Morphed into a Pig

By depravpig

Published on Mar 27, 2022


I was a complete mess.

My hooded face was covered in bile on the outside from the constant gagging and in sweat in the inside. My ears were blocked by the tight rubber and I struggled to catch any sound. Hoping he would release me soon.

At the beginning I was really concentrating on taking the dildo, on keeping my mouth wide open to be able to swallow it and breathe. I was thinking about my every move, stretching my mouth and throat when going down on the dildo. It was hard work. I was torturing myself. Then I accepted my fate and I started to really fuck my mouth, just impaling myself on the fucking piece of rubber. I was finally a cocksucker; Well, as much as I could chained to the bannister. I knew he was training my throat and that soon I would fill it with much bigger dildo. Or his cock. And lost in my depraved thoughts of him filling my mouth with his hard and hot cock as he slapped my face I heaved and cried. My tits and balls were hurting from constantly pulling on them. To relieve my mouth I had to hurt myself. It was a constant game of relief and pain. A game I lost from the start.

When I heard him shutting his computer down, I dared hope he was going to relieve me from my misery. How fucking stupid was I. I was going to have to learn quickly that he was a complete sadist determined to turn me into a pig for him to use and abuse. As he reached for the chain on the collar I still hoped he was taking it off. But instead he shortened it to the maximum forcing my face against the bannister completely impaled on the dildo. And he locked it in place. I had to concentrate hard as I could barely breathe. But I finally got some air when he removed the plugs from my nose. I was grateful for small mercy. He just smirked as he watched me accepting my new position. He got up and pulled his hard cock out. He rubbed it against my head making me understand that my pain was his pleasure. And there was nothing I could do. Except getting lost in more depraved thoughts as he went downstairs. As he passed in front of me he made sure to pull on the chain on my tits and balls making me scream on the dildo. He just laughed.


After a while he came back and released me from the constant torture. I screamed when he took the clamps off and squeezed my tits hard as the blood rushed in. He helped me to stand up as I got used to be on my feet. And in no time he put a leash on my collar and dragged me downstairs. As he dragged me in the kitchen I realized that it was feeding time. He had a dog bowl filled with food next to the table. He wrapped the leash around one of the table's leg with my head above the dog bowl, he unlocked my wrists from behind my back. He got himself some food and sat at the table.

`'Eat pig.''

I didn't even realized that I had waited to be ordered to eat.

I was starving and I realized that it was not going to be easy. I was able to get on my forearms, on all four like a dog. But the posture collar was another thing. I had to open my mouth wide before pushing my face in the paste and grab some of it. Then the taste hitted me. There was piss mixed with the food. I was slower to get more of the paste. He moved a bit, put his foot on my neck and pushed my face hard in the food.

`'Listen cunt. I spent some time to get your food ready. So clear that fucking bowl.''

When he let my head go, I started to eat the best I could. He held the bowl for me to lick it clean. When satisfied with the bowl, he unchained me from the table and pulled me on my knees in front of him. He collected the paste sticking to the hood and fed it to me pushing his fingers deeper each time until he just fucked my mouth with his fingers. He rubbed his cock with the hand fucking me. Mixing his taste with the bile. He enjoyed making me gag on his fingers and rubbing his smell all over the hood. Marking me.

Then he was taking me back upstairs. I dreaded to imagine what he had planned next. But I didn't expect him to remove the collar, then the hood to make me lick it clean. He took the mittens off and told me to get dressed in my spare tracksuit. As i put it on I realized he had left the rubber stretcher on my balls and the plug up my arse.

Once dressed I waited on my knees. I understood quickly that I had to behave to avoid any punishment. Not that he needed any excuse to punish me.

`'Stand up pig.''

I jumped to my feet. He locked restraints on my ankles before pulling my trousers down and tying two bungee ropes to the ring on the ball stretcher. He passed one in each in my trousers before pulling them up. He tied the ropes to each ankle restraint. He made sure to pull really hard on them forcing me to bend my legs slightly as he pulled them tight. Next he locked a leather wrist to thumb restraint on my hands, binding my writs then my thumbs together. He put the rubber collar back around my neck with a leash hanging on the front.

I was fucked.

`'Come on pig.''

The second I stood straight my balls started to hurt and each step pulled hard on my them as I followed him down the stairs. And the moment we stepped outside I became very aware that I was restrained in public. The street was very quiet but that did not diminish the feeling of helplessness. I totally depended on him. I followed him to his car and walked to the passenger side.

`'Where are you going pig?''

I looked at him standing behind his car. The car boot open.

FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!

`'Come here.''

I realized what was going to happen as I walked and stood next to him. I shivered at his next command.

`'Get in.''

I looked at him hoping he was only teasing me but the steel in his eyes crushed any stupid hope I had. I got in the car boot, curling myself on the side and looked up at him. He just smirked as he slammed the boot shut. That was another level of submission. I was not good enough to travel next to him. I was no more than a dog in the boot. What was I thinking? A dog would be more comfortable in a cage or on the back seats.

And once he drove off I started to feel every bump on the road, every bend all through the journey. From the sounds I managed to hear I could tell he got on a motorway. I could not help to think about where he was taking me. Dreading it.

After about an hour driving he finally parked. He opened the boot and helped me to get out. Once standing next to him I looked around. I had no idea where we were. I had expected him to take me to Sheffield or Manchester but I did not recognized anything. We were in a small car park surrounded by red bricks building. Then I realized that he started to walk off and I rushed to catch up. Hurting my balls. I forgot about the fucking ropes. The smirk on his face said that he knew what happened.

I was following him with my wrists and thumbs cuffed in my front. Ropes pulling hard on my balls. My arse plugged. My dick locked in a cage. A collar around my neck. A collar

I thought that everyone we passed as we went down a small hill knew all that. That they knew what I was. But no one paid any attention to us. I thought that was not so bad.

Until I saw the shop sign.

He was taking me to a rubber shop. A famous rubber shop for perverts.

He rang a bell next to a large door metal door and opened it at the buzz. The loud clang as the door closed behind us did not help me to relax. I knew I was not here on a friendly visit. He grabbed the leash and I started to sweat as I followed him up the metal stairs. And as we went up the stairs I could not miss the smell getting stronger every step.


Not the mix of leather and rubber smell from the shops I visited before. Only rubber. And as we got to the first floor I could only stare. There was rubber everywhere. In every form. Clothes, toys, restraints......

`'You said you were going to treat you some leather. Rubber is better for a pig. Don't you think?''

I had saved a fair bit to get a whole new leather outfit, boots and toys. It looked like I was going to get a new outfit. Just not leather.

`'Yes Sir.''


Good for the shopping? Or for calling him Sir? Probably both.

For me he was still `'The Biker''. I didn't know his name. There was no need. And Biker or Sir was enough for me.

He greeted the young guy skinhead behind the desk as he walked up to the desk after dropping the leash and leaving me by the entrance. He told him that he wanted some basic rubber for me. The shop assistant said to feel free to look around and to call him if he needed any help. He didn't pay any attention to me, but I knew by his smirk that he had noticed the collar, leash and restraint on my wrists.

As the Biker dragged me around the shop I could not stop looking at everything. From the smallest rubber jockstraps to the full rubber suits, from socks to thick rubber straightjackets...

He dragged me near a rack with short rubber suits. He looked through them and picked a thick one with a three way zip. He took my wrists/thumbs restraint and collar off before telling me to strip. There were cabins available for trying things on but he ordered me to strip right in the middle of the shop like if it was normal. My new normal. The look in his eyes promised me pain if I dared question him. I took a deep breath and started to undress. Once naked surrounded by rubber, he removed the bungee ropes and called the shop assistant over. I could feel the eyes of the young skinhead on me as he approached us. He just smirk when he saw my locked dick and said that a suit in a smaller size would be better on me. He got one from the rack, put some talking powder inside and gave it to me to put on. They both just watched me as I pulled the suit on. I had to push my locked dick down as I pulled the zip up, tightening the rubber on me. It was just tight enough to make me feel every square inch of rubber And in no time I was sealed in thick black rubber from neck to knees. The skinhead checked the suit, making me walk, move my arms and shoulders while telling the biker it was a good fit. The biker agreed and said that he wanted a hood next.

I followed them through the racks of rubber until they stopped in front a very display of hoods and masks behind glass doors. From rubber cycling masks, basic hoods, hoods with straps and locks, some just with nose holes.......

`'I want the cycling mask and a thick basic hood.''

The skinned went in a space behind the display and came back with both pieces off rubber.

First he pulled the rubber hood over my head. It was fucking tight. My head was encased in thick rubber, squeezing it just enough like the rubber suit to make me feel the rubber becoming like a second skin. And before I realized it he put the rubber cycling mask over it.

`'You can put just the mask of course. It's very good to hole his mouth shut once you gagged it with dirty socks, or piss soaked jockstrap.''

The Biker just smiled. I knew that he had already thought about that.

`'I take both. And I want a thick rubber collar, thick wrists and ankles retrained.''

And in no time I had all five restrained locked on me as the Biker pocketed the keys.

From all the mirrors around the shop I could see myself sealed in rubber. And all I could breathe was the strong rubber smell.

The Biker and skinhead walked around the shop looking at different pieces of rubber, talking about the pros and the cons. I could barely hear them.

I was told to get dressed. Once in my tracksuit over the rubber, the Biker removed the hood before putting the cycling mask and collar back on me. He attached the leash and dragged me to the front desk.

I saw the skinhead putting the restraints I wore on arrival in a bag. When I saw a second bag waiting I knew there was more for me.


I paid for my new outfit. That was not near what I had intended to spend on leather. But was only the beginning of my transformation.

`'Say thank you pig.''

Without thinking I dropped on all four in front of the skinhead and licked both his boots.

`'Good pig.'' Then he turned to the Biker.

`'If You are interested the day after tomorrow we will have a special evening opening. We will have pigs put in rubber display. If you want I can block a spot for your pig. Here's my number and let me know.''

`'No need to think about it. Block one spot.''

`'Good. I have your email, I will send you the details.''

They said their goodbyes.

I stumbled as The Biker dragged me on the leash.

I was in a complete fog. My brain was completely blown.

He had just agreed to have me in public display.


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Next: Chapter 11

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