Moving Forward

By Francis O'Ratigan

Published on Feb 8, 2000


I would like to thank the people who sent me e-mails in support of my new story. I am going to continue with it. As before this is complete Fiction and In no way reflects the sexual orientation of the BSB. If you are a minor than scat!! Come back when you are legal. And if you are looking for the sex well you are not going to find it here. At least not yet. Although that is not to say that I wont tease you a bit. Now on with the Story!

Remember your comments help set the stage for the story. So e-mail me your comments or ideas.

Moving Forward

Chapter 5

"So faggot!" he sneered at me. "You ready to die?" He waved the gun in my face. I took the time to notice that he had turned the safety off by accident. I looked behind him to see Kevin standing there. He wasn't hurt, thank God.

"Come on Bobby you are my friend," I pleaded. He smacked me in the face with the gun.

"Was" your friend! I aint no friend with a cocksucking ass fucking faggot!" He screamed at me. "Now it is time for you to die!" I made my move. I kicked at his feet and swept him to the ground. He swore and swung his arm around and tried to pull the trigger. He swore again when he realized that the gun's safety was on. I punched him in the jaw. His eyes rolled back and he fell back to the floor. I quickly disarmed him and sat back down. Kevin rushed over to me. He took a look at my stomach. It was bleeding again.

"Where is the ambulance?" he asked looking worried.

"Where is Brian?" I asked looking around.

"You need to rest Chris," he said quickly. I started to get worried.

"Kevin! Where is Brian?" I yelled at him. A wave of pain washed over me. I closed my eyes to get the pain under control. I gritted my teeth as I tried to stand.

"Chris! Lay down now!" ordered Kevin as he tried to push me back down. I tried to fight him off. I had to get to Brian, I just knew he was in trouble. "Please Chris you're going to hurt your self even more," he pleaded in a softer tone.

"Tell me where Brian is," I insisted glaring at him. I could hear sirens blaring and I knew that help was seconds away.

"Brian is fine Chris," lied Kevin. I could tell because he couldn't look me in the eye. The door flew open and two police officers cam running in. "Officer, we have wounded here. One knife wound here in the stomach and one gunshot wound in the kitchen!" explained Kevin turning the situation over to the police. I glared daggers at poor Kevin. "It is just a leg wound. He will be alright!" he assured me giving my arm a squeeze. I nodded my understanding to him.

"I need to be with him," I insisted. He shook his head no. "I'm so worried about him Kevin!" I sobbed at him. He touched my shoulder and smiled.

"You love him don't you?" he asked. I nodded.

"Than trust me when I say that he is going to just fine," he pleaded with me.

"But he is in pain and I need to be there for him," I cried out grabbing his arm to pull myself up.

"You aren't going any where except to the hospital," ordered a paramedic. With one arm he pushed me back down. 'Ok I knew when to give up. This guy was built,' I thought to myself. "Let us take care of your friend," said the Paramedic. I nodded with tears of worry falling down my face. I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"I promise you, he will be alright," pledged Kevin looking me in the eyes. I knew that he wasn't lying this time.

"Go to him and let him know that I love him," I whispered. Kevin nodded and took off to give Brian the message. I was loaded onto the stretcher and rolled into the ambulance. I noticed that Bobby was being man handled into a squad car. He glared at me as I was rolled by. I shook my head sadly wondering how I could have a friend like that.

Back in the house. Kevin walked into the kitchen and almost laughed. It seems that Brian was having the exact same argument with the other paramedic that Chris was having. "I need to be with him. I have to know if he is alright!" he shouted out swatting the hands of the paramedic away as he tried to take Brian's blood pressure.

"You are not going any where sir!" exclaimed a pissed off Paramedic placing a strong hand on Brian's shoulder and pushing him back down on the stretcher.

"Brian!" shouted Kevin. Brian looked up at Kevin with worried eyes. "Listen to the Paramedics. Chris is already on the way to the hospital. He is going to be fine," Kevin said lowering his voice. Brian lay back on the stretcher and let the Paramedics do their thing. Kevin took his hand and look into his eyes. "I have a message for you from Chris." Brian perked up right away. Leaning down so he could whisper in Brian's ear. "He loves you!" Brian smiled at the message. Turning to the paramedic.

"Well what are we waiting for? Come on, come on time's a wasting!" he shouted at the now confused paramedic. Soon Brian was on his way to the hospital and Kevin followed behind.

At the Hospital.

I lay on a stretcher while a nurse cleaned my knife wound. He kept looking me over and I was getting tired of it. I rolled my eyes as he brushed his hand over my crotch reaching for the bottle of sterile water.

"Could you be any more obvious?" I asked glaring at him. He blushed deeply and quickly finished his work. He just about stumbled over himself to get out. I heard a knock on the door and a smiling Kevin stuck his head in. I waved him in.

"How are you doing?" he asked taking a peek under the dressing and wincing. "That will leave a scar," he commented. I swatted his hand away. He giggled. "How is the pain?" he asked worried.

"Fuck the pain!" I said grabbing his arm. "Two questions, first one. Did you give Brian the message? And how is he?" Kevin laughed a little stalling. I punched him in the shoulder.

"Ouch!" he whined rubbing his shoulder. "Yes I gave him your message and he is doing fine. He is probably busy fighting with the nurses trying to get to you," he laughed. "By the way what is the story with that cute nurse that came rushing out as I was rushing in?"

"Oh him!" I groaned rolling my eyes.

"Ok, now I know there is a story here," laughed Kevin. "Come on spill the goods." I glared at him and he just smiled at me. "Come on tell me so I can go and tell your boyfriend."

"He was just checking me out and being very obvious about it and I called him on it. Brian better watch him. He is a crotch grabber," I said placing my hand over my crotch.

"No way!" laughed Kevin. "Oh my God he grabbed---" I clamped my hand over his mouth stopping from saying it.

"Yes Kevin!" I scolded. "Now be a good boy and check on Brian for me!" I ordered him. He let out a sigh and got up and headed out of the room. "And Kevin?"

"What?" he demanded sticking his head back in.

"Hurry!" I ordered. He rolled his eyes and took off. I could hear him mumbling something about us running him to death. I softly laughed to myself. "I heard that!" I shouted at him.

In Brian's room.

Brian was lying on a stretcher wincing in pain as the same nurse was cleaning his wound to prepare him for surgery. Brian was releasing a very long stream of cuss words and threatening to kill the nurse. This time the Nurse was behaving himself. Kevin slipped in and took Brian's hand. Big mistake because Brian instantly squeezed the heck out of it. Finally the Nurse was done and he slipped out of the room.

"You know Brian, he was just trying to help," Kevin lightly scolded Brian. Brian just glared at him. "I just came back from Chris's room." Brian instantly perked up.

"How is he?" he asked.

"Oh he is fine. Busy fighting off a certain crotch grabber," Kevin giggled glancing in the direction of the exiting nurse. Brian's eyes got real big and Kevin lost it.

"And he is still alive?" asked Brian gesturing at the nurse. Kevin nodded. "Well not for long," snarled Brian as he made a lame attempt to get out of bed.

"And what do you think you are going to do to him in your condition?" asked Kevin not making a move to stop him.

"I'm going to beat him up for touching my boyfriend," insisted Brian as he tried to stand on his bad leg. He winced in pain as he started to put weight on it. "Right after I get this leg taken care of," plopping back onto the stretcher. "Kevin go back to Chris and tell him I love him," ordered Brian. Kevin rolled his eyes. "Well come on hurry, I haven't got all day. Move it move it!" Brian said shoeing him out of the room. So Kevin went grumbling out of the room.

In My room.

Kevin stuck his head back in the room and saw that I was dosing off. They had given me some really good painkillers. He snuck in and sat next to me. He peeked under the dressing and found that they had stitched me up. So he snuck back out of the room and reached into his pocket and dialed Nick's number. "Hey Nick, can you come to the hospital?" asked Kevin.

"What?" demanded Nick. "What's wrong?"

"I'm here with Brian and Chris. Brian got shot and Chris got a knife wound. Some crazy Marine broke into Brian's house and started some trouble. Chris stepped in just in time to stop him for beating up Brian real bad. I need you to come down here and take Chris home."

"Ok I'm on my way Babe," he said hanging up the phone. Kevin went back to Brian's room to find out that he had been taken to surgery. So he headed back to my room to wait on Nick. When he got there he found that I was awake with my arms crossed and glaring at the nurse. He had a syringe in his hand and was pissed off.

"Sir!" he shouted at me. "You have to take this tetnus booster before we can discharge you!" he insisted.

"I hate needles and you come one step closer to me with that needle and I'll open up a can whoop ass on you," I ordered him. The Nurse looked at Kevin for help.

"Typical Marine!" laughed Kevin. I glared daggers at him. "Well you are! All Marines hate needles with a passion. But Chris you need to take the shot if you want to go home." The door swung open and Nick came rushing in.

"Where is Brian?" he demanded. He caught sight of me glaring down the poor nurse who was still brandishing the needle. "What is his problem?" asked Nick giving Kevin quick kiss on the cheek.

"Well Nick we have a small problem. You see Chris is afraid of needles, you know being a typical Marine and all. And this nurse is under orders to give Chris a tetnus booster before he can discharge him." Nick nodded understanding.

"Come on Chris!" ordered Nick. "Take the fucking shot so I can take your ass home!" I rolled my eyes and than reluctantly rolled up my sleeve. The Nurse quickly administered the shot and left in a hurry. "So Kevin, when you coming home?" asked Nick.

"I'm waiting for Brian to get our of surgery first." said Kevin.

"I'll miss you babe," whimpered Nick leaning in for a quick kiss. My eyes just about popped out of my head.

"You mean you two are a couple?" I asked Kevin. Nick rolled his eyes.

"Yes we are a couple asshole!" he sneered at me. I was a little hurt that he acted that way but I didn't show it. I just climbed out of the stretcher and got ready to go. I gave Kevin a quick hug and got jabbed in the side by Nick. "Stay the fuck away from him!"

"Hey Nick!" shouted Kevin. "That's enough, Chris didn't do anything all right?" Nick just rolled his eyes and headed out the door. "Don't worry about Nick, he just needs some time to get used to you." I nodded and followed Nick out the door. Once in the car Nick turned on me.

"What the fuck did you do to my friend that got him in this trouble!" he shouted at me. I clamed up not saying anything. Maybe if I was real quiet he would just go away. He smacked me up side the head. "Hey asshole! I'm talking to you!"

"I didn't do anything and why are you calling him your friend? You sure the hell didn't act like his friend yesterday!" I hurled at him. He glared at me as he pulled into the driveway. We climbed out and headed into the house. He let me in first and as I walked by him he pushed me in. That was enough. My combat training took over. I grabbed his arm and twisted so that I hurled him over my shoulder. He went crashing against the wall. I was on him in a heartbeat and had him locked in a headlock. "Fuck with me again Blondie and I'll wipe the floor up with you! Understand?" I was mad and he didn't answer me right away so I twisted his arm back a little more.

"Alright man, I get the fucking picture, now let me up!" he whined at me. I let him go walking away favoring my stomach. I was starting to feel pain again. I sat down on the couch and took my shirt off. His eyes got real big when he saw the size of my dressing. "Jesus Christ man, he cut you real good!" he exclaimed. I just glared at him and lay down. I started thinking about Brian and tears came to my eyes. "You in pain?" he asked concerned. I shook my head no not willing to show him any weakness. "Hey man I'm sorry I was rough with you. Brian may have fucked with me along time ago but he is my friend and I do worry about him." Tears were falling freely now as I thought about him lying in the hospital bed alone.

"I miss him," I whimpered turning away from Nick. I felt a blanket being laid over me. Than the light turned off and than there was silence in the room.

Chapter 6

I heard the door creak open and I was up in a flash. The pain came searing back at me. I remembered that I was cut. I stifled a groan of pain. The hallway light came on and Kevin came into the living room. "Nick are you awake?" he asked.

"Yea Kev I'm awake came a sleepy voice. I was shocked that Nick had stayed up while I was asleep.

"How is Brian?" I asked walking out into the light.

"Shit Chris your bleeding again!" shouted Kevin. I looked down and saw the bandage soaked in blood. Kevin was beside me helping to the couch. He gently removed the dressing. After close examination of the wound we found out that a couple of stitches were tore loose. "Let's change the dressing and get you upstairs to bed. Why did your stitches tear loose anyway?" He asked hovering over me like mother hen. Nick looked scared.

"I don't know, must've tore loose when I turned over or something," I lied. Kevin looked at me funny like he didn't believe me or something. "So back to my original question. How is Brian?"

"Well surgery went fine and he is resting. Although he did throw a fit when he found out that he had to stay in the hospital through tomorrow," he said laughing softly. Tears came to my eyes as I thought about two whole nights with out Brian. Kevin noticed them and looked over at Nick.

"He's been pining over him since we got home," Nick explained. Kevin pulled me into a hug and I let loose sobbing into his shoulder.

"It's all my fault!" I sobbed. "I led those bastards to him. If I hadn't of picked him up he would be alright."

"Hey hey, stop talking like that. That is the last thing Brian would want you thinking right now. I've never seen him happier in his life than he is right now so stop blaming your self. This is not your fault!" Kevin scolded me. "Now come on upstairs and let's get you in a real bed. I allowed Kevin take me upstairs and into a room. I got stripped to my boxers and laid down to sleep. "You going to be alright alone?" he asked. I nodded my head yes and he closed the door leaving me to myself. I tossed and turned for the next hour before finally falling asleep.

Kevin headed down stairs and found Nick taking a huge drink from a bottle of whiskey. He shook his head sadly and took the bottle from him and recapped it. "You know that is not what you need right now Nick," he softly scolded him putting the bottle away. "Besides you are underage." Nick glared at him and stalked off. Kevin rolled his eyes and followed him. It was going to be one of those nights. "You want to talk about it?" he asked. Nick shook his head no as he plopped down in the overstuffed sofa. "Please Nick let me in, I love you Babe." Nick remained silent. "Damn you Nick!" Kevin whispered harshly and went upstairs to bed alone again. Nick glared at Kevin as he headed up stairs. Nick went back to the liquor cabinet and opened it out and took out his friend and drank a huge swig of it.

"There much better," he slurred as he made his way to the couch hugging the bottle close to him. "At least you don't lecture me," he mumbled to the bottle.

The sunlight hit me in the face and I crawled out of bed and shuffled down stairs. As I walked by the downstairs bathroom I heard a gagging noise. I knocked on the door. "Every thing alright in there?" I asked. I heard Nick mumble something before he started throwing up again. I shrugged my shoulders and headed into living room. I found Kevin standing in the middle of the living room holding an empty whiskey bottle. He was glaring at it. Before I could stop him he threw it at the fireplace and it shattered into a hundred pieces. "Damn him!" he swore. He turned to walk out and ran into me.

"Is everything alright?" I asked.

"Mind your own business!" he hurled at me and brushed by me. I went to work picking up the broken glass.

"You don't have to clean that up if you don't want to," said Nick as he made his way back into the living room. I shrugged my shoulder and continued. Kevin came back in.

"I want to talk to you Nick!" he yelled at him. Nick covered his head with his hands wincing in pain. "I don't care if you got a headache. You are going to listen to me!" Nick tried to slip by him and he shoved him back into the couch. I raised my eyebrows at Kevin's hostility. "I'm tired of you shutting me out and turning to the fucking bottle. I love you dammit!"

"Well you have a fucked up way of showing it!" shouted Nick. Than to my horror Kevin hauled off and hit Nick in the face. Nick curled up in a ball covering his face sobbing quietly.

"Fuck!" shouted Kevin as he stormed out of the room. I went up to Nick and put my hand on his shoulder. He flinched away from me.

"I'm not going to hurt you Nick," I said softly. He uncurled himself and headed for the liquor cabinet. I rushed over and got in front of it. "Isn't that what started this?" I asked. He turned and headed back to the couch and sat down.

"Why does he have to hurt me?" he sobbed out.

"Does he do this often?" I asked sitting next to him. Nick nodded. "How often do you drink?" I asked. He shrugged his shoulders. "Would you like to go to a meeting with me?" I asked. He looked up at me with fear in his eyes.

"Nick I know what you are going through. I'm an alcoholic too," I said putting my arm around his shoulder. He wrenched himself away from me.

"I'm not a fucking alcoholic all right?" he screamed at me.

"Fine, deny it all you want Nick but the writing is on the wall and the sooner you face it the better you will be for it," I calmly told him. He took off running upstairs. Kevin came walking back into the living room carrying a cup of coffee and a bagel.

"If you want breakfast go and help yourself," he mumbled. I nodded and wondered into the kitchen and got me a cup of coffee and a bagel too.

"So you like beating up on your boyfriend," I said when I came back into the room. Kevin glared at me for a moment.

"Blunt little shit aren't you?" he asked.

"Just answer the question Kevin," I insisted.

"I have a temper alright?" he hurled at me. "And he knows it and he keeps pushing me."

"And hitting him makes alright right?" I threw back. He looked at the floor. "How long has Nick been drinking like that?"

"Everyday for the last six months," he said.

"He has a problem Kevin," he glared at me like I was nuts.

"I don't believe that crap!" he yelled at me. "Drinking yourself drunk is not a fucking illness." I could see that I wasn't getting anywhere.

"Bullshit Kevin!" I hurled back at him. "I'm a alcoholic and I've been through what Nick is going through right now. He needs you now more than he has ever needed you." He glared at me again and stood up and walked to the liquor cabinet and started throwing the bottles out. "That won't help Kevin. He'll just find another source. He has to figure this out for himself. And you have to be there for him when he does. In the mean time don't hit him again or I'll kick your scrawny ass." He nodded and stood up and headed to the kitchen. I followed him. After cleaning up we headed to the Hospital. I couldn't wait until I got there. I missed Brian something terrible. Once on Brian's floor I took off running. I stopped at his room and opened the door. I peeked in and saw my angel lying in the bed sleeping. I crept in and reached his bedside. I leaned down and planted a kiss on his lips. He moaned and turned over. I giggled and kissed him again. This time he woke up. His face lit up as he smiled at me.

"Hi Baby!" I said grinning at him.

"I missed you," he said sticking out his bottom lip in a pout.

"I missed you to," I said wiping a tear from his face. We heard a coughing behind us. I turned around to see Kevin standing there.

"You guys need to be careful you know," he scolded. I blushed and grinned at Brian. He rolled his eyes and laughed. "Come on guys I'm serious."

"Ok Kevin we'll be careful in the future," Brian said pulling me down so that I was sitting beside him. He rested his head against my chest. I ran my fingers through his hair. Kevin left the room to go meet with the other guys.

"Brian?" I asked.

"MMHMM?" mumbled Brian kissing me on the chest.

"How long has Nick been drinking heavily?" I asked. He looked up at me with those incredible eyes of his.

"Why?" he asked reaching up and kissing me on the lips. His tongue slid into my mouth. I moaned softly and slid my hand under his shirt and started stroking is sculpted chest.

"Because Kevin and him had an argument this morning about it," I answered him. He looked up at me worried.

"Did Kevin hit him?" he asked. I nodded. "Damn him, I told him to stop doing that!" Brian swore.

"How often does he hit Nick?" I asked kissing his neck. He let out a soft moan.

"Every time Nick pushes him over the edge. Once or twice a day sometimes more," I got up and walked to the window and looked out of it. I hated to see people involved in an abusive relationship. "Are you sorry you're in this mess?" he asked worried.

"No I'm not sorry I am in this relationship. I fell in love with you not Nick and Kevin. They are going to have to work this out for themselves. We just have to make sure that neither of them gets hurt in the process." I came back over and sat next to Brian. He snuggled up to me and promptly went to sleep in my arms. I watched my baby sleeping so peacefully. He looked just like an angel. I heard the door open and Nick came walking in. He had a handful of balloons that he tied to the foot of the bed. I looked worried at his eye. It was black and swollen. A surge of anger raged through me. He must've seen it because he got this scared look on his face.

"What are you going to do to him?" he asked worried.

"I ought to kick his ass. But I wont because violence begets violence. We need to work on you and Kevin's relationship," I said.

"I've been thinking about what you said and maybe you are right. Maybe I do need some help with my drinking," he said softly looking at his feet.

"Well I'm going to a meeting tonight would you like to come along?" I asked hopefully.

"I don't know, I don't do touchy feely things real well," he mumbled.

"Nick, you don't have to say anything. All you have to do is listen. If you want to share than you may if not you don't. No pressure," he nodded. I could tell he was thinking about it. The door opened and AJ and Howie and Kevin came in. Kevin slid his arms around Nick and Nick stiffened up. Kevin leaned down and kissed Nick softly on the neck. Nick giggled and kissed Kevin back. Soon they were wrapped in each other's arms kissing each other. Brian moaned out my name and we all busted up laughing. He woke up with at start.

"What, what?" he said looking around. I leaned down and kissed on the lips. It was like I was thirsty for them.

"Nothing Babe, just that you was moaning my name again," I teased him. He blushed and punched me in the shoulder. "Abuse! Abuse!" I teased.

"No that is Kevin department!" Brian blurted out before he could stop himself. Kevin glared at him but didn't say anything. Nick slipped out of his arms and sat by himself. Kevin swore and left the room slamming the door behind him. Needless to say there was an uncomfortable silence in the room.

"Sorry Nick," mumbled Brian. Nick smiled weakly at him and nodded. He was still suffering from his hangover. Howie came over to me and stuck out his hand.

"Hi, I'm Howie," he said with a smile. I took his hand and shook it. He had a nice firm handshake.

"Where do you two fit into all of this?" I asked. AJ and Howie looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders. "Come on guys, you got two of your friends in trouble and you're not doing anything to help them?" I asked. "Do you even know what is going on?" They looked down at their feet not wanting to look me in the eye. "Well I'll lay it out for you than," I started.

"Chris, please don't do this?" pleaded Nick.

"They are your friends and they need to know so they can help," I insisted.

"It's not in our place besides we wouldn't know where to start," excused AJ. I picked a phone book and tossed it in his lap. He looked confused.

"That is not an excuse anymore AJ and you know it. Kevin is physically and emotionally abusing Nick. Plus Nick has a serious drinking problem too. We live in the 21st century now. In that book alone is plenty of listings where you guys can go for help!" I said getting angry.

"This is between Kevin and Nick so stay out of it!" AJ shouted at me. I reached over and took Nick head and turned it so that AJ could see the Black Eye.

"This is what happens when you sit back and do nothing while your friends are hurt!" I shouted back and stormed out of the room. Brian shouted for me to come back. I needed a meeting and I had to find one fast. I stopped at the front desk and asked. Turns out that the only meeting was at a Catholic Church. It had been almost six years since I had set foot in a Catholic Church. It was on my Father's funeral. Oh well it wasn't like I was going to pray or anything. I was going to a meeting. As I headed out of the Hospital it dawned on me that I didn't have a ride. Swearing to myself I headed back up to the room. Once I approached it I heard silence. I crept in and saw that AJ and Nick were in each other's arms sobbing. Something had happened. Howie was staring at the floor.

"Uh can some one give me a lift to Saint Anthony's Catholic Church?" Brian's face lit up at the prospect of me going back to church. "I need to attend an AA Meeting." Nick stood up and walked over to me.

"I'll go with you," he said in a small voice.

"Are you sure you are ready for this?" I asked. He nodded. I went a gave Brian a quick kiss goodbye and Nick and I headed out the door. Nick followed me out. I noticed that he was walking kinda slow. I put my arms around him. "Don't worry Nick I'll be right here with you."

"Nick!" shouted a voice. We turned around to see a pissed off Kevin running towards us. I got in between Nick and Kevin. "Where the fuck do you think you are going?" he hurled at Nick.

"He is taking me to a Meeting Kevin," I told him. Kevin rolled his eyes and stormed off.

"Uh Chris maybe this isn't such a good idea," he mumbled. I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Are you afraid of what might happen to you and Kevin?" I asked.

"I love him so much," he said to me. I could see the tears in his eyes. But I also saw the fear of making Kevin mad again to the point that he would hit Nick again.

"You need to stand up to him Nick or he'll keep on hurting you if you don't," I said to him looking him in the eyes. He nodded and walked towards the door. I followed him out. Fifteen minutes later we were in the meeting room. Through out the meeting I watched Nick as the people there told their stories. Most of them worse than what Nick had gone through. Than it was my turn. I stood up and looked at the crowd.

" Hi, my name is Chris Ramsey and I am an Alcoholic," I started. The crowd answered back at me. It always gave me strength to hear that response. "It has been a busy week for me. You see I used to be in the Marines and I came out to my best friend. I told him that I was gay. That was the end of my stay in the Marines. But than something wonderful happened to me. You see I met a wonderful man and fell in love. My drinking has improved. Over the last six months I had one drink. A glass of wine at dinner. Every day is a struggle not to pick up a bottle and bottom up. But I know that my life is worth living. Now that I have someone special to share it with I want to make sure that I live. And drinking will eventually kill me. So I take one day at a time without drinking." After I finished I sat back down looking at my hands. I vaguely remember someone walk to the front of the room. The next voice I heard brought great joy to my heart.

"Hi, I'm Nick Carter and I am an alcoholic," he said. The door slammed open and Kevin came rushing in. I saw Nick's face go pale as a ghost. I got up and stepped between Kevin and Nick.

"Don't do this Kevin," I warned him. He tried to shove me aside but I didn't budge. When I didn't move aside he punched me in the gut. I could feel the stitches tear from the skin. I let out a groan as the pain seared through me. Nick let out a yell and attacked Kevin. Kevin tried to avoid the punches but couldn't Nick was swinging so fast that Kevin didn't have a chance to fend off the blows. Thank God AJ and Howie arrived on the scene. They drugged off a sobbing Nick. Kevin was lying on the floor beaten and bruised. AJ came over to me and saw that I was bleeding. He helped me into the car and took off to the hospital. Nick was riding in the car with us. Howie had stayed behind with Kevin. After about three hours in the ER we finally headed to Brian's house. Nick asked Brian if he could stay with us until he found another place. He said he was through with Kevin. We stopped off at Kevin's place first and packed Nick's stuff. Than we headed over to Brian's. Once we pulled in the driveway Nick spotted my new car.

"Wow!" he exclaimed. "What a car." He jumped out of the car and ran over to it.

"You can take it for a spin when we get you settled," I offered. He grinned at me and helped me with his things. After we got him settled Nick said he wanted to lie down for awhile. So he went into the guestroom to rest. I could hear him crying and my heart went out to him. I heard the doorbell and opened the door. "What are you doing here?" I asked in a hostile voice.

"Can I see Nick?" he asked.

"Hell no you can't see him. I think you did enough damage today!" I shouted at him.

"Please Chris!" he sobbed out. "I have to tell him that I am sorry and that I love him," said Kevin. I sighed and open the door for him to enter. When he passed me I grabbed him and slammed him against the wall.

"Hurt him again and I'll make sure that you never go near him again!" I shouted at him. He nodded and headed up stairs. I headed into the living room and caught sight of the bar. My mouth watered and I headed towards the bar. I picked up a glass and decanter of brandy. "Just one drink is all I need," I said to myself. "Just one is all I need." I took off the stopper and Poured the dark fragrant liquid into the glass. I was mesmerized by the color of it as it washed over the crystal. My hand shook at the anticipation of the first swallow. I set the decanter down and picked up the snifter and carried it over to the blazing fireplace. I stared into flames and lifted the snifter to my lips.

"Chris stop!!" yelled a voice. I was startled and dropped the snifter shattering it on the hearth. "You can't drink and you know it!"

That is it for this part. So what do you think? Let me know.

Special note Please read Kevin and Justin. It is really good.

Thank you for all the e-mail you have sent me.

Next: Chapter 4: Moving Forward 7 8

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