Mixed Blessings

By RichardPetersBooks

Published on Oct 2, 2012


I have written many gay/bisexual stories and would welcome any feedback. This particular story "Mixed Blessings" is part of a much bigger story called "Mick - Fifty Shades of Gay" which is available for the Kindle on Amazon.

This is Part 2 of "Mixed Blessings". I will post some more stories on Nifty, especially if people tell me they want to read more.

Contact me, Richard Peters, at: RichardPetersBooks@yahoo.co.uk

My Blog is: http://richardpetersbooks.blogspot.co.uk/

My Amazon author page is: http://amazon.com/author/richardpeters

Mixed Blessings - Part 2 - A Sporting Life!

The next afternoon, Sunday, Linda was going to London with Angie and the two women were going to stay overnight to do some shopping the next day. So after a leisurely morning, where the three of us shared the double bed, she kissed both Mick and me goodbye and told us to be good!

She didn't seem to mind the two of us being intimate and stroking each other, as well as her own body, and the three of us had kissed and caressed each other during the lazy summer morning. At one stage she had gone down and alternately kissed and sucked each of our penises. Nobody had a climax. After the exertions of last night, everyone seemed to be content to just gently explore each other.

Once she had gone, I embraced the boy, who said he had to be getting back home. He had told his parents he was staying over at a friend's house, but they would be expecting him back now.

Reluctantly I let him go. I still hadn't had anything like my fill of the boy and his beautiful body! I asked him to come back that evening and stay the night and Mick said he would try. I watched the kid's naked body as it gracefully moved across the room and Mick headed for the bathroom to take a shower.

I lay back in bed and thought about last night's fucking session, my cock was rock hard under the cover and I reached down to play with it. Suddenly I heard a man's voice downstairs "Hi Stephen! Are you decent?"

It was the neighbour, Tim's voice. "Er, not quite!" I called and grabbing a towel I rushed to the top of the stairs, afraid in case Tim would come upstairs looking for me.

I held the towel in front of myself and leaning over the banister, told Tim I was just going to take a shower. Afraid that Tim would discover me all alone in the house with the naked Mick, my heart was pounding. I tried to look nonchalant as Tim looked up at my nude body, only the towel protecting my modesty.

"Come on you lazy bugger! It's midday already, fancy a game of tennis?"

"Er, sure! I'll be round in half an hour" I replied and breathed a sigh of relief as Tim left, just as Mick came out of the bathroom with only a towel round his waist.

It would have taken some explaining away to Tim! I went into the bathroom for a quick shower and a shave. When I came out Mick was dressed and we had a hasty kiss goodbye before I showed him out of the back door, explaining that the neighbour couldn't see anyone come or go that way. I told him to let himself in through the back door tonight if he could get back to spend the night with me.

I breathed a sigh of relief when Mick had gone. Things had worked out ok and I seemed to have got away with everything!

I changed into my tennis shirt and shorts and put my tracksuit jacket on. It was a hot midday sun that greeted me as I went out of the front door to go to Tim's house next door.

Tim was waiting for me in his tennis gear and grinned at me. "Up late last night?" he grinned in his usual suggestive way. "Come on you randy bugger let's shake those cobwebs out of your head!" and we headed off for the tennis courts in the park down the road.

I wondered what Tim would say if he knew exactly what I had been up to last night! Tim was obviously heavily into sex, he was always making lewd comments about women, but he wouldn't understand my attraction to the blond boy. I judged that Tim would be very anti-gay and I knew I had to be very careful not to give him any hint of my tendencies!

We tried to play a vigorous game of tennis, usually the two of us were fairly evenly matched. But this afternoon it was so hot that by the fourth or fifth game we had both slowed down as we slopped about the court.

When the set was finished Tim said "It's too fucking hot for this, let's go home, grab some beers and watch the cricket on telly." I wasn't going to argue, so we trooped slowly home in the heat. "Let's grab a shower and I'll see you round at your place in half an hour." Tim said as he headed up his front path.

'He is ok is Tim, quite a good pal really' I thought to myself as I went up my path.

A while later I was back downstairs, freshened up, and sat in front of the TV in my T-shirt and shorts as Tim let himself in through the front door. Tim was brandishing a six-pack of beer and only wearing a pair of shorts. I couldn't help but be slightly repelled and fascinated at the same time by his hairy chest and stomach. 'Why can't he keep himself a bit more covered up?' I thought to myself as Tim sat on the sofa next to me and handed me a beer.

As Tim leaned back against the sofa, I couldn't help but look at my friend's hairy legs and the bulge in the front of his shorts! I wondered how big Tim's cock was.

We watched the cricket and drank a few beers. England were losing as usual! Apart from a few lewd comments like "How you going to manage tonight without Linda?" Tim kept the conversation mostly on the topic of sport and work.

I replied to his suggestive comments with answers like, "The same way as you will I suppose!" and I felt like I was giving as good as I got when it came to that sort of banter.

Actually I was quite enjoying myself! I was feeling mellow from the beers and the afternoon was quite relaxing. I lay back against the back of the sofa and felt all was well with the world.

"How are you getting on with the dildo?" Tim suddenly asked and my heart started to pound.

"Er, fine thanks!" I said, suddenly feeling embarrassed!

"Well we all need something to perk up the old marital sex, don't we?" and he grinned.

I thought of Mick screwing my wife and said, "Yes!" and grinned at Tim as the effect of the alcohol soothed my nerves again.

"Me and Angie use all kinds of stuff!" Tim said giving me a lewd grin. It was obvious that Tim wanted to talk about sex and I didn't mind really, it sort of turned me on to think of what they might use!

"Oh, Yeah!" I leered back. "What sort of stuff?" I asked with a grin.

"You know, vibrators, magazines, videos. That kind of thing. And we wear special underwear!" Tim said.

My cock started to swell as I thought about Tim's wife Angie. I always quite fancied her with her dark hair and sensual Latin looks. She was such a contrast to the English rose looks of my own wife. I looked down at my crotch, hoping my swelling wouldn't show, but in my uninhibited alcohol haze I said, "I've always quite fancied your wife, I bet she looks great in those things in the catalogue!"

"She does! Linda would look fantastic in them too!" my neighbour sighed. I glanced down at Tim's shorts and his large bulge was starting to grow! My neighbour was getting turned on thinking about my wife! Spotting that I had glanced down at him, Tim cheekily looked at me and said, "I'm getting a hard-on thinking about your Linda in these crotch-less pants that Angie has!"

"Have another drink and watch the cricket, you randy sod!" I joked and we both looked at the TV just in time to see that England were all out.

"Want a sandwich?" I asked as I noticed it was five o'clock. "Sure, and I'll get some more beers from my place" Tim replied as he got up and headed for the front door.

In the kitchen I was thinking how I could get rid of Tim after tea. Still, he was a good laugh actually!

Five minutes later Tim was back with more beers and a plastic bag. "Got some goodies to show you!" he grinned.

"Oh yes! You're a dirty so and so Tim!" I joked.

Back in the front room we started another beer as we got stuck into the sandwiches and the cricket coverage finished. "I've got a couple of dirty videos, want to see?" Tim asked.

"Yeah, sure!" and Tim handed me an unmarked video for me to pop into the machine.

As I got up off the sofa Tim said "You know, we could swap wives one night, it would be fun!" I turned to face him and Tim's hairy torso was sprawled back against the sofa his naked arms stretched out across the back of it.

"Don't look so shocked you randy, bugger!" Tim said as he nodded towards my bulging cock in my shorts.

"Yeah! I'd like to screw Angie, but I'm not so sure Linda would fancy that hairy body of yours!"

"Well I know that Angie likes that smooth skin of yours, sometimes she fantasises about you, you lucky sod!" Tim laughed as I blushed. "Besides I've got a bundle in my shorts that women can't resist!" Tim continued. "Your Linda would love to get her hands on my ten inches!"

"What!" I exclaimed. "Ten inches! You're not a man you're a donkey!" and we both laughed. I turned back and put the video on. I swayed back over to the sofa and took a long swig of beer, as I settled into the sofa to watch Tim's video.

I was shocked when it started and Angie appeared on the screen doing a striptease. Tim grinned at me, as I watched fascinated as my neighbour's wife took her blouse and bra off. Angie played with her breasts, cupping them in each hand and pointing them towards the camera.

Then the camera panned down her body, which was only clad now in a skimpy pair of knickers. The camera moved further down and suddenly I could see the operator's huge cock sticking out towards Angie. "Oh my God!" I exclaimed, "Is that you?" as I looked at the enormous erect penis, which looked about a foot long.

"That's me!" he proudly said.

"But it's enormous! I didn't know anyone was that big!" I gasped.

"Some guys are bigger than me, I'm only ten inches at my best!" Tim said with false modesty.

"It looks a big bugger to me! Makes my six inches look like a midget!" I said.

"Angie would love yours, no matter what size it is!" Tim replied. "Watch this!" And the next scene showed that the camera had been put on a table and Angie was licking Tim's monster and wrapping her lips around the first few inches.

As I watched transfixed, I noticed out of the corner of my eye that Tim was stroking the front of his shorts. I casually put my hand in my lap and began to feel my own growing cock through my shorts as I watched Angie give her husband a blowjob.

"Oh well! It helps to pass a lonely evening!" Tim declared as he made a deliberate motion to massage his cock.

"Suppose so!" I said as I started to stroke my own.

"It feels great when she wraps her mouth over the end of my dick!" Tim said as he made more deliberate wanking motions with his hand. I could get some idea of the length of his monstrous cock as he stretched it out under his shorts and his hand rubbed up and down the length of it.

My own cock was hard and pushing against the waistband of my shorts as I stroked it. "I like getting my cock sucked." I said "Sometimes I like that better than fucking!" I added feeling quite bold now.

"Oh she'll give you a blow job as soon as you give her the word, will my Angie!" Tim leered and he looked straight down at my stiff penis under my shorts. My heart was pounding as his hand stopped stroking his monster and just started to move off his lap towards me, when the back door suddenly opened!

"Hi Stephen! I can stay again tonight!" Mick said as he bounded into the lounge. He stopped dead when he saw the two of us with our stiff pricks under our shorts and the blowjob going on, on the screen.

"Er this is my younger cousin Mick. He's been staying with us for a couple of nights." I managed to stammer my hastily thought up excuse! "Er, this is Tim from next door." I managed to say.

I think I must have gone beetroot red. But Mick rapidly assessed the situation and said "Yes, I just rang my parents from my friend's house and they said I could stay over with you for a couple more nights. You watching dirty movies? Great!" he said and he sat down on the floor in front of us and turned to watch the film.

He certainly was a cool customer was Mick! My heart was still pounding and I was terrified that Tim would know what Mick's relationship with me really was! Tim said "Hi Mick! We're having a guy's night watching porn. You like porn?"

Without flinching or hesitating Mick said "Yeah!" and watching the blowjob on the film he said "Me and the guys at school do that for each other all the time!"

Tim looked at me and grinned a knowing grin. 'God I hope he doesn't realise!' I thought.

"Is that you?" Mick asked as he turned round to look at Tim.

"Sure is!" boasted Tim.

"Wow it's huge! I thought mine was big, but I've never seen one as big as that!" He said looking into Tim's eyes with wide-eyed innocent wonderment.

'He's flirting with Tim!' I thought to myself, amazed at how smoothly Mick operated. Last night the experienced seducer of my wife, tonight a naïve schoolboy!

"None of your friends got a cock as big as this one then?" Tim nodded towards his stiff penis lying under his shorts.

"No way! How big is it?" Mick asked staring wide-eyed at the bulge in Tim's shorts.

"Ten inches, how big is yours?" Tim asked.

"Oh mine's just eight inches." Mick innocently said.

"Eight inches, well that's an impressive length, the girls will love that!"

"I don't know, I've never shown it to a girl yet, but the other guys at school seem to like it!" Mick said and looked at Tim and grinned. "Got any videos of men fucking women?" He asked.

"Yeah, put that other tape on, Stephen." Tim indicated towards the bag.

I got up and swapped the tapes. Walking back to the sofa I realised I was getting hard again from watching Mick flirt with Tim. Tim nodded towards my crotch and said, "Cousin Stephen's enjoying these films!"

"He was enjoying more than that last night!" Mick naughtily said and images flashed into my mind of the three of us last night! I looked nervously at Mick and he grinned cheekily at me.

"The randy bugger keep you awake last night, while he gave Linda one?" Tim leered.

"Something like that!" Mick replied and they settled back to watch the film. I took a long drink of beer and wanted them both to go away, this was getting too embarrassing!

The film was your standard sort of porn film. Two women lying together on the bed, endlessly playing with each other's breasts while this stupid music track played in the background. Tim made his usual "Could give her one" sort of remarks. I opened another beer and decided to get drunk.

Two studs came into the bedroom and each grabbed a girl who both seemed grateful that a man was going to give them a seeing to at last. Somehow the whole sex act was then displayed without a hint of a glimpse of an erection on either guy. The girls whimpered and moaned and the guys grunted.

All the way through the film, Mick sat on the floor with his back leaning against the sofa between us. Tim quietly stroked his cock occasionally, and I drank a couple of cans of beer. By the time the film had finished I was feeling relaxed and mellow again, but dying for a pee!

"You up to your eight inches, from watching that Mick?" Tim said as he dug me in the ribs and gave me a lecherous grin.

"I'd say!" said Mick. "How are you keeping ten inches tucked away inside those shorts?" he said as he turned round and gave Tim a cheeky grin.

"With a lot of difficulty!" Tim boasted. And Mick and I both looked at the huge shape in Tim's shorts. He looked like he had a piece of lead pipe stretching under his shorts up from his balls to the side of his hip!

"Can I see it?" Mick asked and without waiting for a reply he put his hands on the waistband of Tim's shorts and pulled them down. Tim hitched his backside in the air as Mick slid them down to his knees. We both looked with disbelief as this thick cock lay on the mat of hair, with the huge, red, circumcised end reaching up Tim's stomach, several inches beyond his belly button.

"Wow!" exclaimed Mick. "Do you want me to suck you, like we do for each other at school?"

And Tim had barely said "Sure!" before Mick was kneeling between his knees and running his tongue up the length of Tim's cock. I watched transfixed by the sight and was fascinated as I watched Mick's tongue run over the top of the man's shiny knob.

His lips were kissing the knob end, but I couldn't watch any longer. "I need a piss." I said and got up and staggered up to the bathroom. Standing over the bowl I looked down at my little, half erect penis as I peed, and felt sorry for myself.

When I got back downstairs, Mick was still knelt down with his mouth clenched over Tim's monster. Tim had both his hands on the back of Mick's head and he gave me a 'phew' sort of look as I walked across back to the sofa.

Mick took his mouth of Tim's cock and said to me, "Do you want me to blow you as well?"

"Sure!" I replied, trying to sound nonchalant. And Mick knelt in front of me, pulled my shorts off and pushed my T-shirt up over my belly. His hands caressed my stomach as he took my stiffening cock into his mouth.

His tongue darted all over the end of my sensitive prick as his saliva lubricated it and his mouth brought me to a full erection.

I looked over to Tim and he was watching Mick devour me while he had both hands over the length of his cock and was working them up and down his enormous shaft. As I looked at the huge prick, my dick dripped and oozed pre-cum, as it seemed to grow even more in Mick's mouth.

Mick pulled his mouth off my cock and gave me a little secret smile and patted me on the stomach before he went back over to Tim. Soon he had the first six inches of him back in his mouth and was bobbing his head up and down on it in a steady, fast, motion. Tim grabbed the back of his head in both hands and dug his fingers into his blond hair, forcing the boy's head up and down on his shaft.

Tim snorted and Mick pulled off him and thrust Tim's shorts over his pumping knob. Tim grabbed the shorts and clamped them over his pulsing penis and snorted with every thrust of his cock. While Tim was still writhing, Mick came back to me and gave me a little friendly smile as he lovingly cradled my cock in his hand before licking it back to full erection and devouring it again.

His tongue rasped along the underside of my shaft as my knob end rubbed against the roof of his mouth. Then he took it out of his mouth and held it up as his tongue went down to my balls. He licked all over them and then gently sucked my right ball inside his mouth.

He moved my ball around the front of his mouth while the fingers of his other hand tickled the area between my balls and my arse. I thought I was going to die as his hands and mouth played with me. Then his mouth did the same with my other ball.

When I could hardly stand it any longer he let my ball fall out of his mouth and he took the full length of my cock deep down into his throat. I looked to Tim who was lying there watching us; his now shrinking cock lying on his shorts.

It made me feel powerful to feel my strong, dynamic, penis in Mick's mouth and to see Tim's fading manhood. I wanted to fuck Mick's mouth like nobody had ever fucked before and overwhelmed with the feeling of strength, I shot my first load into him. I rubbed both hands through his blond hair on the back of his head and he kept his mouth over my pulsing knob. I thrust my groin into his face as I spurted again and shouted "Fuckin' hell!"

Then I spurted and thrust again, growling "Fuck!" and again, "Fuck!" and again, "Fuck!" and again, "Fuck!" and again, "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" my voice tailed away as my spasms eventually subsided.

"Phew!" I said when it was all over. Mick dreamily lifted his mouth off my soggy penis and took off to the kitchen to drink some water.

"That's one hell of a hot cousin you've got there!" whispered Tim. "How the hell am I going to get home?" he asked looking at his soggy wet shorts. "Run out of the back, nobody will see you!" I laughed and he hastily gathered up his bag, popped the videos in it and we went giggling into the kitchen.

Mick had recovered and he joined in the laughter, as Tim stood naked inside the open back door, clutching his bag and wet shorts in front of his stomach to try and cover himself.

"Ssh!" he kept hissing as we laughed louder and louder. "Someone might see me!" then he legged it down the back garden path.

When he was halfway down we shouted "Goodnight Tim!" and he stopped fearfully looking around in case someone might see him, then he scurried out of our garden and into his and giggling, made it to his back door.

We shut my door, still laughing. Then I stopped and looked at the beautiful boy who had been so tender and loving to me. It was time to repay the favour. I locked the door and taking him by the hand I led him upstairs.

In our bedroom, the scene of our first encounter, I looked at the beautiful boy in front of me, who had already taught me so much about sex between men. With tousled blond hair, his blue eyes and golden face smiled at me in the fading light of our room. "Oh Mick! You really are the most beautiful guy!" I gasped as I looked at his powerful young body filling his white T-shirt and shorts.

I put the lamp on and the light made the golden skin of his face, arms and legs glow against the pure white of his clothes. "You're a great guy too!" replied Mick as I walked over to him and stroked my fingers over his smooth arms.

I marvelled at his smooth golden skin. There was just a trace of fine blond hairs on his forearms, but his upper arms and biceps were smooth as silk. I traced my hands over the short sleeves of his T-shirt and held each powerful shoulder in each hand.

Stood there, in only my T-shirt, my cock was starting to stiffen, even 'though I'd just been sucked off. Holding his shoulders, I looked into Mick's blue eyes, which were looking straight back at me with a soft romantic expression. The soft gentle atmosphere was such a contrast to the rather gross mood between the three of us downstairs.

I knew I was falling for this kid, but at that moment I didn't care! I just wanted to enjoy our night together and not worry about the future. Mick's hand cupped my balls and gently stroked up the length of my penis. "You have a really lovely cock, Stephen!" He said as he gently held the sensitive end between his thumb and fingers and looked at my shaft that he was holding. I stepped forward and pulled his shoulders to me and kissed his lips.

We ran our closed lips over each other for a few seconds, then I wrapped my arms around his back as I put my head to one side and licked my tongue over his lovely red lips. His mouth soon parted in a sigh of desire, and my tongue found his. I ran my tongue over the underneath of his tongue as our lips pressed against each other. Then our mouths opened further as we sighed into each other.

Mick's hands hung limply by his side as I leaned over his face and kissed him as deeply as I could and cupped the back of his head in my hand and ran my fingers through his gorgeous hair.

I didn't ever want to let him go and my cock was pressing against the solid mound in the front of his shorts. The material felt good as I pressed my cock against it and I could feel his manhood pressing against mine.

Eventually I took my mouth off his, but still held his head in my hand as I gazed down at his lovely face and supported the weight of his body with my other arm. The boy had a look of complete surrender as he said "You're the best kisser I've ever met!" and our eager mouths found each other again. This time I let his tongue enter my mouth as it looked for mine. He licked the top of it and ran his tongue around the inside of my mouth, before I responded and worked my mouth in a rhythmic motion against his.

Being more dominant now, Mick stood up straight put his hands on either side of my face and pushed his face against mine. I loved the smell of his hands and face as the sides of our noses rubbed against each other.

I moved my mouth and started to kiss his hand and fingers as he covered my cheek with kisses and nibbled my ear.

I reached down and pulled his T-shirt out of the top of his shorts and lifted it up to expose his naked stomach. My hands stroked and caressed his belly feeling a few tiny hairs just above the belt of his shorts.

I was still kissing his hand, but with his free one, he lifted up the front of my T-shirt and pressed the flesh of his belly against mine as my naked cock jammed itself against his shorts again.

His tongue entered my ear with a slurping noise and I rubbed my mouth and nose in the palm of his hand. We swayed about so that our stomachs caressed each other. I pressed both my hands against his buttocks and his free hand clamped itself to my arse as our passion and urgency intensified.

My hands pressed and caressed the cheeks of his buttocks through the white material as I explored his strong arse and Mick's hand pressed and massaged my bare arse.

I moved my hands up the slope at the top of his arse and stroked the bare skin at the base of his spine. I lifted up his T-shirt, feeling every inch of his bare back until I was caressing the back of his shoulders, while Mick's mouth was exploring my neck and Adam's apple.

I moved my head back towards him and his hungry mouth reluctantly let go of my throat and we looked into each other's eyes. He had a dreamy expression and my throat felt cool from the moisture of his kisses. I lifted his rolled up T-shirt and he put both arms in the air high over his head and I slipped his shirt up off them.

I gasped as I looked at the whiter flesh on the inside of his arms and the muscles on his chest. I kept one arm up in the air to hold his own arms up above his head as the fingers of my other hand traced a pattern in the fine hair in his armpit.

I kissed his right nipple and could smell the delicious mixed aroma of cologne and perspiration as I ran my tongue around his nipple. The fingers of my hand locked in a clasp with Mick's fingers up above our heads, while I kissed and sucked his nipple and ran my other hand over his armpit and down the side of his chest.

Having drunk my fill of his smell and taste, I let go of his hands, pulled off my T-shirt, and knelt down in front of the lovely large round bulge in the front of his shorts. His cock was still curled up and held in place by the strong material of his tennis-style shorts and I knew it must have been yearning for release by now!

There was a damp patch on the front of his shorts, but I couldn't tell if it was from him or from my cock, which had been pressing against his bulge.

Although I'd seen his penis, I was going to take my time tonight to really get to know it. I'd never seen anyone with an erect cock, before Mick, and I wanted to discover everything I could about it!

I gazed at his smooth round thighs that were golden in the lamplight. My hands stroked the golden skin and I felt the few fine hairs on the inside of his thighs as Mick parted his legs for my probing fingers.

My face was only a few inches from his shorts and a faint manly aroma filled my nostrils. My fingers moved up between his thighs and stroked the underneath of his balls, which I could feel through the material and my left hand moved up and felt his bulge. I could feel his length curved down over his balls. It felt thick and the end of it hung below his huge balls and was pushed forward by them.

My fingers found the top button on his shorts and I undid it, my fingers rubbing the coarse blond pubic hairs. Then the second and third buttons were undone and his shorts parted as his cock pushed its way forwards. I quickly slipped his shorts down over his arse and they dropped to the floor.

I took in the full magnificence of this boy's manhood, the long thick shaft with the veins standing out on the side and across the top of it, the fine white hairs underneath at the base of it and on his sack that held two large balls. The delicious sweet smell pervaded my senses and I gazed with fascination at the uncircumcised end with the foreskin tightly containing his large knob-end. I could see the ridge of the base of his glans through the envelope of skin that contained it.

Uncircumcised penises were fascinating to me "It's fantastic Mick!" I whispered as my left hand gently cradled his balls and the base of his shaft and the fingers of my right hand touched the foreskin at the end of his cock.

Although it looked tight over his engorged knob, I could tell as I touched it that it was slippery between his foreskin and his glans. I gently massaged his skin and his knob slipped forward out of its container. It was a red/purple colour and glistened in the lamplight. The smell of his moisture as it evaporated, hit my nostrils and his fantastic eight-inch shaft was only inches from my face and the sweet perfume pervaded the air.

I'd sucked his cock on Thursday, but I'd been so nervous and uncertain of what to do that I hadn't really had the chance to appreciate it. This time I was determined to take in every moment of the experience!

"Oh Mick, this is wonderful!" I said. Still cupping his balls in my left hand, I ran my tongue along the side of his long straight shaft, from the base to the tip of his knob. The sweet taste of his moisture hit my tongue and I licked my tongue over every part of his juicy knob-end.

I ran my tongue along the ridge between the base of his knob and his shaft and up the little ridge of skin underneath his cock and round to his slit where a new bead of pre-cum was glistening. I touched the tip of my tongue on the tiny jewel and the dew-drop of moisture melted on to my tongue.

I ran my lips down over Mick's knob feeling the underneath of it rub against the surface of my tongue as I took as much of the boy into my mouth as I could. I'd read about men taking the whole of a guy's cock into their mouth and down their throat. But I couldn't figure out how to do that, so I just caressed his knob with my tongue and worked my lips up and down as much of his massive shaft as I could.

Mick seemed to be enjoying what I was doing as he was making gasping noises and holding the back of my head, clasping my mouth to his prick. Kneeling in front of him I wormed my fingers from his balls and pushed underneath him to feel up towards the crack between his arse. My other hand reached behind him and stroked his lovely smooth bum before pressing his groin into my face.

I was struck by the power of Mick's body as he held my head in a vice-like grip and worked his shaft in and out of my mouth. But he was considerate and didn't force it too far inside me even when his strokes got more urgent.

Now he was moving in and out rapidly as my mouth wanked him and I put both my hands onto his arse cheeks and lightly rubbed them over his cool smooth skin, feeling the powerful thrusts as his arse tensed and relaxed with each thrust.

I knew he was close to coming and tensed myself to receive his seed. I was determined to take what he had to give this time! His in and out thrusts suddenly stopped and I dug my fingers into each cheek of his arse and squeezed as the first spurt shot into my mouth. I held on tight to him, as he groaned in ecstasy and spurted over and over.

I managed to gulp down after his third or fourth spurt, holding on to his knob with my lips. As I swallowed his sperm, his cock was sucked back inside me and Mick moaned and writhed about inside my mouth as I pressed my fingers hard into his arse cheeks which were still giving little thrusts as he repeatedly ejaculated his seed into me.

I held on tight to him until, eventually, he stopped twitching. I let his shrinking pole slip out of my mouth and taking a deep swallow I tasted and smelt his spunk, which had a very strong pungent flavour.

My mouth and his now floppy penis reeked of his sperm and I patted his bottom as I got up and went to the bathroom. I threw my head down into the sink and under the running cold water tap. I opened my mouth and swallowed huge quantities of water, and let it splash all over my face.

The cold water hit me and the purity of the liquid was very refreshing. I lifted my head away from the tap and looked in the mirror at my face, which was flushed red. I'd done what I thought I could never do and swallowed everything Mick had.

It wasn't something I'd want to do often. It was hard to do and not entirely pleasant, but I smiled at the face in the mirror as I thought how lovely Mick was. I knew how great it was to have him give me a full blowjob and I was delighted I had been able to do the same for him!

I quickly dried my face and rushed back to the bedroom to be with my beautiful Mick!

He was lying face down on the bed, still completely naked and I rushed over to join him naked on the double bed. "Hi!" I said.

He smiled and groaned "Urgh!" Then I saw the red finger marks on his arse cheeks where I had squeezed him too tight!

"Oh sorry! I've hurt you!" I said as I gently stroked the red marks.

"It's ok, doesn't hurt, just tingles a bit!" He sighed as I stroked my hand over his arse. "Where did you learn to do it as good as that?" he asked.

"I don't know, I guess a guy just knows how to handle another guy and what he likes." I said as I massaged the feeling back into his cheeks.

We lay together on the bed for quite a while, while Mick recovered. "Come on, let's take a shower to freshen up!" I said.

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