Mom Knows Best

By Stephanie M

Published on Dec 17, 2001


Title: Mom Knows Best 5/? Author: Stephanie M Fandom: BSB/Nysnc Pairing: Nick/Justin Summary: Nick and Justin discover that sometimes your mom can know you better than you know yourself.

Part 5

Justin started to stretch as he awoke, feeling arms around him he froze. Opening his eyes he looked over and saw Nick; that's when everything came flooding back to him. Justin just gave a contented smile; he had thought he had just dreamt the whole thing.

As much as he was enjoying just being held by Nick, the call of nature was too strong to deny. Justin gently got out of bed, grinning when Nick moaned and squeezed Justin's pillow. Justin went the toilet and walked back into the bedroom; seeing that it was 11 a.m. he set about making breakfast. He walked down to the kitchen and started searching, happy when he discovered that Nick apparently loved cereal as much as he did.

Nick woke to find he was alone. He looked at the space in the bed next to him in alarm, had he made Justin uncomfortable? The smell of food assaulted his senses and Nick smiled, realising that Justin hadn't left, as he had feared.

"Something smells wonderful! What are you making?" Nick said as he snaked his arms around Justin's waist.

"Nothing much just some French toast, bacon, eggs and pancakes. You shouldn't have got up, I was going give you breakfast in bed." Justin answered, relaxing into Nick's hold.

"Sorry, have you called your mom?" Nick said as he sat down at the table.

"Oh yeah! I forgot I was supposed to go home last night. She's probably really worried. I'll phone her after breakfast." Justin said as he served the food.

"This looks great!" Nick said eagerly as he started to eat.

Justin smiled, "I can't make much apart from breakfast."

The pair ate in silence, sneaking looks at the other when they thought the other wasn't looking. `So much for the uncomfortable morning after.' Nick thought to himself as he drank his orange juice.

"I'm going to go and get dressed while you phone your mom. Do you want to hang out today?" Nick said, as he stood up.

"I'd like that. Can I borrow some clothes?" Justin replied giving Nick a pleading look.

"Yeah, just take what you want." Nick answered as he left the room, stopping to give Justin a quick kiss on the cheek. ******* "Mom, its me. I hope I didn't worry you, I spent the night with Nick." Justin said as he heard his mom pick up the phone.

`Oh God, how far have they gone? Have they slept together?' Lynn thought to herself even as she answered, "That's nice, did you have a good time?"

"It was wonderful, we had dinner than we went to a show by people our age. No one really cared whether we were a couple or not. Then we came back to Nick's place, danced and just held each other for a couple of hours before going to bed." Justin gushed, not wanting to mention their surprise performance; he wasn't sure how his mom would take it.

"I'm so glad. Are you going back here soon?" Lynn asked; thinking about how happy Jane would be once she heard about the plan went.

"We're going to hang out for a while. I want to spend some time with Nick seeing how we've got interviews and recordings for the next month or so. Has Lance called?" Justin said, remembering the way Lance had looked the last time he had seen him.

"No, were you expecting him to?" Lynn couldn't help but feel worried, Justin sounded like he was anxious about Lance, and she had come to care for all of Nsync as if they were her sons.

"No he just said he might call..." Justin stopped speaking as Nick walked into the room, wearing a tight T-shirt that clearly showed his muscles and a pair of tight blue jeans.

Justin returned to the phone as he heard his mom ask, "Justin? Justin, are you there?"

"Sorry, I got distracted." Justin said, still staring at Nick.

Lynn didn't think she wanted to know, not from the way her son sounded. Knowing Justin she guessed that it was something to do with Nick. She grinned as she realised that she had never heard her boy sound so in love.

"I'll talk to you later, Justin. Don't worry about coming back tonight, I can take care of the place for you." Lynn said, thinking how much she would enjoy the time to herself even if she had only gone to LA to see Justin.

"Thanks, love you mom." Justin said as he put down the phone and managed to drag his eyes from Nick's body.

Nick was busy reading a comic apparently oblivious to the hungry looks Justin was giving him. Nick stopped reading as he felt Justin start to kiss his neck, very quickly his body started to react; his neck had always been one of his erogenous zones.

"Justin, stop kissing my neck!" Nick said seeing the hurt look on Justin's face; he blurted, "I love you but I want to take things slow."

"Oh shit! Justin, I'm SO sorry, I shouldn't have said anything. I know it's too soon, and I'm not expecting you to say anything back. " Nick said truthfully, he didn't want Justin to say the words if he didn't mean them.

"That's okay. I'm going to get changed." Justin said before walking out the room. He didn't want to tell Nick that he loved him, knowing that once he said those words everything would change.

Nick just stared at the wall unable to believe what had just happened. He was sure that he had lost Justin; the younger man was probably busy freaking out in the bedroom. He switched on the MTV and stared at it, not really seeing it.

That was how Justin found him when he walked down the stairs to the lounge, as he looked at Nick's unmoving figure he wondered what had happened. Had Nick had some bad news while he was busy getting dressed?

"Nick, Nick! Are you okay?" Justin asked, moving so that he was looking straight into Nick's eyes.

"Y...You're still here!" Nick exclaimed in amazement, he had figured Justin would have left by now.

"Yeah, I told you I was going to get changed. How come you're so upset?" Justin answered in confusion.

"I thought you would go because of what I said." Nick answered truthfully, unable to think of a lie.

"Why would I leave because you said you loved me? You want to go and hang out?" Justin queried.

"No reason, you feel like going to play some b-ball?" Nick said, picking up the basketball from its home on the shelf.

"Sure, can we leave our phones here? I don't want the others to wreck our time together." Justin said, placing his phone on the table.

Nick thought that was a good idea and placed his phone next to Justin's. Nick picked up a bag from its placed on the floor, and placed a can of Pepsi inside it. Passing Justin a baseball cap he placed another on his head and the pair walked out the door. The whole time Nick was wondering why Justin was so eager for them to have time alone. ******* The game was fierce, but fun. As they played Nick thought to himself that it was a great game, and it provided the perfect excuse for him to touch Justin in public. As Nick threw the ball into the hoop, there was the sound of clapping. Breathlessly Nick and Justin turned around to find they had an audience.

"Looks like you white boys can player after all." A tall friendly looking black girl said as she walked over.

"Yeah, imagine that (!)" Justin replied sarcastically unhappy at having his time with Nick interrupted.

"How about you two against the two of us?" The girl asked gesturing to the boy next to her.

"We'd like to but we've got to meet someone." Justin said quickly, not feeling like he wanted to share Nick with anyone.

"Sorry, maybe we can play another time." Nick said catching on quickly as he smiled apologetically.

Nick and Justin left the court seconds later, each one flushed from the game. As they walked, Nick took a can from his bag and passed it to Justin who opened it and took a long drink before returning it to Nick.

"Want to go and shop at the mall?" Nick questioned after taking a long cool drink.

"Yeah! I love shopping. I saw these great shoes at The Footlocker the other day." Justin said enthusiastically.

"Want to walk or take a cab?" Nick questioned as they reached the end of the street.

"We can walk." Justin said as he put one hand around Nick's shoulders making it look more like an innocent display of friendship instead of a loving touch.

The pair arrived at the mall, relieved to see it wasn't too busy as it was a Thursday afternoon. Nick remembered just how eager Justin had been about the shoes so he steered the younger man towards The Footlocker.

He watched amused as Justin gushed over the shoes, grabbing fours pairs, which Nick thought were identical to each other. Nick grabbed a pair of black and red trainers and tried them on, knowing that it would probably take Justin hours to choose a pair.

"What do you think of these?" Justin asked as he walked over, wearing blue and red Nike trainers.

"They look good, but then anything would look good on you." Nick replied with a seductive smile.

"Thanks, babe. Now seriously should I get these or the blue and white ones?" Justin said thoughtfully, oblivious to the adoring grin Nick was giving him.

"Honestly, they both look great although I prefer the ones you are wearing now." Nick said taking off the trainers he had tried on.

"Okay, I'm going to get these ones! Are you getting those?" Justin asked pointing to the pair Nick was holding.

"Yeah. Where do you want to go next?" Nick answered as they walked over to the counter.

Thankfully the woman behind the counter was in her late forties and didn't bother to even look at them. Justin got his trainers first, handing over his credit card and trying not to react as Nick was whispering in his ear.

Nick smirked as Justin adjusted his pants to hide the prominent bulge. Paying for his trainers he walked out of the store, placing his arm around Justin's shoulders and grinning at the obvious joy on Justin's face.

"How about going to the arcade and playing a few computer games? I want to see of your as good as your rep makes out!" Justin said a challenge in his face.

"Oh, I'm good." Nick replied leering at Justin, causing the younger singer to blush as he realised what he had said.

"Come on then! First one there gets to choose the game!" Justin said laughing as he ran towards the arcade.

Nick quickly chased after Justin, overjoyed to see that Justin was as in touch with his inner child as he was. It was great to see that Justin was just as capable of being spontaneous and carefree as Nick was himself.

When Nick caught up with Justin, the other man was waiting by a video game; looking closer Nick could see that it was Tekken 3. He smiled widely; he loved that game and was confident he could win Justin.

"Get ready to lose, Nicky!" Justin said as he put his coins in the game.

"In your dreams, JT." Nick replied as he chose his character.

Then there was no time for conversations as the pair worked furiously; pressing the buttons and moving the joysticks with practiced ease. As they fought, Nick started to reassess his previous thoughts, it was clear that Justin was as good if not better than him.

"Round one to me!" Justin said triumphantly as he took Nick down in one quick move.

Nick grinned, "You were lucky, that's all."

The next round went to Nick, causing the pair to look at each other and laugh. Then they returned their attention to the screen each one determined to win. The fight was fast and furious; Justin won at the last minute by using a spinning kick.

"Want to grab something to eat?" Justin offered as they walked out.

"Yeah, what about Mexican?" Nick said throwing Justin a carefree grin.

"Sure. I know this great little place about ten minutes away." Justin said as they walked out the mall.

"OhmyGod, it's Justin Timberlake!" A girl screamed just as they reached the exit.

"It's Nick, Nick Carter!" Another girl squealed even louder.

The pair looked at each other and started running; looking back they weren't surprised to see a large mob of screaming fans. Nick spotted a nearby bar and ran inside. Gently pulling Justin in after him.

"I'm thinking maybe we should just go back to your place." Justin said breathlessly.

"Maybe, or do you want to go to the beach?" Nick replied eagerly.

Justin stopped to consider the question. He wanted to spend time with Nick just doing the normal couple things but he didn't feel like hiding from mobs the whole day.

"How about we order take out and go back to yours? That way we can spend time together without having to worry about the fans." Justin said thoughtfully.

"Sure, I know this great Mexican place that delivers." Nick said as they cautiously walked back outside.

Justin stopped a cab and held the door open for Nick, getting inside he gave Nick's address and relaxed knowing no one would spot them now. ******* Kevin looked at the paper in front of him in shock. He couldn't believe what he was seeing; how could Nick be so stupid? It was the National Enquirer for God's sake!

Dropping the paper onto the table he picked up the phone and dialled Nick's home number. Getting no answer, he hung up the phone and quickly rang his friend's mobile number only to get the voicemail.

"Nick, it's Kevin. There's something you should see, I'm coming over to your place." Kevin said into the phone, hoping Nick would check his voicemail.

Grabbing his car keys, Kevin headed out the door, intending to wait at Nick's until the younger man got home. After all Nick had to go home sometime, Kevin rationalised.

Next: Chapter 3

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