Moist Date

By moc.oohay@03787_namdlogm

Published on Dec 28, 1999


For some who are not into certain "scenes", I've re-written the story a bit and ask your indulgence--I've received a variety of feedback, both complimentary and critical. But hey, different strokes, as they say...

One disclaimer I neglected to note before, is that this should be read by those over 18 only, and those who are not offended by heated sexual activity between two women. And I mean heated...

A Moist Date.. Part One A, the Alternative Version

It started very simply. Monica had never been asked on a date by a woman before, let alone one as beautiful as Jennifer. They had worked in the same firm for quite some time. Monica had noticed Jennifer from time to time, admiring her clothes, her style, and her body. Of course, she was no slouch either. Monica was 5"3', an hour-glass figure, firm, tight ass, large and heavy breasts (about a 34 DD) and a very sensual face. Her full lips were always painted a glossy bright red. Long thick blond hair hung to her shoulders. She also appreciated fine clothing, and wore the most flattering styles to her body. She was partial to short skirts, tight yet tailored blouses, and the latest high heel platform shoes and boots. But Jennifer was just if not more sensual. The same height and shape, with huge, very firm breasts. They must have been 36 DD's! Her hair was very deep brown and her facial features were very Latin. Her lips were even fuller than Monica's. And she was partial to dark, Goth-like make up. The one thing they both had in common, along with a fine taste in clothes, was their very thin waists, hips and legs yet very large breasts and round asses. Now, Monica new what secret she had for keeping such a trim figure without working out, and she wondered how Jennifer did it. Perhaps she'd find out in a private moment with her.

The big question had come out of the blue. Monica had just broken it off with her boyfriend of several months, and Jennifer was seeing someone steadily. That was one reason why Monica was surprised when Jennifer approached her after hours by the water cooler when no one was around. After a small round of small talk, Jennifer said, " Hey, I hope you don't think I'm being too forward but I was wondering if you were busy for dinner Friday night? I kinda like your style, Monica, and I thought we might have some fun together. What do you think?" Jennifer gazed deeply into Monica's eyes.

"Oh, umm, well.. Is this like just hanging out like friends, or are you actually asking me out on a date?" Monica felt awkward at first, but was rapidly warming to the idea of her first date with another woman, especially someone as sexy as Jennifer. Those lips were magnetic, and her breasts were straining behind the silk of Jennifer's blouse.

"Well, if you're interested," Jennifer looked around quickly to make sure no one was around yet, "I'd like to make it a date. I know that you know I've been seeing John, but I'd like to get to know you better and thought we could make a night of it. I don't know if you're into girls at all, but I've been very bi for a long time, and I thought you might be interested." Jennifer slowly licked her painted lips. She moved alittle closer to the blond, just enough for their mutually huge breasts to slightly graze. The sudden contact was electric.

Monica began feeling a warmth spreading from between her legs. The prospect of a date with Jennifer was turning her on. She couldn't believe how much. Especially when Jennifer reached out and took her hand, intertwining fingers with long, painted nails. The sultry brunette began to massage the blond's fingers. "Yeah, okay, sure, why not?" Monica heard herself say as the heat spread. She stroked Jennifer's fingers in return. "I've never been on a date with a girl before, but I guess you're, uh, inspiring me. Let's just keep it between us to see how things go. But I'm game." She was feeling more than game. She noticed the other girl's tongue moistening her lips and began to wonder what it would be like to taste that lipstick on her own.

Jennifer smiled, looked around quickly, then suddenly leaned forward, and gave Monica a quick yet moist kiss on the lips. But then she just as quickly ran her tongue across Monica's upper lip. "Ummm, tasty. This will be fun. I gotta run, why don't we meet at Aldo's at 7pm, it's usually pretty quiet then. I'll get us a private booth in the back where we can talk. Okay?"

Monica was stunned by the sudden kiss and lick. Yet she recovered enough to say, "Sure. That sounds great. How should I dress? Dancing after dinner or movie, or what?"

"Dress slutty. Let's go dancing afterward. I feel like a night out. We'll have some fun." Jennifer released Monica's hand, put a finger to her own lips. She spit a small amount of saliva out, scooped it quickly with her finger, then placed the finger on Monica's lips, leaving the small, gooey deposit of spit on the blond's red lips. In a low voice, she said, "Here's something of mine to taste, something special. Enjoy until Friday."

With that, Jennifer handed her water cup to Monica and winked at her. Monica watched Jennifer's ass sway as she moved down the hall. It seemed to sway just a bit more--for her? What a surprise! She felt the small amount of spit on her lips, and slowly ran her tongue on it, gathered it up and brought it into her mouth to savor. It tasted of peppermints. Jennifer's intimate essence. Aside from her cum, saliva was the most erotic bodily fluid the girl could have shared with her. Except pee, and she wasn't into that--yet. Monica rolled it around in her mouth a moment, then swallowed it. She looked down at the paper cup in her hand. It still hand some water in it, and, better yet, had a burgundy imprint of Jennifer's lipstick on it. Monica raised the cup slowly to her mouth, ran her tongue along the edge that still had the moist lipstick mark, and then planted her mouth directly on the imprint, savoring the taste of Jennifer's lipstick and drinking the remaining water. It was the most sensual feeling. It was almost as if she were kissing Jennifer at the time. But she had a feeling that would come later. Now she would day dream of the coming date. And tasting more of Jennifer's saliva. What else would she be tasting Friday night?

As Monica prepared Friday night, she remembered Jennifer's request to dress "slutty" for a night out of dinner and dancing. To accomplish this, and not wanting to disappoint Jennifer in the least, she squeezed into the tightest pair of hip-hugger black leather jeans and a tiny red stretch tank top. She wore no panties since the pants were so tight and she always liked the feel of leather against her cunt. While she wore a lacy bra, she knew her breasts would be bulging out of the top, and cleavage would be there for Jennifer to see. No sense in hiding much, who knows what the night would bring? She added a pair of black leather platform high heels and a short black leather biker jacket. Her blond hair fell over her shoulders. She made sure her long nails were freshly painted the same bright red as her lipstick, and her eyes were made up in dark, heavy shades. The slutty look needed to match her makeup as well. As she entered Aldo's, she knew she'd worn the right outfit for her first date with Jennifer, based upon the ogling of the few men--and a couple of the women? But when she saw Jennifer, she was even more impressed.

The gorgeous brunette stood up from the table in the back and waved to her. As Monica swayed toward the booth, she noticed Jennifer's sultry eyes go wide as she ogled her body. However, she knew her eyes went wide too as she took in Jennifer's outfit. Her taste for black leather clothing must have been the same as Monica's because she was wearing an extremely tight and short mini skirt with a white satin blouse tucked into a wide, hip-hugging leather belt. She also wore knee-high black leather platform boots that accented her legs in a very sensual way. Her jacket was on the seat next to her, but it was a matching black leather as well.

"Well, looks like we're the black leather bitches tonight. Love your outfit!" Monica said as she approached her date. She could feel her armpits begin to sweat under her leather jacket. It accentuated the animal scent of leather that began to surround her.

"Wow, you too! You look great!" Jennifer reached out and wrapped her arms around Monica in a tight hug. She wanted to feel the blond's leather jacket against her breasts. Monica returned the hug, cheek to cheek. They lingered for a moment. Monica could suddenly smell the heady aroma of their leather clothes, and it felt good to press her thighs to Jennifer's leather-clad thighs. They seemed to fit together like a glove. As her face was so close to Jennifer's hair, rubbing their cheeks together, she could feel the warmth of Jennifer's neck. Still in the hug, Monica backed her face away and looked Jennifer in the eyes, then at her incredible lips. She was wearing very heavy makeup, and burgundy lipstick that matched her long burgundy fingernails. Monica licked her own lips slowly, moistening them for a kiss hello. But she decided to take a more aggressive initiative. She remembered the girl's saliva that was left on her lips last time.

"Hey, that's a great shade of lipstick on you. Let me taste." With that, Monica quickly closed the distance between their faces and slid her tongue out to run it along Jennifer's lips, without smearing the lipstick. "Ummmm, yummy. Good enough to eat!"

Jennifer, surprised at Monica's aggressiveness, smiled and ran her own tongue over her lips to taste the moisture the blond had left of her saliva. It matched the moisture she was feeling between her legs, and was glad for the leather skirt covering her cunt to keep a wet patch from forming. "Well, we'll see. If you're a good girl, perhaps I'll let you get a better taste later." She giggled while they sat across from each other at the private booth. Monica removed her jacket and draped it on the back of the chair, thrusting out her large breasts to impress her date, if she hadn't already. She was going to make this a hot date, she had decided.

They made lots of small talk during dinner. Monica noticed how much Jennifer ate. How did she do that without gaining weight? She though she might know, but would ask her later. They were done with the meal, sipping several after dinner drinks when Jennifer asked to excuse herself for the ladies room. "Do you want to come, Monica? I'll show you what I do after my meals. I have a bit of a ritual." Did she read Monica's mind about that question?

"Sure, let's go." Monica grabbed her purse and followed Jennifer's tight, mini-skirted ass up the aisle to the bathroom. She wondered what it would smell like to have her face pressed up against the leather-covered ass crack. She didn't want to lose that scent, so she moved up closely behind the girl, brushing her ass cheek with the back of her hand. As she walked, she then brushed that same hand to her leather-jean-covered crotch. No one could see as they walked single file in the back of the restaurant. Then she lifted her hand innocently to her nose and sniffed. It was a heady aroma of perfume, leather and-- was that a bit of ass smell? She would have to check it out later.

It was a fairly small room, but clean and neat, with a lock on the door. Jennifer locked it behind them, and she placed her pocketbook on the floor. The smell of leather between the two of them began to permeate the small room.

"Well, here goes. I may need your help with this so I don't soil my blouse. Will you help?" Jennifer asked as she leaned over the sink.

"Sure, what are you going to do?" As if she didn't already know.

"Watch." She proceeded to put two long-nailed fingers into her mouth and down her throat. Monica watched, wishing it were her tongue instead of the fingers. In a minute, Jennifer began to cough, then a choking sound emitted from her throat. Suddenly, she began to convulse a bit, and cough again. Her eyes teared up and suddenly some thick mucous began to rise from both her throat and nostrils. Monica was transfixed by this. She was rapidly becoming very horny, very hot, and didn't quit know what to do. This sudden intimate activity of Jennifer's in forcing up the contents of her mucous canals, the intimate contents of her interior, was turning her on uncontrollably. It wasn't even vomit yet. It was a thick white mucous coming out in dense strings, hanging on Jennifer's fingers, from both her nose and mouth. The convulsing sound continued. Monica got closer to see if she could help, but also to get a closer look at it. Saliva spittle began to mix with the dense mucous, and it stretched in a thick bridge from Jennifer's mouth, tongue and fingers. Jennifer looked at Monica's eyes in the bathroom mirror. They were both hot. Both pairs of eyes smoldered as they stared at each other in accelerating lust. Monica began rubbing Jennifer's shoulder with her hand, bending over more and around to come even closer to Jennifer as she was choking up the combination saliva and mucous slime. Jennifer's tongue actually started coming out of her mouth as she began to lick and play with the gooey substance stretching from her mouth to her two fingers. It was an incredibly hot, horny sight. Monica wanted to take her right then and there.

Suddenly, Monica lost all restraint. As she got closer, she was inspired by this sight. The combined smell of leather, saliva, perfume and sex began to fill the small bathroom. Monica moved her face toward Jennifer's mouth. Her tongue slid out of her red-painted lips and wiped across Jennifer's fingers. She licked at the mucous and spit, on her way to join her lips with Jennifer's in a gooey, messy yet passionate soul kiss. Monica's eyes never closed, and watched first the finger, then the mouth, then looked directly into Jennifer's eyes as she closed in on her swollen mouth. She knew that's what Jennifer wanted. Monica moaned as the mucous collected on her tongue from the fingers. Then she met Jennifer's tongue, entwined, and slid with it into Jennifer's mouth. Red-painted lips met burgundy-painted lips in a gooey, slimy french kiss that burned deeply into both women. Tongues began dueling wetly in each other's mouths. Jennifer moaned as well, rose slowly from the sink and turned her body to press against Monica's. Arms slid slowly and wrapped around each other, pressing cunt against cunt and breast against breasts. The blond moved one leg between the brunette's legs and the sound of leather jeans intimately rubbing against leather mini skirt filled the small room. As soon as their full lips met in a passionate wet kiss, Monica could taste the special flavor of Jennifer's saliva and mucous. In their sloppy kiss, Monica's tongue slipped up to Jennifer's nose. She sucked in all the slimy whitish jism that came from her nostrils, savoring the intimate taste. As they kissed, they feverishly swapped the spit and mucous slime between their mouths, chewing at it, sucking more from each other's mouths. Tongues intertwined, slid against each other in the gooey, sexy mess. As Monica swallowed some of it, it seemed to come up again from Jennifer's mouth. They were moaning in passion into each other's mouths now, sharing the intimate contents of Jennifer's mouth and nose. Monica loved to kiss, and this first kiss with another woman in this circumstance was the most erotic thing she had ever done. Jennifer had been waiting for this moment to share the ultimate intimacy with this sexy girl. Now was the time! They continued to grind their leather-covered crotches together in hot, sweaty lust.

To get their mouths as close as possible, they bent their faces slightly and moved back and forth in kissing passion. Cheeks hollowed out as tongues were sucked in and wrestled, running against teeth, gums, and upper palates. No trace of food, spit or mucous slime would go unsavored or licked between the two girls' mouths. Jennifer had moved her hands down to massage and squeeze Monica's leather-covered ass cheeks. Monica had moved her arms up around Jennifer's neck and plunged her hands into Jennifer's hair. They were two women locked in the hottest passion imaginable. Nothing existed in the world now but these two beautiful women lustfully swapping mouth fluid and grinding together in the ladies room.

Suddenly, Monica broke the kiss. She drew her face back a short distance from Jennifer's as they looked with smoldering eyes into each other's faces. While the distance between their mouths was short, thick strings of mucous and spittle bridged between their lips. Burgundy and red lipstick had been smeared on each other's lips and chins. So much dense jism and saliva remained bridging between their mouths, that they could look slightly down at it and then hotly into each other's eyes. Their eyes were moist with the passion. They could smell each other's breath, feel the erotic intimacy of the moment.

"You are so fuckin' hot, Jenn. I can't believe we just did that. I am so fuckin' hot for you now." Monica heard come out of her wet lips. The mucous strings followed her lips up and down as she spoke without breaking.

Jennifer could smell Monica's sweet saliva as she spoke those words. She could taste her lipstick on her mouth. Her tongue slowly came out and entwined with a mucous string, pulling it around and back into her mouth. More still hung between them. "You are the hottest girl I've ever seen, Monica. I've been so horny for you since I first laid eyes on you. I wanted you to share this with me. I wanted you to share my spit, share my throat slime. I wanted to feel your tongue in my mouth, licking up everything. Tasting it. Let's kiss and swap everything between us, you hot, sexy fucking slut. They savored every ounce of saliva that was exchanged between these two beautiful, sexy, horny girls. With sudden instinct, each girl reached down to the other's leather- covered crotch and began feverishly rubbing their cunts. They clutched each other closer, desperately lost in lust. Jennifer quickly unzipped Monica's leather jeans without unbuckling the belt and delighted in finding no panties at all. Monica had easy access, sliding her hand up under the black leather mini skirt and easily avoiding the drenched thong. Each girl plunged two fingers into a wet, hot cunt. It didn't take long. Suddenly, Jennifer broke the kiss and spasmed in orgasm.

"Oh, Oh, shit! Oh, you biiitttcchhh!" Jennifer tried to keep her voice low to keep it behind the bathroom door. "Shhhitttt!" She spasmed again on Monica's hand, put her forhead on the blonde's shoulder, and clutched her bicep feverishly. She spasmed again, but instinct kept her fingers working at Monica's cunt, even though her orgasm was receding. She raised her face from the blonde's shoulder and lustfully stared into her eyes, connecting with her while Monica remained near the edge. Monica eye's lidded suddenly, her eyes rolled back in her head so that Jennifer could only see the whites in their slits. Monica's tongue slid out of her opening mouth and her head rolled back.

"Oh, oh, baby. Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck." Monica was about to fall off that edge and was struggling to keep her voice low as well. She grabbed Jennifer's wrist. "Oh shit, baby. Oh, Jenn-iff-errr. Oh, oh, I'm gonna, I'm gonna......" Suddenly her entire body spasmed twice, bending at the waist. Without warning, she sent squirts of clear girl cum out to Jennifer's hand and arm. The brunette looked down in amazement. Her date was a squirter! Monica spasmed again as another powerful stream of cum fluid flew from her cunt. "Oh,oh you bitch. Oh, you bitch. You fuckin' bitch. You cunt-suckin' bitttccchhhh." Monica strained to keep her voice down, concentrating on the volume rather than the words. Just as suddenly, it was over. Monica relaxed back against the sink and released Jennifer's wrist.

"Jeez, girlfriend. What a fuckin' orgasm! Not me, baby, you're the bitch. You're some hot fuckin' bitch. Wow!" Jennifer stared at her date in amazement and withdrew her hand from Monica's leather-covered crotch. She put her hand to her mouth and began licking at the girl cum that had squirted out of the blonde's cunt. It reeked of leather and pussy. What an incredibly sexy smell! This was an added treat--not only was she out on a first date with the beautiful blonde babe that she had lusted for at work, making out with her in the restaurant bathroom, swapping spit and jism but now she turned out to be a squirter! Jennifer licked up and down each side of her hand to the wrist, then each finger. Monica was beginning to return to this world, and smiled slowly.

"Yeah, I guess. Wow, that hasn't happened in a very--very--long time, Jenn. Man, I must have been turned on beyond belief!"

"Must HAVE? Past tense?" Jennifer pouted.

"Just for the squirt, baby. But you are constantly turning me on." To prove it, Monica grabbed Jennifer's wrist and brought each finger up to her mouth to clean the digits of her own fluid and the brunette's saliva. She could still smell the rich leather of her jeans on the hand. "You are one hot fuckin' woman...." As the level of the heat slowed down, they switched from finger-sucking to romantic french kissing. They massaged each other's lips with their own. They licked outside their mouths, upward to their nostrils, getting as much as they could on the tongue, in their mouths and swallowing. Their eyes were wide open, staring into each other's eyes in passion. They wanted to savor as much of this intimate, sexy moment that they were sharing together. Finally they knew it was time to clean up. The waiter would have wondered what had happened to them. They gave each other a final tongue kiss and began examining the damage.

As luck would have it, they didn't soil their clothes. Just shiny, wet faces, Jennifer's sticky right arm and skewed makeup. They quickly cleaned off their faces, fixed their makeup and looked at each other.

"That was incredible, Monica." Said the brunette as she gazed in her date's eyes. "It must have been the most incredibly sexy moment I've ever had."

"I know, babe," said Monica, "but the night is still young. Let's go to that new club, do some dancin' and see where we go from here. I know you're a hell of a great kisser now, that's for sure."

"You're an inspiration, you nasty bitch. I can't wait for another date--if this is the first, I can only imagine what the next will be like." Jennifer smiled lewdly and grabbed the blonde's leather jean-covered ass.

"Oh, there's more tonight, you slut. This is just the beginning of the evening." They walked out of the bathroom holding hands intimately.

A Story by "M"... Let me know what you think of this version if you care to


Next: Chapter 2

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