you do. Relax. Let go of your hang-ups. Enjoy the sensations. Let me help you get in touch with your 'inner slut'." she said with a grin.

She taught me the right way to pay oral homage to a cock, showing me all the little tricks, she knew to make a man gush buckets. She also introduced me to the pleasures of being thoroughly, gloriously, exquisitely, fucked like a girl. The first few days, I was so sore down there! While she had fucked my ass, she had stroked and massaged my now constantly limp, but sensitive clittie. I came big time, more than I had ever experienced as a man. She just smiled contentedly, knowingly. When we weren't having sex, she made me wear a butt plug 24/7 to make sure my 'pussy' was properly stretched out - and that I became accustomed to having cock in me all the time. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised the butt plugs she fucked me with got successively larger until I was wearing one about 2-inches around. She said it gave me the sexiest little wiggle when I walked away.

Each day now, I select my clothes for the day. I had started out with long skirts or slacks in an effort to try to maintain my manhood, but with my little soft clittie now easily tucked and made to appear flat, my breasts growing from the hormones I was ingesting daily, I grew even more feminine and girlie. My lingerie became a little sexier, the skirts were more frequent than the slacks, and the hems got shorter, the heels taller, the tops showed off more, and now several months in, my hair was my own dark auburn instead of a wig. I took on a more loving housewife roll instead of business partner as Tiffany was pretty much my whole world at this point. Dressing to please her, dressing to seduce her became a goal alongside my desire to complete the novella. One night Tiffany told me we were going out to dinner as it had been 6 months of my time at her home, becoming Kandi and that since the novel was almost complete except for some editing work on her part, we deserved a night out to celebrate she said. I put on a simple little black and red corset with built in garters that lifted my breasts up and together to create an impressive cleavage, some black and red lace thong panties, dark hose, black 5-inch heels, then a Body-Con black lace slip dress that was off the shoulder, and only came to mid-thigh. My nails were a lovely shade of red, tied with my make-up that gave me a dark, smoky eye that gave me a sultry appearance. The jewelry and clutch just helped make the look of a socialite out to dinner with a girlfriend complete. Tiffany wore a sexy little black, above the knee, pencil skirt, white silk top with a white teddy underneath that just made her "C" cupped breasts look breathtaking! Tan fishnet stockings, black high-heeled sandals to show off her pink toes, matching pink nails, evening make-up, blonde hair in a low ponytail, long dangly earrings made her look like a divine sexy secretary on an after-work date.

We both ordered wine, some chef salads, and got a nice decadent calamari appetizer to share. Tiffany, I noticed, almost gulped her wine down while I drank mine slowly, wondering what made her so nervous tonight when she was normally calm and commanding at her home.

"Kandi, darling, I have something I need to share with you, it's making me feel miserable, and I am not sure how to say this, or how you will react, but with the novel almost complete, I feel I need to tell you something important. please promise you will not be mad or through a fit in public?" she asked quietly.

"You mean about the hormones or the sissy hypno, white noise you exposed me to darling?" I said just as quietly to her with a smile.

"You knew!? All along? But. You. How long?" She stuttered.

"Oh, I knew all about both after about the first month. What you don't know is that I disabled the sissy hypno, but since I was already experiencing your 'rewards', and felt my body changing, along with the way the novel was just almost writing itself, I did not protest. You see Tiffany, all this time, you were working out a cage far stronger than the chains keeping me int eh house. Your 'rewards' and then awakening in me the almost overwhelming response to lovemaking that I am now achieving, I was trapped by my love for you far tighter than any cage you could devise!"

"Wait...you disabled them? But I played them every night! How did you do that? Wait! Did you just say 'LOVE?'...As in you think you love me? Kandi...This is a dream come true for a girl like me. Oh god, I am gonna cry now!"

"Don't cry. You'll ruin your make-up and then everyone will think we are breaking up or having a fight or something! Just finish the meal, drink another glass of wine and I can drive home. Then you can let me thank you as a girlfriend should...well assuming you want me as your girlfriend?"

"OH yes I do! I am paying the tab now; forget the rest and you may have to drive as I am now way to emotional!" she said emotionally.

Tiffany paid the bill, I drove us back to her place, and that's when I spent my first night, of many more to follow, in her bed. While I was unable to gain engorgement with my little clittie, my tongue more than made up for it. I brought her to the edge of heaven several times before finally letting her release in my mouth. Keeping her hard after, so she could mount me in the missionary position, was just a long, slow, lovemaking flight to extasy, again and again until she stiffened, filling me with her seed. After she collapsed off of me, while we snuggled, I reached down to slowly stroke her deflating shaft, gathering up the last of her seed so that I could feed it to both of us. We whispered sweet nothings to each other until we both drifted into a contented sleep. We made languid love once again in the morning, then climbed out of bed, sore but happy, hand in hand to the kitchen to start coffee and breakfast.

Two weeks later, I had submitted the novella to the publisher, while Tiffany and I had ended up in a 'Happily Ever After' type of situation, the main character in our Trans Romance story, had a bitter divorce before finally finding happiness with the ex-wife's boss, who eagerly wanted to transition him into his dream trophy wife, which caused quite the stir up with the ex-wife working at that same company. There was a bigger shock from both my publisher and sister on my return appearance as well as Tiffany sporting a replacement ring from that big golden gaudy thing to a nice diamond engagement set. I think the icing on the cake was when the movie industry asked about a rewrite of the novella to remove the Trans Romance and make it a stalking romance instead, but then when they mentioned who would play me, I ended up giving my consent! While some say misery breeds company, I think in this case Misery bred success!

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