Mitch and Lance

By moc.liamtoh@yrelu_h

Published on Sep 13, 1999


-This is not my first story, but it is has been a long time since I have written one, so I will try my best. In my opinion, The longer stories that are more detailed are the better ones, so I will try to keep mine like that. I will try not to make it Extremely long, but I will not make it an extremely short story. If you have any questions or comments or anything else, feel free to e-mail me at I may not get a chance to answer your e-mail but I will read it. I greatly appreciate suggestions so I know in what direction to take the story.

-This story in no way is implying that any members of the band 'N Sync are gay. This story is completely fiction. All chatacters are made up. So with out having to wait any more, Here is the story.

-Part 1

I sat silently in the coffee shop. Visiting hours just ended and I didn't feel like leaving even though the next visiting hours weren't for another three hours. I just sat there and drank my coffee. I had been through a lot the past few weeks. Everything in my life seemed blurry. After a while, I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. Without looking to see who it was I said, "What do you want?"

"I saw you sitting over here by your self and I was just wondering if you wanted some company."

"Oh thanks, but I'm fine by--" I said starting to look up. As soon as I realized who it was standing beside me, My mouth fell to the ground. Right beside me was the most gorgeous man on earth. Lance Bass was talking to me.

"Are you ok?" he said with a little chuckle once he saw the expression on my face.

"Yeah. It's just that I didn't realize you who you were." I said. I then stood up. "My names Mitchell but most people call me Mitch. You can have a seat if you'd like."

"Well, Mitch, I'd love to have a seat and talk to you." He said with a smile on his face.

"If you don't mind me asking so, What in the world are you doing at the hospital and why this one?"

"I don't mind. We were practicing our dance routine, when Justin slipped and fell. HE broke his arm."

"Oh I see." I said. I was still a little star struck and didn't really know what to say. Lance broke the silence first.

"So, why are you here?"

"Well, My grandmother is in here. She hasn't been doing to well lately. I am here almost all day long. I have been for the past week. Some of the Nurses and I are on a first name basis already."

"What's wrong with your grandma?"

"The doctor isn't exactly sure. But she seemed a little better today. She at least had the strength to yell at me for being late this morning. She always was one for being on time. Too bad I'm not the same way."

"Speaking of being late, If you don't go now, she will be mad at you for being late for visiting hours." Lance said with a sad tone because the conversation had to be cut short.

"Ok. Nice meeting you. Maybe well see each other again. It was really fin talking." I said standing. We shook hands and we went separate ways. It was getting close to nine now. Visiting hours were only for an hour, so after this I was free for the night. Maybe Lance would still be there when I was done. But why would he wait to see me. He has more important things to do.

It was close to 10:00 and the nurse was kicking me out. I said good bye to my grandmother and started for the elevator. When I got there, I pushed the button to go down. Just then Lance appeared. We exchanged hellos and that was pretty much it. We were about out of the hospital when over the loud speaker we heard "Code Blue in room 2150. Code Blue in room 2150."

"Oh my god" I yelled.

"What? What is it?" Lance said with a concerned look on his face.

"Room 2150. That's my grandmother's room. It was nice meeting you Lance I gotta go see what's wrong."

"I'm coming with you."

"You don't have to." I said running to the elevator and pushed the up button. Lance quickly jumped in.

"But I want to be there for you" Lance replied with a semi smile on his face.

When we got to the floor there were doctors and nurses running around all over the place. I went up to a nurse and asked her what was wrong.

"I'm not allowed to release that information to anyone but family."

"I'm her grandson."

"Oh. Well, we don't know exactly what happened as of yet sir but if you could wait over in the waiting room" she said pointing to the waiting room "I'll let you know as soon as I know."

I went over to the waiting room and sat down. I could feel the tears inside just wanting to come out, but I wouldn't let them. It could have been a false alarm and there was no point in getting all worked up over a false alarm. Fifteen minutes later, the nurse came to the waiting room. She didn't look too happy.

"I'm sorry sir but she didn't make it" She said. It looked almost as if she was gonna cry too.

I couldn't fight the tears anymore. I began to cry harder than I ever had before. All of a sudden, I felt a pair of arms wrapped around me. I looked up and saw Lance. He was trying to calm me down. It worked. How could it not work with someone like Lance? We sat there for about thirty minutes. He just held me the whole time. After a while, he looked at me and said, "Come on. I think its time I get you home."

"That's ok, I can drive myself home." I said

"I insist that you let me take you home. You are in no condition to drive, and you really need someone to be there for you." He said with a loving smile on his face as he stood up and held up his hand to help me up. I gladly excepted. We took the elevator down to my car. We got in and he drove me to my house. I fell asleep on the way home, so Lance very gently searched through my pockets to find my keys. He unlocked the door and helped me in. He laid me down on the couch while he went to find my room. He wasn't really sure which one was mine there were five different rooms. He finally decided that the one that had the computer in it must have been mine. He went back to the living room and found that I was still sleeping in the exact same place where he had laid me. He picked me up again and helped me into my room. He laid me down on the bed. He didn't bother to undress me because he figured that I would wake up. He then went into one of the other rooms and took a pillow and blanket. He went back to my room. He lay down on the floor. He wanted to be close by just incase I had a dream about what had happened or incase I woke up and remembered. I slept with out any problems. I woke up to find him on the floor. It was only about 7:30 in the morning. I never really slept too late. I picked him up and placed him in my bed so that he would be more comfortable. I then made my way into the kitchen I sat down at the table. Everything that had happened with in the past 24 hours quickly went through my head. I had remembered all what Lance had done for me last night. I decided I would make him some breakfast. I knew that Lance like French Toast so I made enough for one person. I wasn't really a breakfast person and I wasn't really in the mood considering all that had just happened to me. I also made him some scrambled eggs. As soon as I was done cooking the food I went back to my room. I slowly opened the door. But Lance wasn't in the bed where I left him. But then I heard the shower running in the bathroom so I went back to the kitchen so that He would be able to get ready with out me having to bother him. In about 10 minutes Lance came into the kitchen he still looked a little sleepy. I quickly gave him his food. He looked at me strange.

"What's wrong?" I asked not sure of what was wrong.

"Aren't you gonna eat?" He asked.

"No. I don't usually eat breakfast. Besides that I have really bee watching what I eat. I usually only eat supper anyhow."

"Well, you really should eat more. You can have some of mine if you want." He said with a smile on his face.

"You are starting to sound like my grandmother. She was always concerned about my eating habits. I couldn't do that to you anyhow."

"Well what if I were to insist that you eat some of my food." He said with a grin on his face.

"You really like insisting on things don't you"

"I always have to have my way," He said smiling at me.

"Well I insist that you eat it all while I go shower. I haven't showered in a few days. I spent all my time at the hospital and by the time I got home I was too tired to." I walked up to my room and went to the bathroom. I jumped in the shower. I quickly got myself clean. I then got out and did my hair. I then opened the door and entered my room. To my surprise, Lance was sitting on my bed waiting for me to get out of the shower. But I wasn't expecting him to be there so I didn't have any clothes on. As soon as he realized I was nude, he quickly got up and ran from the room while yelling, "I am SO sorry Mitch."

I quickly got dressed and went to find him he was sitting at the table just staring at nothing.

"What's wrong Lance?" I asked.

"Huh?" He said snapping out of his trance. "Oh nothings wrong I was just thinking about something. Look about what just happened. I didn't mean for it to happen."

"I know you didn't mean for it to happen. It was just an accident."

"Yes exactly an accident." He said. Then out of no where he suddenly said. "But if you don't mind me saying so you really have a nice body."

Was I hearing him correctly? Did he just say that I had a nice body? The cutest boy on the face of the earth just said that I had a nice body. I didn't really know how to react, so I didn't. I then thought about how I would tell him. I had to tell him. If I didn't when he found out that I was gay how would he react. I decided I would tell him later. I was so caught up in thought that I didn't notice that Lance began to talk until he started to wave his hand in front of my face to get my attention.

"Is something wrong?" He asked with a sad expression on his face. "You seem to just blank out sometimes."

"Sorry. I just have a lot going through my mind."

"Well, If it's anything you want to talk about I am here for you." He said with a smile.

"Thanks maybe we can talk a little later."

"Ok cool. But can you do me a favor."

"Sure. Anything for you after all you have dome for me."

"Can you take me back to my house. I need to check in with the guys and management. They are probably mad at me already for not going back last night."

"Sure. Let me get my keys. We can take my BMW this time."

"You have a BMW? What kind?"

"It's an M Series Convertible."

"Cool. What are my chances of driving?" He said.

"Slim to none." I said with a grin on my face. He just gave me a puppy dogface. "Alright. You can drive. How could I possibly say no to a face like that?"

"We got out to the car and he jumped in the drivers seat and I got in the passengers seat. If you scratch it any way, I will kill you."

"Ok I'll try not to scratch it."

"You better do more than try. I've only ever driven the car once and I don't want it to get ruined on the second drive." I said in the most serious tone I could possibly use. He just nodded his head to say that he understood. We were at his house within 15 minutes, which wasn't really bad considering it was getting close to noon. We pulled around to the back and he turned the car off. He then turned to me and said,

"Look, It was really nice getting to know you yesterday and today. Maybe we could get together over dinner and talk just the two of us. We could talk about what you were saying we could talk about later." He said.

"I would really like that." I said as looked deep into his eyes. Without realizing we started to lean in towards each other. Then it happened. We kissed. Neither of us could believe it. We actually were kissing. Just then Lance pulled away and got out of the car.

"I gotta go get ready for tonight." He said with a huge smile on his face. "I'll pick you up around 6:00. Be ready."

"Ok I be waiting. Bye." I said. I was still in shock. We Actually Kissed. I then hurried home. I only had about 6:00 hours to get ready. I walked to my closet to find something to wear. I didn't see anything I liked so I decided to go shopping. I picked up a few outfits. I had spent a total of $800 for 4 outfits, But that what happens when you get top of the line clothing for some of the most expensive stores in the Orlando area. By the time I got back it was 4:00. I had 2 hours left. I quickly got dressed. When I was finished I heard the doorbell. I quickly ran to the door. I opened it quickly. I couldn't believe what I saw.

Next: Chapter 2: Lance 1

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