Moss Cum Rock: A Gay X-Rated Wilderness Adventure Love Story


Published on Feb 9, 2019



Moss Cum Rock: A Gay X-Rated Wilderness Adventure Love Story by H.T. Bruhaus email:

A note from H.T. Bruhaus, February 9th 2019: I started this story in July 2018 and worked on it almost every weekend for 6 months. Then I set it asisde to write the first story I posted here, Neil and Rocky. I have gotten a lot of nice feedback for that story and so I really wanted to get Moss Cum Rock posted right away. It's not quite ready, the first 18 paragraphs are boring, but I feel are necessary to set up the rest of the story. I'm sure if I spent more time on it I could figure something out, but I am tired of working on it. So, I'm asking you to push through the first 18 paragraphs. I promise you will enjoy the rest of the story and fall in love with Klaus and Sam, like I did.

Moss Cum Rock: A Gay X-Rated Wilderness Adventure Love Story

Every summer for the last 10 years, my parents would dump me off at my Grandparents' house for the duration of the summer. My Grandparents live in a rustic cabin, tucked on the edge of a vast forest on the Oregon Coast Range about 80 miles west of Portland. Yes, they have electricity and two full bathrooms, convection oven and three bedrooms, a woodworking shop and forced air gas heat, but what they don't have is internet, cell service and cable TV. Like I said. Rustic. Also, no neighbors to speak of and the nearest town, if that's what you want to call it, is 17 miles down a winding rural highway with so many turns and switchbacks, that I would come close to puking my guts out every time my grandparents took me into town.

So the only thing to do there if I didn't want to help my grandma with baking pies or pulling weeds in her vegetable garden, or if I didn't want to help my grandpa make bird houses and giant wooden forks in his shop, was to go out and explore the surrounding wilderness. And that is exactly what I did. Year after year. Summer after summer. Almost everyday. All summer long.

I came to know every geographic feature about this wilderness. Every creek. Every meadow. Every valley. Every peak. I would hike up on ridge tops and down in slot canyons. I discovered colossal Douglas Fir, Western Hemlock and Sitka Spruce. I had my favorite spots. Beautiful secret places hidden next to a waterfall or a wetlands or in a grove of old growth timber. And after I discovered masturbation, I would go to those secret places, get completely naked and seed the ground with my cum. Over and over and over again. There was nothing else for a healthy teenage boy to do.

When my grandparents bought me my first digital camera, it gave me a sense of purpose. I now set out into the wilderness to capture that perfect shot. I became a meticulous photographer. If I thought I had found the right view, I would set up my tripod, carefully frame the landscape, adjust the camera settings, trigger the shutter, review the picture on the display screen, move the tripod ever so slightly and do it all over again. Then, when I felt satisfied with the results, I would get completely naked and pollute the landscape with my jizz. It was awesome.

At first, my pictures weren't very good, but I kept at it and started taking photography and art classes during the school year. Overtime, my photographs began to get better.

I took my first really awesome photograph three summers ago. It was one of those days where it got so hot that even the deep woods couldn't keep me cool. And that meant there was only one place I could go. My all time favorite secret place. Moss Cum Rock.

It wasn't easy to get to. I had to take a specific game trail through steep terrain and dense brush. The trail eventually skirted the edge of a narrow ravine with a fast moving stream at the bottom and then gradually worked its' way down where it followed the stream to a pair of boulders the size of Volkswagens.

There was a narrow gap between the boulders. The only way I could pass through the gap was to remove my backpack and turn sideways. Once through, I would step out onto a rock shelf about 50 feet long and 30 feet wide.

There was a small waterfall on the right that plunged into a deep natural pool. The pool was about 35 feet wide and 40 feet long and a good 15 or 20 feet deep at its' deepest point. The water in that natural reservoir was so clear, I could see Rainbow Trout resting on the bottom. The stream emerged at the end of the pool and then continued to rapidly flow downhill.

On the far side of the pool, along the bank, was a stand of old growth Douglas Fir trees with a dense understory of mostly Salal and Oregon Grape with various types of ferns mixed in. The bank on that side gently sloped uphill for about 50 feet and then got very steep.

The rock shelf was about 2 feet above the water line of the pool and extended out towards a small valley, where it abruptly ended at a ledge approximately 30 feet above the valley floor. From this ledge there was an awesome view across the valley.

Scattered all over the rock shelf were little patches of lime green moss. I have shot a load of cum onto this rock shelf many, many times throughout the years and I believe that in every spot where my jizz has landed, a little dash of lime green moss has formed. That is why I like to call this spot Moss Cum Rock.

So on that day, three summers ago, of my first really awesome photograph, when I finally arrived at Moss Cum Rock, I was tired, hot and dripping with sweat. I dropped my backpack onto the rock shelf, stripped off my clothes and did a naked cannon ball into the pool. The water was ice cold and soon I climbed out of the pool and up onto the rock shelf shivering, my skin covered in goose bumps. I laid face up on a towel in the sun. My cock had shrunk and my balls had practically receded all the way up into my body cavity, but as the sun warmed them, they started to expand and stretch and come back to life a bit. My eyes were closed. I reached down and rubbed my dick with my hand. Soon it was completely hard and I slowly and lazily moved my hand up and down the shaft. It was the second time I had jacked off that day. The first time was early that morning when I woke up to a nice hard morning boner. That time I came as fast as I could and then jumped into the shower, but now I just wanted the feeling to last as long as possible and I was in no hurry to get my nut. I kept my eyes closed the whole time and then ever so slowly brought myself to climax.

After I came, I laid there for a short time with my eyes still closed. Then I sensed something nearby. I felt like I was being watched. I opened my eyes and lifted my head and right away I saw this colossal Roosevelt Elk with a six point rack. He was on the other side of the pool, no more than 40 feet away, looking directly at me. It was fucking awesome. I was still covered in cum and my dick was still mostly hard and oozing out the last bits of my ejaculate, but I steadily and calmly reached for my backpack and pulled out my camera.

I knew this moment wouldn't last long, so as soon as I had my camera in hand, I pointed it towards the elk without taking time to frame it and just took the picture. Then the elk turned around and slowly walked back into the tree cover, exposing his flank and an impressive pair of elk testicles.

Even before I looked at the photograph on the display screen, I knew it was special. Everybody I showed it to raved about it. Eventually I entered it into a hunting magazine photo contest and won first place. I think about all those people who have seen this photograph. They have no idea what is just on the other side. Me, naked and covered in my own dripping cum. :)

That photograph represents a turning point in my photography. I started to concentrate on photographing wildlife. This was a lot harder than landscapes, wildlife doesn't stay in one spot too long and it tends to avoid contact with humans. But I learned something from my elk, if you stay still and quiet long enough, eventually wildlife will come to you. So I started wearing forest camo and I would hide myself in one spot and hunker down all day long. I would even spend whole weeks at a time out in the forest, carrying on my back everything I needed to survive and that included my photography equipment.

It paid off. This fall I am going to O.S.U. to study photography. My wildlife portfolio was the primary factor in getting admitted. I also got a small grant from a popular nature magazine to help with tuition.

Now it's my last summer at my grandparents' house. Or at least I thought it was. Something had happened to me at Moss Cum Rock that I believe has altered the course of my life. I had arrived at my grandparents' just five days ago. The first thing I did when I got there, was load up a day pack with some snacks and my photography equipment and head out to Moss Cum Rock. It was early afternoon and I thought if I hurried, I would have just enough time to get out there, get naked, get wet, get off and then get back to my grandparents' in time for dinner.

While hiking to Moss Cum Rock, the wind picked up, the clouds moved in and the temperature dropped. I decided a naked swim was not going to happen, but I could still pull my dick through my fly and shoot a nice load onto the rock shelf. I hadn't jacked off since yesterday morning and I really needed release soon, otherwise I might spontaneously explode.

After two hours of hard hiking with a semi hard cock, I came to a clearing along the trail where I could get a glimpse of Moss Cum Rock. It was across the valley about a thousand feet away. Something didn't look right. I put a telephoto lens on my camera and then focused it on the spot. There was a small blue tent set up on the rock shelf and a large backpack nearby. Then a man came into view.

I was pissed. All the years I've been exploring this area, I had only seen a total of seven day hikers on three different occasions and on each one of those occasions, they all asked for directions back to the highway.

I decided to get closer. I needed to figure out what was going on.

Twenty minutes later I was across the pool from Moss Cum Rock hunkered down in the understory near the pool's bank. On the far side of the pool, about 60 feet away, was Moss Cum Rock and the intruder. A light misty rain had started and had enshrouded the area in a layer of fog. The man had a small campfire going and a trout skewered on a stick roasting over it. He was wearing a hoody pulled over his head and was sitting on a log facing the fire at an angle from me. I couldn't see his face very well. I could just barely tell that he had a scruffy looking, patchy beard. He reminded me of some of the unfortunate old homeless men I see everywhere in downtown Portland.

I took some photos and continued watching. I was patient. Secretly observing a man isn't any different from observing wildlife. Eventually he started eating the trout right off the stick. Occasionally he would spit little bones into the fire.

After the man finished his meal, he cleaned up a short ways downstream from the pool. The mist had turned into a drizzle. The man set his backpack under a tarp next to the tent. The opening to the tent was facing towards the valley and away from me. The man moved to the entrance and had to get down onto his hands and knees to enter. I was ready with the camera. Just before he went inside he looked up. I took the shot.

Three hours later, I was back in my bedroom at my grandparents' house, stuffed full of roast beef and mashed potatoes. I was on my bed with a plate of warm blackberry pie topped with a scoop of home churned vanilla ice cream. My laptop was open and I was looking at the last picture I took of the man. I had to use photo shop to lighten up the shadow on his face, but when I finished, I had an unmistakable view. What I saw shocked me.

The first thing I noticed about him was his clear blue eyes. Even through the layer of mist, they stood out sharp and, I thought, intelligent looking. He was young, probably no more than 25 years old. His beard was blond, and yes, it was patchy and scruffy, but I thought it made him look rugged and at the same time, gentle. If that makes any sense.

Also, he was extremely fucking handsome.

I went to bed early that night. The next morning I woke up to sticky boxers. I had shot a load of cum while I was asleep. I don't get wet dreams very often anymore. I usually jack off enough that wet dreams aren't necessary. I opened my laptop and looked at his face again. I knew I had to do something about my guest at Moss Cum Rock. I just wasn't sure what that would be.

Throughout the morning I was restless. The rain had stopped and the clouds had burned off. The sun was out and I could tell it was going to be an awesome day. Without really having any plan formed, I started loading my backpack with supplies. I packed like I normally would for a week in the wilderness, except I purposely left my tent behind.

Before I headed out to Moss Cum Rock, I stopped by the wood shop to let my grandfather know I wouldn't be back for a few days. He went to the fridge and grabbed a six pack of Hamms Beer in the can and hooked it to a strap on my backpack. He had never done that for me before. I turned 18 last week. I think it was his way of letting me know I was a man now.

Two hours later I was looking at Moss Cum Rock from across the valley through the lens of my camera. The tent was still there, but there was no sign of my friend.

When I got to my hiding place across the pool from Moss Cum Rock, I sat down in the understory and I used my camera to get a clear view. My visitor was in the pool swimming. At one point, he swims right up to the bank on my side and is no more than 30 feet away. As he swims back to the other side, his butt shows near the surface and I can see he is naked. I'm not surprised. Out here in the wilderness when you think you are completely alone, it would be totally unnecessary to wear a swim suit. However, I am surprised at how round and full his ass cheeks are and my cock moves a little bit inside my shorts and I have to rub it a little bit through the fabric just to keep it temporarily happy.

When he gets to the other side, he pulls himself out of the pool and up onto the shelf. He walks to a sunny spot and stands facing the sun. I can't see his cock, because he is facing away from me, but I sure like what I see of the rest of his body. His skin is lightly tanned. There is a barely discernible tan line in the shape of speedos. He has practically no body hair what soever. The hair on his head is blond and needs to be cut. He is tall, maybe six-five, six-six. He has a narrow waist and broad shoulders with a strong back. He is lean, almost skinny, but his muscles are hard and taught and his legs and ass look especially powerful. It looks as if he could do The Tour de France without any problem. I take a few photos.

Then he turns to expose his backside to the sun and I get a good look at his cock and balls.

I love cock. I haven't had as much experience with cock, other than my own, as I would like. Except for seeing cock on the internet and in the locker room, my personal experience with cock borders on nil. I had a "straight" neighbor my age who gave me a hand-job once, but he didn't even let me look at his dick, let alone touch it. I guess he could then rationalize to himself, while he was jacking me, that he was still straight. People are so fucking weird.

Anyway, through my camera's telephoto lens, this man's cock looked fucking awesome.

The first thing I noticed about his cock was that it was uncircumcised. It also wasn't exactly huge, maybe even a bit on the small side. No doubt the cold water had something to do with that. However, his balls were colossal and so they probably made his dick look smaller by comparison. His pubic hair was a dirty blond and not very thick. He had no hair on his balls at all that I could see, but there was a pencil thin line of hair going from the base of his cock up to his navel. I took some more pictures.

Then he looked down and grabbed his cock between his thumb and two fingers and started stroking it. I gasped. His cock got hard instantly. Then he let it go. Through the lens, I could see it pulsating. His hard dick was actually quite a bit smaller than mine, but it seemed like the perfect size for me. I took some more pictures.

He grabbed his cock again in a tight fist and started stroking it at a steady even pace.

I was wearing running shorts with boxers and I easily slipped my hand under both waistbands and started stroking my own cock. I matched my grip and stroke to his. I wanted to feel exactly what he was feeling.

He continued stroking his cock for a while. I continued watching him and stroking my cock as well. Then he bent his knees slightly, pushed his hips forward and lifted one foot up onto it's toes. He was getting close. I was getting close.

I was on a slight downward slope, sitting on my butt with my feet in front of me and my legs bent. I set the camera aside and pulled my shorts down while still stroking my cock with the other hand. I had to lift my butt slightly to pull them down just enough to set my cock and balls free. I picked the camera back up and focused on his cock and then panned out a little so I could see the rest of his body and face.

His lips were moving. I could just barely hear what he was saying.

"Oh fuck. Oh mein gott. Fuck ja. Fuck ja. Oh scheisse. Oh mein gott. Oh mein gott. Ich werde kommen. Fuck. Ich werde kommen."

Then he starts spraying this massive load all across the rock shelf and even into the pool a little.

I keep the camera focused on him and then I start spurting out my own messy load too. Before I was done, I had dropped the camera on the ground between my legs. Luckily it missed my cock by half an inch.

There is cum on my hand, cum on the end of my cock, cum matted on the hair of both of my legs and cum on the camera. I look around for a leaf or something to clean up the mess, but I can't find anything suitable. So I shimmy my boxers and running shorts down my legs, over my boots and all the way off. Then I use the boxers to clean everything up. I stuff them into a side pocket of my backpack and put the running shorts back on.

By the time I've made myself presentable, my J.O. buddy has set a foam sleeping mat down in a sunny spot and is laying on his stomach reading a thick paperback book. He hasn't bothered to put on any clothes.

I grab my backpack and head up the trail towards Moss Cum Rock. It takes me about 30 minutes to get there. As I approach the two boulders, I start whistling loudly.

When I come out of the gap between the boulders and onto the rock shelf, my blond friend is standing there waiting for me. Even though I made enough noise so I wouldn't surprise him, he still didn't bother to put on any clothes.

When he sees me, he gives me this great big smile and I swear to the gods, his bright blue eyes twinkled. He walks up to me, holds out his right hand, gives me direct eye contact and says with a mild German accent, "Hello, my name is Klaus. How do you do?"

His cock is right there. I say to myself, don't look at his cock, don't look at his cock, don't look at his cock. Luckily, Klaus is about 6 inches taller than I am so I look up and away from his cock and I lock my eyes to his eyes and grab his hand and we shake and I say, "I'm Sam."

"It's a pleasure to meet you Sam."

We let go and my eyes involuntarily go right to his cock and then I quickly look away. I find myself staring at his chest. His pectoral muscles are beautifully defined and completely hairless except for a ring of sparse dirty blond hair that circles each one of his light brown nipples. For some reason there are goose bumps just on them. They are also sticking out and seem to be hard.

Klaus casually scratches his arm. I remember he is present and I look up and focus on his sharp blue eyes. "So Klaus, I didn't mean to intrude on you. I can set up camp somewhere else."

Klaus looks concerned. "I am sorry, Sam. Is this your rock?"

"That's okay, you were here first. I have other places I can go to."

"Maybe Sam, we can both share this beautiful place? I would be happy for the company." Then Klaus gives me another big smile.

I look at his handsome face. "Are you sure? I don't want to bother you."

"Please Sam, stay."

"Thanks Klaus." I lean my backpack up against a boulder and notice the beer. I show it to Klaus. He gets a big grin. "Do you like beer, Klaus?"

"Ja Sam. I am German. All Germans like beer."

I toss the six-pack into the middle of the pool and we watch it sink to the bottom. "Twenty minutes from now Klaus, it'll be ice cold."

Then there is awkward silence. I don't know if I should take my clothes off or if maybe Klaus will put his on. He must have sensed my unease, because he says, "Sam, Europeans are very comfortable with nudity. Please, you should remove your clothing and enjoy nature the best way."

"That sounds like a good idea Klaus. I think I will" I half expected Klaus to turn away, but he is standing there casually looking at me. I'm a little nervous stripping down in front of him and I mistakenly pull off my shorts first before taking off my boots. They get caught up and I start to lose my balance. Klaus grabs me by the tricep and steadies me before I fall on my ass. I can see his cock out of the corner of my eye. It's practically in my face. I finish taking off my shorts. He lets go of my arm and I pull off my shirt. Then I untie my boots, kick them off and take off my socks.

I am now standing completely naked in front of Klaus, who of course, is standing completely naked in front of me. Klaus is looking at me and I think maybe he is comparing our bodies. My cock is circumcised. It is also quite a bit bigger than his, I have already established that, however my balls are a lot smaller. When I get close to cumming, they rise up on either side of the base of my cock and almost disappear. I am somewhat hairier than average. I am lean like Klaus, but maybe not quite as thin and I have hard well defined muscles. My chest is not as developed as I would like it to be, but for the last year or so, I have been trying to build it up and I can now do 100 pushups in a row. My legs and butt are especially muscular, probably because I was a three year varsity cross country runner in high school. Klaus is smiling.

I myself can't help having what I am sure is a big stupid grin on my face. Then Klaus says, "Sam, you are very hairy."

Ever since I started growing body hair, I have been a little sensitive about my hairy body. The other boys at school would tease me and call me names like dog boy and Sasquatch. I don't think I'm really all that hairy. It's just that the hair is jet black, which makes it stand out a lot more. I don't have much hair on my back either and my chest has hair just on the upper part of my pecs, however my legs are very hairy and there is hair all over my butt. The hair on my cock and balls is especially thick and there is a wide strip of hair that runs from my cock all the way up to the hair on my chest.

"Yes, thank you Klaus, I know. I'm hairy."

Klaus momentarily touches my forearm. "Sam, sorry. I did not mean to insult you. I like it."

I look at Klaus. I'm trying to see if he is being sarcastic, but he is just smiling and his handsome face is open and sincere. I realized he wasn't teasing me and I soften up a bit.

"Thanks Klaus, it's okay. I'm a typical American mutt, part Italian, part Persian, part West African, part Mexican. Basically all my ancestors are from the hairiest regions of the world."

"Funny, Sam. You make good a joke."

We both laugh, then I say, "Let's get out of the sun." I unstrap my foam sleeping mat and set it in a spot of shade near the pool. I sit in the middle of the mat crossed legged, facing the water. I had assumed Klaus would drag his own mat into the shade as well, but instead he plops his naked butt down on my mat right next to me. He also is facing the water and after he crosses his legs our knees are just slightly touching.

Klaus and I have a very nice conversation. We chat and get to know each other a little bit. I learn that Klaus is 23 years old and has a degree in electrical engineering. He lives in Munich and works for a company that makes solar panels.

Occasionally Klaus turns his head and looks at me while we are talking and I look back at him. Anytime I want to, which is often, I can glance down and see his cock. At this moment I am very happy. Then Klaus gets a big smile on his face and nods his head towards my leg. I look at my calf and notice three spots of what is unmistakably dried cum splatter all shiny and matted in my leg hair. They must have been in full view all this time.

Klaus says, "Sam, there is semen on your leg, ja?"

I feel flush. I'm sure Klaus can't tell I am blushing, but I assume my complexion is more reddish than normal. I vigorously rub my hand back and fourth across the dried cum splatter until it mostly flakes off. Klaus just smiles. It doesn't seem to bother him, he actually seems to find it amusing.

I figure this would be a good time to get the beer, so I stand up and dive head first into the pool. It's an awkward dive and when I surface with the six-pack, Klaus is wet. Before I climb out I say, "Sorry Klaus."

Klaus stands up. My eyes drift to his cock once again. He gives me his hand and pulls me out. He smiles and says, "If you will give me a beer Sam, I will forgive you."

"Deal." I hand him a beer and take one for myself. We sit back down and I place the remaining beer in the pool within easy reach.

We are both wet, but by now the sun has moved and we are no longer in the shade. So it evens out.

Before I am halfway through with my beer, Klaus finishes his beer. He belches loudly and smiles right at me. "Ja, das war gut."

"Would you like another one?"

"Ja bitte."

"Help yourself."

We continue talking. Maybe it's the beer, but I feel relaxed and at ease with Klaus. I find myself really enjoying our conversation, especially when he laughs at my stupid jokes. I tell Klaus about my summers here in the wilderness and about my photography. I tell him the story of my elk, pointing across the pool to the spot where he was standing. Of course I omit the part about jacking off and being covered in cum.

By the time we have finished the six-pack, I have had two beers and Klaus has had four. I'm not much of a drinker. My experience with beer is even less than my experience with cock, if you can believe that. I'm feeling a bit tipsy, but Klaus doesn't seem affected at all.

I say "I have to take a leak."

Klaus says, "Ja. Me too." He follows me over to the side of the shelf that faces the valley.

I make sure I stand in a place that will give me some privacy, but Klaus comes up and stands right next to me. We are almost touching. I tend to be pee shy, but I have to go so badly that I am able to get my flow going at the same time as Klaus. I have my hand on my cock, guiding the stream. Klaus has his hands down at his sides, his dick is hanging loose and peeing freely. I realize we basically have an entire valley to pee into, so I let go of my cock as well. Both of our streams are splashing on the rocks 30 feet below. I finish before Klaus and I lightly shake off the last drops of piss. Klaus finishes soon after and he vigorously shakes his cock up and down. I'm done, but instead of moving off I just stand there and watch.

Klaus looks at me and smiles. "That was good Sam, ja?"

I believe Klaus's cock was getting bigger and it takes me a moment to meet his eyes. "Yes Klaus, nothing better than a good piss."

Klaus just laughs.

We head back to the pool. I check the sun, I don't know where the time has gone, but it looks to be around 6pm. I realize I am very hungry. I ask Klaus, "Are you hungry?"

"Yes Sam, I am very hungry."

"Great." I dig through my backpack and pull out my camp stove. I fill up an aluminum pot with water taken from the stream and begin to boil it. I am not too keen on freeze dried backpacking food, so over the years I have tended to carry a lot of fresh perishable food packed in small "blue ice" containers. I am never more than a two days hike from my Grandparents' anyway, so I can I always head back for more supplies.

Once the water starts boiling, I add in a whole box of dried rotini.

When the pasta is cooked, I strain out the water and add some previously frozen pesto that my Grandma had made from last years basil harvest. Then I divide it onto two plastic plates. Klaus is sitting on my mat next to the pool. I give him one plate and while he is holding it, I take a small wedge of Parmesan and grate it onto his pasta. Then I sit down next to him.

Klaus takes a bite. "Oh mein gott."

"Do you like it Klaus?"

"Oh mein gott, Sam"

We stop talking for a while and just concentrate on gorging ourselves. After we're done, Klaus insists on doing all the clean up for me. Then he comes back to the pool and sits next to me on my mat. I divide a Milkyway bar between us and we both slowly eat our half's, contented and happy.

By my estimation it is now around 8pm. We probably have an hour until sunset. Then I get an awesome idea. "Put your boots on Klaus and grab a flashlight. I have a surprise."

"What is it Sam"?"

"It's a surprise Klaus, you'll have to wait."

So Klaus dutifully puts on his boots and then goes into his tent. When he comes out, he has a small canvas day-pack slung over one shoulder. He takes my flashlight and puts it inside. It is obvious there is something else inside his pack besides two flashlights. "What's inside your pack, Klaus?"

"It is a surprise Sam, you will have to wait."


So we head up the trail in a westerly direction away from Moss Cum Rock.

I have never done any naked hiking before this. It feels a bit weird, but at the same time, it seems natural to be hiking naked with Klaus. I wish I was following him instead of the other way around and I was wondering how he felt about having to look at my hairy butt this whole time.

Soon after we start hiking, the trail gets very steep. After about 30 minutes of rigorous hiking, the trail ends at a small rock face angled up at nearly 45 degrees for about 10 feet. I tell Klaus to be careful, then make my way to the top. A moment later, Klaus joins me underneath an ancient Pacific Yew tree on top of a high ridge. "Oh mein gott Sam. Oh mein fucking gott."

The view from up here is incredible. The forest is spread out far below us in every direction. Way off in the distance, sparkling in the sun, is the Pacific Ocean.

"That is the Pacific Ocean Sam, ja?"

"Yes Klaus." We sit down, sharing a small log under the Yew. Our shoulders are touching. I can feel Klaus's body putting out some heat. He is sweating a little bit from the hike up the mountain side and I can detect a light scent of his body odor. I'm surprised that I like it.

The sun is getting close to the horizon. The sky has turned pink.

Klaus opens his backpack and pulls out a bottle. "Real German schnapps, Sam." He opens the bottle and hands it to me.

I look at the label. Berentzen Fruchtige. I take a small sip. At first it tastes just like apple juice, then it heats up my throat as it goes down. I cough. "Wow."

Klaus laughs. I hand him the bottle and he takes a drink. We pass the bottle back and forth. We stop talking altogether and just watch the sunset.

There are some cirrus clouds out near the horizon and as the sun gets below them they turn from white to pink to crimson then as the sun finally disappears into the ocean they turn a deep azure.

Klaus looks at me. "Thank you, Sam for sharing this special moment."

I look at Klaus. "You're welcome, Klaus." He is so beautiful. His eyes are so amazing. I want to kiss him, but I can't seem to get the nerve. So instead, I stand up. The schnapps was a lot more potent than I realized and I start to fall backwards. Klaus stands up too and puts his arm around my waist to steady me. I look down at our dicks. They are practically touching each other. I feel his body pressed up against my side and his arm around my waist and my dick starts to get hard. I don't think Klaus has noticed. I say, "We better get back before it gets too dark." and I break away from Klaus and start heading to camp.

Now that the sun has set, it cools off quickly. I am relieved my dick has become entirely soft and flaccid. I feel like I have sobered up some too and the hike down hill is fairly easy.

When we get back to Moss Cum Rock, it is almost completely dark. I move my sleeping mat away from the pool and closer to Klaus's tent, then roll out my sleeping bag. Klaus says. "Where is your tent, Sam?"

"I prefer to sleep under the stars, Klaus." It is not a total lie. Every once in a while, like maybe in late August when I am sure it won't rain, I might sleep outside, but even in the summer the weather on the Coast Range is hard to predict and especially now in mid June, where it can rain everyday.

"Sam, you may sleep with me."

The whole purpose of not bringing my tent was to somehow manipulate my way into sharing Klaus's tent with him. His offer happening so soon has caught me off guard and before I can even think about it, I decline. "That's okay, Klaus. Thanks, but I'll be fine." Then I crawl naked into my sleeping bag.

Klaus looks up at the sky. He doesn't seem convinced, but he goes inside his tent and a moment later I watch his flashlight go out.

I wake up to deafening thunder. I can feel big fat intermittent rain drops against my face. I hear them making plopping noises all around me. Klaus sticks his head through the flap of his tent and points his flashlight in my direction. I am already gathering up my gear. There is a brilliant flash and a moment later more thunder. Klaus says. "You better hurry, Sam."

The rain starts coming down harder. I hand Klaus my mat and bag and he drags them into the tent. I get onto my hands and knees and crawl inside. There is very little room. The sound of the rain striking the tent makes it seem even smaller. I keep brushing my hairy butt into Klaus as I sort out my sleeping bag. It takes me a little longer than necessary because I have to make sure the bag's zipper is facing towards Klaus.

I finally get it right and settle in.

Klaus gets into his sleeping bag as well. I notice his zipper is facing me. Lucky.

We are both smiling and looking at each other. I can see Klaus's cock peeking through the flap of his sleeping bag. I try not to be obvious when I look at it. There is another flash and more thunder and now the rain is pouring down. Klaus says something, but I can't hear what he is saying.


He shakes his head and we both lay back and just listen to the rain. Klaus turns off his flashlight.

I wake up. The rain has stopped. I can hear a Townsend's Warbler singing right outside the tent. It is just beginning to get light. I'm guessing it's around 5am. I look over at Klaus. He is curled up on his side facing away from me. His breathing is deep and steady. I notice his butt is sticking out of his sleeping bag just a few inches from my cock. My dick is hard and I have to take a leak. I roll over onto my side. I pretend I am spooning Klaus without actually touching him. I push my cock through the flap of my sleeping bag and down towards Klaus's bare ass. I dare myself to get it as close to his ass as I can.

I accidentally touch his ass-cheek with my cock-head and quickly pull it back. There is a long strand of precum connecting my cock to his butt. I hold my breath and see if Klaus wakes up.

His breathing is still steady. I let my breath out and start stroking my cock inside the sleeping bag. I try to be quiet, but the steady rhythmic movement of my hand against the fabric of the bag makes a swishing sound that cannot be mistaken for anything other than cock stroking. So I pull back the top half of my sleeping bag, completely exposing my cock to the crisp morning air.

I continue stroking while looking at Klaus's ass. I have to contain an urge to just stick my dick right into his hole. I am getting close.

Then Klaus starts to move. I quickly throw the sleeping bag over my cock and pretend I'm asleep.

"Good morning Sam."

I open my eyes. Klaus is facing me. He has thrown back the top half of his sleeping bag and he is showing me his boner.

Klaus says "I am horny too, Sam. May I join you?"

My first instinct is to pretend ignorance, but I realize my sleeping bag is obviously tented with my hard dick and there is no way Klaus can misinterpret that.

Before I can say anything, Klaus grabs his cock in a tight fist and starts moving it up and down the shaft. He looks me in the eyes, then he looks at my tented sleeping bag and uses his free hand to throw back the flap and expose my erection.

This is exactly what I was hoping would happen, but I'm surprised how easily my impromptu plan has worked. Maybe this is just normal European behavior. Two regular guys jacking together, no big deal. It really doesn't matter at this point anyway. So I grab my cock and I match my grip and stroke to Klaus's.

Even before Klaus interrupted my J.O. session, I was very close to coming, but now with Klaus stroking his hard dick right next to me, I am closer than ever. I don't want to cum yet. I want this to last a lot longer, but I can't stop myself from jacking. I am only able to slow it down a bit. So I change my grip to just my thumb and index finger. I very lightly hold my cock and I just barely move my thumb and finger up and down. It doesn't help. I am definitely going to cum, but I still try to prevent it. I stop moving my fingers completely. I clench my butt and arch my back. I hold that position for what seems like an eternity, desperately hoping to forestall the inevitable.

Then it begins. My orgasm is more powerful than normal. My first spurt is colossal. I shoot cum over my head and onto the back of the tent. At this point I resume stroking and I shoot cum onto the tent ceiling right above me. Then I shoot cum into my hair. I'm still shooting cum and it gets on my face and on my chest and I don't know where else. All this time Klaus is watching and stroking his cock. Now I let go of my cock and watch Klaus stroke his. I am really enjoying watching him when I notice a thick glob of my cum on his shoulder. I say "Oh shit."

Klaus sees the alarm on my face and then turns his head and sees my glob of cum stuck to his skin. Then our eyes meet. I think maybe he is upset. Also I really have to pee, so I quickly get out of the tent and leave Klaus all alone with his hard dick in his hand and my cum on his shoulder.

I have cum all over me and before I can pee, I find my boxers in the side pocket of my backpack. They are still damp from yesterday and they have a nasty musty smell.

I clean myself up and then go over to the ledge. It takes a few moments for my cock to settle down and the piss to start flowing. It is cold this morning. I find a hoody and sweatpants in my backpack and put them on. Then from the tent I hear, "Fuck ja. Oh fuck. Oh mein gott. Oh mein gott. Ich werde kommen. Scheisse. Ich werde kommen."

I'm really disappointed with myself for bailing out so soon. I should have stayed with Klaus until he came. Maybe he would have gotten some of his load on me.

I go over to my camp stove and start heating water for coffee.

A few minutes later Klaus comes out of the tent. He is also wearing sweat pants and a hoody. He goes directly to the ledge and pees. Then Klaus walks over to me with a wide grin on his face. "You made a big mess of my tent with your sperm Sam, ja?"

"Shit Klaus, I'm really sorry. I'll go clean it up."

"No problem, Sam. I fixed it."

I look Klaus in the eyes. He really doesn't seem upset. Then I notice a glob of cum on the side of his face matted in his beard. I point to the side of my face. "Um, you have something..."

Klaus uses his fingers to pull out most of the cum from his beard then puts his fingers into his mouth and sucks the cum off of them.

I wonder if he realizes the cum he just swallowed could be mine.

Klaus gives me a big smile. "Better now Sam?"

"Yes Klaus, much better."

The water is hot and I pour it over ground coffee beans in a plastic cone on top of a thermos. Klaus inhales deeply with his eyes closed. He looks at me. "Sam, I have not had coffee for a week."

"Well, you're in for a treat, Klaus, because I make the best goddamn coffee in the entire forest."

I only have the one cup from the thermos to drink out of. I fill it with coffee and hand it to Klaus. "We'll have to share."

Klaus takes a sip while looking at me. He hands me the cup. "Mmmm, Sam that is the best gott verdammt coffee in the entire forest."

I laugh. We walk over to the ledge and look out across the valley. We pass the coffee back and fourth and watch as the day begins to brighten.

The rock shelf is still wet from last night's rain, but there is not a cloud in the sky. I believe it's going to be another awesome day.

As I am pouring more coffee, Klaus says, "Sam, I have a favor to ask of you."

I don't like the sound of that, after I had shot my cum onto him, I am thinking maybe Klaus wants me to leave.

"Can you take me to the Pacific Ocean today?"

I am relieved. Klaus still wants to spend time with me. Also hiking to the ocean is a really great idea. I just don't want to seem too eager. I want to be cool and not come across like a silly infatuated horny teenage boy. Which, if I were being honest, is exactly what I am.

"Sure Klaus. We can do that. It's about a five or six hour hike one way and it's super hard. Are you up for that?"

"Sam, yes. I am up for that, unless you do not want to."

"I do want to, Klaus. It's a great idea. All I'm saying is that it's not going to be easy."

"Sam. You have seen me naked, ja?"

"Yes?" I'm wondering where this is going."

"Have you forgotten?" Klaus takes off his hoody and then pulls off his sweat pants. He is now naked. He stands with his legs apart and his fists on his hips. He is gazing slightly up and to the side. I realize he is doing the Superman pose.

"Look at my legs Sam."

I look at Klaus's legs, but what I see is his cock. It's still cold out and his cock has shrunken and is resting on top of his big balls. His foreskin is extending way beyond the cock-head. It looks like a straw. I want to reach out and grab it.

Then Klaus turns around. "Look at my butt Sam."

Now I am looking at Klaus's amazing ass. I start to imagine sliding my cock between his cheeks. Klaus says, "I am strong, ja?"

"Yes Klaus. You are very strong."

"Yes Sam, I am very strong. You are very strong as well. Take off your clothes Sam."


Klaus just looks at me. His gaze is stern, but there is a slight smile on his lips.

This is a bit weird, but I cannot resist him. I get naked.

Klaus now has a big grin on his face. I can't tell if he is looking at my legs or at my cock. "Look at your legs, Sam. Do you see your legs?"

"Yes?" Except I don't see my legs, I see my cock which has started getting hard. It is not anywhere near fully hard, but it has gotten longer and fatter and is sticking out at about a 45 degree angle.

"Your legs are strong, ja"


"They are very strong Sam. Now look at your butt. Do you see your butt Sam?"

I turn my head to the left and try to look at my butt, then I turn my head to the right and make a full three hundred and sixty degree circle. "No Klaus, I can't see my butt."

"That is okay Sam. Trust me, your butt is very strong. We are hiking to the Pacific Ocean, ja?"


It is still a bit chilly, so we put our sweats back on. We are both smiling. "Well Klaus, we have to prepare. The first thing we'll need to do is eat a good breakfast."

"I have instant oatmeal Sam."

"Not necessary Klaus. Do you like eggs?"

"I am sorry Sam, I do not care for powdered eggs."

"No Klaus. I have real eggs." I show Klaus a "blue ice" container with six organic, free range, jumbo eggs.

"Sam, you make me very happy."

I look at Klaus's handsome face probably a little bit longer than necessary, then I start breakfast. I have packets of diced ham and precooked bacon and add those to the eggs. Then I add a packet of chopped scallions and fresh mushrooms. Then I add a large amount of shredded white cheddar cheese my Grandma gets from a local organic dairy. By the time I am done, my frying pan is almost overflowing.

After breakfast I get out two bananas and give one to Klaus. He eats his banana while I eat mine. I feel a bit self conscious. I try to eat my banana in a manly way so as to suggest it is not a cock. I suspect I have failed.

While Klaus is cleaning up the dishes, I prepare a lunch for us. I make peanut butter sandwiches and add my Grandma's Huckleberry jam. I pack two apples and a large amount of trail mix. I include some granola bars and two large Snickers candy bars.

Klaus finds his day pack, loads up our lunch and adds several canteens of water.

It is probably around 7am and we are almost ready to go. It is still brisk, but when Klaus gets done, he takes off his sweats and grabs the day pack. "I am ready, Sam."

As much as I enjoy seeing Klaus naked, and I really enjoy seeing him naked a lot, I reluctantly say, "Klaus, we are going to an area with other people. We can't be naked."

Klaus looks disappointed. "Sorry Sam. I forgot." Then he smiles. "We can get dressed where we saw the sunset last night, ja?"

"Okay." Apparently, hiking behind my hairy ass doesn't seem to bother Klaus.

I go to my backpack for some clothes. I realize I didn't bring an extra pair of boxer shorts, so I just hand my running shorts to Klaus, sans boxers. I also give him my vintage Counting Crows tee shirt. Klaus drops them into his pack and adds a pair of his shorts that are almost identical to mine. I notice he didn't include any underwear as well. Then he adds a hot pink tank top with the breast cancer ribbon logo printed on it.

Thirty minutes later we are up on the high ridge under the Yew tree. The Pacific Ocean is beautiful and looks close, but we still have a long way to go.

The cool air was feeling good against my naked skin and because Klaus and I were hiking at a brisk pace, I didn't feel cold at all. I am reluctant to get dressed. I'm sure Klaus is also reluctant.

"Klaus, I think we can go a few more miles before we need to get dressed."

"Good Sam. I am warm."

"I can carry the pack now."

"No Sam. I will carry the pack. It is not a problem."

I set a fast pace. Klaus stays right behind me. There aren't any formal trails in this area, but there are game trails and some paths that are easier to take than others. I know of a beaver pond that is not too far out of our way, so I veer towards it thinking Klaus might like to see some local wildlife.

After about an hour we slope down into a shallow valley that is partially flooded. There are signs of beaver activity and I show Klaus some trees with gnaw marks.

As we get closer, we find a spot where we can observe the beaver pond without disturbing the beavers. We watch them for a few minutes before stepping out onto the bank. Several beavers slap their tails simultaneously and dive underwater.

I lead Klaus around the pond's edge. The water level is a lot higher than the last time I was here and we end up having to wade through a section. The bottom is soft and muddy and soon we are up to our waists in pond water.

I check on Klaus. He looks worried and appears to be cupping his balls with one hand. There are some Western Pond Turtles sunny themselves on a log nearby. As far as I know, Oregon does not have any Snapping Turtles, but if it did, I suspect Klaus's extra large balls would be irresistible to them.

Soon we come to the other side of the pond and we slog our way up onto the bank. I notice Klaus is still cupping his balls and I say, "You can let go of your nuts, Klaus. I think they'll be okay now."

Klaus gives me a big smile and lets go of them. I take the opportunity to look at his cock and balls under the pretense that I am just concerned for their well being.

Before we continue, we eat some trail mix and drink some water, then move on.

After a couple of hours of hard hiking we come to a grove of Ponderosa Pine trees. The forest floor is littered with needles and it feels spongy beneath my boots. I remember I was in this area last year and had come across a Black-tailed Deer with her fawn. I know they tend to foal in the same spot every year. I look at Klaus and say, "Klaus, I think there's a doe with her fawn nearby. Do you want to hide and see if they come out?"

"Yes Sam, that would be amazing."

So I lead Klaus to a suitable blind behind some Salmon Berry bushes and we hunker down.

We are squatting on our haunches. I have my left hand resting on the trunk of a Ponderosa for balance. Klaus is behind me and slightly to my right. He has his left hand resting on my left shoulder, also for balance. I can hear him breathing and I feel his warm breath on my back. I love this casual intimacy between us, and I pretend Klaus is getting ready to reach around me and start jacking my cock. Which was a mistake, because my cock gets hard. I cannot control its' rapid growth. It takes only a moment before it is sticking out at a 90 degree angle between my legs, fully erect and throbbing.

I'm sure Klaus can't see it, and since there is nothing I can do at this point to make my boner go away, I just give in and enjoy the feeling of my pulsating cock with Klaus right behind me.

After a few minutes, I glance down at my dick. There is now some precum leaking out of it. My right hand is resting on my knee and I casually move it up my thigh until I am able to pet the very sensitive underside of my cock, just below the head, with my index finger. I am careful not to move my arm.

I cannot believe how good it feels. I want to grab my dick and just start stroking it really fast, but that is not possible. Neither is it possible for me to leave it alone. I have no choice but to continue to pet it with my finger. It is agonizing. Klaus is behind me, totally ignorant of what I'm doing and I am hyper aware of his hand on my shoulder and his breath on my back.

I want to cum so badly now, but all I can do is continue to move my finger slowly back and forth across the sensitive underside. I am breathing faster and I struggle to keep my breath steady. I look back over my shoulder at Klaus. He smiles. My cock spasms.

I get this awesome sensation in my cock. It feels like my semen is slowly making its' way up the shaft. My cock spasms again. My breathing is beginning to get out of control. Klaus shifts his feet. His hand slides down my shoulder a little bit then he moves it back.

The spasms are becoming more frequent. It is getting difficult for my finger to find that sweet spot on the underside of my cock. Then I hit it just right and I can feel the cum moving up the shaft. It's on its' way. I hit the sweet spot again and finally the cum shoots out, spurt after spurt after spurt. I clear my throat to try and cover up the sound of sperm splatting onto the ground in front of me.

Klaus whispers, "Are you okay, Sam?"

I whisper back, "Sorry Klaus, I had a tickle in my throat."

I am worried now that the noise I just made has scared off any deer nearby, and I am about to give up. Then Klaus taps my shoulder.

I look through the underbrush. The doe and her fawn come into view. It is an awesome sight. It is one of those rare moments where I completely forget about my cock. I simply enjoy sharing this experience with Klaus.

We continue to watch them. My legs are uncomfortable from staying in the same position for so long. Klaus has to be uncomfortable too, but he is completely still. After about 10 minutes, they move on, Klaus says, "Sam, that was amazing. How did you know they would be here?"

I turn my head and look at Klaus. I want to act like I'm a big shot mountain man with special wilderness powers, but I don't want to be boastful. "I don't know Klaus, lucky I guess."

We both stand and stretch our legs. I have my back to Klaus. My cock has cum dripping out of the end of it and there is a trail of cum in the pine needles in front of the spot where I had been squatting.

I discretely use my fingers to squeegee the cum off of the end of my cock, then I rub my hand on my leg, like I'm rubbing a sore muscle. I check to make sure there isn't any cum matted in my leg hair this time. As we walk out into the open, I shuffle my boots across my spent load so it won't be noticeable.

We continue on. We do not talk. It is not an easy journey. We stop occasionally to drink water and eat granola bars or some trail mix. After nearly two more hours, we come to the eastern base of Neah-kah-nie Mountain.

"We better put some clothes on Klaus."

"Okay." Klaus sets the pack down and hands me my shorts. I put them on over my boots. Klaus does the same. "Sam, we do not need the shirts, ja?"

It is definitely warmer now and we definitely do not need to wear tops. "We're good."

"Ja Sam. We are good."

We take a break for a moment and sit side by side on a fallen log covered in moss. I look down at my lap. My dick is creating a very obvious bulge through the fabric of my shorts. I look over at Klaus's lap. He also has a nice size bulge pushing out his shorts. I momentarily visualize his large nuts and I have to fight the urge to reach into his shorts and grab them.

We start hiking again and soon we are angling up a steep slope through the forest on the backside of Neah-kah-nie. Fifteen minutes later we break out onto a major trail right in front of a small group of day hikers. They are middle aged, probably in their late 30's. Men and women. Their clothes are clean. Their hair is neat. They are freshly shaven and nicely manicured.

By contrast, I try to imagine how we appear to them. Klaus and I are nearly naked. Our dicks are loose and flopping around inside our shorts. We are sweaty and covered in a thin layer of dust with little bits of forest detritus sprinkled throughout. There is dirt under our fingernails. I have almost a two days growth of dark heavy beard. Klaus's beard is matted and patchy. Neither one of us has used a comb in days and I suspect we might be smelling a bit ripe.

When they see us, they stop talking. Klaus and I stand aside to let them pass. As they go by I nod to them. Behind me, I hear Klaus giving each one of them a high five and saying "All right". I don't have to see Klaus's face to know he has a big smile. I have a big smile too.

After they pass, we go around a bend in the trail. The forest clears out and we are on the top of a basalt headland 1500 feet above the Pacific Ocean.

"Oh. Mein. Gott. Sam!"

In front of us the headland extends out into the ocean. A few hundred feet down on our left side you can see Highway 101 and way down below that, the ocean crashing against the shoreline. To the south of us, off in the distance, is the small coastal community of Manzanita.

Klaus is genuinely impressed. He wraps his arms around me, lifts me off my feet and gives me a great big bear hug. He squeezes me so tight, I can't breathe. I am extremely aware of our dicks pressed against each other inside our shorts. "Thank you Sam."

"My pleasure Klaus." And I am thinking to myself, "My Pleasure!"

We sit down on a rock and admire the view. There is a steady breeze, it smells like the ocean. I am cooling down a bit. Klaus gets out my tee shirt and gives it to me, then he takes out his hot pink tank top. We put them on.

I say, "I'm hungry."

"Ja Sam, so am I."

Klaus gets out our lunch and we take our time eating it while enjoying the view. More people are passing by. They tend to give us our space.

After about an hour we get up. Klaus puts his pack on. He starts to go up the trail the way we came. I grab his shoulder and stop him. He turns and looks at me.

I say, "Where are you going Klaus?"

"Sam, I thought we had to go home now."

"No Klaus, I promised to take you to the Pacific Ocean." I point at the rock we are standing on. "This is not the Pacific Ocean." Then I point to the Pacific Ocean. "That is the Pacific Ocean."

Klaus gets a big smile on his face and gives me another hug. "Thank you Sam."

I hug him back and I am unable to stop myself from pushing my dick against him just a little bit.

We continue on down the trail towards the ocean. We carefully cross Highway 101. There is a meadow on the other side that slopes downhill and abruptly stops at a cliff that drops directly into the ocean. The trail veers northward. In time we come to a forest of old growth fir trees and Oswald West State Park. There is another trail going east and west. This trail connects the parking lot at the highway with Short Sands Beach.

There are lots of people on this trail moving in both directions. In about 15 minutes, we come out onto the beach. Klaus and I take off our boots and walk side by side in the sand barefoot. We find a spot on the beach and sit down. It is sunny and warm, but also windy. There are a dozen or so wind surfers on the waves.

Klaus says, "Let's get into the Pacific Ocean Sam."


We take off our shirts and leave our stuff where it's at and run as fast as we can. Soon we both dive head first into the surf.

The water is freezing. I notice the wind surfers are in wet suits. It's not long before we are back on the beach, drying out in the sun. Soon we are warm again. Klaus stands. His shorts are still damp and the outline of his dick is plainly visible. "Stay here Sam, I will be right back."

I look at his butt as he walks away. I think that Klaus is probably the hottest man on the beach right now and it appears that almost everyone is watching him, especially this group of four women in swimsuits, which is where he is headed. They are sitting in beach chairs facing the ocean, drinking beer out of clear bottles. They are very attractive, what my high school peers would call "Hot College Babes". Klaus goes up to them. I can't see his face but the women are all smiling at him. He says something and they start laughing. Then he turns and points at me and waves, I wave back. All four of them wave at me. Then one of the women opens an ice chest and gives Klaus two beers.

Klaus returns. He twists off the top of one beer and hands the bottle to me, then opens his. He holds up his bottle. "Cheers."

I clink my bottle to his and say "Cheers." Then I say, "Those women really seemed to like you Klaus."

"They really liked you Sam. They invited us to join them. Do you want to join them Sam?"

"Do you want to join them Klaus?"

"No Sam, I want to spend time with just you."

"Me too Klaus." I am looking at Klaus. He is so fucking beautiful. I really want to kiss him right now, right here on this beach, right in front of everybody. But of course I don't. What if Klaus doesn't like me or what if he just likes girls? I don't want to ruin what we have at Moss Cum Rock.

We drink our beers. The wind picks up. The sun goes behind a cloud. I start to get cold and I shiver a little bit. Klaus puts his arm around me and I stop shivering.

It must be close to 3pm. I say "Klaus, we probably need to head back now."

"Okay Sam."

We put on our boots and tee shirts and gather our stuff. Klaus follows me back up the trail and we come out onto Highway 101 at the parking lot of Oswald West State Park.

Klaus says, "Sam, we made a wrong turn."

"Not exactly Klaus. We're just bypassing Neah-kah-nie Mountain." We cross 101 and walk through the parking lot on the east side of the highway. A woman is selling tamales out of the back of a colossal Buick station wagon with fake wood paneling.

Klaus says, "Are you hungry, Sam?"

"I can eat."

Klaus pulls out two dollars from his pack and gives them to the woman. She gives him two tamales. Klaus says, "Gracius."

I have never eaten a tamale from the back of a station wagon in a parking lot in my life. Or for that matter, any parking lot food and that includes food carts, but oh my fucking god, this tamale is awesome. If it wasn't for Klaus, I never would have even considered buying one.

"Oh my fucking god Klaus. This tamale is awesome."

"It is good, ja?"


Klaus gives her another two dollars and says, "Dos tamales más por favor."

She gives him two more and I eat my second awesome station wagon tamale.

Now we are full and fueled up for the long hike back to Moss Cum Rock. We top off our canteens from a drinking fountain and then I lead Klaus east at a quick pace, out of the parking lot and into the wilderness. An hour later we rest. Before we start hiking again, I get completely naked and so does Klaus. I grab the day-pack before Klaus can put it back on. It's a lot heavier than I expected. "Klaus, will you take lead for me?"

"I do not know the way Sam."

"Just head east. I'll let you know if you make a wrong turn."

"Okay Sam."

I was getting tired and I wanted Klaus to set the pace. I also wanted to look at Klaus's naked ass for a while. Unfortunately Klaus moves faster than what I was moving. I have to concentrate just to keep up with him and I don't really have an opportunity to enjoy the view of his amazing ass. We make it to the Yew Tree right before sunset.

I am sweaty. I am tired. I am stinky. I am naked. So is Klaus. We sit side by side on our log watching the sunset. Even though we are hot, our naked bodies are pressed up against each other. Klaus digs into his day pack and voila, he takes out the schnapps.

"Shit Klaus, no wonder that pack was so heavy."

Klaus just grins at me and gives me the bottle.

We watch the sunset. We drink the schnapps.

After the sun goes down, we still hang out up there on that high ridge under the Yew tree for a little while longer. We wait until it is completely dark.

Then Klaus pulls out his flashlight. "We better get back home Sam."

I am drunk, no fucking doubt about it. "Okay Klaus."

I have a hard time standing straight. Klaus has to wrap his arm around me and help me back down to Moss Cum Rock. I am not too sure, but it is possible I might have sported an erection at least part of the way back to camp. It is also possible that my cock was hard the entire trip back. I don't quite remember.

When we get to Moss Cum Rock, I have to go to bed as soon as I see the tent. I don't even bother to ask Klaus if it's okay if I can sleep with him. Klaus follows me inside. I drunkenly get into his sleeping bag, then I immediately fall asleep.

I wake up the next morning to birdsong. I'm sure it's the same Townsend's Warbler from yesterday. I am thirsty. I have to pee. I have an erection.

I look over at Klaus and wonder why he is in my sleeping bag. He is sound asleep.

I quietly crawl out of the tent. It is fucking freezing outside. I make my way as fast as I can to the ledge. My dick is hard and pointing at nearly a 90 degree angle to my body. I start peeing through my erection and the piss shoots straight out into the valley. When I am done, my boner subsides. Mostly.

Then I find a canteen and drain the remaining water out of it. I am freezing my ass off out here and I need to get back into a warm sleeping bag as soon as possible or I swear I will die from hypothermia.

I hurriedly crawl through the tent opening. When I look up, I see Klaus naked, on top of my sleeping bag, stroking his hard cock.

"Sam, it appears you have caught me playing with my schwanz." Klaus is smiling.

"Shit. Sorry Klaus, but I have to get warm." I crawl over him and get inside the sleeping bag.

Klaus continues stroking. I am hunkered down, curled up on my side watching. Klaus looks at me and smiles, then looks back at his cock. I watch Klaus for a few minutes. I have warmed up a bit. My cock is rock hard again. I start stroking it inside the sleeping bag. Klaus takes his free hand and throws back the flap.

"Sam, it appears I have caught you playing with your schwanz."

I laugh. I continue stroking my dick while watching Klaus stroke his. Klaus keeps looking over at my cock. I'm still a little bit cold, so I press my body up against Klaus. He moans. The skin on skin contact feels amazing. Klaus puts his leg over mine. He starts rubbing my foot with his foot. I want more and I'm past the point of caring about upsetting Klaus.

I stop jacking and roll on top of him. Klaus pulls his hand out from under me and wraps his arms around me. Our cocks are side by side trapped between our bodies. I start humping. I slide my cock back and fourth across his abs. I can feel my abs sliding across Klaus's cock.

Klaus says, "Oh mein gott, Sam."

I hump him a little faster.

"Oh scheisse. Oh fuck."

I must be hitting the sweet spot. I stop. I put my hands on either side of Klaus and push up so I can see what is happening down there. The sight of my hard cock next to Klaus's hard cock really makes me hot. I lift my ass a little bit and position my cock on top of Klaus's, then I start rubbing them against each other.

"Oh fuck. Oh mein fucking gott. Wait Sam, bitte. Oh mein gott."

Klaus takes his hands from my back and makes a feeble attempt to push me off of him. It seems that Klaus does not want to cum yet. I don't want Klaus to cum yet either, but I continue. I can't help myself. I am powerless to stop.

So I grab his wrists one at a time and trap them against the sleeping mat, then I continue to rub my cock against his. If Klaus wanted to, he could easily buck me off of him, but instead he stops struggling and starts pushing his cock back against my cock. It feels fucking awesome.

I watch as I continue grinding our cocks together. They are both leaking massive amounts of precum and Klaus's abs are glistening with their combined flows.

I start grinding faster and harder against Klaus's cock.

"Oh scheisse. Oh scheisse. Oh fuck. Ich werde kommen. Oh mein gott. Ich werde kommen."

Then Klaus starts shooting his hot semen out of his cock and onto his chest and abs. I let go of Klaus's wrists and before he can grab his cock and stroke out the rest of his cum, I put my full weight on top of him and trap his still pulsating dick between our bodies.

I can feel his load on my stomach and chest. It is warm and sticky. It is gross and awesome.

I look into Klaus's beautiful blue eyes. Before I can kiss him, he kisses me. Deep. Passionate. I start humping him again.

Klaus pushes me off of him and rolls me onto my back. Then he gets onto his knees, straddling my legs and takes my throbbing cock in both hands. I lean back, my hands behind my head and my elbows pointing out. I believe I am about to receive my second hand job ever.

I watch Klaus as he starts stroking me. "Fuck Klaus, that feels good." I close my eyes as he continues stroking up and down the shaft. Then all of a sudden my dick feels hot and wet. I open my eyes to see Klaus's lips wrapped around my cock. He looks up and smiles with my cock in his mouth. Then continues sucking my dick.

"Oh fuck. Oh shit. Fuck that feels good."

I notice Klaus is already rock hard again. He is obviously enjoying sucking my dick as much as I am enjoying my dick being sucked.

Suddenly my primitive teenage brain clicks and it dawns on me that Klaus is gay.


This revelation makes me extremely happy. Then Klaus does something to my cock-head with his tongue and I am focused back onto my cock once again. "Fuck fuck fuck, Klaus."

I can see Klaus's hard cock between his legs and I want to play with it. I have to play with it. I have a difficult time trying to reach it. Klaus notices. He stops sucking me and turns around. He straddles my shoulders with his legs and goes back to sucking my cock. Now his dick is right in my face.

Oh my fucking god. Here it is. Klaus's cock. My obsession for the last two days. I grab his shaft with one hand and with my other hand cup his colossal balls. I stroke his dick slowly and fondle his balls gently. Klaus moans. He stops sucking and watches for a moment, then he resumes.

There is some left over cum on the end of his cock and I rub it around on his cock-head with my thumb, then I slide his foreskin over it. I am fascinated with his foreskin. I spend a lot of time watching as I slowly move it back and forth across his cock-head. Then I change my grip and try something else. I love experimenting with his cock. I act as if it belongs to me.

Klaus seems to love it as well, because he slowly starts to move his hips up and down. At one point he pushes his dick onto my face and keeps it there for a moment before he moves it off. I'm thinking maybe he wants me to suck it.

I have often fantasized about having my dick sucked, but I have never really thought about sucking a dick. I am a bit afraid of sucking a dick. I don't really want to suck a dick now.

I look down. I watch Klaus's mouth moving over my cock. I look at his beautiful face. His eyes are closed. He looks very happy and contented. Then he opens his eyes and sees me watching him. He takes my cock out of his mouth. "Are you okay, Sam?"

He looks worried, like maybe he's pushed me too far. I decide that it would be impolite and ungrateful not to reciprocate, so in answer to him, I grab his cock with my left hand, raise my head, hesitate for only a moment and then put his dick in my mouth.

"Oh fuck Sam, oh scheisse."

I stop. I am not sure if he likes it.

"Please don't stop Sam."

I must be doing alright, so I go back to sucking his dick. I am determined to do a good job. Klaus goes back to sucking my dick. It's official. For the very first time in my life, I am sixty-nining. :)

Now I am getting close. I start thrusting. I am literally fucking Klaus's mouth. Klaus starts fucking my mouth too. It's a bit overwhelming having Klaus's cock pumping my face. I recognize how much more difficult it must be for Klaus to handle my extra large sized cock and I feel bad until I realize I'm about to cum.

I want to warn Klaus, but I can't because his dick is fucking my mouth, so I make a sort of groaning, whimpering noise with my throat. Klaus has figured it out. He moves his head back and my dick comes out of his mouth at the same time as my hot load comes out of my cock. I am mortified as my cum covers his face. Then Klaus pulls his dick out of my mouth and his hot messy load shoots onto my face. I am grossed out, but also ecstatic.

Klaus roles off of me. We are both on our backs, propped up on our elbows, side by side, but facing each other. Klaus's face is covered with my cum. He has cum on his lips, cum in his beard, cum in his eyebrows, cum in his hair. He has a big wide grin on his cum covered face.

I am grinning too. I can feel Klaus's cum all over my face. I stick my tongue out and lick off some of Klaus's cum from the corner of my mouth. Then Klaus crawls forward, puts both his hands behind my head and brings my lips to his lips and we kiss long and hard.

We stop kissing. Klaus takes a corner of his sleeping bag and cleans his cum from my face. Then he cleans my cum from his face.

I say, "Thank you Klaus. That was amazing."

"Thank you Sam. It was a very happy surprise to receive your mouth on my schwanz. I did not think you wanted to do that. Ja?"

"Not at first, no. But I really liked it Klaus. I really liked doing it for you."

"Thank you Sam." Then Klaus gives me a sweet kiss on the forehead

I say, "I have to pee."

"Me too."

We crawl out of the tent. It must be around 7am. It is still chilly. Klaus and I run over to the ledge and pee into the valley. Then we run back inside the tent. Klaus pushes our sleeping mats together, opens his sleeping bag and lays it across the mats then opens my sleeping bag and lays it over the top. Klaus and I crawl in between the covers and curl up together on our sides. Klaus has his arm wrapped around me spooning me. His body is warm and comforting and I drift off to sleep.

I wake up. It is bright inside the tent and I am hot and sweaty. Klaus and I have switched positions so that I am now spooning him with my arm wrapped around him.

His butt is pressed up against my cock, which is rock hard again.

I throw back the top sleeping bag. Klaus moves. I look at my boner tucked between his ass-cheeks and I slide it across his ass just a tiny little bit. It feels so goddamn good. I moan. Klaus wakes up. He turns his head and we kiss.

"Do you want to fuck me Sam?"

"Oh no Klaus. I wouldn't do that to you." I really do want to fuck Klaus, but I don't want to hurt him and I'm not sure how to fuck him.

"Please Sam. I want your cock inside me."

"Really?" I don't quite believe Klaus wants to be fucked. I'm thinking maybe he's just being polite.

In answer, Klaus finds a small bottle of lube underneath a pile of clothes in the corner of the tent. He hands me the lube and turns onto his side with his butt facing me. He brings his knees to his chest. His beautiful ass is pointing right at my cock. His balls are squeezed out between his legs. He grabs his butt cheek with one hand and pulls it apart. Now I can see his puckered hole.

I cannot believe Klaus really wants me to fuck him. I cannot believe I am about to loose my virginity. I cannot believe my cock can get any harder, but I swear it does. It has never been this hard in its' entire horny teenage life.

"Sam, use the lube."

I grab Klaus's butt cheek where he is holding it. Klaus lets go. I spread apart his ass and squeeze some lube into the valley between his cheeks. I take my hand and spread the lube across his hole.

"Put your finger inside me, Sam."

I slide one finger into Klaus's tight hole and move it slowly in and out. Both Klaus and I moan together.

After a short time, Klaus says, "Sam, use two fingers."

I start sliding two fingers inside of Klaus. I am taking my time and being careful. I am thinking there is no way my oversized cock will fit inside of this tiny little ass hole.

Occasionally I hear Klaus moan. I notice he is slowly stroking his cock. I want to stroke mine too, but I'm afraid if I do, I will cum immediately.

After a while, Klaus says, "Use three fingers, Sam."

I now put three fingers into Klaus. His hole has opened up a bit and I am beginning to believe that maybe my cock will actually go inside of him.

Klaus says, "Okay Sam. I am ready. Put lots of lube on your schwanz."

I put an exorbitant amount of lube onto my cock. I roll onto my side and point my cock at Klaus's hole. Then I push my hips forward. My cock-head misses his hole and slides between his cheeks. I don't care. It feels so fucking good, I just continue sliding my slick cock back and forth across his tight little butt hole.

Klaus says, "Wait Sam." Then he reaches back and grabs my cock at the base with one hand. "Push Sam." Then Klaus purposely guides my cock into his hole.

I watch as my hard slippery dick pushes against Klaus's tight slippery hole and my cock-head forces itself inside.

"Oh fuck. Oh shit."

"Oh mein gott."

I keep pushing. My cock gets about a third of the way before I feel some resistance and I stop.

I slowly pull my cock back and then slowly push it in again. "Fuck Klaus it feels so fucking good." Klaus's hole is tight and slippery and feels hot against my cock. My cock has never felt like this before. Having sex is far better than I have ever imagined it and I have imagined having sex a lot.

Klaus says, "Please Sam, faster."

I am grateful Klaus has given me the go ahead and I start thrusting faster.

I am watching myself fucking Klaus. It seems surreal, it seems like it is happening to someone else.

"Fuck me Sam. Scheisse. Fuck me Sam."

I am thrusting faster now and I am going deeper inside of Klaus. "Oh Klaus. Fuck Klaus. Fuck that feels so fucking good."

"Sam! Fuck me Sam."

I have one hand on Klaus's shoulder. My other hand is wrapped around Klaus's body and is resting on his chest. I am absently playing with his nipple while I am fucking him.

Klaus grabs that hand and guides it down to his cock. I take the hint and start stroking him.

"Sam, don't stop Sam."

I am not about to stop. I wouldn't be able to stop even if the forest was ablaze and wild animals were fleeing all around us.

"Sam, I am getting close."

"Fuck Klaus. Me too."

"Oh mein gott Sam. Fuck me Sam. Oh mein gott Sam."

"Klaus. I love you Klaus."

"I love you Sam. Oh mein gott. Ich werde kommen. Ich werde kommen."

Klaus starts cumming, which triggers my own orgasm and I start cumming inside of Klaus.

"I love you Klaus."

"I love you Sam."

Both of our cocks finally stop shooting. We lie still a moment before I slide out of Klaus. We turn and face each other and kiss. I cannot believe how grateful I am to Klaus for allowing me to do that to him. I realize I really do love Klaus.

We kiss. We cuddle for a while.

Klaus says "Let's get cleaned up."

We go outside. It is probably near noon. There is not a cloud in the sky and it's getting warm.

We go to the stream and use the biodegradable dish soap to wash up. I watch Klaus as he cleans my cum from his ass hole. I am a bit embarrassed watching him doing something so personal and intimate. Klaus smiles. He is totally comfortable with me watching him and I realize this is the kind of intimacy that is shared between lovers.

When we are done washing up Klaus says, "Let's eat. I will make breakfast this time Sam."

"Okay Klaus. I'll make coffee."

So Klaus and I start heating water on our camp stoves. We are side by side, squatting on our haunches. Of course, we haven't bothered to put on clothes and I keep checking out Klaus's body and cock from the corner of my eye before I remember I no longer have to be discrete.

Klaus catches me looking at him and smiles. Then he grabs my cock and gives it a playful squeeze.

The coffee is ready and Klaus serves up some cinnamon and raisin oatmeal.

I have pulled out a sleeping mat from the tent and placed it near the ledge. Klaus and I sit on it and we eat our oatmeal and sip our coffee.

After breakfast, I help Klaus clean up. Then we go for a swim. It is getting hot and the water feels great. Klaus is a good swimmer, we race across the pool and he easily beats me. We splash each other and just play around.

We get out and lay on our mats in the sun. Klaus reaches over and grabs my cock and shakes it. "Sam, you are so big. When I first saw your schwanz, I could not believe my eyes."

"I didn't think my cock was going to fit inside you Klaus. Did it hurt?"

"I am not used to such a big schwanz, Sam. My boyfriend's is the same size as mine, but you did not hurt me Sam, it felt amazing."

I am happy that Klaus liked being fucked by me, but at the same time I am upset that he has a boyfriend. "You have a boyfriend?"

"No Sam, sorry. He broke up with me two weeks ago. I am not used to it."

"How could anyone break up with you Klaus?" He looks sad and I'm thinking I'm being insensitive. "Sorry, do you want to talk about it?"

"Yes Sam, if you don't mind, I would like to talk about it."

So Klaus tells me about his boyfriend. They met three years ago in college. He is the only person Klaus has ever been with. He left Klaus for a woman. After they broke up, Klaus just wanted to get as far away as he could from his ex and civilization. That is how he ended up here in the wilderness on the Oregon Coast Range five thousand miles from Germany.

Klaus looks at me and smiles. "Sam, I love you. I have loved you from the very first moment you stepped out between those boulders and onto this rock."

I look into Klaus's eyes. I can see he means it. "I love you too, Klaus."

"I know Sam. Every time you looked into my eyes, I knew you loved me."

"You did?"

"Yes Sam, also every time you looked at my schwanz, I knew you wanted me."

I'm embarrassed. "I wasn't looking at your cock, Klaus."

"Sam, you could not stop looking at my cock."

I grab Klaus's cock. "I just can't help myself, okay. I love your cock." Then I give it a little kiss.

"I love your cock too, Sam. I also love your amazing body and your beautiful brown eyes."

"What about my hairy butt Klaus, do you love that too?"

"I especially love your beautiful hairy hintern, Sam."

It is hard for me to believe that anyone could love my hairy ass, but it seems Klaus is sincere. I am wondering if maybe he wants to fuck me. The idea of Klaus's cock inside me makes me nervous and excited at the same time. I decide to change the subject. "I have a confession to make, Klaus."

"What is it Sam?"

I feel guilty about spying on Klaus. I am afraid he will hate me for invading his privacy, but I don't want to keep any secrets from him. "I was spying on you before I got here."

Klaus is looking at me. He doesn't say anything. I continue. "Three days ago when it was raining, I was spying on you from across the pool." I point to where I was hiding. "I watched you eat a trout before you went to bed,"

"That is okay Sam."

"Wait Klaus, there's more. Two days ago, before I arrived here, I was spying on you again. I watched you jack off."

Klaus gets a big smile on his face. "Sam, you are a pervert."

"I'm sorry Klaus. Do you hate me?"

"No Sam. I am a pervert too. I used to spy on my neighbor playing with his schwanz all the time."


"It is okay, Sam. We are two perverts together."

"I also took a bunch of pictures."

"Sam, can you email me copies?"

I laugh. "You really aren't upset?"

"No Sam. It is not a problem. You are too beautiful for me to ever be upset with." Klaus gives me a little kiss on the lips. "I love you Sam."

We spend the rest of the afternoon being lazy. We lay in the sun and talk. When we get too hot we go for a swim. When we get hungry we find something to eat. At one point we float sticks in the creek and try to hit them with pine cones as they go downstream.

I keep thinking about Klaus fucking my ass. I realize I want to give myself to him completely. I realize I want his cock inside me. I realize I am getting very horny. Again.

Klaus and I are sitting side by side on my mat with our legs crossed. He is telling me more about his ex boyfriend. I casually start stroking my cock. It begins to get hard.

Klaus notices. He stops talking and watches me. His cock gets hard without him even touching it. He starts stroking himself.

I say, "Klaus, I have never been fucked before. Will you be the first man to fuck me?"

"Yes Sam. You should know I have never fucked anyone before. My cock is a virgin."

"Your boyfriend never let you fuck him?" I am incredulous.

"He was a top only, Sam. He did not believe real men should be fucked."

"Sorry Klaus, but he sounds like a piece of shit."

"Thank you Sam. I am beginning to see it."

"Klaus, we are both real men, whatever that means. I want your cock inside me. I want you to fuck my virgin hole with your virgin cock, but only if you want to."

"Yes Sam. I want very much to fuck you. Are you sure you want to be fucked?"

"I don't want to be fucked by anyone but you, Klaus. Will you take my virginity?"

"Of course Sam, but I have one condition. I want this to be special for both of us."

"I know what you're going to say Klaus. You want to fuck me on the ridge top where we have seen the sunset."

"Sam! Yes Sam. How did you know?"

"We are connected, Klaus. I want this to be special too. I think we should spend the night up there."

So Klaus and I prepare for a night under the Yew tree. We roll up our sleeping bags and mats. We purposely leave the tent behind. Klaus brings what is left of the schnapps. I pack up some food and my camp stove and coffee. I make sure Klaus brings the lube.

"One more thing Klaus."

"Yes Sam?"

"You lead the way," Klaus gets a big smile on his handsome face, "and take your time."

"Of course Sam. Anything you want."

I follow Klaus up to the Yew tree. I look at his beautiful ass while we hike up to the ridge top. I occasionally get a peek at his colossal balls between his legs. I begin to grasp that I was only the second man to fuck Klaus. It makes me feel very special to him. It takes us a little bit longer than usual to get up there. We sit on our log. It is maybe around 8pm. I realize today is the summer solstice.

I say, "Klaus, today is the longest day of the year."

"I know Sam. I love you Sam." We kiss.

"I love you too Klaus."

We sit on our log side by side, naked and drinking schnapps. I am grateful there is not much left. I want to be sober when I lose my virginity to Klaus, but I also think I need a little bit to help me relax. I trust Klaus completely, but I am still nervous.

I know this is a special occasion. The sunset is beautiful. I love Klaus. Klaus loves me. We finish the bottle of schnapps. The sun drops below the ocean.

It is twilight now. The light that encloses us is soft and beautiful. Klaus sets out our mats and spreads his sleeping bag on top of them. "Sam, get down on your hands and knees."

I am as hard as a fucking rock. I really want Klaus's cock inside me. I get into the doggy position. I arch my back and push my ass out. I present my virgin hole to Klaus. I feel a large amount of lube drop onto it. I feel Klaus's fingers slide across it. Then he puts one finger inside of me.

"Oh fuck Klaus, that feels good."

"Sam, you are very tight."

"The only thing that's been in my butt hole Klaus, is my finger."

"I will be very careful, Sam."

"I know you will." My head is turned watching Klaus fingering me. His cock is hard and pulsating. As he moves his finger in and out, I start pushing my ass back towards him. I want his cock right now. "I'm ready Klaus. I want you to fuck me now,"

"No Sam. You must be patient." Then Klaus uses two fingers.

I have never put two fingers into my butt hole before. I like it. I moan.

"Are you okay, Sam?"

Please fuck me now."

"Okay Sam. Try to relax." Then Klaus uses his knees to push my legs apart and gets directly behind me. He slides his cock back and forth across my hole. Then I feel his cock-head push up against it. I involuntarily clench. Klaus stops pushing. He stays still. His cock-head feels amazing just resting against me. I start to relax. Klaus starts sliding inside of me.

I can feel my hole spread apart as his cock pushes forward. I know Klaus hasn't fucked anyone before and I am amazed at how gentle and patient he is. I realize I may have been a bit too rough on Klaus with my big awkward dick.

Klaus slowly gets deeper inside me. I feel some pain, but it's not too bad. He gets about halfway in and stops. "How are you doing, Sam?"

I love how concerned he is for me. "Good."

"Sam, it will feel better if you play with your schwanz."

"Okay." I start stroking myself and realize Klaus is right.

Klaus slowly moves his cock back and stops before the head comes out, then he slowly pushes it in again.

I moan, then I say, "Fuck that feels good."

"Sam, you feel so fucking good." Klaus continues to slow fuck me. His cock continues to go halfway inside of me. "Sam, can I fuck you a little faster?"

I want Klaus to fuck me faster, but I think I need more time. "Not yet Klaus, okay?"

"No problem, Sam."

We continue. Klaus's cock is going deeper inside me. I start pushing my ass against him and Klaus's stroke just naturally gets faster.

"Are you okay, Sam?"

"Yes Klaus. You can go faster." As soon as I said that, Klaus starts fucking me faster and harder. I realize he had been holding back on my account. His stroke gets deeper too and soon I feel his colossal balls slap against me every time he pushes forward. I now have a personal understanding of the term "Balls Deep". :)

"Fuck Sam."

"Fuck me Klaus. Fuck my hole with your cock."

"Scheisse Sam. You feel so fucking good."

Klaus bends over me. His chest is pressed up hard against my back. He wraps his arms around me and finds my cock. I let it go and Klaus starts stroking me as he thrusts his cock in and out of my hole.

"Sam. I love you Sam."

I moan. Klaus moans too. "I love you too Klaus." I start thrusting my ass into Klaus's cock. "Shit. Fuck. Goddamn. Fuck me Klaus."

"Fuck Sam. Scheisse. Fuck. I'm getting close."

"Cum inside me Klaus."

I get this bright, tingling sensation deep inside my ass with every stroke of Klaus's cock. His cock-head is pushing hard against my prostate. It is something I have read about, but have never been able to get to on my own. "I'm going to cum. Fuck me. Fuck me, Klaus."

Klaus lets go of my cock and wraps his arms around me so tightly, I can't breathe. Then he starts shooting his load deep inside me. "Oh mein gott. Ich komme, Sam. Oh mein fucking gott." My cock has now been set free. Nothing is touching it. It flops up and down as Klaus spasms and shakes me. His cock-head is forcing itself against my prostrate. Then my cock spontaneously explodes and I start shooting my load.

"Fuck Klaus. Fuck Klaus I love you."

I collapse onto the sleeping bag. Klaus collapses on top of me.

"I love you too Sam."

Klaus's full weight is pressing down on me. His cock is still inside me. I have never felt this close to anyone in my entire life. I want to stay like this forever.

Klaus gently kisses the back of my neck. He casually strokes my hair. He doesn't seem to be in a hurry to move either. After a little bit, Klaus rolls off of me and stands. He finds a moist towelette and uses it to clean me up. Somehow this act seems more intimate and loving than the sex itself.

The light is fading now, but I can see Klaus smiling. He gets the other sleeping bag and spreads it across me and climbs inside. I spoon him and wrap my arm around him. Klaus takes his hands and holds onto my hand.

Klaus says, "I wish you could come back to Germany with me Sam."

"Me too, Klaus."

I wake up. It is just beginning to get light. I listen to the different birdsong in the forest. I try to identify individual birds, but I am unable to concentrate. I am still spooning Klaus. His body is warm and comforting.

Then Klaus says, "Are you awake, Sam?"

"Yes." Klaus turns his head and we kiss.

"Sam, I have to go back to Munich in two days."

"No Klaus. Can't you stay longer?"

"Sorry Sam. I cannot. Come back with me. You can live with me for the rest of the summer and go back to University in the fall."

"That would be awesome, Klaus. I have to be back by September. I can live with you for two months?"

"Yes Sam."

"Okay. My family will want to meet you."

"I know Sam."

So Klaus makes me breakfast and then we go back to Moss Cum Rock. We clean up the camp site and hike to my grandparents' house.

I introduce Klaus to my grandparents. Of course, he is very charming. I believe they are more in love with Klaus than I am. They think my going to Munich for the rest of the summer is an excellent idea and offer to pay the airfare.

It must have been obvious to my grandma that Klaus and I are more than just friends. She has always been very direct and she simply asks me if Klaus is my boyfriend. Before I can answer, Klaus puts his arm around me and says, "Ja."

I drive Klaus to our home in Portland. After my parents meet him, they give their consent. I am able to get on the same flight to Munich as Klaus. On the flight over, Klaus shows me a number of Universities in Munich that offer programs for Americans. "Just in case you want to stay, Sam."

H.T. Bruhaus, February 9th 2019 email:

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