More Than Once Upon A Time

By Patrick Thomas

Published on Jun 25, 2016


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More Than Once Upon A Time - Chapter 11 - A Gentleman's Wager (Part 2)

Josh Dallas and Sean Maguire watched the living room doorway with amusement, listening to the sounds of laughter echoing out of the bathroom. As the sounds grew closer, Sean turned towards the bar and poured a couple of drinks. "Bloody hell," he chuckled, just as Colin O'Donoghue and Julian Morris bounded into the room. "Did you leave us any hot water?" With a wink and grin, he handed the two guys their drinks - whiskey on ice.

"I'm sure there is. Did you leave us anything to drink?" Colin replied with a laugh before raising his glass to his lips.

"Yes - it's not our fault that we hit round two waiting for you guys to finish cleaning up." Josh gave an appreciative glance down Colin's form, still glistening from the water of the shower, the dark hair on his chest and stomach matted down and shining wet.

"Speaking of...our turn." Sean clinked glasses with Josh, "Bottoms up." The two beefy studs downed what was left in their glasses and set them down, before making their way out of the room and towards the shower. Watching their backsides disappear around the doorframe, Julian murmured "And what nice big bottoms you have."

"The better to..." Colin trailed off, both men giggling, still in a silly mood from the day's earlier exploits and their game of grab-ass (and cock and chest and everything else) in the shower.

The hot water struck Josh in the chest, the perfect feeling of relaxation after the day's activities. Stepping forward, he held his head under the water, the world fading away for a moment. Sean watched appreciatively as streams of water flowed down the blonde man's large shoulders, broad back, the liquid (and his eyes) following the musculature down, making their way to the globes of Josh's rear. Water curved around the firm round ass, over it...and down into the crevice, the water and light making the light peach fuzz glisten. Sean swallowed, a hunger awakening again. He lightly cleared his throat, the sound making a slight echo in the space of the large stone-walled shower. "You and your boyfriend make a hot couple to watch in action."

The voice brought Josh back to the present. A chuckle rumbled in his throat and chest as he shook his head. "He's not my boyfriend." Stepping aside, he moved around so that Sean could get to the shower head. Reaching for the shampoo, he saw Sean's head tilt, wearing a look of skepticism. "What?"

Sean grinned. "Nothing..." Closing his eyes, he leaned back slightly, enjoying the hot water, his dark brown hair turning nearly black once wet. Lathering his own hair, It was Josh's turn to gaze. His eyes soaked in the other man's body, mentally comparing it with his own. Both men had smooth chests and muscled bodies...and that's where the similarities ended. Sean's muscles were large but tighter, where Josh's were beefier. However, Josh's three extra inches in height caused his entire body to look broad, while Sean shorter height gave him a stockier appearance, despite the tighter musculature. Eyes continuing down, Josh's eyes settled on the thick meat hanging between the other man's legs, resting below a patch of trimmed, straight brown hair. Josh's own groin boasted blonde curls (which Colin loved lightly twisting with his fingers during blowjobs). His own cock was longer, both when hard and flaccid...but while it was ample, it still wasn't as thick as the baby arm Sean sported. Both men had large, thickly muscled thighs... Josh enjoyed looking for a moment before glancing back up, realizing with a blush that Sean had been watching him. Winking, Sean held his hand out, palm open. "Bother you for a squirt...of shampoo?"

Reaching over, Josh picked up the bottle and squeezed it, thick white fluid pooling into Sean's hand before it pulled away, quickly lathering into the dark brown hair. "Julian is quite...energetic". The other man turned around....both to rinse his head and to give Josh a view of his backside. The tease worked, as the blonde man slowly continued working shampoo into his own hair while drinking in the sight of Sean's firm back and buttocks. He was still worn out from the earlier foursome, yet his cock still plumped up slightly. He focused on the conversation instead. "That's a word for it. The guy loves the dick, that's for sure."

Sean began soaping up his body. "Your boyfriend appreciates a good ride as well." "He's not my boy..." Josh cut himself off, seeing Sean's head turn, revealing a grin and realized that he was being teased. "You ass." Both men began laughing, the sound ringing through the bathroom.

Turning, Sean began making quick work of washing and rinsing his body. Stepping to the side, he held his arm out, inviting Josh to step forward. The blonde stepped into the water and glanced left, looking for the soap...which was missing. The bar reappeared, in Sean's hands as they wrapped around Josh's body, pressing the soap into the broad chest, beginning to move in a small circle. "Allow me," the Englishman murmured. Part of Josh thought about protesting, feeling spent for the day...but it felt nice, and it'd been a long day...closing his eyes, he relaxed, enjoying the attention. Unwinding, he didn't even realized how much his body responded to the calm until he'd leaned back against Sean. Mentally shrugging, he decided to go with the flow.

Sean felt the tension ebb out of Josh's frame, as he began working the soap in larger circles, the movements tracing the slopes and lines of the blonde's muscles. His right hand worked the soap while his left hand stayed still, holding onto Josh's large left pec. Slowly, it slid across the expansive chest, coming to rest on the right side as his other hand crossed over to continue soaping up Josh's upper body. The movement caused their torsos to become closer...already touching, their warm and wet skin was now pressed together.

The movement of his arms, the rise and fall of Josh's breath, and the slickness of the soap led to Sean's fingers slowly trailing down, over the slope of Josh's upper chest, until his little finger bumped into Josh's nipple. It responded instantly to the touch, firming up, a very slight hum sound rolling in the taller man's throat. Sean worked the soap back up, his other hand moving north as well...and then reversed direction, lathering up the bottom half of Josh's rib cage. The right hand slowly fell as well, this time the bottom two fingers grazing over the pert nub of flesh perched at the bottom of Josh's pec. Again, the reaction was almost undetectable - a small but quick inhalation. Sean slid his hand back up, more slowly this time, the tips of his fingers pressing a little more firmly on their passage over Josh's nipple. This time the reaction was easier to hear...a low rumble in the throat.

Sean's left hand glided down Josh's side, continuing to lather up Josh's midsection. The change in position eased up the pressure of his arms around Josh's torso, allowing for more movement; he wanted to let Josh take the next step in this dance of seduction. The other man took the freedom of movement to lean back, returning to the firm press of bodies, enjoying the sensation of hard muscles along his backside, the massaging of the soap into his front, and the playful exchange happening between the two men. While Colin might be the more-forward personality between himself and Josh, it was usually Josh who took the more dominant role in bed. While he would be reluctant to voice the idea aloud, it was nice to just relax and let someone else be in control.

The act of leaning back caused Josh's shoulders to roll back a little...and reflexively, his chest to push out as well. Sean took the silent invitation and brought his hand back down, strumming all four fingers over Josh's nipple like guitar strings, until it rested between his forefinger and thumb. He brought them together...not into a pinch, but with some pressure, teasing. Again, a slight reaction, this time a louder hum, verging on the border of being a moan. Rolling the point between his two digits, Sean nestled his bearded cheek into Josh's neck. Any pretense of a simple shower melted away as the two men's bodies responded to each other. Openly caressing Josh's nipple, Sean pushed his other hand further south, running the bar of soap over the firm muscles of Josh's stomach. He began moving in a large circular motion, each downward slide threatening to brush into Josh's groin...but not going that far...again, teasing the bigger man.

Suddenly, he let go, his arms swinging away. "All done..." he announced. Josh turned his head, confused by the rapid change. "...with the front," Sean finished, a large and wicked grin playing along his lips as he winked. Josh tried to glare in response...but wound up laughing at the other man's mischievous nature. 'No wonder Sean and Julian get along so well,' he thought.

Sean placed the tips of his fingers on Josh's hips and applied pressure, turning the other man around so that they were facing each other. His hands made their way up, settling onto Josh's shoulder blades and began moving the bar of soap around again. "Time for the back." Their position and closeness soon led to the two men's faces coming together into a kiss. As Sean's hands worked along Josh's back, Josh's hands began roaming over the muscles of the man before him, as their tongues explored one another's mouth. The small distance between them closed as their bodies pressed together, pinning one hard cock against another.

Sean's hands made their way further south, gliding along the smooth slope of Josh's lower back. Making his way to Josh's rear, he took hold of the two large slabs of flesh and squeezed, pulling the taller man harder against him, the kiss intensifying. His fingers slid further in between the two muscular globes, causing Josh to finally break their kiss. "You're not working that beast of a cock of yours into me."

Glancing down at the hard and throbbing "beast" in question, Sean returned his gaze back up, meeting Josh's blue eyes. His expression was one of innocence, a careful and practiced look that had served him well in school, disarming its recipient. "Don't worry, no one said anything about that..." His finger tip pressed down and slid along Josh's crevice, massaging the skin on its short journey. "...just...continuing what you were enjoying earlier." He watched as Josh's raised eyebrow lowered back into its regular position, his face filling with a blush at the very recent memory of bucking his hips back, Sean's finger buried inside of him. The throb of his meat below gave away his opinion of that moment.

Sean nudged his chin up, catching Josh's lips with his own, resuming their kiss. His fingers played along Josh's ass, wandering over the curved muscles, careful not to make contact with Josh's hole. Gradually making their way deeper, he began circling Josh's entrance, grazing the edge with his finger tips, still not touching it directly. The tease was having its effect; where Josh had been concerned earlier of Sean's intentions, he was now growing frustrated by the lack of action. Sean waited, patiently, continuing to run his finger in a circle, or sliding in a line just past the opening. His patience was rewarded when Josh flexed his hips, pushing back a little, bringing his hole into contact with Sean's finger. Sean flicked the tip, caressing Josh's ass dimple a few times before resuming his teasing wandering. Again, Josh nudged his hips back, wanting to feel Sean's finger. The third time...when Josh pushed back, Sean applied more force, breaching Josh's entrance up to the first joint in his finger. The other man gave a short, satisfied gasp, his ass clamping down on the digit, preventing it from going any further...or retreating. Sean wiggled it a little, exploring Josh's interior.

Popping his finger back out, Sean slid down to his knees with a wicked grin. "And now, the legs." Josh watched as Sean worked, running the soap up and down one shin and then the other. His thighs came next...the backside and then the front, Sean's knuckles gently brushing against his balls. Anticipating a lengthy hand job, he was surprised when Sean ran the lather up and down his pole just three times, tugging it lightly as he stood again. "Time to rinse off."

Surpressing a smirk at Josh's confusion, Sean reached over and behind him, lifting the shower head away from the wall. Angling it away from his own body, he began washing the suds from Josh's torso...and legs...turning the other man around, he rinsed the broad back and kneeled again, removing all of the lather from Josh's lower half. He held the shower head up again, resulting in Josh automatically grasping it to put it away. Just as the metal pole clicked into place, Josh felt Sean take hold of his ass, spreading it...followed by the light swipe of s tongue across his hole. His fingers gripped the shower head, a low moan rumbling out of his throat. Another swipe...a third...and then Sean's face was embedded firmly between Josh's lower cheeks, playing his lips and tongue across Josh's entrance. The time for teasing was over.

Josh's head rolled back, more light moans coming forth. Hot water was flowing down his torso and a hot man was doing wickedly wonderful things to his ass. Below, Sean's fingers dug into the skin of Josh's behind, using his grip to spread it apart, granting better access for his tongue. He could feel Josh's leg twitch with pleasure whenever he flicked the tip of his tongue against the other man's hole. Stiffening his tongue, he pushed against the entrance, darting in and out. The muscles beneath his fingers flexed again and again as Josh began going crazy, wanting more. Pulling back, Sean broadened his tongue, making slow long laps with it, noticing how Josh began swinging back in the same rhythm, getting the most out of each oral swipe.

Again, it came to a sudden stop. With a firm swat on the rear, Sean pulled himself up to a standing position and opened the glass door to the shower, reaching for the two towels hanging just outside. Handing one over, he watched as Josh turned around, his eyes half glazed over, trying to pull himself back to the present. His manhood was full and stiff, slightly bouncing with the strong pulse of blood flowing through it. Winking again, Sean stepped out and began drying off. "You know, air drying is a thing, but it takes for damn ever. It'd be faster if you used the towel."

Sharing a laugh, the two men finished drying off, leaving the towels behind as they made their way back out into the apartment. Just as they were clearing the bathroom door, hard cocks still bobbing, Sean tackled Josh from behind. Despite his larger frame, the blonde man found himself pushed onto the bed, stopping himself from landing face-first into the mattress by holding his arms out. The result had him on his hands and knees, which is exactly how Sean wanted him. Before he could ask what was going on, Josh felt the now-familiar tongue return to his backside...this time with a vengeance. "What the...ohhhhhhh," was all he managed to utter before devolving into a series of moans, which began growing louder as Sean intensified his actions.

Julian and Colin wandered into the room, wondering about the commotion, and stopped in their tracks. They found Sean kneeling at the side of the bed, his hands raised, gripping and spreading Josh's rear. Meanwhile, Josh was now grabbing the comforter in his fists, arching his back to allow Sean better access. Sitting down on a bench, the other two men propped their feet up on the foot of the bed, clinking their drinks together as they watched the show.

Minutes passed, the only sounds in the air being a result of Sean's mouth...either the set sounds of his efforts, or the series of moans produced by Josh's reaction. Colin and Julian watched, intrigued, as Josh's hips rolled back again and again, trying to get even more pleasure from Sean's tongue. This was a hungry side of the beefy man that they hadn't seen before. Finally acknowledging their presence, Sean peered over the large glutes; pointing at Colin, he motioned to the other side of the bed. Getting the hint, Colin rose up and crawled onto the mattress, settling himself upright on his knees in front of Josh. Gently caressing the other man's cheek, he turned his friend's face up, looking into blue eyes that were bright and shiny, with a far-away expression, lost in a haze of lust. Colin leaned forward, bringing his hard dick up against the pouty lips, watching as they engulfed his member, inhaling it eagerly.

Sean pointed at Julian next, beckoning him over. Pulling away, he rested his thumb against Josh's entrance, nudging it, keeping the stimulation going. "From the living room, bring me the cock ring and lube?" Julian grinned broadly, bouncing away, anxious to see what was next. He returned with both items, placing them on the floor next to Sean, before crawling up onto the bed. Siding up next to Colin, he placed his hand on the back of Josh's head, guiding it over to his own staff, enjoying a blowjob while making out with Colin.

Josh wasn't quite sure how this had happened - he was usually the dominant person in the room. Somehow, Sean had taken charge by rimming him...and now he was on his hands and knees, servicing two cocks, with a tongue lapping up and down his ass. And...if he had to be honest, he didn't care, as long as that tongue didn't stop. Feeling Colin's hardness tap his cheek, he pulled his mouth off of Julian's rod and swallowed Colin's.

Sean watched the three men playing, looking over Josh's broad back, the lower half of his face buried in the blonde's smooth butt. Working his jaw, he reached down and felt along the ground until his fingers bumped into a strip of leather. Picking it up, he lifted it up, between Josh's legs, his other hand lightly stroking the other man's shaft. Making contact between the leather and the beefy stud's crotch, Sean wrapped the strip around the base of Josh's cock, fastening it under his balls. Sensing how sensitive his co-star's ass was, he didn't want their playtime to end early...this would allow Josh's balls to boil but not burst, driving him to higher states of horniness.

Reaching down again, this time Sean blindly found the bottle of lube. Still eating out Josh's ass, he opened the bottle and squeezed, feeling the cold liquid pour into his index and middle fingers. Setting the bottle aside, he rubbed his fingers together, coating them with fluid. His face finally broke contact with Josh's hole, replaced by his pointer finger, which brushed and prodded Josh's entrance. Baring his teeth, he pressed down, lightly biting Josh's bun; at the same time, he pushed forward, sliding his finger in halfway. The nibble served its purpose, distracting the time he realized that Sean's thick digit had penetrated him, it had pulled back and was twisting just inside his entrance, stimulating the nerves there. He let Colin's cock fall from his lips, about to ask what Sean was doing, when the man in question sank his finger back in, this time to the knuckle, finding Josh's prostate along the way. What was intended to be words came out as a moan instead. Pressing down, Sean massaged the newly-found prize, watching Josh's dick twitch as its owner moaned again, longer and louder this time.

Julian took advantage of the wide-open mouth, sliding his member inside, feeling Josh's moans as vibrations up and down his length. Sean pulled back again, playing with the rim of Josh's tunnel again, before returning deeper to play with his love nut. Moments later, his finger tip returned to the entrance, keeping it there even longer, teasing, until he felt Josh's rear push back slightly, his body wanting to feel pleasure again. Smiling with satisfaction, Sean slowly sank his finger back in again, rewarding the now-eager hole with what it wanted.

After playing around for a bit, Sean decided it was time to open Josh up a little more. He began withdrawing his finger again, noticing how Josh's behind shifted backward, reluctant to let it go. When he prodded forward again, his forefinger was joined by his middle finger, the two digits delving into Josh's ass. Feeling the extra flesh stretching him, Josh pulled his head up, groaning. He bobbed back down, inhaling Colin's cock now, sucking on it earnestly as an outlet for the sensations coming from behind. When it was just the two of them, Colin usually bottomed...but he knew that when Josh took a cock, he really enjoyed it. Allowing Josh to focus on the ass play, Colin took over the blowjob, holding Josh's head in his hands as he thrust his hips, sliding his dick in and out of his friend's face. He soon felt a long and deep moan around his meat...looking up, he saw that Sean now had three fingers pushed into Josh's hole, opening up his rear entrance, a mischievous grin spread across his face as he winked at Colin.

Sean jerked his head, beckoning Colin over. The dark-haired man slid his cock from Josh's mouth, quickly replaced by Julian's meat. Stepping off of the mattress, he made his way around the bed to Sean's side. Keeping the fingers of his right hand embedded in Josh, Sean used his free hand to grab the bottle of lube again, handing it to Colin. Silently, he looked at Colin's crotch, the bottle, and back up at Colin's face. The message was relayed easily, as Colin flipped the bottle's cap open and greased up his pole. Sean took Colin by the thigh, tugging him into place, lifting Colin's left thigh over Sean's arm. As Colin edged forward, Sean withdrew his fingers...and a heartbeat later, Colin pushed inside Josh's tunnel.

A muffled sound of surprise came from the other side of the bed. Pulling his face away from Julian's groin, Josh whipped his head around, concerned that Sean might be trying to tear open his ass with his thick dick. Instead, he was pleasantly surprised to see Colin there, plunging into his hole, a sometimes-familiar sight since they'd been flip-flopping in bed more recently. Noticing that Josh had relaxed, Julian used his hands to turn the blonde's head back to facing forward...and stuffed his cock back into the other man's face with a pleasing sigh.

Sean occupied himself by reaching forward to tug on Josh's manhood. He kept working on it, knowing that the stimulation would drive Josh crazy, unable to cum with the cock ring in place. The result was a lot of moaning...and the beefy ass bucking back, both trying to thrust into Sean's grip as well as pushing down on Colin's length.

Colin looked down, watching the scene below. His hands were on Josh's hips, which were thrashing back and forth, as he rammed his meat in between the beefy cheeks. He wasn't sure what tricks Sean was able to play with his tongue and fingers, be he definitely liked the results. When it was just the two of them, Josh's attitude as a bottom was more playful, rather than this...hungry bottom aching for dick persona.

Sean kept a watchful eye, observing when Colin's movements began to get a little slower and forceful. Releasing Josh's joystick, he stood up, pressing his body against Colin's backside, whispering. "You close?" The other man nodded, focused on the pleasant churning in his balls, ready for release. "Good..." Colin felt Sean's member throb between them. "When you do...pull back that just the head is inside of him." Colin tilted his head back, confused. With a look of mischief, Sean took hold of his rod and tapped it against Colin's backside. Understanding, Colin grinned, a little wickedly, figuring out what Sean had in mind. Taking hold of Josh, he began ramming in and out, feeling himself get nearer to the edge. With one final thrust, he slammed forward, the first shot going deep inside. It took some mental control to pull back again, until the ridge of his cock head met the rim of Josh's hole, watching his length throb vigorously as he sprayed Josh's insides. Sean stood behind him, arms wrapped around in an embrace, feeling the dark-haired man's furry chest heave with the effort of unloading his balls. He was looking forward to the idea of having this hotness ride his stick sometime...but for now, he had other plans in store.

Sensing Colin's orgasm ebb, he tugged lightly on the man's hip, relaying a message. Colin pulled back, his dick withdrawing from Josh's ass...replaced immediately with the tip of Sean's beercan-thick dong. Knowing that the hole had been teased, stretched, and now thoroughly lubed (thanks to Colin's cum), he pushed forward, applying pressure until his head popped in, the edges of Josh's hole sealing tight around his hard flesh, causing Sean to sign with pleasure. Feeling the difference, Josh dropped Julian's knob from his mouth and began turning his head. His movement stopped, noticing that Colin was sitting back on the bench at the foot of the bed. That meant... His head finished its rotation, looking back to see Sean behind him, hands on his hips, rocking back and forth, nudging the tip of his dick in and out of Josh's ass. 'Damn, that...hurts, but feels good," he thought. He felt his insides stretching already, and that was the first half inch. Sizing up the thickness still on the outside, a look of slight concern crossed his features.

"Julian...why don't you give Josh something else to focus on?" Julian's eyebrows furrowed, confused. Sean rolled his hand, one finger sticking out. "Ohhh," Julian exclaimed, understanding after a moment. Still on his knees, he flipped around to face the other way, sliding his lower body back. When he was finished with the maneuver, his hips were against the mattress, his arms holding his upper body upright...with his rear end directly below Josh's face. Leaning forward, Sean placed his hand against the middle of Josh's back, applying a little pressure, moving the blonde stud downward. When his face met Julian's rump, the younger man let out another "ohhhh"...although this time longer and deeper, a sound of satisfaction rather than understanding.

Returning his attention to Josh's rear, Sean swung his hips forward, burying an inch of his shaft into the tight hole, feeling it grip his rod. Responding, Josh swung a hand up and clenched Julian's butt, fingers digging in as he picked up his own efforts, distracting himself from the pressure in his own backside. He felt Sean pull back again, leaving just the tip in...and then the large presence returned, another half inch deeper.

Sean caressed the large muscles of Josh's rear, watching as his flesh embedded itself a little more with each thrust. Somewhere around the fifth stroke, he felt a familiar object press against his manhood, inside Josh's tunnel. Instead of withdrawing again, he pushed forward slightly. The result was a deep, long, muffled moan vibrating from between the cheeks of Julian's ass, as Josh felt his fuck nut get massaged by Sean's thick meat. While the fingers before had played on it like a small drum, this felt more like his prostate was being rolled over again and again, sending waves of pleasure through his body. Every thrust resulted in Josh moaning, his mouth vibrating against Julian's hole...which produced a groan from the younger man.

Working back and forth, Sean continued to ease more cock into Josh. Finally, crotch pressed against Josh's firm ass cheeks, fully buried inside. Letting out a satisfied sigh, he began pulling out...again, until just the tip was still inside. Again, he slid forward...and kept going, burying himself again in one long stroke. Josh's body shuddered in response, his grip tightening on Julian's rump. It felt like his insides were being pulled out with Sean's hose...and then the sense of being stretched again on the in-stroke. The entire time, the girth of Sean's manhood pressed against his prostate, causing his own dick to throb. Normally not much of one to precum, Sean's member was leaking like crazy, making a mess of the comforter beneath him; the ring around his balls prevented him from cumming, while his ass had been super-stimulated for quite some time now.

Colin watched, enjoying the show while reclining on the bench. His eyes locked onto Sean's thick pole as it slid in and out of Josh's rear. Sean was obviously savoring the tightness of Josh's tunnel, his long slow strokes beginning to speed up. Soon he was hammering the other man's ass, the thrusts having become firmer and more intense. Colin could scarcely believe the change in Josh, ass up in the air and face buried down into Julian's ass. His friend with benefits, normally a strong top, was writhing on all fours, his hips pushing back to try and meet Sean's thrusts, eager to be filled by the stout cock. While one end of his body was eager for that big dick, the other end was a release mechanism for the intense sensations coming from his hole. Josh's fingers were digging hard into Julian's rump, spreading it open so that the blonde stud could feast on his rear, the rimming so intense it was nearly violent. The sounds of pleasure and pain coming from Josh might be muffled, but Julian was loud and clear, the moans loud and full-throated. Colin raised his drink to his lips and swallowed, very impressed with the display before him.

Sean slid his hands from Josh's hips, moving them further up the other man's body to his shoulders...and then pulled, bringing the other man upright. Their sweaty torsos pressed together, Sean's hips finally still again, his manhood buried deep inside. His tongue caressed its way up Josh's neck, along his jawline, before meeting his mouth and delving inside, making out for a moment. Pulling away, he growled into the blonde's ear, "What was that earlier about not 'working that beast of a cock' inside of you?" Josh's only response was a moan. Sean continued, "Do you want me to stop...?" He flexed his dick, knowing that Josh could feel the movement within his ass. The other man's response was quiet, a whisper. "No..." Sean locked eyes with Colin. "Do you want me to keep going?"

Josh's response was again quiet, his body still trying to recover from the pounding it had received. "Yes...?" "You're not sure?" A little clearer this time, Josh groaned. "Yes." "So what is it you want?" Colin and Julian would never before have expected the next words from Josh's mouth, but the afternoon had changed the dynamic of the group quite a bit...and Josh was probably the most-surprised of them all. "Fuck me with your big dick...please."

Sean grinned with pleasure, his mission accomplished. The dominant blonde stud was now begging for cock. He pressed against Josh's back, returning the man to his position on hands and knees, bringing his hands back down to their spot in Josh's hips. Holding firm, he pulled back...and slammed back in. Josh's head snapped back, roaring with pleasure and pain. As Sean began pounding Josh's rear, Julian stuck his own up, reminding Josh of their earlier action. Josh sank his head down, concentrating his efforts on Julian's hole, trying to block out the discomfort aspects of being stretched and pummeled, focusing instead on the waves of enjoyment every time Sean's thickness ran over his prostate...and also enjoying the feeling of being filled by the other man.

Sean knew he wasn't going to last much longer and began jack-hammering Josh's hole, eager to bust his nut...and hoping that they could do this again someday. With one final push, he embedded the entirety of his length and held it there. Josh felt it swell, impossibly growing even thicker, before it began throbbing. Sean groaned loudly as his balls began releasing their heavy load, deep inside Josh's ass, marking another conquest. Not as many volleys fired out of his cock as earlier that day, partially spent, but still plenty erupted forth, painting Josh's insides. Josh surprised himself, finding his hips bucking back and his hole squeezing...milking Sean's member. With a satisfied sigh, Sean pulled back, withdrawing from Josh's rear. Reaching underneath, he found the leather strap and undid it, the cock ring falling to the mattress.

Eager for release at last, Josh crawled over Julian's backside, sinking his own large manhood into his co-worker as he pinned the other man to the bed. Julian gave a brief cry of surprise...which was quickly replaced with a pleased moan, enjoying nothing more than getting fucked by a nice cock.

Josh's entire broad body pressed down onto Julian's, nearly burying the other man into the mattress. The only part of his body that really moved were his hips, rising up and down vigorously, sometimes swiveling from side to side, as if he were trying to shove his entire body up into the other man. It was a desperate fuck, Josh not wanting....but needing release. Just a few minutes later, his face pulled away from Julian's neck, angling up with a roar as his cock exploded into Julian's ass. Shot after shot of cum fired out of his nose; it felt to Josh as if his balls would never stop pumping their pent-up cargo. On some level, he felt Julian's body jerking below his own, but his entire world was focused on the needs of his groin. His orgasm felt like it was lasting longer than his fervent pounding of Julian had.

Finally spent, he collapsed back down, once again smotherin Julian's shuddering body with his own. A muffled cry brought his awareness back to the present; with a wet sound of release, he rolled off of Julian and onto his own back, his chest heaving, trying to catch his breath. Julian rolled the other way; holding his hip with one hand, he swatted at Josh. "That hurt." "Really?" The response came from the foot of the bed, as Colin laughed. "Well...yeah. But it felt amazing too." Julian winked, returning to his usual playful demeanor. Finally snapping back to reality, Josh's manners also kicked in as he reached for Julian's crotch, aiming to finish him off as well. Instead of a rock-hard cock, Julian's member was deflating. Confusion etched Josh's features as he turned up to look at the other man's face. "You don't need to get off?"

Julian tilted his forehead towards the mattress. "Already did..." At that point, everyone noticed the massive wet spot, in a part of the comforter that was decidedly flattened, where Julian's hips had been rammed into the bedding from Josh's pounding. Josh blinked, partially impressed and a little embarrassed, while the other men chuckled.

" again next week?" Three pairs of eyes turned toward Sean. Julian's were eager, Colin's showed amusement. Josh looked down at Sean's groin, his eyebrow raised. His hole felt abused and stretched...and, he had to admit, it was incredibly satisfying and hot. Finally returning his gaze upward to Sean's eyes, he replied. "Maybe."

"Maybe?" Sean asked, feigning surprise. A smile slowly stretched its way across Josh's lips, finishing with a wink. "Maybe."

The End

Thanks for reading. If you enjoyed the story, have feedback or ideas, would love to hear from you.

If you're interested in other stories I've written:

"On The Set of Neighbors" (based on the 2014 film "Neighbors" with Zac Efron):

"Exploring Kirk's Frontiers" (based on the 2009 "Star Trek" universe):

"The College Bet"

Next: Chapter 12

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