Miss Matched

By Brian Bass

Published on Sep 7, 2003



Part 1

By Spritual Healer

Authors Note:

Being as this is my first attempt at writing I would greatly appreciate some feed back From the readers to enable me to expand my abilities.

The copyright belongs to the Author and no copies may be made for use on profit sites without his express permission.

The content reveals explicit sexual happenings among teen boys and is covered by all the usual age restrictions for your area/country/state.

All characters are fictional and in no way are related to those living or passed on.

This first chapter is background but the sex will come later, hope you enjoy.


8.8.02; 7.00pm. **************

This is the first entry of a Journal I intend to keep, hopefully for the rest of my life. It is also in essence going to be the story of my life.

My Name is David Jay Smith, simple name I know but it hasn't been a simple life. My parents are Jason and Carla Smith, I was their second child, my sister Teresa is 2 years older than me with 3 days difference in birthdays. I guess you can say I was a birthday present of sorts to her. She had told mom she wanted a baby sister and was excited until I was brought home and she discovered I was a boy.

It didn't stop her from loving me and mothering me, hell she used to even dress me up in her old dresses. The strange thing is it never really bothered me. We played together all the time until she started school and even then when she would come home we would play together. Sometimes with my Trucks sometimes with her Barbie's most times with both.

I had a tendency to like her Barbie's better than my trucks and later on in life she would tease me about that unmercifully.

Fall 1982 *********

When my sister was in the first grade she met Shawn Bradley, they were in the same class and they became friends. It seemed as though they would rather play with each other than mis with other girls or boys which was kind of strange but nobody ever thought a whole lot about it.

Needless to say they became best friends, Shawn would even come spend the night at times. We would make a tent in the living room and all three of us would sleep in there. My sister and Shawn always included me in everything when they were around me.

Fall 1983 *********

When I started school in the 1st grade they were in the 2nd. Mom and Dad decided to send me to school earlier than they did Teresa as our birthdays were in the summer right near the cut off dates. They thought it would be good for me to find friends my own age. The only problem was I had a hard time making friends my own age, there were a couple kids I hung around with at recess but nobody I ever got attached to.

When Terri (Teresa) and Shawn were around the house they would still include me in most everything they did. My sister and I were close and I loved it, I also loved being around Shawn he was so cool in my Eyes. I thought it was cool of them to want me around.

Fall 1987 *********

When they entered the 6th grade (Junior High) they went to a different school than me as I was still in Elementary and was scared they would think it beneath them to hang out with a kid only in the 5th grade. I never should have worried about it because things didn't change to much. We all still did our homework together every Tues,Wed,and Thurs, and at least one night of the weekend we all hung out together. They were a lot like me they didn't have too many friends outside our little group.

They did something's with other people but not a lot. There were things like dances and school stuff I couldn't go to with them and I really didn't think I should anyway they were 11 years old and were after all boy friend and girlfriend so they needed to do some things without me.

Even though I was only 9 I understood that they had to have their own time and I didn't particularly like to see them kiss and cuddle anyway, not like they did a lot of it.

1988 ****

The next year when I went to the same Junior High as they did things did change, although we were almost inseparable they always wanted me along I loved it but sometimes I would still say 'No' just so they could have time alone. I think Terri appreciated it but it seemed like Shawn would try and convince me to go. Sometimes I felt it was almost like he was scared to be alone with Terri but I didn't quite understand and was sure I was reading it wrong.

Throughout the two years we had a lot of fun though. When Shawn spent the night we all still slept in the living room together in sleeping bags or outside in our big tent. Mom made us stop putting up tents in the house when I turned 12. She said we were too old for that.

In the summer we camped outside and in the winter we would stay up and watch TV all night till we fell asleep in the familyroom.

1990 *****

The next big milestone for us all was when Terri and Shawn went into High School. Shawn decided to try out for football and as we all knew he would, made the team. By this time he was 14 and was pretty well built, in fact he was down right gorgeous, Terri was sure lucky. Shawn was not that tall about 5'7' and he was not thin but lean and had some muscles on him.

He got the position of Running Back and did quite well actually. He had speed and a natural ability with balance to enable him to jink and dodge as he ran with the grace of a startled deer, ball tightly held in his hands toward the end zone. Many times I was to watch his grace and lithe movements as he left the defence in his wake only to stare at him as he slammed the ball down at the end of another fantasic run.

Since he had practice most days Terri and I would study together about once a week but then she started hanging out with some girls from school and would study with them. I think she felt kind of bad about it sometimes but I told her I understood she needed to have a life of her own. Terri had made me the center of her attention most of her life and now that I was 13 I knew it was time to grow up and not rely on her so much.

Don't get me wrong I missed her, I missed the hell out of her, She was my best friend and even when she found new friends she always had time to stop in at night and ask how I was doing or if I needed any help with my homework.

1991 *****

The sad thing was I almost missed Shawn more than her, well actually there wasn't any almost about it I did miss him. I loved being near him and even more now loved looking at him. I think I made him feel uncomfortable at times and I started having dreams about him around that time.

These dreams excited me and kind of scared me all at the same time. I would dream of kissing him and him touching me. The first wet dream I ever had was of him. I knew about Gay people and I knew that to be gay meant to be sexually attracted to the same sex and I definitely was, so I just figured I was gay and left it at that. No big revelation or anything just ok so this is the way I am hmmm.

The problem was that I knew I could never tell anyone just like I knew what Gays were I knew they were not accepted. I figured I would just go to school graduate and move away and never let my family know. I would keep in touch but would find someone far away to live my life with and they would never be the wiser. I had it all planed out at age 13.

During football season that year Terri took me to all of Shawn's football games. She would sit by me with her girl friends and I always had a blast with them, she would tell me afterwards how all her friends though I was so cute and all and how they really did like me hanging with them. It was then I realized even though I wasn't sexually attracted to women I loved being friends with them.

I had always looked for friends in the guys but never really found any and I suddenly realized why. I didn't have much in common with them but I did with women, I loved cloths and shoes and chick flicks and boy bands and of course boys -- something they didn't have to find out about, so I started looking for some Girl Friends and actually found quite a few.

One other thing happened that year as well that made a huge mark on my life something very insignificant at the time. Mom and Dad came home one night and found Shawn and Terri making out on the couch. Now mind you their making out was strictly kissing but this kind of got to mom and especially dad and they decided that for now, Terri needed to sleep in her own room at night.

At first I was upset because I figured that Shawn would no longer want to spend the night if he only had me to sleep with, but it seemed that wasn't the case. A lot of times after Terri would go to her room we would stay up and talk I found out then that he kind of liked some of the things I did that Terri didn't know about, like he really liked cloths and Art and Drama and classical music which I thought nobody like under the age of 40 did but me.

About once a month Shawn would spend the night, sometimes I got the feeling he did it more to spend time with me than Terri but then again I knew it was wishful thinking.

I was getting more and more attracted to Shawn and was somewhat worried about it but kept telling myself it was ok. I had no plans of trying to find someone while I lived in this town. It would be too hard on my family and myself so I would just enjoy Shawn in my dreams and fantasies. (Which I was starting to have a lot of).

I had to get through the next 4 years somehow with only my girl friends and my fantasies.

1992 ****

When my freshman year of school started I was still pretty much a loner but I had a few friends. Shawn was on the varsity football team that year and I went to every game with Terri. We still hung out some together and talked at least a little every night. I was worried what she would think with my growing attraction to guys and especially her guy.

Shawn was just getting more and more gorgeous all the time and since he started working out for football he had a six-pack and just an all around killer body. I was 14 and my hormones were going nuts I had a hard time not getting a hardon when I was around him.

His almost black hair and dark complexion made me melt and drool, shit I was so in lust with him. I noticed some of the other guys in school as well, but none were like Shawn.

That year was when I met Kristen, she moved into town and started school about 2 months late. I liked her right away and she seemed to be drawn to me. We started hanging out and things, she would come to my house to study or I would go to hers almost every day.

I was the youngest kid in my freshman class being only 14 and not turning 15 till after school ended. Kristin was 16 all ready, she had failed 3rd grade so she was one of the oldest in our class. My sister was convinced that Kristen was my girlfriend or at lest would end up my girlfriend, I was worried about that and I had hoped that Kristen wouldn't fall for me I guess according to my sister all her friends thought I was adorable.

I was tiny only 5"5" (not only was I the youngest I was also the smallest boy in the freshman class) and very thin. I had what everyone called a cute face, with sandy colored hair and blue eyes. I didn't have to worry about Kristen falling for me though and I will never forget the day she shocked the hell out of me. , It was right before Christmas break we were sitting in my room, with the door open of course, studying. Out of nowhere Kristen asks.

"So how long have you known you are gay."

I about shit right there, I looked out the door and walked over to it and shut it knowing I wasn't supposed to but also knowing nobody could hear this conversation. Mom and Dad were down stairs and I was hoping they would not know I closed my door and if Terri were to come up she wouldn't tell.

"What the hell are you talking about" I asked in kind of a whisper

She smiled "Oh come on David don't even try and deny it. I know you're gay, I've know since I met you. I know you try to hide it and you do a good job of it but Hun there is no denying it. Not to me, anyway if I'd been wrong you wouldn't have closed the door or turned 3 shades of green and the whitest I've ever seen a person."

"What makes you think I'm gay?" I asked trying to sound surprised like I had no idea what she was talking about.

"Well let's see you love cloths, you love shopping, you love chick flicks, you love boy bands. Hun your as much girl as I am and you know it. You even wear women's jeans. Don't get me wrong they look better on you than boy's jeans do and most people don't notice. But most of all whenever you are around your sister's boyfriend you blush and get hard. That was the clincher."

I looked at her very seriously

"Nobody can ever know"

"Well Hun someday they'll find out." She told me

"No they won't, I have it all planned out, as soon as I graduate I go to college out of state and find someone there. I don't plan on even looking for a boyfriend till then. I've decided to not move back. I'll come home on holidays and live as a bachelor -- as far as they'll know anyway."

"You got it all figured out except for one thing, What about Shawn?" she asked

I didn't quite understand

"What do you mean, what about Shawn? He and Terri will probably get married and live happily ever after."

"Well I don't think that's possible." She said


"For one, Terri doesn't look at Shawn with half the love that you look at him. I don't think she's in love with him, she's still young and maybe that will change but I doubt it. I think she's just used to the idea of him and her together. I saw how she reacted the other day when we all ran into Shawn's Cousin Tony, she blushed more around him and flirted more with him than I have ever seen her do around Shawn. More importantly is the way that Shawn looks at you." She said with a smile.

"What do you mean?"

"David he loves looking at you, and he gets the same reaction you get when you look at him, but everyone thinks it's because he is around your sister. He looks at you in a way I don't think he could ever look at her. Hell I've even seen him look at you when they kiss, and that one night when Terri said Wow after kissing him, what she didn't know was when he was kissing her he was staring at you. I think he was imagining kissing you."

"Your'e nuts. There's no way Shawn is gay." In my heart I wanted it to be true.

"Well I might be wrong but I know I'm not."

She sighed.

"She is what 16? and he turns 16 next mouth right? Well if he isn't in love with her by now he never will be and I would bet the only reason he is still with her is because he loves her as a friend and thinks he can make it work. She is his best friend if he can be with any girl it will be her. But! I bet you a million dollars he really wants to be with you."

Just then I heard a knock on my door I opened it, Terri was standing there.

"Hey Bro, I don't mean to disturb you and your girlfriend"

She said with a smile and winked "But if mom and dad find your door shut they will kill you."

"Thanks sis, I'll leave it open."

She just smiled and walked away.

"Sorry about that" I told Kristen

"Sorry about what" she asked

"About not correcting her when she called you my girlfriend." I told her

"Hell, I am your girlfriend"

Kristen smiled then added, "Probably the only one you will ever have."

She snickered.


She got serious for a moment.

"I'm in no hurry to find a boyfriend not in school, anyway I like guys older than me and my parents would never go for that so if you are willing to pose as my boyfriend I will pose as your girlfriend."

Kristen gave a conspirational a wink.

"Are you sure? we can break up any time you want if you find someone." I told her

"Well if I do I doubt it will be someone my parents will approve of so we'll just let them think I like you, OK?"

She smiled and we agreed to be the cover for each other and in that way avoid any unpleasant questions from others.


Next: Chapter 2

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