Moulin Rouge

By moc.onuj@9n_ssertsim

Published on Jun 19, 2001


Official Disclaimer: I borrowed the title from the producers of the movie. I don't know the characters and I don't think I am them. This all fiction. REPEAT: this is all fiction. PS: I'm not a big fan of Lou Pearlman. You'll figure out why he's in the disclaimer later.


~Part 3/Nick POV~ Day three. Ok, so day one was a failure. And day two was a flop. Who gives a damn? I woke up the next morning in Kevin's arms and have never felt more content. To hell with my job, I knew what I wanted in life. I wanted to be with this family. This wonderful, wonderful family with its quirky kid and its handsome and wonderful dad.

I called my boss as soon as I woke up. "I've taken you under my wing for over 10 years and THIS is how you repay me?! Well, let me tell YOU something, tramp! I got something that would bring you and lover-boy down to your knees!" I heard rustling then a surprised yelp. He wouldn't dare.

"NICK! HELP!" screamed the voice of Sophie Richardson. "PLEASE! HELP ME!" Another surprised yelp and my boss was back on the phone.

"Don't you lay a finger on her!" I screamed into the phone.

"You've got until midnight before I sell her to the kiddy porn company."

"Don't hurt her!" I screamed.

"Not until midnight. Have a nice day, Nicky." My boss laughed evilly and hung up. I was shaking like a leaf and I was so sure I had become very pale. The cold bastard would take away the most precious thing I knew. Now I was PISSED!

"Kevin...Kevin, sweets. Wake up." I shook his shoulder. He mumbled something and turned over. Love the man but he needs to become a morning person. "Your daughter's missing." I whispered in his ear. His eyes popped open so fast I thought they'd pop out of his head.


"My boss took Sophie." I whispered. Minutes passed by. That's it. We're wasting time on self-pity. I got out of bed and quickly got dressed. "Kev, you call the police. I'll try to hunt him down. Have the police meet at the Moulin Rouge. Do you have all that?"

He nodded numbly. "What will you do?"

"Hopefully, lure him out." I pulled on my Moulin Rouge clothes and raced out the doors. I got to the old run down place. Only now had I realize how ugly it was. I went in the back entrance for employees only. I knocked on the door for the boss.

"Come on in, Nicky."

~3rd person~ Nick cautiously walked in. the boss sat in his chair, staring at him like he still worked there. "How can I help you?"

"You know damn well why I'm here." he hissed. "I came for the girl." The boss pushed a button the bookcase revealed Sophie tied to a chair and gagged. She was limp. "What did you do to her?" he gasped.

"Nothing. Just drugged her so she can sleep. You know, I already have people offering a pretty penny for her. Can't blame 'em either," he cupped her chin, "She's a fine child." He stood up and looked at Nick. "Tell you what, my boy. I'll trade. You for the girl."

Nick paused.

"What'll it be, Nicky?"

If he surrendered himself, then it would be back to the dark world of the Moulin Rouge. If he didn't take the offer, the girl would be corrupted in the world of lies, cheating and prostitution. "Let the girl go." Nick whispered. "Let me take her back to her father, then I'll come back."

"I knew you'd see my way, Nicky." He pressed another button that let go of her restraints. Nick walked over to her and picked up the sleeping girl.

"But you need to come with me." Nick suggested.


"Who knows? I COULD run off." he said coyly.

"Alright, I'll come." The boss stood up and walked over to his employee. "But no funny business."

"of course." At least not on MY part, Nick smiled. He carried the child in his arms and walked out the back entrance with his boss trailing behind him.

No sooner when the large man stepped over the threshold, when he felt the cold metal of handcuffs encircle his wrists. "Louis J. Pearlman, you are under arrest for child exploitation, rape, and kidnapping."

Nick ran as fast as he could over to Kevin and into his warm arms. He felt hot tears burn down his face as he heard Lou Pearlman shout obscenities at him.

"Sweetie, it's over. Don't cry anymore. Lou's gone." Kevin murmured. "Shh..." he cooed. "It's over. The nightmare's over."

"I can't believe it." Nick sobbed. "If I hadn't learn to love, Sophie would be close to dead. You hear me?! She would be close to death!" he sobbed. "It's my fault you got caught up in this mess." He put Sophie in Kevin's arms and ran off.

"Nick..." Kevin put Sophie in Bob's arms and ran after the man that he truly loved.

Nick ran as fast as he can. He didn't care where he was running or how far. He just wanted to run. He finally collapsed on a beach in a fit of sobs. He stubbornly wiped his eyes with the sleeve of his shirt like an 8 year old as his mind flashbacked to how he got to working in the Moulin Rouge.

~Flash~ Young Nickolas Carter cautiously picked up the extension to hear his father talked to his kidnapper.

"Look Lou, do I sound like I give a damn about him?"

"Funny, I thought he was your precious boy." Lou replied.

"Precious my ass, I got enough kids already. Take the damn boy already."

"Alright, I'll make sure I'll put him to...good use." Lou laughed and hung up. Nick hung up as well and rushed back to the office where he was supposed to be. "Well, Nick, I guess you'll be staying with us for a long, long time. Welcome to the Moulin Rouge." ~Flash~

"NICK!" he heard someone call.

"Go away, Kevin!"

"I'm not leaving. And if I am, I'm taking you with me."

"Why do you care? I put your daughter in danger!" he screamed. "That was what I was supposed to do. Lure you in, seduce you, and then take the thing that meant the most to you. all in three days. After that, I was to hold it for ransom and if you didn't pay it in full, I would have to sell Sophie." He looked at the older man with tears in his eyes. "After all the time I've spent with you two, I didn't even want to GIVE Sophie to the boss."

"But you saved her. You were willing to sacrifice yourself for her safety." Kevin gently reminded him. "Nick, you can name everything bad about yourself and I STILL can't see it. You're a beautiful person with beautiful dreams and a beautiful and pure soul. I was going to ask you something today but this whole thing came up and---well, now's a good time as any." Kevin got down on one knee and opened a small velvet box. "Nickolas Gene Carter, will you marry me?"

Nick felt new tears come to his eyes. Tears of happiness. All this time, all the diamonds, clothes, and "love" he has gotten had never even reached how happy he felt now. "Yes...oh god, YES!" he screamed as he passionately kissed the man he loved.

"Daddy?" called a soft voice.

They stopped their celebration to see Sophie trying to stand from the sand. "SOPHIE!" they cried as they threw their arms around her.

"Daddy, what's going on?" she asked.

"Never you mind. There's gonna be a wedding."


"Me and your dad." Nick replied. He squat to her level. "Is that ok with you?"

She frowned and crossed her arms. "No, that won't be ok." Nick's face fell. She brightened up. "That'd be a hella great!"

Nick picked her up and kissed her on the cheek. "I have a family now." Nick shouted happily.


It's not over yet.

Next: Chapter 4

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