Moving to the suburbs


Published on Jul 20, 2002



This story is a work of fiction. And is Copyrighted 2002 by the author Me. The names in the story are not real, and if they are and your not gay I'm sorry. So just enjoy.

Moving to the Suburbs

It was a cold day and my dad was already bitching about that he didn't know that packing was going to be so difficult, and that if he knew that it was this hard he would of never have took the promotion. Yes, thats right were moving, my dad is a high class lawyer and his job is sending him to a law office in California because it gives him a chance to become senior partner at one of the most prestigious law offices in the world. We were just getting the last boxes packed before we left for the airport, and I was just looking back over my room to make sure I didn't forget anything and just reminiscing about the house i was born in and the house I had to go grow up in without my mother who left me and my dad when I was one.

I'm 17 years old going to be a senior in highschool, have my own car, and did I forget to say I'm Bi-racial. My mom was white with blond hair, and my dad is black. So I ended up with light skin with Curly brown hair with blond streaks sort of like Justin Timberlakes, And I'm tall just like my dad and I got the family jewels from him too.

Then I hear my dad call me saying that the Limo's here, sometimes I hate being rich and would just wish that someone would just steal all our money from out of my dads bank account. So we headed for the airport to board our private jet, they said that it would take about 2 hours to get from Washington to California so I decided to sleep the whole time. When I awoke from my sleep I noticed that we were at the LAX unboarding and we were going to take the limo waiting to take us to our new home. The whole limo ride I was depressed and very quiet and I felt like crying, until I saw our next door neighbour outside as we pulled up working in the yard. He was tall, slim, blond hair, blue eyes, and a nice ass -- he was your typical boy next door, but he was rich. I new I had to have him.

I guess he saw our limo pull up because the next thing I new he was introducing himself as Chad Whitenhower. He was very nice and even welcomed us to the neighbourhood, he looked even better up close. Then my dad told me the most interesting thing I've heard in my entire life -- he was going out of state for a last minute conference meeting, and that I would be here alone but he would have to hire a sitter. Actually I thought I was getting a little too old for a sitter every time he went out of town, sometimes I wish he would treat me more like an adult, instead of some young 10 year old child. Fuck, I'm 17 years old.

The minute Chad heard this and the first five words that came out of his mouth sent me in to outer space: he said he can stay with us" even though its sudden I'm pretty sure my parents wouldn't mind having my new friend stay with us while you're out of town, and besides your house isn't even set up yet.

And so his dad came out and introduced himself his name was Dan Whitenhower and he even said that he would be happy to have me stay with them for several days and besides his wife was out of town for two weeks to visit her father, so it would be a guys week to hangout. So he said I didn't catch your name I told him my name was Nicholas Ranton, and that I'm very grateful for having them offer there home to me. So my dad finally gave his answer and I jumped out said goodbye and got my suitcases out of the trunk and went inside so Chad could show me where I was going to be lounging the next week. I was so happy. I think Chad sensed it and started laughing, and showed me his room and where I would be sleeping. When I saw that I would be sharing a king size bed with him, if I could, I would of cum right there in my pants.

We sat my suitcases down in the corner of this very large room he gave me a tour of the house while Mr. Whitenhower was out side talking to my dad before he left. When he came inside it was 12:30 pm and I was pooped when Mr. Hower as I call him came inside and told me to make myself at home and don't be afraid to ask for anything. I asked him was it ok if I laid down for a little bit. Even though I slept on the plane I didn't sleep last night because I was somewhat excited about coming to a new town. So I went and took my shoes off and was laying on top of chad's bed when he came in and asked if we could talk for a while I said sure and he took off his shoes and came and sat up in the bed and started his conversation he was so happy to have someone over that his parents approve of. See his parents are the type of people who wants the best for their son and won't let their son hang out with people they don't approve of, I think he approves of me because my dad is a higher class businessman, just like he is, and plus I'm rich.

So we sat there and talked for about two hours about what school would be like, different people that I might think about hanging out with and different things about our past. Then Mr. Whitenhower came and asked did we want to order pizza, we said sure why not. In less then 30 minutes we were eating this delicious extra large pepperoni pizza by the time we finished and talked and joked around it was 6:00 and Chad mentioned that he had a season pass to Magic Mountain and every tuesday he could bring a friend for free. It was about an hour ride to the park and we talked the whole ride there in Chad's parents' Avalanche. We got in and we were on the batman in less then ten minutes, so we decided to take pictures and the booth was so small that he had to stand up behind me with his body pressed up against me and I could feel his tight torso through his shirt and the smell of him just made me pop a boner.

So we stayed at the park until it closed and Mr Whitenhower was outside in the parking waiting for us, we got home in about 2 hours because the traffic was so heavy that we both fell asleep. When we got home it was around 11:00 and we were sleepy and headed straight up to Chad's room for bed we both started to take our clothes off and I just sat there watching Chad strip to his boxers and he told me that this was all he sleeps in and asked what I slept in. I told him that I slept nude but I could sleep in my boxers. Just then Chad's dad came in and told us good night and to sleep well.

Chad said that it was ok and he sometimes sleeps in the nude when its hot. Well this is the right time -- shit it's 101 degrees out chad said laughing and told me its ok because he has a lock on the door and his parents don't have a key. So they started stripping until they were standing there butt naked and then Chad remembered to go lock the dead bolt on the door before he forgot and his father walks in.

So then Nick just fell back on the bed, but he couldn't help but stare at this beautiful figure which just happened to be named Chad. So then Chad told him to move over and so Nick did and then he asked him what did he want to do now and so Chad suggested we just go to sleep and we'll do something in the morning. But with my hormones kicking and Chad's 5 inch limp cock was making me go crazy and I just had to get a taste of that nice vanilla cock. And so we were still sitting there on top of the bed when he started talking about sex and then my cock started to wake up and he just happened to notice and he asked me did I have a problem that he could check out I told him yeah. So then he leaned down and took the head of my 10 inch dick in his mouth and started sucking on it and when he started to take all of my dick in I knew this wasn't his first time giving head. He sucked my cock until i started screaming that I was going to cum then he started sucking harder until i gave him a nice tasty treat in his mouth

Then he licked his finger and stuck it inside his asshole he started moaning my name and that got me even hornier and then I reached for the vaseline on his nightstand and got a big glob of it and put it in his asshole and started to finger his little tight virgin asshole. Then I asked him was he ready and he told me yes, my Nestle White chocolate crunch bar. Then I told him to get on his stomach and I put some pillows under him so his ass lifted up so then I got on top of him and started to press my dick in his asshole then he made faces like he wanted to scream then I took my hand and put it over his mouth until I got all the way in him. So then I got all the way in and then I thought to myself what if Chad's dad hears us, but then Chad told me that his dad was outside in his office catching up on some last minute papers. I was so relieved then I started to pump his ass furiously because I could feel that I was about to come and Chad couldn't help it he just started moaning my name and meeting my every thrust until I came in his asshole. I pulled out and started to eat out his asshole cleaning him out, then I turned him over and kissed his nice kissable lips letting him taste his own ass, until we got tired and fell asleep in each others arms.

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