Moving to Summer Bay

By James Leete

Published on May 20, 2020



This story is purely fiction, any elements of truth are purely coincidental. This story is in no way affiliated with the TV show Home and Away or any studios that produces it. I have used the setting and the characters but that is where the similarities end. This story is of my own doing.

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Series 1 Chapter 4

When I woke up the next morning to find Mason's head on my chest still fast asleep, I felt so content and peaceful. We had shared a night of extreme passion. In an ideal world I would never allow myself to get so close to someone after what happened with Luke. But with Mason, it just felt right. I put my arm over him, stroking his soft skin." Let's not move." He moaned." You're awake." I said" Yeah, just too cosy to do anything." He replied. I had to admit that it felt good to be with him. He moved his head to look at Me." Morning." I said as I leant forward to kiss him." James you home." I heard a voice approaching the bedroom. Before I had time to react the door to the bedroom opened and there stood Dean." Oh my...." Dean said, looking away." I'm so sorry I didn't realize you were with someone." He looked again and then spoke." Mason what are you 2 doing in bed together?" He asked." Are you to an item?" He added." Dean chill we're friends. With benefits." I said" I see that." Dean said, unsure where to look." Now tell me what you're doing here." I asked. "Well, you were meant to meet me 20 minutes ago for a surf lesson, so I thought I'd come and check up on you." Dean said." Oh God is it 9 already?" I asked." Yeah, and Mason Willow is looking for you. Something about she had to cover your class." He explained. Mason grabbed his phone and check the time." Oh Man, I'm late. I need to go." He said about to move, but then realizing we were both still naked." Then will you give us a minute so that we can, you know, get dressed." I said" right, yeah, sure, I'll grab your board." He said as he left the room. Mason and I scrambled to get dressed and quickly got out of bed. I put on my board shorts while Mason put on his shorts and hoodie. We left the bedroom and found Dean waiting outside." Ready." He asked." Sure AM." I replied. The three of us walked to the surf club." Well, I should get back to the gym. I'll head back to yours later to get my car." Mason said." Sure, no problem. Have a good day." I said. We shared a quick kiss. " Enjoy your lesson." He said." Hey Mason, I can bring your car down for you when we finish." Dean said." Sure, thanks mate." Mason replied, throwing him the keys." Well, let's get to it. And we can get this lesson on the Go." Dean said. We went onto the beach where Dean taught me some bits on dry land before taking me out to sea. Well, my first 20 minutes I was up and then falling over. Dane did Giggle at me a lot, but eventually I got it and before long I knew I was surfing." You got it. Stay steady. Balance your weight." Dean sat next to me. I laughed and felt so free. But before long I fell off again." Well, that's time." Dean said as we headed back into the beach." You had a great first lesson." He said, smiling." Thanks, you're a good teacher." I said" shall we head off?" I added as we turned and heading in the direction of my place.

When we arrived at mine, I threw Dean a bottle of water. We sat on the couch recovering. The good thing about being here in Summer Bay was the heat. If you got wet, it didn't take long to dry off." So you and Mason." Dean said." Yeah, just friends with occasional benefits were not exclusive." I said" wow, I didn't even know Mason was that way." Dean said." Well, you saw it with your own eyes." I said." Yeah, that I did. "Dean said, looking away." Does it bother you?" I asked." What, oh God, no just makes me Think." Dean said." About" I asked." Well, just that I had an experience when I was younger." He eventually told me." Oh really, how so?" I asked." Well, this stays between us....." He started. I nodded in agreement." Well, my best mate in high school. Gave me a BJ he was straight. I am as well I think. "He told me. " You think?" I repeated." Well, yeah, I mean I'm in love with Ziggy. And the sex is amazing, and all that I just...." He trailed off." Just What?" I prompted." I just wonder now that I'm older if I'm completely straight or maybe bisexual." He told me." Well, let me ask you, do you have sexual thoughts about men?" I asked." Sometimes I catch myself looking at guys and thinking about getting blown by a dude." He said." OK. Well, it might mean you're simply curious. I guess the only way you could truly know is if you had another experience now that you're older. Have a dude blow here. Stick his hands down your shorts. Something along those lines. Nothing too heavy to start with." I explained." True. I guess I just need to find someone who can help me out." He said. I knew where he was going with this and I simply looked at him." Well, I could help." I said he looked at me." Really, how would you do that?" He asked. I stood up." Follow me." I said I walked to the bedroom and he was hot on my heels. When we were both in the bedroom, he stood there rigid in his board shorts and topless." Close your eyes." I said he did so and I approached him. Pulling the string on his shorts, I loosened them enough. I then put my hand down his shorts and felt his cock. It was growing harder in my hand. And pretty soon he was at full mast. I knew he wasn't as big as main or Mesa, but certainly had a decent size on him. I'd say at least 7.5 inches." Now, how does this feel?" I asked. His cock remained hard." Good nice." He said." And how do you feel knowing that I have my hand on your cock?" I asked." It's good." He said." Now open your eyes." I said he did so and looked at me." Let's take this to the next step. Take off your shorts and lay on the bed." I said he did his told and soon was naked on my bed. I climbed between his legs and began to suck his now raging hard cock. My head popped up and down. Taking his shaft in my mouth. And deep throating, causing him to moan and run his fingers through my hair." Oh man, this feels amazing." He moaned. I continued to work his manhood. And before long he erupted right there in my mouth. I swallowed every drop of Dean. He was trying to catch his breath still as I stood up." Well." I asked." So much better than any woman, including Ziggy, that's for sure." He said." And you enjoyed it." I asked." Yeah, but I'm with zig. And I don't want to ruin that. I think I can say I'm 80% straight, 20% bisexual. And one day I might choose to act on it. But not today." He said." But at least you know." I said"Yeah, I do thank you. Let's keep this strictly between us." He said." Of course." I replied as he put his Shorts back on." Well, I should head off." He said." Cool Park, Mason's car in salt car park." I told him." No problem. See you next Friday for your lesson, if not before." He said." Sure, see ya." I said and like that he left talk about awkward. I get why he was like that after all. So I got showered, Dressed in my work stuff and headed to salt. It was Friday and I had a busy day ahead of me.

When I arrived at salt, I found Harry cleaning tables." Hi Harry." I said" Hey James, your usual breakfast." He asked." No, I'm not hungry at the moment. Besides, I need to sort wages." I said" I'll be in my office. Let me know if you need me." I said grabbing the schedule clipboard. I went Into the office. Unloaded the laptop. I headed back to the bar." Wyatt, can you do me a flat white and bring it to the office?" I asked." Sure thing." He replied. And so I started. I found last week schedule. And began in putting hours onto the payroll system. Mac had paid herself open till the day she left. So all I had to worry about was everyone else and myself. This took me an hour and a half to get everyone's details and hours on. For me I was easy. I was salaried. I took $750 per week, which was a good wage. When I finished entering hours, I printed wage slips along with the report. Now was the horrible task. Of counting the cash. So I opened the safe and pulled out a couple of days takings. I started with myself and counted out $750. Then Harry, who had $425. They're onto rider Lee and Steph. Who had 285 dollars, 305 dollars and $290.00. Next was the chefs who each had $515. They were the second highest paid behind me. Finally, the other stuff who had between $150 and $250. By the time I was done, I had shelled out $4900 in wages, which was a day's takings. I put the money in individual envelopes with their payslip and named each one. Before I sealed them, I went out to the bar. I grabbed the tip jar. I could see. The restaurant was fairly busy, but hurry and the full staff members on the. We're on top of the things. I took the tip jar to the office and counted the money out. That was over $800 in tips. I left the scrap change in the bar and took out the larger coins. I backed up the bigger change and swap this out with notes from the change float. $860.00 in tips to be split equally. I decided $50.00 each and then put the last $60.00 behind the bar for drinks after shift. I put their tips in the envelopes and sealed them all. I grabbed an old margarine tub from the kitchen at the kitchen. Stuff used for keeping salad in. I put the envelopes in order of name and left them on the side. I then made a spreadsheet so that each staff member could sign for their wages. I signed for mine and put it in my Bag. I then opened the safe again and took out the other day's takings we had. I had used one for payroll after all. So I proceeded to count it all out into bill amounts and recorded that in the paying in book. $30,600 in cash to bank. And then logged on to the card payment website and completed the end of week banking. Another $47,000 in card payments. This was insane. I was already smashing it. I finished the banking and it was all reset and transferred the money to my business account. This was instant locally, so my account system registered it straight away and rectified the balance difference between what the account systems that I had and what I actually had. I love technology." Hey James." Came a knock at the door." Come in." I said" I'm just about to take my break, it's quieting down a bit out there now. Just thought I'd let you know." How he told me?" I'll come out and cover." I said putting the money in the safe. I grabbed a laptop and took it with me through to the bar. Harry was right, it was not that busy, but there were still a fair few diners in." Hey Mr." Said the voice behind me." Doctor Mason hi." I said turning around. He was dressed in his usual gym work, clothes and his hair was a complete mess. Obviously bad hair from where he left me early this morning." How's it going? Dean tells me you did well in your lesson." He said." Yeah, it's going good. The lesson was good. I did fall off a lot though." I said giving him a dig in the arm. He giggled." It's not funny." I said" sorry, can I collect my order please?" He asked." Sure." I said" Matty, will you grab Mason's order please?" I asked one of my waiters who was heading for the kitchen." Sure, two minutes." He said heading off." So did Willow Go Mad. that she had to cover for your class?" I asked." Not at all. I'm the boss, remember?" He said. I smiled as did he." But when I told her the reason why I was late Was because I stayed over. She kind of turned into a 12 year old schoolgirl wanting to know all the details." He told me." Here you go, Mason." Matty said returning with his bag." Thanks Matt. By the way, your protein powder order was delivered earlier come down when you come to get it." Mason told him." Thanks, Mason." Mattie said wandering off." So what did you tell Willow?" I asked Mason." Well, pretty much...." He said, leaving me on edge." Nothing. She begged, but I just said no." He told me." Good. Anyway, get your sexy ass back to work." I told him. He smiled that winning smile that won my heart every single time before leaving.

Once how he returned from his break, I went back to my office and sent out a text to the staff telling them their wages were ready for pickup." Hey Harry." I said walking out to the bar." What's up?" He asked as he was setting up for evening dinner service." I'm heading to Abbey Creek to do the banking. The wages are in the safe. Just make sure people sign before they take them." I said" sure, no problem." He replied. I grabbed the takings from the safe along with the change order and cash for that." I'll be back soon." I said I made sure I had my wallet keys and phone before heading off to the bank. The drive to Abbey Creek only took half hour. When I reached the bank, I waited patiently in the queue." Hi Doll." A voice behind me said." Hi Irene" I said turning around." Business banking." She asked." Oh yeah, you." I replied." Yeah, so I best do it." She told me. I chuckled." So what's this? I hear you and Mason spend the night together." She said, smiling. I smiled back." Facebook has nothing on Summer Bay." I said" well, they say news travels fast. Or we break that speed." She told me as we both chuckled." So Is it true?" She asked me." Yeah, it's true. We're just friends with benefits, nothing serious." I said" some of the best relationships start out that way. Look at Leah and Justin." She told me." I know it's just.... Well, I do like him, but with what happened with my ex it's hard for me." I said" I know doll. You just need to take it slow for now and see how it goes." She said." Exactly, and that's where we are at now." I told her." Well, love sounds good. As long as you're happy. By the way. Leah and I are cooking Sunday roast this Sunday and we wondered if you would like to join us. We've both been meaning to ask you." She said." Who will be there?" I asked." Me Leah Justin Willow Mason." She said." I'd love to as long as I'm not intruding." I said" Don't be silly. We want you there." She said." I'd love to in that case. Allow me to bring dessert." I said." Well, that would be lovely." She said." Next please." The cashier said. I approached." Hi Sir, business or personal." She said." Business." I replied." Can I have your card?" She asked. I handed it over." Oh salt I love that place." She said, smiling." Well, be sure to come by." I said" Oh I am tomorrow night." She told Me." Awesome when I need to do a cash deposit and change order." I told her." Sure, let's have it." She replied. I handed her the cash deposit 1st and after running it through her counting machine she said." $30,600. Plus your recent worldwide pay deposit." She said." And this is your New Balance." She said handing me a receipt." I'll just go and get your change." She added. My New Balance was $204,712.81. Moments later, she returned with my change." Thank you." I said as I took it off Her." See you soon, Hun." I said to Irene as I left the bank." See you doll." She said. So far my day was going well. So I continued the rest of my day in the same manner. I drove back to the Bay to relieve Harry. He took his wage, asked it a couple of other part timers. Ryder came in with Wyatt to start their shift. Looking happy." Hi guys." I said as they came to the office." Hi, we just wondered if we can have our ages." They both said." Sure lovebirds, how was your date last night?" I asked going into the safe." Good, we finished up here and then went home and watched a movie." Wyatt told Me." Sounds good and have you both... You know?" I asked." Well....." Ryder said." Yes." Wyatt said. Ryder blushed." Good for you." I said as I gave them both their wages." Well, let's have a good shift, shall we?" I said as we left the office. The shift, as it turned out, was so busy.

By the time the shift finished, we were only just caught up. We had re laid every table for the third or fourth time. It was crazy. Take out had been just as busy. I haven't even had time to reply to Mason's messages. I checked the time to say it was just turned half past midnight." All right guys, let's get set up for dinner and then we can have drinks on me." I said they were all happy about that. They cleaned up in record time and before long we were all sat on the terrace having drinks." Knock, knock." Came a voice I knew well." Doctor Mason" I said going over and hugging him." Well hey there." He said." I'm sorry I haven't text back. I've been busy." I said" no problem, I understand." He said kissing me. The staff were trying desperately not to watch." Can I get you a drink?" I asked." Sure, A cold one. would be good." He said meaning of beer." I'll grab it." Ryder said heading inside." So how was your day?" I asked Mason." Good but busy myself. Irene tells me you're joining us for dinner on Sunday." He said." Yeah, if that's OK with you." I replied.". No way I am bringing a date. So as long as it's not going to be awkward for you. "He said." Yeah, sure, of course it won't be awkward at all. We are friends after all. Who is it?" I asked. Inside I was screaming and wanted to get up and walk out." You" he replied." Come again." I asked. He laughed." Your face. You're my date." He said. All my tension instantly disappeared." You bastatd I thought you were being serious." I said giving him a dig in the arm." Sorry." He said, laughing. Rider returned with his beer." So everyone has sent in the text now, so the Scheduler will be done tomorrow." I said to everyone. We rounded off our drinks as people headed home." So coming to mine." I asked Mason." Yeah, of course. Just as long as we set an alarm." He said." Don't you need to grab a bag this time?" I asked. He looked sheepish." Kind of brought one with me. Hoping you would invite me." He said." Well, aren't we being presumptuous?" I said he chuckled." Well...." He said." Come on, you've scored." I said as we left.

That evening, after having another hot and sweaty session, we drifted off to sleep, holding each other. When Morning came and my alarm went off. Neither was wanted to move. I decided to join him early at the gym and did my workout routine. As it was 7:00 AM on a Saturday, there weren't that many people around. So 19 minutes of training later, I was done. After showering and changing, I headed up to salt where Lee was running breakfast. As it was Harry's day off." Morning, James, you're early." He said." I'm just here to do the schedule." I said" cool. Can I get you some breakfast?" He asked." Yeah, I'll take pancakes and a latte in the office, please." I said as I headed in. It took Me 2 hours to make the schedule right and to organize people's availability. Finally I emailed out and sat back and breathed. I then turned my attention to other paperwork. At last I received Robbo pre order. So I printed that out and took it to the chefs who were happy they had it early. Next I logged into my credit card banking to see what damage I had done since I Arrived. Sure enough, my statement was ready to be paid. £11,621.42 I nearly died. I really had punished my card. So I decided to do the right thing and pay it all off. American Express had been good to me. Taking out my business debit card, I paid the balance info which was such a relief. By lunchtime all my admin was done and I was ready to start work. Luckily Steph Was working tonight. So once lunch was done. And then I was quietening down. I chose to leave early and go home. I was exhausted. Sunday was going to be my first full day off, but I had a dessert to make. I headed home and began. I made my mother's recipe for lemon meringue pie. It took Me 2 hours but it came out perfect. Mason had come over partway through and he insisted on watching TV on my sofa in his underwear to distract me. Which I'm grateful to say didn't work all that much. Later that evening we climbed into bed and after a bit of fooling around we drifted off to sleep holding each other. I was so happy. Nothing could spoil it, or so I thought. During the night I heard my phone go off signalling a new message. I looked at my phone and it was a message on Instagram." Nice view. Looking forward to seeing it for myself. Think you can run from me? Forget it, I'm coming for you. Luke." It read. I stared at the message before putting my phone down and laying there. Shit I thought to myself.

End of episode 4.

Love to hear your feedback. Email me. Stay home and stay safe during this covid 19 crisis.

Next: Chapter 5

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