Moving to Summer Bay

By James Leete

Published on May 11, 2020



This story is purely fiction, any elements of truth are purely coincidental. This story is in no way affiliated with the TV show Home and Away or any studios that produces it. I have used the setting and the characters but that is where the similarities end. This story is of my own doing.

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Series 1 Chapter 2

As my alarm went off at 7:00 AM. I was so refreshed. I lay in bed for a few minutes so comfortable and not wanting to move. My usual morning Glory was at full mast. But knowing that I had a PT session this morning I just thought it against doing anything about it. I checked my phone and a few team members had text me schedule information. And their email addresses. Mason had also text saying my PT session was at 9:30 AM. So I got up, made a coffee and made myself my pre workout breakfast. Which consisted of all bran and a protein shake. I then packed my gym bag and changed into my workout stuff by 8:00 AM. As I had an hour to kill, I went to my laptop to insure my car and make sure it was taxed. A few $100 later. This was turning into a bloody expensive week. Once I was done, I headed into the Bay. My new car was a dream. A golf R (top of the range model) And it handled like a God. When I pulled up in my parking spot outside salt, I saw Willow doing her exercise class. I walked over.” Hey.” She said.” Morning how you doing.” I asked.” Pretty good, just finishing up here. How you doing with salt.”” She asked.”” Yeah, good. I finally got everything in place. It’s been a mad few weeks just getting here.” I explained.” I saw a Ryder this morning That’s a great offer you’ve made” She said.” He’s a good guy. I just figured he should have been given a chance.” I replied.” Totally.” In fact, I’m sure it’s just what he needs.” She explained.” Hey James, you got a minute.” I heard roo call out. I turned to see her and Mr Stewart.” Sure, I was just about to head to the gym.” I said” good to see you settled in Son.” Mr Stewart said.” I’ll see you inside.” Widow said heading off. I turned my attention back to Mr Stewart.” Thanks, it’s great here.” I said” so Ryder spoke to us this morning. And told us about your offer. I just wanted to say thank you. He’s so buzzed about this.” Roo said. Oh, it’s fine. He’s a good lad. I see potential in him.” I told him.” Just look after him. That’s All we ask.” Mr Stewart said.” Absolutely you have my word.” I replied.” Good, well enjoy your workout.” Mr Stewart said. And with that they both left as I had it into the gym.

When I walked into the gym, I’ve found Mason waiting.”” Good morning.” He said, smiling that winning smile at me.” Well, good morning, Mason.” I said in a cheerful tone. He smiled.” So as you’re early, I’ll explain a few things. 1st, when you arrive, always thumbprint in. As this is your first time I need to set you up.” He said as he started to work his laptop.” Pick a thumb, any thumb. And place it on the scanner.” He said. I did as he told me until he nodded to tell me when to take my thumb off.” Okay. Yes, some is registered. So go ahead and Thumb in.” He said. Again, I did as he told me.” This gonna beat got me.” I said” good. That means it’s worked. When you leave Do it again. This is so we can say who is here. Fire safety, you know?” He said. I nodded.” We also assign lockers. You have been given 197, which is just next to mine.” He said. Winning.” To open it, enter the code 1234. When it’s open, press the C button With the number 5 at the same time and then pick your own 4 digit code. Finally, shut the door. This will now be your press preset code. If you forget it, then we charge $50 to change the keypad. We offer fresh water from the dispenser. Anyway, I’ll let you get set up and I’ll see you back here in a few minutes.” He told me. I smiled as I went into the locker room and dropped off my bag doing exactly as he told me to. Heading back out, I met Mason.” So what are we working on?” I asked.” Well, that’s down to you. I need a bit more information to be honest. What is it you want to work on?” He asked me.” While I do cardio each day to stay trim, but I do want to build a bit more muscle tone.” I explained.” Tense for me.” He asked. I did so any examine my biceps and arms.” Well, it looks good so far. I think we can build up, but not too much more. So what are your core strengths?” He asked.” Swimming.” I stated.” Well, sadly we don’t have a pool. But the ocean is right outside. So here’s what I think. 15 minutes bike. 20 minutes cross trainer and 15 minutes treadmill. After this we will build your Levels each week. I’ll start you at level 7. Does that sound okay?” He asked.” Yeah, sounds fine.” I replied.” After that will spend 25 minutes on weight, be that bench press or free weights. There are a few machines I will put you on each session and we will build up as your sessions continue. Then 5 minutes of setups, 5 minutes push ups and then three sets of 10 burpees and finally a cool down stretch. We would always do warmup stretches as well.” He explained.” And how long is this meant to last?” I asked.” That’s a 90 minute workout that’s more than enough time.” He said.” Got it.” I replied.” Now I know it sounds a lot, but what you have here is the same workout programme I have for myself. It would be great to be workout but is as well as being your PT. Summer Bay doesn’t exactly have a lot of. What it would be called young people?” He told me.” From what I’ve seen, it’s full of young people.” I replied. He chuckled.” Okay, what I mean to say is. It doesn’t have many people who are into the gym as much as you and I are. So it would be nice to have a decent workout buddy.” He said.” Of course I’m happy to be workout buddies.” I replied. He flashed that winning smile yet again. It melted me. But I have to focus.” Awesome, well, let’s get to work.” He replied. With that over the next 90 minutes he put me through my paces never once letting me up for air. At the end, once I cooled down, he finally let me let me up.” Well, that was intense.” I said” of course now I review in a week. In the mean time, we could meet up whenever you’re free.” He said.” Sure, well I’ll be training again in the morning about 9.” I said” cool is my day off anyway, so I’ll join you for a workout.” He replied.” Of course, then I can grab your lunch.” I said” deal no anywhere good.” He asked.” Well, there is this place salt. I know the owner.” I said laughing.” Do we get discount?” He asked.” Better, it’s free.” I replied.” But I do like free.” He said. Was he flirting with me?” Well, I need to shower and eat before I start work.” I said” sure, see you later. Winner and I will be up for dinner tonight.” He said. I nodded. So I went off for my shower. I had to have a piece of him whilst I’m here

After showering and heading up to salt, now dressed in my shirt and trousers. I spoke to the chef who agreed to make me eggs Benedict. I grabbed a coffee and my laptop and started to look through the account. Mackenzie had been very thorough. Weekly stock takes all the suppliers uploaded. The epos system transferred every receipt onto the account system and altered the stock This meant that I could take stock. Of what I had. And track things much more easily. It was also linked to my bank account, so I had read real time figures. Thank God for modern day technology. Payroll was just the same. Everything was all in order. I made some notes in my notebook about the current pay rates.” Hey James here’s your food.” My assistant manager, Harry, said bring it over.” Thanks mate. How’s this morning been?” I asked.” Pretty busy to be fair. Food delivery arrived on time. It’s been a good day so far.” He explained.” Good, well I’ll be ready to join you for lunchtime.” I said” sure, no problem.” He replied.” Can I see the Schedule.please?” I asked. He brought it over. I’d like to over last I ate. I managed to slot. Ryder In for a couple of more shifts. This meant I could spend more time training him. After I ate, I went outside down to the beach to get some fresh air before getting ready to start. When I was still on the beach, I spotted Ryder Sat on the beach with his head in his hands.” Hey Ryder.” I called out. I walked over to him but he never answered me. So I moved closer and saw that he was crying.” Hey mate, what’s up?” I asked sitting next to him.” Those guys from last night. They told people from school that I refused to serve them. All day I’ve been getting messages calling me square.” He told me.” Oh mate, all I can say is you gotta stay strong. I know what it’s like to be bullied, believe me. Look at Me. I’m gay are used to be chubby. But you stay strong. I made sure I took control. You can do the same. It takes balls to stand up to someone. The only reason why they’re being like this is because they don’t like being told no and have zero respect for your position. Don’t take it to heart rider or in doing so you will let them win.” I told him.” You’re right, I know.” He said drawing his eyes.” Now I came to tell you I’ve added You onto Thursday and Sunday night. So you have five shifts this week.” I told him.” That’s awesome, thank you.” He said with a broad smile.” You’re welcome, keep your chin up mate. Things are looking up for you.” I explained. I went to stand up but he grabbed my arm.” James, quick question. How did you know you were gay?” He asked. “ I wouldn’t exactly say that’s a quick question rider. But to give you my answer, I’ve always known. Growing up, I knew. I just wasn’t into girls. So I made the decision to come out when I was 14, and since then I’ve never looked back.” I told him. He nodded and paused briefly.” Rider Do you think you’re gay?” I asked.” Honestly, I don’t know.” He replied.” I’ve been having these thoughts about being with guys.” He said.” Is natural at your age. Believe me. As you get older it will be more easier to get these feelings in order.” I explained to him. The next moment threw me completely as he leaned forward and kissed me. I was completely thrown off guard. The kiss seemed to last for ages. Eventually I moved back and just looked at him.” What was that?” I asked.” Oh my God. I’m so Sorry this was a mistake.” He said getting Up and running off.” Ryder wait.” I shouted, but he was gone.

Heading back into salt, I was processing what had just happened in my head. Why did rider kiss me? Was he confused or did he want to move further? I had to put these thoughts to the back of my head. Lunch service was just starting to get busy. Phone orders were coming in thick and fast from local people. We also had around 10 tables in with people enjoying their lunch breaks. Many people opted to sit out on the balcony and bask in the sun. Since I’d arrived, I’d picked up somewhat a bit of a tonne. After showering everyday, I sprayed myself with insect repellent and then applied Sun Tan Lotion Factor 15 just until like acclimatised.” Hey James.” Dean said coming in.” Alright mate, collecting.” I asked.” Sure I mate. How are you getting on?” He asked.” Loving it, I’ll be back with your food in a second.” I told him heading for the kitchen. Moments later I came back with his bag of food.” That will be $21.70.” I told him. He gave me $25.” Keep the change mate.” He said.” Thanks pal.” I said putting his change into the tip jar.” By the way, I mapped out your lessons. I’ll send you calendar requests. Just let me know. If any don’t work.” He explained.” Will do, I’m actually looking forward to them.” I said smiling.” Yeah me too.” He replied.” See ya.” He added, taking off with his food. Time was flying and before I knew it was 3:00 PM and lunch was over. Harry had left as had my lunch chef. Now was the time where we purely served coffee and cake or other drinks. The kitchen was due to reopen at 6:00 PM. So me and the two staff who were on the floor, blitzed and cleaned the restaurant and started setting up for dinner. This was our quiet time and it gave me a chance to breathe and take a break. I made myself lunch and sat on the balcony with a Diet Coke.” Hey James.” Came a voice behind me. I turned to see Robbo.” Hey mate, how you doing?” I asked as he sat down.” Pretty good, thanks. I see you signed up to the gym.” He said.” Yeah, thanks for the Rate.t, appreciate it.” I replied.” Anytime I’m hoping you can help me out.” He said.” Sure, what can I do for you?” I asked.” One of my boys at the AFP it is birthday next week. I was hoping I could book a table for 10 people next Friday night. I know it’s short notice.” He told me.” I’m sure we can help you out with that. Let me just grab the diary.” I said heading back in. A few minutes later I returned. With the booking diary.” Yeah I can do 10 people, but it will need to be at 8:30 PM if that’s okay.” I told him.” That’s perfect, mate, thank you.” He said. I pencilled him in.” Now I can do balloons and a cake for you if you want.” I added.” Sure, good idea how much.” He asked.” $25.”” I said” bargain, yeah, saves me doing it actually.” He replied. I wrote it in the diary.” OK so my only request is this. As there are 10 of you. Can you do me a favour if I send you a menu? Can you get peoples orders save time for the kitchen? I’ll also do you a deal. Three courses for $30 or two courses for $20” I said” wow, that would be great.” He replied.” Sure, of course I can get menus. Here’s my email.” He added, handing me his official AFP card.” Awesome lastly any allergies or dietary?” I asked.” Just no nuts.” He replied.” Awesome. Our menu is user friendly so we indicate what has nuts.” I explained.” Sweet well thank you. I really appreciate it.” He said.” Anytime.” I replied as we shook hands.” See you soon.” He said as he took off. I scrubbed out 9:00 PM in the diary, so no more bookings could be made and went back to work.

5:00 PM soon came and went. On my three guys working the night arrived.” Okay, Wyatt on the bar Jamie, Sam and I on the floor. Jess keep the back of house flowing and Shout If you need any help. Let’s have a great shift.” I said as they all smiled. Well, dinner service soon took off. Pretty soon we were packed. Mac Bella and Colby. We’re eating. Mason and Willow were out on the terrace. We were keeping things smooth and I was enjoying hosting. Food was coming out at a steady pace. No one made any complaints, which made me happy and made me smile. The stuff and I were getting on like a house on fire. It was everything I dreamed of.” Hey James, busy night.” Willow said, as I stepped out onto the balcony.” Yeah, just the way I like you.” I said” You’ve done a great job here, mate. Seriously, you deserve a medal. Are we still on for tomorrow?” Mason asked.” Sure am need to get my stress relief out one way or the other.” I replied causing him to Smile.” What’s happening tomorrow?” Willow asked” James and I are hitting the gym and then he’s buying me lunch.” He told her.” Oh nice, glad you guys have made friends. You know, Mason always complains that there are no decent young guys to hang out with here.” Willow said. He blushed.” Cheers, well, thanks for the embarrassing me.” He said.” It’s cool, Mason. I’m glad to hang out with people my own age.” I replied.” What I enjoy, can I get you anymore drinks?” I asked with a stack of plates in my hands.” Yeah, a beer and a cider please.” Mason replied I set the plates down and put the order on my EPOS and headed for the bar. “ Drinks coming right up boss... I mean, James.” Wyatt said.” Cheers mate.” I replied. I took the plates to the kitchen and then moved around the restaurant, settling bills and clearing tables as well as taking Mason and Willows drinks over to them. The staff on the floor were doing the same. I was so very impressed with how my team worked.” Hey James, Carlos wants to know if you want any food in the next half hour before the Kitchen shuts.” Jess said.” Is it half 9 already?” I asked. She nodded.” Have all the staff had their breaks.” I asked.” Yep, all but you.” She told me.” I completely lost track of time. Yeah, sure. Tell him. I’ll have the club burger sweet potato fries. I’ll put it through in a second.” I told her.” No worries.” She said as I headed for the bar.” You had your break mate.”I asked Wyatt.” Yeah, you covered for me, remember?” He said. I shook my head.” Right, I forgot. Lost track of all time.” I said as I placed my food order.” I have a lemon lime with my food by the way.” I told him.” Cool, I’ll have it ready for you.” He said. Within 15 minutes my food was done. I took it to the terrace I’m about to set myself up in the corner and Mason stopped me.” Break time. Come join us.” He said.” No, no, you guys don’t need me interrupting.” I replied. “ You know, sit down seriously.” Willow said. I sat down and tucked in.” So tell us more about you.” Willow asked so I went ahead and told him all about my life, my family. What I did for University my last job. Conversation flowed well. Then we got talking about Luke.” How long were you guys together?” Mason asked.” A little over 18 months we met at work of all places. He was dining with friends. We flirted and said We were exchanging numbers and it all kind of fell into place.” I explained.” So how come you guys split?” Willow asked I thought for a moment.” Luke seem like the most perfect guy. The One I thought I’d spend my life with. But as my work became busy and I was spending less and less time at home. He started to become more jealous of my success. He complained a lot about how little I was there. In the end, the communication seemed to be just arguing. Anyways, the thing that ended it all was that he ermmm.....” I Stopped. My mouth, went dry and I could feel my emotions coming to the surface. I stood up.” I need to get back to work. See you guys later.” I said get getting my plate. I had it inside. As much as I had dealt with what happened to me. I was over it. I just wasn’t ready to start talking about it all to other people. I went back to work. Around 11:00 PM the place was dying down. There were around 7 tables left just having coffee or drinks, including Mason and Willow. I’m sure they were wondering what happened with me earlier and I would tell them. Eventually, just not yet.” Hey James, can we get our bill?” Mason asked.” Sure, I’ll bring it out.” I replied. I printed that Bill and took it out to them.” Here we go. I just wanted to say I’m sorry about earlier. I still find it difficult to talk about, you know.” I said” we understand. But just now that you can trust us. Whatever it is, you can talk to us.”Willow said, as they counted out note.” Look he ermmm... He.....”, I paused And breathed loudly.” He physically attacked me. He assaulted me. It was the worst betrayal any man has ever done to me.” I said leaving them both stunned.” So I left. The thing is, you never hear about gay men experiencing domestic violence. But I’m proof that it happened. But I’m not here to dwell on that. I’ve made my peace and this is a fresh start for me.” I told them both.” James, that’s awful. It sounds like you did the right thing by moving away.” Willow said.” Yeah man willows, right. If you ever need to talk, you know I’ll be happy to listen.”Mason said.” And Me.” Willow added. This made me smile.” Thanks guys.” I said hugging them both.” Well, I’ll see you at the gym at half nine in the morning.” Mason said.” Sure, enjoy the rest of your night.” I replied as they left.

By 12:45 It was just me and Wyatt left in the restaurant.” Mate, you can head off. There’s no one left, and we only have 15 minutes left, so I’m going to close up now.” I said to Wyatt.” Thanks, boss, see you Saturday.” He said as he picked up his bag and left. I cashed everything up $4700 for the day. Yeah. I like it. Just as I printed the reports from the epos system and entered the end of day code. Something caught my attention. I immediately looked up to see rider walking in towards me.”” Hey.” He said.” Hi.” I replied.” How are you?” I asked. Had time to think.” Been processing things.” He said.” I see. I’ll grab a drink and come to my office and we can talk.” I said he walked behind the bar. And as he did I turned.”I’ll have a beer.” I said as I headed from my office. Moments later he came in and handed me my drink as I closed the safe. I grabbed the reports in the printer and filed them away.” So what was the outcome of you thinking?” I asked.” Well after I kissed you I freaked.” He said.” Hence the running off.” I replied. He gave me that sheepish smile.” Right exactly but the more I thought about it, the more I realised it felt right and I actually enjoyed it.” He said.” Okay, so does this mean you’re gay?Bi what?” I asked. “Bi. I think. I’ve watched porn and love the sight of the girls but I also like the look of the guys and in particular what it would be like to be with a guy. Touch a guy. Do stuff with a guy like sexually. But I’m scared. I mean I’m not exactly a catch. Not ripped or muscular like you or Mason.” He explained. “hang on you are a catch. You are catch. You’re cute good looking, funny, friendly. Any guy would be lucky to have you.” I said. “I’m not looking for a relationship I know that. I just want some....” he paused “ hot sweaty fun.” I finished. “yeah exactly.” He said smiling. “well you kissed me there’s a start.” I said. He looked at me and instinct just took over. He stood up and walked over to me and kissed me again. I put my arms around his waist and rest my hands on his butt. After a few minutes of kissing, we separated.” How was that?” I asked.”hot” he replied. “ Well, now what?” I asked trying to gauge where he was at.” Can we go back to your place?” He asked.” Sure.” I replied. I looked at my office, turned out the lights and headed out. I locked up the surf club. As he climbed into my car. We shared another kiss.” Let’s go.” I said as I drove out the car park.” This is a sweet car.” He said.” Thanks.” I replied as we drove to my apartment. When we finally arrived, we immediately headed for the bedroom. We embraced again and began to kiss. I am buttoned his shirt and slowly peeled it off him. He in turn did the same to me, his hands shaking. His body was smooth and toned. We backed up and landed on the bed. He kicked off his shoes, as did I. As we made out, I could feel his hardness pressed against his jeans rubbing against my own hardness. I took the plunge and moved my hands between us rubbing his hard cock in his jeans. He moaned as we continued to kiss. He broke the Kiss and stood up unbuttoning his jeans and letting them fall to the ground. He was commando and his hard cock was around 7 inches and leaking pre cum.” Nice man.” I said” now you.” He replied. I stood up and lowered my trousers. I was wearing boxers but dropped them straight away.” Holy Hell. Not only are you ripped and toned, but crazy hung. How big is that?” He asked, staring at my Dick.” 9 inches” I said.” Can I?” He asked. Moving His hand out.” Yeah, take your time.” I said as he approached me and grabbed my cock and began to slowly stroke it.” This is crazy.” He said.” Is this the first cocky you have Touched.” I asked.” Apart from my own, yeah.” He replied. I grabbed his and he moaned again at my touch.” How about this? Has anyone ever done this before?” I asked.”” No, but it feels amazing.” He said.” This is just the start.” I replied. I pushed him onto the bed again. He moved up to the head of the bed. I crawled between his legs and took hold of his throbbing cock. Moving lower down. I took his cock in my mouth. And began to suck him. He moaned and groaned at the feeling.” Oh yes, don’t stop.” He said. I continued to Bob up and down. I could see him tense up and stopped immediately.” I was so close.” He said.” I know, but you’re not coming just yet.” I said he moved down and swapped positions with me. He took hold of my cock and put it in his mouth. For someone who was new to this, he certainly knew what he was doing. And sucked me off well. I stopped him as I started to get close. We returned to kissing for a while.” Can I ask you something?” He said.” Sure.” I replied.” How was that?” He smiled.” You’re a natural.” I replied, smiling back. We continued to make out.” I want to fuck you.” He whispered.” Only if you’re sure.” I said” Yeah I am.” He replied. We broke the kiss.” What position would you like to try?” I asked.” How about you bent over the bed?” He said.” Cool. There’s Lube in my bedside drawer.” I told him. He took it out and covered his still throbbing cock. He also put on my home. Which made me jump. Once he was ready. He lined his cock up with my Hole. He gently pushed his way in.” So tight. This feels amazing.” He moaned. Soon he was all the way in and began to push in and out, building up speed. For someone new to sex, I was surprised he didn’t come as soon as he started. He kept fucking me at a regular pace. And pretty soon I thought. I felt him thick enough. He soon exploded inside me. Groaned and moaned with every shot.” Wow.” He said.” Gently pull out.” I told him. He did just that.” That was amazing.” He said. I turned over and began to jerk myself off. Whilst he lay next to me watching. It only took a minute before I covered myself in come. I moaned.” So that was awesome.” He said with a cheeky grin. I smiled. I led him to the bathroom so that we could both clean up. I checked the time to see it was a few minutes to two.” I should head home, but thank you for this. It has made me realise what I am.” He said.” Anytime and I’ll take you home. It’s the least I can do.” I said so. I drove him home. As I pulled up before he got out, I said to him.” You know this doesn’t have to be weird. Nothing has changed. We still work together. I’ll still train you. I want us to be friends.” I smiled.” Yeah, I’d like that. I promise it won’t be weird. If anything, it’s the opposite. Goodnight, James.” He said as he got out the car and crept in. I had to back home and we’re so grateful to get into bed. Just as I set my alarm rider text me.” Tonight was amazing. Thank you.” He wrote.” You’re welcome mate goodnight.” I replied. I switched out the lights and instantly fell to sleep.

End of episode 2!

Love to hear your feedback. Email me. Stay home and stay safe during this covid 19 crisis.

Next: Chapter 3

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