More Than What It Seems

By moc.loa@airasednaleT

Published on Aug 6, 2002



WARNING: This is an erotic story. If you should not be reading it, do not.

ACHTUNG::Dieses ist eine erotische Geschichte. Wenn Sie nicht Messwert es sind, nicht

Chapter II

He was still lying there, innocent and sweet, when I woke. Innocent when I was getting dressed, and asleep when I left.

I had left him a note:

You were wonderful. Thank you. I am sorry I had to leave, but I have to report in. The door is automatic and will lock itself when you leave. If you are interested, I would like to see you again. You now know where I live. -Major Marc Armstrong.

The words and the memory of the night before in my mind, I took the lift to the ground floor and bid hello to my driver. Another day in Military Intelligence awaited me.

Intelligence was a massive compound on this planet, over twenty square kilometers on the top of a nearby mountain so none could spy in from another vantage point. The fences were dark and every window was reflective. Guard towers, Mobile Infantry Special troops, and several fast attack vehicles made the setting as imposing as possible. Not even the Bugs of olde could break in.

My uniform and identification checked, I entered and was taken to my office: a large laboratory building eight stories tall, with a massive open interior with floors of offices and minor labs around it. In here was where our work would be done.

" Sir!" yelled my most trusted colleague, Captain Haramon. He was one of a growing caste of people born and raised off Earth. Tall and brilliant, he was as attractive as he was a genius.

" At ease, Jason. What have we today?"

He smiled and explained as I replaced my leather overcoat with a white lab coat. " Really?" I asked.

" Indeed. I'll show you."

I followed him to where we were holding the only shape shifter in our custody. It had the shape of a human female, and had not reverted to whatever its original form was since induction.

Captain Haramon grabbed a weapon and demonstrated on a perfect clone of her/it. " you see, when they take another form, their important essences take up the form of the vital parts of that form."

" I just woke up. Translate." I said, it being far too early in the day to decipher the captain's verbal code.

" When they become human, whatever they have becomes a heart and brain. And, if you were to harm one of these organs while they're human, they die as a human would. But, if they change into say, a bird, then their essence becomes the bird's heart. And we don't know what they have originally."

The puzzle came to together.

" And their blood?"

" It's real."

" Bring me a sample. Test time..."

The plane was barren. The sky filled with grey clouds against a yellow background. Lightning streaked across the horizon and thunder boomed. Four figures stood in a semi-circle around another. The four wore well-tailored suits beyond the pay of any human not worth eight digits. The observed paled in comparison, his clothes that of a normal man.

" What news?" asked one.

" I have succeeded. I have attained connection. I must now gain his trust," the less-pampered one replied.

" Do this quickly. We are running out of time. If a way is found, we will never complete our goals. Many lives would be lost. All is on you."

The other bowed. " I shall not fail, Masters."

" Make sure that you do not. If he discovers the way, you will be his first victim."

He nodded.

Without warning, all disappeared. The sky was replaced by roofing and overhead windows, the thunder with the thrum of a central cooling unit, the lightning with the turning on of the kitchen light. The four disappeared and left the other alone: in the home of Major Marc Armstrong.

" Continue the tests. If there is so much as one molecule either unknown or out of place, notify me immediately. Give those orders to the night crew, and go home."

" Yes sir." Captain Haramon saluted, and returned to his work.

I grinned and strode out of the building and to my car. Then home.

The lift went up and I was joined by the General, and aging former aide to the first Sky Marshal. He lived in the very top floor. We spoke for some time as the General went to his floor; out of respect, I did not stop to get of, but instead allowed the elder to go all the way. It was a rule in the building, since all were soldiers: " there is no saluting unless of a non-tenant. Respect, but here we are all equal."

The General gone, I went back down and into my apartment. I was quite astonished - and petrified - to see the door unlocked. As it slid open, I drew my M2100 pistol and burst into the room, it raised and pointing into the 'pit,' where my sofa and entertainment center were. No one. Odd, I thought, and moved up and heard noises from the kitchen. Silently, I chambered a round and flew into the kitchen, staring at the back of a man no more than twenty, his back to me. On him was one of my leisure outfits.

" Slowly turn."

The boy, visibly shaking, turned...

And it was the boy from the night before. Nic.

I suddenly felt like turning my weapon on himself. I felt like an ass. I replaced the pistol into my shoulder holster and took off my visored cap.

" I am soooooo sorry. I did not know you were still here."

The boy could grin, but no words came. " Why are you still here?"

" ....y-your note. And th-th-thought I would surprise you. *gulp. W-With d-d-d-dinner."

He was stuttering thanks to my pride and sense of constant peril. What an ass! " It's okay," I replied. I moved over and placed my arms around the Nic`s waist, the sound of the soft leather bending only barely heard over the boil of stove pots. I leaned forward and kissed him gently on the lips.

" I am sorry. All Intelligence officers are jumpy." he kissed Nic again, and Nic was less resistant and less tense. Still not tongue, but the exchange grew more passionate. " You finish smells wonderful...and I will change."

Nic smiled. " Okay."

I stroked the side of his face, his skin softer than silk and much more inviting. I cheekily grinned in turn and moved into my bedroom. When I came out, my uniform was gone. In its place were black designer shorts, and a grey issue shirt with the slogan: Knowledge is power...Intelligence is unstoppable."

Dinner had been served. On each end of the table were snifters of red wine, fine dishes I had only just purchased, and maroon cloth napkins. Ham, mashed potatoes, a garlic-seasoned tomato soup. I wondered how Nic knew my favorite foods, but decided not to ruin the rather romantic moment with any sort of odd query.

I moved to the other end and took his hand delicately in mind. My eyes unfocused for a moment; something passed between us. It was riveting and electric. I had not felt anything even close since I was sixteen. I pulled him out of his chair, and took his arm in my hand. Into the bed room I lead him. The night was beginning to fall, and the view from the glass above my bed was breathtaking. Dark purple clouds against a dusk sky. Above, two of the planet's three moons could be seen. Beautiful.

At this, I moved him over to me and stood behind him. I took his arm on mine and pointed out the constellations, using our fingers to trace the outlines of heroes past, immortalized in the stars. The set known as Orion's Belt came into view as the suns set beyond the horizon, and I pointed it out to him. As our arms pointed into the heavens, I tilted my face towards his and kissed his cheek. He smiled, and turned in my grip. We embraced, kissing deep and tenderly, our arms still pointed towards space.

He lowered his out-stretched limb and grasped ME by the shoulders, pushing me onto the bed. This was a shock, I assure you. I was not expecting it....and the thought that I had not had sex in six years also crossed my mind. Ah, to be sixteen again. That thought evaporated when he raised his arms and flung of his, or my, tight yellow undershirt. His skin was smooth and his chest defined. His abs were mere bumps on his stomach, it being more smooth and straight than pronounced.

I looked into his eyes, and could see passion, desire, and contentment. I certainly did not want that to go away, so I propped myself on my elbows and pulled his face to mine. We kissed. But my face was not where he intended to place his mouth.

I soon found my own shirt being taken off in a restrained manner. He proceeded to lick and kiss his way towards my libido. A wealth of memories came rushing back, but were squandered by the hopes of what could be. He began pushing my shorts down my thighs, left over from basic training so long ago. What he found must have pleased him, because he grinned like a cat and began to devour me. My eyes grew wider as more and more of my meat disappeared from view. Soon, every one of my eight inches was gone, hidden in the hot expanse of his mouth. The heat of his mouth and amazing skill of his tongue were driving me over the edge, and I let him know.

" I...I..." I panted, unable to get my words out.

He got the idea, I think, but only groaned into my groin and sucked with more force than a black hole. He would not stop. I was able to muster enough strength to gasp out," I'm gonna blow!"

He continued to go up and down on my rather engorged member and tickled my sack with his left hand, his right occupied in moving up and down in tandem with his mouth. I could hold back no longer and tensed until I thought I would snap in half. I cried out, and exploded into his mouth. At least three times I leaked into his mouth, and he did not care.

Forcefully at first, I shot, then the pressure lessened and it merely leaked out. But none ever landed on my or any part of his all disappeared into him. Spent, I threw my head back against my bed. He let me fall from his mouth as I only about half deflated and smiled.

" Happy?" he asked.

I could not answer that....he had taken quite a bit out of me. Damn! He was good. ""

He did not even worry about himself, but instead curled up next to me, his arm draped over my chest and his head on my shoulder. His blond/black hair was breathtaking, but so was seeing him sleep. After what he had just done, no doubt from practice, the word innocent no longer applied. But cute definitely did.

Three hours into the next day, I was awakened by the beep of my personal comm device: something that looked like a pager from the very late 20th century, but had a range through the Federation. And could be accessed only by Federation Military frequencies.

Half heartedly, I got out of bed and slithered over to my night stand, near the corner of my room and the building itself. :::COME NOW...COME NOW...ANOMALY FOUND::: it flashed, and I knew what it meant already.

With much effort I replaced my boxer shorts-all I was wearing-and donned my uniform again. I hated to leave him, so I left a note behind. And went off towards the car that had been sent for me, waiting when I exited the Plaza de Militarie-our building's name.

I looked up at my room, many floors up, and sighed. Into the car I then went, and off into an adventure I would repeat a thousand times over.

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