Mixing Business and Pleasure

By David

Published on Mar 8, 2021


This is a work of fiction, well mostly. Names have been changed to protect the guilty and any resemblance to people living or dead is purely intentional. If this gets you hard, drop me an email. If it gets you off, definitely drop me an email. More chapters in the works. Would love to hear any ideas you have for the story or the scene. gh_lovr (at) yahoo (dot) com.

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Now, on to the fun part...

Mixing Business and Pleasure 07

For a number of years, I did a lot of travelling for work. Projects could last from a few months to several years, and conferences and business development also took me out of town. I decided early on in my career that business should be balanced against pleasure, and that while out of town for work meant long days it could also mean long nights. Nights jerking off to a laptop screen or an iPhone screen, and as often as possible sucking off as many guys as I could manage. Here are some memories of mixing business and pleasure.

As we continued to kiss, I felt one hand on each flank, rubbing and circling lower and lower. It had to be one of Jim's hands and one of Jeff's hands. First one and then the other started massaging my ass, circling closer in. Their fingers met and both hands worked closer to my well used hole.

One finger entered, and pulled out as another went in. Each probing, feeling my swollen ass lips and likely getting covered in some of their mixed cum loads.

I moaned as they continued to kiss and work my ass. Fuck these two horny guys just couldn't seem to get enough. One hand came up to my face and I licked the cum covered finger. It returned to my ass to be replaced with the other one, and I licked that off too.

They continued this, with one, two or all three of us licking up the cum.

After coming down from our orgasmic high we returned to the showers. This time Jim and Jeff got me under one of the showerheads and washed my body from top to bottom. It felt good to be the center of attention rather than a pair of holes for them to fuck. They were both very friendly and chatty as they washed me down and then started on their own bodies.

I learned that they were 8 years different in age. Jeff's oldest sister had Jim when she was very young and while they were technically uncle and nephew they were raised more like siblings. They were both active in their local community sport programs and what gay scene there was in town. Jeff had jumped at the chance to visit the big city for his buddy's wedding and to show Jim the campus where he might be studying for his Masters degree.

Jeff had introduced Jim to masturbation, and the two of them never stopped. In fact, it progressed as they got more into it and curious about everything that two men could do together. When Jeff went to university Jim thought things might taper off, but he visited a few times and on the fourth or fifth trip, they had first jacked off with a buddy of Jeff's and the following day fucked him royally. They had been doing it fairly regularly since then. Sports tournaments and the occasional out of town trip gave them some opportunities.

As I suspected, they had me figured out pretty much as soon as they saw me in the gym and decided to go for it for the same reason I did – random out of town hook ups are fucking awesome.

They would be in town a few days longer that I would be and definitely wanted a repeat performance before I left town. I'd be only too happy to oblige!

Well fucked and well washed I headed to my room to change in time for my first committee meeting. I had a trouble concentrating on the topic at hand as my ass kept reminding me of the fun I'd had earlier. Seeing Gary at the other end of the table and knowing that we would be playing around again in a few days didn't help either. When the meeting ended Gary hung back and asked my if I had ever seen the trade show during set up. I hadn't, having only ever attended when it was open to everyone. Gary offered to give me a tour during the break after lunch.

"It's quite the production," he said, "most people don't know just what is involved." We agreed to meet in the lobby right after lunch so we could head over.

The rest of the morning was occupied with two other meetings and lots of fantasizing about the three hot guys on one of the committees. They always organized the golf tournament for the spring conference and looked like former college athletes. Mmmm.

Meeting Gary in the lobby, we walked next door to the convention center. The massive trade show area looked like a bomb had gone off and everyone was running around looking for their stuff scattered amongst the rubble of cardboard and bubble wrap. The semi-organized chaos was dotted with people laughing and chatting as they unpacked and assembled their display booths and wares.

Gary seemed to know most everyone in the room. I guess he had done more than a few of these events as had many of the others. We didn't really stop to talk to many of the guys, but I did get the impression that I was on show. A few obvious glances and a few lewd looks followed me as we walked up and down a few of the aisles. I might have been reading too much into it, but then I often did.

At the end of the tour Gary said, "so you can see how hard they work getting the show together, so that's why we put on a party at the end."

"I've never seen the show in that state before. Definitely looks harder to pull off that you'd think."

"We pull it off all the time," Gary said with a laugh. "We aim to please."

I laughed at that to, certain that my role Tuesday night would be to please and `pull off' as many of them as wanted.

"Was it my imagination, or was I getting some looks as we walked through?"

"Of course. Think of it as the carrot that spurs them on to action, knowing that they'll get the fun at the end, or in you end."

I liked where this was going.

We had been standing in the pre-function area, and both of us were clearly enjoying the innuendo and anticipation. Gary's jeans were bulging, as were mine. I knew what a fantastic cock he had stuffed in there and hoped we could sneak off the washroom for some fun. Unfortunately, he had some clients to meet and I had a meeting I needed to get to, so I had to settle for a grope and a promise to play sometime soon.

The rest of the day slid by as my mind wandered. There had been some good-looking guys in the trade show area, and I knew the "entertainment committee" from last night were looking forward to a repeat of the sucking action. Mark and Gary had both hinted at fucking me, which kept me in a semi-aroused state for most of the afternoon. The evening social event lubricated things up further as drinks flowed, inhibitions lowered, and libidos were raised.

As I expected Sunday night was not a cruisy or busy as Saturday. I had some good vibes from a few of the guys at the conference, but you always have to be a bit careful in those situations and had headed back to the bookstore with the gloryholes shortly after the evening social ended. There were some hot videos on offer and a few guys strolling around, but no one interested in any real action. I gave up shortly after arriving and headed back to my room, knowing that there was plenty of online action available to go with my fairly extensive digital porn stash.

Stripping down as soon as I got back to my room, I powered up the laptop and hit a few of my favourite sites. The popularity of any one particular site or app varies by city and I had forgotten which was best here in town, so I surfed a bit checking messages and recommendations.

I got a chat request on one of the apps.

`fucking hot profile cocksucker – you hungry tonight?'

`always – you need a service minded cocksucker?'

`always – lol'

The app noted that he was quite close. Definitely close enough for me to travel.

`looking to travel or be serviced at yours?'


`cool – set up the scene for me.'

`nearly naked here – white socks & jock – and fresh poppers'


`been stroking a while and got a good load for you'

`even nicer'

He sent the address, which I entered into the all-knowing Google. He was only three blocks away.

`i'm only a few blocks away – can be there in 15'

`you up to service more than one?'

`fuck yeah – always'

`let me check – got a buddy I'm chatting with that might be up for sharing a cocksucker'

As the chat was continuing, I started getting dressed. Strike while the iron is hot, and hopefully the cock is as hard as iron. Of course, once I get there I'd want to strip down pretty quickly, so I just pulled on my jeans and a t-shirt.

My buddy flipped me the profile name. I looked him up and sent a message, hoping that we could tag team him into joining the fun.

`messaged him. cum on over and at least you get one load'

`on my way'

I headed out knowing that these spontaneous 3-ways almost never work, but what the hell. He had a great cock and a great attitude. If nothing else, we can talk up how hot it would be to have a third guy there.

The address was fairly close, and I didn't have time to check my phone app to see if the third was coming or not. As I turned the corner onto his block, I could see someone approaching from the other direction. We hadn't exchanged face pics, so I had no idea if this was the buddy or just someone out for a walk. He turned up one of the walks towards a house, and I realized it was the same address I was headed towards. Bingo!

He had stopped on the front step, curious to see if I was the cocksucker or just someone walking down the block. His face lit up when I turned off the sidewalk and headed towards him. He also reached down and grabbed his crotch and I grinned and licked my lips. Reaching out he knocked on the door just as I caught up to him.

Our host must have been watching through the window in the door as it opened almost as soon as buddy knocked. We both entered and the door closed behind us. Our host, Ted, was standing there in a pair of white socks and jock, gripping the doorknob with one hand and his bulging jock with the other.

"Nice," I said, as I peeled off my jacket and sunk to my knees.

"Indeed," said Carl, aka buddy, as Ted just nodded and massaged his cock.

Not one to be rude to a host's invitation I moved forward and bit into the growing bulge in the jock's pouch. Ted took his hand away and let me at it. I rubbed and licked and bit while my hands roamed over his torso and legs, fingers working under the edge of the jock pouch on each pass. Ted had obviously been jacking for a while and the jock was well worn and well used. The manly odour coming from the jock and crotch had my cock hard as nails in my jeans.

One hand went to unbutton my jeans and let my cock out. Even if they were going to be the center of my attention, I still wanted my cock free to let them see how much I was enjoying being on my knees.

I chewed on the side of the pouch taking the head of his cock gently between my teeth and lips, massaging the cloth covered cock with my tongue. A manly smell and the taste of precum greeted me. Ted had obviously been jerking off while surfing for quite a while.

Working my fingers under the edge of the jock pouch along with my tongue, I gradually pulled it back to expose more of his hairy ball sack and hard cock shaft. The bulge in the jock made it hard to get his cock out, but with a hand from Ted, his cock sprung free and slapped against my cheek. I pulled back a bit to take the head of his cock in my mouth. My tongue rubbed back and forth across the sensitive spot just under the head while my lips stayed in place just behind the big ridge of his cock head. Ted moaned and gently put pressure on the back of my head urging me to take more if his cock in my mouth.

As I started working Ted's cock deeper and deeper into my mouth, I could hear Carl kicking off his shoes, taking off his jacket and shirt, and then heard that lovely sound of 501 jean buttons being popped open. In the darkness outside I couldn't really tell much other than he had a nice bulge, and I was dying to find out just how great it was.

Carl stepped closer and I could feel the heat from his body and then his cock resting on my shoulder. Reaching up and taking hold I started to stroke it in time with my mouth action on Ted's cock. Ted in, Carl out... Carl in, Ted out... me rocking forwards and backwards working them in tandem.

Ted, ever the host, pulled me gently off his cock and motioned for me to turn around and reverse the action. I turned to see Carl's fantastic cock right in front of me and proceeded to suck it into my mouth.

Carl's cock was a good size, but looked even larger as his crotch, and in fact his whole body, was completely hairless. I moaned in pleasure as one hand caressed his smooth balls and skin. The other hand of course was tugging on Ted in tandem with my mouth action on Carl.

Sucking on two cocks, and I was still in the foyer. Fuck yeah.

I heard Ted open a bottle of poppers and take a good hit, first one nostril and then the other. He held the bottle up to my nose and I pulled back to hold just Carl's cock head in my mouth while I took a good hit. This kind of action and the fresh poppers would get me gooning on their cocks damn fast.

After some more back and forth, Ted stepped around and stood hip to hip with Carl. He had pulled the jock down with the elastic strap under his balls, pushing them out towards me. I turned slightly to be able to get at both of their cocks. Following my cue, they turned towards each other bringing the heads of their cocks together. I grabbed both rock hard shafts and started licking both cockheads.

The poppers were doing their job and I was slobbering on both cocks, gagging to have them buried deep in my throat and pulsing as they shot their hot cum in my mouth.

I just love being on my knees for two studs with rock hard, drooling cocks. Their precum was adding a great slipperiness to the spit shine I was giving their knobs. Combined with the poppers I was in pig heaven.

Their cock heads were jousting for position in my mouth. My tongue and lips were working over each of them, trying to keep both of them wet, slick and ready to spurt. Grabbing one shaft with each hand I was able to control the action, careful to match with their hip thrusts.

I began to alternate taking one cock all the way down to my hand and then pulling off and taking the other cock. Neither was getting enough attention to get them off, but both were getting enough to keep them rock hard and leaking delicious precum. This is a great plateau to keep them on as I get to enjoy their cocks and precum and they get to ride the horny high while holding off the ultimate moment when they shoot their loads.

I moved both of my hands further down their cock shafts, allowing me to suck more of their cocks down my throat on each stroke. The difference between Ted's trimmed pubes and Carl's shaved body heightened the sensations for me. The feel of smooth skin at the base of Carl's cock was great. He must either shave every day or have had a shaving session today to get ready to play. My wet hand was sliding over his smooth skin.

Carl's nuts were still hanging a bit loose in their nut sack. The smooth skin against my wrist urged me to let go of his hard shaft and work his nuts. This let me deepthroat his cock on each stroke. A hand on the back of my head encouraged me to hold Carl's cock in my throat. I couldn't tell it of was Carl's or Ted's but I was loving the control they were exerting. I wasn't sure which would be better, Carl controlling or Ted directing.

Again, I heard the poppers being shared by Ted and Carl and then that beautiful dark brown bottle appeared in front of me. I pulled off of Carl's cock and took Ted's cock head in my mouth as I took deep hits in each nostril. Bumping my high I deep throated Ted's cock.

That awesome feeling of a smooth mouth and throat wanting nothing more than to fuck cock down my throat overcame me. I bobbed and sucked, taking his cock all the way down my throat with no resistance. Holding onto his hairy nut sac I held him close as he powered his cock into my mouth.

Both of his hands gripped my head and turned my head down as he crouched slightly and started fucking his cock up into my eager throat.

"Fuck yeah," Carl said, "look at him take that cock!"

The hand gripping his balls loosened so that I could get my middle finger past his taint and to his hole. I love gripping a guy by the ass hole as he fucks my face. The tightening of his sphincter around my finger on each stroke tells me whether he is toying with me or getting close to shooting his load. Ted was enjoying this as much as I was but wasn't ready to blow just yet.

After a few more thrusts he held still, letting me take over, bobbing my head up and down his hard cock. Twisting my head back and forth on each stroke I tried my best to get him to the edge, to get to where he wanted nothing more than to feed me a load of hot cum.

Ted's moans were great. He let all three of us know what a great job I was doing.

My other hand was gripping Carl's cock. He was obviously enjoying the scene as his cock was also rock hard and throbbing. He was also leaking precum, which lubed up my hand. The smooth skin let me stroke down to the base of his cock and them let my hand flare out and rub his crotch. He loved the sensation as much as I did. He must have just shaved because there was no stubble and my hand glided over his cock, balls, taint and crotch.

I had to get his cock back in my mouth. I pulled back a bit as Ted stood back up. I bobbed on his cock a few more times, looking up at the two of them. They were both watching me with those dirty, horny smiles that turn me on.

Pulling back, I turned my head a bit and dove down on Carl's glistening cock. We both moaned as my lips slid down his cock shaft, my hand now massaging his smooth ball sac and working in behind to find his asshole.

I continued to stroke Ted's wet cock in time with my strokes on Carl's. I looked up at the two of them again to see them kissing, enjoying each other's mouths, and enjoying mine.

Carl was less active than Ted, preferring to stand still and let me work my magic. Pulling off his cock I moved down to suck on first one nut, and then the other. The slick skin made it easy to suck one ball in and then gently release it to move to the other one.

From my viewpoint, his cock looked massive in front of his face. Ted reached for Carl's cock, stroking it and rubbing his thumb across the piss slit, and massaging in a drop of precum that had appeared.

Diving back into it, I worked my way around and behind his balls, licking his taint and running my hands up and down his thighs and around to his tight ass. He hadn't just shaved his ball sac and crotch, his legs were hairless too.

Ted continued to stroke Carl's cock, and I caught glimpses of Carl returning the favour.

Licking and sucking on Carl's balls and smooth sac was hot, especially as I could see the two guys stroking each other's cocks. Their other hands were working their buddy's pecs and tits. Sitting back on my haunches and stroking my cock I watched the two guys strokes and twist and grip and tug at each other. I had to force my hand away from my cock as I was close to the edge and wanted to take both of their loads before blowing my own.

Carl let go of Ted's hairy pec and reached over to the table and passed me the bottle of poppers. He had seen my go crazy on Ted's cock twice and from the gesture he gave when he passed me the bottle, he wanted to experience me in full pig mode.

"Fuck yeah," I said, taking the bottle and shaking it before opening it and taking a good huff in each nostril. I could feel the warmth spreading through my body and my hunger for cock and cum swell up. Ted pointed Carl's cock at my mouth.

"Come on cocksucker, show Carl how talented you are."

I dove down on Carl's cock, almost pushing him off balance when my lips hit the base of his shaft and my forehead pressed against his abdomen. I growled as I pulled back, and twisting my head, dove down again. I was riding the wave and couldn't get enough cock down my throat. I wanted to devour him and was sucking hard enough to turn him inside out.

Carl let go of Ted's cock so that he could hold onto my head to keep his balance and match my thrusts with his own movements.

Carl holding me on his cock meant that I was giving him pleasure and he wanted to see how far down my throat he could force his hard fuck stick. It meant that he loved to bury his cock deep and control when I could breathe and when I could slide my wet and slightly puffy lips along his shaft, he could control how much of his cock was being stimulated and how ultimately whether he would blast his load right down my gullet without me tasting it, or pull my back and show off his cock spitting out its white hot load for the two of them to see.

Ted got around behind me and added his hands, holding my head down on Carl's cock. He was loving the show, enjoying the show I was putting on sucking Carl's cock, knowing full well what a cock pig I turned into on a popper high.

I love being watched and putting on a show, and these two hot fuckers were enjoying my mouth and the show I was putting on.

Ted took his hands off my head and grabbed the bottle. He had his hard, hot cock pressed against my shoulder as he took a few huffs and held the bottle up for Carl.

The effect was almost instant. Carl's cock somehow got even harder and swelled up even more. His body tensed up and a low guttural sound came out of his mouth.

Two more deep thrusts and he shoved my head down on his cock and gripped it in place. His balls were pulled up tight against my chin and I knew he was going for fuck his load right down my throat. The first pulse exploded in my throat, followed closely by an equally strong second shot.

Carl pulled back a bit for the next few volleys, holding just the head of his cock in my mouth, my lips locked securely around the head, not wanting to miss a drop. His load was amazing. The taste and texture were fantastic and shot after shot filled up my mouth.

As his orgasm started to pass, he slid his cock all the way in again, using his cum as a new type of ultra-slick lube. I tried to swallow his load, but his cock sliding in forced some of it out around my lips. It coated his crotch, adding to the already spit slick skin.

"Fuck yeah," Ted said, "my turn." He had moved around beside Carl and his cock was aimed right at my mouth. Pulling off of Carl, I dove down on Ted's cock. The sensation of the new lube and the idea of having Carl's cum spread all over his cock sent Ted over the edge. His thighs were vibrating, and a strangled scream accompanied the first shot of his load. It had a different taste but a very similar texture to Carl's load. He continued to blast more of his white-hot cum into my mouth while the extended vocalizations continued.

They weren't really words, but they weren't just sounds either. It was so fucking hot to know that I had brought out this reaction.

Ted shoved forward embedding his cock in the two loads in my mouth, sending some shooting out and all over his hairy crotch.

I slowed down my strokes and let off some of the pressure, but still kept on sucking. I love post-orgasmic cock, slowly softening and becoming more sensitive, but still wanting to thrust and spit our more cum. Pulling off Ted I went back to Carl, wanting them both the enjoy my hot cum lined mouth while they came back down to earth.

Carl had to pull out as he said his cock was too sensitive. Ted wanted a little more before his was too sensitive too. I continued to lick up the cum that had splattered over their crotches, enjoying the contrast between the hairy and smooth.

My cock was starting to soften a bit too. I get off servicing cock, but don't always want to cum at the same time as my buddy, or buddies in this case. I would enjoy the memory when I got back to my room and then blast my load all over my body before playing with it and eating it.

The three of us caught our breath and started to pull apart and put on clothes, well Carl and I did. Ted wasn't going anywhere so he just stood there in nothing but his white socks while we chatted and got ready to go. I suddenly realized that we hadn't even made it further into the house than the entry foyer.

Sometimes when you are super horned, its all about the animal rut. It certainly was that time.

Next: Chapter 8

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