Mixing Business and Pleasure

By David

Published on Sep 29, 2020


This is a work of fiction, well mostly. Names have been changed to protect the guilty and any resemblance to people living or dead is purely intentional. If this gets you hard, drop me an email. If it gets you off, definitely drop me an email. More chapters in the works. Would love to hear any ideas you have for the story or the scene. gh_lovr (at) yahoo (dot) com.

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Now, on to the fun part...

Mixing Business and Pleasure 01

For a number of years, I did a lot of travelling for work. Projects could last from a few months to several years, and conferences and business development also took me out of town. I decided early on in my career that business should be balanced against pleasure, and that while out of town for work meant long days it could also mean long nights. Nights jerking off to a laptop screen or an iPhone screen, and as often as possible sucking off as many guys as I could manage. Here are some memories of mixing business and pleasure.

Peep shows, porn video booths and gloryholes are three of my favourite things. While out on the prowl one night I stopped off at several places on the strip to see who was out to play at the porn shops. One of my favourites was a very sleazy place connected to a video game arcade. Even while watching one of the porn movies, the video arcade could still be heard in the background.

As I paid for my tokens and headed back, I caught a glimpse of a tall guy with jet black hair going from one booth to the next. Hoping it was to find someone to suck him off rather than just looking for better videos was the first thing I thought. Entering the video booth area, I scouted it out. He and I were the only two guys in there at the moment. Perhaps he had just arrived and was scouting as well.

I went into one of the booths, closed the door most of the way, and dropped in a few tokens. Flipping through the channels there was a wide selection of porn – something for everyone. Settling on a hot cock sucking scene I sat down in the chair while groping my cock through my jeans.

Watching the corridor as well as the screen was a challenge, but I always preferred a live cock to video.

He passed by once, then again, a few moments later. Definitely on the hunt.

I got a good look at him as he walked past the second time. Still tall with jet black hair, his dark jeans showed off a tight ass, great looking legs, broad shoulders, and a narrow waist. Definitely a swimmer or jogger from the build and the great calves. He got to the end of the corridor and turned back around, catching me watching him. He had both hands hitched in the belt loops of his low-slung jeans, framing the bulge in his jeans and causing them to ride low enough to show off a few inches of taught stomach below the hem of his t-shirt. His blue eyes almost glowed in the fluorescent light of the corridor, burning into me like lasers. His face was long and slim, matching the rest of him. He was clean shaven with only a hint of 5 o'clock shadow – even this late in the day.

I realized from the way he was standing there that he was interested but also quite nervous. Not sure how to make the next move, but definitely wanting something to happen. My tokens ran out and I stood up and exited my booth. I maintained eye contact and licked my lips as I approached.

`Deer in the headlights,' came to mind. He was definitely nervous, and from the look on his face this might even be his first time in a sleazy place like this. I slowed as I got close and the stopped on the opposite side of the corridor. We were still a few feet apart, but close enough to see his pecs pressing against his t-shirt, the large bugle in his pants still framed by his hands, and some more skin as he took a deep breath in and shoved his hands down, pulling his shirt further form his jeans.

I smiled my best naughty smile, and he returned it, bus just as I was about to make a move the door to the video booth area opened. The guy running the arcade came through the door like a bull into a china shop and said, "One per booth, no loitering in the corridor. Put your tokens in."

This broke our connection and obviously scared off my buddy. He nodded at the guy and walked past me to the exit.

Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck,' I thought, Why did I wait so long?'

I stepped into a booth, but my heart wasn't in it anymore. After the guy got to the locked storage room at the end of the corridor I left too. When I got out to the sidewalk, I looked each way hoping to see my buddy walking away. No tall guy with black hair in sight. The sidewalk was almost empty so I'm pretty sure I didn't miss him.

I turned toward my hotel and at the far end of the block was one more porn shop. I had been in here earlier but had no qualms about entering again. If you buy tokens, who the fuck cares how many times you come and go? This place was the classic layout with racks of videos on once side and along counter full of toys, dildos and lubes. A sign at the back indicated the entrance to the arcade area. I bought some more tokens and headed back there, hoping that I hadn't seen my buddy on the street because he ducked in here before I came out to the last place.

This area was darker than the other place and didn't have the noise of the arcade in the background. The booths were laid out in a labyrinth with a light over each door to indicate which booth was occupied. I did a quick tour and didn't see any lights. Damn.

With that I heard one of the videos start up. Disembodied voices from one of the booths. "Yeah buddy, fuck me. Shove that hard cock up my ass. Oh yeah, that's it." Definitely porn dialogue. Turning a corner, I saw a booth with a light on and stepped into the one next to it. I could see the light of the video coming through the small gloryhole/peephole in the joint wall. I got down on my haunches to get a better look. The guy in the next booth was watching some hardcore fucking with his pants down at his knees and his t-shirt riding up with each stroke of his cock.

This wasn't the guy I had seen earlier but looked like a wrestler or weightlifter. Hairy legs, forearm and stomach from what I could see in the shifting light from the TV monitor. Couldn't tell how old he was, but the hard cock jutting out of his large hand told me all I needed to know.

I stood up and quickly opened my jeans, and shoved them down to my ankles, got on my knees and got closer to the hole. I'm not sure if he heard me over the sound from the TV, or saw something flash on the other side of the hole, but when I looked through that fantastic cock was pointed right at me.

I ran a finger along the bottom of the hole, the universal signal.

He moved a little closer. His body almost blocking out the light from the TV screen, but still giving enough illumination for me to see his hairy crotch, hairy forearm and thigh, and hand. Not only was his cock long, as I had seen on the side view, it was nice and thick too. My mouth was watering at the thought of sucking on that awesome cock.

As he got close to the hole, I realized there was no way his cock was going to fit through. The hole was not very large – more of a large peep hole than a true gloryhole. Was he just going to put on a show for me? Would I have to be satisfied watching him stroke that awesome cock and shoot a load through the hole, or worse onto the floor?

"Let me suck it," I whispered through the hole, "I want to suck you off and swallow your hot load of cum."

He continued to stroke for me, turning left and right to show off the size of his cock. When he turned to the right, I could see a drop of clear precum on the tip, glistening in the light of the monitor.

"I really want to suck you off," I said a little louder. I didn't want to say it too laud in case the clerk heard and came back to see what was going on.

"Fucking gorgeous cock there, buddy," I said, "Do you want me to suck it for you?"

"How would that happen?" he asked, pulling back from the hole and bending over to talk to me.

"Let me in. I'll come in the booth with you. I'll suck you off right where you are."

"Not sure that is a good idea," he said, "What if we get caught?"

"I'm sure they have found two guys in a booth before," I said, "C'mon It'll be cool. What's the worst they can do, kick us out? I can tell you want me to suck you off, my warm talented mouth working your cock and balls getting you even hotter and harder."

He was thinking about it but didn't sound convinced.

"Love to taste your cum and swallow your load," I added, trying to up the ante.

"You swallow?"

"Fuck yeah. Reward for a job well done."

He chuckled at that. "Mmmmm. That does sound good." Bingo! "Ok, come over."

Pulling up my pants, partway at least, I opened my door and looked out. Seeing the coast clear, I came out and went to my buddy's door. The door was unlocked when I turned the handle. As soon as the door closed behind me, I was down on my knees.

His cock looked even better up close. I could feel the heat coming off his body and couldn't resist running one hand up under his t-shirt while the other gently took hold of his cock. I started to lean in to lick the precum off the tip before it dripped to the floor. I wanted to taste it so badly.

He stopped me just before my tongue could make contact. Gripping the front of my hair he tilted my face up to look at him. "You're going to swallow, right?" he asked, "You're not going to spit it out?"

"Absolutely not," I said, "it's my reward for a blowjob well done."

He chuckled and relaxed his grip. "Good."

I leaned forward to taste the clear nectar and my taste buds went wild. Sweet and just a little salty. So incredibly slick too. I used my tongue to spread it all over the head of his cock, knowing that there was plenty more where that came from.

Once I had the head of his cock in my mouth my hand let go and reached down to cup his hairy balls. They were boiling hot and a little sweaty. He must have been in here stroking for a while. I caressed them as I slid further and further down his cock on each stroke.

Leaning back against the wall of the booth I leaned forward keeping his cock firmly in my mouth. My right hand wandered around under his t-shirt, across firm hairy abs and a hard, hairy chest. Fuck I wanted to see that gorgeous body. Releasing his balls, for the moment at least, I used my left hand to pull up his t-shirt, hoping he would take the hint and show me more.

Pulling his cock down to horizontal and looking up at me, my eyes were met with his dirty grin. He got the message and pulled the front of his t-shirt up and over his head exposing his body from shoulders to knees. Fuck he was gorgeous.

My hands ran down this abs and thighs in time with my shoving more of his cock in my mouth. My hand ran up the backs of his thighs and back around to the base of his cock as I pulled back, keeping just the head of his cock in my mouth.

This could go on forever and I'd be happy.

He kept watching me as I sucked him, moaning appreciatively as I deep throated his massive, throbbing cock. He seemed glad to have relented and let me come into his booth. Any reservations seem to have evaporated and he was really getting into in now.

Pulling off his cock I dove down under his balls, licking up one side and then the other, dragging my tongue along that magical area where the skin changes to scrotum. Always so tender and erotic. Grabbing my hair, he made sure I worked him over well. My hands continued to wander, enjoying the hot skin and body hair. My left hand grasped his rock-hard shaft and pushed it to the side to let me get better access to the area behind his balls.

When he realized where I was going, he squatted down a bit, giving me better access. I worked around, under behind, over and back around each full ball, nosing that tonguing them around in his hairy ball sac while stroking his shaft.

I could feel the skin tightening up, drawing his nuts up close to his body. I took that as a queue to focus on his hard cock again. Precum had oozed out while I was stroking his shaft and I lapped it up as I went back to sucking his cock.

Both hands were at the base of his cock working in tandem with my mouth to pleasure his member.

I looked up and he had his head thrown back with a blissful smile on his face. His hands took control of my head now, setting the tempo and the depth of each stroke. I loved it. Loved the way he was using me and my mouth to get off.

His whole body was tensing on each stroke. His thighs were trembling against my forearms and his abs were tense against my forehead as I bottomed on each stroke. His cock more than filled my mouth. My lips were stretched around its girth and the head raked along the roof of my mouth and past my tonsils on each stroke.

I could tell he was about to shoot his wad and I wanted to taste it. I pushed back against his hands just as I felt his cock head swell and the tube along the bottom of his cock shaft expanded. He blasted four or five shots of cum into my mouth before coming down off his orgasm.

It fucking tasted awesome. A little saltier than his precum but with a wonderful flavour and texture. It also most filled my mouth to overflowing so I swallowed a little bit on each post-orgasmic stroke, not wanting to lose any. He held his cock in my mouth as my tongue swirled the cum around, mixing it with my saliva and creating an intoxicating mix that had me almost swooning.

I swallowed a bit, and then a bit more, each time my throat muscles contracted they worked his hot, sensitive cockhead. Who would give in first? Would I swallow it all before his cock became too sensitive or would the swallowing action drive him crazy and make him pull out?

I tried to swallow just a bit at a time – to see if I could stretch it out and drive him crazy.

Sucking a cock after the guy has shot his load is amazing. You can feel him deflating somewhat, but he still has that drive to bury it down your throat. His dick becomes spongy and super slick with the cum/saliva mix. I just love it.

I swallowed the last of it and just held him in my mouth. My breathing was starting to return to normal, but I was still breathing heavily through my nose, which allowed me to inhale his wonderful musk.

He signaled it was time to give him his cock back. I let it slide out of my mouth and sat back on my haunches. Looking up at his satisfied face and glistening body we both smiled and laughed.

The tiny booth was so hot we were both sweating. Such a fucking amazing time.

I got and pulled up my pants. As I left the booth and then the store, I had a big grin on my face. Great memories for a jerk off session when I got back to my hotel.

As I walked down the street, I was amazed at the fleeting nature of these encounters, and then wondered what happened to my tall, dark and handsome. The fun I'd just had blunted any regret of missing my opportunity with him, but I knew I'd be watching for his face anytime I was back in town.

Next: Chapter 2

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