Mount Pleasant

Published on Mar 29, 2009


Mount Pleasant 6

by Bald Hairy Man

This is a story about gay men and gay sex. If you don't like that DON'T read it. You have been warned. It is intended for adults to read, not for minors. It is a fantasy, not a sex manual. No effort to portray safe sex practices has been made. If you have any comments send them to or

We had a nice peaceful stretch at Mount Pleasant as we excavated the fountain. No one wandered off, no one died and no one did anything stupid. Even though Lorenzo, formerly know as Swamp Thing, was close to being a feral child, his herding abilities were second to none. He kept anyone from wandering.

Dr. Davis visited to check up on the progress of the excavation. Usually he came with Frank. Frank liked Lorenzo, and if truth be told, he more than liked Lorenzo. They were spectacularly miss matched, but love isn't too rational. We allowed, and indeed encouraged, family and friends to take the residents home for weekends, or take them on vacations. Frank came to me and asked if he could take Lorenzo home for a weekend and if we would allow Lorenzo to an artists model for several students. "We'd pay the going rate," he said. "His body is a sculptor's dream."

Frank knew Lorenzo's quirks as well as anyone, so I decided to give it a try. The trip was a great success from both Lorenzo and Frank's perspective. Lorenzo came back with $150.00. That was the most money he had ever seen. With no family and no money, he was entirely dependent on Mount Pleasant. He couldn't buy things like candy bars and such things on his own. This was a fortune for him.

Frank had a partner back in Charlottesville. The partner, whose name was Luke, liked Lorenzo as much as Frank did. Luke was a sociology PhD candidate and thought he had hit the mother load with Lorenzo. Lorenzo was a dissertation on the hoof. There was one fly in the ointment. Luke liked sex with Lorenzo as much as Frank did. This was fine for Lorenzo who was used to group play any way, but it screwed up any learned papers in him by Luke. You aren't supposed to sleep with the subject of your papers.

Briefly I was worried Frank and Luke were using Lorenzo, but then realized that was silly. Lorenzo was self reliant and no shrinking violet, especially sexually. He was a top. Frank told me the sketches of Lorenzo had been wonderful, but the nights had been even better. "Luke and I had a good relationship, but it got better," Frank explained. "You can get into a rut. For years Luke has been fucking me. Lorenzo mounted him the first night and it was magic. Luke didn't know what had hit him."

I had to make a trip to Charlottesville to go to a meeting, so I gave Lorenzo a ride to Frank and Luke's place. I trusted Frank, but it's never a bad idea to check up on things. Thy lived on the remains of a big farm to the south of the town. The house was bungalow, but there was a good sized barn to the rear that was Frank's studio. I dropped Lorenzo off and went to my meeting.

When I returned I met Luke. He was a big, beefy man notably well dressed and perhaps ten years older than Frank. He was bearded, and would have looked a bit like a lumberjack if it wasn't for his Brooks Brother's clothes. He said they were in the studio. We walked about 150 feet and went in. From the outside it was a big red barn, inside it was totally renovated to be a sculptor's studio. There were several large blocks of stone as well as a kiln. The roof had been opened up with skylights. I realized Luke must be a wealthy man. Frank didn't strike me as being loaded.

Lorenzo sat in the middle of the room, naked and basking in the sun. Frank was with three other men, all doing clay sculptures of Lorenzo. "Take a break everyone," Frank said. "I'd like you to meet Woody Smith. He's the director of Mount Pleasant and has been a great supporter of the effort to restore the fountain sculptures."

Two of the men were in their 20s; one was my age. They were all big men. I assume small sculptos are a rarity. Frank introduced me to Professor Goode, he was the older man, John Jones and Cal Deventer. They were students, I assumed. John went off to get some drinks and we chatted. When John returned he took a drink to Lorenzo first and then to us. I knew Lorenzo liked chocolate milk and that is what he got. John also brought a bowl of fruit that included Lorenzo's favorite apple, a Granny Smith.

We looked at the clay models and they all seemed good to me. Several were realistic, but all captured Lorenzo's persoality. The other men gave critiques of the works. The criticisms were well considered and well received and the men got along. They seemed professional in their comments, not at all personal. Lorenzo made some comments too. In Goode's sculpture the genitals were slightly enlarged. Lorenzo liked that. After the break the men returned to sculpting.

I went on a walk around the farm. On the other side of the barn was a new swimming pool. Luke came out to see me. "Lorenzo is quite a find,"he said. "He has one of those bodies that is a sculptor's dream."

"Do you sculpt?"

"I wish I did," he said. "I was an Art Major in college. I loved it, but I also realized I had no talent. Fortunately Frank has enough talent for both of us."

"How long have you been together?"

"Almost eight years now," Luke said. "We hit it off immediately, but Frank was worried he would be regarded as a kept boy. He moved in only after he sold his first work. I think Frank told you, Lorenzo has been good for us."

"As far as I can tell, you've been good for him too," I said.

"He seems to be a child of nature, Luke said. Hen leaned close to me. "He would love to have some fun with the other sculptors, but that hasn't happened."

"Are they interested?" I asked.

"They certainly are," Luke said. "Lorenzo is physically attractive, but very much a sexual creature. That why there are no women students here. They might not understand. Frank hand picked these men. They are open minded and can accept some of Lorenzo's oddities. Lorenzo has fondled Cal and Professor Goode, but they are worried they might be taking advantage of him."

"We had the same concerns at Mount Pleasant," I said. "As you know, Lorenzo is mostly a top. I'm afraid he might want to take advantage of them."

Luke smiled. We understood each other. "I was thinking of having a little pool party later this afternoon. Would you like to join us?"

"I don't have any trunks," I said.

"Actually none of us has trunks," Luke said. "I'll see if the other sculptors would like to join us."

I came as no surprise to me that John, Cal and Goode all came to the pool party. We got to the pool, stripped naked and jumped in. Lorenzo was happy as a lark. I think it was like being home with his brothers and Daddy skinny dipping in a pond. Lorenzo doesn't possess a shy bone in his body. He fondled cocks under water and sucked the cocks of the men on the side of the pool. There was none of that uneasy time between meeting a potential playmate getting him in bed. It didn't occur to Lorenzo there was any thing wrong with sucking a cock.

No one else seemed to think it was a problem either. Apparently the sculptors knew of each other's sexual preferences, but had never played together. Not only had they not played together, they had never played in a group. Fortunately they were both adaptable and open minded. With Lorenzo acting as the sexual spark plug there was no option. His enthusiasm combined with normal curiosity carried the day.

Lorenzo went for Goode first. Goode was tall and muscular. He worked in stone, so his torso was massive. Moderately hairy, he was his uncut cock nestled in a thick bush of gray hair. At first glance he was all balls and hardly any cock. It was soon clear he has a grower, not a shower. Lorenzo got his cock hard and then snagged John as he swam next to him. John was a ruddy, red headed man. His cock was cut and always hard as far as I could tell. Lorenzo alternated sucking them.

Lorenzo was like a boy in a ice cream parlor, he went for Cal next. John slipped back in the pool and took care of Goode's erect member. For Lorenzo, Goode's cock was just a cock, for John it was his former professor's meat. He sucked it with relish. Goode looked a little shocked at first, but soon adapted to the new circumstances.

Luke sucked me as I sat on the edge of the pool. I think he was just being a polite host. He was a good sucker, but not exceptional. Frank came up behind him and put his hands on Luke's shoulders. I was pretty sure his cock was in contact with his partner's hole. The physical contact with his lover improved Luke's sucking style immensely. By now everyone was involved.

Sometimes the planets are in prefect alignment. I think Lorenzo hyper sexual nature, combined with his innocence carried the day. Lorenzo loved sex, but he was a child of nature. Sex wasn't a moral issue, it was a enjoyable way to spend time. Lorenzo gave and took in equal measure. He enjoyed getting fucked as much as he enjoyed fucking, and he never considered the possibility he would not please his playmates. Sex was a way to show affection and friendship.

In the studio I noticed the artists liked him and it seemed as if he was a part of the group. I suspected most of the men were attracted to each other, although in our society, their relationship wasn't sexual. When it turned sexual, it seemed natural and right. No one in the group was male model like pretty. Their muscles were due to working in stone and other heavy materials,

They didn't strike me as sexual men, but they obviously enjoyed men and sex with men. They were all well acquainted and took their time and savored the sexual connection. John had sucked Goode's cock gingerly, but when Goode returned the favor it was more of a gentle toying with the younger man's organ. In he bright sunlight I could see beads of precum dripping for John's cock. Not a single drop touched the concrete deck. Goode's tongue intercepted each drop.

"You have a beautiful cock," the professor said.

"It's pretty average." John replied.

"It's the color," Good explained. "The copper colored bush, pink skin and lavender cock head. I never considered the color combination before."

John laughed. "I think you've been teaching art too long!"

Goode smiled. "Maybe you're right. It's beautiful though and it tastes better than it looks." The professor was soon milking the sweet man juices from John's cock. From the look on John's face I knew he would soon be feeding Goode some of his thick man cream.

I heard Luke moaning. Lorenzo interests had progressed from sucking to fucking and Luke was the first recipient of his rod. Luke was on his back as Lorenzo slid his cock into the ass. Lorenzo had Luke's legs spread wide and hole wide open. Lorenzo like to pull out between each thrust and watch the ass respond. Luke seemed to like that too. Luke was so dapper and proper it was a shock to see him so exposed.

Luke was also totally at ease with the situation. It was as if being naked and fucked by a slightly crazed, sex manic mountain man was the most ordinary thing in the world. You could see the pleasure he felt as Lorenzo's cock pounded him. I have noticed the intensity of a group sex situation picks up when the fucking starts. This little pool party was no exception.

When Lorenzo pulled out of Luke's ass Frank filled the void. Lorenzo moved on to Cal, but this time Lorenzo got on his hands and knees and wiggled his ass. Cal knew an invitation when he saw it. Cal was in his late 20s and had the build of a line back and the slightly asymmetrical face of a wrestler. H was a fur ball, with a continuous coat of dark brown hair from his beard to his toes. His cock seemed to be hidden somewhere inn his thick bush. It wasn't hidden anymore. Cal had a long and thick telephone pole. The head was the same size as the shaft and it was absolutely straight.

I had been sucking Cal's cock when Lorenzo came over, so it was spit lubed. Cal positioned his cock at Lorenzo's hole, then grabbed his shoulders and pulled Lorenzo onto his member. Lorenzo's eye rolled back as the shaft penetrated deeper into his body. Lorenzo was no virgin and this was special. I'm not sure he knew there were still new feelings in his ass, but Lorenzo was one happy man.

By now John was giving Goode's prostate a nice massage with his cock and the older professor was obviously enjoying it. I took Lorenzo home around seven. It had been a good day for him and for me. Frank and Luke treated Lorenzo as a relative. They took him home and came by to visit regularly. When Lorenzo got the flu, they came by to nurse him. They were much more attentive than the real relatives of some of our residents, like Elvis and Ellington.

Elvis and Ellington were our youngest residents and were improving to a stunning degree. Our nurse Saul and residents Junie and Kirk efforts at rehab had born fruits. Both of the younger men responded to treatment and were beginning to fully function as men again. Saul pointed out they got Elvis and Jonesy to function sexually as men and the rest of them followed suit.

"It may sound odd, but things got much better after Elvis fucked Junie the first time," Saul said. "That's when he realized his life wasn't over because of the accident." Elvis and Ellington were active in the excavation. Ellington had been an electrician and he discovered how the fountain had been originally been illuminated. He got interested in Mount Peasant's original electrical system and discovered how it had functioned. The house had its own dynamo, and another resident wrote a paper on this early approach to electric service. ]the paper got accepted by a learned journal. Ellington was listed as the co author. He was pleased to no end.

Elvis' father had no interest in his son's progress. He was particularly sour. He would visit once every three months and stay for a half hour. He was always on his way somewhere else. It was lucky that Kirk and Junie were more than willing to play the fatherly role. Neither had been married or had children and Elvis was the perfect child. They both loved him and protected him. They never considered or treated him as a seriously brain damaged man. They treated him as he had been before the accident.

Samuel, one of the construction workers, took a shine to Elvis. Kirk was afraid Elvis would get too attached to Samuel and then Samuel would leave. Elvis was quite child like emotionally, and this worried Kirk. It was a complicated balancing act. Sexually Elvis wasn't a child and he was turned on by the construction worker who was his age.

When Samuel left during a lull in the construction he sent Elvis cards and notes. The relationship resumed when he returned. As the construction process on the pool began to wind down, Samuel took Elvis on a trip to Kings Dominion. That was a unqualified success from Elvis' point of view. Of course I knew Samuel and Elvis's relationship wasn't platonic. Elvis loved sex and that was an essential part of his life.

Samuel came to me as they were about to leave the pool construction for another project. He wanted to know if he could visit Elvis and perhaps take him home for weekends and holidays.

"What I really would like to do is to take him home and take care of him," Samuel said. "I just don't think that's possible. I have to work and he needs too much care. I couldn't spent the time Junie and Ellington do in rehab. They're saints!" This arrangement seemed to me was close to being a perfect arrangement. Elvis went on a weekend with Samuel at his apartment in Northern Virginia and it was a success. Being in an apartment with a man his own age was good for him. He felt like a man not a patient.

Samuel said then spent most of the time eating, sleeping, watching television and fornicating. "This may sound strange, but it was the best sex I've ever had," he said. "The things Elvis can do, drives me wild. I don't know what it is."

"Once and a while you find a person who is a perfect fit," I said. "I've known men who just hit the fight spots."

"Sex was fun with Elvis here, but in my apartment it was wonderful."

"It may be you relaxed. I've know some guys who find sex in a hotel exciting," I said. "You may have noticed I like sex in the shower room and steam rooms. That's something new for me, but the sound of running water gets me going now. As Elvis recovers he wants to feel like a whole man. I bet your apartment is a sign he well enough to function in the real world."

"My neighbor had a dog and Elvis loved him," Samuel said. "It was odd. Most of the time the dog is overly rambunctious. He seem to know Elvis wasn't as steady on his feet as he might be, and he calmed down. My neighbor let us go to the park with Robber, the dog. It was great. The dog and Elvis had a good time."

Robber turned out to be an important part of Elvis' life. Samuel's neighbor was to be sent to Afghanistan and Samuel brought the dog and his owner, Captain Woodward, to Mount Pleasant on a visit. Robber was a young, very big, chocolate Labrador. Well named, Robber didn't actually steal things, but anything that fell on the floor was a goner. I wouldn't have described him as rambunctious. He was busy, cheerful and had a near perfect sense of human capabilities.

Elvis was in heaven, the other residents were much taken by the dog. Samuel had been reading up on therapy dogs and thought Robber had that potential. Woodward was a somewhat up tight officer who was deeply attached to the animal. He hadn't been able to find anyone to take him. When I said Robber was a big dog, I meant big. Woodward was a jogger and Robber was use to six mile a day runs.

Robber had to good sense to charm Glenn and Saul. Robber's mother had trained him well. He had this concerned and worried look when to talked to him. Robber wanted to please. Glenn took him to meet some of our more problematic patients. One of the men who was becoming vegetative immediately perked up when he saw the animal. For fifteen minutes he was an alert four-year-old boy with a dog. Glenn was overjoyed.

Samuel was a smart man and had guessed this would happen. Robber was ours. The actually had all of Robber's things in the trunk. Woodward was relived and grateful. I assumed he would take the dog back when he returned, but he said the dog was ours. "I don't think you should change masters too many times. My life is too much for a good dog," Woodward said, "He loves it here." Robber was frolicking in the yard and exploring. Samuel and Woodward left and we had a dog.

Robber was well trained and spent the night with Elvis, but was friendly with all the men. He was willing to help Lorenzo with his herding chores, and he helped Bill deal with vermin and other animals. Dr. Ed said Robber established a defensive perimeter delimited by a ring of piss. Inside that perimeter was his kingdom. Badgers and Ground hogs were banished from the property. Robber didn't object to deer but he liked them at a distance. That was good for our shrubbery and the orchard.

Robber was a working dog. He woke up and went out. He vanished into the woods to take care of business. We never found a turd on the property. Then he checked the perimeter pissing when the sent wasn't strong enough. When he returned to the house he would greet everyone and watch the dining room floor for falling food. Saul, Glenn or Elvis would take him to visit some of the residents.

The rest of the day was up to him, but Robber was busy. He could retrieve sticks for hours on end. This was good exercise for out residents. Some who were quite sedentary would get out and throw a stick. The longer the throw the better from Robber's point of view and some men who were weak got to be able to toss the stick a considerable distance. They wanted to please him. Robber was always pleased.

The completion of the pool was a big event. We had an open house on a Sunday afternoon and had very good attendance. There were friends and family everywhere. Lorenzo was at Frank's place during the afternoon event, but we were going to have another party that evening to thank the construction workers. That was a different type of party all together.

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