Model Bondage

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Dec 29, 2022


jim and matt woke up the next morning to bright sunlight coming in through the main window of their bedroom. The house seemed to be climate controlled, but they had kicked the blankets off during the night . matt whispered to jim "Do you think he's watching us?" "Probably" matt laughed "Well then..." and he gave jim a big kiss. "If I'm going to be a prisoner in a big house with a crazy European, I can't think of anyone I'd rather be with than you." He nestled into jim "That feeling is mutual, babe. I just wonder what he has in mind for us today. He said it's a big day." "If he's watching us, do you think we should dress? " matt got up out of the bed. He laughed. "Big surprise. The closet's full. One side marked 'matt' and the other marked 'jim' . I gotta admit, he has good taste." jim was going through dressers and found that those were filled with t shirts, athletic shirts, underwear, socks, all the things that didn't go in a closet. "Hey, look. Swimsuits too. A whole bunch of them. " "I think that's why. Look." matt was at the big window and jim came over. Their bedroom looked out on an in ground pool, clearly designed for people to use for parties, or just to hang out There were beach chairs, floating "noodles," and it looked like the pool was heated. They dressed in polo shirts and cotton shorts, and just in time: Soderquist was at the door. "Good morning. Have you slept well?" "We did Sir," jim answered "Yes, sir, very comfortable," added matt. "I'm glad. There is a breakfast buffet, which you are welcome to, but first I would suggest you retrieve some coffee, or whatever you wish to drink, and join me at pool side. We will go over today." He swept out of the room, and they could see him positioning himself at one of the tables. He seemed to be sipping capuccino or some other frothy beverage. Neither one of them knew how to use the machine, so they got coffee and joined them. "Gentlemen," Soderquist smiled. "So, some more background, and then, information about today. After the betrayal of our little estate, I had to break up the group. Now, there are , hmmm, 6 or 7 different houses, in different cities. One of my deputies runs each of the houses. " He smiled. "I run the most important one, with my favorite pets. . You boys." The two of them were silent for a minute, before jim asked "Master Soderquist Sir, what do you intend to do with us?" "AH. Now that is the question isn't it? Well, let me lay out the situation. I am sure that as models you have both been called whores in the past, is that not true?" "Yes sir." "I have as well. And we are. Or will be. The two of you will be whores to men who wish to top. I will be topping clients who wish to serve as bottoms. " The two looked at each other stupified. "You do not have a vote in this gentlemen. It is as it shall be. Now, when you are not working and I am not either, I will summon one, or both of you, to MY bed as I see fit. When there is time from those two things, you are free to cavort with each other as you wish. This morning, I will be leading you through town, so that the residents can spread the word that there is 'new talent' at the hacienda, as I call it. IF you behave, I will not use the leashes. Then, you will be photographed for an on line data base, and then we will be visiting the gym where you will be kept in shape. Are there questions?" They looked at each other, too stunned to ask any. "Now, some more information. Given events of the past, in order to facilitate your time together, you will find a new toy added to the toys you have experienced with me before. There is an ample supply of double headed dildos, since it appears that both of you would much prefer to bottom than to top. I would be cruel to put you in a position where one or both of you would not be sexually satisfied. HA HA HA HA HA. " He began peeling a peach, using one of his nails. "jim, that polo shirt is absolutely beguiling on you. dark green is certainly one of YOUR colors. Please stand." jim looked around, sighed, and stood. "Please put your hands behind you jim. " matt began to get up and was stunned, immediately, by a charge of electricity to his collar. He had forgotten they had both been fitted with one. Soderquist advanced and ran the back of his nails over jim's nipples. "These are so wonderfully sexy jim. I do believe I will have to stress them in advertising your services. And I may avail myself of them today as well." He looked at his watch. "My, the morning does go fast. I shall have to be off for meetings. Please enjoy your breakfast, and then please enjoy the pool. Oh, one other thing." They saw him touch a third button on his wrist band. "I have just activated the perimeter of the pool area. Should you try to escape, you will receive a level of charge MUCH greater than you have experienced previously. You have leave of the pool, and the house, but I would suggest not trying anything more 'challenging.' I shall return in a few hours."

After he left, matt looked at jim. "What should we do? The pool does look wonderful." "It does. Let's go change." In ten minutes, they were in the pool, in blue (matt) and red (jim) swim trunks cut very tight. Their baskets and butts were both displayed in them. "It IS a wonderful pool, I have to admit that." matt said, as they finished their swim. "Agreed. I wish he weren't such a NUT" "Can I rub some lotion onto you, handsome? " matt smiled at jim. "Only if I can do you," he smiled back. When he was coating matt's back, jim grabbed him around the middle. "Soderquist is right. This thing has brought out my sub side, but you, sexy man, you bring the topman back out in me." He hummed into matt's ear. "I want you naked on your back. Right now." His hands moved up to matt's nipples and squeezed. Matt gulped. "yes sir. Yes lover." He got into postion and jim smiled. "Who needs a dildo?" as he dropped his own bathing suit. He was fully hard, and he climbed on top of matt, and began to kiss him. "Whatever happens, you're my number one sweet cakes." "Oh yes. OOOOOOH. My man. My Topman. matt shifted so that more of his body was accessible to jim. He moaned "Take me you stud. TAKE ME. I want you in me. HARD. DEEP." jim took matt's ankles and spread them. ' "I think I need... well... I need YOU." his head disappeared and matt felt his lover's tongue driving up inside of him, in a way he hadn't in a long, long time. "OH jim. OOOOH. You better stop that in about... six hours." OOOOOOOOOOOH. Can I... Can I give you my specialty, stud?" "DAMN RIGHT YOU CAN. " jim had straddled matt's chest and moved his cock to his mouth. "SUCK IT. SUCK IT BIG RED. OOH YES. matt had done a lot of sucking of jim after the end of their captivity, but it still felt good to jim. He let matt work on him until he knew. "Grab your ankles, big boy. MY big boy is coming in." His cock, covered with matt's spit, drove in , splitting matt " "DAMN THAT FEELS GOOD BOSS. POUND ME." jim gritted his teeth. When his orgasm started to go down, he guiltily remembered Soderquist working him, and his cock filled in again, becoming like a steel rod. "OH GEEZ. It's like our first night. DAMN. Fucking in the sunshine does you good jimmy boy." "SHUT UP BITCH. TAKE MY FUCKING COCK." That kind of dirty talk got matt aroused, and his own cock began to fill out. "OH SHIT. I may cum without touching myself sexy bastard." "SHHHHH. If you're quiet, you'll feel the river of my jizz up your canal, fucker..." jim pushed once, and came into matt in a way that could only be called "copious." matt shouted, but there was no answer. They were alone. Prisoners, but alone. He almost yodeled when he came. They fell asleep where they were, on the floor of the pool deck. That's how Soderquist found them. He chuckled. "Sleep boys. It's been a stressful time for you." He went to their closet in their bedroom, and chose outfits. Then he returned to the pool deck for a minute. He left a note. "When you've 'rested,' clean up and come back into the house. You'll find the office easily enough. I will meet you there."

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jim and matt dressed: white oxford button down for jim with tight jeans, penny loafers; a peach pinpoint button down , also with faded jeans and sneakers for matt. "Did we say he has good taste? At least we look good" matt tried to joke. "Yeah, like steak at a barbecue. Bottom whores? " jim was somewhat indignant, or at least he played the part. The idea had him somewhat excited. They went to Soderquist's office , where he looked up and smiled. "AH. I DID make appropriate selections. EXCELLENT. We will go for a walk now, gentlemen, each of you on one of my arms, your hands securely behind your back to indicate your submission, or at least... your conquest. " His teeth showed. "Whether you submit or not remains to be seen; however, you have now been defeated twice. Surely you must realize that I WILL have my way." "Why don't you just tie us up before we go, Soderquist? " matt was livid. "THAT will come later matt. I do not expect us to have clients tonight; so I will plan an evening for us. " He smiled at jim. "You managed to put on your topman boots today jim. Perhaps you will take them off tonight." He moved to both of them. "Shall we?"

jim actually even smiled a little on the walk, while matt was sullen all the way. "matthew, if you do not show more joie de vivre as they say, I will have to..." Soderquist pointed to his monitor "Although it will NOT be the button for YOUR collar, but for jim's. Remember: one of you misbehaves, the other suffers." "Yes sir," matt muttered, and tried to stop glowering. "You have new merchandise, Herr Soderquist? " one man came up to him and smiled "Yes, Mr. Friedrichs. You need no longer ask me if I will flip. Both of my boys will take care of you if you like. They will start taking appointments next week. I hope to see you." He smiled. There were other such discussions, before they got to the photo studio. "Marcel, bon jour. These are the first members of what shall be my house of ill repute, HO HO HO" Perhaps you can take some photos. They are both models, so you should have their full cooperation." He reached down and used the lowest charge setting to "remind " them. Both matt and jim were used to being photographed, and the sets went well. Soderquist examined them as they were finished, and jim and matt dressed again. "They are SUPERB. They will go on the website tonight. " He turned to them. "We will return home now."

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx In the house, he brought them to his office first. He handed matt a pair of handcuffs. "Put jim in a chair, and cuff him. Then I will cuff you. You will see the making of the website, with the first two stallions in my stable." "it's ok babe. I've been tied up before." Reluctantly, matt cuffed his lover to the chair. "He DOES look HOT that way," crossed his mind as he took his place for Soderquist to cuff him. "Who has the most sensitive nipples?" He slipped a hand down each of their shirts. "We shall have to have a competition at some point, although I suspect it will be jim who turns out to be most sensitive. Now, let me get to work." He brought up their photos , and designed pages for each of them on his larger website. "EXCELLENT. ALL of your assets are shown. And a price of 300.00 an hour, with discounts for longer stretches of time, is more than reasonable. " He grinned. "My own rate, given my experience, is 450.00 an hour. No one leaves unsatisfied. And as I add more models, you will always be the senior men."

He smiled. "So. We have no clients tonight, which is fine. What shall we do tonight? Why am I asking? I already know what we're doing tonight. jim: you got to top earlier today. Such will not be the case tonight. And matt, you will be watching. " "WHAT ? YOU SICK BASTARD." He forgot himself for a minute and heard jim moan. "BABE . I"M SORRY. I'M SORRY. My mistake Sir. I shouldn't have said that." That's right. You should not have. But you will still be watching as I FUCK your lover. And there will be repercussions. You will learn. "

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Neither man wanted to test Soderquist any further, so as he led them to his bedroom suite, they were placid. "Now, I am going to untie both of you, for a few minutes. matt, you will secure your lover's wrists to the bed. TIGHTLY." jim looked at matt. "Do it babe. He's fucked me before. " matt was reluctant, and it showed, but jim got on the bed, face up, as Soderquist watched matt bind him. He formed the words, "I'm sorry baby" with his lips, and jim said "I love you," which got matt a zap from Soderquist. "matt. In the chair. I will bind you." "Yes sir." matt sat down and, rather than tie his hands behind him, Soderquist ran ropes up and down his arms, securing them to the arms of the chair, and to the back. Then, he did a VERY quick "triangle tie" over matt's pubes, which was tight enough to let them stand out. "Now, about the repercussions matt." Soderquist smiled, and pulled out a hitachi rod. "This has been recharging all day. It should be MORE than sufficient for the time I need to take your lover's ass. And you will moan, and you will squirm, and you will NOT ejaculate." matt was still dressed, and Soderquist pointed the hitachi directly at the middle of his cock , hard from seeing his lover tied up. He tape strapped it to matt's torso. "Now, we shall begin." He turned the wand on to its lowest frequency. For a few minutes, matt was not effected at all. Then, he began to grow . His cock was getting harder, as he watched Soderquist open jim's shirt, and begin teasing at his nipples. "You both could use a shave. I am wondering: should I do it myself, or should I let a client have a chance? We shall see. Would you like me to shave you jim?" Tied down, with Soderquist's expert fingers and lips on his nips, jim moaned. "Yes sir. Shave me." matt struggled, but the hitachi and the ropes kept him in place. He knew better than to scream, because jim would suffer. He saw Soderquist begin scruffing jim's neck. He knew this was one of jim's hotspots. And as jim moaned, he got even harder. "DAMN THAT SODERQUIST. He fucking knew what he was doing!" jim was moaning. "So, jim, who brought out your submissive side?" "You did Sir. " "And do you STILL submit to me?" There was a pause and a sigh before jim answered, meekly, "yes sir. You're my Master." matt fought the ropes, trying desperately to do something, and there was nothing he could do. Soderquist turned to him. "Would you prefer to take his place matt? And get fucked TWICE today?"

matt just whimpered, "jim WANTS to get fucked, doesn't he?" Another pause before "Yes sir. Please fuck me." Soderquist opened jim's jeans. jim's cock was red, and hard. When Soderquist opened his pants, you could tell he was ready. "Perhaps I should have matt lubricate me first." He got off the bed and moved toward matt. "Would you like to make things easier for your honey?" matt looked ready to burst, but Soderquist didn't move. 'yes sir." "WHAT? I don't think jim heard you." "YES SIR. LET ME SUCK YOUR COCK . LET ME MAKE IT EASIER TO GET INTO JIM" matt was beginning to cry, as he opened his mouth to take Soderquist's cock. Thoughts of how they were captured, and taken to the estate the first time, flooded his mind. The hitachi kept working and he was beginning to buck his hips. " "I think I am nice and wet. You should hope so jim. PAY ATTENTION MATT. You should learn how your lover likes to be fucked." He slid his cock into jim. "OH YES. GOD SIR YES . DEEPER. DEEPER." jim had no sense of WHO? All he knew was "WHAT?" and "What" was his ass being stimulated by a thick expert top man cock. As Soderquist took jim, matt was getting harder and harder. He had no idea that jim was this receptive. Could he measure up? He didn't know. He saw how Soderquist manipulated jim's nipples, teased his navel and eventually, blew a load inside of him. With a wicked grin, Soderquist pulled out and turned to matt. "Share and share alike, matt" and he shot the last load on matt's face. Both jim and matt seemed exhausted, but matt hadn't climaxed and neither had jim. Soderquist turned the hitachi up a notch. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH.. OH GOD. ME TOMORROW SIR. ME TOMORROW..." matt began to shoot his load right into his jeans. Soderquist turned to jim. "You, sir, have three choices. You can jerk yourself off, or I can use my hand, or your lover and suck you. What would you choose?" In his heart, jim wanted Soderquist's hand, but he said "my lover's mouth Sir. Please let him suck me." "Yes sir. PLEASE let me suck jim." "As you will." He untied matt, and set him to jim's crotch. matt looked at jim hungrily, and began licking his balls, before he licked his cock, top to bottom. Then he deep throated jim's whole cock, all at once. The stimulation was more than jim could handle, and he gave out a weak cry before he unloaded into matt's mouth. "Ha ha. I think this qualifies matt as 'cum dump for jim" He took your jizz in his ass, and now he took it in his mouth. Are you happy matt?" matt looked up at him. "yes sir. I'm ALWAYS happy when I take my lover's seed." "AWWWWW. Such sentimentality for my two first level whores. LOOK. Let's check. AH. You both already have appointments next week. But for now, it is just us. I will bring you back to your bedroom. Get a good night's sleep. Tomorrow, we wrestle. "

Next: Chapter 11

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