Mom Knows Best

By Stephanie M

Published on Dec 6, 2001


Title: Mom Knows Best 1/? Author: Stephanie M Fandom: BSB/Nysnc Pairing: Nick/Justin Disclaimer: This story is complete fiction and is doesn not imply anything about the sexuality of the celebrities mentioned herein. Once again this story is fiction, i.e. not true. Just call it a product of an overactive imagination. Status: WIP Summary: Nick and Justin discover that sometimes your mom can know you better than you know yourself.

Part 1

"Mom, why are you doing this?" Justin whined as his mom started fussing with his clothes, making sure he looked perfect.

"You need someone in your life. You're going to love him and he understands what its like to have a crazy schedule." Lynn answered as she looked at her son critically, he looked great but he was missing something.

"Put this on, and wipe that frown off your face. Nicholas is just what you need." Lynn said as she rummaged through her sons jewellery.

Justin put on the Chinese love pendent and smiled, he was glad his mom had taken the news that he was gay so well but she was driving him crazy.

"Nicholas, that sounds like a dork's name." Justin complained as he grabbed his coat.

"It's a nice name for a nice man. Have you got the white rose?" Lynn said as she looked around the room.

"What kind of man tells his date to carry a white rose?" Justin asked as he picked up the flower.

"He's going to be carrying one as well so quit complaining! It was my idea actually."

"It was a good idea, really mom. Why do I have to meet him at the marina?" Justin said quickly, not wanting to make his mom mad.

"Because it's romantic. Now go before you're late." Lynn said as she rushed Justin out the room. ******* Justin drove towards the marina wondering just why he had agreed to this blind date. Oh yeah, it was because his mom had nagged but she had looked so happy when he said yes.

But Nicholas, the very name suggested that his date was going to be some boring businessman or worse. How had his mom decided on a date? Did she just pick a name at random, or had seen actually discussed it? Justin didn't know which was worse.

Spying the turn in, Justin quickly parked his car and head towards the marina carrying the white rose and feeling like an idiot. He was relieved that there didn't appear to be anyone there.

Justin stopped as he saw a tall man carrying a white rose. The man was wearing black pants and a baby blue shirt. Justin sighed when he realised his date was facing the opposite way, looking out at the water. Taking a deep breath, Justin walked towards the man, wanting to turn away at each step.

"Are you Nicholas?" Justin asked not sure what answer he wanted.

"You can call me Nick." The man replied as he turned around.

Justin stared at the man's face in shock. He couldn't believe his eyes. Was it all part of some weird joke? How had his mom known about his feelings? He hadn't told anyone.

Blinking Justin said, "Fuck, it's really you. I thought I was seeing things."

"Sorry, I'm such a disappointment. Let me guess, your mom set you up on a blind date as well?" Nick Carter replied with a grin. He looked at Justin and smiled at the shocked look on Justin's face.

"Yeah. You're gay!" Justin said that closed his mouth wishing he could take back his words.

Thinking to himself that Justin looked great Nick said, "Yes, you too?"

"Yeah, want to walk?" Justin answered grinning at the other man, figuring he may as well make the most of it.

Nick swallowed at the look Justin gave him, "I'd like that. My boat is nearby. Feel like going sailing, Just?"

Justin nodded and the pair started walking. They didn't talk, too wrapped up in their thoughts and feelings. The night was turning out to be a lot more exciting than either of them had imagined. ******* "So, have you told anyone you're gay?" Nick asked as he passed Justin a glass of champagne.

"Only my mom and her husband. How about you?" Justin answered as he watched Nick take out a bowl of strawberries. They were one of his favourite fruits, looked like their moms had organised everything.

"My mom and Kev. I kind of had to tell him, he heard me talking to my mom about tonight." Nick said, watching Justin slowly eat a strawberry. Justin was practically driving him insane with desire as he watched every move of the younger man's mouth.

Justin shivered as his felt Nick watching him; he didn't know how to tell Nick how he felt. He really liked Nick but didn't want to move too fast, he wanted more than a one-night stand. If that was all he wanted there were less complicated ways to get a guy.

"Want to watch a movie?" Nick suggested not wanting to make Justin uncomfortable.

"That'd be great. What have you got?" Justin said as he settled back into the chair, relieved to see Nick apparently was after a real relationship.

"How about You've Got Mail or French Kiss?" Nick suggested sure that the movies were perfect date material, not too soppy and funny.

"How about You've Got Mail? I've never seen it and it's supposed to be good." Justin said with a smile.

"Cool, want some popcorn?" Nick said as he took the DVD from its case.

"Sure, anything I can help with?" Justin said, thinking to himself he had seen a side to Nick he hadn't even known existed.

"That's okay; you can just sit there looking cute." Nick answered as he walked to the small kitchen.

Justin patted the space next to him when Nick walked into the room, a large bowl of steaming popcorn in his hands.

Nick started the movie and the pair moved to sit comfortably. Justin eventually ended up sitting with his head on Nick's chest. The pair smiled at each other when their eyes met, before shyly looking away.

"That was great!" Justin said from his place on Nick's chest, he felt so comfortable. The sound of the other man's heartbeat was soothing and caused shivers to spread up his spine.

"So did I meet your expectations?" Nick asked Justin as he switched off the film; the pair sat in silence, the moonlight illuminating the dark room.

"You were better. I thought I'd end up meeting some boring businessman." Justin said with a smirk.

"Oh. You know, tonight has been great. Would you mind if I asked you out again?" Nick said as he looked down at Justin. The pair stared into each other's eyes, breaking apart with a blush.

"I'd love it. I hate to do this too you but I have to go." Justin said as he looked at his watch.

"That's okay; I've got to report to my mom. She ordered me to tell her everything." Nick said with a wry grin, their moms had been right this time.

"So do I. Can I have your phone number?" Justin said haltingly.

"Sure, I'll write it down for you." Nick said as he reached into his pocket and took out a notepad.

"Thanks, here's mine." Justin said as he recited his number.

"I'll walk you up to your car." Nick said as Justin stood.

Justin looked at Nick, then hesitantly holding out his hand. His heart started thumping as Nick took his hand with a sexy grin, but then he thought that every look from Nick was sexy.

The pair walked in silence, sneaking looks at each other. Justin was amazed that Nick was actually with him, he had secretly fantasised about dating the blonde Backstreet Boy. Nick was happy that Justin was holding his hand, but a part of his mind asked is everything would still seem so wonderful in the morning.

"Thanks, I'll call you tomorrow." Justin said as they reached his car.

"Can I kiss you, Justin?" Nick asked, hoping and praying Justin would say yes.

Justin didn't answer; instead he touched Nick's lips with his own. The kiss was hesitant at first, as they tasted each other. Nick tongue slowly caressed Justin's lips, begging entry. Justin immediately opened his mouth and their tongues duelled. The sound of a car caused the pair to break apart, realising where they were.

"Goodnight, Nick. Thanks for a wonderful time." Justin said still panting.

"It was my pleasure." Nick answered, as Justin got into his car.

Nick watched Justin's car drive away, taking out his notebook he looked again at Justin's phone number in disbelief. A part of him was in shock over what happened, unable believe he had actually been on a date with Justin.

Getting into his car, Nick quickly drove way already making plans. As he drove he went over the events of the night, remembering the way Justin had looked at him. Was it possible that Justin had feelings for him? The same feelings Nick had kept hidden for the last two years.

Part 2

"So how did it go?" Jane Carter asked as she picked up the phone, recognising her eldest son's phone number.

"It was great! Why didn't you tell me I was meeting Justin?" Nick said excitedly as he walked into the lounge, flopping down on the couch.

"You'd have gotten all nervous and refused to go. So what did you think of him?" Jane replied a grin in her voice.

"He looked gorgeous. He asked for my number. Do you think he'll phone? What if he doesn't?" Nick said his voice changing from happy to nervous.

"He'll call. Now what happened?" Jane said as she sat down, ready to hear all the details.

"He looked a little shocked to see me, not half as shocked as I was though. I suggested we go to my boat, like I had planned. We talked and watched a movie but he had to leave early. Nsync have got a recording tomorrow, I'll call him after that." Nick said before yawning.

Hearing how tired her son was Jane Carter said, "Sounds like you had a good time. Why don't you go to bed? You can tell me everything tomorrow."

"Sure, thanks for doing this mom." Nick said, smiling when she simply said she loved him.

Ending the call, Nick quickly went over to his computer connecting to the Internet. Within minutes he had managed to organise everything, hopefully Justin would like his gift. Nick just wanted to show Justin how much he had enjoyed their date and how much he wanted to see him again. ******* "Justin! Get up, there's something here for you!" Lynn shouted up to her son, smirking when she imagined the look on his face.

"I'm up. What do you mean there's something for me?" Justin said as he walked down the stairs, rubbing one hand over his face.

He stopped and stared at the large vase of flowers in front of him. He blinked; sure that he was seeing things. He gaped when they stayed there. Walking over to the vase of white roses he picked up the card, his face changing to a broad grin.


Thanks for a perfect night. Thinking of you,


"Looks like he likes you." Lynn said with a grin, she had known that the plan her and Jane's had created would work.

"Yeah, it does. You think I should call him, to say thanks?" Justin said as Lynn opened the door.

"Nice flowers. Who are they from?" Joey asked as he walked inside the house followed by the three other Nsync members.

"No one." Justin replied quickly, a blush on his face.

"Doesn't look like no one." Chris remarked as he grabbed the card from Justin's hand.

"Give that back!" Justin shouted angrily as Chris read the card out to the others.

"Looks like Curly's got a new girlfriend. Who's N?" JC said with a playful grin.

"A gentleman doesn't kiss and tell." Justin said haughtily, in reality he was too scared to tell them anything.

"Enough torturing Justin, we've got to go or we'll be late." Lance said a mischievous sparkle in his eye.

"I'm sure we'll meet her soon enough." Joey said as the five walked out the door.

Justin looked at Joey in shock, was it just him or had Joey stressed the word her. Did Joey know about him? On the way out, Justin grabbed a rose carrying it with him. He wanted to have a little something to help him feel close to Nick. Justin knew he was in trouble, he had already fallen for the Backstreet Boy, he just hoped that Nick felt the same way. ******* "Justin, its Nick Carter." Nick said aloud, feeling ridiculous as he practised what he was going to say when he actually called Justin. He didn't want Justin to think he was an idiot.

"Hi, it's Nick. I was just calling to see if you wanted to meet me again?" Nick tried before groaning, he sounded like a desperate man. Okay, he was desperate but he didn't want Justin to know he had spent the day pining over him.

Taking a deep breath, Nick picked up the phone and dialled Justin's number from memory. He groaned as there were four rings, he was about to put it down as he heard a breathless voice.

"Justin's phone, what do you want?" A man said, clearly out of breath.

Nick was silent, wondering who had answered Justin's phone. Swallowing, Nick said, "Is Justin there? Tell him it's his friend from the marina."

"Sure, I'll get him." Came the reply, Nick could hear someone yelling, "Justin, phone! Someone you met at the marina?"

"Give me the damn phone, Joey!" Justin shouted knowing who it was from the description.

"Hey, sorry about that idiot. Joey's in one of his moods. Thanks for the flowers, they're wonderful. I'm guessing it was you who sent the roses to the studio as well?" Justin said as he walked away from the rest of his group.

"Yeah, just wanted to let you know I was thinking of you. Would you like to come out on a date with me again?" Nick said with a smile, feeling happier at hearing Justin's voice.

"I'd love that; I'll call you as soon as I get back home. Thanks for calling; it was great to hear from you."

"You promise to call?" Nick asked sounding both hopeful and afraid.

"I promise. Talk to you later, Nicky." Justin said as he ended the call. ******* "So who was that?" Lance asked as he walked outside with Justin, he had promised to give the younger boy a ride back. In reality he simply wanted to find out what Justin was hiding.

"A close friend, he's really great." Justin said as he fastened his seatbelt, hating the fact that he had to lie about Nick.

"You can tell me anything, if you need to talk. I'll always be here for you, Justin." Lance said sincerely, looking over at Justin.

"I know. You okay, Lance?" Justin asked as they drove through the streets.

"Why do you ask?" Lance said looking at Justin anxiously.

"You've been a little off today; you kept looking at Josh like you're angry at him or something."

"I'm okay, just got a few things to work out. So are you calling the mysterious N tonight?" Lance said quickly changing the subject, not wanting Justin to get too close.

Justin grinned widely as he said, "Yeah, I promised to. You know something? I don't think I've been this happy for a while."

"Happiness is fleeting." Lance said bitterly, as he stopped the car. Seeing Justin's concerned look he continued, "I'll see you in a couple of days, I've got some things to work out."

"Okay, Scoop. I'm here if you need me." Justin said as he got out the car, skipping into the house. ******* "Nick here." Nick said as he grabbed the phone, still out of breath from running.

"Hi, Nick. You sound a little out of breath; I didn't interrupt you, did I?" Justin replied as he close the door of his bedroom.

"I was in the shower. So how've you been today?" Nick answered with a grin.

Justin froze as images of Nick in the shower flashed into his mind, shaking his head he blushed. "I've been great, it helped that I had this to look forward to."

"Thanks. Are you doing anything tomorrow night?" Nick said hopefully.

"Not that I know of." Justin answered as he lay back in bed.

"Great, how about we go out then?" Nick said excitedly.

"That would be wonderful. Where are we going?" Justin said, unable to contain his excitement.

"It's a surprise. Dress smart-casual. I'll pick you up at six." Nick replied with an enigmatic grin.

"Okay, so what did you do today?" Justin said, not wanting to end the call.

"Not much just hung around the house. I did a few paintings and played a few computer games." Nick answered, not telling Justin that the drawings had been of him.

"So you like to paint, so do I. What do you paint?" Justin said, happy that they had found something else in common.

"Depends on my mood, mainly people and landscapes. I love painting the ocean." Nick answered.

"Did you talk to your mom about last night?" Justin asked, wondering how much Nick had told his mom.

"Yeah, she likes you. She seemed a little smug. Did your mom tell you why they had set us up together?" Nick said, wondering if his mom had revealed his feelings for Justin.

"She said I needed someone in my life and that you were perfect." Justin answered, hoping that his mom was right.

"So am I perfect for you?" Nick asked playfully, he didn't want Justin to know he was being serious.

"Yeah, I think so." Justin answered softly.

"I'm going to have to go; someone's knocking on the door." Nick didn't want one of his friends walking in and finding out about him and Justin.

"Okay, bye Nick. I look forward to seeing you." Justin said with a sigh.

"Bye, Just." Nick answered as he opened the door. ******* "Who were you on the phone to?" Brian asked as he noticed the look in his best friend's eyes. Nick was hiding something and Brian made it his mission to find out what.

"Just a friend, not that I mind but what are you doing here?" Nick asked confused by Brian's appearance. He had thought Brian would be spending their day off with his family.

"Thought I'd see what you were doing. I called you last night and you weren't here." Brian explained wondering why Nick was suddenly avoiding his eyes.

"I had to see someone. Any idea what this meeting's for tomorrow?" Nick said, quickly changing the subject.

"Kev wouldn't tell me, he just smiled and said it was about our next tour." Brian replied with a grin, knowing that Kevin must be planning something big.

"Oh, want to play ball?" Nick asked as he grabbed the basketball from its place on the floor.

"Sure, it's been a while since we hung out." Brian said with a carefree smile. ******* The next day found Kevin waiting sitting in the meeting room at Jive, staring at his three group mates and wondering how Nick always managed to be late for every meeting. If he didn't know better, Kevin would swear he was doing it on purpose.

"Sorry, I'm late. I slept in." Nick said as he ran through the door, it was the truth but he didn't want to tell them why he slept in. He didn't think they'd take the news that he overslept because he had spent the night fantasising about Justin too well.

"Sit down, Nick. Now that you're here we can begin." Kevin said with a tolerant smile.

The Jive representative said, "We've decided to make your next tour a little different." Seeing the impatient looks he continued, "I realise this is a little late but it was a matter of security. You are going to be going on a joint tour, later two more acts will join you."

"The group joining us on the tour is Nsync." Kevin said before sitting back, ready for the explosions.

"It will be good for us if we do a joint tour and they're not that bad. It'll be good to hang out with Chris again." Howie said, thoughtfully.

"Have you forgotten that we hate them? They're our rivals." AJ snarled, not noticing the brief flash of rage in Nick's eyes.

Brian said in outrage, "You mean the tour that we're starting in a less than two months? Isn't it a little late to be telling us this? We don't even spend any time with them."

"Do they know we're going on tour with them?" Nick asked wondering why Justin hadn't mentioned anything.

"Lance Bass knows the rest of the group will be informed in a meeting in two days." The Jive rep said giving them a stern look.

"To help everyone get along, each of us will be sharing a room with one of the Nsync guys. I'm going to call Lance Bass and finalise everything. You can go now the meeting's over." Kevin said grinning as Nick ran from the room. ******* Nick waited until he was outside the Jive headquarters to dial Justin's number. He couldn't wait to tell Justin the news.

"Justin, you'll never believe what Kev just told us!" Nick said excitedly as he walked towards his car.

"It can't be something too bad, you sound happy." Justin stated thoughtfully.

"We're going on tour together; it's some battle of the bands thing. You know what that means?" Nick said with a grin.

"We'll be able to see each other everyday. Man, I've got to thank whoever organised this." Justin said a smile in his voice.

"You and me both. Are you ready for tonight?" Nick said while fastening his seatbelt.

"Yeah! Are you going to tell me where we're going?" Justin replied he didn't know what clothes to wear. Nick had said dress smart casual but their ideas of what was smart were probably different.

"It's a surprise." Nick answered with a laugh. It seemed that Justin was exactly the same as him when it came to surprises.

Part 3

Justin flung open his wardrobe, quickly throwing shirts onto the bed as he tried to find something to wear. He wanted something that looked good but was suitable for whatever Nick had planned.

Grabbing his black pants and his baby blue shirt, Justin held them up to the mirror critically. They looked okay to him but what would Nick think? That was the question foremost in his mind; he didn't want to wear something that Nick would hate.

Justin placed the shirt on the bed and picked up the green one, he had to admit that the dark green looked good with his eyes but would Nick pay attention to such a small detail? Picking up the discarded blue shirt, Justin decided that he was going to wear it, otherwise he would spend the whole night getting changed and he only hour left to get ready. Rushing into the shower, Justin couldn't help but think that Nick was probably already dressed and waiting around calmly. In reality nothing was further from the truth. ******* "Why have you called me over, Nick?" Kevin asked worried, the door had been left unlocked. He walked into Nick's apartment to find the younger man nowhere to be seen.

"Nick? Where are you? If this is some sort of joke, I'm going to kill you." Kevin said as he walked through the house.

Kevin walked into the bedroom to find the room even more of a mess than normal, clothes all over the place and the drawers were open. It looked like someone had ransacked the place.

"Calm down, man. You look like you're about to have a heart attack." Nick said smirking a little when Kevin jumped at the sound of his voice.

"You left your door open, I thought something had happened. What have I told you about locking the door?" Kevin said as he glared at Nick.

Nick ignored the lecture, he was used to them by now. This time it was lecture number 63, being careful. He thought it was a little over the top, okay he had left the door open but it had simply slipped his mind.

"Thanks for coming over Kev. I need your help to find something to wear tonight, something that looks good but doesn't look like I spent hours getting ready." Nick said, interrupting Kevin.

"You told me to come over right away to help you find something to wear (!)" Kevin said in disbelief, from the sound of Nick he had thought it was important.

"Please, Kev. It's my first date with a guy and I want to make a good impression." Nick said giving the trademark puppy dog eyes. They never failed with Kevin.

"Is this the same guy your mom set you up with?" Kevin asked, letting out a sigh, it looked like he wasn't going to get away from Nick unless he helped.

"Yeah, he's great. I met him last night and asked him out tonight." Nick replied a grin on his face as he remembered the shocked look on Justin's face.

"Look, I don't really care what you wear." Kevin said, seeing Nick was just going to bug him until he gave in Kevin continued, "Just wear your black pants and your white turtleneck, no one can go wrong with white and black."

"You think? Thanks, I knew I could count on you." Nick said smirking at the startled look Kevin gave him.

"Look, be careful. You might like this guy but we don't know what he's really like. Are you going to take your bodyguard with you?" Kevin said gently, he didn't think he would be able to live with himself if something happed to Nick because of him.

"I'm not taking security, I want this to be like a normal date. Don't worry, I'm not stupid." Nick said as he dressed, excited over the evening to come.

"I'm not saying your stupid but I don't want something to happen to you." Kevin retorted, seeing Nick's stubborn looked he said, "At least stay somewhere with a lot of people."

"Okay, Kev." Nick answered, thinking that would be a little difficult considering the fact that he and Justin were supposed to be enemies.

"So what time are you meeting this mystery guy?" Kevin asked, wanting to know just how long he was going to have to cope with a crazy Nick.

"I've got to leave now, I'm picking him up at seven." Nick said as he grabbed his coat and ushered Kevin out the house, not wanting to be late. ****** Nick took a quick look in the mirror before getting out the car, he was ten minutes early but he hoped Justin wouldn't mind. It wasn't his fault that Justin had been the only thing on his mind; besides it was better to be early than be late.

"Nice to meet you Nick, please call me Lynn. My, don't you look handsome. Come on in, Justin will be down in a minute." Lynn said as she opened the door, smiling at the way Nick was anxiously shuffling his feet. She was a little shocked, as she had always assumed Nick was outgoing and excited.

"Thanks, Lynn. How've you been? My mom told me to tell you she told you so." Nick said with a shy smile, remembering the message his mom had ordered him to give.

"I'll call her tonight. So what have you got planned for tonight? I asked Justin but he said that you refused to tell him." Lynn replied smiling at the startled look in Nick's eyes.

"I'd like to know that too." Justin said, making everyone turn to look at him. He smiled as Nick looked, well gaped at him.

Nick looked at Justin amazed at how stunning the man looked; he shook his head to clear the haze of lust, not wanting to look like a gaping idiot.

Nick said flashing a smile at Justin's pout, "You look gorgeous, Justin. I already told you it's a surprise, so you'll have to wait."

"Well, off you go then. Be careful boys." Lynn said as she led the pair to the door, all the time congratulating herself on the success of her and Jane's plan.

"Goodbye, Lynn. It was great to meet you." Nick said as he walked out the door, smiling when Justin took his hand.

"Bye, mom. Don't worry, we'll be okay." Justin said as he joined Nick, kissing his mom on the cheek. ******* "You look really great tonight." Justin said as Nick drove, delighting in the blush on Nick's face.

"Thanks. I hope you don't mind but I made arrangements for us to have a meal at Lorena's then go to a show. I already made a promise to go about a year ago. It was organised by a friend of mine for the U. It's by a group of singers and dancers our age and no one will think anything of us being there; I normally got to the rehearsals." Nick said as he drove glancing at Justin.

"Sound great; are you sure they won't think it weird that we're going there together?" Justin said, not wanting anything to spoil their evening.

"Positive, most of them think they're too cool to admit they listen to our music. Anyway they'll just think we're the celebrity guests. I guess I should tell you that the show is by the Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Society at the U." Nick replied confidently.

"So, most of them won't be upset if we act like a couple, good idea." Justin said, raising his eyebrow, looked like Nick could be devious when he wanted to be.

"I think so." Nick answered with a cheeky grin. ******* The rest of the drive was spent in silence, the pair content to simply soak up the feeling of being together; an indescribable sense of peace filling their bodies.

Nick quickly parked the car at Lorena's and quickly walked round to Justin's side opening the door for him. Justin just looked at him shocked before smiling and getting out.

"My name is Jessica, I'm the hostess here at Lorena's. Can I help you, Sirs?" The hostess asked as the pair walked inside the restaurant.

"We've got a reservation for two at six thirty under the name of Carter." Nick said smiling at her.

"Right this way Mr Carter, Mr Timberlake." She replied as she led them to a secluded table at the back.

"Your waiter this evening is going to be Joseph, if you have any problems please don't hesitate to tell me." The hostess replied as she left, seeing another couple waiting.

"Can you believe that? She didn't say anything!" Justin asked pleased that everything was going okay.

"Yeah, she was great." Nick replied as he passed Justin the menu, freezing when their fingers met.

"Are you gentlemen ready to order?" A tall, slim, brunette man said as he walked over, with his notepad open.

At Justin's nod, Nick said, "Yes. I'll have the Cajun chicken and a diet Pepsi."

"I'll have the same but with a Seven Up." Justin said as Joseph looked at him.

Joseph replied, "Very good, Sir. I'll bring your drinks over straight away."

They waited until he was out of earshot before continuing their conversation. They talked about nothing and everything, sharing fears, hopes and dreams.

"Did I ever tell you how much I wanted to call you when I first met you at the talent show?" Justin said, referring to the talent show they had both entered.

"I was going to call you but I figured you wouldn't want to hear from me." Nick said, leaning in to speak to Justin.

"How come there are all these rumours about you and Britney?" Nick asked, the question had been bothering him all day; a part of his mind kept whispering that Justin really wanted to go out with her and their date was just a sick joke.

"I used to date her three years ago. She actually told me to stop being an idiot and admit I was gay, after we had been going out together for six months. She's like my sister; it was her who came up with the whole dating plan to stop anyone thinking I was gay. She did it all to protect me, we've agreed that when we both find someone or when I feel ready we'll tell the truth, until then she's content to play the part of my girlfriend."

"She sounds great. Does this mean I'll have to watch what I say around her?" Nick said, but before Justin could answer their food arrived.

"Here you go, Sir." Joseph said as he placed the plates on the table, all the time gazing at Justin.

`How dare he put the moves on my Justin!' Nick thought as he glared at the waiter, who appeared to be oblivious.

"Thanks." Justin said not looking up, this Joseph was beginning to get on his nerves.

"Can you believe that? I'm going to have a little talk with him." Nick said to Justin as he looked at the waiter's retreating figure.

"Chill Nicky, I'm not interested in him. There's only one man I'm interested in and he's sitting with me." Justin replied, amused at Nick's jealously.

"I think that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me." Nick said as he reached under the table and quickly squeezed Justin's hand.

Justin smiled and the pair started eating stopping to make impressions of their waiter. Justin had to admit the guy had been a little obvious; usually the guys that tried to get one of them would be a little more discrete.

"Shouldn't we get going it's almost seven? What time is that show?" Justin asked as he finished his soda.

"Seven thirty but it won't take long to get there. I was thinking we could walk. If that's okay with you?" Nick replied, thinking it was a perfect night to spend with someone you cared about...someone you loved.

"That's okay with me. Want to go now? That way we can take our time and if we get there early we might be able to avoid getting mobbed." Justin said, hoping that Nick didn't notice the way he had spent the night watching him.

"Sure, I know Bella is looking forward to meeting you." Nick said with a grin.

"That'll be $150, Mr Carter. I hope everything was satisfactory." The hostess said as she walked over, having seen the way Joseph had been behaving.

"Everything was great." Nick replied as he passed over his credit card.

"Thank you, I'm glad you had a good time." Jessica replied with a wide smile.

The night air was cool, with just the hint of rain to come. Nick was just relieved that for once everything appeared to be going perfect. He walked next to Justin, so close their shoulder's brushed. As they walked the pair shared stories about their friends, their feelings about Lou and what they had really thought about each other.

"Are you sure this is okay?" Nick asked once again as they stopped outside a large building. If it was going to make Justin uncomfortable he would rather just miss it and send his apologies; maybe he could get Kevin to go instead?

"Its fine, it's great that you're doing this, besides I like this caring side of you." Justin answered as they walked inside.

Part 4

"Nick!" Shouted an excited voice as a brunette woman jumped on his shoulders, messing up his hair.

"Hi to you to. Just, this Isabella Lewis; the most enchanting girl in the US." Nick said as she jumped off his shoulders, blushing.

"Ignore the idiot, my name is Bella. I'm only friends with him because I'm the only one who will put up with him. Nice to meet you, Justin. I take it you're here for the show? You're a little early, want to come backstage? Maybe you can help calm some of them down." Isabella said as she led the two through the corridors. She started smirking at the looks the men were giving each other, when they thought she couldn't see.

"I doubt that, Bella." Nick said, remembering how hyper the group was.

"So how long have you known Nick? Got any good stories?" Justin asked, ignoring the look of dread on Nick's face.

"About four years as for stories I've got a few. Hey, do you want to hear about the time Brian and I glued Kevin to the chair? Or what about the time Nick was showing some dance moves at the U and fell flat on his face? I don't think I've ever seen him so red!" Isabella said breaking into hysterical laughter.

"It was your fault! If you hadn't been pulling faces at me, I wouldn't have fallen." Nick said heatedly, glaring at Bella.

"Yeah, right (!)" Bella replied, as they walked through a large door marked, Private. ******* "Listen up, everybody! Justin and Nick are going to give you a few tips to help you calm down. Lord, knows you need it!" Bella shouted as she walked into the room, unsurprised to find everyone staring at the men beside her.

"I guess the most important thing is to have fun. If you don't enjoy then the audience won't either." Nick said, quickly, not wanting anyone to notice the look he had been giving Justin.

"Yeah, don't worry about screwing up or you will. The most important thing is to have fun." Justin said, flashing the smile that sold millions.

"That's it everyone, time to get changed. Has anyone seen Jason!" Bella shouted as she looked around the large room.

A petite black girl offered with a grin, "He's in the toilet being sick."

"Why are you all still standing here? Time to get moving!" Bella shouted, seeing that everyone was too busy staring at Nick and Justin.

"Talk about a slave driver (!)" A tall blonde teen said as he walked into the room.

"Jason, you feeling okay?" Bella said concerned, making Justin stare at her shocked at the sudden change in her mood.

"Never better. Hey, aren't you two Nick Carter and Justin Timberlake?" Jason said, blushing.

"Yeah, so what are you doing in the concert?" Nick said, hoping Jason wasn't going to go all star struck.

"I'm a singer. Are you two going to sing?" Jason said excitedly.

"Maybe." Justin said with an enigmatic smile.

"Ten minutes, everyone." Bella said as she hurried the pop stars out the door.

"You okay, Nick?" asked Justin, wondering what had caused the other man to look so pensive.

"Yeah, I was just thinking. Jason reminds me of how I used to be a couple of years ago." Nick said, hoping Justin wouldn't be mad that he was thinking about the teen.

"Would you mind if we performed a quick song later?" Justin asked, giving Nick the puppy dog eyes.

"Sure, it might help them raise some more money." Nick said as they walked into the Auditorium.

Nick showed his tickets to the usher, who quickly led them to the VIP section with a polite smile. The pair thanked her as they sat down, noticing that the room was already half full.

"So, have you told any of the others about me?" Justin whispered as he looked at Nick.

"Nah, I just told Kev that I was meeting the guy my mom set me up with. He wanted me to bring security and ordered me to stay in places with a lot of people. I think he thought you were a crazed fan or something." Nick said with a grin, he wanted to keep their relationship private for a while; a relationship was difficult enough with two people never mind ten.

"Can you imagine the looks we would have got if we brought security? We wouldn't have had any time alone, and someone would have spotted us." Justin said with a grin.

"Kev would have had kittens!" Nick said, the pair looked at each other and started laughing loudly drawing looks from the rest of the audience.

The pair ignored the looks, they were used to people staring at them by now. It had become such a part of their life that they didn't even think about it. The people soon turned away, talking amongst themselves. The lights went out as the show began, Jason walked out wearing black pants and a black top, with the words Love Knows No Gender written on in blue sequins. With a grin he looked out the audience and started sing, Chained To You by Savage Garden.

As he sang the last note, Bella walked out dressed in a red cat suit behind her stood five others, the six danced for thirty minutes to Jessica Simpson. At the end of the dance, Bella flashed Nick a grin; the choice of music was a joke between them.

"Now, please welcome two of my close friends who have agreed to sing for us tonight, "Justin Timberlake and Nick Carter!" Bella said as she stood up.

The couple quickly stood and made their way to the stage, their movements followed by a spotlight. As they stepped onto the stage there was rapturous applause and whistles. Nick smiled, as Justin grabbed a couple of mike from the stagehand and passed one to Nick.

Nick said with a grin, "Hey everyone, its great to see such a large turnout. Sorry for not being dressed for a performance but we were only supposed to be doing the raffle."

"Talk about yourself, I always look good!" Justin said winking at the audience.

"So what do you want to sing tonight, Just?" Nick asked, thinking quickly.

"Anything, as long as it's not a Backstreet or Nsync song, I don't think we want to put them to sleep." Justin said with a smile.

The audience laughed at the clear show of camaraderie between them, each one surprised at how close the pair seemed.

"Men!" Bella said as she walked out grinning widely as she continued, "I'll pick the song for you, how about Where You Are."

"Sure, works for me." Justin replied for the pair, as the band quickly came on stage.

Within seconds the band was playing the introduction, the audience held their breath, knowing they were about to be the first to hear the two pop stars sing together. A few people smiled as if they knew a secret as they looked at the pair, suspecting and hoping they were a couple.

"There are times I swear I know you're here When I forget about my fears Feeling you my dear Watching over me My hope sees What the future will bring When you wrap me in your wings And take me where you are Where you and I will breath together Once again We'll be dancin' in the moonlight Just like we used to do And you'll be smiling back at me Only then will I be free When I can be Where you are" Nick sang as he looked at Justin, hoping no one would notice.

"And I can see your face Your kiss I still can taste Not a memory erased" Justin sang, giving the older man a grin.

"Oh I see your star Shining down on me And I'd so anything" Nick sang, his voice full of love.

"If I could just Be right there where you are," Justin sang, feeling that he had found the one song that suited him and Nick.

Nick and Justin sang their voices intertwined as if they were supposed to sing together, "Where you and I will breath together Once again We'll be dancin' in the moonlight Just like we used to do And you'll be smiling back at me Only then will I be free When I can be Where you are"

"So take me where you are" Justin sang his voice strong and sure.

"Now baby there are times When selfishly I'm wishing that you Were here with me So I can wipe the tears >From your eyes and make you see That every night while you are dreamin' I'm here to guard you from afar" Nick sang giving Justin a flirtatious wink.

"And everytime I feel alone I close me eyes and dream of Where you are", Justin sang with everything he had.

"Where you and I will breath together Once again We'll be dancin' in the moonlight Just like we used to do And you'll be smiling back at me Only then will I be free When I can be Where you are" Justin sang, looking at Nick the whole time.

"Baby I still believe Oh I've got to believe I will touch you that sweet day That you take me there Where you are I still believe" Nick and Justin sang, stopping to stare at each other seconds before the thunderous applause.

"Thanks for a wonderful performance, now Justin and Nick are going to come back up later and pick the two lucky winners who will win a holiday in Europe. Nick Carter and Justin Timberlake, everybody." Bella said as she took their hands.

The pair smiled at the audience before bowing, they had forgotten about their audience. While they were singing each only had eyes for the other, everything but them had ceased to exist. The pair went backstage, feeling they needed some time away from the audience, the curious looks. ******* "Told you they were a couple!" A tall blonde teen declared as she took the money from the hand of the girl next to her.

"I don't believe you, ask them!" The other girl demanded as Nick and Justin walked through the door.

"So are you two dating or what?" The blonde asked, causing the couple to stare at her. She's certainly direct; Nick thought to himself as Justin replied, "We're close friends."

The couple hung backstage for the rest of the show, content to simply hand around people their own age, people who treated them like they were normal human beings instead of pop stars.

"Get your sexy butts out there, time to do the tickets." Bella said, giggling at the shocked look on Justin's face.

As the two walked out the audience one again applauded, each person was tightly holding their tickets waiting on the edge of their seats. Thankfully, there didn't seem to be as many curious looks this time.

Nick smiled and pulled a ticket out of the hat, "The lucky winner is number 342."

The winner was a girl aged about 19 who looked ready to faint and was blushing furiously. Nick and Justin moved to take the woman's hands as they started up the steps.

"What's your name?" Nick said with a grin.

"I'm Kelly Murphy." The younger girl gasped out, never taking her eyes off Justin.

"Congratulations, I hope you enjoy the holiday." Justin said sincerely.

"Thanks, it was nice to meet you." Kelly said, hugging Justin.

"Thank you for coming, remember that love is a gift." Bella said as she walked out.

Seconds after she finished speaking the people filed out of the auditorium, giving the celebrities on the stage no further thought. Kelly hugged Justin one last time before leaving. Nick growled, on hearing him Bella started laughing, the sounded echoed in the now empty room.

"Want to come to the after show party?" Bella offered, not wanting to make the pair uncomfortable.

"Maybe another time, we've got to get going." Nick said looking at Justin, hoping the other man wouldn't mind missing the party.

"Okay, just give me a call whenever. Justin, you've got a good man there-most of the time!" Bella said as she walked the pair out the back entrance. ******* "So what do you want to do now?" Nick asked as they walked out into the night air, thankfully they had missed the rain, although not by much judging by the puddles on the ground.

"Can we go back to your place?" Justin asked hopefully.

"Sure, although my room is a bit of a mess." Nick said happily.

"So is mine, most of the time." Justin replied cockily, wondering just what Nick was expecting them to do once they arrived at the apartment.

"Want to drive?" Nick offered as they walked towards the car in a comfortable silence, enjoying the feeling of being with someone they had come to care for, perhaps even love.

"That'd be great! You'll have to give me directions, though." Justin grinned, catching the keys.

Nick switched on the radio, and the sweet sound of Only You (And You Alone) filled the car, Justin smiled thinking to himself that the song was perfect for him and Nick. It described the way he felt for Nick, like the other man was the only one for him. He gently leaned over and took Nick's hand in his own, shivering when Nick started caressing Justin's hand with his own.

"This is a nice place, have you got a place in Orlando as well?" Justin asked as they stopped outside a non descript house.

"Yeah, its not too bad. Luckily I don't get mobbed to often." Nick answered opening the door and letting Justin walk inside.

"Want something to drink?" Nick offered not knowing what to say, he just hoped Justin didn't expect them to sleep together that night anyway.

"Sure, I'll have a diet Coke." Justin said, not wanting to drink, as he didn't know just what he would say or do if he got drunk.

"Yeah, just make yourself comfortable" Nick said as he walked into the kitchen.

Justin looked around; walking over to all the pictures on the wall he was surprised by how many there were of Brian and Kevin. Did all the pictures mean that Nick had feelings for one of the cousins? Justin snorted at that thought; it was probably just because Nick was close to them, the same way Justin was with JC and Lance.

"So what do you think of my little photo collection?" Justin turned in shock; he hadn't heard Nick approach.

"They are nice, you have a lot of Brian and Kevin." Justin said, his voice making it clear that it was a question not a statement.

"Yeah, Bri's more like my brother than a best friend and Kev's always been kind of like a father. Would you dance with me?" Nick said taking Justin's hand in his.

"I'd love to." Justin answered, moving into Nick's arms.

Nick picked up the remote for his CD player and sultry jazz started playing. The couple started dancing slowly, their bodies fitted together like a jigsaw puzzle. Justin placed his head on Nick's chest, smiling at the sound of Nick's thundering heartbeat.

"This is nice." Justin commented as he looked up at Nick.

"It's perfect." Nick answered as he simply started to sway with Justin, uncaring what song was playing they had their own music.

"You look a little tired, Just. You want me to take you back?" Nick said as he noticed how the younger man was struggling to keep his eyes open.

"What time is it?" Justin asked dazedly as he looked down at his watch, "Shit, its 2.00 am. Can I stay here? It might be a little dangerous for us to drive back now."

"Sure, I'm afraid there's only one bedroom. I converted the two spare bedrooms to a studio and a games room." Nick said as he gently picked Justin up and carried his precious cargo into the bedroom.

Nick quickly changed Justin into a pair of pyjamas taking care not to look at Justin. He didn't want to take advantage of Justin like that, it would be wrong. After making sure Justin was tightly covered up in bed; Nick changed and wondered just how he was supposed to sleep knowing Justin was just a couple of inches away. He might be tired but he wasn't dead. Nick got into bed and gave a happy sigh as Justin spooned him.

Next: Chapter 2

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